Hobart Town Courier (Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Saturday 5 February 1831, page 2


Arrived on Saturday the ship John, 464 tons, R. Nosworthy, Commander, from Lon-don 14th Oct. with 200 male prisoners. Passengers John Montagu, esq lady and family, Capt. Anley, lady and family, with 2 sergeants, 27 privates of the 17th regt. 7 women and 7 children. Surgeon and Su-

perintendent Dr. Wilson, R.N. who lately left us in the Governor Ready, and made the important discoveries at King George's

Sound and Swan river.

Arrived on Saturday the ship Sovereign W. McKellar, R.N Commander, from Ply-mouth 9th Oct. and Cape Town 21st Dec. Passengers for Hobart Town— The Rev. Mr.

Yaldayn, the Rev. Mr. Fenner, Miss

Ashburner. Mr. and Mrs. Timms, Mrs. Dobner, Miss Chapman, Messrs. S. Timms, W. Timms, Hill, Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Tubby, Mr. Lyon, and Mr. Hayler.

Passengers for Sydney - Mr. and Mrs. Icely, and female servant, Miss Icely, Mr.

James McArthur, Messrs. F. Rothery, M. Rothery, Mr. S. Icely, Mr. W. Dawes, Mr.

Hoskins, Mr. Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. Broad and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Pearce and two children, Mr and Mrs. Weaver and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Bennett and four children, Mr.Holman, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Stammers, Mr. Goodluck. Par| ticulars of cargo in our next.

Arrived on Sunday the schooner Eagle, from Swan river 11th January, with 72 passengers, viz. Mr. and Mrs Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson and family, Mr and Mrs. Earl, Mrs. Boulger and fami-

ly, Mr. and Mrs. Baudinet, Mr. Dudley and family, Lieut Leake, Lieut. Pratt, and 30 others.

1 Sailed on Sunday the ship Clyde, Capt.

Munro, for the Mauritius and London.

The brig Cleopatra from Hobart town, the brig Guide from the Isle of France; the

spboo|ten* Prince , Regenti and ^BcaoJuti^nt from Hobart town, and the jFrietidsHip^frorn On eural lieatt, nfrircd ¡at *%auncc9tui/\lutai week.

The vessels in the Tamar, were the ships -Persian and Bombay, loading for England. Brigs—Britannia, for Swan River, Resource and Cleopatra, loading for England.

engaged a cargo for England. The brig Guide was unloading her cargo from the lile; of France. The Prince Regent schooner 'M'¡»gain nearly ¿Ompléffctj fe'arg? for Hobart towp, and tlie. »chooners,Resolulion and Friendship. There were altogether IO square rigged vessels in the Tamar; a 'gre¡at "er number1 than we.ever recollect Jo have

.een. H I

The Riflemen, Percy, and two other mer-chant vessels, were nearly loaded in the Lon-don docks for Hobart town when the John sailed.

The bark Thorne is loading at the Cape for this place.

By the John we learn the most disastrous news of the Greenland whale fishery. No

less than 28 ships have been either totally wrecked or lost in the ice, and many of the crews are said to have perished. The

vessels are those principally belonging to

Hull. The natural consequence of this ca-lamity has had the effect of raising the price of black oil ih the London market, which at the departure of the John was quoted at £40 per tun. Contracts in Hobart-town were made on Saturday last with Messrs. Youri» and Walford, for' the,

supply of portion« at'^17 I0s.,'a»d, the

greatest, alacrity, wa», ^immediately iiniiised among! «illu connected i with that eicelieii't' branch ot 'colonial 'industry. "

7¥ .«f!f» P&h* >YWl rW* ,f<on' tb»8

colony by,t|ie ÇUalhap^aiid CaJtsta,,con-tinuel to. beJauoçradif\ingiaa those rorliier 4y» received «or"ilHi"Laffy Harwood and

Pra ^rp'-u J»« prices o>ta/He^atllhe

public sales,, v,arjed . from 10d. j lo 20^ pejr li». . « n II i /i H , ' Average price bf wheat in Hobart 'town this day 6s. 6<l. per btislicl. ' '

The Persian, Capt. Plu,»Mf « atf Laun-ceston loaded, and waito sail for London m the beginning oJ^he,w«ek* .


jThe arrival of the; John has brought us

news to the middle of Octobetf'trrfiig'an ad.,

dillonoíkík weeks t¿il.af Äe/ly Jeteived" by the Clyde. The intelligence is of the deepest interest, especially as regards tile affair« of Europe. ' 'AsT far 'as 'the' limits of a

. ' single pulilicalior, ' Will y\\)ui; < We Will ,e,i '1 ^deavour to give'a ¿u^mary ,v(!fitv o( the j courscrol eXMUs, but theoccurrtiices of »he " months *)f August and September 1830, to -i be prí.peiWrJ/iheJjustici^o/U'íilVctiipy it lu; -'peu of hf inoaí~con,ci,se h^loriai/i 'llirough e iiiany «juatjiM vuluniti*. , lu |ue< midst uf.ilie > general colwin>| Mil, we rejoice lu sav, out . owuiouiitt) rLiDHiiis irumptil und iiiMbalurb

ed, and i« graduiljjy j^e|&|m;ng under ai^ ti

auspicious King and Gavernment, Ihóse fea d tutes of general and commercial prosperiiy¡ ti which are natural to her condition. Much iihjG

divttTu^fTtreTr^u£prill t^ls ^ih^nl EngJ^fahd lreW£bqt?6n Aè Jihoht^ thëf* newS .iii regards^ djjúíí native cotrotro ij^grati-'''' fying.

The particulars of the melahcholy fate of li Mr. Huskisson akMancliésîer. jsrcgixeowon. s

circumstance it is pleasing to observe the"ge- r nwal sythpartiyo-f alhmk* ^

pian of^studi, 4^lingMÍiii.ed.^laíepts^ft.i»iaii> Who at .tlijs, párlicjular, juncture^ of pubtic ex-igency can be ill Spared front the cJurisels of

the nation.

fromitbe théâtres iinlheeveniny;' niië crftwd

proceeded to'°'dehh>|{s%''tnV'r|riiïtîn^jniffic<e;«Ma I benceno, attack* tnfc/fto'itëtot Yhe élïiioV Mr. Libry; wjiicii'.JuiéyjpJjujLderedt.... The .police, in thetmea^time>{not;<tt;.al'^ci^^!¡V>B> The mob thence proceeded., to "commit' other enormities, broke the .wiiíítb'ws of Jim'hall oij assize* al täckedt tue house of iDeiK^Bvitliel 'chief'of ftblicji, shouting loíig live^e¿P^fWiy

rtkcilo.vMliom.tlVeJï'ii|trib>ket) thçit.iiuktor tunes.

. Fhej gendarm.erieTntívr itttërfered';^ai)*ï' be gaií'tó (lalrbl ttíe'stieetS' The first sbotsj >vere .fired ab,out one, ^cloiLlt, .by: which unie' theiiroop8.>in;lbe tçwn'»«reunder arm's., The mob was then engaged iu demolishing the "house bTT^V*'ri ¡Maañeñ, "whïçli They, Curried. , ¡So/iie soldjers whaatteinpted id int«ttfrre ¡an«!; prevent the. ja»»?» rwerejî?i8^ a* merit'4nd>nn&keisWt¡other weapons-were 'M'e^ front1 <lh¿^

tjie ; morning i,«;"lro.up ,of, clw»Be«rs faud,? company of grenadiers began tbiacti'i Seve-ral reí I- on bolli'Mdes. and the soldiers afteri

.wards traversed, the ' sirèéï^lftiliig^repVatea volleys^ sontetiaie^ at^lbe. C|owdyand "soraq times over them. A number of the .morie5 r>*p¡pcl^£¿M

M°i*i ap.MftMnçe(j - tliat.dhepbnpxioUMiipulurei or tax ou flour was suspended, and bythree Jj'elocfc' evèrythiîig víónte tooti'tyó&the air

. '.i iT>vQIída,yj» .after, Jim similar scenes todki place at Bruges and Liege, the mob as in* tlie case at Brussels, calling out 'imitons Its!

Francais,\ler^mft^ ^Wop^

$«e,gfji&lejpap ftj"$ia,e),'Mr- ^jiMaï^V^Ub

_..- --. <i.

iie had ipurcliased itllev-fornearanc« iof the: mab at 400 flof iii*;1 rio ' Wóiie*' pajd the-'-infg.

ed. ' .;.'!:!>? ir. ?'??>'?"">'' '!Í«Í.ÍJ'!': llU!.»L> j

<Gii die Sûhdayi a dfepiitafic^'fioÀt the1.

tl)c. st^t iJt gpve^inent, wilh a petition, de-, niandirag liL various couçeaiioniy.They rettirn ed unsuccessful. ?' Meantime'.trWpVfnce ¡of

v^rea^ Antwerp,,(Anvers j Wnti ' oh Tuesday,! set out for Brussels, but stoppedrwt-Vilvor« le, where they were^waijedon.byn^brep i)ob le-inen, to whom the Prince /declared lie Was ready to make'large'concessions to the p«o

píei'Á^iké'jp^titíód wits sent fruin.. Liege aíut 4» -AW'ijMMüh tim ,«l»P"t Jhe» «u»n.*r >«M«e. Next day,, the Prinee* by an arrangem^it

with the authorities of the city, entered


the headuoflHSLitroopsjlikd. resolved vto ^>p-,. pose force tp'rorce, and began1 to unpave lue, streets and to erect barricades at altfthe!i»-!

sues1 of ïhé city on ttie side^t;wjhitf:!^^!^ must, euler, determined ;to remain iniited andj jjp

aims.until he'shduld come to termâr Wag«

gons wore ovérturiiéd keross the streeli, [be treesóf ¿h'e.tí^uleyanls ciU

obstruction placed in l'h¿ way th¿t jcai*!^ W,

procured. Upwards^f 10,000 of the nib«* i

bitants Were assembled aiid undër^armé'ijef^ dy toi oppose iîie ^Vjßppe^Jut ¿ÜttyíjA/ifoitf?'

ed alone, attended only by his Aids>de<catnp and riding up t» :the'Hotel de Ville;1 made ;a;sn>ech ||roni^

cominUNun to teiHellreirgrievances ^i^]es,. my friends^ laida he Ptihcej' long live-liberty/

'amWiberiy^öiWill, KaVë; lati^Mu'Ä ¡W-0'

The commission thus appointed pa«ejí* resolution, calling for the entire separation of,Rielgiumfrom HflUattd^np*Mi:vioia*F the' deputies of the States General midlnti,jn Brnslers-délreirriiinitíl^ót to Uitèïkkf ít'lHí ieJaV suing MMio^i.,: tbftJepufäW Ä^»»M on Abe PrMC^irffquiriiijtib'eftfparatioii-o/ the two divisions of the kingdom éêdi ¿ihë itó-t. nievájl^df Me tíooris from Hie town, "tl^ú 'Pnáce^&ut then do you prraií««. to,ren¿iiii

faithfuLto the dynastyj. We swear it. ¡if'

f beni ¿i iMo» MU. \ f. Would ,you, i«irfbí,wiJt,]);, me for bur dtftïmteet "Yes,> w« vföblcn fWill

nuçe !

The King nieantiuieiresoMif'toi^öfierii»«

ywl¡.tlí^preaijüug^in the op^iioa liíat, wlierfc! it was already spread, it would-terminate tile .*oiiiV^rTraill iiaviii^ 116opponefii:1 Willi this view the lioops we're .édulouslyluríiéd away from lite disaffected towns, aud directed to

t hote which were still well affected, with or- .« tiers jo put. down any symptons of mutiny h that might appear ia them' pioiüplly and et- G fectually. Wim Civic pai^rPBrM,s#lfeva)egaü ifos

Sgarf*under tlfis #« ai».e^tteij|f

ftpstly employed ^ij|tituí^ifá,t|(A_a TJEߣ'

itfat and indoIeuTmöde oivi'inficâtuig^Tnélr- ' liberties, and very unlike the spirit of public saíely4átelytdUplnyed .by4he-iimaJ>itHHts of

.men's land in putting dowu the atrocities of the Blacks.

s"TTiie..Stales Geùeraf «ndr4^^e^MiKA{

property then st^ñui tisîy resolved to stand by the Kin») but the insurgents of Brussels ^enW"'»r «irton^ t hëmséWr."'ThriâWffr rose, dud assis tedj by I |ie; .deputation from.

.jtiegfïiîrttHtekêd the Burgher guard.; is-fA* mes-j ?»age' was dispatched to Prince ; Frederick 'M Antwerp, .beling ássisíánc^' W preferir llie!

town front being pillaged^,' Up^uithi^jie; i& sued-a,prockinatbú^aod._íliie¿ted-*-laige body of troops to jquellithe insurgents.

. 1 The si* oays^hietofonowèd'toils-¡ Wd¥e.i , i^ént?°.^its ii.tïè;, çdíV»|¿íi^ëc^ ^s^èiléî'*^f.'/^ht%fg

H .den àud ; in>1 igajed.' by ¡De Pollervl resisted ithelroops in all .qwartiérgï !fîr{tf|{ upótl 'tl.feni

'from I lie* Vindows of ; ;i he í liotíseá ' a(V^ .¿'i hfe'r) if IpffiS Ptyl'V1"' .Ti!?/ ÇBÇija^jXyas.d^idflU ou bol li siües, hut especially ontbeisuluiiif

thë'ttiililàryV' vflici ultimately retreated Iront f ¡thë*îlfo&Hie2?tH°fc^^ | .t*îîvy> UÄ MíP^.í.Wi'í.v^i1'??.4a>'? i*,,pt'i,çoîî'rke ^«I u4 j

minons and most melancholy, I lie account I

of-ihe-Bf«*eHoi*-<liíFerintj materially fronj < that <»f Hie oui eli, rh© la'tte>'being charged 'I ivilii the commission of enpVlíiiíW Whißliilie t formeras^

¡n^.p^t,^ '<

both accounts^!..' it jil.. ,,.;t-n¡.ioi ;,".>'. <T"v» ! " The ! »accounts >frömi 'Liege, 'Oaf end,- *? TVfy j t

lifted LnuvkmiawlOther^^iiéilhtoiirinatbvlrii», i

?;!i.-.i i»(i'iiii,rii.i"^t»'i^ï v.«.:'')?. J?*11"'!: i'V*". r3"'! . .

w^ete er^iially afilitijuig, and J^uch Wood, waS 1 i ahçd ,¡ü all i oí Mieni. : When, the Jdbulsailed, art'airsbegai^to'^eara mor« transitiflaSpticj,

and it was ' l)bj)eil 'liiài'rëason'andíhe.tígHt\ of tjie j»ger;.wouJfl, ultimately settle the dis-.,.

pules. Mcanjíaie.tlu;. Prince Jiad retired tjo Antwerp, whjqt^echjcerf fpr, the Dutch.

rrr-. '

Theimovt Tproroptiaitdi decisive^ revolution howevert 1 hat huís even occurred ¡si ha tTpSkih

lia^f ampíate ^t',iB¿bt«Wil^.>í:,iQft\^nrtylpí,

;j'.*T !kfw. ?-???.ria.) * :-.K sn-jii-iuT.'-wnoi »ni Ji'jtiW

tifsum MMhMtmlhi Mwwwr tfefaDuie*

.wa» aissailéd >Jlh.!llis5e»r.,aiVl iHhoiversinf stones all Hie. MHv td tile' ftUiu'e, vwhérlé ti e

MblS'of-the'bullery5 ??,W*vB4AW,«recA,¿..if

cannon were collected foi lus.¡ae,(eiice,, -«©.m thp7illj*ofiS*nt. a députa;ieii ol'theo^oplé'

waiUrd(on hini¿ dernatiding°tf reef ress' ftfl-gFi j;?' vxmtje^7i}Trt'^'erë~drsT^sëd~ w it h"*an uñsa t ^

^ewblsdiiKPiHis. befqre.

iUß\> paJáce^Vmke

Wpun.^g «;í>«r^r g^l?pM>foff)by, tltè gsjri den ^at«,alíe, would prbbnblt hwelbvpti burned ¡with ít. : ';He¡spe«tlny'AdihÍ8 way

ministered by, lu» brqiher^WiUiain. Duke jof

Brunswick Oels.- - -'- :. j

The Kinc^oíSaxony ha» bWn driven froW hiíihr^e&bairésyriedhiíkiM^rwii roll's

tçctaf.his;. late .convejrsipn tp ,tho. ÇalMic fai|lt,,«udhU«tténipts to iprevaU on Ht lw peo-ple to imitate his ' ««ample,1 it tacked the grtards and (hove the sovereign iJro'inîthe papJW.i./v,^ y- Ut.ituH ¿v-l* ih to .»;...! 'iiv/l-'H ' Prussia is in a veryjidistttrbèdu staten ¡ A ¿ërioiis'rièt tbólí place at Aix-ra-Chapelleion

the 3]st AugusV, '»^V Wâàoin^t ifijeljed ^ithoiiMji^ i\^i^^\iq^'l,^^lhi ;iîôle!rs. *" 'v$ucjijs the Jnflannna|orystate pf the Cbn tinenf, lh.it the snidllest' dUpiite between jin .djvjduals, jsr eagerly'câuçlitup^ asau,, excuse a4d fanned, into general iiiSiirrectiQn. |!A few

words between ii Jew and »Christ um at Ham

burgh had nearly been the occasion ttf the , . PisturbaMce« QÍ a sei tous a^pe^t, haye.also taken placent Vienna^ owing^toj'the depres-sive mode of «acting the custom hduse du

«¡JU <". ,*!:¡><iivi lit .j ß-.niTi»fi'«a 'ü.ifl TI j ."I ..vii' \

:rW?t.-to ,-;,i..v,,;^ ...j; MU h->it|,,;i.,:.t.v, -,.1. ».

7;(iÍJfi i', ul.'lüfíf.a ,<).:.'Ul !'!!;! ß o.'Ja- ' .'!i:;.>! \

-iTbe. late: iSeneral Foy 'asserted! that!al thotigh1 a 'Fferrtíh¡ sbldief "sHrjüld tièVef [set' his foot in Flanders, the irtcprpbralîon of thaï' f.PWÎ?.fy .yMfliJ«i9Íland,^p;iM .«otVy fP^bi-,! lityieiidui«^ beyonditbe<terni at which: the Bourbdns weré!destined ttfforfeit'fhecr^wn

i , A.-P»»^" pXMií^AÍc|;i>íasjípt^p ihj»,'

rest at Belmont-bouse, Váuxhatlf wlierej be

ahé <BKiBroiHé>[ when children, lived aätt'li

were educated^ His morte bhivííig!Í9 chéer- j places. * witboutfütbflü assumptions <Pf ¿rank;


j he bus


Highnesviwus ruffled,« looked < ahgryf-foolish,

and «ffaid'tri" a s^rinence,:^ glanced'it1 the

/-¿'-JJ y. êV,:i/ á,-iiiii,uof;. ¡m.JnltffS^.: i; ;ii(T . L,

si?jsf<í*fi.r!fiffí *J.wV*uraí«P!Í. tMu#!,he

*ye 9Í pQltieihody, aud jbojtei) \mt,tm <hc bda'V'iî ,'"idi a-in' <_! lío.-ü,-.- -íj -fíi h;..' D:II tU-ui/ i

r>àr|rt, the exile, has taken W&rd'oar

PMtP|ft'/>4«>rfft fVmndel gi,ye«, up.his war

aienshia) rtu>tfae ti Wive named »ri <the tedure

ti«ci .' His suit and service further extejnds tolheshooiintof'alViutrHdérsAi ihe^ilate1,

and the righ^f^sie/tju^the young tér^é; ipM}mby¿mmhA'l-- 46»^ writ* "fï

1 Every ft wd*yJlheíítMrtíiKttta* fepersj Ki fdríft tft'üf^ nevr'è^iVptoin« of t'uVhiiléu^ W 4J»c9n|tW«n u,'/r^«» hMlivb^n/tuniè^» <U,a

«malliscale/in 'the ca|siial .antiirtJwoof 'the inmnrtpwn» of HaiiuVêr.Thfc'gdocl people ;(ifi/Genéi'a' have" beeil alarmed by a plot, real or imaginary, the object of. which waa

.aid to be,/to upset the government. There have been disturbances at Altenberg and Gera, little towns in the principality of Reuss, which borders on Saxony. The sani^apjrifÄ mmfeSM ¡(se|£ut Jena, in Saxe%||§ wtó' llöouie}^^ ob.

fnoxifcijf fd^ionltMhaaWieeitpíuri««lI lu file greater number of these cases, the im-mediate, or the exciting cause as medical men would say, of the disturbance was some local grievance. In one place it was want of work, which is another name for poverty and privation among the working cLka&e*ftUAnofher a4suc^ofe«<ittavu«or.tu«f provisions, in a third the tytsh,«oiit{ucJ^of a_jnajdstiajej_nor_dops it appear iliat '"III ee» ire^rnfêlWtîeTwIiriîfialn^

at any iking jn»r«*/tkun Uie^eq\eval of ¡what immediatelyannayedttiiein«) > »Yet «t,another siiasfm thfenfëelirïgs which led lo these ribla

external niark of ( their existence. Aw* what has taken place in France, the pro cress- of-the popular-mind in sound political kft-b'w1ed¿é ia tis cèrluili^is if itresiilK-dfrom 'grlivitaÄ ' 'Thrfce ô'r fo^ykirs bfiheHj% mination which is just í'peiimg"úpóri En1 rope, will make('révrjrtntíoiis ea->y »luili at this mrtme)ít"woirtd'«'bé',blo<jHv"áiV7l (hfficnh,

and will render their advantages ten miles

more certain, i ¥i|d durabje,. lihe, pf jlißipjes whiüh drfe'Tnuw injin» heads of the informed few must pas.s into the minds of tli*'hilft in-formed mass. The ue¿qde~inusl liave cteär

le««: important, a.co.nstKíMsiíPSS of, |Hm*'«i, Ère 4iiltnigilroili»aícoiivictíon"that one: Ininniou reelínMiiní/es themí'Wnd'tfiaf 'Ibey1 ditf'sWk mg one common a^d^we^ .rlejwed object. Al'pKesfnMh«y We nether, ib¿, oite nqr the I other In at very J lew years nothing erin stop

sand treatises^ tayotL^ckeiland^Montesquieu, in spreading political ItglnVand it 'CaYiiiol


that we^ba-ve« butf t/ne appiehension-that the Gefmah's, Italians, and other nations, may ruin their hoped, foy premature efforts, and thal the,/Ççetieh, may destroy ¡I heir free idomfroiu art over/.eagernewitueirjav<iis fruits.

The two .Chamljèri ¿f tli'e St »Genera I sitting at {the dj}ug!u*ij'have; agreed by smalt cinajonties to thenplaáiiof separating Holland rrrtW Belgium, 'rfrid" to that of Gherin J the

latiwiseparajwiv.qf çpMrift^nlerely^e^in plated, leaving'Chotwo ccôunl*iebiotilio*Jub jed to/tfié UrmVkkig.

J1i*THë ^royjsjpnalj governmejit in Brussels is acting .ftit^i yigqpr.t tilt] has ordered'the barricade tocbei repjaced.iynd^píóreal. is ,Cöllecfthg-a'nn»jfiaftd 'sparing tia exterüÄns to fouie1 thW'Vvlidlè' people 'id arms.1 ' Silice1 our

pnUrcause,,and/Gueot^,which so long re-mained quitt; has followed; tfar «xaiinple. The garrisorriwitJbdfCw without firing a shot.

1 doubtful,i whether J botfïhateTiiMtj ¿y this

time given in their adhesion tothe provisional

se)»,was Me* tiyiwpjial processions At every irjwniand ¿riHag« tbelasseinbledfiopu latio^|,r«Beived«h¡m,w¡th'aeé'laliiátíóníír''iKe is now at the liêa'd of a Ceri tra1/ Córniriftfee of three persons who conduct, the executive bu-

siness of tbe^Governintlbl. . l

There .arevruhioürí'/<df disturbances ha-

ving broken'out at Wársn^l but they re quire^oijrumaVp»- ',' a '/ / U \

Whatever -may have (been the case as to the house") of1 Bourbonl 'add the crown of

France, therejs'an iliidoubted^uarautee of the BelgicJLhrone '^the». house of Orange, by certainof the great'Powers trf Europe, a circumstance which-ceriainlyoWds more

grave conshfey^iprW rt^Miry question con-cerning thjè, traiiouilÇiy/)f jij^at state.-lime»

j 1' i it tin '¡ri»- i J

It wa* expected I jifa M lie approaching tit « ting of Parliament WúU « Ita; 1iH Ihé^liird

< Week in V$tlfiWm Wml >*"»»

! will beiniuiediately brought Í9r*>r4 ; parti

cúlarly ?<tfae¡ Regency question^! andu tlte ar ri»iig¥iriènt6f <hé GWl1 List:)f ''' >-<"i

United Km«tt>mi [».a«, gradiiaUy ffloo*trnic its prosperous tonfe. T4ieitireeeipta of ¡he custom's« Liveri)brtl álbne;-düfiHg the

¡rji.ntbof .S^tílé.;íbk pVo'ttWea* ^/ffwarrls of

,{ftft«iWk/pTJ|et'{va|ue M-W»fii fi**Ht».' of ex-port alone, says the Albion, waa^aboyfew mil* lionaterfití^.^-^í «?. ><IJ io I

Onrtbe'Ilth ofj$epnte^ibeHnè Pacha of Tripo(|t shjne^ arijPçaty^wi'V.jFrance, \olun teenngto>apologis:e/'lailli«.rviiiu tor his treat-ment of the comul, aixl 1 «jgre|;iug to pay 800,000 francs by vfftjf] of kideiiujiiy. The Pachà' renounces thehrlfgh^-Qfv<VU(img0(it corsair« againstanyi^ChriHian power; abo« lishes slaviYyv 'and binds?'himself to protect his «hores.- -rhe Dey -ol' Tunta- signed a similar' treaty]on the «tit of.August.

dooneti-írpia. the 35th, to be Surgeon,, vice Evans,ípromoted.'.ff- ¡ »«I *. m« i "i *

" Pritiee Tallyr^nd liad arrived in Lepdon

jtó^ayWaáW^ff^tbe Caurt(pf'W¡PP8


The Royal navy now on this or the East In-dia'itatwMr. under Adro. OweñyfcWnitttrof 8 snipiW warf ^ountípg^b^í^pSgnlií» viz. rT-ibeíChille.nger¡89, Gprna» W, Xiociidile 28^MCruiiejr.; l8,1 Southampton ;52* Saeccâi .2S andZebra l8. #, ''l/^1

Ikey Solomon has been sentenced for life to the penal settlement of Norfolk island.

»ViUl*!" ! I «('iJ Í>«ÍII'MT' (rfub.t {s ' M .> . 'DjL Wilson! tR.<N.< Surgeon and Supdriu

1*odent>of i the J&ohrt; >buswe aYei happynfb announce done the bolonpithe/fcindnessTof introducing i tu it, what 'has BO'longtbeen¡á desideratum amongst us, namely au excel lent jbiveoofnbéeftî TJiès/ibaye coméiuii in the most,heafihy arid rvigo70tis.£tate;*ahd àé doubt aotiwUhtbrifae>rindi tnultiplj ' through out lite isbthrfj. the climBte.an/lcindigenous plants of which, (singular enough 'though they.vannot boa>t our honeybee,) are never-1 theless -so adlnirably.adapted io (henature of ! that niosti .useful/anti interesting animal Dr. tWiisoinhas alsoi been so, mind ful aslo bring ¡several' specimens.of the tnoss^rose, the lilad.Jhéi ldurel, lauristiaiM<jand(Olher ptants,and shiubé, characteristic ofEnglaud, but; lulRerlo unknown ;iü the colony.' > <¡'

. iByjthe Sovereign IthdJibrary of4het Md-j chames' Institution has receivedallargeaeces-; siorifofllhe mojtdiseful aiidiappro&fetf uorksionj

literature «uti science} aa'tolswarvaldablecol-j j lection ofxniedbpAÍoa'l' and.philaTOphicalrap-j

paratas* lo?iljustrntfl lye keturete of tlíü iuj alittffion. *( iii i (/.iioih 'iii! ino ii i.o i |

, i The Hobart! «own Book»SocIety>ihas<jrè-j ceived by>lhe'Jbb»an>addit,ion rloutihínr all ready extensive «lock -of; booksç 'among them {Wet observe,'' Rnurriene'sA MemoratHpf Bonaparte, Monro's lile, .yolJ 3/. ¿Midsummer Medley 2, Delonneo3r Landseer's illusj trat ions of Burn's Kddf<&s/3o the De\il] Doddrid«e>,Diary* Vohuß* Miffof d's, village, Vol. 4, Mussulman, 3».Paul Clifford 3, Sir El bel bert »3, The DesmuncedriOji Morton^ t RuasJp^Tbe-O^ntttansid, Aohuulillf gimlet -? I W9,.Monsieur¡Maljet, ReijliDevitef.WalkL

Cabinet, Cydopaeuiai'6-to<bJ ¿tFjautdyicJassii.

cal Jtbrary,5 ,!p H)i,G»U'i».iLnrd, Bvron, JUtdviMotgan's,! France J 3» Berjwrd'ä! Bntr^ pspectionsii^ fBombastes Purijiso, <Lotid<$if derry's Pjininsular^WaT 2,.lFatnibji library le

to 1|6\ N<wiZe3ahinde<s, King's; Ideiof' Locke ? S»i iGleig'« iii$torty,,of Um Bible» ¿(Edinburgh »Cabinet; i library, Tales, of other d^s* wjjh

the, newspapers» magaiinesiand(reVieyti% till October; ii/ ÍÍi J U J u\,i -i m /hui)!

The Concert at Mr. Deane's gave very ge-neral satisfaction, and was most respect-ably and numerously attended. The only fault indeed was that there was too much company for the size of the apartment. The

want of a large public room is becoming

daily more and more felt in Hobart town.

, i - 'Ihk t black sji (we «t e< sorry iito, isuyv are

«gain at work. nMr. Hamilton*Wallace)wa , btouahi into b,aunc.estou jserereiy> vtoundtd by Hiern, .audiu montan/ itad ibeeai killed al , theitfe treati.hear the, Dairy plains,'. ¡Mr. Do' ^ naldiSutheiland ihrtd had/3 horse» killed and

aeveralk-rucllyspwred.! ?< w<>^. \» . , ' ; j

UM) We lament to add that Mrs. McCasker, at the 'Retreat' farm of Mr. Butler, was , most barbarously murdered by the blacks.

i i ,r Sirj<Georgej.M"urtav hasilately ennunufrf

< gafadfttHbe)Church Missionary"Souiety.the' « ,«hrbji¡9friHM Majestil'siíGoverniut'ntbiitlíaf

i jinesrturwfâliduldi be laklcni fonthei8aéi*i-i¿n ' Joi^roTeroenti'iasnyell «s.t|te irehgious'ihUrUc^

' ' lbs, <î£>the(ftbori^ine8iof.Newiilûllanfll ^«nfl . d'hafeptaposbdiihat the Socielyi»nould;füriu>h u twodm-hevs forlfhatobjectilfttnwhosesup ? iport JifiOO per.binnum ¡wobtd be.-.tetjqparl

.arooitthe Golojiial'ñiMl.> n' o<L ,' ?..,' ??

?. t iíP.A.C.Íf. y«olantí,*oür .present Coutniis

sariat officer aÄ^unries^on, i is promoted lo * ollie rauk ¡6f Assistant I Commissary ; .Gene, fal, i í./andnúmerousrotherM'prcmoliona ard «iii ici ^pt¡pfled/.'oa.tfleeoccasionjo^ ttbe ^aplproachin^

i» «otonatiooyji l'u n "uti UM ii ; (iMiolin, .'

ii,<J * i ' RlCUtyOÜD fAl>DR*&S.!' li..)! j '' 7"li \')Û1 U Úi 'Lff Ilt).-J'( 'tKl , i/> i" Ji I j

On Tuesday the gentlemen who badibee'n 'H dèpUted-'bVtheiiiihabilanlsofitheRidhmoiid ni dtstrictitioipresetitithwr addnsMltriitheiLieli'

^feoantGovernec wailed IIJKMI Hist Ekoeileiicj i at ilhoGoverraen» ltftuse.« The address^ was

m «presented hy>t AirJiAxage,' joUaitiinadiof>jth%'

meeting ; Mr. Gordon, Mn- D. )Slai)äef(f, in-Mr. iBiirn^Mï« Kimbtrley^Mp.sJ. £s|}ie, and

' «Ir^Ar«nyt0gei,to¡w|(qm MiSíEjw^dleitcy.waí , !i pieaacdjoreply<a»(ft)Jlow&i>-f.¡i nm'is^',

¡«/ ÍGEÜT1.EW6»,! ,f|.| ./ i, ,Û'U .

¡j^ « de*. W ÏÏ ^1 / ít.TheJAddreás.of/ihelW* f )liabH|nli!pf,fb«fPi».tri«t qfiiliclimoiid:<l & o' ceiyewitA 'pefluIjari)iatisfHCiiion,^-nob-be

caut«;! feel flheiv¿ry jgratifyiiigexpréisKiYi K!of,your !sentjmeut«'%rUibute^ue tölhtyiex

«rlrans iditbe ad^iiuis(ration at; ibis ipnpper! <> i«wi colony.** a period.«fuearlyiacaini Jiekfs,

i buti¡(however ;muu)i,you hav.c.ovef^rated, niy ii aej-vice*) hecatise ,youf j^ptjessipq» evidently

¡t)oiw.w<armly ironi ^heol>eart,i^n^«onvey a ».lively ¡«isurance that* IujUavd» gainftdiyour1 Í'est«entimd>e4tnfid«ticeM>^;(;u ii*.fu i *di'

\hñ The-flattering tristunony.which your. Â'd-'

, dreaa eonvey», that iuiu^b bus. been done for lithe welfarciipf thfiieploUyiis JI V*ryvbi«b, ri ,iwardf«M> tim labouraiand..aiixi*tv!v>hiclî(l :;. bave, i undergone.; but^;wR|| unUl&isted sih > .eerily l>canms^uUcyo»»that my daily regret ,i,u, th»tj/h4mincwdpnrniucltnidre.inh sitir' ..i'atidn" wl»«iiçihAa.ljTnost.ff!veryinieasWe ¿tay ntprovfjbeiKfitíiíl'br'iiiUurjoUsíto the>peeie'iiti

ox,fut ure welfare, oí,.the (!ouirtuintyk( tidj

? i Sir George« Mur*av, it,,^a« reported/ 'y&'s

.1 «bout'to undertake the,dutiet at tlie.Hbfsé ?, (¿uardi? iptacSMcoeedeti iu those ofithe Co"

lonial office by JLord ; rfalmersloni, Mr. C,

\) !GrÄUtiiwasf WMMw platee; «f.Secretar^ Hi lihWsie.iiiijhe tooan ofiLordnEi Gower. is¡ ~ t lulCousolfi 45th>Oct.8Ö^.j >àl nvMn.r/1 ][

\ no MniB^pughaniiWttj prepariagttpibriug'in* /">« bill aÉilJie.'.opeuiMg.ot ^ailiaUienli lor the KJtietukmPf Cbujrjub, property.^ m j I ,<i

.Im Theifollowing arti ih«^,peera of"'Scóí-1 > landoeleetediiiar tjtei prestut ftatliaoieat, viz ,nrm-Mbrqbis««(f jQueensbeffy uud Tweeddale, .(.'EarlB bfiErrni, ManHiw^Mojne.ElgiivNprth

esk. Viscounts Arbutbnot^gnd Strathallan, - Lord* J?ofbev&ltuujir.âxay, 5iudair, Col , ville.liapjeruudBelhaven. ,

' v>^ Captain Helsbam bas uadergona the, cri-

minal trial to which he hail surrendered at

( tbeOld^dey, foçtfhe kiUuig?pf LieuU-iianl1

.Crowther (brother of Di* Crowther of 'this jilace) aiidacquiltcd, " ' } i "

» ,-flU Cell tl(l till« .1 >/(.} -> f Mr> ',. i jíífi I'f ,f }

ai- fc^AidfirmaibKey is joe iijbw iLordiMayqr. of li» hm4nn. lind ,jiio yT>/<j i¿i ! Ji molli, un of .uJjtiedj i-in_f tSepteiiibMy>ia*. iDpiikrid* 'His à Grat>e(itbe.fiDuk«tiofeA>hfih!/aged.i7Id.u in II Load«!?, LadyulTbuElow,! iJformerly -Misjs mi -Belton*!) M stoííio trJ »i' H «» ' «¡i « Î-.IK>

é t/iffpíiJÍDn^nbtli^tlsUi: ofh^fpt.,oMrííWin.

HaxIitt.slliejsùttensivlécontrifoutQrto lüope jAodicalliJer^Hiríi dfithevday. i¡' .i .< »

n.i'jrhene^tlbiindlfl of Jbaions on rather the forthoomihgrlist toft legal advancements,! is to* cohtaiuilheidiairies *of .Messrse Aldersnn, Patte9on^trdlJillrViltiam«¿( Sferjeants Ludio«* atril Rnsselh)! V.Mr* ¡[Campbell <f>ays<pB morning- paper) I reserves Jhim&«lf for. some ihing higher." Wiiat is above the) hw ?
