Hobart Town Courier (Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Friday 12 December 1834, page 3


Arrived on Sunday the 7th inst, the ship Eveline, 302 tons, Capt. Alexander Jamieson, from London (Plymouth 16th August) with goods passengers, Mrs. Covie and 4 daughters, Mr. Sugden, Mr.Hopkins, Mr. Brown (surgeon) - Mr and Mrs. Peacock and 4 children, Mrs. Titley and 2 sons, Mrs. Horsley and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Harris and 4 children, Mr. and Mrs. Watson and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. McBeath and 5 children, Mr. Rochfort, Mr. Smithers, Mr. Cokey,

Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

H. M. S. Alligator, Capt. Lambert, ar-rived on Sunday from Sydney, November 27. Besides the convict ships already mentioned, the Royal Admiral was appointed to sail on the 15th August. The Nimrod, Lotus, aud Mars were loading for Launceston.

Arrived same day, the ship Margaret, 3G4 tons, Capt. Johnson, London 3d July, with goods - Passengers. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Williams, and servant (formerly of the Bluff estate), Mr and Mrs Barnes, Mrs Slade and child, Mrs. Godwin and 2 children, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Lynn, Mr Watts, Mr Webber, Mr. and Mrs Palmer and child, Messrs. Davis, Tilley, Ibertson, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, sen., and 7 children, Mr. and Mrs. do. jun., Mr. Nathan, sen. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and 3 daughters, Mr. Cowper, Mrs Brinstead and 3 children, Mr. Lloyd. Messrs Symmonds, Broomfield, Warkey, Hance (the last son of our old friend Mr Wm. Hance of this place.)

The schooner Maris, 135 tons, Capt. Kind, arrived on'Wednesday fi otu the Cape of Good Hope, 23d Oct. with a full citrgo of fluur and


The schooner Industry, OG tons, Capt Dawson, arrived on the same day from New-castle and Twofold bay, with a cargo of coals and 23 head nf'cattle?passengers Messrs. Connor and M'Byrne.

Thc Currency Lass, £0 ton's, Capt. Tag-gart, arrived on Tuesday with ti general cargo ?passengers . Messrs. Meredith, Power, Wood, Williams, Soret, Pattison,. Stewart, Mrs. Stewart and 2 children, Miss Brown.

The Manfield sailed on Monday for Laun-ceston tn fill up for London.

On the same day the schooner Hetty for

the South seas.

On Tuesday the Eagle, Capt. Pratt sailed for Swan river?passengers .Mr. nnd Mrs. Clint, Monsieur Caffier, merchant, Mauritius.

The Henry' Freeling sails this day for Sydney?passengers from this place Mr.

Backhouse and Mr. Walker.

The Auriga, Siren, and Helen, arc on thc eve of sailing for Sydney.

Thc Thomas Lawrie is announced to sail on Wednesday for London.

The Cygnet, Capt. Rolls was at George town on the 4th instant?having brought out Mr. Curr and family, for Circular head, Mr.. and Mrs. Muston and. 16 others.

The price of good wheat Ins advanced du-ring thc week, as "there has been rather a short.supply, hut there is still a large quan-tity of Sydney flour on hand, which has kept tho price of flour at our former quotation. Should thc one hundred tons of flour which

arrived from thc Cape, prove of good quality, it will tend to reduce the price.

Fine flour, 281. per ton ; household ditto, 241. per ditlo ; there are no oats or harley in the market ; maize, 3s. Od. per bushel J best bread .'id. to Gd.per2lb loaf.

Mutton'-! Jd. to ?(id. veal Sd. to Od. beef-Jd. to7d. sheepskins fresh sheared 21. encl). ,

A steam ship 'of 7J0D tons with' ten engines of 100 horse power, each is daily expected at Sydney, for Mr. J. T. Wilson, to trade be-tween Sydney and this place. This will tend much to equalise the markets arid price of commodities between the two colonies. We return our thanks'to Mr. Wilson for the MonitoV of the '2i3th November, which is the only copy we have seen of that journal during the'last 3 years. The above isjhe pilly ar-ticle, jof nri,ws wc find iiv.the present mininer.

The James has arrived at Sydney with Dr. Lang and a. number of clergymen and


I'lie Swallow was taking on board, at Sydney.a cargo of Saxon sheep from the im-proved flocks of.Mr. Riley for the Cape ot Good Hope.

By the Sun of thc 12th of August, wc ob serve, that shares in the Australasia bank on which 101. had been paid, were selling at 131. The Australian Company's shares on which 231. 10*. had beech paid were soiling at 321. 10s., and our Van Diemen's land Company's shares on which 101. have been paid were sel-ling at 91. 10s.

The success of thc Greenland whalers was very small, as reported tn August, owing to the* ice preventing the accession to the best fishing ground. No intelligence had been yet received from Davis' straits, but it. was yet early in the season.

There has lately arrived from America a curious design of an amphibious machine, which combines all the properties of a steam boat and. a land carriage. When on thc land it runs upon four wheels, nnd on arriving at the bank of any river or.lake, which it is ne-cessary to cross, tue wheels stop, and a pad-dle placed under thc middle begins to play aud carries it over thc water without any dif-ficulty. It is the invention of an engineer named Whitton ; is in the form of an alligator or American crocodile ; its construction is

very simple, of small expense, and al] is easi-' ly taken to pieces, and quickly put together

again. . ,,