South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 13 December 1878, page 2

FUNERAL NOTICES THE Friends of the late Mr. THOMAS CARMICHELL are respectfully informed that his REMAINS will be Removed from his late Residence, Alberton, This Day (Friday), at 4 o'clock, for Interment in the Woodville Cemetery. iJ. C.& G.E. HADDY, Undertakers. OF., COURT AUSTKALU'3 PRIDE, ? No. 2308.— The Members of the above Conrt are requested to assemble at the Courtroom at half-past 3 o'clock This Day (Friday), December 13, to FOLLOW the REMAIN'S of the late Brother THOS. OABMICHELL to the TVoodville Cemetery. x W. BOUNDY, Secret*—'. PPBtlO HOTICEB CjOTJXH AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL RIFLE O ASSOCIATION. 'THE RIFLE COMPANIES ACT, 1878.' Rifle Companies can be formed of twenty or more persons. Those wishing to form a Rifle Company in any Town or District are requested to forward in one list their names (if twenty or more) to the Inspecting Offirer, who will then give fall information of the forms required to complete enrolment to the representative of the Company. Members of every Rifle Company can appoint their own officers, subject to the approval of the Governor in Council. As soon as the movement is fairly started a General Meeting of Deleptes from Rifle Companies will be convened, in order that a General Council may be elected for the Management of the Association. Requested that all communications be addressed to'The 'The Inspecting Officer,' S.A.N.R. Association Staff Office, Adelaide. M. F. DOWNES, CoL, R.A., Inspecting Officer. Staff Office, December 12, 1818. 347,8 ADELAIDE ART UNION. 1,000 MEMBERS, ONE GUINEA EACH. SIXTY-THREE OIL PAINTINGS, VALUE £1,000. 1st prize, a collection of 13 Oil Paintings, value £250 ; 2nd prize, a collection of 5 Oil Paintings, value £100; 3rd prize, Oil Painting, value £60 ; 4th prize, Oil Paintinc, valne £40; 5th prize, Oil Painting, value £40; 6th prize, Oil Painting, value £30 ; 7th prize, Oil Painting, valne £50; 8th prize. Oil Painting, value £30; -9th prize, Oil Painting, value £25 ; 10th prize, Oil Painting, valne £25; 11th to 14th prizes, Oil Paintings, each £20 ; 15th to 18th prizes, Oil Paintings, each £15 ; 19th and 20th prizes, each £12 10a. ; 21st to 26th prizes, Oil Paintings, each £10 ; 27th to 35th prizes, Oil Paintings, each £7 10s.; 36th and 37th, each £6 5s.; 38th to 47th prizes, each £5. Those wishing to subscribe will please apply to J. M. BAILEY, Secretary. Over Goodfellow k Hele's, King William-street 347-f23 A COMPLIMENTARY DINNER and PRESENTATION will be given to E. UP3ETT, ESQ., J -P., on the 16th December, 1878, in the INSTITUTE TTAT.T., on his retire, ment from the Mayoral Chair, Born Corporation. T. Bath, Esq., will take the Chair. 3488 m H E P O R T O N I A N. THIS DAY'S ISSUE contains a CARTOON illustrative of the MEETING of LORD ?ttawbth and Mr. J. E. GOODEN, the Captains of the English Eleven and the Eighteen of South Australia— living Portraits of both Captains. 'We take this opportunity of pointing out the inadvisability of being pinned down to a certain day of the week for issue, and this we say in the interests of our subscribers, as a capital picture is often lost to them by the above plan. For instance, the present Cartoon could not have been produced if we had adhered to Tuesday, our advertised weekly day of publication. This i» a free country ; *nd for the future we beg pernusNon to be allowed to appear about the middle of the week. 3108 ADELAIDE PU n'c H. Conducted by J. C. F. Johhson. The CHEAPEST an.? BEST COMIC ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY in South Australia. With the Paper of December II are issued PORTRAITS of the GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND CRICKETING TEAM : also, the next probable Team: 'YE GENTLBMBN OF CHINA.' 346thcv UBLIC NOTICE.— The WAREHOUSES of the Undersigned will be CLOSED on the following days : — Wednesday, December 25. Monday, December 30. Tuesday, December 31. Wednesday, January 1, 1879. J. COLTON & CO. GEO. P. HARRIS, SCARFE, &. CO. PADMAN & CO. HARROLD BROTHERS. G. PHILUPS k CO. December 7, 1878. 343,7v rf»HE WHOLESALE DRAPERY Warehouse* JL of the undersigned will be CLOSED on WEDNESDAY, December 25, being Christmas Day. MONDAY, December 30, in lieu of Anniversary of the Colony. TUESDAY, December 31. WEDNESDAY, January 1, 1879, b«ing New Year's Day. G. fc.R. WILLS k CO. - D. k W. MURRAY. GOOD, TOMS, k CO. DONALDSON, ANDREWS, and SHARLAND. GOODE BROTHERS. ? z341ths65rmwf(!-f|\HE WHOLESALE GROCERS of Adelaide JL' re pectfullv inform the Trade that thei. Warehouses will'be CLOSED on WEDNESDAY, December 25, being Christmas Day. MONDAYrDecember 30, in lieu of Anniversary ? of the Colony. TUESDAY, December 31. WEDNESDAY, January 1, being New Year's Day. 344zthsS5rmwfS4 r pursuance of Clause 8 of the Licensed Victuallers Amendment Act, 1S77.IJOHN FAHY do hereby give notice that I did this day DEPOSIT with the Clerk to the Adelaide Licensing Bench PLANS of a SHOP, situate in Hindley-street, Adelaide, for which I intend to apply for a WINE LICENCE. Dated the twenty-eightii day of October, 1876. 3464v62 JOHN FAHY. ELLIS EDWARDS'S LAST WORDS TO MR. H. A. CRAWFORD. Mr. H. A. Crawford loses both his head and his temper in his uncalled-for and vindictive attack upon me for going into business— which he dare not gainsay my perfect right to do. As to his last rather silly advertisement in yours of December 10, I may say — 1. He asks the names of ' the mythical gentle-men' who condemn him, knowing very well I cant comply because the gentlemen who con-demn him are real not mythical, and comprise all who, as Mr. Crawford says, 'understand the merits of the case.' 2. Surely Mr. Crawford does not expect to be believed when he says he has 'no wish to obstruct Mr. Edwards' future career.' With what object but this and to attempt to injure me in my business did he insert his first advertisement ? The public can judge. 3. He says he 'omitted to restrain me from commencing business again.' He had no power or right either moral or legal to do anything of the sort. If he had the power I fear I could not have relied on his ' generosity and honour' to prevent his exercising it. 4. I have not traduced Mr. Crawford's charac-ter ; I have no wish to have anything to do with or say to him— but when he indirectly challenges me I do say he has wronged me. It is not the fact that my duties are to secure the business to him.' My duty ii first to my customers, and then to myself. If the custo-mers of Crawford, Edwards, & Co. choose to come to me I shall be grateful, and shall do my utmost to serve them well ; and I need only appeal to the customers themselves to read the intemperate advertisements of Mr. Crawford and then say who is most likely to supply them 34*3 ? ELLIS EDWARDS. /^ALCANAN, RICHARD, who was atWalKJ lawo in September, 1S63. Any person wfaoean&ve infnrmitionjjf him will oblige by communicating with Mr. A. Ellis, 23, Swanstonttztet, Malbccrne. ? 347^ I^iSi. W. 'JTATES does NOT REMOVE his GOODS from Mrs. G. Sarris's, Gouger?treet, Adelaide, before DewJBfef 17, 1878, they will be SOLD to pay expense* 345 7

TOBIIC J0HCE8 ? TTOMK .FOR INCURABLES Amount already advertised- - £700 16 6 Add enor Is, deduct error* £3=-— 2 19 0 £697 17 6 Additional Subscriptions as follows :— Is.— Lizzie Fisher. 2e.— Mr. Willie Fisher, Eva Fisher, Mrs. Bnrck. Js. 6d.— Mr. Victor Hugo, Kate Fisher, Lucy Fiaber, Eliza Digbt, Harriett Knoll, a Friend, Sirs. Bennett, Sir. C. Askew, Mrs. Panrucker. 3s.— Anon, Mr. James Tranier, Mr. James W6tt, Mr. Philip Labey. 5s.— Elizabeth, a Friend, Mrs. Fickling, Mrs. Taylor, George Samson, Mrs. W. Shierlaw, Mhw Kill, Mrs. J. M. Kirdy, a Friend, a Friend, Thomas Brooks, William Honghton, Bdwara Stock, J. McCrackin, W. H., O. Bmckman. Kate Tuick, a Friend, a Friend, a Friend, Mrs. Halcombe, a Friend, Mason & Wills, W. Brownbill. 7s. 6d.— A Friend. 10s.— Mrs. Overbary, Mrs. J. H. Bagster, Ann Willier, E. A. Howell, Mary Bonoin, Mrs. Day, a Friend, T. Eoderlev, A. Morrison. 10s. 6d.— J. C. Wilkinson, Mrs. H. Wood, Mrs. R. Williams, Mrs. Styles, H. Fisher, H. J. Wieksteed. £1.— J. Sparshott. Amelia Codd, Mrs. D. Babbage, A. O. Chambers, J. Henderson, J. Hutchinson, Batchelors' Club. £1 la.— Miss Styles, F. Davis, Messrs. Falk and Co., P. Gay, D. W. Melvin, Louisa J. Wboldridge, Miss Styles (various), j. G. Addison, Mr Lloyd, J. Forbes, James Dawson, S. Smith, Mrs. H., L. Wieksteed, T. W. Harris, A. LeMessurier, J. Fonnby, B. Hooey, Jones Bros., Mr. Johnson, Mr. Preston, N. W. J. Lindsay. £2.— H. Hussey, W. Isbister, Mrs. Thos. Neill. £3 2s.— Dr. J. D. Thomas, Mrs. McGeorge, W. and J. Storrie; Donaldson, Andrews, and Sharland; Reynell It Reinecke, Mrs. J. Sonttar, A. Cunningham, W. Fergnsson, J. Syme, J, M. Linklater,W.M.H.,H. C. E. Muecke, G. N. and W. H. Birks, Brown k Thompson, G. Fotheringham, J. Ferguston k Co. £3.— Anthony Steele. £3 3s.— Mr. Price, £5.— Dr. Joyce, T. D. Smeaton, Dr. Gosse. £5 5».- Messrs. R. H. Wigg k Sons, Mr. F. J. Botting, Mr. W. L. Reid, Mr. W. Fowler (Yarrow), Mr. Ross Reid, The Stevedore Company. £10 10s.-— Dr. Mclntyre. £20.— Messrs. Harrold Brothers, Messrs. G. P. Harris, Scarf, k Co. £25 -Messrs. D. k W. Murray, Messrs. D. and J. Fowler, Messrs. G. & R. Wills & Co. £50.— J. H. Angas, Esq., Messrs. Bowman Brothers. Total Subscriptions to date, £1,072 0s. 6J. It is respectfully requested that all Unpaid Subscriptions be sent to the Treasurer (G. W. Hawkes, Esq., Gawler) ; or to the Hon. Secretary before the General Meeting of Subscribers, to be held about January 21, i879. 346,7v A. MACGEORGE, Hon. Secretary. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN AID OF Sydney Seamen's Strike ARE EARNESTLY REQUESTED E. W. PALMER, Hen. Sec. and Treasurer to the Committee, . Labour League Hall, 347'53zv Hindley-street, Adelaide. IN the Matter of the DEED made in pursuance of Division VI. of the Insolvent Act, I860, whereby JOHN BRISTOW, of Port Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Storekeeper, 'trading under the style or firm of Moore & Bristow, conveyed and assigned his Estate and Effects to John Preston, of Adelaide, Merchant, and Matthew Morgan, of Port Adelaide, Grocer, as Trustees fer the benefit of the Creditors of the said John Bristow.— NOTICE is hereby given that the Trustees have this'day filed, the statement required by section 187 of the said Act, and that they purpose to pay a FIRST DIVIDEND of Osh Shilltmo and Sixpbmcb in the Pound to all Creditors of the said John Bristow win luive signed the Deed or assented thereto in writing : and-that such dividend will be payable on and after Thursday, the 26th day of December instant, at the office of the undersigned, Victoria Chambers. Victoria-square. Dated this 11th day of December, 1S7S. iv ? B. SOLOMON, Agent to the Trustees, IN the ASSIGNED ESTATE of FREDERICK MORPHETT, of Laura, in the Province of South Australia, Storekeeper. — Notice is hereby given that the Trustees in this Estate, in pursuance of clause 187 of the Insolvent Act, 1860, have this day filed in the Court of Insolvency such statement and account as by the said Act is required. It is proposed to Pay a FIRST DIVIDEND of Six Shillings in the Pound (6s. in the £) on and after Friday, the 13th day of December, 1878, at the office of Messrs. G. & R. Wills & Co., Rundle-street, Adelaide, to all Creditors who have proved their Claims and signed the Deed of Assignment or consented thereto in writing. Dated this twenty-third day of November, 1878. T. E. ACRAMAN, Agent for the Trustees, Waymouth-street, Adelaide. NOTICEE.— All PERSONS INDEBTED to ±1 Messrs. KLOTZ & KRAFT for goods supplied at their late Store, Angaston, or bought at the sales by unction, are requested to PAY the same on or before the 21st day of December, 1878, to Mr. J. Klota, Angaswra Hotel ; or E. W. Roberts, Auctioneer, Angaston. N.B.— Legal proceedings will be taken for all accounts unsettled after the above date. ? 341-55v OOUTH AUSTRALIAN RAILWAYS The UNDERSIGNED are prepared on and after Monday next, November 4, to DELIVER from the ADELAIDE and PORT ADELAIDE RAILWAY STATIONS all Goo— and Merchandise conveyed by Rail. GRAVES k BRADLEY, Railway Carriers. NJ}.— Orders left at the Railway Station! will be attended to. 306o MUNICIPAL CCTOTCH3 mOWN OF^ KENSINGTON AND A NORWOOD. NOTICE w hereby given that an ASSESSMENT, being the twenty-sixth Assessment of all buildings, lands, tenements, and hereditaments within the Town of Kensington and Norwood, has been duly made, and has been allowed by the Council and signed by the Mayor, and the Assessment has been deposited and may be inspected daily at my office' at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Norwood, between the hours of nine and ten in the forenoon, by any person' interested therein. And notice is further given that the Council of the said Town will sit at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, [Norwood, as a COURT of A1TEAL for the purpose of hearing any objections to the said Assessment and for inserting any omission therein, or for making alterations to the same, on Thursday, the 19th December instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening. And notice is further given that Appeals for the purpose aforesaid may be either-*© the Council or directly to the Adelaide Local Conrt of Full Jurisdiction at the sitting of such Local Conrt next after sixteen days from publication of this notice— to wit on Wednesday, the first day of January, 1879, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, or such other date on which the said Court shall hold its sitting. And notice is further given that, in addition to the Appeals above provided for, any person may appeal from any decision of the Council given or made on the hearing of any such Appeal as aforesaid within ten days from the giving or making such decision to the Adelaide Local Court of Full Jurisdiction to be held next after seven days from the giving of such notice of appeal. Dated tb-- 14th day of December, 1S78. BAYFIELD MOULDEN, Town Clerk. a347ta53 ELECTORAL H0TICE8 'C'LECTORS OF KORTH ADELAIDE. The MEETINGS advertised for WEDNESDAY EVENING at the British Tavern and Iben's Commercial Hotel WILL NOT TAKE PLACE, owing to Mr. Colton bavin*; declined to stand for North Adelaide, nor will Mr. Peacock address the Electors at the Lord Melbourne unless at their special desire. -. - . — HSxc . J. H. PARR, Chairman. 1

COMPAHEEfl AJTS 80CIETHM COMMERCIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that the FIRST GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders will be held in terms of the Act on the twenty-third Day of December, 1878, at 11 a.m., at the Offices of the Company, 12, Currie-street, Adelaide. The objects of the Meeting are to receive the Directors' Report and Statement of Account*, and to elect Directors and Auditors and fix their remuneration. Of the present Board sf Directors, Messrs. William Hill, Simnel Denning Glyde, and Hugo Oarl Kuiil Muecke retire, bnt are eligible for re-election. The present Auditors, Messrs. James S. Scott and Wm. Aldwell, are likewise eligible for reelection. Candidates for the Directory are required to give six days' notice to the Company. The Share Transfer Books will be Closed from the 18th to the 25th instant. By orik'i of the Beard, HENRY COWIE, Manager. Adelaide, December 13, 1873. 317,50,5 ADELAIDEANDSUBURBANTRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. SOTICE is hereby given that a CALL of Ten Shillings per Share has been made by the Directors of the above Company, and is payable to the Secretary, at the Registered Office of the Company, on or before the IStb December, 1S7S, Shares numbered 1 to 13,000 inclusive ; and on all Shares in respect of which the said Call remains unpaid at or after the said date will be liable to be absolutely forfeited to the Comuany. JAMES S. SCOTT, Secretary. ? Temple-Chambers, Currie-street, November 28, 1878. ? a331,3,8,9,43,7,50,2v41 COMMERCIAL BANK OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. NOTICE in hereby given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders will be held at the Head Banking House of the Company, 74, King William-street, on Tuesday, January 7, 1679, at 12 noon, to Elect a Director in place of A. Tennant, Esq., who is leaving the colony for Europe. Candidates for the vacancy must give notice in writing, to be delivered at the Head Banking House of the Company tweD tyone days at least before the day of election. 344-50 H. D. O'HALLORAN, Manager. PORT ADELAIDE MARKET COMPANY; LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL of Ss. 6d. per Share bag been made this day by this Directors, and is payable to the Secretary at the Registered Office of the Company on or before the 2nd day of January, 1879, and all Shares in respect of which such Call remains unpaid at the date above mentioned may be absolutely forfeited to the Company. Dated 10th December. 187S. (Signed) G. R. SBLTH, Secretary. : ? 3457 mHE QUEENSLAND AND SOUTH AUS^ X TRALIAN INVESTMENT AND LAND MORTGAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capttil, £1,000,000. DKECTORS IN ADELAIDE. The Hon. R. O. Baker, MX.C. 8. Davenport, Esq. N.Blytb,Esq.,M.P. The Company is now prepared to receive proposals for Loans on Property in South Australia, it being the intention to invest £500,000 in South Australia. No Commission charged. Forms of application can be obtained at the temporary Offices of the Company, MorialtaChambers, Adelaide.REGINALD REGINALD B. COLLBY, 322mwfc Secretary, pro tm. ; ? TBTDEBg ? mOWS OF PORT ADELAIDE, TENDERS are invited by the Town Council until Friday, the 20th day of December, 1878. at 4 o'clock pjn.- ANNUAL SUPPLIES for the year 1879. 1. Printing. I 2. Cartage, to inclnde Road-rolling. 8. Emptying Cesspit*. ' ' Specifications and all particulars obtained at. the Town Surveyor's Office. The Tenders are to be addressed with the distinguishing name and nnmber of the Tender. ; The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted, iBy By order, P. H. LAKB1!, Town Clerk. ? Town Clerk's Office, ? December 12, 187S. 347,50,3 , mOWN OF BURRA.; TENDERS FOR OFFICERS, 1879. ' The Corporation of Burra is prepared to receive Tenders up to noon of Monday, December 23, from persons willing to undertake the duties specified as under: — Town Clerk, Collector of Kates, Overseer of Works, Secretary to the Board of Health, Curator of the Cemetery, and; Issuer of Dog, Gun, Vehicle, and other Licences. Officer to attend at the Corporation Office on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2 to 7 P.m., also at all meetings of the Council or Committees. Lump sum. ; Also, Inspector under the Board of Health,1 also to act as Inspector of Weights and Measures, Slaughterhouse*, and Vehicles, and Ranger. One-half of all Local Court fines od informations laid by the officer (who shall pre pare his own cases) will be allowed. Lump sum besides fees. : Tenders mnst be addressed to the Town Clerk; Burra, and received not later than noon of Monday, December 23, nnd to bo marked 'Tender for ? ' on tho outside of the envelope. ! No Tender necessarily accepted. vr347,51 F.W. HOLDER, Town Clerk. I SEPARATE TENDERS invited until 7th Janiary next 'for BUILDING Two or Ten SHOPS, PUOE-STREET, for Messrs. CulIen&Wadham. M: EGAN, Architect. . Montefiore Chambers, Wayoaoathiitreet. ? 34753 mo BUILDERS.-Separate TENDERS will JL be received nntil noon of January 4, 1879, for the ERECTION of a RESIDENCE, Brongbam-place, North Adelaide, and for Stables, &c, te the. above Residence. Plans and Specifications at my office. Neither the lowest nor any Tender necessarily accepted. ERNEST H. BAYER, Architect, 343mwff3 Insurance Chambers, Pine-street CSKALED TENDERS for the EXCAVATION O of CELLARS and for FOUNDATION WALLS of NEW GOVERNMENT OFFICES will be received at this Office until noon of Monday, 23rd instant. Full particulars at this EDWARD JNO. WOODS, Architect-in-Uhief. Archikct-in-Cbiefs Office, Adelaide. December 5, 1S7S. ? 340,3,5,7,51,4 npENDERS will be received by tho UnderJL signed np to Monday, the 16th December, for REPAINTING, &c, the GALATEA HOTEL, Hindley-street. Particulars can he seen on application to Mr. Long, on the Premises. No Tender necessarily accepted. CHAMBERS 4 BLADES, 343 8 Dragon Brewery. TO OHEMISTS AND OTHERS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS. ARTHUR CHAPMAN has received instructions from J. H. M. Hawkes to DISPOSE OF the Whole of his STOOK-IX-TRADE and PLANT, together with the GOODWILL of his BUSINESS as a MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, BY-TENDER. TENDERS will be received by me' at my Office, Cowra Chambers, Crenfell-rtreet, np to 'Monday, the 16th December, at noon. Full particulars on application at my Office, where Stock-sheets may be inspected. The highest or aBy Tender not-necessarily accepted. ARTHUR CHAPMAN, 336mwf50r41 Cowra Buildings, Grenfell-street. A DELAIDER FORTSOHR ITTS.VHRECf CHRISTMAS DEMONSTRATION, DEC. 2o, EXHIBITION GROUNDS. TENDERS for the CATERING will be received till Monday next, December 19, at 1 o'clock, at the National Hotel, Pirie-street, hy the undersigned. ? K. G. DRUHNEL, Hon. See. N.B. — No Tender necessarily accepted. ? 34650 fTIHOMAS HARRY, CONTRACTORS' and JL GENERAL AGENCY, Queen's-Chamben. Materials purchased and forwarded for Country Contractors and Builders. Plans and Specifications prepared, 4-x, &c 868mwfey

j ? THTOEB8 ? Chief Secretary's Office, Adelaide, December 7,1878. SEPARATE TENDERS wiU be received at this office, until noon of Monday, the 16th instant, for furnishing the SUPPLIES teqnired by the Government, under the several headings specified below, in such quantities as may be required, duriDg the period commencing January 1, 1S79, and terminating June 30, 1S79, or until fresh contracts shall have been entered into, upon the conditions hereinafter specified: — IS AOBUISB OB AT PlRKSIDB (eiCCpt the Hospital). Brnshware Ironmongery Burials Medical comforts Drapery , Painter's and Glazier's Earthenware, glass, &c ware Farriery Provisions Fonge (exclusive of Saddlerypolice) SundriesFuel Fuel and light Teots. tarpaulins, kc. Furniture, wood, &c. Tinware Grindery TJniforxcs. Grocery, ke. At Mioiii. Provisions Fuel and light. Groceries At Poet Adbxaidb. Provisions Miscellaneous. Fnel and light I_uorB Pbisoa, Dbt Crkek. Provisions Fuel ind light. 1. To save trouble, »nd secure uniformity, printed forms of tender have been prepared, specifying the variom articles required under the above headings, and will be furnished to intending contractors on application to the Government Storekeeper. All that will, therefore, be required will be to affix the price* to the several items included in the list. 2. The contractors for meat will be bound to supply beef and mutton, both of the best quality. The mutton not under forty pounds weight per carcase, and beef, on alternate days' exclusive of thin flanks and neck, from the fore and bind quarters alternately. 3. The New South Wales coals to be of approved quality, and supplied from one or other of the undermentioned pits— Lambtou, New Lambton, Waratah, Newcastle, Wallsend, Cooperative. 4. The contractor for the Lunatic Asylums will be required to deliver beef in prime joints, and muttonof the best quality, in fore and hind quarters, at the option of the officer in charge. 5. Contractors will also, when required, supply departments on Sunday morning with the fresh meat necessary for that day's consumption. 6. The ? articles required are to be of the best qnality of their several kinds, and mnst be delivered direct to the several parties or departments requiring them, on the written order of the person dnly authorized for the purpose, and at such times, and in such quantities, as be may express in the order. 7. The samples mnst be forwarded to the Government Store, and contractors will be required to supply goods of equal quality. 8. All ironmongery must be of the qnality determined by the genuine brands of the best makers, as named in the printed form of tender. 9. Articles required for the service of the Northern Territory and Telegraph Department will be included in contracts. 10. In the event of a question arising as to the qnality of the supplies furnished by the Contractor, the Head of the Department, or officer in charge, shall have power to reject such articles as are obviously of an inferior quality and the contractor will be required to furnish better in their stead ; failing which, tho snpply will be obtained elsewhere by the officer or party requiring it, and tbe expense charged to the contractor. 11. Ic the event of any failure of the contractor to snpply the articles when required, they will be otherwise procured, and charged iu like manner. 12. Auy irregularity in tho quality or j quantity of the supplies, or any delay in del?ering or replacing them, when required will, if i repf Bted, subject the contractor, upou the report \ of the officer in charge of the parties or esta- \ blishment, to the loss of his contract, nnd to the enforcement of the penalty of his bond. 13. It will be in tbe power of eitber party, by giving three full calendar months' notice in writing, to terminate the contract at the expiration of that period ; it being understood that I such notice can be given only from the first day cf a month, and within the period for which tho contract is made, or agreed to be made. j 14i The contractor will be required to pre-: I pure his own account monthly, in the prescribed form, and to forward it, supported by the re- ! qufcite vouchers, to the officer receiving the , supplies. : j 15. Tbe vntae of all original packages to be ! included in the prices demanded. 18. No tender will be entertained unless on tie printed forms above mentioned, signed by at j least two solvent partien, engaging to become j sureties for the due fulfilment of the contract 1 and no payments will be made to the persons whose tenders may be accepted until bonds' have been duly executed by themselves or sureties, in such penalties as may be deemed sufficient by tbe Law Officers of the Crown. 17. Tenders to be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Undersecretary, ' On! Public Service,' and marked in the left-hand corner ' Tender for ? , 1879.' 18. Any further particulars can be learned at the Government Store. WILLIAM MORGAN, Chief Secretary. * M Ironmongery ' (or, as the case msy be). . ? 343-8z ; KINGSTON SCHOOL. — QUANTITIES can be had of Thomas Harry, Contractors' and Builders' Association, Penn Chambers. ? 347c BOWDEN AND ALBERTON STATIONS; ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO. —For QUANTITIES apply to Thomas Harry, Contractors ^at.d Builders' Association, Penn Chamber*. 340c CRYSTAL BROOK AND GLADSTONE STATIONS, ADDITIONS TO. — For QUANTITIES apply to Thomas Harry, Contractora and Builders' Association, Penn Chambers. 340c ? - LOBT AJTP gQUgP ? LOST, POCKET-BOOK, containing Threo Notes and Papers, between Adelaide and Hackney. Finder will be liberally rewarded.1 Apply Edward Cook, P. Falk & Co., Gawlerplace, Adelaide. 34750 LOST, a Black SOW PIG. Finder rewarded j ,R. O. Fox, Butcher, Sturt-street. 34750 OUND, at the East -End Market, 'on Thursday morning, a PURSE containing papers and money, also cheque drawn by Hoare Brothers. Owner can have same by calling on J. Hammer, East-End Market. x |7-0UND, CHEQUE on Union Bank, nnder JD £10. Owner can have same hy giving amount, drawer, and in favour of. Apply R. S, Post-Office, Kensington. 346,7 ? COflViSYJjrOKS ? A DELAIDE AND SUBURBAN TRAMWAY Hl. COMPANY, LIMITED. NORTH ADELAIDE LINE. ' TRAMOARS will commence RUNNING on the NORTH ADELAIDE LINE on Tuesday, the 10th December, leaving the CaledouUn Hctel, O'Connell-street, North Adelaide, at I 7.45 a m. and every 15 minutes till 10.30 p.m. ' inclusive, and from the Supreme Court, Victoria-rqnnre, South Adelaide, at 8.15 a.m., and every 15 minutes till 11 p.m. inclusive. j Fare 3d., or 2s. 6d. per dozen. Street tickets 2d., or Is. 6d. per dozen. j Tickets to be had from the conductors on the Cars. JAS. S. SCOTT, Secretary. Temple Chambers, Currie-street, i December 7, 1878. 343c HOUSES. CATTLE. VEHICLB8, &e FOR SALE, stanch BUGGY HORSE, five years old. Well suited for Family Trap. Guxranteed sound.-^Apply 15, Rundle-street ? - a347-50 RARE OPPORTUNITY to PURCHASE - neat TURNOUT.— Pair Ponies (perfectly quiet— Lady can drive them), Phaeton, and Harness. To be seen at the Start Bazaar. ? 3448 FOR SALE, good HORSE. SPRING CART, ind HAB.NESS complete. Apply T. W. Bishop, Butcher, Upper Walkerville. 34450 FOR PRIVATE SALE, by order of Mr. W. B. Rorx3gTEix, Ace of Trumps CoTTCOWARIE, three years ; Trrgeagle FiUy DIGNITY, two years. Both in full work and great health; in Hill's lands at Glenelg. ? A1SO, PLECTRICITY, bl.b-, hy the Barb, now eejoing a spell at Lockleys. 840ct & S. PRICE, Gilbert-place.

HOTELS ASP LIYEBY 8TABLX8 THE BAL4KLAVA HOTEL, UALAKLAVA. GEORGE G.4TB3, Proprietor. Begs to notify to the public that he has taken thr above Hotel. G. G.'s past career is, he feels Assured, a sufficient guarantee that the house will be conducted well— that all liquors will be of the best quality, and that travellers will find good accommodation at his Hotel. GOOD STABLING. 34Smwfe 1-ALAKLAVA HOTEL. H. MARTIN tenders his sincere thanks to the Fanners and Residents and Travelling Public for the very liberal patronage bestowed on him during his short stay in BaUklava, and hopes they Kill be as liberal to his SUCCESSOR, Mr. GEORGE GATES. 345 8 REOJPEINIT^G OFTHH f XCELSIOK DINIKG-ROOBIS, LEIGH-STREET. Tbe Proprietor begs to inform his Friends and the Public that the above Rooms are now open after having undergone alterations and renovation. Open Sundays 0 ajn. to 7 JO pan. This Establishment is conducted in a superior style to any other Restaurant in Adelaide. First-class bill of fare, well-appointed tables, and every attention paid to the wants of customer.'. Banquets. Balls, Suppen, and Wed? riirg Breakfasts catered for in first-class style. -^mwfc D. JACOBY. Manager. ' GREBNSLADE'S Transcontinental Hotel W. C. GREENSLADE (late of Port Wakei field and Gladstone) begs to apprise his many friends, commercial travellers, and the public generally that be has now built and opened a large and commodious Hotel at Quorn, and hopes by strict attention to business that he will continue to receive the patronage that has been so liberally betowed npon him in the past. Unrivalled accommodation. Commercial Rooms. Batb. Billiards. Superior Wines and Spirits. Traps and Horses on Hire. 340o W. 0. GREENSLADE. Proprietor. TERMINUS HOTEL, PORT WAKEFIELD. F. LAKDON, Proprietor (Late Commercial Traveller), Having taken possession of the above wellknown houre, he hopes to receive a visit from Travellers and others to the District, when everything will be done to make them comfort* able. BEST BRANDS OF ALES, WINES, AND SPIRITS ONLY KEPT. GOOD STABLING. BOOKING-OFFICE FOR HILL & CO. | TABLE D'HOTE on Arrival of Coaches. 301mwfcv W1RRABABA HOTEL, ?WIRRABARA. S. STABB, Proprietor, Wishes to inform tbe Farmers and Commercial Travellers that he has taken possession of the stove Hotol, and having made extensive alterations in tte Establishment Visitors will find everything to make them comfortable. Wellventilated Bedrooms, Sitting and Commercial Rooms. Only the best brands of Wines, Ales, and Spirits kept in stock. Stable*, Stock and Sale! One trial will convince Traveller! that above' House is all that can 'a desired. ' Orders by post or telegram promptly afc-i tended to. Horses and Traps on hire. - 196- 13v ; PROYIS'S CLARE EOlfL. Unrivalled Accommodation, Apartments en tuite, Commercial Room', Bath, Billiards, Libnry, Superior Wines and Spirits, kc, &o Trap and Horses for hire. , 327cv C. PKOVIS, Proprietor. BROADWAY HOTEL, NEW OLKNX:r,G. ; MRS. sTT. JONES ; Begs to inform her Friends and tbe Publio generally thit she has taken the above Hotol, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a share of their patronage. The best brands only will be kept. .In connection with the house are Bathroom, Stabling, and every convenience. -N.B. — The Brighton Bus (asses to catch every train. Seaside frequenters will receive every attention. 331CVO O E A S I D E. SEASIDE. SUMMER SEASON 'at'thb SEMAPHORE! JETTY HOTEL, TbU large and commodious Hotel offers superior accommodation, being provided with every necessary and comfort. Billiard Saloon,' Plunge and Shower Baths, and superior Stabling. 304c J. W. HARRIS, Proprietor, j YOUNG QUEEN INN, FREEMANSTREET. ADELAIDE.TENDERS TENDERS are hereby invited and will bo received by the undersigned up to Monday, December 23, at noon, for the GOODWILL of the LEASE and BUSINESS of the YOUNG QUEEN INN. , This lease expires on July 4,' 1887, tho rent being £6 per week till July, 1883, and £7 Ss. per week for tbe balance of the term. The successful tenderer to take StockinTrade, Furniture, kc, kc, appertaining to the Hotel at a valuation price, such valuation to be conducted in tbe usual manner by two licensed appraisers, and possession to be given and taken on or about January 15 next, as may be mutually arranged. Full particulars on application to me at my office, where lease may be inspected. The highest or any Tender sot necessarily accepted. : ARTHUR CHAPMAN, Cowra Buildings, Grenfell-street. ? 338mwfS7v43 : npBNDEB FOR LEASE OF NEW HOTEL. TENDERS will be received by tbe undersigned up to noon of Monday, December 2J. 1878, for a Seven Years' LEASE of the PRINCE ALFRED HOTEL, lipaon-streer, PORT ADELAIDE. Fnll particulars on application at the West End Brewery. Neither the highest nor any tender necessarily accepted. W. K. SIMMS k CO, West End Brewery. ? 34857 FOR SALE, FREEHOLD of I.VGLEWOOD INN aud adjoining Premises, with about r»J Acres of LAND on the Main NorthEistemroad. Two-thirds of purchase-money can remain en mortgage at current rate of interest. Enquire A. H. Beyer, M.U. Hall, Franklinstreet ? 3-7mwfe T-ISING SUN INN. AUBURN. -FOR IX SALE, the LEASE of this well-known and good-paying Hotel, having two yean and five months to run, together with Homes, Traps, Furniture, Effects, and Stock, for lump sum. Possession iu two weeks. For particulars apply to J. E. Bleechmore k Son, Hotel Valuers, &e., Auburn. 3438 HOTEL TO LET, in thriving locality, doing a fair trade. For particulars a: ply to M. J. SOLOMON k C3., 344,5,7,3 Auctioneers, 63, Hindley-street. FOR SALE, an excellent large BOOTH, For particulars apply to Charles Tidemann, Auctioneer and Valuator. 846c EUH8 AHD STOCK 'I70B SALE, 700 good BULLOCKS, three JJ parts Fat, now travelling down the Lacblan, These are a very fin* mob. For further particulars, apply to aifc? G.&H. BENNETT, Oume-street

' SPECIAL NOTICE. 0 ALTERATION OF TERMS, &c. BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN BEXTHAM NEALES. LOT 8-GRESHAM HOTEL. The above Lot will be sold subject only to the lease and rentil, the condition with regard to the annuity being withdrawn. 0 LOT 0 IS WITHDRAWN FROM SALE ALTOGETHER. - 0 ? The terms of payment are also altered, viz., 10 per cent, deposit, 15 per cent, on the 13th March, 1870. the balance to remain on mortgage for five years or any lesa term that the purchaser may elect at the time of sale. Interest at 7 per cent, per annum, the pnrchaser also having the ri^ht to pay off at any time npon pivme^t of six months ' interest. Plans and particulars can be obtained at our Mart. ? O TOWN8ENB, KOTTI.YG, £ CO. _J__S° rT\HE undersigned begs to advise his Customers *K3p and th« Public that on and after MOJXIX4.Y NEXT A MOST COMPLETE CLEARING SALE will commence at his Establishment, No. 30, R U N D L E - S T R E E T. 0 ? The Reductions will not this year bj confined alone to Seasonable Goods. All the Immense Stock held will in a greater or less degree be dealt with, end tbe proprietor mould most positively state that no such BARGAINS in NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS have ever been offered to tte jublic of Adelaide as will be shown on and after Monday, , . the 16th ins'ant. 0 ? JOHN W. PARKIN, 30, RUNDLE-STREET. 43' FOR BBTAILS SEE CIRCULARS. 347*s WAVERLEY V1NEGAB, WORKS WEST-TERRACE, ADELAIDE. P0i\D & €0., Vinegar Makers, Desire to Inform STOREKEEPERS and the PUBLIC in general that their MANUFACTURE is now FREELY ADMITTED to be QUITE EQUAL TO ANY and SUPERIOR TO MOST of the IMPORTED VINEGAR. THEREFORE ENCOURAGE COLONIAL MANUFACTURES, AND ASK FOR POND & CO.'S VINEGAR, AS IT IS MUCH CHEAPER AND ALSO BETTER. TO BE HAD IN QR.-CASKS OR CASES FROM Messrs. 'VVHYTE, COUNSELL, k CO. Messrs. J. 8. SANDERS & CO. ' D. k J. FOWLER. ' J. PRESTON & OO. ' WM. MORGAN k CO. Mr. WM. rUPLETr. kc, kc, &o. 329mwfo ffSBSB PETERS & FULLER. & \ IjJ KRIB-STRBBT (OPPOSITE 8YMB * BISON'S)! rd. i5§3*. JLitSL Respectfully call the attention of their Friendi and fJ jpgSkjpjKP-^ the Public to their Stock of /'V^^T ^^^^^/^A WAGONETTES, ^*-^. 1 r*m*y ? Repairs promptly executed at Moderate Prices! ° RU XDLE-^nRmf^^P^iRlJNDL£-OPPOSITE MR. STEINER'S, JEWELLER,] p FaTTo s FROM £25 UPWARDS, ON EASY TERMS TO SUIT EVERYBODY, IN INSTALMENTS' 12, 18, AND 24 MONTHS. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH, AMERICAN ORGANS By Prince, Smith, and Dominion Co. Als», SUPERIOR and POWERFUL OHTJJ&OH ORGANS, TO BK SOLD VERY CHEAP. ? 0 ? PAPERHANGINGS, a Large Assortment and Latest Designs, ex Inrercauld, at very Low Prices, on account of Large Shipments to arrive. Experienced PAPERHANGERS on tbe shortest notice. 24&tfo CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'SHOLIDAYS. THE PLEASURES OF AN EXCURSION TO THE SEASIDE Are greatly heightened by using tha NEW FOLDING BEACH SEAT. which can be carried THERE AND BACK with ease, it weighing only 4 lb. 3Price lOs. 6d. each. AVAILABLE FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. OBTAINABLE WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL FROM PADMAN & CO, NORTH-TERRACE 3J2^,