South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 6 May 1869, page 2


The other day we acknowledged tae receipt of a pamphlet compiled by the Surveyor General of Tasmania, with a view to illns trate the industrial progress of the Australian

Colonies in general and of Tasmania in par ticular Mr. Caldeiy though not we believe 1 professional statist, has published in his ime a mass of useful and interesting statistics, in common with Tasmanian officials as a ilaas, he understands better than many of iia continental confreres the importance of promptitude land intelligibility in all State documents intended for public perusal. Bis aim is to condense and simplify everything, trhile the ; professional statist top often measures bis success by the quantity of minutiffl he can squeeze into a table, or the lumber of abstruse theories he can broach in his-comments. They;labour solely for the bookworm and the antiquarian ; Mr. Calder for the practical readers and .thinkers of the

present day. Sometimes bis brevity runs into the extreme of baldness, and his style is lot of the kind that will bias a reader by its brilliance ; but he has always a business-like purpose in view, and invariably he succeeds in effecting it. His review of -Tasmanian industries is a concession to the uneasy, changeful spirit of, &e age. It is a sensible, though faint, echo jf the commotion which has been swaying the continent under various names — protec-tion, native industry, fiscal union, &c. All these express in different degrees, and with roices more or less true, the consciousness of Australians, as a nation, that the time has :ome for them to do something more than pro luce raw materials for the European market Fhere is no denying, evading, or disputing the sentiment itself, however multiform may be the inferences drawn from it. Each :olony has taken a characteristic method of wiving the problem. Victoria has jumped by legislative instinct to the conclusion that free trade caused all the difficulty, and that protection will remedy it. South Australia justifies her conservative reputation by waiting for events to develop themselves. Ihat her original industries have been losing ground she regretfully admits, but before clutching at any fancied substitute she will give them time to recover, or to prove that they do not intend to do so. The native industry which first offered itself to her turned out to be protection in disguise, and she set down her foot upon it. But she does not flatter herself that the snubbing of a handful of Protectionists cleared away every cloud from the industrial prospects of the colony. She knows that it did not, and that years— perhaps generations— may pass before this feature of her destiny assumes its ultimate shape. Tasmania has imitated the South Aus tralian policy of waiting on Providence, but with one essential difference. She combines intelligence with her resignation, and en ieavours to read in the present an augury of the future. It ia noticeable that none of the colonies which turned themselves into a '.orpiis vili for the Protectionists have ever idopted any precautions to determine the real value of the experiment. They did not take stock of their position before changing their fiscal principles, and consequently had no exact standard by which to judge the results ni the change. Notwithstanding her volu minous statistics, Victoria has now a very vague conception of what her industrial resources and progress were previous to the Introduction of the Francis tariff. As soon as a comparison 13 attempted between 186S and 1865, the Freetraders and Protectionists get into a dead lock on the threshold by disputing the standard of comparison. Mr. Calder has anticipated this danger, as regards his own colony, by carefully reviewing the existing state of all the local industries. Whatever change of policy or of circumstances may henceforth occur, the Tasmaniana will know where they started from. They are entering on a transition period, and with rare fore thought they have fixed their bearings care fully before casting off into the unknown^ Mr. Calder's pamphlet, though pretentious neither in form nor manner, has this high function assigned to it. If it related solely to Tasmania, it would be valuable for the sake of its object ; but as it attempts an economical review of the entire group of colonies, its^, contents are also intrinsically important. Our examination of the work might have yielded some fruit in the present article had not our progress been arrested by a digres sion of Mr. Calder's, impugning the manner in which official statistics are at present published. They come so late as to be of little interest in their respective colonies, and so irregularly as to be of no use for purposes of comparison. Some of them appear within three months of the close of the year to which they refer, and others emerge by instalments extending sometimes over fifteen months. The statists may ask us to remember what splendid specimens of compilation they are when finished — how exact all the calcula tions are made, and with what delicate minuteness every detail is worked in. Alas that experience should force us churlishly to respond vanitas vanitalum; for indeed it is. The minutiaj instead of gratifying a reader generally provoke him. They bewilder where they were meant to give perfect assurance. He would rather be without them — especially in commercial statistics — even when he can rely on their being genuine. But a very little experience shows him that they are a mere affectation of exactness. Shillings and pence are laboriously reckoned up with mathematical precision, while the pounds may be hundreds or even thousands astray. One of Mr. Calder's objects in comparing the statistics of the several colonies was to ascertain how the corresponding exports and imports tallied with each other. The following illustration of his dis coveries might, we dare say, be indefi nitely multiplied. The Customs Returns of Tasmania charge the colony of Victoria with 6,685 tons of bark as having been exported from that market during the three years from 1865 to 1867 inclusive. The Customs Returns of Victoria credit Tasmania with 106 tons of bark imported during the same period. What have the statists done with the other six thousand odd tona? There are but two possible explanations of such a discrepancy. Either the Victorian statistics are so carelessly collected that serious omissions occur, er they are bo ingeniously arranged for publication that nothing can be found in them. Whichever may be the true defect, there is equal neces sity for a remedy. The evidence is insuffi cient for a charge of carelessness, and general observation proves that that is not a natural tendency in our Australian statists. Their statistics are, as a rule, far more reliable than those of the Imperial Government. Excessive elaboration is their peculiar weak ness, but though meant for a virtue this is practically as great a fault as incorrect ness. It delays the issue of the statistics until to commercial men they have lost nearly all their'value, and it greatly im pedes their usefulness when issued. If they are ever to become what they pretend to be^ — information for the people — there must be greater simplicity and promptitude exercised by their compilers. Where the colonies are all so materially interested in each other's progress, uniformity of arrange ment is another desideratum. As regards the intercolonial trade, one set of statistics

3ugnt to De a cnecs upon we outers; but that will never be so long as Bach statist pursues his own — method 13 jealously as if it were copyright. Ux. Calder, in exposing the awkwardness of the prevailing system, has only given official authority to a complaint which ha3 long had private exponents. The reform he suggests ought to. recommend itself to the Colonial Governments on the score of economy, and to the public as a matter of business. He believes, and we believe with him, 'that much advantage would be gained by the speedy and, as nearly as may be, simul taneous publication of the Statistical Registers of all the colonies, got up cheaply and in the amplest manner, and without that attention * to excessive elaboration and minuteness of detail of which there is some times a little too much, and which is quite as often perplexing as instructive.'

Threatened Suicide.— It will be seen by our 1 olice Court report that the widow of the late Mr. ' aylor,' formerly schoolmaster of Auburn (who jmmitted suicide at Port Adelaide a short time go), was brought up for threatening suicide, She 33 ordered to find a surety 10 keep the peace for ce month, or in default receive a fortnight's im risonment. tWhen brought up at the Police lourt she presented a very wild appearance, and oubtless the trials she has borne for some time ast have led to her entertaining and expressing so jarful a thought as that of taking her ownufe. ler case is altogether a very sad one. ANOTHER TALE OF A BUSHMAN'S DEATH.- On Saturday. May 1, an inquest was held on the skeleton of a man found at the western edge of Lake Torrent, near Euro Bluff, by Mr. T. Bur-goyne, J.P., with Mr. G. Davies as Foreman. The remains were supposed to be those of a white man, as two papers were found in some old clothes near, one being a publican's account against John Price, dated January 19th, 1867. and the other a memorandum respecting the delivery of a flock of sheep, but with no date or signature. Mr. D. Gooch. Yadlamalka, deposed that about that time he had paid off John Price, a shepherd, the same name as on the account, and the Jury were of opinion that these were his bones. A verdict was given accordingly, but nothing could be elicited further than this. Bexsvolent and Stbangers' Febesd SoctEr r . -A meeting ef the Committee of the Benevolent nd Strangers' Friend Society was held at the !hurch Office on Wednesday afternoon, May 5; tev. W. L. Binks in the chair. The Treasurer's linute was read, showing a balance in hand of 31 Is. 8d. Several cases of distress were brought inder notice, and assistance was granted to the mount of £7. Each member of the Committee ras authorized to draw to the extent of £1 in cases f emergency during the ensuing year. Mr. Geo. tawler resigned his position as a member of the bmmittee, and the Kev. S. Knight was elected in us place. Lecture at Lkfkvke's Peninsula.— On Tues. [ay, May 4, a lecture was delivered in the Wes syan Chapel, Lef evre's Peninsula, the proceeds to ie devoted to purchasing an harmanium; and Japtain Crook, cf the Fontenaye, presided. The hoir sang so as to elicit unqualified approbation. Ir. John Ottaway then gave a reading— 'John 'loughman's flints on Wives'— which originally .Dpeared as one of the series in the Sword and Frowel, the magazine of which the Kev. U. H. ipurgeon is the editor. This being ably rendered, ,nd written in a pithy, humorous style, was xeatly relished. A reading by Mr. Newman from klacaulay's 'Lays of Ancient Rome,' which fol owed, was well received. Mr. Bead then, in a few hoice words, commenced his lecture; and the lelivery of which resulted in unmistakable marks if satisfaction being given by an unusually large md attentive audience. Mr. Bruce Hancock then ;ave 'The Collier's Dying Child,' which was ouchingly rendered. Mr. Kead intimated that he ras about to give a series of free lectures from ' The Pilgrim'* Progress.' The Ship Moonta.— The Moonta was moored iongside the jetty at Port Wallaroo on Saturday 1st, and during the day a number of visitors went board to see the specimens brought from the Northern Territory, An act of consideration and ourteousness on the part of the owners of the essel we are very glad to be enabled to make nention of. Soon after the arrival of the Moonta Captain Barneson received a letter from Captain Simpson, enclosing a cheque for £25. No doubt he ship had made a profitable trip; but it is not ilways the case that the principals remember their implores on such occasions. The Moonta will eceive a portion of her cargo of copper ore this )ressnt week.— Wallaroo Times. Horse Accident.— On Wednesday evening, Hay 5, a collision Itook place near the Foundry lotel, Hindley-street, between a wagon driven by jleorge Yotke, of Edwardstown, and a horse and ipring-dray in charge of Daniel Saunders, of Hind narsh. The shaft of the spring-cart entered the ireast of one of the wagon-horses to a depth of sight or nine inches. The poor animal was at once :aken to Mr. Crabbe's, the veterinary surgeon, There it died a few minutes afterwards. Finding of a Skeleton.— As the Corporation rorkmen were excavating a road at the south end of Murray street, Gawler, on May 4, they disco vered the skeleton of a human body. As the remains were found near the part of the river [South Para) called ' The Dead Man's Pass,' much speculation has arisen as to whether the bones are those of the unknown individual who was found dead, and was buried in the neighbour hood over thirty years ago, and who in that way led to the name being given to that locality. Tra iition does not say definitely which side* of the river the unfortunate explorer of those days was buried, some persons maintaining that he was interred at the ' Jawler side, and some the reverse. Probably the 'oldest inhabitant' may come for ward and decide the point, which is to a certain extent interesting. The skull ha3 been examined by a number of persons, and the general impres sion seems to be that it belonged to a European. Pobt Augusta Weathek. — The weather at Port Augusta for the past week has been very pleasant, with light variable winds; too fine, in fact, as the herbage will dry up fast unless more rain falls shortly. It is to be hoped, for the sake of the runs, that rain may speedily be abundant Shoplifting at Kaponda.— On Saturday even ing a little excitement was caused in Kapunda by a man named John Lanam, who helped himself rather freelv to other Deonle's froodo. He vent

nto the Bhop of Mr. J. P. Moyle, and earned away iome boots, and then proceeded across to the esta. -lishment of Mr. Tyrie's, the draper, whence he itole a waistcoat and blanket. Mr. Tyrie ran after :he thief, who took to his heels with the goods. Che police, however, soon had him in custody. 3e was brought before Mr. Varley, S.M, on Mon lay morning, when he was committed for trial on ;wo separate charges at the next Court of Full rurisdiction. He was allowed heavy bail. RITUALISM AND THE SYNOD. — The Wallaroo Times thus comments upon recent discussions and events:—"Either the Synod, the anti-Ritualists, or the somewhat short-tempered Bishop of Adelaide may be thanked for opening the eyes of the people of the colony to the doctrines taught by some of the divines of the Anglican Church. Not that these divines appear to be Ritualists in what we take to be the true meaning of the term. Ritualism itself is merely the symbol of the belief that lies deeper within. It is the white outside covering of the sepulchre; the extern of the cup and platter. Detached from that which it is symbolical of, it is, we take it, not a matter of much consequence. Whether the cup be elevated or lowered is not of vital importance; whether there are candies or whether there are none signifies but little as long as there is an abundance of other light; and whether a man preaches in a white gown or in a black one, or in the spangled habiliments of the harlequin, is after all a matter of taste. To do the clergymen justice, we must admit that they have gone far past that first stage which consists merely in genuflexions and outward manifestations. The Rev Mr. Webb believed in the real presence, and that he had received from the Bishop, the successor of the Apostles, the power to remit sins and to grant absolution. The Rev. Mr. Dove believed that private auricular con fession is both desirable and right. The Rev. Canon Farr believed that the Scriptures teach us to pray for the dead; and that there is an intermediate state. After these confessions of belief had been entered into, one or two gentlemen, with the Bishop, expressed their gratification at listening to the speeches they had heard. What there was to cause particular gratification we have not been able to discover. Whilst admitting the right of clergymen to believe exactly what their judgments approve of, we may point out the anomaly they give rise to by receiving the pay of one Church, professing to belong to it, and in reality teaching the doctrines of another. In our view the whole matter, when looked at from its broadest and most comprehensive view, illustrates the absurdity of any Court of Law or temporal power deciding upon the forms or the realities of a religion. Were these divines in England, we take it Dr. Phillimore or Lord Cockburn, who appear to be the constituted Popes of the Anglican Church, would be appealed to to unfrock them. We question if such strong evidence could be found for the disestablishment of the Church in Ireland as these clergymen have witnessed against themselves, and the establishment of which they are recognised members." Foundation-stone, Baptist Chapel, Tarlkk. —On Monday the foundation-stone of the new BaptiBt Chapel at Tarlee was laid by'Mr. Gates, sen., of Kapunda, in the presence of a goodly number of local residents as well as many visitors from Kapunda. SOBVET OF THE COBPOBATE TOWN OF KAPUNDA. —Mr. W. Oldhatn is now busily engaged in making, under the direction of the local Corpora tion, a general survey of itapnnda within the municipal boundry. Advancing Civilization.— The Blinman Court report furnishes a proof of the facility with which aboriginals can fall into some of the ways of European life. A darkey 'rejoicing,' as the penny-a-liners say, in the euphonious name of Boco Billy laid a criminal charge against one of his countrymen for depriving him of a portion, or possibly the whole, of his wardrobe. So far, so good: but Mr. Boco, although he had advanced to the position of informer, failed to assume the rank of prosecutor, and when wanted was non tit. This must be the first or one of the first instances of one of our darkies availing himself of the facilities of our Court system, but it was too bad to allow Bungaree Charley to have both his liberty and Boca 8 blanket Blinman Mine.— The Managers of the Blinman Mine have suspended woodcarting operations for one month. This will be a drawback to the tradespeople of the district who are largely depen dent upon the earnings of the teamsters. New Zealand.— We (Argus) observe, from our New Zealand files to hand by the Tararua. that Prince Alfred visited Nelson on the 20th instant, and -was much pleased with his visit The weather was very fine, while it seems to have been the reverse during his stay in Wellington. On the 21st the Galatea sailed from Nelson, proceeding through Cook's Straits. A telegram from Wel lington, of the 21st April, says:— 'Henare, a leading Napier chief, who came here with Mr. McLean to see the Prince, has promised, on his return to Napier, to make enquiries, and, if pos sible, ascertain the truth regarding the reported death of Te KootL' The Native Secretary received a telegram from Napier to-day, of which the following is a translation :-' The death of Te Eooti is confirmed by the Mohaka people. He was shot dead by Butene Henare Tomoana.' A telegram dated Napier, April 21, says:-' The camp at Petane is virtually broken up. Forty of the first-class militia, disgusted beyond endurance at the treatment they had received, shouldered their rifles and returned to town. They say that ten days in camp doing nothing was as much as they could stand. Colonel Lambert addressed thtm, saying that they were a disgrace to Napier, and that they had brought shame on the self-reliance policy. The men answered with shouts of derision, and said that they were willing to fight if neces sary, but not to be humbugRed.'

TasATiuc Botal.— The author of 'The Flowers I the Forest' has hit on an entirely new vein of j ensationausm, and has produced from it an ] tnusual variety of first-class metal. A cut more 1 horoughly satisfactory as a whole or more striking 1 a the principal parts has not been achieved by the 1 iresent company. Miss Juno has either had con- 1 iderable practice in her Zingara, or she has e levoted intense study to it. for it is a singularly \ itisUc performance. The first sight of the ; lipsy girl made an impression which ensured ts success. The costume was a very happy effort c if taste, which combined appropriateness to the ' iharacter with appropriateness to the actress. The 1 lame graceful simplicity pervaded every look and a novement of the wearer. Miss Juno carried all 1 ler natural merits and her usual self-possession -nto an entirely new set of circumstances, which doubled the pleasure the invariably gives ! ler audience. Her peculiarities of style are so ? itrongly marked that it is not a safe experiment i ittempting to modify them ; but here, though one j would not have expected it they wern all in ( harmony with the rtte. Even the gravity of her -expression and declamation and the dignity of her ? !!ut though not qualities generally ascribed to ' npsiea, were none of them thrown away on the neroic Cynthia. Miss Stonehani had a gipsy of mother stamp to portray in Starlight Bess, the fortune-teller. It also elicited a phase of her talent which she has not many opportunities of showing— the pathetic. This was so contrived as to throw her natural sprightliness a good deal into the shade. There was nothing remarkable in the picture of Bess in her prosperous days. At times the repartee and the badinage of the fortune telling fell decidedly below Miss Stoneham's average. But Bess in trouble was a touching representation. Her comforting of her lover after his confession of the murder had the tenderness of reality in it and her anxiety while she waited outside the Court to hear his fate was expressed in gestures which seemed to proceed from impulse rather than art A third lady is entitled to special commendation, though not for a lady's part Miss George, as Lemuel, the gipsy boy, Bess's lover, showed a decision and energy which are uot always present in her more congenial r6les. The piece has two immensely funny characters, in which good provision was made for Mr. Hill and Mr. Musgraye. The former as Cheap John did a smart piece of auctioneering business, then had himself called to the bar (in another barrister's gown), and finished with a visit to the village stocks under the care of the beadle. Mr. Musgrave's Kinchin, with the tender feelingB and grabbing propensities, was a new style of humour both for him and for the public. He has never bo thoroughly disguised himself before, as, but for a Muagravian drawl occasionally, he would have been quite unrecog nisable. Mr. Lawrence, in the general scramble for novelty, got the part of Ishmael, Cynthia' b father, who spurns her for her efforts to save her Gentile lover Alfred. Fierce haters and impla cable parents may be presumed to look and talk much the same in all national costumes. Mr, Lawrence could represent them equally well in any, and his Ishmael was vigorously rendered after its kind. The incidents of the piece are worthy of the cast which implies Uiat they are very superior to the ordinary range of stage effect. The develop ment of the plot is rapid, and the changes are very frequent so that an unflagging interest is main tained to the last. Thougli the acting might in some parts have been a little stimulated, there was no weariness in the audience, who looked at the end as if they could have encored the whole per formance. Many of them no doubt will do that indirectly by going to see it a second time. With the clever farce of 'Turning the Tables' it makes an excellent bill of fare. Blisman Papeb Currenct.— Lately attention was directed in the Register to the number and amount of orders, cheques, and other forms of paper money floating at and round Blinman. As specimens of what represents cash in that locality, and is daily presented in payment for goods, two orders have been sent to us by a resident. These are certainly in the last stage of 'usedupedness,' being very frail, owing to the old age and rough usage telling upon them. In fact, it is won derful how thuy have lingered on so long with out dropping out of existence from Bheer atrophy. Owing to the system in vogue, forged documents pass as good orders or cheques, and arc kepi in circulation for long periods on account of the diffi culty in forwarding them to prove their genuine ness or the reverse. An instance of a forged order haying been even palmed off upon a Government official in the Far North, and in due course of time remitted, has been mentioned to us aB a proof that worthless paper maintains a footing, although the last holder, unless he can trace and recover, loses the amount supposed to be represented by the sham. Of course the Yudanamutana Com pany's orders, by which all payments are made to miners, smelters, teamsters, &c, employed at the Blinman Mine are well printed on good paper, and are unhesitatingly taken, as are also the cheque!; and orders issued by well-known 'good marks;' but the great want, to supplement good paper cur rency in the Far North is a freer and fuller supply of the current coin of the realm. This a Bunk agency could conveniently furnish. Faii North Weather.— We have no news of rain from any of the Far North stations, although in several places it was expected ere long. A cor respondent in the neighbourhood of Moulooloo writes, under date April 28 :— ' There lias been no rain, although the weather is very threatening; the young feed is fast changing colour in conse quence of the want of moisture. Caterpillars are abundant, and consume more grass than tlic stock. Unless we soon have rain to revive the grass, we shall be worse off for feed than before the last fine rain, which washed away a good deal of old grass, which we may feel the want of yet.' Lake Hope Country. — From Kopperamana on April 21, we hear that the country is still almost deserted, and although plenty of grass sprang up after the late rains, no water collected in the lakes

}r creeks, and tuereiore stock cannot be taken up. Sportinci.— A very large concourse of sporting men assembled at the Adelaide Racecourse on Wednesday afternoon, May 5, to witness a match arranged between Mr. O. Adcock's Corsair and Mr. J. Varcoe'B Billy Button for i'100 a side. Both horses were on the ground at the appointed time, but at the last moment it was intimated that through the unfortunate accident which occurred to Mr. Varcoe the previous day whilst on his way from Strath albyn to Adelaide the race would not take place, Mr. Yarcoe paying forfeit (-25). Great disappoint ment was felt at this untoward termination of a race which promised to be far more interesting than usual. A match was, however, subsequently arranged between Mr. Adcock'a Corsair and Messrs. Gleeson & King's Bolero for £5Uaside; distance, two miles. Corsair was ridden by Billy Simpson, and Bolero by Bob Lowe, the circum stance of these skilful veterans mounting the pig skin enhancing the interest in the race. Mr. J. Harvey, who acted as Starter, sot off the horses in good style, both taking it easily for a considerable distance. Bolero possessed the lead from the start, and although Corsair, whose strength seemed to be purposely reserved for the finish, closed somewhat upon him at the south-west corner, the leader could never be headed. Bolero won by several lengths, hands down, amid cheers. Time, 3 min. 54 sec. A hurryskurry was then arranged, the distance being a mile and a half, catch weights. The horses that competed were Mr. P. McEuhill's. Flying Dutchman, Mr. Messenger's Marion, Mr. \V. K. Simms's Billy Button, Mr. G. Stevens's Sir Dominick, Mr. G. Nation's Tipple Cider, and Mr. P. McEnhill's Coquette. Mr. U. Bennett acted as Starter, and Mr. £. M. Ba«ot as Judge both in this and the preceding race. Shortly after the start Billy Button assumed the lead, and maintained it with ease to the close, winning without difficulty. Marion came in second. Marion was put up for sale by Mr. S. Barnard after the race, and knocked down for £11 5s. Norma's Welcome Back.— We clip the follow ing from the Australasian:— 'Little Norma arrived here safe and sound by the Aldinga. from Adelaide, last Thursday. She is looking remark ably well after her Uup victory. Our Adelaide friends seem to be wonderfully chagrined at their great autumn prize being carried off by a mere pony; and Lang tells me nothing could convince them that such a thing was likely to happen till the race was over, and then the handicap had all the blame. However, Norma was satisfied with carrying off the Cup, and did not try for anything else at the meeting, although they were kind enough to ask her to meet Lapdog on 211b. worse teims in the Forced Handicap.' Passenoeb-lists op Steamers to Melbourne. — Seveial names of passengers were omitted in the list of the Aldinga's passengers, published in Tues day's Register, but we insert this morning the additional names so far as it has been possible to ascertain them. Owing to the use of return tickets and the fact that (passengers occasionally go on board without booking their berths just as the steamers are leaving the wharf, the agents, to whom we have of course to look for this class of information, are at times unable to furnish lists so complete as the general public expect to see. Port Adelaide Revision Court.- Mr. J. Hindmarsh, J.P., held a Court of Revision of the electoral roll of the District of Port Adelaide at the Court- House, Port Adelaide, on Wednesday, May 5. The new rolls were confirmed as follows : —House of Assembly, 3,290; Legislative Council, 1.222. The rolls for the present year were altered by striking out the names of four voters transferred to other districts. The totals were-House of Assembly. 3,552; Legislative Council, 1,171. It will be seen that in the new roll for the Lower House there is a decrease of 262. whilst that for the Tipper House is increased by 51. The Returning Officer, Mr. A. Hall, was present during the revision of the rolls. Kuitpo Mining Venture.— A meeting of share holders in this venture was held at the offices. Register-Chambers, on Wednesday, May 5. There was a good attendance; Mr. Bonnin in the chair. A statement of accounts was read by the Secre tary, Mr. J. Harrison, and after discussing the position and prospects of the concern, a call of £2 was agreed to for the purpose of testing the value of the property. Serious Charge against a Bank Manager. —The Britbcmc Courier states: -'In the course of a speech delivered at Toowomba, at a public meeting, a few days ago, Mr. Pechey made the following extraordinary revelation:— 'He would like to see a National Bank established, based on a sound constitution, to put an end to the dis graceful conduct of some of the Managers of the private colonial Banks. He could assure the meeting that he had met with one gentleman in Queensland, a new chum, who had £1.000 capital when be landed, and who had lost every shilling of it through the abominable conduct of a Bank Manager. The fact was, he went to one of them for advice how best to invest bis money, and he (the Manager) told him that a client of theirs had half the share of a small ran to dispose of, for which he only wanted £1,000 cash. H» friend paid down the money at once, and started for the station. No sooner, however, did he arrive upon it than he found a bailiff in possession of It, and actually put in by the Manager of the Bank who had recommended him to make the investment' We feel almost sure Mr. Pechey is altogether mis informed as to the facts of this case. It u a most startling accusation against aome one in particular, but it is also 'a wholesale slander, as Mr. J. C. White said, upon Bank Managers in general. If Mr. Pechey can furnish particulars to the public he should do so. If he does not, the statement made will not redouad to his own credit, but the reverse.'

Volunteer NEwa.-No. 4 Company (Prince ifred's Rifles) began its class-firing for 1868 at the ults on the South Park Lands on Wednesday torning, May 5. There were 14 members present, he squad was under the charge of Captain Bljth, ho was assisted by Lieut. Gray. The weather as fine and very favourable for shooting, aud the .-oiing was on the whole above the average of pre* ious years, some individual totals being exceed igly good. Twelve men got Into the second ass. The members prettent wore, in addition - the commissioned officers :— Sergeants, Gray, objohns, and Titt; Corporals Cottrell, Chesion, nd Privates Dobbie, Carleton, Combe, Uubbe, ?uffield, Venableg, Mann, and J. Sexton. The ring party expended the 20 rounds allowed for the ret period at the third class rongex, viz., 15', 200, Kl, and 300 yards, five rounds at each distance, he six leading scores were as follows :— Herneant tobjohns and Private Dobbie, 68 points each: 'oiporal Cottrell 56, Private Maun &\ . and Sorporal Chesson and Private Sexton, 53 each, 'he two highest scorers fired off their tie at 00 yauls. Kobjohns made an outer, while Jobbie lnissod. The latter, although only occu tying second place on this occasion, will, no loubt, make an effort to do sufficiently well in tho wo next periods to entitle him to wear the marks nan s badge-a distinct ion he lias won at both of he previous anuual firings. Tho firing at tho ;econd and nrst class ranges will l-e continued at an arty date. We hear that proanaiB has been made -y the other town companies in the class firing for he past year, and to all appearances (he firing for he general prizes of £50, £m, and £25. To pro* ride facilities for practice, and to enable the oom mnies to r« through their class-firing expedltiously, in extra buttman we understand h&j been engaged, -o that on the Saturday afternoons, wheu thore is 10 drill, the members of the force, under their -roper officers, can attend for private practice. Che total sum voted by Parliiunent for prues to stimulate the men to become efficient in the u«e of .he rifle amounts to JCIUO. Of this sum _W5 will -e appropriated for the general prizes, and £120 or marksmen's prizes, and the balance, amounting 0 the comparatively small sum of £75, will be nil hat can be divided amongst the various branches )f the volunteer force for prizes in the class-firing, file apportionment of this 175 has not yet taken -lace; but the amount coming to the infantry, :avalry, &c, will necessarily be very snmll, and va it-hind previous years. To make up for the v trills lost during the transition state through vhich the force has recently been pausing, md the partial disorganization consequent on he action that resulted in the temoval of the ate Coloncl-Couunandant and the appointment -f his successor, the infantry corps in the city have ?eceived an intimation from h-ud-uuarterB to havo ixtra drills to cover past arrears: piiyment of :ourse being allowed. Colonel Wiirburton in ipectedtheRecdlwdsCavaliy aidioit timu ago an their drill-ground, There wero between 30 and 41) men present under Capt, Pctymun. The men were well mounted, and presented n very iwldier. like appearance, on -which they weru compli mented by the Colonel. We understand that nctiou is contemplated to be taken to amalgamate the Port and Adelaide kilteries of artillery. When formed into one battery thev will be placed under a Captuiu-Coinmundunt. Theie will nUo be a second captain. The City and Port ilimons of the battery will be culled half batteries. The half-battery nt Port Adelaide is to be under the charge of the kceond captain. When this project has been realized, tho arrange ments of the Government, as publicly stated by the Attorney-General, will be complete, viz.., to reduce the force to four city companies 01 infuntry, one troop of cavairy, and one battery o[ artillery. The Accident to Mr. John Vaucor.— Our telegraphic column in Wednesday's issue re ported an accident to Mr. John Vurcoe, formerly of Varcoe's Hotel, Goolwa, and the owner of Billy Button, he having fallen from the top of tho omnibus for Strathalbyn when at Kchunga. Wo learnt in the course of tho day that he was a little better, and that consciousness hud been restored. The injuries Biistaiucd are Ichh serious thnn they at first appeared to be, and Dr. UolwrUon, of Mount Barker, has been in attendance. Cttuncn op England at Pout Augusta.— Tho new building for the Church of England at Tort Augusta is completed as far ns tho outmde work is concerned with the exception of thu windows, which are not yet glazed. The structure does grunt credit to the architect and the contractor, Mr. J. Hurt, of that town. The muHBivo erection, with iu houvy buttresses, is quite an ornament to tho place. Wheat Statistics.- Our attention has been drawn to the fact that the figures givon by thu Chamber 0/ Commerce Journal, and commented ou by us a day or two ago as beinx altogether erroneous if intended to represent Houth AuRtru lian wheat yields, had reference to Victoria. Not only had tho writer successfully olmcurcd this fact, but he had, instead of giving tho acreage under wheat and produce of thu h;iiih\ given tho total acreage under cultivation in the colony as if the whole of it was down with this particular cereal. A inoincnt'H ennmderatinn ought to have satisfied him that 3,4ll,U0U buuliuU could not bu the total yield of Ull.iHiO acres, lie Iiuh committed a greut blunder, although not tho extraordinary one which at tirst uiylit it appeared bu had com mitted. [From yesterday's Evening Journal.] Letee and Biutiiday Halu-Wo uuuVnitanil that u levee and the usuul Birthday Ball are to luko place on May 21 (Her Miijebty's Birthday.) The Ukfaulteii Kiiuoeu.— It has been ascer tained that II. F. A. Kruger was not a put sender by the Bengal for liydncy. It is therefore con jectured that ho must have left Port Adelaide for New Zealand.

I'oiiTLANu disgraced.— uur Victorian telegram reports that Portland has re-elected llnttors, thus following the baneful example of Uallarat West ft'hich returned Jones after his expulsion, and will in all probability do en again. Madame Anna Uihiiop'h Concert at Htbath alutn.— Madame Anna Uishop gave u concert at Strathalbyn on Tuesday evening in tho hull of tho Terminus Hotel. Thu programmo was divcrsiUod and entertaining, and wus rendered before a large and appreciative audience. Tho songs, especially those partaking of the Scotch element, wuro en tliusiatiticully received. Madame Bmhop's voice, although not heard to sufficient advantage, owing to tho comparative smullness of thu room, was still beautiful, and the execution of thu various pieces quito up to her umial tttinilanl. Mr. Lub* eelles acquitted himself with hi* imiul ability, and at once installed hiniHulf intj thu favour of his audience. Mr. VVilkie, who wiih nufiering from severe indisposition, wa-* well received, uml his efforts more than once eneored amid loud applause. The concert went oil' no much tu tho flat mf action of the audience llmt Mr. Luiicelles announced tliut Madame Anna liiiiliop would givv unotliur on the following Friday evening on her return from Port hlliot. A School Newspaper.-- Contemporaries of one kind and another thicken upon us. Every religious body, every section of the community is ambitious of special news-paper representation, and now the mania has spread to schools. We have seen No. 1 of The Star, an addition to the Press of the colony, intended to he the peculiar organ of the Adelaide Educational Institution. It is diminutive in alze, but will no doubt be able to fulfil its mission as a medium for enabling boys to make their wants and feelings known. Its contents con-sist of an introductory article of four sentences, a letter to the Editor, small questions by a small boy, dealing with points of school discipline, random reading, an array of advertisements, principally 'Wanteds,' a set of conundrums, for which replies are solicited, and the names of subscribers and proprietors. The enterprise is a spirited one, and when the Editor and his contributors have become accustomed to write for the public, any little defecis in composition which will now be apparent will of course be rectified. IUhd Dispatch ov Buswesh at the Local Court.— Although there was a formidable list of coses for trial at the bi-monthly Bitting of the Adelaide Local Court (Full Jurisdiction, Civil) on Wednesday, May 5, the whole of the business watt disposed of in 35 minutes -a circumstance opposed to the popular belief of the law's delayn. BDu. Carl Bosch.— Between 40 and CO of the friends of Dr. Carl Bosch attended a preliminary meeting at the Council Chamber, Teatrce Gully, on May 3, with a view of retaining his services, It being stated that he wub about to leave. Mr. Percival Uaylard, the Chairman of the District, presided, and road apologies from Messrs. It H. Kelly, P-obert McEwin, Alexander Kirk, and Win. Kelly, all sympathizing with tho object. Many speeches were made in favour of the Doctor, and it was resolved that a dinner and testimonial 1« given to him. A Committee of 20 was appointed to carry out the arrangements. AD8TBALIAN Cotton.— The imports of Queens land cotton into the London market during the last three years have shorn a rapid increase, the quantity having rken from 1,0711 bales In 18(17 to 5,000 bales in 1868. Messrs. Devitt k Hett, London, in a commercial report on the subject, say :— ' The quality of this cotton is good, but is still capable of considerable improvement, the great drawback to its more general use being tho irregularity of staple caubt'd by the action of the saw-ginn, it being in many coses completely cut through; to borrow an expression from the spinnera, the cotton is 'ginned to death.1 The colour is good, some of the samples recently brought forward eliciting general admira tion for their fine golden tinge, and were the failing above alluded to remedied, this ootton would rank far higher than it now does, and would command an advance on present rates, which would partially compensate for the withdrawal of the Government bounty.' The prices realized have been from 101d. to 12}d. per lb. To Clean Kid Gloveh.-— Havo ready a little new milk In one saucer and a piece of brown soap in another, and a clean cloth or towel folded three or four times. On the cloth xpread nut the glove smooth and neat, Take a piece of flannel, dip it in the milk, then rub off a good quantity of soap to the wetted flannel, and com mence to rub tie glove towards the fingers, holding it firmly with the left hand. Continue this process until the glove, if white, looks of a dingy yellow, though clean; if coloured, till it looks dark and spoiled. Lay It to dry. and the operator will soon be gratified to see that the old glove looks nearly new. It will be soft, glossy, smooth, and elastic.