South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 18 April 1878, page 6


We are indebted to the editor of the Bunyip for the following report of the laying of the foundation-stone of the new Council Chambers at Gawler, an event of which no intimation was

given to us: — The interesting ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new Town Hall, Gawler, which has been looked forward to for some time by the residents of that town, duly took place on Tuesday afternoon, April 16, in the presence of a large assemblage, not only of the townsmen, but visitors from other localities. Punctually at 4 o'clock His Worship the Mayor (Mr. J. Martin), attended by the mem bers of the Corporation, Messrs. Malcolm, Pimlott, Bright, Dean, Sanderson, and Ferguson, arrived at the platform which had been erected in front of the foundations and in close proximity to the Institute. Among the gentlemen present we observed the Hon. W. Duffield, M.L.C., Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P., some of the exMayors, and most of the public men of Gawler, forming altogether a highly interesting asssemblage. The Gawler band was in attendance and discoursed sweet music. All being ready Mr. J. Rudall, the Town Clerk, stepped forward and stated that he had been requested by a large number of his fellowtownsmen to present to Mr. Jas. Martin the trowel, square, and mallet with which to perform the ceremony. They did so as a mark of the esteem in which he had been held for many years as a public man. As Mayor he had been found upright in his dealings, liberal in his actions, and conscientious in every respect. He looked on him as one of Gawler's worthies, whose name and memory would be respected. With these sentiments he would present him with the tools just named, to perform the ceremony. (Applause.) Mr. Rudall then presented the handsome silver trowel and square and the mallet, which was of ebony and mounted with silver, to His Worship, who on receiving them said the handsome present was quite unexpected, and he was much obliged to the townspeople for it. He was astonished when he heard something of the kind was contemplated, as he fully expected that he would have been compelled to borrow a mallet and trowel from the masons. (Cries of ' No, no,' and laughter.) With such handsome tools as those he ought to be able to perform the work well, and would now proceed to lay the stone. The Mayor then received a sealed bottle con taining copies of the local and metropolitan papers, various coins of the realm, and a document, which was read by Mr. Rudall, aad was as follows : — ' The foundation-stone of this building was laid on Tuesday, April 16, by James Martin, Esq., Mayor of Gawler, in the 41st year of the reign of Her Most Gracious

Majesty Queen Victoria, and the 21st year of the incorporation of the town. Governor— Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, K.C.M.G. ; Administrator of the Government — Samuel James Way, Esq., Chief Justice ; Members of Parliament for the District of Barossa— F. Basedow, Esq., and J. W. Downer, Esq.; Councillors of the Town — John King Sanderson, Jas. Ferguson, Jno. Pimlott, Henry Edward Bright, jun., William Malcolm, and Herbert Dean ; Town Clerk— John Rudall ; Architect— W. H. Abbot ; Builder— J. Peek. The tools used in the ceremonial bore the following inscriptions : — ' Presented to His Worship the Mayor (Jas. Martin, Esq., J.P.) by a number of his fellow-townsmen on the occasion of his laying the foundation-stone of the New Town Hall, Gawler, April l6th, 1878.' His Worship having gone through the ceremony declared the stone to be well and truly laid, and said that the building which would be erected thereon would be an ornament to the town. For a very long time the Corporation of Gawler had felt the necessity of such a structure, and had originally thought of putting up a small place which would contain not merely accommodation for the Council but also rooms which might be let at a rental sufficient to defray the outlay. When it was deemed advisable to have a memorial stone, himself and others thought of asking the Acting-Governor (Mr. Way) to perform the ceremony. A demonstration, such as would have been necessary to effect this object, and the expense attending it was the sole reason why this suggestion had not been carried out. The duty then devolved on him, and it was somewhat significant that he had been seven times Mayor of Gawler, and was called upon to perform the ceremony just as the Corporation had attained its majority. (Applause.) He regretted that Mr. Turner and Mr. Downer were absent, but hoped the latter gentleman would be with them before the close of their meeting. He thought the building of the Council Chamber would prove a profitable speculation, as in less than 20 years the Corporation would be able to pay off the loan for it by applying the rent of the old Council Chamber and of the offices in the building towards it. The Corpoiation would derive a handsome revenue from the basement and upper floors, so that in that time he hoped they would be able to present the building free to the town, which would enable them afterwards to have funds in hand to carry on other improvements. (Applause.) He then called for three cheers for the Queen, which were heartily given, the band, under the leadership of Mr. John Riggs, playing 'God save the Queen.' Cheers were also given for the Mayor, the Councillors, and the members for the district, Mr. F. .Basedew, M.P., being present. The ceremonial over, the company at the invi tation of the Mayor entered the Institute and proceeded to the Hall, where refreshments were provided, and to which all present, among whom were. several ladies, sat down. His Worship presided, and was supported on the right by the Hon. W. Duffield, M.L.C., Mr. Rudall, and Councillors Bright and Dean, and on the left by Mr. Basedow, M.P., Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P., Mr. J. Pile, and Mr. W.H. Abbot, the 'archi-tect The toast of u The Queen' having been drunk with all the honours, ; Councillor Dean, in a neat speech, proposed f'The Governor and Acting-Governor,' which was also well received and drunk with the usual honours. ? Councillor Malcolm, in proposing 'The Ministry,' said that he believed the policy of the present Government was universally endorsed, and its members had been returned, some at the head of the poll and some without opposition. He thought the policy of the Government was one of advancement, and he had always been in favour of what was called the Boucaut policy. The Ministry evidently bad the interests of the colony at heart, and he trusted they would be successful in opening up (he country and carrying out public works, such is roads, bridges, railways, &c He did not believe in the protection of Victoria, having reen too clearly the evils to which that country had been subjected from endeavours to carry it out, and he would rather promulgate a free-trade policy. (Hear, hear.) Ee had strong belief in South Australia md its progress,- and was enabled to say from experience, having visited the neighbouring colonies, that it had all the elements of jreatness in it. Its resources were only in their infancy, and all that was now requisite was the proper men to develop them. He .trusted there would be no factious opposition to the present Government ss it would be impossible to carry . out any reform beneficial to the country if members did not sink private differences and prejudices, and agree to follow one able leader. ? Mr. H. E. Bbioht, M.P-, in responding on behalf of the Ministry, said he regretted no member of it was present to hear the compli-' mentary remarks of the last speaker. He hailed with satisfaction the advent of the present Government to office, as the leaders of the colony were once fast drifting into the unenviable condition of Victorian politicians, and he hoped that political parties wonld not attempt to bring about such a state of things in South Australia. What he most admired in the Ministry : was their intelligence, honour, and integrity, and he believed their desire was to advance the' interest of the country. (Applause.) Some of the measures they had introduced he could not agree with, and others be was utterly opposed to ; still he would not give a factious opposition to any Government, nor ?vould he on the other hand vote against aught 1 vhich would not conduce to the interests of the colonyo (Applause.) He trusted that when -he building the foundation of which had been hat day laid was complete some of the members of the Ministry would be there to respond for themselves. He believed the present Ministry would benefit the country, and trusted their -measures might be such that he rould consistently support them. (Applause.). [ Councillor' H. E. Bbioht, jun., gave ' The Members for the District.' 'He said he believed iheir old member, Mr. Basedow, had always Lroved himself one; who attended to the Wants of the district and oft: service to the fountry at large The other; Mr. J. .Downer, w .s yet untried, but he considered that in returning him they had done a good thing, as if lawyers were necessary in* Parliament, it was advisable to have the bestttf them: (Hear, hear.) He believed Mr. Downer would honestly endeavour to carry out his promise to the electors, while with regard to his colleague he considered bo member possessed the good wishes and esteem of 'his. constituents in a greater degree than he did. (Hear, hear.) He was also glad to see one present who in years past represented Barossa ably and well, but who now occupied a higher place in, another House. . Their worthy Mayor had also ably represented the district in years past. (Applause:) 'He1 then spoke of the absence of Mr. Downer, and while regretting it said he was glad' of the honour which Barossa had conferred on that gentleman by returning him without a contest. (Applause.) ' Mr. Basedow, M.P., rose amid great cheering, md said he was thankful to those who had given him an opportunity of addressing them, especially at this early stage after the elections, rad returned them his sincere thanks for the hononr they had bestowed on him in again returning Mm 'to Parliament. (Mr. Downer here ? entered the room, and was received with loud spplause and great cordiality.) Mr. Basedow cpntinned by stating that when last before them it was as a candidate, but now his position was e-ery different — he was elected as their representative, and all difficulties and troubles were over. (Applause.) If hitherto he had rendered satisfaction he trusted in the future to give inure . On his first entry into Parliament he was merely a political novice, but having made aj proper study of the forms of the House, he now, understood the requirements, of most of the districts of the colony. _ His_ colleague, he was happy to say, agreed with him on most of the leading questions of the day, and though in some matters they had once held contrary views, at present they. were quite united in opinion, and be therefore hoped conjointly they might be able to benefit the town and district. (Hear, hear.) On a previous occasion he was placed in the unfortunate position of having frequently to- record his vote, in direct opposition to his colleague, but heb«heved in so doing he had only acted conscientiously. Iu conclusion, he returned them his sincere thanks, and trusted both Gawler and Barossa would have occasion to feel proud of their members. (Applause.) Mr. J. Downer, M.P., who was received with cheers, proposed 'Prosperity to the Town and Trade of Gawler.' He said he owed a debt of gratitude to the town, as also the District of Barossa, and sincerely thanked his constituents for returning him so handsomely. He was not present to speak of politics or himself, and would therefore confine his remarks to the toast. He thought there was no need to eulogize the town of Gawler, which was now universally known by name and fame as the 'Colonial Athens,' and had every facility for maintaining such a euphonious title. He did not think there was any need for them to resolve themselves into a Mutual Admiration Society that he might tell them how much he admired their town and people, but he could say conseientionsly that he admired Gawler, which by its picturesque situation and characteristics

deserved the title which had been applied to it (Applause.) ! Mr. J. Mitchbix responded to the toast, and stated that it was quite certain that the trade of the Town of Gawler had been fostered and improved to a large j extent by their excellent Chairman. (Applause.) Mr. Martin had on all occasions endeavoured to advance its best interests in a handsome manner, and prosperity had resulted therefrom. The great want there now was the establishment of manufacturing interests, which done, Gawler would not be far behind Adelaide, with which it could now com* pete for machinery, implements, &c. He did not care much for lawyers in the House, bat ho was nevertheless favourable to Mr. Downer, and thought he might do much in his position there. (Applause ) Mr. J. Thobjtley proposed ' The Mayor and Corporation,' and said it was a very excellent tiling that 21 years ago they had become & Corporative body. Since that time the Corporation had done a great deal ; they had made the spot attractive aud well liked by all who ever visited or settled in it (Applause.) The Mayor said that like the rest of those referred to he was compelled to admit that Gawler was one of the prettiest, cleanest, and bast situated towns in South Australia. As a resident be waa proud of ths place, and pleased to hear it well jpoken^ of. Lately some gentlemen had been visiting it from Queensland and the other colonies, and lie had heard nothing from them but eulogistic remarks respecting it (Applause.) Councillor Pisilot proposed the toast of ' The Councillors,' and said that although they received a deal of abuse at times, they still received a fair share of praise. He considered it a good thing they were thus amalgamated, as too much praise would be likely to make things lopsided. (Laughter.) The toasts of - The Architect' (Mr. Abbott) coupled with ' Tho Builder' (Mr. Peek), ' The Ladies,' and 'The Press,' concluded the coremonies.