Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thursday 27 April 1939, page 48


Payne's Find and the Baron.

MT. MAGNET, April 19.-At the Payne's Find State battery, the Carna-tion Syndicate has cleaned up another parcel of 193 tons of ore for 166oz. lOdwt. of gold over the. plates-an average of just over 17dwt. a ton. So far this year, the syndicate has crushed about 1,200 tons of ore_ for about 650oz. of gold over the plates. " Mr. J. Guest has treated an-other Berdan pan parcel from his mine at the Baron, about 25 miles north of Payne's Find, lewt. of stone yielding lloz. 16dwt" making a total of 32oz. 5dwt. of gold won from specimens during the past three or four weeks. Another good yield from the Baron was a recovery of 22oz. 8dwt. of gold from lcwt. of specimens obtained from Mr. E. Bennet's mine.

New Find at Yalgoo.

YALGOO, April 17.-A new find about a mile west of the Meka-road, along the Noongah" and Carlaminda boundary fence, was discovered during the week and stone taken from it shows gold freely. Messrs. J. Hughes, T. Magor and H. Vincent are the finders and so far not much develop-ment work has been done to prove any depth

State Battery Returns.

During the week enaea on Sunday State batteries crushed 1,668{ tons of ore for 656oz. 8dwt. of gold. Details were as follows:- ,

Boogardie:-P.A. 2433, 38'/< tons for 59oz.


Coolgardie:-G.M.L. 9775, 75 tons for 30oz. lOdwt.; P.A. 5087, 20 tons for lloz. lOdwt.; P.A. 5087, 60 tons for 8oz. 9dwt.; Block 59HP. 80 tons for 55oz. 5dwt.; G.M.L. 5595, 23 tons for Soz. 4dwt.: P.A. 5076. 36 tons for 43oz. Sdwt.i P.A. 5117, ll tons for 2oz. 6dwt.; P.A. 5062, 10 tons for 3oz. 9dwt.: P.A. 5143,

7 tons for l3oz. 16dwt.; P.A. 4972, 20 tons, for 4oz. 8dwt.; Block 59HP. 14 tons for 8oz.


Kalgoorlie:-P.A. 4038E. 13 tons for 3oz. 18 dwt.; G.M.L. 5429E, 13 3i tons for 2oz. 18 dwt.; G.M.U 291, Olk. 50HP. 424V4 tons for

19oz. 19dwt.; P.A. 4032E, 8V2 tons for 2oz. <

làwi.; P.A. 1159X. 28% tons for HOE. 13 dpt.; O.M.L. S863E. 52 tons for 12oz. 16 dwi.; L.75 bile. 4BHP. P.A. 4094E. 4V« and 17 tons for Soe. 6dwt.¡ P.A. 4040B. 37Vi tons for 6oz. 3d wt.; G.M.L. 5604, 39 tons for*21oz.

9dwt.: P.A. 1164X. 18'/« tons for 22oz. 3d vt.: P.A. 1169X. 54 Vi tons for 12oz. 13dwt.: P.A. 1140Y, 60'/« tons for Hos. 16dwt.; G.M.L. 5865E, 104 >/« tons for 33oz. 18dwt.; G.M.L.. 5737E, 273.4 tons for 2oz. 14dwt.; P.A. 404CB. 43 Va tons for 25oz. lOdwt.

Marble Bar: -P. A. 1585, 20 tons for 6oz. ld»t.; P.A. 1680, 15 tons for 5oz. 8dwt.: P.A. 1685. 15 tons for lOoz. 5dwt.; G.M.L. 909, 19 tons for 30oz 14dwt.

Mt. Ida:-G.M.L. 5685Z, 45 tons for 27oz. 2d wt.; G.M L. 5597Z. 24 tons for 6oz. 12dwt.: P.A. 1012Z, 5 '/i tons for 23oz.; P.A. 2052Z. 10 tons for 4oz.

Paynes Find:-Oversieht, 1145, 62V« tons for 28oz Sdwt.

Youanmi:-Canberra, 1046, 7 tons for 15 oz. 12dwt.; Canberra 1046. 104 Va tons for 38oz. 9dwt.

Big Bell Output.

Big Bell Gold Mines, Ltd., crushed 30,463 tons of ore in February for a return of 5,428 fine oz. of gold and 1,249 fine oz. of silver, according to a return issued by the Mines Department. Th3 average return of gold per ton of ore was 3dwt. 14gr.

Tlie total output of the Cue district of the Murchison goldfield in February was 39,1853 tons of ore for 8,059 fine oz. of gold and l,391oz. of silver.

Rich Cue Crushing.

CUE, April 22.-Last week a parcel of 14¿ tons of stone was put through the Cue State battery by Boyce and party for a return of 94oz. The tailings were worth loz. 16dwt. llgr. a ton. Before de-livering the 6tone to the battery, 52oz. 8 dwt. of gold were dollied from the parcel, bringing the yield up to just over lOoz. a ton.

Rich Leader Discovered.

The manager of Yellowdine Gold Areas, N.L.. advised the company by telephone on Sunday night that a rich leader had been discovered 200ft. north of the north shaft on the Mayfield mine, near Bull-finch. The leader was located 4ft. below the surface and is being followed.

Values in the south drive ceaséd at about 60ft. south of the south shaft, ac-cording to a special report issued by the secretary yesterday, but as the face is still in quartz, driving is being continued.