South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 10 August 1878, page 4


The interest in the news brought by the Siam is centred in tho proceedings of tbe great International Congress at Berlin. As storms clear the air, the.

long protracted and threatening negotia-, tion which preceded the agreement between the Great Powers produced a tranquillizing effect, and the furore of public excitement brought about a cor-responding reaction. For a short time events moved forward quietly and uninter-ruptedly ; the preparations for the Congress were pressed onwards without obstacle, and hopes of a pacific issue were in the ascendant. The harassing feelings of suspense and anxiety which had pre-. vailed gave place to a feeling of profound relief. Thus far political affairs were but shaping themselves towards the point at wliich tbe supreme contest of diplomacy was to decide the final issues. The negotiations, circulars, manifestoes, and manoeuvres were but the preliminary flourish of trumpets which ushered in this eventful period in the history of Europe. It was left for the veterandiplomatists - and the' brilliant statesmen; of the great nations interested to fight the real battle. The questions in dispute were clearly defined; on all points the Powers had spoken out freely and deci-siyely, and the outcome of the expected contest was awaited with comparative confidence. And of all the Powers none had assumed so definite a position as England. The famous circular of the Marquis of Salisbury laid down clearly the policy of the British Government, and Ministers; of the Crown outside as well as in Parliament held out the Circular as expressive of a determination from; which they were firmly resolved not to swerve one iota. The resoluteattitude they had assumed sharpened public interest in the 'issue of the Con-gress, and the popularity, of the Govern-ment was never higher. It ia not to be wondered' 'at that when the fact was dia-closed' that this vaunted fixity of purpose was little better than a hollow mockery — tliat even 'whilst the preliminaries of the Congress were under consideration a secret agreement had been concluded between England and Russia, in which the former abandoned in several important matters the position that had been pronounced unalterable, and had yielded to Russia the principal points which she had all along contended for. After this preliminary convention between England and Russia became known the actual work of the Congress became simple.Little remained for that assemblage bat

to ratify the agreement thus entered into, its functions being mainly reduced to the settlement of details and matters Df '' secondary importance. Upon the terms 'of the Anglo-Russian agreement, prematurely disclosed through the columns of tho Globe, it is unnecessary for us here to enlarge. Subsequent events have shown that it was in every material respect correct;, and that the denial of its accuracy by the Govern-ment was an unworthy attempt to shield themselves. In this manner the triumph, of England at the expense of her consistency was prearranged and mapped out even before the representatives of the Powers had' assembled in Berlin. Owing in part to the preconcerted compact between Russia and England, and not a little to the generalship of the President, Prince Bismarck, the Congress disposed rapidly of. the questions before it. The representatives were skilfully grouped by the German Chancellor into secret Committees, the various points for consideration by each private. Conference being judiciously allotted. Thus in only twelve sittings the Congress had well-nigh concluded its labours. The occupation by Austria of Bosnia and the Herzegovina, the division of Bulgaria into two distinct States (the one independent and the ottier autonomous), the spoliation of Roumania, the independence of Servia, and the enlargement of Montenegro were agreed upon, and the consideration of the questions affecting Greece, the Danube, and the cession of Batoum to Russia was progressing. The deliberations seem t» have been characterized by the utmost haimony. Small differences arising from time to time were easily smoothed over, and a speedy reconciliation of views effected between dissenting members. From .'Greece and Roumania— the Powers granted a 'consultative voice' — and from Turkey, then undergoing the process of attenuation and dismember-, ment, the only protests came. At no period during the holding of the Congress did the deliberations assume a critical or a threatening aspect, and the proceedings of the brilliant assemblage of the most eminent men of Europe are conspicuous chiefly for the entire absence of the display of great statesmanship and powerful enunciations of the policy of the masterminds upon whom the settlement of the destinies-of Eastern Europe devolved. The Parliamentary record of the month i3 scanty and unsatisfactory. Ten days were absorbed by the Whitsuri vacation, and subsequent to that but little progress was made with business in either House. In the Lords a few Bills of minor interest were agreed to, but one of any importance — the Intermediate Education (Ireland) Bid — being passed. In the House of Commons the Estimates have been making ex-tremely slow progress. As of old, the motion for resolving the House into Com-mittee of Supply has been made a peg on which to hang long ? speeches on the Eastern difficulty, tho foreign policy of the Government, the wrongs of Ireland, and on questions of privilege. A abort debate of considerable importance tcok place in reference to the publication by the Globe of the surreptitiouslyobtained copy of the Anglo-Russian agreement which indeed was more than oncementioned mentioned in both Houses of Parliament. The Government, however, on each 0ccasion denied the accuracy of the published document, and took refuge behind the plea that the discussion of the question during the sittings of the Congress would be productive of undesirable results. The parsimony and want of foresight displayed in entrusting to underpaid clerks State documents of the highest importance was justly condemned, as well as the want of supervision -which rendered the abstraction of such papers possible. In this instance the copy of the memorandum was offered first to the Morning Advertiser, but re-fused, and in this manner the Govern-ment have been enabled to trace out the culprit. It is difficult to understand the intelligence of the failure of the prosecution against the offenders, which has lately reached us, unless, indeed, the explanation is, as has been suggested, that the Government have been unable to sheet home the charge without impli-cating others in higher positions, whom for political reasons they are anxious to shield. The annual discussion on Sir 'Wilfrid Lawson's Permissive Bill was attended with the usual results, and the Woman's Disabilities Removal Bill— i nrcpsure for the extension of the franchise to women — was also rejected. The consideration of the Contagious Disease i (Animals) Bill occupied a large share of the attention of the House, and after seven or eight debates the maasure was taken into Committee. The' Imperial revenue returns for the quarter ending on June 30 show a decrease of £207,000 as compared with the receipts for the corresponding quarter of last year. The excise, stamp duties and income tax all fell off considerably, and but a slight advance took place in the receipts from assessed taxes and the Post-Office. The decrease in the revenue occasioned considerable uneasiness, and the Supplementary Esti- mates of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, of the effect of which upon the financial statement we were yesterday made aware by telegraph, were looked forward to with anxiety. Setting political matters aside, the news of the month does not present many features of special interest. The Paris Exhibition, at the time of the departure of the mail, had reached the zenith of its splendour. Two important ceremonies in connection with this great World's Show have taken place, and the finishing touches may be said to have been put on the Exhibition. Of these the most interesting from a local point of view was the opening by the Prince of Wales of the dome containing the -trophies of the Australian Colonies and of Canada. Their superb character and the striking evidence they afford of the richness of the natural

resources of tbe colonies ol which they are representative have excited profound admiration — a feeling which is only equalled by the wonder expressed at the comparatively short space of time in which these resources have been so fully developed, and in which vast wealthproducing industries have been established on a permanent basis. The genuinefeelicg of admiration at the indomitable energy which has produced these results must prove more gratifying to Australians tpjm the transitory expressions of surprise and curiosity which the gorgeousness of the display is calculated to excite in the minds of tho people of all nations now assembled in Paris. Especially is it a sourco of satisfaction to find that South Australia maintains the high place in the public esteem which the exhibits of tha manufactures and products of the colony so speedily earned. The unveiling of tha statue oi the Republic has awakened to tho highest degree tho interest of Republican Franco in an ' Exhibition which brings forth in bold relief overwhelming- proof of the vitality and vigour of the nation. Tho ceremony was also the hut drop in the bitter cup of tho jaundiced Monarchist*, whose intense selfishness and lack of patriotism render them indifferent to tho evidence of the recuperative strength of their country, and still lead them to persevere in their determination to withhold their countenance faun it to further miserable party views ana to pander to petty faction jealousies. The statement that the attendance has somewhat diminished need not excito surprise. The summer is an unusually warm one, and the vast buildings containing the signs of the wealth and capabilities of the countries of the world are ill adapted as a protection against tho intense heat of the Continental midsummer. Second to the. honours they have earned at the Exhibition, the colonies are winning laurels through their representatives in the Australian Eleven. The record of tho doings of the cricketers during the month is scarcely of so brilliant a character as that which reached us by the last mail, but they have lost nothing of their popularity through being afforded the opportunity of showing how manfully rnd gracefully they sustain defeat. Whilst, however, their progress has not been one of unvarying '? success they have acquitted themselves well, a3 has been said, against the flower of England's cricketers. But one incident has occurred to mar the pleasure of their stay in the old country, and their conduct n the somewhat trying circumstances of the case has raised them in public esteem. It is certain that apart from the merits of the difference between the Eleven and -Mr. W. G. Grace, ithia gentlemen is by no means to be complimented on the. manner in which he enforced his claim. All doubts as to the death of the young Queen Mercedes of Spain are now set at rest, and the Peninsula has been plunged in grief at the sad and untimely end of the bride of their youtlif ul monarch. Tho noble ' '{ qualities of Queen Mercede3 had completely won the hearts of tho impulsive Spaniards, who were beginning to appreciate to the full the refining influence she exerted upon Court life and the advantage of .the example set by tho lofty standard of domestic ; life exhibited by their rulers. The cause of- this melancholy occurrence is stated to be an attack of typhoid fever, and' it is the more lamentable that King Alphonso's bride carried with her into death 'the* promise of a coming pledge of wedded love and dynastic security.' The state of affairs in European Turkey appears to be, alarmingly dangerous. The proximity of the reinforced troops of the Sultan and the forces of the Czar in the vicinity of Constantinople was only prevented from resulting m a disastrous .collision involving consequences still more disastrous by the forbearance of the MuscovitesOffensive demonstrations were daily and hourly made by the Ottoman soldiers, and on one occasion it is stated that they actually invited a contest, but the Muscovites, to their credit be said^ remained impenetrable to tbe taunts and unmoved by the challenges . of the Turks. In Rumelia the Bulgarians have been carrying on a series of outrages which, led to the rising, t' yetunquolled, of the Moslems, and in Bosnia and the Herzegovina the Mohammedans have been working themselves, up to fever pitch at, the approaching occupation of those provinces by Austria. Inside Constantinople amid the confusion created by the unsettled state of affairs plots and counter-plot i have been -.rising,, hydra-headed in the precincts of the Porte. A cabal is reported to have been on foot to overthrow Abdul Harold, -whose growing unpopularity is .enormously adding to his heavy anxieties. There can be little doubt that it is merely the lack of onion among his enemies that has thus far preserved the Sultan from the additional ignominy sought to be thrust upon him. From RuBBia the- news comes of another of those outrages traceable to the maddening influences of cruel despotism. The, Chief of Police at Kiev, who appears to have been personally respected and not tinpopular, fell under the, knife of an assassin as a victim to his rigid execution of his revolting duty. His murderer escaped, and it io said there, ??? is not the slightest probability of his being detected. In Germany Socialism has continued to flourish despite the rigorous measures put forth for its suppression. It is satisfactory to learn that the Emperor's health ia rapidly improving, and that the iron constitution of the veteran monarch is gradually triumphing over the shock it had sustained. Reverting to home topics, it is disheartening to find how greatly tho suspense respecting foreign affairi has affected commerce #and retarded the hoped-for revival of tl^de. A pleasing feature in the news from the indus- -

trial districts is the settlement of the terrible Lancashire strike and the beginning of an improvement in the condition of the misguided artisans, whose unfortunate stubbornness has brought them face to face with poverty and privation in its moat abject forma. The change for the better in the prospects of trade and industry is, however, a slight one, and the record of the month closes without a glimmer of hope of a speedy restoration of the wonted industrial prosperity of the country. ? ^^^ Licensed Victttai&ers Legislation. — It is greatTy to be regretted that Parliament, instead of wasting its time and ita energies over proposals for increasing the facilities for the sale of liquor, and with tinkering amendments in the interests of those whose passion for strong drink requires to have some check placed upon it, does not honestly and energetically devote itself to the work of consolidating the Liquor Laws and removing defects which are a source of widespread evil and demoralization. Thus in the existing Licensed Victuallers Acts there is a departure in two important particulars from the generally recognised rule that holders of permits to retail intoxicating drinks should be under the strict surveillance and direct control of the authorities. To one of these anomalies — the issue of storekeepers' colonial wine licences — we called attention some weeks ago. ' The abuses which we then indicated as arising from a system of indiscriminate licensing were clearly brought to light in connection with the late murder of Mr. Mansell at Mora' lana. A carousal made possible by the 'storekeeper's wine licence' was, it is said, indirectly the cause of that terrible crime. Nor - is this the only evil to be grappled with in connection with the sale of colonial wine. Evidence is accumulating almost daily in support of the view that the system of colonial wineshops as it at present exists is a curse to the community and not a blessing. There are plenty of respectable licence-holders, but there is a want of effective supervision and a want of proper legislative regulation of wineshops which demands serious attention at the hands of our law-makers. Another point in respect of which an alteration of the laws seems to be imperatively necessary is alluded to by a correspondent (' Subscriber') whose letter ia published elsewhere. Whether the practice to which he refers is carried on or not facilities are afforded for the uncontrolled sale of drink which ought not to exist. The Act of 1872 (clauses 8 to 11) authorizes the issue of 'packet licences' to the master 'of any steamer or other vessel making passages and conveying passengers from any place within the colony or iia dependencies to any other place,' by which he is enabled ' to sell and dispose of liquor to any passenger then on board.' The fee for the licence is £10, and the testimony of two J.P.'s or an S.M. to the effect that the applicant is suitable is sufficient to secure a permit from the Treasurer, who, it appears, has no power to make any special enquiries or to go in any way behind the signed certificate produced by the applicant, even though appearances might perhaps excite distrust. The form of licence allows a master of a boat to sell liquor to passengers without any express restriction as to quantity. The only attempt at control which we can see is the provision that if liquor is sold 'r contrary to the terms of the licence' the holder shall be liable to a fine of £20. The facility with which the spirit of this enactment may be violated is only too evident. There is no definition of the word 'passenger,' so that if a licencee cares to be at the trouble of keeping within the law and yet of getting a good sale for the liquor he carries he need only convey his customer a mile or two along the river and then provide him with liquor 'in any quantity,' which the recipient may, we suppose, take ashore and apply as he pleases. Without dwelling on the injustice of which licensed innkeepers on the river can justly complain a3 arising from this cause, it may fairly be urged that the law needs amendment in the directions indicated, and that the sooner steps are taken to bring these licencees under control the sooner may we expect to find acts of drunken excess lessened, the cause of sobriety promoted, and the rights of the more regular licence-holders reasonably respected.The The Cable News. — The numerous telegrams which, have been forwarded from the Australian Colonies congratulating the Earl of Beaconafield on ''the result of his policy,' and on the pacific issue of the Berlin Congress, have found special — it might be said extraordinary — publicity through the Court Circular. This publication as a rule limits itself to statements as to the condition of Her Majesty's health and as to matters especially concerning royalty, and are not regarded as appropriate media for party glorification. It has pleased Her Majesty, however, to accord to the Premier another mark of her favour by- the printing in this form o£ the congratulatory messages that have been showered upon him from the antipodes. . In the cable message no reference is mule to the telegram forwarded from this colony, but as it will be seen elsewhere an acknowledgement has been received from Lord Beaconsfield. The wording of that reply is one of which South Australians who differ from the views ex- pressed in the message of congratulation have a just right to complain, but it is no more than might have been expected that the message should have been received and interpreted as the voice of ' the colonists ef South Australia.' It i3 the ? more unfair that the dissentients are debarred from all opportunity of denying the assertion unless they choose to adopt the unpleasant alternative of raising a protest against the policy of the Government at a moment when it can be of no effect to do so, and when such a step would be ungracious because uncalled for, seeing that the question has been temporarily settled. The Committee of the Royal Colonial Institute have been bestirring ' themselves in behalf of the illeritinnte colonial interest which is springing up in .New Guinea, and it would appear that the Government are inclined to lend a friendly ear to their representations. The precise nature of the appeal is not stated, but ic is announced that the Government have given instructions to the Commodore of the Australian Naval Station to dispatch a warship to Port Moresby to protect ' British interests,' and have promised to consult Sir Arthur Gordon, the Governor of Fiji, on the question at issue. If the question is to be decided in accordance with. Sir Arthur Gordon's judgment, there is room to believe, in view of his recent utterances in Victoria in reply to the New Guinea Colonization Association, that the result will not be wholly favourable to those at whose instance the Colonial Institute is acting. It would, however, be premature to enter further into the merits of the subject at present. The current year will hereafter be distinguished by the number of royal matches that have been contracted and carried out in it It ia now announced that the

young Prince Louis Napoleon is betrothed to tho Princess Thvra, the youngest -i.»u^hter of King Christian IX. oi Deumarfc. The age of the Princa is 22 ana ot lus affianced bride nearly 25. Sir Bryan O'Loghleu has obtained a year's respite from the danger which menaced his seat in the House of Commons. The Committee appointed to enquire into the question have decided upon postponing a decision until next year, and in the meantime Sir Bryan will be afforded the opportunity of taking his seat, and thus setting the point at rest Aebival op the Govbekob.— Preparations are being made to welcome the return to the colony of- His Excellency Sir 'William Jervois with his family. The Governor Mxisgraye, having on board the members of the Ministry, will proceed to the anchorage on the arrival of the Lusitania, and will convey His Excellency an I family to the Semaphore or Port Adelaide, at whichever place he decides to land. A sped ;I train will then convey the viceregal party t ? Adelaide, where .Sir William will be met by the Bin jor ard Councillors of the city, who will present an address. A guard of honour will be in waiting at the station, and a detachment of th« artillery force will fire a viceregal salute frum the JNorth Park Lands. Arrival of tub Esqlisu Mail.— Tne R.M.S. Sian-, with the English mails for Australia, arrived at Glenelg at 2.15 a.m. on Friday morning—just a quarter of an hoar behind the time Captain Hector said be would be there. The passage from Galle to Glenelg is the smartest on record, occupying 15 day9 4 hoars, including a stay of 4 hours and 48 minutes at the Sound; and the news from England is nuder 35 days old. The Siam discharged her mails and passengers, and sailed for Melbourne at a quarter past 10 o'clock. The signalman at Cape Borda appears ? to have neglected his duty again, for although bluelighta and rockets were shown and fired nothing wai known of the steamer's approach until she was sighted off Glenelg. The outward mail steamer Tanjore left for Galle just as the Siam arrived. .In February last the Siam exceeded any of her previous performances, but on her inward trip to Glenelg on May 18 she beat that run by making the passage frcm Galle to Glenelg in 15 days 2 hours and 33 minutes, and delivering English news only 35 days 20 hoars old. Her performance this month is certainly a brilliant one, and shows what really can be done by these powerful steamers if they are put to the test. The Bbacoxsfieu) Polict.— On Frioay HiWorship the Mayor received the following letter from His Excellency the Administrator of the Government : — ' Government House, 9th August, 157S.— Sir— I have the honour to inform yon that I have this day received the following telegram from the Bight Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colouies : — ' Eighth. — Her Majesty's Government accepts with much satisfaction the appreciation of their policy expressed by the colonists of South Australia.' — I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, S. J. Wat, Administrator.' Colohiae Lnra of Steamers. — Messrs. Hnrrold Brothers inform us that the steimer Whampoa, the second of the coloniil line of steamers, sailed frcm London on the 7th August for the Semaphore, with 31 passengers and 13-5 tons cargo. Legislative Council Election. — Mr. R. Ingleby, Q.C., and Mr. Richard Vaughan are candidates for Legislative Council honours. South Australians in Paris.— During the month of June tbe following colonists from South Australia visited the Paris Exhibition : Mr. H. L. Ayers and wife, Miss Ayers, Mr. F. Ayers and wife, Mrs. Joseph Boothby, Miss Boothby, Mr. J. Feldheim, Mr. Holman, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. H. Lacey, Mr. Alex. Laurence, Mr. Fred. Searle.and Miss Clara Gliddon. Passengers per Lusitania. — Among the passengers booked for Adelaide by the ss. Lusitania, which sailed from London June 28, we note the following:— Sir Wm. Jervois, C.B., G.C.M.G, Lady Jervois, Miss Amy B. Jervois, Miss Lucy C. Jervois, Miss Alice K. Jervois, Mr. John Jervois, Messrs. A. S. Neill, H. F. Shipster. T. G. Waterhouse, Arthur Waterhouse, Leonard Waterhouse, G.T. Bean. Sir Charles Du Cane.— An English contemporary says the Prime Minister has appointed Sir Charles Du Cane, K.C.M.G., late Governor of Tasmania, to be Chairman of Her Majesty's Board of Customs. Prbsbmtatiom to Captain Alston.— A. presentation of a silver salver, obtained from the establishment of Mr. Alex. Hay, jeweller, aad parse of a hundred sovereigns, was made on Friday by the underwriters of Adelaide to Captain Alston, of the ship City of Adelaide, for the skilful seamanship displayed by him in bringing his disabled vessel into port last year. NOETHEES EXTHXStOH RAILWAY.. — MesSTS. Mais, Patterson, and Day left town for the North on Wednesday. They intent to proceed to Orroroo for the purpose of inspecting the alternative route for the Northern Extension Railway via Coomooroo, which was proposed by the deputation that lately waited upon the Commissioner of Public Works. Adelaide Bbsevolest axd STEAKQEtt's Friend Sgctbtt. — The Committee held their monthly meeting en Wednesday, August 7, at the Church Office ; Mr. James Smith in the chair. The Treasurer's minute was reid, showing a balance in hand of £4 Os. Id. The sum voted to relieve the various cases brought forward at the meeting, together with that for emergency orders during the last month, amounted to £9 Os. 6d., being to relieve 20 cases. Each member of the Committee was empowered to draw to the extent of 10s. in cases of emergency during the ensuing month. Fckbhal of the iatb Ma. T. Nkiix. — The remains of the late Mr Thomas Neill were removed from his late residence, Hackney, on Friday afternoon, August 9, and interred in the West-terrace Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Mr. H. Hnssey, assisted by the Rev. J. Price, who offered prayer. Amongst the immediate relatives and friends were Messrs. John Neill, Thomas Neill, and Wm. .Neill, sons ; J. Stirling and J. F. Mellor, sonsin-law ; T. Sinclair, A Gore, C. D. Aston, Oapt. Simpson, Capt. Underwood, Hon. J. Fisher, Messrs. G. S. Fowler, M.P., J. Darling, M.P., W. J. Blind, P. Santo, D. Gall. W. D. Scott, L. Giles, W. Finlayson, — Fenn, Hy. Giles, T. Giles. Jas. Simpson, J. B. King, E. R. Simpson, W. Wheewall, Jas. Smith, O. N. Collison, E. K. Thomas, W. Jones, Councillor Hagedorn, T. J. Gore, A. Craigie, A. Dowie, G. Duke, Alex?nder Murray, K. Gardiner, the Rev. H. Morgan, and a number of others. Immigration. — TheGovernment are in rec«ipt of several despatches by the mail from the Chief Emigration Agent on emigration matters. With reference to the merits of Glasgow and Plymouth as poits of departure, particularly for Scottish immigrants, Sir Arthur Bl,-tl-, writing on July 3, says that there is a consi !erable saving in favour of Glasgow, as the detention in depot is shorter than at Plymouth, and the travelling expenses equal to abput 15s. per head on each statute adult are saved. He shows that the cost per head of 410 statute adults shipped from Plymouth by the Camperdowu was £9 2s. 8d., whilst for 300 immigranfs seat out f torn the Clyde in tlie Largs Buy the charge was £8 14s. 3d. He also intimmea that the next immigrant ship for South Australia from the Clyde will be dispatched ou or about November 27. Respecting the nationalities of immigrants, the Emigration Agent reports that the proportions of the three nationalities — English, Irish, and Scotch — of emigrants sent out by the Garonne, Cuzco, and Aconcagua are a» follows: — English, 1,753; Irish, tar; Scotcb, 591. Sir Arthur also states with respect to the land grants to immigrant* that he has received permission to have placards giving full ioforarv tion on the subject put up at the various PoitOffices in Great Britain and Ireland, aad that already good lias resulted from so doing, aa_ there have been many enquiries from intended iai nigrants. Keht CRtcKBT Cixb.— At the annual meeting of the Kent Cricket Club, held at the Grcshaoi Hotel on Thursday, August 8, sixteen member* were present, and Mr. W. Pope was vofcel to the chair. The balance-sheet for the past season w.« read and adopted. The following gentlemia were elected to oSSres for coming season: — President— Mr. W. B. T. Andrews. VicePre*idents— Mr. A. S. Ohapnwn, Dr. O. Eavies. Messrs. B. Fcatherstone, and VT. N. Pritt. Practice Captain— Mr. B. J.Fnrnell. Committee —Messrs. C. D. Perkins, W. N. Pratt, and T. O. Richards. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer— Mr. L. H. Sholl. Association F-epresentatirea— Messrs. H. Giles and W. Pope.

TnRBnrT.B Explosion or Ltthofbacthub,— The following information, wired by Mr. Evan, of Warroo, on Friday afternoon, to Mr. C. Todd, the Superintendent of Telegraphs, has been courteously handed to us by that gentleman for publication : — ' Warroo, August 9. — A dieadf al explosion of lithofracteur has occurred at the camp of Tucknotfs fencing party on the Lake Hamilton Run, by which nine men are more or less hurt. It appears that as the lithofracteor was very hard on account of the cold weather it was put by the fire in a bag to dry while the men were having their breakfast. It ignited, and there was a tremendous explosion, the men being sent in all directions. Jim Tuckaott was sitting on a box, which was shattered into splinters. A little while before breakfast a log was put on the fire so large that it tock two men to lift it, but after the wplcsion it could cot be found. Jiaa Tucknott, who is badly cut on the arru and leg, in addition to having his eyesight injured if not destroyed, and Con. Tucknott, his son, who has apparently lost one eye, have started for Port Lincoln, axd I am just going to start a man with two more of the unfortunate fellows in my trap. The men were all quite deaf after the explosion, and some of them have not yet recovered their hearing. I am afraid they will all have marks of the affair to their dying day, and that some will lose the sight of at any rate one eye. Poor fellows, I pity them. Con. Tucknott seems to have come off as well as any of them.' We have obtained from our correspondent at Port Lincoln some few further particulars of the a- cident, which will be found ia the telegraphic columns. From these it would appear that although the men were very much knocked about, and there is a possibility of one of them losing hia sight, no fatal results are expected. Mr. Wollaston, of the Lake Hamilton Station, exhibited much praiseworthy promptitude in having the sufferers conveyed to Port Lincoln, where skilled medical assistance could be obtained for them. Mobphbttvuxb Bacbcoubsb.— A deputation consisting of Sir John Morphatt, Hon. R. O. Baker, Messrs. H. B. Hughes, J. H. Parr, and S. Barnard (.Secretary), representing the South Australian Jockey Club Company, and Messrs. W. B. Bounsevell, M.P., J. L. Stirling, andC J. Coates (Secretary;, representing the Committee of the Jockey Club, waited upon the Directors of the Adelaide and Glenelg Railway Company to urge upon them the advisability of granting increased railway accommodation to the public to and from Morphettvilln on the days of racing. They suggested that a double line of rails should be laid down for that purpose ; and if tliat were thought inexpedient that at least a siding should be at once made at the back of tie Grand Stand with a platform. They also suggested tbit the fares should be reduced one half conditionally on the Jockey Club doing the same; and they pointed out that if this were done persons would be able to travel to and from the course and view the races for la. Sir Wm. Milne, Chairman of Directors, iii reply, said the master had already engaged the attention of the Directors, who had projected improvements. The suggestions, however, of the deputa'iou would be lavourably considered, and an official reply would be sent to taem without delay. Emigration Lecttrbr's .Report. — The Colonial Emigration Office has received Mr. Henry Tar lot's report for the month of June, from which it seems that he has been successful. He has attended 12 meetings with good results, and has made 133 approvals for 41 married couplesand their families, 73 single men, and 19 single women. He says that some of the agricultural districts are awaking to more lively enquiry, and that there will be a considerable number of thorough good fanners' men by the Caklands as well as good pick-and-shovel men from the labourers' organization. He has found that very satisfactory results proceed from the lithographic letter which he sent round to the Mechanics' Societies. Another much-respected leader of the working classes and good labourer, Mr. Winter, has intimated his intention to start for the colony if he can do so ia September. Should he come he is certain to have a large following from Dorsetshire. As we have previously stated, a prominent man amongst the labouring population — a Mr. Johnson — is a passenger for the colony in the Oakland*. South Australian Compast. — The 42nd annnal meeting of this Company was held in London, June 27 ; Sir John Rose, Bart, in the chair. From the report which was read it appeared that their total revenue had been £42,700, as against £42,800 in 1977, and £40,000 in the previous year. The chaTges for expenses showed a slight increase on the previous year, in which it had been £8,030, while this year it amounted to £8,800. This was to be accounted for by the fact that a gratuity ot 500 guineas bad been granted to Mr. Swaine, who for so many years had been connected with the Company, and had given them very valuable advice. They had also increased Mr. Brind's salary by the sum of £300. They had done this because in that gentleman they possessed one of the highest character, and in whom they conld repose implicit reliance. Turning to the cspifcd, they would see that the property in Adelaide was in the year before last calculated as being worth £500,313, and this year at £569,000. This handsome increase was made up by an increase of £o-$,000 on the country property and £12,000 on the town lands ; the remainder was derived from sundry sources. The Directors hsd thought it advisable to take advantage of the demand for lots of land in the f neighbourhood of Adelaide to sell to some extent, and the result of it was that they had received the sum of £23,900, which was considerably'in excess of the inventory value. In dealing with this amount they had felt the necessity of keeping p-'.cu with the requirements of Port Adelaide, and they therefore proposed to invest this sum in building increased wharfs, so that thpy should not be left in the background. There was a proposition to build an outer harbonr to the Port, but it was hoped the measures they had taken would have the effect of deterring others from embarking their capital in such a needless undertakiag. The wharfs would form a very valuable asset, and bring a good return on the outlay, and he thought it would be the very best way to employ the capital. Sir R. Torrens said he would like to say a few words on tlie subject of the projected outer landing-place. He knew the place well, and could say that it would be wholly impracticable for general use, and that tbe vast bulk of the merchandise would still be landed at the port of Adelaide ; but still, for all that, the experiment would most likely be tried, as the Governor and many of his friends were highly in its favonr. But thejr must not be at all alarmed at that. The Chairman had given them one good word of counsel, and that was not to place too much reliance on the sudden rise in the price of land in the colonies. He had himself sold land at £10 an acre which a few years after had fetched £100, and he had known land realize £1,000 an acre which might have been bought a few years after for £20. There was a constant wave of progression and ret-ogression going on in the colonies which could scarcely be realized in the old country ; but this they might be suic of— the tide was always rising. The report was adopted, and a dividend of 8 per cent., or 40s. per share free of income tax, was declared. Dairy Farm'. — A second meeting of persons interested in the formation of a dairy farm to supply Adelaide with pure milk was held at the Imperial Hotel on Friday afternoon, August 9. Mr. J. Prince occupied the chair. The Committee appointed submitted a prospectus, which stated that the Company should consist of 3,500 shares at £1 each, and that they had been offered a farm and the services of an efficient manager. Promoters were appointed, and it was afterwards decided that the capital should be increased to 5,000 shares of £1 each. It was thought by several present that it would be premature to take any further action until the offers for farms had been referred to a privite meeting of promoters, who would at the nest meeting lay some definite scheme before the Concpany. This idea was adopted, and the meeting then adjourned. ASTBoxoiiicAL. — An oeeultation of the planet Jupiter by the Moon takes place to-morrow evening, which will bo visible aa stzch orer a large portion of the earth's surface, extending from the Equator to 66° S. lat. The planet will appear to pass very near to the Moon's northern limb as seen from Adelaide, its closest approich taking place at 5b. Sm. p.m., or a quarter of an hour after sunset. This will afford to the observer a good opportunity of watching the Moon's actual motion from west to east. Assuming the planet's position for the time being to be stationary, the motion of the Moon in recediDg from Jupiter towards the east will be observi-I to be just about equal to the Moon's apparent diameter per hour. Another occultation of Jupiter will occur on Friday evening, September 6, visible as such at Adelaide. Chamber of MAjnTArrrREi.— The annnal meeting of this ChamWr was held on Friday, August 10, when a fair number of membsrs attended, the report and accounts for the year were adopted, and a Committee and A'iditor elect,- -f. The report of the proceedings will be found in another column.

ElQGBATIOIt rSOM SCOTLAND TO SOCTH AtTStbalia. — 'Arglo Australian' in the Ewropttm Mail writes:— 'It is satisfactory to note that emigration from the Clyde to South Australia has been resumed by the despatch of the Largo Bay with 362 emigraaatB, all_ of Scotch nationality excepting 23 single Irish domestic servants. It is now more than 25 years since a ship filled with emigrants sailed from Scotland for South Australia. It will be remembered that a deputation of Scotchmen waited upon the Commissioner for Emigration in Adelaide some time- ago to draw his attention to the disproportion of Scotch emigrants sent out and that he was able to inform them that he had already taken steps to procure emigrants from the Clyde. Well, the Largo Bay may be regarded as the first instalment of his promise, and another ship will follow as soon as the arrangements can be completed. Sir Arthur Blyth, K.C-M.G., the Agent-Gene: s\ went down from Glasgow with the emigrant', and saw them safely embarked at the Tail of the Bank. The ship finally sailed on June 2^, and as she is a fast sailer the friends of the emigrants will soon hear of their safe arrival in the colony. They need have eo anxiety about their doing well, though they may be anxious as to the period of their return, bearing in mind the axiom having reference to Scotchmen in that respect. In the prosperous colony of South Australia they are sure to find a ready opening for their labour, and it will be their own fault-j if. after a few years of well-dincted effort, they do not realize comparative independence. The arrangements for the comfort of the emigrants on board the Largo Bay are exactly the same as those made in the ships dispatched from Plymouth, and these were favourably commented upon by the Glasgow papers. Privacy for the married people has been secured by Johnston's patent berths. The surgeon of the hhip, Dr. Cartwright, is now on his third voyage in charge of emigrants to South Australia, and the matron, Mrs. Osborne, is also on her third voyage, so that their ezperiencej will be useful to the people under their charge. The 362 sou's are thus divided: — 57 married couples=U4 adults ; 80 children=45 adults ; 14 infants, 74 single men. and 70 single women ; total, 303 adults. The proportion of domestic servants is a very fair one, considering they are very ?independent' and the difficulty there is in obtaining them even for Lome service. There is also a fair sprinkling of carpenters, joiners, and ploughmen; and when these shall write home io -their friends telling them of the advantages which South Australia offers to the really indastrious of both sexes the Scotoh element in the colony may be largely supplemented without much difficulty.' BnxiAEDS — A complimentary benefit was tendered to the celebrated billiard player, Mr. Louis Kilkenny, on Friday night, August 9, at the Gresham Billiard Saloon, by Mr. A. G. Wyld and friends, when there were between 130 and 140 persons present, who watched the play which took place with the deepest interest. The first match was one of 500 up between Mr. Kilkenny and a gentleman amateur, Mr. Kilkenny giving 250 points. The contest began by Kilkenny giving his opponent a miss, and the latter followed with a ditto. Kilkenny then started with a break of 25 and then with 23. His highest break was 67, followed by 46, 32, 28, 25. Score— Kilkenny 100 to his opponent's 16. Kilkenny scoted 200 to the amateur's 46, and some splendid play was shown, Kilkenny in the screw-back shots and long cannons being particularly admirable. The game closed with Kilkenny 502 and the amateur 469. At 812 the amateur was 10 ahead of Kilkenny, who was 302. Seven games of pyramids, one ball off the table in each, were then contested between Mr. Kilkenny and Mr. Albert White, and some pretty play was shown. The two first games were won by Mr. WLite, and the remainder by Mr. Kilkenny, whose admirab'e strength was a great feature in the game. The last game was one between Mr. Kilkenny and Mr. A. G. Wyld, 500 up, Kilkenny giving 20O points. Wyld played a rather unpromising game at first, but towards the end made several pretty good breaks and pulled up a bit. Kilkenny's highest break was 72, and he made several of 20, 34, and 43. When Wyld was 250 Kilkenny had reached 2S8, and after passing the 300 Wyld by several successive moderate bre-vks ran up his score in a more lively style. At 390 Kilkenny made a break of 33, and Wyld followed with one of 36. When Wyld was 400 Kilkenny had scored 494, and when the game closed the score stood— Kilkenny 501, Wyld 440. Kilkenny's play won great admiration, his nice judgment enabling him to keep the balls well together just where he pleaseJ, anil maLo astonishing strokes. The exhibition w.i.s a real treat to billiard-players, and was watched with the keenest interest. Adelaide Aecheet Club. — The annual meeting of this Club was held at the Town Hal! on Friday afternoon. There were over 50 members present, aid the report was read as follows: — 'The Committee in prwenting their report liave to congratulate the members on the continued success of the Adelaide Archery Club. On reference to the balance-sheets, it will be seen that there is a small sum to the credit of the Club, and in addition to that there is between £40 and £50 worth of goods still on hand. The business of this meeting will be to elect a Committee and officers for the ensuing season and to ballot for new members. The Committee wish to bring under the notice of the members a rule which they find usually in English Clubs, and which they think it would be advisable for this Olub to adopt. The rule is as follows — * The wife and danghters and sons under 21 of any m mber shall be eligible without ballot.' The Committee propnse to hold two additional meetings during the season, aad if this should meet the approbation of the members it will be nficessary to raise the subscriptions to 12s. 6d. to pay the extra expense* incurred.' It was resolved that there should br ten meetings in the year instead of eib'ht, and that to meet the extra expense the subscription should be raised to 12s. (3d. Tbe following officers were elected for the ensuing yeir: — Captain, Mr. H. S. Price; Committee, Mrs. W. J. Crawford, Mrs. G. C. Hawker, Mrs. Kent Hugbes, Mrs. Ross Reid, Mrs. F. Wright. Mrs. C. B. Yonng ; Secretary, Mr. H. D. O'Hallorau. Tho balance-sheet was read, and showed that there was about £45 in hand. A vote of thanks was passed to the officers and to the late captain (G. C. Hawker). Fifteen new members were elected, and the Club now numbers over 200 members. The first meeting of the season will be held early in September. Tee Holdfast Bat Railwat.— At a puSlic meeting held at the Glenelg Institute on Friday evening, which was attended by about 50 persons, the ratepayers of the township had an opportunity of giving expression to their views respecting the proposal to construct a second line of railway to Glentlg. A resolution affirming the desirability of the Company having power to bring their line to the tosraship was carried unanimously after a short dijeussioo. There was a considerable amount of verbose talk on the question of the route which the line should take. A motion was proposed to the effect that the route proposed by the Directors, viz., along the Eay-road, Althorpe- place, and Victoria-place to the Post-Office, was the moat desirable one that could be obtained. Mr. King, one of tbe representatives of the district, objected to the Althorpeplac« route, because it would have a deteriorating effect on property there, and he happened to be one of the interesfed parties. He suggested that the line should be brought in along the sea-wall, and proposed an amendment etiibodying that view. Only three persons voted for the amendment, all the other persona comprised in tbe meeting voting for the motion. The management of the Glenelg Railway Company was severely animadverted upon by the majority of the speakers, Mr. Stock venturing so far as to say that the smoking carriages on the line were not equal to the places he provided for the shelter of his dogs. Peostecis of Next Hakvbst.— The reports which reacli us (writes the Jamestoien Review) from a very wide extent of country are unanimons ia declaring thi- to be an exceptionally favourable season. Since the soaking rains of early June the weather has been highly favourable to tbe development of a hardy wheat plant, and consequently one less likely to invite attacks from rust by-and-'oy. The frosts hava done no real harm, and if no unexpected disaster atfects the result the amount of wheat sent down the Pirie Railway will be a caution to traffic managers. A Ge-xixe Ghost.— On Monday a veritable g};ost, or rather a troupe of ghosts, will appear at White's Rooms, when Mr. J. H. Rainford, so well and favourably known in this city, will open his illusionary entertainment. This company consists of a number of singers, dancers, an 1 character trtistes, and the peculiarity c-f their performances is that it seems to the sndienre to be given by a number of phantoms which appear and disappear at wilL Ms. Howe, tee Theatbical— The European Mail states that Mr. J. B. Howe, of the Britannia Theatre, intends next year visiting Australia.

Thb Coitkr Maexbt n» Erqxahd. — We quote the following remarks from the London Mining Journal of June 28:— 'A3 long aa speculation in this metal lasts prices may perhaps be upheld, but whenever the reaction sets in the fall may be rapid aad sudden. The only hope that speculators ever had for anticipating higher rates was based upon the announcement of a Congress, which it was supposed would create a general excitement and a rush to bay; hut it has failed to produce any such effect, and no wonder, considering the very severe lesson the British public have received' during the last few years. Consumers and shippers are either nst prepared or are disinclined to venture their substacce upon any weak or doubtful issue, and in our opinion they very wisely prefer to wait until they ate thoroughly satisfied that there exist real and positive signs of a general improvement in trade before entertaining even the idea of submitting to dearer prices; but what is the state of genuine trade now, and how far are enhanced prices justified ? Is Birmingham so active, or has the French demand so much increased? Are German requirements so great, or India and China boldly coning forward ?* It certainly does net come from New York, for the advices of that market show no improvement, the demand being very slow, and prices to a great extent nominal. Lake having beeu sold aa lew as 16c, and is now quoted 16Jc. to 16gc Several sales of Chili bars have been reported daring the week, whereas, strange to say, other kinds do not appear to have participated in the same advantageous manner, and manufactured copper and metal have been particularly dull, notwithstanding the great inducement sellers have offered in prices beiog considerably below the^avcrage difference of Chili bars ; but if manufacturers are willing and eager sellers at such rt duccd rates it is conclusive evidence of a weik market. Sellers would not take £73 for sheets or 0d. for yellow metal if better could be obtained ; and while it is necessary to accept these rates, or rather lower ones, to effect sales, what chance exists of their being buyers of Chili bars at £64 for rolling purposes ? Here is the key to the whole affair— the present rate of production is out of proportion to the consumption, and if smelters cannot afford to pay the higher price who else can relieve the market of any large quantity ? The holders of Chili bars never will do any good for themselves or for the market until they arrange with the smelters and other consumers to clear away several thousand tons from existing stocks, for the stock of Chili bars is far too large, and being concentrated in a few hands renders the position ez.remely uncertain. The great bulk of it has now been held over for a very considerable time, and tbe holders are probably heartily sick of it, for not only are charges daily adding to the cost, but a large amount of nnremnnerative capital {Blocked up; and as money is getting dearer, the Bank rate having been advanced h per cent, on Thursday last, that is another reason for expediting sales and getting rid of copper without further loss of time. The Indian exchange is also again lower this week, and altogether the outlook is extremely unsatisfactory and gloomy.' Ebctee's Telegram Oompasv. — We understand that Mr. H. M. Collins, late Manager for Renter's T-tlegram Company at Bombay, will leave London for Australia via San Francisco on the 18th of the present month, his mission being to act as General Agent for the Company in the colonies. Thkatrb Rotat-— The Theatre was crowded on Friday evening, when ' Henry IT.' was repeated for the last time, Mr. Creswick again taking the part of Sir John Falstaff, his representation being all that could be desired. Miss Ashton gave a clever interpretation of the part of Lady Ptrcy.' Messrs. Lawrence, Reynolds, Holloway, and Martin ako appeared to ail vantage in their several characters. To-night ' Macbeth ' will be played for the first time this season. Attstraliak Ceicketebs m England. — In other coiumns we publish special reports of several matches played by the Australian cricketers in England. The European Mail thus speaks of^their doings : — 'The Australian cricketers have had a busy time both in tent and field since my last — in field, in giving battle to their opponents, and in tent in tbe interchange of courtesies and general good fellowship with all the curious people who have come to see what they are like. Dinners aad toastJDgs waited upon them at every place which they have visited, until they have found it difficult to say something new in response to the many happy things which have been said of them. Conway, for instance, is a fair average spokesman, but be even confesses to have been run out for similes and analogies on a recent occasion, when he had to fall back upon 'Pilgrim's Progress' to pull him through. The popularity of the men increases with one's knowledge of them ; aud the culminating courtesy, or recognition of their merits as men and cricketers, is to take place at Willis's Hooms on July 23, when His Grace the Dnke of Manchester is to preside at a banquet to be given in their honour. Already the subscription-list includes the whole of the AgeutaGeneral and many of the leading men of the country, so that this tribute may be regarded as the welcome of the mother-country to the representatives of some of her most promising offsprings. It ia whispered that the Prince of Wales may possibly be present, and that a good sprinkling of the nobility of a sporting turn wili not fail to put in an appearance, and do their best to promote ' the harmony of the evening.' The cricketers were recently entertained and treated right royally by the Directors of the Crystal Palace. On steppiug from the train the Directors ia a body met, and took them under their protecting wing, invited them to a capital banquet, escorted them over the building, and then took them to the central balcony, where special seats were provided fjr them to witness the fireworks. Tne display was a grand one, as is usual at the Crystal Palace; but when 'Welcome to Australia' burst upon their vision in all tho variegated hues common to pyrotechnic display j, they were fairly surprised, and joined in the geueral applause wbich greeted this delicate ami well-timed allusion to * the Australians.' The cheering, indeed, was loud and continuous, and ultimately our visitors were compelled to stand up and ' bow their acknowladgments to an admiring crowd.' In parting from their hosts tbere was many a hf arty shake of the hand, and they left the Palace highly delighted with the kindness and courtesy of the Directors. Only one little circumstance has occurred to mar the general harmony which has attended upon their visit, and this is the more to be regretted as it arose in a quarter where it ought to have been least expected. It appears that just as the match between Middlesex and the Australians was about to commence, and Midwinter was about to take his place at the wickets to do battle for the colonies, Mr. W. G. Grace appeared on the scene, i-ud demanded that Midwinter should foithwith proceed with him to ' the Oval' to do battle for Gloucestershire against Surrey. At this arose great consternation in the colonial ranks, to whom Midwinter has been a tower of strength. They pleaded Midwinter's engagement to them; Mr. Grace pleaded Midwinter's engagement to his native county Gloucestershire, and finally Mr. Grace prevailed; the huge subject of dispute was borne off in a cab, and the Colonials had to do as well as they could without him, which, by the way, seems to have been pretty well. Mr. Graco claimed that he bi»d right on bis side, for Midwinter is Gloucestershire born, and only by accident an Australian. But the unfortunate part of it is that the dispute has bred bad blood between Mr. Grace and oar visitors, and there is a report that they will pUy ia no match again in thi* country in which Mr. Grace has part.' Biflb Match.— A rifle match between the Robertatown and Watervale Clubs was fired on July 27. Messrs. T. Carey and J. Smith were tte respective umpiies. The distances were SCO, 250, and 300 yards, and tlie match was won by the Watervale Club with a total score of 457, tfceir opponents' total being 345. A sbora of 80, icace by Mr. V. Mayer, of the Watervale team, was the highest individual score on either side. Thb Csors at Gawlbb. — In thb district (say the Standard) the iroapects for a fine harvest are exceedingly good, the weather lately having been eminently suitable for making the wheat spring up. No damage, so far as we can 'earn, has been done by the frosts of last week, and tbe warn weather experienced since has been cf good service. Adkiaidb Hrsr Cirs.— The Adelaide hounds will meet this afternoon at Lockleys. Mayor's Coscbet. — The fourteenth concert given by his Worship the Mayor will take place this evening at the Town Hall. \ Accidext at Poet Yixcbkt. — Mr. Frank Bickers, late of Port Adelaide, but now of Port Tincent, was a passenger by the steamer Wakefield on Friday night, August 9, from Port Tincent to Port Adelaide en route for the Adelaide Hospital. He is sof ering from au injury to his epice caused by being throwa from a trap at the Port Vincent ploughing mitch on August L.