Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Friday 20 March 1835, page 4


\Ve. have received several -4e*^ers res , pectin'gihe supposed trickery ?^d qn1 '|l*.len jp.o^for^thjs »fBce--*souie ~of- Ibeni i'coiilainiogjqmrKti^ns \yhicli M'.eiaKe ^quitciuna

uie lu ausv^er,, jU.uiiiyvijv.rn^B^ci.iiwuB »».uivii it would be equaily difficult - ta-.5upport or falsify, ami,, unwise to publ|sii; 'p-ue pf jiur Cprresponidenls .-goes ? so ^.fursas-to^ ini« ^Vigh'r:iMr:?rJBa4iqii?i^6iny-lict'-in»,th^ftira»r, which Jia.d\clares ;? ? jimouri.ts Ao vlhe Jmost complete .sacr.itice Iof..tije^pu6lic that e«|er Btained'the liniials of racin'gV-'rtandvheraslls, '???if Mr. It. does not'dapervo'L'ie, most serious and severe reprobation r,(or- bmng'fijj his horse to the post in si!pl)Va.BtHte !' ^c. VVe are. not going tujstt ^.yp^oMrselvestas Mr. Batson's cliompion-^-nor, rinvftict^xloes he require one ; his character ^BS.a^gen tie-man, a sportsman, and acn«vnvofvhot-our, stands too high to n.'qiiire-de.fendittg:4rom! anonyinous attneks, nud ;kMxing*so;muchatt; we do in circles where th«se-:matters- ore discuMedf ...we .,w.UI .v.euture tOvBfty ilhat ' Square'vis- theJlfirnfwho 'has -called -it tin' question; the alluSion by another .writer to tne' circumstance :ofvSerab'-beiu,g'isent to D»ncaster-Tor the i;puppose of '??♦idoiug'; a, gallant Captain out .of ;£3Q0,;Js, not .'in. point. Mr. B. was-abont*as-'muclK'impli : cntetl in it as .theipariy'W:bo..bas.,t8,ken; the: trouble to take it up. In one; respect. only' vdo-we* consider? Mr.^Bnttonrto.'blamervJz.iin .having ,his; horse ?trained .at.such-a^pjucc .as Brock iesby — pnrkrtrainiqg will tK-ver wiin a Lt-ger ; this, h»w.eyer, ^was «?mere|y an' error of judgment, and ,;mjghl * have T.-been coiuniUted by any one ^not in ither^liabit of sending horses |to Dohcaster. !T.liat , the', horse, jyas^drtifiged ; is vurv ..generally 'ibe-* lievetl, and such ' i* the opinion of'Mr. ?Biil«on,who'48 still pcoupied-in.inv.e»ugnting the matter for the purpose of bringing 'the

scoundrels concerned before 'ilia public; that he will succeed ia more (hap -lou,b«ful, us these frauds arc too well managed to .admit oT.easy detection. X lioipe of the .stories that Jiave .reached us, be true, the trainer cannot be acquitted of ^carelessness ; one of. them is that an Edinburgh .horse denier ?' wandered' into the Xarm5 yard^ .where iPienipo, was standing, ^fotii\d the stable door opeu-arid the horse eating his corn, and was examining liis feet when one of the lads came up!' We do not impeach ihsmot.yts of the Scotchman in ihe horse, they w^redoubtless profesvonal ; ' bul hjW.Ciiuie ,tbe door to be .left open, and ^no one thftre ? Nor was it very prudent i n the trainer to be walking up and down the ,Bttt ing-roam at eleven.or t.wely.e o'clock on ' the morning of the race(l) Had he observed thexaine vigilance exercixed at Kp.som, he would not have left. his horse fora . li i oinent; .common experience jWould have ; pointed but the danger pf trusting luds, who, either .from simplicity or roguery, are easily practised upon. In justice to him- : self and the . public, , Mr. Batson .will no doubt look into this. Not :a shadow of suspicion rests upon Conolly, who w as a heavy loser ;;by the ^horse's defeat. We1 ?repeat, in conclusion, thai the 'afluir is full of suspicion ; but that there is little probaibtlity of .its . e,v,er .-being unrayt'llpd to the s«li»faotion of the ?♦' fiuffering^-spublic.

Al'Errfield'Raccui,.«rhiqh 'terminated (ion Friday week, a distressing -nccident, .hBP' pened ,. ^to 41 beautiful poiiy^belongHig Ho ' Mr. \Y»jdd, .whilst cDii.tendiii^ , f«-r on,e, of the prizes. The 'little animal, when ;galloppiqg At -the: top of its speed,1 broke one . .oT jls.'f.ope;l«-gs, and after limping forwards ? forabout 40 yards, fell upon.-itsftiiltr. The* -ground -on- which -the -flccident-oconr r«d- wan perfectly le.wel, -and the-pnny d.d not ap-| pear to have stiiinhlfd, or made the slighti'St fnl«e step, when the leg snapped. Jit lay . on the ground :in great .agofiy , -for more than a'quorter of an hour, utltil its .throat was cut. The earcHse.wus lhqn,sold\on the spot, for one guinea, for dog?s*meat. Bei'orethe-accidi-nt she was valued at 4tfty ( guineas. '.'-. . ? /, . ?Duiiitg Ahe Donoaster R«oef, 5ir-E., Dodswoith's Oiiaruier was nbld l-y auction' to Mr, Brniiflejibiirgli, ,fpr:iO,^gs. ; .a yjear-1 ling 'fijly liyVclocipede, to 'Mr. GpoHjt'iq, T«ir'.7Qg8.,; aJ\b,y.,JT ,Plian(om,;Qjit;Ofti|Brr ,bam,.to Mr. F.Jintoff, for 42gs. ; Fuifan, Mr. Doran, for 32gs. ; a b'r m ibyChateou Mar-rinix, to Mr. JJuieman ; a call by -Confederate,, 'out of BnlLod-gingcr, to Mr. ' Povylett, for 820g* ; -a 'filly- by Confederate, . out of 'Clinkermu, to Mr.-Bciwes, for tBBgs., ' '&c.;8zc' 'Mr. .-'Giilden?!! greyhounds (H'erje?. ^)»o .Kold, .that ..did ,ivut 'ifetcli vje^y ^qod .? ^prices. ' ' ' . , -: ?'?;'.? ;?'

Observations from the Secretary to the Mary-le-Bonne Club in favour of the Alterations and Additions to the Laws of Cricket. The alteration of the law No. V. is evi-dently in favor of the striker, and tends to render that of No. X. palatable to all per-formers and amateurs. The alteration of the said law No X. is also favourable to the striker ; for, at pre-sent, many bowlers deliver the ball with the hand above the shoulder, without any animal version from the umpire. It will, in future, be strictly confined to the shoulder ; and all umpires will be enjoined rigidly to enforce this law. The present limit of the elbow is too difficult of discernment, and the practice does not agree with the law, which, as it was framed by the Mary-la-Bonne Club, ought invariably to be obeyed. The elevation of the hand to the shoulder is highly desirable, as it is a criterion so much more easy to be judged of by the umpire than the elbow ; and with reasona-ble care on the part of all the bowlers who are now performing, it is confidently ex-pected that the violation of this proposed law will seldom occur in future. The alteration of the law No. XI. is also in favour of the striker, as it is proposed with a view of preventing him from being baulked or harassed whilst receiving each four balls. It will also prevent delay. The addition to the XIIth law will sim-plify the game, and set at rest all doubts in the mind of the scorer, who, at present, knows hows not how to register the runs if any byes be run. It will take away from the wicket keeper the power of stumping from a wide ball, which, at present, may possibly be claimed. This circumstance will favour the striker - whose case, in-deed, has been considered in most of these

proposed alterations - so much, that the best hopes are entertained that the hitting and the bowling will be placed upon an equality. The alteration of the law No. XXII. has also the recommendation of assisting the striker ; in running, he may now save his wicket with any part of his person as well as with his bat. The alteration of the law No. XXXV. is proposed that a clear understanding may exist, and that the XXIVth law not clash with it. The law No. XLII., as it is proposed to be indited, will be more consonant to reason than that which now exists ; therefore, it is recommended for adoption. It will effect a more perfect performance of his duty by the striker, as he will be very careful how he hazards the loss of two runs, or possi-bly of four. The new law No. XLIV. is proposed that country umpires may learn, and that all umpires may perform that duty. The part is in favour of the striker. The new law No. XLV, proposed with the same view of instructing the um-pires and to prevent all future misunder-standings when the word "Over" shall have been uttered. The writer of these observations was lately engaged in a match at Brighton, when the umpire called "Over," whilst the strikers were running a bye ; that bye was disallowed. Here. again the striker will be benefitted. The law No. XLVI. will become a writ- ten, instead of an understood law, which is advisable for the information of umpires in general. The law respecting bets is absolutely necessary, many people imagining that the match, if not played out, is decided by the first innings, and cases being continually sent up from the country for information. Lord's Cricket Ground, Sept. 20, 1834.