Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Tuesday 27 June 1950, page 3



WONTHLY merma.

-h MAREEBA, June ai.--At tba June !

meeting oí the Mareen*. Shire t Council, ' Cr. J. M. Brown preeided over Cm. C. L. Davies, J. R; Bart-ley, M. J. Pedraatmi J. J. Meehan, J. J. Nicholls, and the clerk (Mr. R. Arnold). Apologie« for non-attendance were received 1 rom Crt. Lawrence and Mackay. <.?


Tenders received for the supply and installation of pumping plant for the Kuranda Water Supply, arid for piping and fittings, were re»

ceived and considered.

1 Cn Bartley moved that tenders

received be submitted to the DepertI ment of Local. Government for

! examination by the department's I engineers, the department to make

a recommendation to the council; also that the Co-ordinator General i be asked to assist in the delivery of

cast-iron piping by importing from

j overseas. Cr. Pedraszini seconded

the motion, which was carried.


! Two applications were received for

the position of foreman, and after consideration Mr. T. D. Sullivan was. appointed to the position on

j probation for-two months, on con-

dition that the council retains the right to." transfer him to other work at award rates should he,not be capable of carrying out the duties of foreman to the overseer's satisfaction.

i The overseer - reported on works

desired at ' the rodeo yards at the ! Mareeba Sports Reserve, which are

estimated to cost- £100. It was de-cided that the ^council limit its lia-bility for improvements of the I roSeo yards to £60.


The Main Roads Commission ad-vised that the construction of a concrete ca;.seway over- the' Walsh River on the Dimbulah-Wolfram road win-be included' In the works

prctramme--for' 1950-1091. Mr. H. H. Collins. M.LA., is to be asked tb use his endeavours .to have the causeway constructed before next wet season;.

The clerk reported that he has received complaints'from Dimbulah regarding the shortage of water in -certain sections of the town. It was resolved that the notice of -resid-ents be drawn to the council by-laws which prohibit the use of lawn sprinklers at Dimbulah.

The Main Roads Commission ad-vised that consideration will be given to a greater allocation of funds for work on the HerbertonKoorboora, and Mungana-Palmer

ville roads during the year 1950-1 1951. . ; f;. ? : '_'.,.: MT. MILLIGAN WATER SCPFLT.

The Railway Department1 wrote asking the council's approval to the installationof à 8Q00- gallon tank, to be connected to the council maui by a one-Inch pipe, to supply water- for railway purposes at Mt; Mulligan. -The council offered na objection, provided a turn-off valve ls fitted at the take-off of the oneinch service pipe.

The Department of Mines sub-mitted details ot accounts paid to the Railway Department for-water supplied from Dimbulah amounting to £160/8/3, and asked the council to advise what proportion of this amount'lt would meet

The Mines Department is to be

.informed that the council's finances will permit of it sharing in this cost to the extent of one-fourth only, on the present rating of the people of Mt. Mulligan

The State Coal Board asked to be Informed of what action the council intends taking to raise finance .ta carry out' improvements to Ute Mt. Mulligan water supply, as reported on by engineers af the Department of Local Government

The Department of Local Govern-ment forwarded reports by its engineers on suggested improve-ments to the Mt. Mulligan." water supply, with estimates of cost and annual maintenance.

It was decided to inform the Government that the council is pre-pared to rate its people at Mt. Mulligan to the-limit for the pur-pose of providing them with .a reasonably adequate water supply, and for this purpose the council considers £10 per annum to be the limit to which lt ls prepared to rate the householders. The Government is also to be asked to make suf-ficient money available, without any liability to the cornell, to carry out improvements to the Mt Mulligan water supply as are recommended by its engineers.


The District Engineer, Maia . Roads Commission, advised that the matter of the expenditure of funds on road access on Mulligan Highway will he considered in the near future. . ? -r

Mr. H. H. Collins wrote advising that he is doing all possible to have watering faculties provided on the Mareeba-Laura Stock Route.

The Railway Departmtnl) advised that it cannot see. ita way clear to instal electric revolving arms as a warning signal at the Ratddn-street level crossing at Mareeba.


A letter , from the Minister for Lands, through Mr. H. H. Collins, MX.A.,, advised that instructions have been issued for the survey of further building sites at Mareeba.

The Queensland Ore Prod jeers' Association asked the. council ta support it in its efforU to have the Land Department limit the leasing of building sites 'to homeless .people. The association is to be informed the matter is one of Ckwernmeni policy, and the council Widerstands the Land Department has the mat-ter in hand.


Mr.-H. Vains wrote askmg to be Informed If .Cr. Pedraainl was appointed by the council to Inter-view Mr. H. H. Collins and the Deputy MinisterMc* Transport , in Brisbane recently, in connection with road transport services in the Molloy district Mr. Vains is to be advised tn the negative.


, A letter reoefad from Mr. Low

asked for advice as to when "it to proposed to complete the construe* tion of the road from Mantaka'to Oak Forest, and if toe council could construct the road on to Ina property.

Mr. Low ls to be advised that lt is intended to re-commence work on the Oak Forest road about August, and the overseer win inspect .the road to his property as soon ss time will permit.

Property holders in Byrnes-street are to be asked to co-operate with the council in having footpaths in the business section ot .Mareeba concreted, where this is not already done.