Hobart Town Courier (Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Friday 5 July 1833, page 3


Arrived on Sunday the 30th inst. the ship Jane, 272 tons, Capt. Tapper, from London, 22d January, Torbay, Feb. 22, with 113 fe-male prisoners. — Surgeon Superintendent. Dr. Robert Dunn — brings no news having sailed three weeks previous to the Warrior.

Arrived on Wednesday the 3d instant, the schooner Mars, Captain Kay, from Sydney 13th June, with a cargo of coals. Passengsrs Henry Ball and John Lewis

Sailed on Sunday the 30th inst. the Mary and Elizabeth. 82 tons, Capt. Thomas Nichols,

for Hokianga. — Passengers, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Roberts, Mr. F. Manning, jun.

Sailed on Wednesday the schooner Harle-quin for Sydney, with a cargo of potatoes and other colonial produce.

Wheat continues abundant in the market, at the average price of from 4s. 6d. to 4s. 9d per bushel ; oats, 3s. 6d. per do. ; Cape bar-ley, 3s. ; English do. 4s. 6d. per do.

Butchers' meat has risen considerably in price during the week, and there is little rea-son to expect a fall for some months until the approach of spring, the flocks depending al-most solely for support on the native pasture, the restorative effect of which is seldom felt until the latter end of October or the begin-ning of November. The four ensuing months are the most trying in the whole year for all

kinds of live stock supported on the native, grasses. Good mutton cannot now be bought under 5d to 5d½ per lb ; beef, 6d. to 8d. ; po-tatoes, 5/. per ton ; hay, 4/. 10s. per do. ;

straw is scarce at 3/. 10s.

The Tybee sails to-morrow morning for the United States, with a cargo principally the produce of this colony. We wish Capt. Mellet much success with this speculation. We feel a pleasure in bearing testimony to his gentle-manly deportment here, and to the very orderly behaviour of the crew, who, we under-stand, are all members of thc temperance so-ciety. ——— Sydney Gazette, June 8.