Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Friday 2 October 1835, page 2

English 'Extracts. '


, The 'Derby' day, as il is oiled m^ excellence, has often been described, butfo depiqt 'the appearance 'of the course on Ep«om downs yesterday would he a difficult

vai-iv, ii iic 'i if, vu iu uescriDe 11 was Com. pilled to give a detnil ofall the vnrialioni of ihe scene, and of all ihe tiicidents by which it-was divemified. The day «ai not unpropitious as for n» the weather wii9con-cerned, though towards it* condiminn » shower or two drove ' various groupi to their-enrringes, nnd partly destroyed th« usual display of beauty ntid fashion ontlie promenade. * The road from London Is Epsom « as a complete scene of the loco* motive poVers of every thing which can b? any strtl'ch of the imagination be ca'lerl* horse'; - From the giganiicdray-horse to tin most diminutive pony— ^-every thing which could. crawl upon four legs was put in «. 'quih'tion .The variety of Vehicles mu 'sufllcient. to- bewilder the ideas of the molt ex p«rienced. , Barouches, bi itschcas, phc. tuns, four-»vheelfd chaises, dog -carts, 4c. 'were hurrying in all directions' to tlie'iceua otf action/- llad Mr. Martin been - alive'sid present, lie would have seen how totally ho had miscalculated hi* estimate of what honei 'could perform, and remodelled his bill for the prevention of cruelly to atiiin.ils. Tlis road was fortunately so well suturateH vjih fain; that not a particle of dust annoyed the bipeds or distressed the quadrupeds, and in going to the races few or no accidenti i occurred. The motley erotip, consisting of all grades, from the ' Quos curricula'' geriju who rode in and drove their ovvucarriiigW, to the mercenary charioteers who cunveved the live lumber of the day to the cpurw, appeared to be animated by one ?njritUf emulation and excitement. A 11 innumcra&t group of horsemen, the majority of who* appeared to be in their noviciate, filled n-* along the road the interstices which wen left between the carriages. It was indeed, a curious sight to contemplate the ibmrd pretensions of some of the horsemen nko, mounted on hired horses, aveined' deter-mined to exact from the miserable aniaili sulijt-cud lo their temporary authority tbt puce they had paid their owners fbr'ibeir ??ir vices.' So strong was the ardour for going'to the races, thiil several mourninf conches were' for this day rescued from Ibi clutches of the tindertakar, and mnileiubr servieril' to the merriment -of the living instead of the veneration of the dead. Tin gambling booths were as numerous as ertr. It in idle to' su'ppose7 that these faneiof Vhe Goddess of Fortune will be snppm?ed ; fur %\wo ' luat 2f- yeara-lhe i-»/m«m ha* been decried, and for these last 20 rein it has been said' it would ?? be ?tippresMd, without a single effort having been mtde fo-ils extinction. Thimble-riggers, roulet^ table-keepers, hazard-lable-keepers, mtk and female, were plundering on ever/ pirt '?of the course the simple victims of avuici and credulity. To diversify the icmi, cohjiirers, learned donkies, posture rbaittrii, Punchinellos; &c, performed their vuiM tricks and deceptions. The course ti admirahly kept by the police; there 'w no confusion, no interruption, and no titlence. The racing was exceedingly (bod, and although not one of the first favoiiriM was success ful^ the sport wasexcellent ind the -running iirst-*rtte. The late heiij , rains have done much good to the lutf, lid the judicious allerntious which liave'bRi made at' Tottenham corner have greitlj improved ihe cours*.' The furzes* kkri been cut away, and room has been gireafcf the horses to come round the corner vithnl encountering the difficulties and d»fi|ff which formerly existed. It m;iy be M that on no former Derby day has a greiiit display of beauty, of elegance, arid fvdnobeen »een on ihe Downs. Th'e'retunfr« the races was not so fortunate in tlieabMM of accidents as the drive to them. In lk« lune which leads from the course into tW: town of I'psoin a chaise' cart was riin-a»ij with, the horse fell and broke both U knees, and the two m«-n who wore isiidt were so severely hurt as to require is*M» diate surgical assistance. The rottl i* stained with blood, and it was undetitmul that they had been dangerously woiinsVi With this drawback on the gaiety ^W day there was nothing to alloy the ptetMHi' and gratification of the company. : .1,/ , To impart anything like novelty'!* « description of the Derby day would btu -undertaking of no slight difficulty,^ for«i| rib less'than 55 occasions Iib« the sanwsl* ;)^een'*acted over the same 'ground, duri«C nearly lialf of which period it-has been «* 1 annual' -lask- to luxuriate on the _ '?'?Jjj 'etceteras which assist in the formation ofH; ensemble* unrivalled in this or anjr;ojwi country.1' '?- At 'one period, indeed, our ««» blinding otir reason gave undue wetfiirtt' the. recent disjvrite, and almost led i»W»j; lieve thai the metropolis would befle^ntti 'of its'' greatest treat, snd we of ' ou'^?', potion.' Our apprehensions hsve ; low''? turned out to be grouudleis, ttnd ' '''ij'| i tleniurewitiiesseth,'thatuiitilsieani-iotitK»: [and iron-roads shall have altogether luptr* [ seded the use or, necessity of horBef,'!* lovers of this trujy national sporl may »?? ? tinue .toparlicipale in the laborious enjoji [mcnl of ihe 'Derby day.' Despiififf, ,asiwe have said, .of discovering any '? feature, we commenced our journey (?»? |it'is a.jpurney) at purnsual lime, aucHe*. 'cotnplished the IB mj Itjs in the astonttcUM'J, -short period ,,or, three, hours »nd s qii»»W l an« achievement of npjinall morils, whejiw ?elicJless. annoyances created by -uwkiHw-'charioteers and. insolent toll-kceppr« '??' 'taken into consideration. -. -ft was1 '«r.tu'l.lJ llhdt the roads, were -.yell watered, noinj )c-intract,^ijui; by a; pretty , ooii9ider«i)« Bhower during. the', night, ;,and;.ihut*on«.«

penae.Uie time for running-; the. :Der!»y having been unwisely ..changed:; from ..two o'clock liUlialfpa«t, thus giving an .oppor-. tunny -to thoie bent on larking - and ?«???-. chief to get £! drunk and disorderly! before instead of after the race, as of l old, and thereby (increasing the difficulty, of keeping the course1. .This alteration is :a defect jn the management, which in all other respects j* perfect. biJi j-;;-,7. s .; ;?;.'.??'? ,;.- -VV. ?';-?;-? '. ? the grievancesmost to bo dreaded was avoided. About one o\slqck we readied the ; downs, and here for two long hours had we' to wander about lin a.state of. mortal sus-. The weather, Ayith the exception of two or three showers; was favourable, and the . ,porti as may be gathered from the follow-, inu account; very gqcd:^— :;% ?.',, ,.- .,.u ';. The Derby Stakes, of 50 iiovereignu euch, h. ft . for 3 year old co'.ts 8»t. 7lbTi and: fillies 8it. 2'.b. Last mile and ajialffcllpa,owner of the winner to pay 100: soys., towards the expense of the ...additional;. police officers, and the owner of the se-1 cond horse to receive 100 sovereigns out; of the stakes. 128 subscribers. U, w- Xfi- \ Mr. Bowes* s ch. c.;Mundj|j,;,; out of Emma (Scott). ..,.„ .,.,,.,,,.;,,.-.?, j.:.r-.-,,ln Lord Oxford'H^b. c: A»cpt, - ^Jfcjvt-ha-,,, ler. out of Angelica (..Nat,),^... .-.£*? -,.J.1..iY/2|i The following also, Btnrted, but. w'er^noij placed by the, judge :-7Ti(. ;...,! )-?. Win*iu H^4 Lord Jersey's br. c. , .Ibrahim;** byVSuHan,j c;ut of sistt r to Cobweb (Robiiiach.),,^, Lord Jerseys ch. c. Silenii^, by/Rejelljir,, out of Trampoliive (C.il2dwa,rdft,'?)%i-?-i;s: Duke of Richmond's c, by Cainel.-J ou-,o.f| Leopoldiue (IJoyce.) ? ..,-;.;. »*: nivffftty Duke of Cleveland's c, by^emnpn.j oul|. of PucelJe (Chifriey.) -., -. ;f?' ' ^Q^i Mr. Uid*dulu's,ch. c. Coriolaniis.^byftEnii.-i 4 lius, but of Linda (.Conolly.).£^H«-iy;X»j Mr. Pettit's Ibrahim, ,; by ?Suhan, iout,,of| P«ra (Wright.) :v _V;Vm~ - ^ ? Sir G. H ealhcote'a ch c. -Vnlentissiino, ,by ' Velocipede, out of Jaoe (Buckle.1). , . ? Mr. J.. Robinson's r l»r. c. S-ockporl« by Langar, out of Olympia( Darling.). '- i Mr. J. Peel's, br. c. Trim, by Edmund, out' of Mary (Chappie.) Lord Warwick's, b.c., by Middleton, out of Niobe (Galloway.). . r ,. ' Mr- llidMlale'.sgr. c. Luck's All. by Tramp, out of Flora ( G. lidwanls.) ? , V Dnko of R'utlamlV. c. by Cation, ,out of' * Daribletta (Wlieatley.) __ v * Tho ring was formed,' as usual on the top of the hill,' and two or* three .fluctuations took place, but the jimonnt^of business transacted- was not , very, considerable. The last prices were — * ; ? -' .;?. ';- ^ 7 to .4 against |broliini,^3,;tq,,,l^.against, Ascot, ;(3;^qi;ii'Kaga-.inst JMunditf, (JlQ-»«« - J -against Coriolanus, II to i ayainsl Leopoldiue, 18 to 1 against Pncelle, 50 to 1 against Trim, 60 to 1 ugniiist Valeulissiino, 100 to, 1 against Pelops. ' ' The horses assembled at the post at the time fixed, biij owing to three or four futile attempts to get off, the race did not come off till a few minutes after llnee. Sileiius1 ond Luck's All'were started for i he purpose of making ploy, the former for Ibrahim and the other for Coriolanus ; Silenus therefore took the lead at a great pnee, followed by -Luck's All, who (Ua ing the whole of the , time he laid second wus, forcing the running; behind these two were Valenlissimo, Ascot, Mundig, Coiiolanus, then came the ruck, and.. lastly -.p^Jops, .Trim, and Pu-:., celle, but al.f preYfy.wVll together: There was no. material. change of position till they were near iiie- -Tottenham corner, where Pelops and Trim went up from the rear, and joined the horses forward, Trim taking the inner side and Pelops the upper; in making the turn Luck's All made a lost effort to encreaae the speed, and gave up just before reaching the road; Mundigand Ascot now went forward, Mundig, like Pelops, taking the upper ground, and Ascot the lower, Silenus being still, in front, having with him Valenlissiino,. Pelops, Trim, Coriolanus, Mundig, Ibrahim, and A ccot, all in line, nor did he altogether relinquish the lead till within the distance, where he dropped off; a little further on Coriolanus declined, and at the stand only Ascot, Ibrahim, , Mundig, and Pelops were left; of these the two first named were running a kind of match on one side, .and the two latter on the other. lbruhim was beaten before they, cleared the stand, and Pelops almost at the same moment. Mundig and Ascot then '- joined issue,' and ran a very severe race home, Mundig winning by a neck ..only ; so close, indeed, was the finish, thai in the ne.xl stiide beyond the chair Ascot'* head was first ! -Mundig, in fact, won. his race right upon the post, and not till then. About a length behind Ascot were Pelops, Ibrahim, and VuletiUssimo, and so close together that it i.« difficult to.separato them. We believe, however,, that in awarding the third place to Pelops, the fourth to Ibrahim, and the fil'tn to Valentissimn, we shall be pretty near the mark. Trim was sixth and well up with -the three, Coriolanus was next, then Silenus and Luck's All ; behind these Danolelta, Pettit's Ibrahim, Leopoldiue, and Stock port; and, lastly, the Pucelle colt, who never showed in front, and was beaten a long way., : The pace was severe throughout, but there was not much of ? tail at the finish. 7 Value of the stakes £0550, subject, to, the customnry deductions'; besides this. Mr. Bowes wins a large sum in bets ; all the party are also, great winners. Mundig is got by. Cation, out of Emma, by Whisker, out of Gibside Fairy, by Hermes, out of, Vicissitude, by Pipator —Beatrice, tby Sir Peter. The wjuner .was-: bred by the truttees of Lord Stralhmoie. Mrs. Hemans.— The AtheruBum, 'in announcing the death .of -Mrs: Hemaris, has been,. led into 'Some errors-respecting the place of her birth, which we arer requested by a near relatibnof th»t 'lady to correct. She was not born (f.« in a small quaint looking house in St. Anne-street, Liverpool,'' but in the home now occuyied by Mr. Molyneux, in Duke-streat.^/'Her' mother was also born in. the saniestreet.i ' Mrs. Il'emnns was born in affluen'cei'-(reoeived (it superior education, nnd- wan a benutirul-Vs well - as a highly accomplished 'woman? 'Her'ma'rrihge ; w as an im priid eritt but not Bit1 u ti happy one',! and although usepdrated-'in latter life1 from her husbandiqhe^wW never' estranged -to her. — LiverptibUHtaiteard; * -*'1 ? ' ' ? Died, on Wediiesdajr,- 13th~ May, at Chatham, aged- 94, Mrs; iCook, ? widow of. the far- fomedu uaVigalorr^- Cork'. Adver.

The letters frorn-Falmouih announce tlie: arrival of the Duke of Portland in hi* yacht from Lisbon, .which he left oythe/^rit ii|t. | with despatches from Lord Howard .de; -WaldeW. = ? No/news hdsV hov^evec^trajnis-j pire'd:.tIifough.thisrchanner,^'aird;rt--elcah'riotK learn tliat letters have been; re.cei veld ibjoaoyi ofthe/mercliants.'; fj:I-4'i;-«-i^J[.VI««»'Ilia»o-^- -Late in ihe^afterhbon: reportsifeajchsdjjhoi cilyjthat; tIie/;FrenclifandiiEiiglisl.t-Gcy^raij riients have.lngreedjtu.po'n 'ianointerventioh-with.'Spain.of :*: limitefl nature^ 'thn.l Jhej Frenclinune tejmaV*i»ab'bul^a,'M6.irien-..i»toj Spaiii 'immediately, in;6rder'.to-garrisori-tliej fqrtre«ses4and;thafciih& JingliNh^Go^ern-: meiit islto col-bperateUriithisjmoyemerit by! sending ship/of warHd lli« coast wi tlf ?armsj arid ammunitionvi aAggopd ideal ,of-c'redit! wusAgiven.aloiilhesejIiumpiirfii^i^ iriiist be' taken',' off -courscV as rpquiiing^con-l firmalion. ut 'l)\eyty, goye^ ihowejVerran -in-j creased; degreerof'c'onfidenceubaho'.fbreigiil stock-market, and\6iie'-brdkiEr;mafle a pur-) chase of ? aClOOiOOO in^Portugupse ^ stock,; which rose about 2 per cent:**: Their, influ-1 ence was fell in the Spanish markes, 'Gut' not to the aame exU'rit. -\',x Consols closed a i; 91^ for the ciccount ; and lixchequtr. Bills;, at;32s. to 34s. premium. Spanish Bonds wereilusl quoted 47 to 48 ; the scrip 7 J to 6i discount : and Portuguese. 5 per Ceiiis. , 80idt,o87J. -; „ U*« li'i;:''::;-*^'*'' m HWiooi.s. — Arrived in the' ThnmePj since this day'r le'iinight, , 725 ;; ; bales i' of Colonialr ,wobl»V per .?.'?'the cJshi|iSj^P»-p/cc/oi-|yBnd; . 'Sir} TKo'mds 'Laurie, ; 590V;balps ; of .which'».nrep announced .Vo, be ^old,1 at tGarra way's on'the;: I l,t lijiq f J n neil- ^T lie;:above VooUii A»liic!^ a re'I he, first Uiat-hnVi^aVw v«luri; the |-urt;P f itpn-1 , d oiiitfi is; season ,.o f the iie w. cl i p ii a re rt- p re -iSentyd\as-beih'gv)lbT j the; most part, of superior qtialily. iiTlitjre is n: steady business, in . p'riyale^ (cbnlracl/ trade, , rat. stationary : .pr'iceairrrCork^Advertiker^uMi v . -, Died at Co wrs.tlio Baroness Kirkcudbright, wife of R; :Davis, Esq., R. N. ' 'I lie ' Honorable Captain, George Harrington, whose death look place on Ilia. 2(1 instant, was next, brother to Viscount Bariiiictcn, and married to the I.atly Cnroline Grey (third daughter of Earl Grey), by whom lie lias had five children, two of them now living. — Mom. Herald, June G. It cannot but be considered a »tr-ige anomaly that while a person may »emi to and receive from 'Greece, South AmericK, and other remote countries newspapers iree'of charge, the Jouvnals of our own Colonies are charged three pence each on delivery in London.— Ibid. War Office, June 5.— mil Foot.— James C. De BnrRh, Gent. to! be 'eusign, by uurcha»e, vice Furneaiix, who retires., '.'''?' .;?.-,_?: - ?? ' '? Tea.— ;1 hree carpoei lately imported.per JVTor : giaiWf General Gascayne, and. Cordelia, direct from., Cunton, comprising 1.7 .1.1,9 packages will be'brpngh : forward by nuclidn on the Stli 'proximo. — Atbjon: -- ? The 'Karl of ligrpmonl bus conrndicted a'-state-1' ment which appeared in the Ltwei Journal, that two pillars had been executed by Mr.Carew.and | laced by his Lordship's command in the Catholic Chapel at Brighton. His Lordship declares — ' Without tiny bigoted feeling against the Itoman Catholic religion, 1 have never given, liave never thought of piling, and never intend to give, one shilling for the building or : decoration' of any Ftonian Catholic Chapel in England.' — Brighton Gazette. It has been already Mated that Lord Gosford is to proceed as Chief ComniUniouer to Canada; and from what we hear we think it is prebable that Sir Charles Grey, who was formerly a Judge in India, will be one of the persons associated witb hi* l.ordihip in the Commission. — Observer. ? ??-,