South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 24 March 1879, page 2


The Adelaide University.

The tender ef Messrs. Brown & Thompson has been accepted by the Council of the Uni-versity for the erection of the new University Buildings, the amount being £24,730.

As one of the results of its recent exami-nations the Adelaide University is now in a position to confer its first degree of B.A. The fortunate winner of this honour, Mr. T. Ainslie Caterer, a South Australian born, is the eldest son of Mr. Caterer, Principal of the Norwood Grammar School. Mr. T. A. Caterer was one of the first to enrol himself as a student in the University Asso-ciation, and under its auspices gained the first prize for classics in 1875. He matriculated with the first batch of students in 1875, and having successfully passed the various examinations prescribed for the B.A. course, has gained the distinction of being the pioneer graduate of the Adelaide University. The following are the results of the supplementary ordinary examination, March, 1879.— Second Year— The undermentioned students passed in Classics :— Henderson, James; Mack, H. H. Third Year—The undermentioned student passed in Mental and Moral Philosophy:— Caterer, T. A The following are the names of the candi-dates who have passed the Matriculation Ei aminations : — First Class (in order of merit). Cooke, William Ernest, 1, 5. Beninga, Carl Lantizins, 2, 6. Norman, William, 2. Lehmann, August, 2. Secohd Clash (in alphabetical order), Cox, Charles Baxter. Eipie, James. Oldham, Ernest William. Threlfall, Arthur Orewwell. Uffindell, Henry Walter. 1, Greek ; 2, German ; 5, Chemistry ; 6, Natural History. Opening of the Goolwa School. ? The new State school at Goolwa was formally opeaed by His Excellency Sir William Jerrois,. on Friday, March 14, and the day was observed tia general holiday in celebration of the event. The building, which has been erected by Messrs. Dick & Trenouth, of Strath&lbyn, has cost the Council of Education about £1,200. It is a neat and commodious structure, and has been built near the old school on the north side of the town. There is a largo schoolroom and two classrooms, the whole accommodating 160 chil dren ; bat the building is capable of extension when required. The new school was actually ? opened on March 3, since which time the attendance has gradually increased till on the formal opening day fully 150 children were, present, the roll-book showing the names of 160 scholars. The resident**, and particularly the Local Board of Advice— Messrs. A. F. Lindsay, J.P. (Chairman), T. Goode, jun., J.P. (Mayor of Goolwa), A. R. Addison, J.P., and L. Y. Tite, JJ*. — were so pleased at the completion of the school that they resolved to make the opening day one of general jubilation, and to invite His Excellency over from Port Elliot to perform the chief ceremony. The town was gay with banting aad an arch of flags spanned the road opposite Spencer's Goolwa Hotel, where a banquet in honour of the school opening was held. His Excellency, attended by Lieutenant Jervois, K.&, arrived by special truck about noon, and was received by the Mayor. At the school the members for the district and the Local Board of Advice were in readiness to welcome His Excellency, and when Her Majesty's representative entered the new building the 150 scholars sang the National Anthem in a hearty and loyal manner. The Matob then made a few remarks, and asked His Excellency to formally declare the school open. His Excellency said— Ladies andG entlemen I have great pleasure in declaring this school of Goolwa open ; and I am glad to find it is so commodious a building, and so far in advance of the old school adjacent to it. I hope that, as the schoolhouse has improved, the acquisition of knowledge by the scholars will improve in like degree. On the last occasion when I had the pleasure of opening one of the State schools— it was in Adelaide — I was much pleased at some remarks make by the Archdeacon of Castle maine in reference to the charge that State education was wanting in religions instruction. The Archdeacon said he had always found that those children who came from the State schools weie the most satisfactory pupils in the Sunday schools. (Hear, hear.) That remark was in effect repeated by the Bev. Mr. Hocter on a rtcent occasion when a Sunday-school was opened at Norwood. I think that alone is a satisfactory point. Bat I may go still, further and say that from what I have observed in the boeks used in our State schools there is not that absence of the religious element that many people suppose to be the' case. (Hear, hear.) These books are permeated by a recognition of I God and His providence. And if it is desired to go further in regard to religious education in State schools, and if , as I think it possibly may be, there is a common ground on which different denomi nations may meet, I would venture to make one n commendation. Don't talk about it, bat do it ' Now, in saying this I do not want to throw the apple of discord into the system of StUe education. Far from it. I believe the best has been done that could be done hitherto. But it it be possible to meet on one common ground in regard to religious education, let some one who is capable — who hai nothing 'of the partisan element about him and who has the requisite qualifications— set to work and prepare a book in which chapters of the Bible that may be read in schools, prayers that may be prayed, and hymns that may be sung, may be collected together, and let him refer that book to the different denominations for any observations they may cave to make on it. If it be possible to meet on one common ground I believe that would be the best way to do it. (Hear, hear.) Possibly the book might at first be roughly treated by one denomination, and another might wish a certain element eliminated, but eventually a book might be prod need satisfactory to Anglicans, Romanists, Wesley and, Congregationalists, Bible Christians, and all other denominations that we have in this thriving community. While speak ing on this subject I may remind you of an anecdote I read I don't know how many dozen years sgo. It was abont an artist who hai painted a picture and who wanted to see what the public thought of it. He had it put np in a public place, and he invited criticisms which were to be written alongside the picture. In the end the artist found there was not a spare inch of his picture that had not been adversely criticised. (Laughter). I hope that would not be the case with the book which I have snggt-sted some qualified person should prepare. Pofsibly my suggestion may luive been thought of before ; possibly it may be impracti cable, but I trust it may be considered by thcua whose duly it may be to act upon suggestions of the kind. I am sure that every one who h»* try knowledge of the public schools in thin colony and the way they are conducted tnmt agree that they will effect great good in thi future, and that tha facilities for obtaniug knowledge are tow very far bettor thin tiny were a few years ago. Any one who recollect*, an I recollect, the kind of children's books and nwr.6 that we had in onr younger days, and oou trssts them with tie present Bute school ? yatem, . must feel how infinitely far in advanca the'

present is orer the system that obtained when I was a child some fifty years ago. (Laughter, and Hear hear). I beg to wish the schoolmaster and schoolmistress here success in their work, and I hope that the children may imbibe such principles, both moral (and religious, if it may be), as will render them useful in the walk of life in which hereafter they may be placed. (Cheers.) Remarks were also made by the members far the district, Messrs. J. L. Parsons and W. A. E. West-Erakine. A banquet took place at the Goolwa Hotel. About thirty gentlemen sat down to it The Mayor occupied the chair, and Mr. A. F. Lindsay the vice-chair. - The Matoh, in proposing the health of the Governor, said we were very fortunate in having such a distinguished gentleman for our- Governor. Any of the other colonies would have been glad to have Sir William Jervois in their midst. (Hear, hear.) He brought among us -well-merited distinctions— he hid won golden opinions jn ervesy band, and he had evidenced a deep interest in all that concerned the welfare of the colony. (Applause.) He hid showp a been appreciation of the importance of the Murray* trade, and that fact had perhaps drawn them towards His Excellency the more. They 'were also glad that Sir William had taken up tiia summer residence in their salubrious climate in the8outh, and they hoped thit even after the Mount Lofty residence was finished His Excellency would also have one at Port Elliot, or near there, and that there might soon be a railway to connect the two and enable His Excellency to ge to the seat of government without much delay. (Hear, bear) His KxcBiiEjrcT said — Gentlemen, I thank yon for the honour you have done me, and Mr. Geode especially for the kind manner in which he has proposed' this toast. With regard to the Murray traffic Mr. Goode has not exaggerated the interest I have taken in it. This interest Z hive taken ever since I studied the map of Australia, and before I landed in any of these colonies. I was led to consider this question by reading books on Australia during my voyage from Singapore to Sydney, and while studying the maps in reference to the question of defence. I recollect putting my finger down on the mouth of the Murray, »nd saying, ' This is the true outlet of Australia.' (Hear, hear; No doubt it will take time to develop the Murray trade. I am glad to hear the extent to which it has increased and is still increasing. Bat with regard to any great projects for the full development of traffic, we must wait not only till there is sufficient trade to warrant the expenditure, but also till the state of the money market is in a better condition for borrowing. Still, I may say that, standing here to-day, I would not alter one word I have ever said publicly in reference to this Murray trade. (Applause.) I believe that what I have previously recommended in public is the true course to adopt. I do not expect to see these great works undertaken in my time; perhaps it may be two or three generations bafore they are carried out; bnt we must look forward to the period when they will be constructed, and no one need lose heart in this district. Since I have looked at the country I am more than ever persuaded that a canal will be made from Goolwa to Port Victor, and then that Victor Harbour will practically be the mouth of the Murray, and when the country along the Darling ?becomes developed this will become one of the most important districts in the whole colonies of Australia. (Cheers.) No one takes more interest than I do in these questions, and as long as I live the prosperity of South Australia will be one of the dearest objects I have to consider. (Cheers.) Mr. Lwdsat proposed ' The Ministry.' The Mator read a telegram stating that the members of the Ministry were unable to be present, owing to a prior engagement. Mr. A. Graham, JJ?., proposed 'Our Par Iiament.' Mr. Parsobs, M.P, responded. Daring his speech ho said we had now reached a critical epoch in our history. All must agree that it was a moat lamentable thing that we had had to part with so many of our bonds for so very low a price; and one of the first duties of the Parliament on reassembling would be to do what was necessary to reestablish the national credit. Whatever might be said to the contrary he felt deeply that if we could not get more than £38 3a. 8d. for £100 of liability we should not be able to curry ont all those works that were regarded an necessary for the development of the colrny. (Hear, hear.) He hoped that, without petty party feeling, but with a sincere dtsire to discover the cause of the depreciation of our bonds, Parliament would set themselves early to this work, and to discover the means by which we rould obtain money on the best terms on which it was lent to any of Hex Majesty's colonies. (Applause.) Mr. West-Ehskimb, M.P, also responded. Mr. L. Y. Tttb, J.P., proposed ' The Educational Interests of the Colony and success to the Goolwa School,' Mr. Parsons, M.P., responded as a member of the late Council of Education. His Excellency's suggestion as to distinctly religions teaching in State schools (he remarked) was one hedged about by a great deal of difficulty. He (Mr. Parsons) was quite satisfied with the present teaching ; the Teading books distinctly taught the existence of a Supreme Being; and there was laid down there the great ethical principles which must lie at the basis of any happily constituted State system. It would require all the graces and excellencies combined in one man to produce such a volume as the Governor had suggested. Everybody knew how difficult it was to deal with, religious prejudices, and to find that common point on which all could agree. All things cousidered, the happiest thing would be to make the beat use of what now existed. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Wkst-Ebsxtnb, MJ*., proposed ' Success to the Biver Trade.' (Applause.) He said this trade had of late developed wonderfully. Four or five years ago only about 3.000 bales of wool came down the river, while thu year something like 38,000 biles of wool had come down, besides a lot of copper. Any one looking at the Murray at Goolwa, and considering it throughout, must be convinced that the traffic would come to Goolwa in spite of a dozen North-West Bend Eailivays. (Applause.) What was wanted was a canal from Goolwa to Victor Harbour, and in due time another one direct to the ocean from Goolwa. The first need not interfere with the other. He believed a great deal of good might be done by having a sort of seaweed breakwater similar to one at Madras. The seaweed would first have to be planted in cages or nets, and these would have to be sunk to the bottom of the sea, where the nets would rot an 1 the seawfed take root and form a belt say of two or three miles in extent. He believed it was such a belt of seaweed as this that accounted for the quietude in Lacepede Bvy. In the face_ of the rather widespread depression a gratifying evidence of the value of the river trade was to be seen in the amount of shippin ; going on at Goolwa even in these dull times. (Hear, hear.) Mr. A. R. Asdibox, JJ?., responded, and som other toasts were drunk. OrEircjG of Urauda School. On Wednesday afternoon, March 19, the Government school at Uraidla was opened with appropriate ceremonies in the pretence of a large number of the residents in the locality and several visitors from town. The school is situated on a hill in the township of Uraidla, distant about ten miles from town, and tha locality is largely populated, there being not a few small hamlets in the vicinity, besides homesteads in the surrounding district. The school is an enlargement of the old one, which has been In existence some time, but was foand inadequate to the requirements of the neighbourhood. The old room cost about £350, and is built npon land given by Mr. R. Dyer some years ago. The schoolroom was built by private subscriptions subsidized by the Government. The new part is built on to the eastern end, making the building T-shaped, and the measurement is 18 x 34, while the height is 14 feet 6. It is built of freestone, with a galvanized-iron roof, and u of a very simple order of architecture. The cost was £314, and accommodation is afforded for over fifty-four scholars, the old building having an equal capacity. The contractor was Mr. T. Burnett, of Stirling East. The openiDg ceremony was performed by the Hon. T. King, Minister of Education, who in his remarks said that the Education Department hid as fine a lot of teachers a* it -was possible to get. There were at the Training School some fifty or sixty teachers, and as vacancies arose by old teachers retiring and new schools being erected the supply must be kept up. The new teachers were well trained by the trainiag-masters at the Training School, and he might say that nowhere in the colonies were there to be found better training-misters than Mr. G. L. Madley ani Mr. Clark. The Government had first to find schools for the children, and then t« find the teachers. Having foand teachers and school*, it was the duty of the Government to see that rarents sent their children to schooL At Port Adelaide it was found by the visitor* that 461 children were not sent to school. A large proportion were afterwards sent, and toticea were sent to the rest of the parents Unit they must comply with thu Act. The result xves that oat of that 461 only two children were

notgoibgto Z0?001- «»? twenty-eight were exempted ana a few le' tn.a district. Ibe Government .werre ,doing their part to raise thb sto4us ci the, teacher to what it ought to be. By the oId regulations the teachers were paid pv'tlv h7 salary and partly by results. That was W7 6°°d in one way, but there was a tendency J° cramming children. By the new regulations the teacher's salary would begin at £100 a year, and payment as well by results, though to a less extent. It mado the teacher's salary more sure, and had other advantages. The cost to the country for the sew system adopted would be about £1,000 to £1,200 per annum, but no money could be better spent than in that way. Opening of St. Bartholomew's SundaySchool, Kokwood.The The opening of the large new building which has been erected as a Sunday-school in connection with St. Bartholomew's Church, at Norwood, was celebrated on March 6 by a thanksgiving service in the church in the afternoon, followed by a social gathering and a public meeting in the school at night. The bnilding is conspicuously situated on the east aide of St. Bartholomew's Parson^e on Benlahroad. It consists at present of a ball only, treasuring 60 x 30 ft., and 24 ft. from floor to ceiling ; but provision has been mide in the designs for the addition of eight classrooms, each 15 x 10 ft, and an infants' room at the rear 18 x 24 ft, which will be built as the funds permit. The hall, es the dimensions above given show, is very spacious and lofty, and not only does it possess these advantages, but it is also remarkable for its system of ventilation and lighting. Its furniture is in keeping with the superior stjle of the building, and the number of persons who can be comfortably accommodated with seats is estimated at 400. At the upper end of the hall there is a platform 15 x 12 ft., and indeed nothing seems wanting to make it invalaable either as a schoolroom or a lecture hall. The material used in the erection is Glen Osmond *tone, which is pleasantly relieved with brick facings, and the style of the architecture is mixed Gothic, devoid of ornament, yet very effective. The designs were prepared from sketches kindly supplied by Mr. Woods, the Architect-in-Chief, and the work has been carried oat under the superintendence of Mr. E. O. Smyth. The land cost £130, and the contract price for the erection of the school was £500, but a number of extras had to be incurred, which increased the amount by about £90. The thanksgiving service, like the meetings subsequently held in celebration of the event, was largely attended. It was conducted by the Bev. William B. Andrews, the incumbent, and the sermon was preached by His Lordship the Bishop of Adelaide. His Lordship the Bishop presided at the public meeting, and a number of addresses were delivered.