Hobart Town Courier (Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Saturday 12 April 1828, page 3


Este es etre que palabras

Alone and under the influence of a real Havan-nah, I sat some evenings ago ruminating on the pleasing and rapid changes I had witnessed since I left the land of my fathers, became settler in this charming island, and began to improve, I mean to im prove that which bad been left in so rude and un finished a stale by the fair hand of nature.

I have always found that your real Havannah is a rare promoter of thought and reflection, and having drawn my chair to the fire, crossed my legs and taken three whiffs, my eyes half closed, and I became un conscious of every thing around me. The imagination was however at work, and I entered on the most pleasing train of reflections. The mind took flight and without waiting to notice the excellent new cut at St. Peter's Pass, placed me in the centre of Hobart-

town. I wandered through the streets and examined every thing described by the country gentleman who a few days ago kindly favoured us with so lively an account of the improvements and the ball We unfor-tunate wights who were not invited, are much in-debted to him. The misfortune did not fall so heavily on me, as might have been expected. A recent attack of the gout had rendered me unfit for dancing, added to which my tastes are somewhat changed of late. I now prefer following the plough to dancing quadrilles and would rather

" Stalk through the field with measured step, "And liberal throw the grain into the " Faithful bosom of the ground"

than wait at the bottom of twenty couple for my turn to "trip it lightly" in hands four round and round, right and left.

The country gentleman had not gone beyond the truth, I felt highly gratified with the improvements already accomplished, those in contemplation were judiciously chosen and important.-And, if said I, these things have been accomplishied by such means in so short a time, what may we not expect after a lapse of-fancy tapped me on the shoulder with her wand, upset my hypothesis and withdrew the veil from futurity. To describe all I saw would swell my letter to a volume-noble vessels fitting out for the sperm whale fishery, others taking in cargoes of flour ground by steam flour mills on the 'Wharfs, im-mense cooperages whose busy hammers made the welkin ring, clocks, break-water, savings bank, bridges, steam vessels to Kangaroo point and New Norfolk, and sundry other things as Mr. Under-wood says " too numerous to mention.''

At this moment I lighted another cigar, filled to the brim with house brewed, reduced the measure one-third at the first pull, and relaxed into my former position. After a whiff or two I was contemplating my own improvements (as we are wont to call them) At home, I saw the fellows dropping the posts into their places, the pannels followed each other in de-lightful rapidity. I heard the ring of the axe in driving home a rail into the mortice, to me the sweet

est music of the bush, and I have one or two fellows

who play with great taste on this instrument. Things go on well said I, the stuff will be down from the tier before I am ready for ploughing, the new pad dock will be fenced in by the time the crop is out of the ground and all will be secure, I'll have the Meri nos put into an inclosure by themselves, my next clip I'll ship on my own account, by September wheat will be fifteen shillings a bushel, I'll settle Our ac-count and buy the mare : surely this is a climate and country in which a man may do well, I must write to my friend G. to come out, he will succeed here; and I'll certainly---I was interrupted in these reflections by the entrance of a constable with a sum-mons to attend an inquest on the body of an unfor-tunate fellow who had been speared by the natives! what! another!!! I exclaimed; the cup of joy was dashed from my lips, my bright anticipations vanish-ed. Are then the enjoyments of our fire sides to be destroyed with impunity by beings who are become the bane of the country ! Why it was but a few days a ago I attended-but no matter, here then is another immolated to the malice of these vindictive wretches,


" Cut off in all the blossom of his sin,

" No reckoning made, but sent to his account, " With all his imperfections on his head."

Another tenant for our church yard already filled with

those and those alone who have thus fallen ; what dark and bloody deeds may not be expected from beings whose hearts are filled with revenge, whose delight is in murder, and who have now the audacity to butcher our servants in sight of our windows! And where said I is this to end? imagination was at work and I again looked into futurity,-enough-awake settlers, up and be doing,

"Shake off this downy sleep death's counterfeit, " And look on death itself."

Let no vain hope cheat ye into a belief that the help-

lessness of women or the innocence of children will be

a protection, take warning and be on your guard for murder is abroad. AMONESTADUR.

MACQUARIE RIVER- Mr. Gilies's hut was attack-ed yesterday by the natives, and the two men fled for protection, and fortunately escaped without being

wounded. But I regret to add, that news of the

death of a man in the employment of Mr. Cotterell has just reached me, killed at the hut.

UPPER CLYDE - My servant on horseback was surrounded by two mobs of natives, near the lagoon of islands, last week, going and returning from seeing my sheep and had but just time to get away before they closed. They are in great numbers on and about St. Patrick's plains just now, from one to three hun-dred in a tribe.

BENLOMOND. - On Wednesday last the natives chased Mr. Batman's shepherd to his house on the Benlomond rivulet. Mr. Batman with four of his men, immediately went in pursuit of them, but found no trace of them that evening. Next day Mr. Batman was joined by two soldiers, and three of the field police, who with himself and two of his men made in the whole eight. About noon Mr. Batman divided

his party three with himself, giving the other four di-

rections to meet him at a certain place. Sometime after they at last discovered smoke, to which Mr. Batman hastened, creeping on his hands and feet within 20 yards of the place, before the blacks dis-

covered him. He then endeavoured to make them

stop, but to no purpose; one of them was in the act of throwing a spear at him, when he fired at him in his own defence. The man fell, but got up again and ran off. Mr. Batman then pursued them, and at last overtook a boy about 16 years of age, whom he took prisoner. He then returned with his party to the fires which the blacks had just left, where he found 20 blankets, 24 knives, 2 muskets loaded, about 4 pounds of buckshot, a canister of gunpowder, a

bayonet, 2 pair of sheep shears, spears, waddies, &c. One of the muskets was the same that they had stolen from Mr. Robertson's, at the Elizabeth river, a few days before, when they murdered his man, and the boy described the manner in which they murdered him. Next day the boy conducted them on the tract of the blacks who had fled, and led Mr. Batman and his party to where they had been that day; they then

followed their course until sunset, when Mr. Batman proceeded to Mr Pitcairn's farm, Mill's plains, and during the night the boy made his escape, by groping his way up the chimney of a room in which he was


Next morning (Saturday), Mr. Cottrell arrived at Mr. Pitcairn's informing them that the blacks had robbed his hut the night before, and that one of his men was missing. The very di-

rection in which the black boy was tracing them, was in a straight line to Mr. Cottrell's hut, when night and heavy rain prevented him tracing them farther. Mr. Batman, Mr. Crawley, and Mr. Cottrell, were out the whole of Saturday, making three parties, and going in different directions, but did not find any traces of them whatever, They think when the boy joined them that they would make to the sea coast. Mr. Bateman states that the soldiers and field police constables acted extremely well on this occasion,

Ibid. - If something is not done speedily I think we shall not be able to keep either shepherds or stock-keepers. The men here will not go a mile from the house unless two or three together, and some of the shepherds refuse to look after their flocks on ac-count of the blacks. The black boy above alluded to could trace the blacks through the bush, equal to the blacks of New South Wales. I think that by getting one of them and threatening him, he would trace them through the island, and would be a sure means of taking or driving them back.

JERICHO. - You have been furnished from other quarters with accounts of the natives. I think the notions you have lately expressed on that subject are quite correct.

CAMPBELL TOWN. - Your plan of tracing the black natives by means of Sydney blacks, is, in the opinion of the most intelligent here, the only effectual method yet suggested of getting at the black murder-ers, compared to whom bushrangers were innocent

beings. They have acquired such a fondness for our blankets, dampers, flour, sugar, knives etc. that for the sake of them they will continue to rob and murder, until we exterminate them or they us, unless for the sake of humanity they are sent off the island.

RICHMOND. April, 7, 1828. Last Saturday pur-suant to an advertisement in the Courier of the former week, I attended a meeting ol the Richmond Mar-ket Association. About eleven o'clock I found the secretary and some half dozen gentlemen assembled. At twelve the secretary was about to proceed to bu-siness, when he discovered he could not muster a quorum of the Committee of management. After waiting for two or three hours, the greater part of .the assembly began to disperse, but others continued

to arrive until four o'clock, when the Secretary hav-ing caught a quorum of the committee formed a meet-ing. As I do not think there was any order made lo publish an official account of the proceedings, I will as far as my recollection serves me furnish you with

a report.

About four o'clock, the meeting being formed, and nitmeiotis apologies sent for the absence o( members and proxies for others being duly received and ad<t «'milted, John Hunt Bulcbei, llsq was called i«i Hie

chair, mid the 1 «solutions ol' the Immer general and committee meetings being lead mid continued, the ineeliug in pursuance of the recommendation of the commutée proceeded lo the election of a President, whe" .laities Gordon, Esq. of Foi cell, was unanimous-ly chosen to 1.11 that otlice. ' The meeting then re-sulted to adjourn for the piesenl (on account of the .illili attendance of meinbeis) the discussion ol' various

important Matters for the consideintion of, which thK meeting had been convened. After a good deal of discussion on the conduct of those ireinbe'is who failed lo attend, the seci eiaty « as directed to call a meeting ol' the committees of the Association on Mon-day the ül<l instant, hv circuais iiddiessed to each meiiibe-, audio »t.ike off the lists of bo: li committees any member who Iniled in attending that meeting, and did not send sullicient written excuse for his absence; he was ulso directed to futni->li the treasurer willi a list of the memheis, that he might collect the amount of I heir subscription« bclbic the ne vt meeting ot the eonimiltee, and lo info m Mr Guidon of his -being

elected lo the ollice of President,

At this peii<)d Messrs.Conlon and 'I'ade, who had been detained all day at the Ielry, arrived from Ho-bart town, und accotintrd tor, the absence of many iiieiiihuis who bud been in the sime predicament uutd ibey thought it tv«.s too late fur' the meeting. The report ol those gentlemen who had so recently receit ed a practical ¡.lustration ol thediiiigeis and delays of the terry at K ingitruo point, pre,i.ued fie meinbeis pre-sent fortbl'-favourable recepli <n of a proposal dor erecting a Joint S.oçk Company to , ply a Steam Boat and Punt at the Feiry. Ninety shares out of two bundled were instantly taken, copies ni* th» pre-liminary conditions were oulered lo remain with the Piesident, Tiensurer, Secretary and Clerk of the As-sociation, mid with Allred Stephen, Esq. who was nominated Solicitor to the pioposed company. Such is ihe demand fur shines that h.id not a few been

resorted lor (he Ilubirt-town people, I believe the list would luve been hied up this morning. Indeed the secretary has just informed me that, he has re-fused A hiibspriber and the deposit on twelve- .shares. -You will probably favour us willi your opinion about the steam boat concern, for it would he well that the subject should undergo some public discussion before the money is «eut oil' lor Ihe purchase of die boat,' Sec. I understand the punt is to he built immediately, as are the necessary jetties as soon as the requisite ar-rangement* cm he completed with the Government, to secure the interests of the company fora ceilain period. ; v *" - "

OATLANDS -It is with real concern I inform you of a very distressing accident which has happened to Mr. Ansley' two sons, George and Arthur, (14 and 8 years of age.) The were both in the fields shooting and by accident some gunpowder falling on a piece of rag that happened to be ignited, communi cated itself lo the flask, which instantly exploded The right hand of the elder young gentleman was so much injured the it was feared tbat the wholewould require lo be amputated, but it is now hoped that he will retain the use of it, with the lost of the thumb and forefinger. The case of the younger was still more perilous. The struck him, as we learn, on the forehead, and splintered the skull. We may con-ceive the distress of the parents on this anxious occa-sion, but we rejoice to learn that by incessant atten-tion and the fortunate presence of Drs. Desailly and

tiii'lspeth, they nre both likely to recover, and the «¡gilt of both is providentially uninjured.