Hobart Town Courier (Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Friday 25 October 1833, page 3


Arrived on Monday the 21st inst, the ship Vibilia, 300 tons, Capt. Stephenson, from London 6th July, with goods.-Passengers, Dr. Evans, Mr. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Best, and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. G. Best and 4 children, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, Mr, and Mrs. Shilveton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Air. and Mrs. Wilmot and 3 children, Mr. Lyall, Mr. and Mrs. Gregg, Mr. Masters, Miss Best. Mr. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Boot and sisters, Messrs. Williams, Harvest, Chambers, Cole, Shilveton, and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bananhan and child, Mrs, Joley. Among the above are tlie following tradesmen, viz,-1 cooper, I butcher, I tailor, 3 farmers, 1 currier, 1 mil-ler, 1 linendraper, 1 innkeeper, and 3 clerks.

Arrived on Monday last, the schooner Har-lequin, Capt. B. Shaw, from Sydney the 8th inst. with a general cargo. Passengers Messrs. Thomas Mason and J. B. Braddy.

On the same day, the schooner Jess, 78 tons, Capt. C. Friend, from London, 14th May and from Rio, where she touched, on the 1st Aug. with a general cargo.-No passengers.

On the 23d iust. the ship Lonach, 400 tons, Capt. W. R. Driscoll, from London, 19th June, with a general cargo.-Passengers Messrs. P. Smith, A. Smith, L. Smith, J. C. Walker, and 23 others, besides 48 for Syd-


On the same day, the the ship Medway, 450 tons, Capt. Borthwick "Wight, from Sydney the 7th inst.-Passengers Miss Wight, Capt. and Mrs. , Mackay, Capt. Omiston, Lieut. Seton, 21st regt,, Lieut. Leckie, 30th regt., Mr. Galbraith, 88 rank and file, la women and l8 children,-2 J ti regt.

'On "the same day, the bark William Bryan, 302 tons, Capt. J. Roman, from London 4th July, Surgeon Superintendent Dr. Robert-son, R. N". with 123_ female convicts, 9 free women and 17 children.

On the same day, the bark Lady East, 648 tons, Capt. Alexander Strachan, from Liver-pool 15th June, with a general cargo, consist-ing of salt ,&c. Passengers Mr. and Mrs. Harnett and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins,

Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, Miss Murray, Miss M. and Miss C. Murray, Mr. Murray, Mr. Paterson, Mr. McGeichie, Dr. Harnett, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and 209 others.

Î Ou the'22d inârv the schooner Currency!r

' Lass, 30 tons, Capt, JRichards, from- Sydney j/

tlie 12th inst. with a 'general cargo.-Passe n-'r gers Mrs, Copies and-Mr. Parker. J J

Tlio Buffalo on her voyage out touched. at Rio, where the Mary'and Platina were taking , on board large investments of tobacco for Syd| ney, which article is now as low as 9d a lb. in I bond in both colonies.

_ The Atnevican ship Black Warrior, has'ar! rived at Sydney, with a cargo of merchandise, j from Salein (near Boston) 30th May. The j legislature of New York has passed an act,

making it penal for any waster of a vessel to introduce a convict into the slate. , ,

Among the goods brought by the American ship to Sydney, was a large assortment of beau

tiful mahogany made furniture. The vessel was bound for Hobart town, but owing to bad winds put in to Sydney.

Sir John Jamison obtained the prize at the Agricultural Society for the best specimen ol' colonial claret,

The wool market in Germany had under-gone a corresponding rise with that in Eng-land. At the great fair at Breslau, such was the demand that the whole was bought up be-fore the commencement of the fair.

Arrived at Sydney from England, the'5th I of May, Rio de* Janeiro the 21st July, .and f King George's Sound the 2lst of September, . on Saturday last, H.M.S. Buffalo, OOO tons, M. Ti Sadler, esq. R.N. commander, with 178 j female pri-oncrs and 2n children, under the

superintendence of Dr. Hamilton, R.N.

1 The Australian whaler, belonging to j AlcsM-s. Cooper and Le\ey, proceeds to West

| ern Australia and the Mauritius. - '

A large aliip called the Quebec trader was loading lor Swan river and King George's sound, expected to sail about the middle of


The Henry, Capt. Bonney, the Florentia, Capt. Deloit'te, and the Layton, Capt. Saun-ders, formerly of the Science, were Ionditig exclusively for Sydney.

The Atwick of AÖ0 tons, Capt. M'Kay, was to sail on the 10th July for Hobart town.

No departures during the week. The Ann however is clearing in order to sail on Sun-


At Mr. Wise's corn market on Wednesday, the doiirind for whcit was much grcater'.than the supply, with every prospect of ar¡se,¡wlut was sold fetched 6s 6d a bushel. Oats and Cape barley were very dull of sale, the former at 3s ßd and the latter at 3s. There were many samples of English barley but no buyers -peas 4s a btibhel