South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 30 May 1879, page 4


Thubsdat, May 29.]

In the Legislative Uouncil— The members met at noon, when the proclamation calling Parliament together was read. Mr. Justice Boocaut was announced, and shortly ?affor nrtonori Porlia mortf infnrmincr i\\A C!rtllt!f*llT

that His Excellency the Governor would Rive his reasons for callinR them together at 2 o'clock. Sir H. Avers was elected Deputy-President, on the motion of the Chief Secbetaut, seconded by the Hon. A. Hay. The Council then adjourned till a quarter to 2 o'clock, when the Dei. uty- President was presented to the Governor at Government House. His Excellency at 2 o'clock attendeil at the Council Chamber, and, the Speaker and members of the Assembly having been summoned, read the opening speech. The Deputy-President called attention to a proclamation in the fi'ivc-nmcnt Gazette of the ro3'al assenthaving been civen to the Marine Board Act Amendment Act of last session, which the Governor had reserved for Her Majesty's pleasure. A message was received from the Governor, enclosing copy of a rule concerning the time and practice of holding Court3 of Oyer and Terminer and gaol delivery. On the motion of the Chief Secretary a Select Committee was elected by ballot to bring up the addiees in reply to the opening speech, the Com' roittee to report on Tuesday next The members chosen were MeBsrs. Campbell, Fisher, Sandover, Scott, and Morgan. . . Papers were laid on the table. The Council adjourned at five minutes to 3 till the following Tuesday. In the House of Assembly— The House met at 12 o'clock, in accordance with the proclamation of His Excellency the Governor, and the Clebk read the proclamation. A summons being received, the Speaker and members proceeded to the Legislative Council Chamber, where the commission issued to Mr. Justice Boucaut to do all things necessary for the opening of Parliament was read, and the membera were informed that Bis Excellency would in person declare his reasons for calling Parliament together. The members returned to their own Chamber, and the sitting was suspended until 2 o'clock. The House resumed at 2 o'clock, and shortly afterwards the members were again summoned to ihe Legislative Council Chamber, where the Goveesob read his opening speech. The members then returned to the Assembly Chamber. The Speakee reported the resignation of Mr. Neville Blyth as member for North Adelaide, and the election of Mr. Caleb Peacock in his place. Mr. Peacock then took the oaths and his seat The Speakxb called attention to a proclamation of His Excellency the Governor, notifying that the assent of the Queen had been fdven to the Marine Board Amendment Act. A cumber of petitions were presented. It was resolved that the House at its rising adjourn until Tuesday, at £ o'clock. It was stated, in reply to ifjestions, that steps had leen taken to ?ive men oat of employment work near Adelaide at breaking stones, at fair rate of remuneration, be: a little beio-n- the market rate of wzge?; that the Brands Act did not come into force uuiil six months after its proclamation so far as related to the branding of cattle and horses,* that the waybill part was, however, in force, but instructions had been given net to interfere with people who travelled cattle a greater distance than twenty miles instead of fire, as stated in the

Act; that there were 330 Chinamen employed at the relief works at Fannie Bay, in the Northern Territory ; that on the 25th May instructions were given to the Architect-in-Chief to push on the building of the Camphelltotro School, the difficulties as to the title for the site haviEK only been settled the previous day ; and that no piece of land Euitable for a new cemetery for Adelaide had yet been found. Various sessional Committees were appointed. The Speaker having read the Governor's Speech to the members, a Committee consisting of Messrs. Peacock, Magarey, Fraser, Stokes, and Mann was appointed to prepare an Address in Reply. The House, at twenty minutes to 4, adjourned until Tuesday next