Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), Wednesday 15 August 1962, page 39


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gUiTS with

blouses rev e a I e d by jachets ajar, suits worn with cartwheel hats, suits with animated skirtwidth are some of the important factors in spring fashion.

fPHIS will be a special » year of beautiful suits

?of immaculate tailoring and new elegance of line.

Some suit jackets have grown longer, but the

best ones are short. Because many couture designs feature the open jacket, blouses are of great importance.

Whether seen or not, they are part of the new suit story.

It is no exaggeration to say the two-piece suit that goes without its blouse or separate top makes a

fashion mistake.

Skirts are knee-tipping in length and mainly flared or pleated. At Dior they are square-cut. Cardin makes original use of raised tucks (example far right).

Black-and-white checks and plaids are back, rosepink and mauve are important, and white and orange a favorite Paris

color union.

Big, shady hats have taken the stage on the

suit scene. This new

alliance looks surprisingly cool and colossally chic. Even in the strongest spring breeze, it will be well worth hanging on to a large-brimmed hat.

? Betty Keep

Dior's superbly tailored suit (above) is made in rose-pink shantung. The unbuttoned, short-sleeved jacket reveals a matching low-belted overblouse.

Best - seller from Dior (left) has a chic low'slung leather belt and an open jacket.

Pretty Balmain suit (above) in pink shantung

is worn with a wide

brimmed pink panama hat.

# Cardin light wool suit (above). Raised tucks form a prettily ruffled hem.

New Paris color alii' ance in the Ricci suit

(right). New, too, is the side-buttoning, on skirt.