South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 28 January 1879, page 4


It is generally known that Mr. Monckton Synnot, of Victoria, has for a long time past been engaged in an endeavour to open a market for Australian wool in

China and Japan, and it is also known that thu3 far his praiseworthy and persistent efforts have not been attended with marked success. A letter of his which has recently been published, in which he details the steps taken by him, affords gratifying evidence, however, that the attempt to introduce Australian wool into the East has been not altogether fruitless. Mr. Synnot explains that among the ; inducements which stimulated him to turn ?his earnest attention to this project the ;fact that the American buyers 'had been practically shut out both from the London ; and the local Australian markets by the ?imposition of prohibitive duties in their Wn country' weighed greatly with him. ^Neither directly from the colonies nor ^indirectly by way of the London 'markets can the Americans venture mpen the importation of Australian fwcol. Thus a large and profitible market has been closed, and in view of |the large increase in the production of (this staple article in the colonies it ^becomes the more urgent to seek another ;field for its absorption. And, a3 Mr. rSynnot very justly points out, the two [countries referred to above are the most likely to require or receive Australian jwool. 'Both have only recently been opened to foreigners for the first time in ^their histories; in both the winter is extremely rigorous, manual labour of small value, and the natives for unknown centuries have been skilful weavers of textile fabrics. Every circumstance seems to point to our Asiatic neighbours as the right people in the right place to jease us of our superabundant commodity.' But it was felt that the raw material Would command no sale, while on the father hand the Chinese would be thoroughly acquainted with the use of yarn. I Acting in pursuance of these convictions, and after having made full enquiries of merchants in Shanghai, Mr. Synnot sent away 620 lb. of yarns upon bobbins. At first it appeared likely that this experiment would result in failure, but after much disheartening delay and many unsatisfactory letters from his correspondents in Shanghai he received from Ning-po — a large town in the province of Chekiang — which latter contains a population of nearly thirty-one millions, according to a census taken in 1842 — a sample ' of the first piece of cloth ever made in China, 22 feet long by 18 inches wide, which was pronounced by experts, both manufacturers and softgoods men, to be a firatclass article for rough wear.' This piece, which was made out of only one pound of woollen yam, is unfortunately the only piece that has been produced in that thickly populated province, and no more yarn has been made up in Chekiang. Notwithstanding this check Mr. Synnot persevered in his endeavours. Passing over the intermediate steps it may be stated that by the last mail he received from Messrs. Olyphant & Co., of Shanghai, ' six sample pieces of all wool cloth spun from his yarns, each piece being about a yard long and of the width most liked by the Chinese.' These samples Mr. Synnot intends distributing shortly among the several colonies for public inspection. The Japanese appear to have entered into the spirit of the enterprise more thoroughly than the Chinese, but their love for novelty is unfortunately not accompanied with perseverance, and it ia feared that their latest movement will share the fate of many others, which have been relinquished as hastily as they have been taken up. More ambitious than the Chinese, they have determined to work up the raw material, and ' have established an agency in Melbourne, where several hundred bales of this season's clip are now awaiting the arrival of a ship chartered to take them to Yokohama.' Apart from the want of steadfastness of purpose, which is characteristic of the Japanese, it is not unreasonably pointed out that the establishment of such an industry among people to whom it iB entirely new will be, if not

impossible, attended with very great difficulties. Nor in any case arc tho Japanese likely to prove as good customers as the Chinese, inasmuch as they will use only good Merino wool, whereas the latter ' would relieve us of the lower sorts of wool, which invariably suffer most in a depressed state of trade in Europe.' Again, Mr. Synnot emphasizes the circumstance that with the exception of rice the Japanese export nothing consumed in these colonies. Nevertheless it is satisfactory to find that tho Japanese are making an attempt to introduce a new industry which, if s\iccessful, will prove of benefit to Australia. Although the Chinese have apparently given no further thought to the expejlment so successfully made, it is a gat point to have established the fact tha^Wj Celestial weavers are able to utilize colonial yarn?. The principal difficulty tiat has now to be overcome is their indifference on the subject, and this it is clear can only be effected by presenting to them strong inducements to take up the project It would appear from a letter written by Mi .f-rx OI3 phant & Co. that tho Chinese ?« ith whom that firm has placed itself in communication are holding back from the proprscd enterprise on account of a want of confidence in the results. They are willing ' to order small quantities of yarn at lirst so as to start the trade, if they can be supplied at a figure 'which will show any profit.' But it is imperatively ncees-nry that the yarns should be cheap, and moreover they must not bo coarse, 'as the native machines cannot work them.' These therefore are the preliminary difficulties, and Messrs. Olyphant and Co. furnish some £gure3 as to the cost of making up the yarns intu cloth, which may enable Australian producers to jud^e if thoy can be met in a profitable manner. The amount of woollen yarn used up in the samples forwarded by them is about 2$ lb. and tbc iquivalent in the cost of making is reckoned at Is. 3d. The piece of ten yards thus manufactured is saleable at about 5s., wliich is the highest price, and there is consequently left the sum of 3s. Od. to 'cover laying down, cost of 2\ lb., of yarn, manufacturers' profit, agents' commissions, and expenses.' It, therefore becomes of importance to know what is the lowest rate at which yarn can be supplied, and on this point Mr. Synnot is unable to afford information. The yarns exported by him, he states, were of the best quality and brightest colours obtainable. He considers, however, that ' if the Cliinese will take plain yarn in grease, end dye to suit their own fancy, there is no doubt they can bo supplied from Melbourne at a pvice which would establish the trade ard leave a small margin of profit furnishing at tho same time profitable employment to many extra hands in the woollen mill?.' These, however, are questions which must bo left to experts oud. manufacturers to decide among themselves. But it is evident that the attempt i3 very well worth making, and if successful will prove of great value to the colonies. It is not to be expected that the trade wi'l be established rapidly, and it appears that very large profits are not to be counted upon. But when the immense population of the Chinese Empire is taken into consideration it is clear that the opening out of commerce with that country would not only in the end largely benefit a staple industry of Australia, but would lead to a reciprocal trade to the advantage of both countries. The Loan Fund. — We publish to-day another ' letter from our correspondent ' Investigator' on the state of the Loan Fund. We are always glad to welcome contributions on public matters; and it is greatly to be regretted that more general interest is not taken in the financial position of the country. We should have been willingtoallowtheletterof ' Investigator' to bpeak for itself but for the circumstance that the writer is evidently under a misapprehension in two or three respects. Thus we confess we do not understand by what arithmetical process the sura of £141,733 can be made to represent the difference in the amount realized by tno sale of .£1,1 75, ICO worth of bonds at £t»5 and by their Ealo at £88 3s. 8d. Again, as to the net proceeds of the recent sales, wo gave the figures supplied to us from the Treasury with, as we understand, commission and every other charge deducted. As to the present position of tho Lopn Fund we believe our correspondent's conclusions proceed upon false premises. It must ba remembered that though ?here is uo Consolidated Fund the money raised by loan is trrated as though t belonged to such a fund. Tho actual balance after tho recent sales was, as wo stated the other day, £04.8,1 «8, to which must be added the proceeds of tho £135,700 worth of bonds when they are disposed of. ' Investigator' regards itas a difficulty that the greater part of this amount is already allocated to particular public works, and he wishes to know what is to be dene during the current quarter. If he refers to the Auditor-General's accounts, say for the last two or three years, or fcr a longer period, he will find the amounts are almost always advanced in anticipation of a further issue of bonds. The second difficulty is that the balance in liand will only last about six or seven months at the present rate of expenditure. At any rate, before that period has elapsed Parliament will be in cession, and the Treasurer will be called upon to explain the financial position. But there is another view of the matter which should n'jt be overlooked. For the 'whole of the finar-ciaT year 187G-7 the expenditure out of loan money by the Colton Government was Us? than the balance remaining after tho recent sale of bonds. At the worst, therefore, if no advatcs could be obtained from the Banks and no more bonds were sold during 1879, the Government would only have to go back to the rate of outlay adopted two years a^o by what claimed to be pre-eminently ' the Ministry of action.' We admit that the ' depreciation of our bonds is a moit serious matter ; hut it serves no good purpose to conjure up imaginary difficulties and to parade them as though they were substantial realities. This, it seems to us, 'Investigator' seems rather inclined to do. ? The Oveklaso Telboeape. — Communication was interrupted on the Fort Darwin line beyond Powell's Creek for a time on Monday, but it was in working order again shortly ?ltd 8 o'ekek ia the evening.

The Ekgueu Maiis.— For tie third or fourth lime lately the incoming and outgoing English mail steamers have met at Glenelg— such being the case on Monday, when the Tanjore, the outward steamer, and the Stam, the inward one, ?wtre anchored et Glenelg together. The Tan jore arrived from Melbourne about 9 o'clock in the nct-rning; after a good passage, and remained till after 7 o'clock in the evening. A few passengers for Adelaide landed, and during the stoppage of the steamer, which lasted several tonrg. many of the passengers for ports beyond availed themselves of the opportunity to visit the city and tuburls. The Siam arrived at about 6 p.m., after a longer passage than usual lately, owing, it is said, to tbe substitution of a new propeller tor the one she has carried for some time, and also to head winds. Her passage this month occupied about IG£ days as against about 13 days, the time occupied by her in accomplishing the run in Angus!; last. There were about; half a dozen passengers for Adelaide and 4S0 packages of cargo. The Fiam left for Melbourne shortly after midnight. The Siam arrived too late to allow of correspondence being answered by tho otitgoing steamer. Lobd Haekis's Team: is Stdxzy. — The Englishmen scored 217 iu their second inniuga against the Sydney Eleven on Monday. All ihs fcatemen with the exceptiouofSchuItz and Hone got into doublo Sgures, but Boyle's 20 w-a th-highest score. The Sydney team iu their »ecocd innings scored 83 with two wickets down. Murdoch and Massie being not out with 43 and 13_respectively. The tnakh will be played on this morning, and 33 the local men have 140 t j^t to win the game should be an interesting one. The GixNEta Institute. — Iu accordance with a notice convening the first animal meeting of subscribers to the Glenelj: Institute a number of gentlemen assembled in the Librarian's room on Monday night, but as the balance-sheet had not been audited as required by the rules of the Institute — the auditors having been unavoidably prevented from auditing the accounts iu time for the meeting — the meeting was formally adjourned f-r a. fortnight. GiiATiFrisf! Reception. — Amouj the pss Kengers by the mail steamer Siam was Mr. A. 7J. Simpson, of the arm of Simpson & Sou, iron and tinplatti workers, and his wife. On their arrival at Glenelg they were met by a deputa tion from the workmen of the esHblishment anil presented with an address, expressed in very biDd terms, welcoming them back agnin to the colony. MoresT Gavbieb akd Kivoli Bat Railway. — The Commissioner of Public Works has made arrangements with the contractors for this rail way to conduct the goods traffic between Milli cent and Kivcli Bay from February 3 until the completion of the line to Mount Gambier. Port Pirtr 'Wharf Gompant.— The last divi dend of this Company was 4s. Gd. per share and was paid on November 20 last, instead of January 10, as stated in our dividend list. FoiirtEiiT. — Frank Argle?, a young man, was brought before Mr. Beddome at the Police Court on Monday, January 27, on five different charges of forgery, and he was committed for trial at tbe Supreme Court on all of them. IirrmroiKa Tasmasias Competitors. — The intending competitors for the Taimanian meetings are beginning to take their departure, and there is every pnnpect of both meetings being well pr.tronised by Victorians (says the 'Wizard3 in the Times). On the 15th icst. Mr. Lloyd and his trainer Hijinbotham left for Hobsrt Town by the s^cimer Tamar, and have arrived «ifcly at their destination. Along with them were the racehorse* Swiveller and Kigbtmirc, who were landed in first-rate condition. U.S. Minstrels.— The U.S. Minstrels will appear at the Town Hall, Port Adelaide, this evening, and also to-morrow evening. Accident at the Meadows.— A son oF Mr O. W. Pearce fell down a sawpit at the Meadows on Friday evening. January 2-1, and tuiataiued a fracture of tbe left arm, bc3idei lirnises about the head. He was attended by Dr. Curtis, of Clarendon. Driix is PtJSLic Schools.— By the mail ?which left on Monday the Miuistar of Education dispatched an order to the Imperial War O3ice for 5C0 Snider carbine* which have been con demned as unfit for service for the use of boys learning drill in the public schools. The car bines are serviceable in every respect except that of actual loading, and consequently will be a great aid in affording a knowledge of the handling of the weapon to our growing youth. The cost of the carbines is very trifling. Training Coubse at Mobpkbttvillh. — For Fome time the training track ou the Jockey Clcb's racecourse at Morpbettville has been very haul, so that it was impossible for any fast work to be done upon it. We are glad to find that the Committee have taken action in the matter, and have now a number of men at work picking it up and otherwise softening it, and putting down tan, which will servo to keep it open and make it an excellent place fora spin. We expect sko.'tly to see a good deal of work done on the course. Tub Lady Diana. — The Lady Diana was dis patched on Monday, January 27, with stores for Capes Borda and Willoughby Lighthouses. ? White's Rooms. — Probably owing to the oppressive state of the weather there was not a large attendance at the Wheeler entertainment on Monday evening. The performance, however, passed off with its usual success. Fibe in Pirie-stebbt.— A small fire occurred at Messrs. Hill k Co.'s sUbles in Pirie-street at about 10 o'clock on Monday night, but owing to the prompt Rction of the policeman on duty in tbe street it was put out without any serious damage being done. Fatal Accidhxt.— A fatal accident occurred in Hanson-3treet at about (i o'clock on Monday eveuiug. A little boy five yeara of age, named James Fulljanics, son of James Fulljames, with two others, was riding on the step of either the Glen Osmond or South-terrace omnibus — it is cot certain which, as both were passing at the time. Opposite the Persevaraace Hotel he jumped off, and wrs knocked down by one of Bkkford's vans which was coming behiud and the wheel passed over his head. The poor little ft-llow was at once picked up and taken to tbe Hospital by Mr. W.Townsand, M.P.,but he died on reaching the gates of that institution. The tlriver of the van stopped his horse directly after the accident and offered to remove tlie toy to the Hospital ar.d wanted to go for the police liinisvlf, but as bis services were notreqnired he drove on. An ic quest will be held at 11 o'clock this morning, at the Destitute Asylum. Articles on the Colosihs.— In illustration of the growing interest taken in the colonies at home it may be mentioned that the London Globe lias published a series of articles descrip tive of the rise and progress of the Australian provinces. The articles are written by tbe different Agents-General, that on South Aus tralia beiBg from the pen of Sir Arthur Blyth, K.C.M.G. The European Stall gives the follow ing summary of the paper : — ' He points out that the colony was founded in the year 1S36, and that it stretches across the whole continent from ocean to ece»n, a length of 1,800 miles, the total area comprising 914,730 square miles, or 565,427,200 acres. In so large a country a great variety of soil is of course to be found. There are magnificent plains of agricultural land, and there are, of course, some large tracts of very poor and sandy country ; bat in these the grand mineral wealth of 'the province has been found, and tens of thousands of acres in the ^central portion of South Australia have been tkften up for pastoral occupation which fer mAy years it was supposed could never be turned to profitable account. To an emigrant desirous 'of selecting the best colony in Aus tralia South Australia, he adds, presents in the first place very great advantages by paying the whole expense attendant upon the emigrant's getting there. He then goes on to show the principle that South Australians act on is that population in a new country is wealth, and that a certain proportion of the fund arising from the sale of land should be spent in bringing out from the mother-country some portion of her redundant population. Fortunately for South Australia she has not pursued wealth as the only thing to be attended to, and Sir Arthur points out that her educational system is excel lent; and as one result of his paper he hopes to get a lot of honest hardworking men and women to go to a land where he himself has resided for thirty-eight years.' The late Bishop of Melbourne.— The Euro jtan Mail states that ' the Right Rev. Charles Ferry, D.D., for many yean Bishop of Mel bourne, has accepted the canonry in Uindaff Caii«di»!-atttedby the Dean of Peterborough.'

H.M.3. Daxae. — This vessel was very prettily decorated oa Monday in honour of the presence of some guests from the shore for whom a *p*.eial day of visiting had been arranged. The voop was housed ia with flags cf all nations, acd a very handsome device was worked out ?with the cutlasses ou an immense copper shield. Tbe ship from stem to stern was in beaatifol trim. The Gawler Tramway.— A correspondent uttler Monday's date writes as follows : — ' This Gevercment undertaking, which, like Lord Dundreary's conundrum, appears to be 'a thing no fellow can understand,' is at length com pleted, but remains a source of much mystery to the Gawler people, as no one from the Mayor, local editor, or Town Councillor down to the contractor knows when it is to be opened. The line has been a subject of much coaifort to the grumblers of Gawler, and seems to have been destined from its beginning to its finish to cause dissatisfaction in some quarter or other, but all the grounds of complaint seem now to have merged into one great cause for dis pleasure in the way the crown of Murray-street has been cut up and left. The tramline starts from between the Gawler goods shed and the pas-enger station along the road post the Criterion Hotel ; then takes a tarn on to the main thoroughfare to Gawler east of the junction with the Adelaide-road and crosses the South Para Bridge, which by- the- way is pro nonnced to be too weak to bear the traffic. The line after crossing the bridge turns noith ward, with a good curve up the 'centre of Murray-street and finishes nearly opposite McKinlay's Monument. There is a siding at this poiiit to Dawson's mill, and it has been proposed to have sidings to some of the larger business places of Gawler, but the Corporation are disposed to question the propriety of such a proceeding, as sidings might seriously interfere with the general traffic. The line runs to earth ou the market allotment, where the erection of a gcods shed is contemplated. Out of this arises another casus belli,' &a the Council and citizens are up in arms for their rights to this same market allotment, which it is understood the Government intend to monopolize on the principle that mi^ht makes right. The tram line is the same gauge as the railway, and has a siding at the Gawier Station for paeien^er cars, which it is believed will be similar to those in use on the Norwood and Kensington line with the exception of the wheel?. The line will certainly be a boon as regards the passenger traffic, but its utility for the conveyance of goods heavy and light remains ♦a be proved, as for some tradesmen the distance to send for their merchandise when conveyed to the goods shed will be almost as far as they have to go now in getting it from the station to their warehouses. The tariff, of course, is likely to be less by the line, which is one [con sideration in its favour. IJnlcss the crown of Murray-street is restored to its formerly solid, complete state the Gawler people will have a fruitful source of discontent. In laying down the line the original hard ironstone metal was picked up and the track relaid with the under stnff, which is now in a state of powdered du9t ?onie six inches deep in the centre of the road way and a serious discomfort not only to passen gers using the thoroughfare but to the residents in the street, as the dust is dreadful. Mr. H. Mortimer, the local liverystablekeeper, has obtained the contract for running the tramway, and is making steady efforts to get everything in complete readiness. Although some of the more hopeful of the Gawlerites expected the tramway to be opened oa Monday afternoon, that long-looked-for and much-delayed event did not take place ; but a few trucks will be run over the line on Tuesday, and the formal ceremony will take place probably next week. Everything — apathy, accident, and awkwardness — appears to have delayed the line. The Go vernment have been slow in the first instance, so say the townspeople; then they ' jumped' the market allotment and roused the resistance of the Corporation, of whose repeated appeals no notice seems to have been taken ; and now the bridge over which the line goes is believed to be nnsafe for heavy truck traffic. When all the causes of dissatisfaction are removed no doubt the line will be found a benefit to a consider able extent. Tbe horses provided by the con tractor, Mr. H. Mortimer, for haulage, are fine powerful animals, and the cars for p-ssenger accommodation, which by-the-way are still in Adelaide, are light, handsome, and comfortable. At the formal opening, which is still in the vague future, the Governor will probably be invited to attend.' Rrvoo Bay Jetty. — Subjoined we give the Marine Board's views on the Rivoli Bay Jetty — *? The Marino Board having recently visited Rivoli Bay, recommended that the jetty* should not be carried out to a greater distance than lay 2,500 feet, and that it should be carried out iu a southerly direction for say 200 feet from a point which must be fixed by the engineer? ; that the present width (10 feet) should be doubled until the curve was commenced and that such carved portion (where steamships would lie) should be, say 25 feet wide; that the landing-steps should be on the eastern side of the jetty instead of where it appeared by the plan that they were to be erected, viz., the western side ; that a handrail should be provided for at least one side of the jetty. The Board also ventured au opinion that the bolts, spikes, ic, which were being used in the construction of the Rivoli Bay and Kingston Piers were far too slight. There were no landing-stages. The Board pre sumed that the * tnrn-outs' provided for shunt ing purposes had given rise to that error on the part of the members of the deputation. If the jetty were widened as suggested, 'turn-outs1 would cot be required. The attention of the Board, whilst at Kingston, was directed to a practice of first' jumping' and then blasting holes in the rock for tbe receptiou of piles. Ic was doubtless a matter for the Engineer to decide but it appeared to the Board that the piles could not thus be so firmly embedded as if they were screwed iato solid ground. The Board regretted that that was the first time that an opportunity had been given for reporting on that important public work.^* PUKSBTTKRIAN CHURCH, PORT ADELAIDE.— At the annual meeting of this church, over which Professor Davidson recently presided, it was «een that the number of members remained about the same as in theprevious year. Special reference was made to the lamented decease of the Rev. P. MacLaren, and the congregation were urged to work harmoniously and earnestly together for the purpose of obtaining a suitable successor. The Building Committee had decided taking no further action pending the settlement of a minister. Tne Sunday-school at the Port and the branch at the Sema phore were flourishing. The following committee of management were appointed: — Captain R. H. Ferguson, S.M., Dr. Macintosh, Messrs. D. Mclnnes, J. Mitchell. D. Bromi, McColl. Matthews, Beattie. R. W. Thompson, H. Mitchell, Robertson, and Croy. It was re solved that the use of the walls should be given for the erection of a tablet to the memory of the late pastor. The names of the Rev. D McCalman aud Knox were favourably mentioned in connection with the appointment of a succes sor, but it was decided to adjourn further di j cussien until the receipt of information ex pected by the Englbh mail in March. Thb Whbblkr Family.— This popular troupe gave their entertaining performances at White's Room on Saturday evening to a large audieuce, and they opened for a second week on Monday evening. Marimb Board Enquiry.— The Marine Bovd enquiry into the boiler accident which recently occurred on board the Royal Shepheid will take place at Port Adelaide at 11 o'clock tha morning. The Thsatbb Royal. — The patrons of the Royal will be glad to kaow that Mr. Allison has made arrangements to opes on February 15 with an English Opera Company. AcciDHirr at Stbathalbys.— On Sunday, January 26, a little boy named Hyatt, some ten yean of age, got on the top of a passenger truck at Strathalbyn and tried the feat of jumping to the ground, but in doing ao he fractured the large bone of one of his legs. The limb was quickly set by Dr. Bine. Ab*oh at Lxfbvbb'8 PKnxffCLA. — A labourer Darned John Pratt was arrested by Detective Hampton at Lefevre's Peninsula on Monday, January 27, charged with wilfully setting a tent on fire belonging to Messrs. Davies and Wishart. This firm are contractors for laying the gaapipes for lighting ap the Port Greek at night, and have some men employed in the work, of whom the prisoner was one. The em ployes slept in the tent in question, and on the Monday morning prisoner was discharged because of his quarrelsome behaviour. He there upon made a threat to set fire to the tent, but it was disregarded, and he was left in the teat. The next thing observed was the tent on fire, and prisoner running away into the bush. The tent and all its contents, including clothes and money, were destroyed, but prisoner was soon apprehended. He will be brought before tbe Police Magistrate ftt Fort Adelaide this morn ing.

GOVERNMENT TENDERS. — At the Engineer-in-Chiefs Office on Monday one tender was received for making additions aud alterations to Riverton refreshment rooms, viz., that of A. Munro, Kapunda. Tenders were opened for the supply of 1,000 gallons of olive oil and 1,000 gallons of refined col^a oil— the former for lubricating and the latter for illuminating purposes. A. G. Lea was the lowest tenderer. Mr. Fountain's price was lowest for fencing posts, straining posts, and struts for the Port Wakefield and Blyth Railway, but his tender does not appear to have covered all the material required. At the Hydraulic Engineer's Office six tenders were received fcr covering the 42-inch main at the Weir. This work being done at schedule rates it will not be possible to ascertain whose tender is actually io wesS nutil the rates have been moneyed out in connection with the estimated quantities. Mb. Abthcb Jakvis.— Respecting this well kcown cricketer we are informed by Dr. Rees that he baa been suffering during the past ten dajs from inflammation of the lungs, but he is projrfssinj favourably under that gentleman's care. It will, however, be some time before he can reappear on the Oval. Pbsissclab asd Obiestal Steam Naviga tion CoiirAST. — At the annual meeting of this Company held in London, in December, the Chairman (Mr. W. Face de Salis) in moving the adoption of the report, which was carried, re ferred to the approaching termination of the Australian contract in the following terms : — 'Thtir Australian contract terminated in February, I860, and tenders were invited for its renewal. The faithful and efficient manuer in which tk«s existing contract had been perform' d warranted him in telling them— and he did so with some comideuce — that be felt assured that the lorg connection, extending over fourteen years, which had subsisted between them and the Australian colonies would net be dissolved.' The Coffer Makket is Losdox.— From the 3Iining Journal of December 14 we quote the fol owing : — ' In the absence of demand the market has assumed a very quiet appearance, and in order to effect sales sellers have found it neces sary to submit to lower prices. The decline has been to the extent of about 20s. per ton both in wrought and unwrought, but tbe reduction at present has not succeeded in causing any im provement, and probably lower prices wiUhave to be taken before an increased amount of business can be obtained. The market of course has been seriously affected by the wretched Bank failures and the prevailing feeling of un easiness about the position of other Banks and merchants generally, and while this feeling of distrust continues there is not much prospect of a change for the better. The fall in the Indian rate of exchange and the disinclination on the part of the Indian Banks to extend business is also another reason for the quietude of our market. Quotations must now be considered nominal, as sales can only be made of very limited quantities. At the same time prices are brought down to that extremely low point that sellers are driven to accept them from sheer necessity and not on account of any profit they leave. On the contrary, they return positive losses, hence the reluctance to sell at them ; but as no better can at the moment be realized they are taken merely for the sake of doing some thing. It is a deplorable state of affairs when things reach this pitch, but we hope that the patience of sellers will be duly rewarded. The Directors of the great Wallaroo Company a few weeks ago found it necessary to close one of their principal workings for the simple reason that the imports into England were unremunera tive and entailed many vexations disappoint ments at the auctions. Within the past fort night come very important movements have taken place which will rule the whole of the copper trade and its various branches through out the country until the early spriog. The result of poblic sales wonld appear to place Wallaroo at £67 16s. 9d. per ton. Deer Brothers' ingots have been placed at £63 153.;Borra ingots and plates have been withdrawn at £65 10s., a material advance on that quotation being demanded. The stocks at the commencment of tbe present year were: — Ib England 30,031 toes, in France 8,917 tons — making a grand total of S8.S4S tons. AVout 3,000 tons of Corocoro Barilla, in Havre, have been sold to the French smelters. The market in London is quiet; g o.b. Chili bars are quoted at £58 10s. spot. Messrs. James & Shakespenr, of Liverpool and London, offered some 573 toes of Wallaroo copper in cakes, and the prices raDged from £C6 2s. 6-1. to £68 1C3. per ton.'' Shitjiasters' Society.— A largely attended meeting of shipmasters at Port Adelaide on Monday night, January 27, decided to form a branch here of the Shipmasters' Society, whose head office is at London, and the objects of which are to promote the combined interests of shipmasters and shipowners. Speeches were made by Captains Angeil, Barrett, Mitchell, and Nicholson, and Mr. J. E. Dempster, J.F. Balaklava. — A correspondent in this locality sends the following items of news, dated January 27: — 'It is fearfully hot and dpsty, and the thermometer registered 108* inside the house to-day. Fires are burning in every direc tion. Water is getting very scarce and miny of the tanks here have been empty for a con siderable time. Our police-trooper has bad plenty of work since he was stationed here, and several cases of assault: and fighting through drunkenness have been brought before our Local Court and summarily dealt with.' Shipment of valuable cattle to Aus-tralia.— We learn from the Home News of December 20 that the Cambrian Prince sailed from London for Melbourne a few days ago, and took out the first portion of the valuable col lection of fashionable Bates shorthorns which Mr. William McCulloch has made in this country during the past sale season, and which amounts to over forty altogether. Mr. McCulloch attended the sales of Mr. E. Bowly, Lord Penrhyn, Mr. Larking, Mr. T. Holford, Mr. G. Fox, Mr. T. Wilson, and the Duke of Devonshire, buying largely whenever animals with good pedigrees were found with grand forms and robust constitutions, and the result is that a superb lot of cattle has been brought together. The highest-priced one is Grand Duchess of Oxford 22nd, by Baron Oxford 4 th, the cow which Mr. McCulIoch purchased at Holker in September for 2.1C0 guineas, but she has since calved a heifer calf to 5th Duke of Wetherby, so that two females of this valuable family are destined for Vic-toria, and an Oxford bull was bought at Mr. Wilson's sale to accompany them. These are, however, reserved for a later ship ment, those sent off being nine, namely, two Red Roses, three Countesses, two Gazelles, a heifer of the Cowslip family, and the high-class young bull Fusilier, by 3rd Duke of Hillliurst, dam Fuchsia's Duchess. Gazelle 26th, by 2nd Duke of Tregunter, who has gone out in the Cambrian Prince, has been called 'a pattern shorthorn cow' by not a few good judges. She cost 425 guineas at Mr. Larking's sale, and her daughter, Lady Gazelle, by 3rd Duke of Hill hu.-3t, who was bought at three months old on the same occasion for 150 guineas, bids fair to eqnal if not surpass her dam. The two Red Roses which have gone out cost at Mr. G. Fox's sale 300 guineas and 225 guineas respectively, and one of them — Duchess 20th — was bred in Kentucky, and imported by Mr. Fox. Thus, after crossing the Atlantic, she now takes another voyage to the antipodes.' Death of Rht. J. and Mas. Egglrstoj*. — The Aiyva of January 21 writes :— ' We regret to announce the death of the Rev. John Egglej ton, Weslejan minister, of Brighton. This event occurred yesterday at 3 p.m. The rev. gentleman was in bis usual health until Wednes day morning, when about 5 ajn. he was seized with congestion of the brain, which produced unconsciousness, from which he never rallied. Mr. Eggleston was one of the oldest ministers of the Wesleyan Church in these colonies. His first sphere of labour was Tasmania, in 1639, and from there he proceeded to South Australia, where he remained for abor.'c three years. Sub sequently he returned to Tasmania, and from thence he was removed to New South Wales. For the last fifteen years he has resided in this colony. Mr. Eggleston was one of the most able andsucceatful ministers of the Wesleyan Church, and few men of any denomination stood higher in the public esteem than he. His sadden death will be a great shock to his very numerous friends throughout Australia.9 A telegram in another column announces that Mra. Eggleston died on Sunday — three days after the death of her husband.