Hobart Town Courier (Tas. : 1827 - 1839), Friday 20 May 1836, page 1


A Respectable person competent to teach a

Small Family in the interior. Apply to, Mr. John Brown, of the Belvidere, in Hobart Town, or to Mr. Peter Harrison, of Jericho.


A Cook, in a family at Launceston. A free

or ticket of leave man, who can be well recommended from his last place will hear of a good situation by applying at this office.

-__ _______________ ? i

WANTED, a respectable young Woman to

take care of and instruct 4 young children, and to make herself useful in the family, for which liberal wages will be given, and she will be treated as one of the family.— Apply to Thomas Fleming, Tonbridge Wells

Inn, Blackman's river.

May 15.


A Person lately arrived in the colony who

has had upwards of 20 years experience in sheep farming, being about to proceed to

Port Phillip, wishes to undertake the manage-ment of a flock of sheep for a share of the in-crease or otherwise. The advertiser will give most satisfactory references as to respectability, &.c. in Hobart town or Sydney.

N. B.—Wanted to purchase 200 fine woolled Ewes for cash, apply, post paid, at the Courier


Warehouse to Let.

THE undersigned being about to remove

from their present promises on the Old Wharf, would be happy to treat with a tenant for the same—rent £150 per annum.

The Hydraulic Press, which is. now fixed there, may be purchased by the incoming tenant if thought desirable.

M'GAA, WARHAM, & CO. Old Wharf, May 12.


With immediate possession,

THOSE premises situate iu Bathurst-street.

near Elizabeth-street, at present in the occupation of Mr. Samuel Biggins, Cabinet


And also,

The premises, No. 50, Campbell-street, late in the occupation of Murdoch and Brothers, consisting of a large and substantial store, capable of containg four thousand bushels of grain-with a detached dwelling house and good garden, rent moderate. Inquire on the premises.

JAMES LLOYD. March 30.


THE unexpired Lease of a House in Mac-

quarie street, well adapted for tJiP pur-pose of an academy, or as a gentleman's b mrd iiig house,'will be to let on the 25th o» June next; the present occupant removing into the country. For particulars apply to No. 57, Mac-quarie street.

May 5.


TWO Hundred yearling ewe Sheep, of an

improved breed, convenient for shipments to Port Phillip. Inquire of Mr. J. Tolson, Mr. Tetley's, Old Wharf.

Hobart town, May 12. '


THE" Hobart town Carpenters' and Joiners'

Benefit Society House of Call, nf Mr. "Win. Champion's, ' Jolly Hatters,' Melville


Builders in town and country, private indivi-duals, &.C. are most respectfully requested to make their call for men at the above place, stat-ing the number, and whether carpenters or joiners, or both.

Prompt attention to every call.

AU letters to be post paid and addressed to the Secretary of the Carpenters' Society.


6 T ITTLE BARNES' of the Ferry, offers

_fl_J to back his horse " Tommy" against " Big Moore's" celebrated horse '? Skeleton Jack" for the above sum, to be run over the New Town Course, within six mouths from the underneath date, any distauce, or any


N.B. No bill work at this side the Ferry. All cash payments.


Stony Point Ferry. April 7, 1836.


FROM Ballochyle, some time ago, a Ravi

Lamb, ear marked with a punch hole in left ear, and & punch notch in back of same car, right do.full,was unshorn and pitch marked with a small J ML joined together, so as one side of the M formed the J and the other side the L, on three different places, viz. left shoulder, left nbs and left hip ; is now about 5 or C months old. Having been advertised before and no traces of him having as yet been found, he is supposed to have been driven away with sheep passing up or down the Launceston road. If stolen, ten pounds will be paid to any person who will be the means of convicting the offender or offenders; and if strayed, ten shillings will be paid to any

person who will be the means of recovering

him to

J. MACLANACHAN. Ballochyle, May 9. .


ALL persons are hereby cautioned' against

purchasing or in any way bargaining for that plot of land, part of a parcel of land origin-ally granted to Mr. William Worthy, deceased, situated on the New town road, lying between ^the land and premises now occupied by me, and i adjoining the premises occupied by Mr. Glou-

cester-no other person having any legal titleto

the same.


Hobart town, May 5.


ALL persons having claims against the un-

dersigned, proceeding to England, aro requested forthwith to present the same for payment; and all persons indebted to them are requested to settle their accounts as soon as possible. MICHAEL & HARVEY.

May 2.


LADIES* and Gentlemens' address cards,

neatly and expeditiously engraved and printed at the Courier office.

To Merchants, Auctioneers, tye.

Bitlsof Lading, foreign and inland, Bills of Exchange (copperplate)neatly stitched in books of from 60 to 200 each, may always be had on application at the Courier ofiice.


ON Sale at the Stores of J. Molloy, 50,

Elizabeth-street, the following Goods,

cheaper lhau at any other store in town, for


Hyson skin tea, 4L 7s per chest Superior ditto, 41.10s

Sugar, by the bag, 2¿d to 2Jd per lb

Hats from 10s ; the best supeifine from 18s

to 30s

Black and olive veheteen shooting coats, . 5 20s ;o 25s ( ,

Barragon shooting coats^ined, 12s'to ifes ' Ditto jackets^ 8s Gd to 11s J ' ,,v ' ' Cord ditto, 9s to I2s "' . ' . ' Ditto trowsers, 9s to 12s '

' '"''Barragon ditto,'lined with fustian, 9s to 11s / ' * Ditto liuhned, Cs to Gs '/

Velveteen ditto, lined, 8s to 9s Witney great coats, 20s to 35s Petersham ditio, 30s to 35s Pea jackets, 13s to lös

Monkey(dittq, 10s to 13s Guernsey Irocks, 4s to 0s

Flushing t'rowsers, 7s to 9s

Blue and led twilled shirts, best quality,

5b to Gs

Red flannel ditto, 2s Gd each

Comforters, Is * i Blankets. 7s to 10s per pair J Genllemens' shoes, 5s to 8s Ladies' ditto, 4s to 5s

Children's black and white beaver bonnets,

5s lo 10s

Fancy silk handkerchiefs, 3s to 8s Black ditto, 2s Gd to 8s

Fancy prints of various rich patterns, 9d

to la

Ginghams,ditto, Is to Is 2d

Calicos, by the piece, 4d to 7d per yard Silk plush waistcoats, listo 15s Worsted ditto, 7s to 9s

Boj s' blue cloth and seal-skiu caps, 4s to


Superfine blue and black dress coats, 50s

to 70s

Ditto riding, of all colours, 50 to 70s Ditto blue cloth jackets, 18s to 35s

Ditto black and blue trowscrs, 18s to 30s Ditto kerseymere ditto, 20s'to 25s

White and brown drill ditto, ffs to 10b¡ Superfine black waistcoats, 8s to 12s Valencia ditto, 4s to 9s

Marsella ditto, 2s 6d to 7s

Striped bed ticken, Gd to 8d per yard, by

the piece

Striped cotton shiits, good, 26s to 30s per

dozen - . Fine ditto white ditto, 3s to 8s each

t Superfine blue, black, and green cloths, at

very low prices Kerseymere ditto

With many other articles, at equally low

prices, and of good quality.


Selling Off,

D STIRLING begs leave to inform the

. public, that he will dispose of his very splendid stock of Jewellery, gold and silver watches, silver plated ware, cutlery,'japan tea trays and waiters, Dutch clocks, childrens' toys, &c. at prime cost, as he intends leaving this co-

lony for England.

Terms-purchasers above £15 three months credit on approved bills.

$¿T D..S. will feel obliged by «ill those in-debted to him settling their respective ac-


JUST received, ex "Mary," and to be sold

cheap by the undersigned, for Cash

200 hogsheads of Taylor's best double brown stout , t .

400 casks of wine, consisting of Port, Sherry,

and Madeira, of excellent quality j

1500 dozen bottled ale and porter, particu-

larly recommended ?o the use of private


Also-20 punchons of rum in bond

130 barrels of do. in do.

35 hogsheads of brandy in do. 7 pipes of do. in do,

5 hogsheads of gin in do. 3 pipes of geneva in do. 100 casks of do. in do.

200 kegs of cods' heads and sounds

Elizabeth-st. May 12. WM. LINDSAY.


R. J. W. DAVIS has just received at his

Seed House, 23, Elizabeth street, a quantity of Tares and'colonial grass seeds of the very best'quality. ' ?» - i

N. B.-Every description of farm,- garden and flower seeds,, for sale, at the above ware-

house. ' i

, FOR SALE, t AT William Harris's Foundry

Recess register stoves


Cottage stoves, of all sizes Kitchen ranges, do

Brewing and washing coppers Cast iron pumps

Mould bodrds for ploughs Lead pipe

Brewers' thermometers

Ship, house and sheep bells

N. B.-Wanted an active young


rg^HE Undersigned having at considerable J. cxpence erected a Pressing Machine, at the New Wharf, where he will bo happy to execcute orders in the pressing of Hay, Wool, Bark, or other goods, on the shortest notice, at the rate of from 8 to 10 ton, per day, and much cheaper than at any other House in Town, owing to the immense power and high con-dition of his machine. He has been a grower of wool in New South Wales for many years, and therefore thoroughly understands the as-sorting of this article.

Charge for bay.lSs. with bindings per ton.

Do. do. 153. without do.


New Wharf, May 12.

?ujnimm»...-Wg|| | | m m m ||


Particulars ofthat Valuable Estate of 3200

Acres of Land, known as Danbury Park, situate at Green Point, JPestcm Bank of the River Tamar, which



At his Rooms, St. John street, on Tuesday May

24, at 12 o'clock-title unquestionable.

(A plan of the Estate to be seen at Mr. Eddie's

pjjfce, St. John street.)

THE ESTATE OF DANBURY PARK is situated at Green point, on the western bank of the river Tamar, about 5 miles from Launceston, and consists of 3,200 acres of the finest land in the colony, whether intended for sheep pastnrage, cattle breeding, or agricultural pursuits and improvements.

This beautiful and valuable estate is bound-* ed by the river Tamar, on which it has a most extensive frontage to the east-on land of Mr. Archibald Thomson and crown land to the south east-on crown land of most excellent quality for sheep pasture, to the south and west -and on crown land of equal goodness, and laud,of Mr. Jonathan Griffiths, to the south

west, west and north west.

The whole boundary of the Tamar is com-posed of clear land, of the most rich alluvial description, at the foot of undulating hills, facing to the east and north east, and a consi-derable quantity of it is brought into high cul-tivation. Other part is prepared for the like, by marsh draining, by a. practical Lincolnshire na-


The tea tree brush separating some of the marsh land from the river, affords an opportu-nity for decoy pouds for taking wild fowl, which, if well managed, would produce an in exhaustable source of wealth; whilst the hills to the westward of the marsh, of low alluvial land, and rich grassy plains beyond them, pre-sent as fine an opportunity (for the extent of it) for sheep grazing, as, perhaps, the newly fa-voured settlement of Port Philip, iu Southern Australia, can aiToid. i,

lhere are considerable paddocks, well fenc-ed in, with good post and rail and other sub-stantial fences, in paris bt-twecu the hills ; and the low land favourable for cattle grazing.

Large quantities of mimosa bark are to be collected annually ou the western frontier, and a most valuable oyster'fishery, not to be sur-passed in any country, can, at a small expense, be formed in the creek between the island se parating the ship chanuel from the waters of the

Tamar, washing the eastern boundary of the


The whole, as stated by (perhaps) the first Government Surveyor in the colony. Mr. Scott, has been most advantageously surveyed ; and that gentleman has described the laud in the most glowing colours, and as generally most

superior to the best laud adjoining it on every


It is well watered, and many additional springs may be opened with little trouble.

There aro two homesteads on different parts of the estate, besides a house for an overseer, and huts for servaba, blacksmiths' shop, two large and substanmP barns, stables and other outbuildings. Two separate orchards and gar-dens, well stocked with fruit trees, containing 3£ acres. ,

It is most difficult adequately to describe all the advantages whicli must necessarily result to a purchaser of this most valuable property, situated as it is, with regard to its proximity to Launceston, and its prominent)facilities foi communication with all the new settlements in Southern Australia.

Further particulars may be had by applica-tion to T. L. Beckford, esq. Pleasant hills, river iTamar; F. D. Wickham, esq. Solicitor, Laun-ceston ; Daniel Sutton, esq. Hobart town, and St John street, Launceston; and to the Auc-tioneer, Launceston.

Terms-Deposit of 10 per cent, one half of the purchase money to be paid on the execution of the conveyanco deeds, the remainder may remain for years, according to agreement, at 10 per cent interest.


Of Working Bullocks, Cattle, Sheep,

Horses, Sfc.


Informs the Public that on Wednesday, the'

25th of May inst., he will submit for Public Sale, at Newnham, on the Tamar, (an agree-able half hour's \ralk from Launceston/)

AN Extensive collection of the above STOCK,

among which may be instanced :

Forty of the best description of Working Bul-locks, either as regards Yoke, Feeding, or other purposes, which will be sold in pairs under Yoke if required.

Several pair of Good Steers under Yoke, fit

for immediate and constant work.

Twenty-two good Milch Cows, with, or without their increase, (as required.)

One Pure Devon Cow, in Calf to the Prize DevonBullofl8U.5.

Apure Red and White Durliam Bull, bred at Circular Head, warranted.

A Beautiful selection of Durham Cows and Heifers, worthy of much attention.

Four large framed Barren Cows, fit for Turnip


Two Fat Cows equal to stall fed, with several younger stock in high order.

120 Ewes lately tupped, but very fit for slaughter being quite fat,

150 Fut Wethers in lots to suit buyers.

A pair of excellent 3 year old black draught Colts by Black Jack and Clydesdale Ben, a Bay Mare used to plough and other draught purposes.

A strong Bay filly, 3 years old, quiet, and fit for

draught purposes.

2 Bullock Drays, an excellent Chaff cutter with 3 Knives capable of doing much work.

Mr. Eddie in commenting on the above, assures the public that the Bullocks in particu-lar are calculated to excite much attention, being very superior, and with the Drays, only parted with in consequence oi the proprietor sub-stituting HorseB for Bullocks, ia the cultivation ofhig Agricultural Establishment, The high con

j dition of the other Stock bespeaks their quality,

and will be sold immediately after 11 o'clock when a Lunch will be ready.

Tßanrs : -

Above £30 three months, £30 to £60 four months, £60 and upwards, four and six months credit, on approved bills with 2 names if re-




the public, that he will repair, paint, and varuish carriages of every description, in the first style of elegance, and at the lowest possible rate of charge. Portait, Miniature and Her-aldic Painting in Oil or Water. Varnishing, Japanning; House, Sign, and Ornamental Painting; Plumbing, Glazing, &.e., on the shortest notice. Varnishes of all kind on sale, with iustmctions'for use, .« gratis." Pictures cleaned; Plans,Drawings&c, neatly mounted, glazed, or varnished. Clock Dials made and figured, &c. Mr. Graves has obtained leave at the Leaping-bar and Black Horse Livery Stables, for any gentleman desirous to see his work, to inspect several vehicles standing there ; and, as he makes his own materials, he is compptent of being enabled to turn work off hand, fully twenty per cent lower than any other house in Hobart Town, and equal to any

in London.

*»* Melville-street, opposite the Wesleyan


May 3, 1836.


From the House of Smith Elder & Co.

THE following new and Popular Works.

On sale at the Courier Office, at the lowest London prices, for cash.

FRIENDSHIPS OFFERING for 1830, by far the best aud most popular of the Annuals.

Stanfields' Coast Scenery, a most splendid work of art of which 4 numbers are already


Osier's life of Lord Exmouth-Parents'Cabi-net-Social Evils-Stanfords' Lady's Gift.

Ritchie's London nights ^entertainments Walker's Physiognomy-Pictures of Private Life-Taylor's Records-Trials and Triumphs Life of Paul-Autobiogiaphy-Probation Walker's Nervous System-Christian's Manual Shaksperian Dictionary-Rectory of Vale head-~Montagu-Fireside book.


THE Undersigned takes this opportunity of

offering his services as SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL AGENT to the Colonists of Van Diemen's Land. Having now for a period of years been the agent in London of several respectable wool growers and others in the colony, he may with the more confidence rest his claim to their patronage, as one in whom they may safely trust their consignments of colonial produce, with thmullcst assurance of obtaining the best prices in the Loudon market.

He begs to assure those who may be disposed to employ him as their agent in London, of his best exertions and unremitted attention to their interests, as well as the most rigid compliance with their instructions in the disposal of the proceeds of their consignments, whether in paying over or remitting the money or in laying it out with proper economy in the purchase of goods for export, or of articles of private nr domestic use however minute. His charges will be found exceedingly moderate.

Those in the colony who are not already ac-quainted with his character, respectability or other particulars, he begs to refer to Dr. Ross, who has known him from his first establish-ment in business, several years previous to his emigrating to the colony.


Shipping and Commercial Agent,

13, Great Tower-street, London.

General Post Ojjice,

Hobart town, April 27.

Q( EALED Tenders for the conveyance of the Ê3 Mails from Campbelltown to St. Patrick's head, and from St. Patrick's head to Campbell town, until the 1st of October 1837, commen-cing on the 8th day of June, despatching the mail from Campbell town every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 o'clock, a.m.., and from the Post office, St. Patrick's head, every Monday and Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, will be re-ceived at this office uutil the 2Isl day of May at noon, when they will be opened, and the lowest tender (if approved) accepted.

The contractor will be required to leave at and receive from the various Post offices on the line of road all mails and Governmentpackages

as addressed.

The mail must be conveyed at the rate of six miles an hour, including stoppages.

The contractor will be bound by a penalty, to be recovered in a summary manner, not to con-vey or knowingly to allow any passenger or any one in his service to carry any letter or letters,

or any parcel or parcels, to the injury of the

Post office revenue.

The contractor will also be bound by a pe-nalty, to be recovered in a summary manner, not to exceed the time specified, at the rate of ten shillings for every half hour.

The Postmaster-general will have the power of alering either the da}'s or hours for despatch-ing the mails, or fixing extra places for the de-livery and receipt of the same.

Security for the due fulfilment of the contract will be required, and further particulars and information can be obtained on application per-sonally or by letter to the Postmaster-general.

The contractor can have messengers assigned

to his service.

The tenders are to be marked on the envelope '.Tenders for the conveyance of the Mail to and from Campbell town and St. Patrick's head."

J.T. COLLICOTT, Postmaster-general.

Civil Engineer's Office, May 5.

TENDERS will be received by the Auditor

of Civil Accounts until the 21st instant, for enclosing the Burial-ground at Georgetown with a four-rail Fence, the extent being about fifty-six rods.-For particulars, apply at the office of the Inspector of Works at Launceston.

J. L. ARCHER, Civil Engineer.

Civil Engineer's Office, May 5.

TENDERS will be received by the Auditor

of Civil Accounts until the 21st instant, for the supply of such quantitiesof Lime as may be required for the Colonial Establishment at New Norfolk, from the present period to the

1st of April 1837.

J. L. ARCHER, Civil Engineer.

Civil Engineers Office, May IO,

TENDERS will be received by the Auditor

of Civil Accounts until the 28th instant, for the performance of certain repairs to the residcnce'of tho Police Magistrate at Launces-ton. For particulars, apply at this office, or that of the Inspector of Works at Launceston.

J. L. ARCHER, Civil Engineer.

Civil Engineer's Qjfi.ce, May IO.

TENDERS will be received by the Auditor

of Civil Accounts until the 28th instant, for enclosing with a post and rail Fence the School allotment at George town, consisting of about ten acres. For particulars, apply at the office of the Inspector of Works at Launceston.

J. L. ARCHER, Civil Eugiueer.

Í1 OVERNMENT NOTICI3, No. 107, Colo X nial Secretary's office, May 17.

The Lieutenant Governor has directed the publication of the following Proclamation issued by His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke.

By His Excellency's command,

John Montagu.

Proclamation by His Excellency Major-General

Sir Richard Bourke, K.O.R., commanding His Majesty's Forces, Captain-general and Governor-in-chief of the territory of New South Wales and its dependencies, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c. &c.

WHEREAS, it has been represented to me,

that a flagrant outrage has been com-mitted upon the aboriginal Natives of Western Port by a party of white men, and that other outrages 'of a similar nature have been committed by stockmen and others upon the natives in the neighbourhood of Port Phillip:—Now, there-fore, I, the Governor, in pursuance of the power and authority in me vested, do hereby proclaim and notify to all His Majesty's subjects and others whom it may concern, that the whole of the country on the southern coast of New Hol-land, extending westward from Wilson's pro-montory to the 129th degree of east longitude, reckoning from the meredian of Greenwich, be-ing within the limits of New South Wales, all persons residing or being within the same are subject to the laws in force in the said colony, and the promptest measures will be taken by me to cause all persons who may be guilty of any outrage against the aboriginal natives, or any breach of the said laws, to be brought to trial before the Supremo Court of New South Wales, and punished accordingly.

Given under my hand and seal, at Government House, Sydney, this 3d day of May 1836.

Richard Bourke.

By His Excellency's command, A. M'Leay.

God save the King !

Registry of the Supreme Court, May 12. NOTICE is hereby given, that His Excel-

lency the Lieutenant Governor bath this day transmitted to the Supreme Court of Van Diemen's land, to be therein enrolled and re-corded, pursuant to the 22d sect. 9 Geo. 4, cap.

83, the undermentioned laws or ordinances, ? which passed the Legislative Council on the 6th and 9th days of May inst.

Anno Sexto, Guliclmi 4 Regis.

(No. 12.)

'An act for the regulation of stage coaches,'

passed the 6th inst.

(No. 13)

'An act to amend the act of this island com-

monly called the port regulation act,' passed

the 9th inst.


Registrar of Supreme Court.

The following claims for grants are to be for-warded for the approval of the Commissioners of the Caveat Board on the 13th day of July ; persons, therefore, wlio have counter claims

must enter them before that period, or they will

be too late :

Anthony Williams, 14p, Hobart town. James Blay, 1r 30p, New Norfolk. T. Y. Lowes, 2r 30p, ditto.

John Robinson, 1a 3r 37p, Oatlands.

Frederick John Park, 1a 1r 2p, Oatlands,

county Monmouth.

Ann Brumby, 50a, Longford, parish of West-morland, originally a grant of 50a to J. B.


Ann Brumby, 50a, ditto, ditto, originally a grant of 60a to Geo. Egleston.

James Sinclair Brodie, 1,200a, Vincent pa-rish, originally located to David Brodie.

James Porter, 30a, Glenorchy parish, county of Buckingham, originally a grant of 30a to

Geo. Porter.

James Porter, 32a, ditto ditto, originally a grant of 30a to ditto.

Wm. Kinghorn, 500a, Bruni parish, county

of Buckingham.

Roderick Mackenzie, 1,200a, Abergavenny parish, Cumberland, part of a location of 1920a originally made to Duncan M'Ra.

William Hudson, 1,092a, St. Alban's parish, Cumberland, originally made to Geo. Farquhar-son, nominal area 1000a.

William Hudson. 2,000a, ditto ditto.

Bernard Ward, 30a, Arundel parish, county

of Monmouth.

John Clark, 35a 2r, Breadalbane, Evandale parish, county of Cornwall, originally granted to Tiios. Brennan, nominal area 30a.

Edward Haines, la37p, parish of New Nor-


Philip Davis, 28£p, Launceston.

Tickets-of-leave–to Wm. Allcock, Guilford ; Wm. Bachelor, Mary; John Butt, ditto ; David Bentick, Gilmore ; Ben. Cross, Baring & Kan-garoo ; Hugh M'Cormick, David Lyon ; Wm. Clayton, Argyle ; Charles Cooper, Elizabeth ; Joseph Dalby, Southworth ; Robert M'Dougal, Gilmore ; Thomas Furber, Elizabeth ; William Jennings, Marmion; Edward Jones, Lady Hare-wood ; Samuel Jarman, Lord Lyndoch ; Rich. Lambert, Mary; William. Murray, Marmion ; Richard Mavis, Warwick; Geo. Ryals, Lar-kins ; Thomas Sewell, Asia 3 ; Abraham Sprat-ley, do. ; Wm. Symons, Prince Regent ; Chas. Stewart, Mary; Wm. Smith, Elizabeth ; John Watt or Wattie, Surrey 2 ; John Wright, Mary ; John Ward, David Lyon; John Wright, Red Rover; John Woodcroft, Elizabeth; Aaron Weller, Gilmore; Edward Brown, Marmion; Henry M'Cale, Boyd ; Wm. Craig, Prince Re-gent ; Wm. Patts, Asia 3 ; Peter Potter, Red Rover ; John Lowden, Gilmore ; Jonathan Whittal, Mary; George Althorp, Marmion ; John Beasley, Mary ; Samuel Churchill, Me-dina ; Wm. Coney, Asia 2 ; Charles Ellis, Gil-more; Philip Miller, Royal George ; James Newcombe, Surry & Elizabeth Henrietta ; Wm. Poole ,Mary; Thomas Scutts, Gilmore; James Jones, Andromeda; John Cracknall, Asia 3 ; Jonas Barnett alias Youler Barnett Solomon, Morley ; Thomas Caines, Medway 1 ; William Savage, Mary; Thomas Knibbs, do.; Hannah Waddle, Eliza ; Wm. Thomas, Asia 2.