South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 6 November 1869, page 1

? SHJ-ffUtf ? ^~ rPHE PENINSULAR AUD *mt&-, 1 oriental steam navigaHHKE&- 1'ioN COMPANY.-The Steamer ??bbsbi^ ueelong, 1.584 tons, 250 horse-power. Captain Dundas, ! is appointed to leave KING GEORGE'S SOUND for GALLE on 15th November, with H.M. Mails, Passengers, and Cargo for Europe, India, and China. Passengers embarkinKonEetum Voyage between Australia and Europe within six montha of arrival, or between Australia and India within three months, are allowed a reduction of one-fifth on return passage-money. Parcels for Shipment by the above Steamer will be received by the undenigned until noon on Monday. 8ih .November. For freight or passage, and information on all subjects connected with the P. & 0. Company, apply to 310 n ? ELDER SMITH, ftJCO, Agents. ^^1 TJi»ACK BALL~LINE OF fffftekv X- PACKETS.-STEAM TO Iffi(Kag»' LONDON DIRECT.-Passage ^?jimhot Money, £16 and upwards. — The --splendid screw Steamship GREAT VICTORIA, 2.39S tons register. 500 horse-power, classed Al 19 years. Sir Joseph Glover, commander, is appointed to leave Hobson's Bay on or about Monday, November 15. Her Cabin arrangements are of the most superior description, and her accommodation for all other classes of passengers is unsurpassed. For particulars of passage-money, &c, apply to BBItJHT BEUTHEKS & CO.. Melbourne; or ACEAMAN, MAIN, & CO., Adelaide. ? 292ths317 ^_ 'K-i E1OR.MELBOURNE.-The ^rW&R^ -T Steamship -1 XLL CoORONG, '?*^***r W. McLean, master, will sail for Melbourne on Tuesday next, November 9. Passengers by 1.40 p.m. train. J. NEWMAN & SON, Port. Y30S-M3 J. DARVVENT, Grenfell-street. ^ Tvk 1?OR MELBOURNE, via ROBE $»%#&, * «nd MAUDONNELL BAY.^Uf* The Steamship a''^ PENOLA. F. P. Snewin, master, will sail on- Wednesday, November 10, immediately after the arrival of the 1.40 Train from Town. Shippers are requested particularly to observe thai no goods can on any account be laden later than 1 p.m. on that day. GEORGE YOUNG. 305'' Mr Oilbcrt-pJace. or Prince's Wharf. .a.1. ^ tP0K P°KT AUGUSTA, Calling at «Wj^ r WALLAROO Each Way with ^fc£Q±*r' Passengers.— The Steamer ?*----*»? KUYAL tiHEPiL&RD, H. Ward, master, will sail on Wednesday, November 10, at 8 a.m. No cargo received after 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Passengers by 7.30 a.m. train. a31Q'» J. DARWENT, Grenfell-street. ^-k - T-UBLIC HOLIDAY - PRINCE «fi^JL OP WALES'S BIRTHDAY, 43tifeBS-- TtTESDAY. November 9, 1S»».?*«-**? EXCURSION TO GLENELG.-The fast and favourite Steamer ELEANOR W. Wells, master, will leave the Maclaren Wharf on arrival of the 11 a. in. Train from Adelaide, and proceed with Passengers to Glenelg. returning in time (or last Train to Adelaide. The Port Adelaide Artillery Band is encaged. Refreshments can be obtained on board. Fares— Return Tickets, 4s. each; to or from Glenelg. 2a. ftL each. ? 308'' 13 -\-v C«P£C1AL NOHCK-In answer TrVfl *K^ ^ '° numerous enquiries. Captain *i iWiifir W?U* wishes to inform his numerous *m^*am^^ Friends and Patrons that, notwithstanding the Postponement by the Government of the Public Holiday on the 9th instant. NO ALTERATION will be made in THE EXCURSION TO GLENELG, and that the Eleanor will positively proceed there as advertised. a309-M3 GE-). WILLIMOTT, Agent ,-- . |]J1OR WENTVVORTH and RIVER «fe»^v I1 DARLING.-The Steamer 4iliKg» MARANOA. ?w^w^ Captain Thomas Johnston, will leave Goolwa on Wednesday, 10th instant, calling at Milan?, Munnurn, and Blanchetown. For freight or passage, apply to a3U9'l4 JOSEPH STILLING & CO. ~^2t KUU MKLBOlJKNE WKECT.-The 381^ '8 W^TERLILY, mltmYlrfar' H. Patching, master, now loading; has greater part of her cargo engaged. Apply to 308-'10 ? IL SIMPSON, Queen's Wharf. tkaftv i?0R SYDNEY, with Immediate jS3^. r Dispatch. — 1 he Al Barque jKnag' KING OSCAR, *WiTJ8»r having only room for 50 tons. V- For freight or passage, apply to ^ 310-'3 ? J. W. SailTH. ,-5.. OOR FREMANTLE DIRECT.- The jggflfc^r Al Brig jQBg- ELLA GLADSTONE, ??SB**' 223 tons, J. Walsh, master, will sail or Tuesday, November 9, punctually. T. E. BURY Ac CO., Town. LAMB & PAQUALENT, or 1 Pnrt CLELAND, -MITCHELL, & CO.. / Fott? 309-'i:-xa*. I^Ofi FREMANTLE, WESTERS ^g^. r AUSTRALIA, Calling at Km] JwTHay George's Sound.— The fine Barque 300 tons, J. Burch, commander, will receive carg-on Monday, and sail Wednesday next. For freight or passage, apply quickly (being unde charter) to Captain Dale; or JOHN NEWjIAN & SON. 308*'13 Port Adelaide. AASk 1?or P0KT CAROLINE. - Th jSa*^ C1 Schooner 5gj52ar KANGAROO — n'Pftg will have quick dispatch. SlQc ROBIN & LE MESSURIER. Port. ? -a.* T710R VICTOR HARBOUR.-TI1 dSsS^r Cutter M^W SECRET wrrfiMr win Sail on Saturday next, the 6t instant. For freight, apply to 308,10 J. M. SINCLAIR, Port. XhA. li^Ott VICTOR HARBOUR (Fin jSE.3^. I? Vessel).— The favourite Schoont ^ESBgy FLBETWING ??Mfcr will sail positively oh Saturday, 6t instant. ax ? JONES & CO., Port. j.'i^ I70R WALLAROO.-TheSchoonei «-S2^j. I1 MAID OF AUSTRALIA JjjiaSP' will sail on Saturday, November 6. ^flESH^W Annlv on Ixi.ini 3fl9'10

.-I;. riOR MOONTA BAY AND ^S35s.l.1 WALLAROO-The Schooner ^QBIP' ADELAIDE *mtl3M*r will sail on Tuesday, November 9. j Apply on board ; or to 309*13 ? G. COLEMAN. Port. ^7 K10R YANKALILLA AND RAPID ?gSSsi^ 1? BAY.— The Schooner WB^ DASHING WAVE, wMltfMw George Simmonds, master, will sail positively on Saturday, Novembers. 309-*10 J- NEWMAN & SON. ^Z 170R YANKAULLA, RAPID BAY. ^g^,r AND CAPE JERVIS.-The JsGBaSr Schooner 3aSS& ANALGISTA, J. M:Leod, master, will sail on Saturday, ? November 6. Apply on board. a308 10 ' ,-5,- I70R SALE. FREIGHT, or iga«^r CHARTER. — The Al* -Torth 3t2SS-' German Brig «ffi& K MARIE, 213 tons register; will carry 303 tons dead weight. Apply to the master, on board. 333c 'TXT TjiOR FREIGHT or CHARTER to -»fia^.' a°y Port.— The Al new clipper JKypjir Baraue a^rfw H vasa, 450 ton', D. Ericksen. commander. Apply to 279c . P. SANTO, Waymouth-street TENBY CASTLE, from LiverpooL— All CLAIMS against this Vessel must be rendered by noon on Tuesday. November 9, to 310-3 ? ELDER, SMITH, & CO. ADELAIDE UNDERWRITERS' MARINE ASSOCIATION. e* NOTICE is hereby given te Shippers, Consignees. Shipowners, anil others that Captain H. D. DALE has been APPOINTED SIJKVKVOR for SHIP.S and CARGOES at PORT ADELAIDE, on behalf of the above Association. J. S. TURNER, Secretary, 310tl3 ? GU'.)ert-ptace. WA. EATON, GOVERNMENT AND MERCHANTS' PRIVATE TELEGRAPHIC AGENT. Telegrams sent to all parts of the World. Fee, 10s. 6d. each Message, in addition to cost of transaUS810D* CHARGES TO ENGLAND. Twenty words, £3 Is. ; thirty words, j£4 lls. 6d. Additional ten words, half is charged. OlHce, No. 54, Pedlar-street, POINT DE GALLE, CEYLON. 158c VICTOR HARBOUR.— GEO. S. V READ, Customs, Shipping, and General Commission Aqkht. ? 22*'tta *VO SHIPMASTERS, MERCHANTS, JL AND OTHERS. The SHIPPING REPORTER attends to Tele ?.grams or Letters, and his Boats are available for al purposes connected with Shipping in the Gulf Boat Flag No. 3. RICHARD JAGOE, Beach Branch Office. Lefevie's Peninsula. ? MT?,RCHAin)ISE. ? C' OALS. COALS. COALS.— Englial and New South Wales best Steam, Houst and Smiths Coals, in any quantity, at Lowef Prices, delivered hi Town. 82thBc ? A. JONES, Bank-street COALS. — English and New Sout: . Wales, for Household, Steam, and Blacl Bmiths1 use, of best quality, for Sale, in an quantity, at lowest price. Orders received at my Offices, Cnrrift-stree Adelaide; and at Queen s Wharf, Pott Adelaide 15c HENRY SIMPSON.

ill Ff Pr* 'H^ii MlQEit ~W. MILNE, JU N., / having COMMENCED BUSINESS as 1 . WINE anr SPIRIT MERCHANT in those xtensive Stores in Grenfell-street, adjoining ilessrs. Elder, Smith, and Co.'s. begs to invite Itention to his Large and Varied Stock, which ? ncludesthefollowmg:— ' BRANDY-in Hhds., Qr.-Casks, and CaBes. E Hennessy'a. U MarteU*s. i si U.V.C. tl Bisquit, Dubouche, & Ca's, very ft Superior. i f RUM-in Hhds. and Qr.-Casks. S J ? Best West India. b GLN-in Hhds., Qr.-Casks, and Cases. p Booth's. WHISKY, Scotch— Qr.-CaakB and Cases. Colville's. Stewart's Saucel. Stewart's Kirkliston. Dickson's. WHISKY. Irish? Dnnville's and Kinnanan's. ? I A A HHDS. MARIAN'S No. 3 ALE, i-wly hi splendid condition. . ? WM. MILNE, JUN. ( i/m/\ DOZ. BOTTLED ALES 9\J\J\J and PORTliR. Byass* Machin's Dublin Stout Bass's Triangle Morice Cox & Co.'s , Allsopp's Tennant's T a &c. &c^ &c , » W4L MltiNE, JUN. i ? : — : — ??' ???? - :- ? p SHERRY— In Wood aud Bottle, of the ? most choice varieties. Gonzalez Garvey Burdon, Sec ? WM. MILNE, JUN. PORT— In Wood and Bottle, best quality Graham's Hunt's, &c. 30Sthst2vI7At8 WM. JIILNE, JUN. HAUSSEN & CATCHLOVE, BREWERS AND WTNE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, HINDMARSH BREWERY, And 63. HINDLEY-STREET, Adelaide. HINDMARSH ALES. 'Exceixeiit; contrasts well with Imported.' Vide Judges' Report, Adelaide Exhibition, October, 18t». HINDMARSH PALE ALE. ' Excellent ; contrasts well with Imported.' Vide A udgea' Report, Adelaide Exhibition, October, 1S69. WINES, In Bulk and Bottle. ' PORT. SHERRY AND MARSALA. LI'SHT FOREIGN. COLONIAL. BRITISH. SPIRITS, All Brands, in Bond or Duty Paid. BRANDY. RUM. GIN. WHUKY. GENEVA. SUNDRIES, ENGLISH PORTER and ENGLISH ALE, in Bulk and Bottle. CORDIALS AND LIQUEURS. BITTERS. Best Brands. AERATED WATERS. CORKS, PIPES. CIGARS, TOBACCO. HAUSSEN & CATCHLOVE. Any Orders left at their Towx Office, 63. Hindley - street, will be Immediately Telegraphed to the Brewery, and at once executed. Any Customer telegraphing an Order Direct to the Brewery will be allowed the cost of the Telegram in the first settlement of account. BOTTLERS ef HINDMARSH ALE and PtiRTER. R. STRUTTON, hindmarsh, and S. CAMPAIGN, Register Cellars, Grenfell-street, Adelaide. 310tristll4 OELTZKK WATER, SELTZER^ WATER.— Just Landed a New Shipment of Superior Seltzerwater, in quarts and pints, in splendid condition. W. CHRISTEN & CO.. Wholesale and Family Ghocers, 310wst2 Urenfell-street, near Sturt Hotel. ON SALE— MOREWOOD'S BEST TINNED IRON, 5 to 8 feets Best Zinc, Nos. 11 and 12 Eagle Brand Wire. Nos. 4. 5, and 6. 50wsc ? P. SANTO, Waymouth-street. ON SALE, by the Undersigned.— Celebrated LION BRAND ALE (new brew, in hogsheads and barrels) Hennesney's Case Brandy Oatmeal, -25. 50. and lOOlk bags. Pearl Barley. 1 cwt. and 2 cwt. bacs Comsaeka, Flourbaas (100 lbs.). Branbags Woo! packs, Coke, Piglroa &x\, &c. &c. I30c J DARWENT. Grenfell-street. N SALE. GAWLER-PLACE. 150 dozen Basils, two qualities 250 Sides Harness Leather 200 Harness Backs B0 Sides Bridle Leather 50 do. Skirt Leather Sole anil Pump Leather 1 case English Harness Backs 8 do. Patent and Enammelled Leather Green Morocco 20 dozen Hogskins 350 Riding Saddletrees, various qualities 50 pieces White Saddlers' Serge BO do. Collar Check 150 do. Girth Web 25 do. White and Coloured Kerseys &c, &c Ace. 2Slt5v JAMES A. HOLDEN. N SALE. GAWLER-PLACE. 500 Riding Saddles, common to very best SO Colonial-made Saddles, various qualities 10O Side-Saddles, good to best Racing Saddles. Hoys' Saddles, Pilches 150 dozen Snaffle and Pelham Bridles 100 do. Woollen Girths, long lengths Dandy, Horse, Water, and Spoke Brushes 150 pairs Gig and Buggy Lamps 100 dozen pairs Cart Hames 40 cwt. Curled Hair 50 do. Woollen Flocks

Aianingaies, DrcasLpiaies, oyurs, txi;. Lot 1-inch Hemp Line : 3(3 dozen Gig and Buggy Collars 30 do. Spring-Cart Collars Cart Collars in any quantity. ; 21St5v JAMES A. HOLDEN. ON SALE. GAWLER-PLACE. Gift and Buggy Whips, every pattern Tandem and Kour-Horse Uiops and Thongs Jockey and Twig Whips, all qualities Malacca Hunting Canes, light to heavy Cart Crops and Wagon Whips English and Colonial Thongs of every kind. 284t5v ? JAMES A. HOLDEN. ON SALE. GAWLER-PLACE. SO Sats Plated Gi-r Harness 30 Sets Buggy anil Express Harness 12 do. Pair-Horse Harness Spring-Cart, Cart, and Plough Harness. 2Slt5v JAMES A. HOLDEN. ONE HUNDRED TONS FENCING WIRE. JAMES BROWN having received by late arrivals over ONE HUNDRED TONS FENCING WIRE (Best Quality), Nos. 4. 5. and 6, is now offering the same at a GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. GALVANIZED ROOFING IRON (Slightly Damaged). J. B. is prepared to offer the above a DECIDED BARGAIN. FARMERS SUPPLIED' WITH STORES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Highest Market Pbice given for Fihst-Class Farm and Dairy Produce. THE ECONOMIST AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT STORES, Waymouth-street. 285thscv JAMES A. li OLDEN, Gawleu-place, begs to call attention to his Enormous Stock of SADDLERY GOODS to hand per recent re8sels, all of which he is offering for Sale at the very Lowest Prices. ? 2S4Uft O H N T A N N' S PATENT 'RELIANCE' FIRE-RESISTING SAFES AND DOORS. Received Prize Medal at the Great Exhibition. G. A. & H. BARTLEET, 5ths334 Sole Agents for South Australia. OOLPACKS, Full Weights, in Bales of 50. on Sale by 205thsc JAMES HILL. Grenfell-street WOOL BOUGHT— Liberal Advances made on Shipments to London, E. Spicer. ? 2S3-310 WOOL, TALLOW, and other »» PRODUCE ADVANCED ON. 2*9'33Sv ? JOSEPH STILLING & CO. WOOL, SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, and ;1 WTALLOW BOUGHT by the Undersigned at the Highest Market Price. WOOLPACKS FOR SALE. v . . JAMES ORCHARD. Kapnnda. August 23. 1S69. 257-328 TO SQUATTERS, WOOLSCOCRERS, &c — GOSSAGE BROTHERS' WOOL SCOURING SOAP ON SALE ialiny quantity Manufactured expressly for WOOLSCOURING Testimonials on application or by Post TO SQUATTERS AND FELLMONGEBS. ^'hy clip Wool and sell it in the Grease. For, be advised, it is yourselves you fleece But Scour with Wool Spap, on purpose planned And, lo t the Golden Fleece is in your hand M. C. DAVIE8, Sole Wholesale Agent, South Australia. lS9-91thsc

BUSIRESS NOTICES. j^ £ R U N D L E-S TREE T. ? / TO THE LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND « PUBLIC GENERALLY. ;t MR. C. P7~E Y M E R,' turns his most sincere thanks to the Ladies and ntlemen who have so liberally patronised him at ice his return to the Colony, and begs to assure I jm that it will be his earnest endeavour to still ' -?ther merit their confidence as Hairdresser, i ] IBFCMER, and Wigsiakes, by a close study of j j flhion, combined with the Latest Novelties in j ite, and keeping none but the Choicest Articles ; c rtaininc to nis Profession. ' -u * JUST RECEIVED. - * \ New Assortment of Plaits, Curls, Chignons, t p Wigs, and Fronts. I \ Balsams and Extracts for beautifying, strengthen- n ing, and promoting the growth of the Hair. j Brushes and Combs. - 1 0 Drnaments for the Hair in endless variety. I g TWO HAIR-CUTTING SALOONS. t r ? 299thsr295 1 H A M , B E R S ' 1 1 J COMMON SENSE AND EUREKA J WASHING-MACHINES. t iAMJFACIORY-FltAXKLIX-STREET, ADELAIDE. ( TESTIMONIALS. [ r. A. O. Chambers. Franklin-street. J Sir— I have had one of your Eureka Washing- l achines in use for the last three months, and am rfectly sattsfeedrwith its working; it will wash as iny clothes in two hours as a servant would do a day. and quite as well, without any injury to -e material.— Yours truly, CHARLES FARR. -Exchange Auction Mart, Adelaide, r. A. O. Chambers. Sept. 16, 1SC9. Sir— 1 have one of your Common Sense Washingachines in constant use for some time, and can ost confidently recommend them to every family ; . iey are not too hard to work for a female servant, ley do not injure the clothes in any way, aud the 1 ashing is done in fir less time than by the handashing. 2S0mh310v JAMES H. PARR. 7LLIS EDWARDS & CO\ -li FAMILY AND RETAIL GROCERS. 24. HINDLEY-STREET, Have constantly on Sale the following— FRESH DAIRY PRODUCE FINEST PLANTATION COFFEE YORK HAMS. L1SG FISH NUKTB WILTS CHEESE And GENERAL FAMILY GROCERIES, of First Quality Only, at the Lowest Remojjerative Prices. Goods Delivered Daily in City and Suburbs. 295thst294 tf'EW PATENT OVENS. A. SIMPSON & SON, PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS, GAWLER-PLACE AND GRENFELL-STKEET. The great improvements in these Ovens are that ley are not liable to warp or twist with the heat, le flues never require cleaning, are quite portable, ad consume less fuel. SIMPSON'S PATENT OVENS lay be had of the Principal Ironmongers and torekeepers in South Australia, and also of 159thstl55 A. SIMPSON & SON. B~ Y SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO U.R.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH. By Special Appointment to lia Excellency SIR JAS. FERGUS3ON, Bart. PRIZE MEDALLIST At the Universal Exhibition, 1SC7. At the Exhibition of the Society of Arts, 1S6S, ,11 the Prizes for Highly-finished Photographs fere AWARDED to Mr. DURYEA. Faded and Inferior Photographs Restored. Copied from Carte-de-visite to any Size, and finished in Oil Water, or Chalk, from Descriptive Particulars. T. DURYEA, 6S, KING WILLIAM-STREET. (Established 15 Years). 299thst293 IMPORTANT NOTICE L TO LARGE COXSUMEKS OF JLEAT. F. HINCE would he most happy to Supply Large Consumers of Meat at the following Low Prick for One Month or Twelve:— Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, and Mutton, at 3d. per b., Chops and Steaks included— all weighed in at ine price. Quality Guaranteed. Orders punctually attended to, and Meat sent to inypart of Adelaide or Suburbs Free of Extra charge. F. HIXCE, BUTCHER, EAST-END MARKET, and VAUXHALLHOUSIi STKPNEY. 294ths*22 PRIMROSE'S ALES AND PRIZE MEDAL PORTER, Bottled by F. G. BURTON, UNION BREWER*. RUNDLE-STREET. N.B.— Delivered in Adelaide, Suburbs, and Glenelg; also Packed and Forwarded to any part of the Colony. Orders addressed as above will receive prompt attention. tK5thst3:{ SUGAR, TEA, AND COFFEE WAREHOUSE, 13D. RUNDLE-STREET, Near the York Hotel. GOODS OF THE BEST QUALITY obtainable will only be kept, which will be Sold at the Lowest Possible Price. Customers waited on as usual, and all Orders delivered Free of Charge in Town and Suburbs. ROBERT WILSON, RETAIL AND FAMILY GROCER, 2S2ths310 139. Rundle-street. AOSTERLOH, CHRONOMETER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKEK, &c 64, HINDLEY-STREET, Adelaide. Mathematical and Astronomical Instruments on

All Watches Sold or Repaired Guaranteed for IS snths. ' Best Colonial Gold Jewellery, own make. Lenses for Astronomical uses. Diamonds and '. other descriptions of precious Stones Ground. Sote the Address-64. HINDLEY-STKKET. ', ? 292)291 i INGER'S SEWING - MACHINE J Does THE WIDEST RANGE OF WORK IN THE BEST POSSLBLE MANNER. EASY TO LEARN AND NOT LIABLE TO GET OUT OF ORDER. INSPECTIONliEQUESTED. W. & T. RHODES {Sole AcE-rrs}. [OUSEHOLD FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERS, 231thst74 No. 7, Rundle-strket. NOTICE TO SHOEMAKERS AND -1 LEATHER-DEALERS. B. TAYLOR, TANNER and CURRIER, [iNDMARSH, begs to inform his numerous own and Country Customers that he ha3 (PENED the PREMISES. No. II, HINDLEYTKEET, three doors west of Bunn's Exchange nd next Messrs. Main & GeyerB, as a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEATHER AND GRINDERY WAREHOUSE. The Stock comprises all descriptions of Leather, rrindery, &c^ and an inspection will certify as to tie genuine character of the Goods. Note.— B. ~TA Y L 0 R, No. 11. HINDLEY-STREET, next Main and Geyer's. N.B.— Woo!, Hides, and Skins Purchn'^. I Adalaide. M-»y 18. 18tf-. 259thscv I ? . ? 1 PRENFELL-STREET COACH UT FACTORY AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Established 1S42. JOHS CRIMP respectfully informs his Cusicmers and the Public in general that he has ENLARGED his PREMISES expressly to suit ;he requirements of the Trade, which, together rith the LATEST and most IMPROVED MACHINERY, and the EMPLOYMENT of SKILFUL WORKMEN, enables him to Execute ill Work committed to his care in a Style not to be surpassed, and with the utmost Expedition. The Trade Supplied with all kinds of BUGGY SPRINGS and AXLES, Manufactured on the Premises. CARRIAGE TIMBER BENT OR SAWN. N.B. — Repairs promptly executed. Charges Moderate. ? 2i-Uths352 BOOKBINDIN G.— The Proprietors of the Register, Observer and Evening Journal beg to inform the Public that in connection with their General Printing Offices, under the Superintendence of Mr. S. Whitmorb, they have established a BOOKBINDING DEPARTMENT, and they are enabled to guarantee the efficient execution of any Work entrusted to their care. They are prepared to receive orders for ' _ ASSESSMENT BOOKS and other Boots and Forma required by Corporations and District Councils. ? ? MUSIC Bound with flexible backs, to open flat. ACCOUNT BOOKS for Bankeis. Merchants, Companies, or Societies, Ruled, Pa^ed, and Lettered to any Pattern, and Bound in first-class style. MACHINE-RULING of all descriptions. BOOKBINDING in all its Branches, fiom the simplest repairs to elegantly-finished Work for the Drawing-room. RULED and PRINTED FORMS for Bank Returns, Invoices. Bill-heads, Sale Accounts, &c. ? Orders executed with punctuality and at moderate charges. ??? ? ??? 1 894cv ANDREW8. THOMAS ft CLARK.

BUSINESS NOTICES. -1 A. «fe H. BARTLEET, T. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SHIP AND INSURANCE AGENTS, East India Avenue, Grenfell-street, Leadenhall-street, Adelaide, London. South Australia, j Indents promptly executed. Produce Bought and Sold, or Shipped under 1 vance. Advances Made on Consignments. 281sSc MESSRS. BAYNTON -fc PIZEY, f-L WATERHOUSE-BULLDING3, Adelaide, mtinue to Practise as ESTATE and FINANCE ROKERS, ACCOUNTANTS, and GENERAL GENTS, and have always on their Register KOPERTIES FOR SALE, consisting of LLLAS and FAMILY RESIDENCES in the iighbourhood of Adelaide, BUILDING ALLOTENTS in the City and most salubrious Portions the Suburbs, IMPROVED FARMS and OPEN ECTIONS FOR SALE, or TO be LET on LEASE ith Right of Purchase, in every part of the jlony. They will be happy to receive Particulars of rery description of Freehold or Leasehold Projrties for Sale or to be Let, which will he duly dvertised free of any charge, except on compleon of the business. They continue to Advance on and Purchase overnment Sections, Invest Clients' Capital. ollect Kents and Dividends, Prepare Statements E the Financial Position of Clients. Transact all le duties of a Secretary, at a fixed rate per QnUmk£SSKS. BAYNTON & PIZEY. 275mwst22v [TAUSSEN -b CATCHLOVE'S Ll FIRST PRIZE PALE ALE, kittled by the Undersigned. Orders promptly attended to. 2sc It. STRUTION, Hindmarsh. ft B. BRAY, GROCER AND CORNFACTOR, 148 and 150, HINDLEY-STREET. JASH ADVANCED ON COLONIAL PRODUCE. 239-tlO3v ESTABLISHED 1S57. JRENFELL-STEEET. near STURT HOTEL Adelaide. WC H R I S T E N & CO., GENERAL IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, TEA DEALERS. AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. ? 261ws321 A F. CHRISTEN, r\- . GRENFELL-STREET. GRAIN. FLOUR, AND COMMISSION ? MEKCHANT. 279wstl \riCTORIA-SQUARE PRIZEV MEDAL COOPERAGE, FLINDERS-STREET. Che Undersigned is prepared to receive Orders for TALLOW or WINE CASKS, at Low Prices. THOS. P. WELBOURN, FLINDEI13STREET. 29Stst295 HEELER -fc WILSON'S NEW NOISELESS LOOK STITCH SEWING-MACHINES are THE BEST for FAMILY USE. Because They can do evert kind op Work, both Plain and Ornamental, Light and Heavy, Quicker ind Better than any other Machine. They are not liable to get out of Order, and are so simple in their construction that any one can learn to use them in a few minutes. The latest Improvements are the New Cloth Plate, which not only performs Ornamental Sewing, but the most delicate Embroidery; and the Silent Feed Bar, which renders the Machine Perfectly Silent, and entirely removes the objection to their use in Ladies' apartments. The Public are respectfully invited to see fte Machine in operation at the Show Eooin, 47, Ruudle-street. W. C. BUIK, Sole \gknt. 2U1SC 47 and 49, RUNDLE-STREET. FURNISH YOUR HOUSE THROUGHOUT WITH THE BEST ARTICLES at LOWEST FMCES. AT W. T. FLINT & CO.'S, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, 37, HlNDLET-STREET, ADELAIDE, Where a Selection of every Article is kept in Stock, and Small Profits and Quick Returns make Prices such as must give satisfaction to the most economical. 2S2wstS B. HEYNE, SEEDSMAN AND FLO BIST. EtfXDLE-STREET, OPPOSITE THE YORK. Agricultural, Vegetable, and Flower Seeds oi known Rood quality. Seeds of correttly-named Native Plants. Plants in flower or otherwise decorative always on hand. Flour, Bran, Pollard, Chaff, &c at current rates. Importer of Fruits, &c. Oranges, &c. by every Steamer. ? 293wst290

piAJNOFOHTES, Oblique, Uottage, » L &c, by Broadwood & Sons, Self, and other . minent makers— all warranted. 1 HARMONIUMS-From the largest to the J nallest size. MUSIC— New and Popular, for all Instruments; lie Largest Stock in the Colony. PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS. ORGANS, nd other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, RE?AIRED and TUNED, at SAMUEL MARSHALL'S, __ 52. KUNDLE-STREKT. 172t91v J M. LINKLATER, 4, Hindleystreet, sincerely thanks his numerous i'riends i'riends for their support for the past thirty years, nd begs to introduce to them his Friend Mr. H. A CRAWFORD. who has PURCHASED his BUSINESS. and to whom, as his Successor, he trusts they will continue their favours. [N reference to the above, ff. A. CRAWFORD begs to solicit a continuance if the favours hitherto conferred on Mr. Link-ater, and trusts also to have again the support of many of his own former Friends He hopes to maintain the good reputation of his Old-established Business by keeping a CONSTANT SUPPLY of the BEST GOODS obtainable, and SELLING them at the most MODE-RATE PRICES. The CUSTOMERS of this Establishment are respectfully invited to CONTINUE THEIR ACCOUNTS, and to SEND IN their ORDERS as usual. Attention is particularly called to the NEW STOCK of TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE, and COCOA. Some of the TEAS are uncommonly fine. and will be sold with a view to supply the Public with a better article than is usually to be met with in the colony. A trial is solicited. PRIME ENGLISH CHEESE and HAMS and other seasonable Goods. Orders carefully delivered in Town and Suburbs. ? 301cv PEWSEY VALE VINEYARD, JOSEPH GILBERT. Proprietor. Town Cellars.Imperial Chambers. King William-st. JAMES T. TURNBULL, Agent, 23Sthsc ? 24, Currie-street. Adelaide. ICES. ICES. ICES. FIRST AND BEST AS USUAL, in CREAMS, FRUITS, AND DRINKS, at GOLD SACK'S, 93. RUNDLE-STREET. 93, Opposite Mayfield's. Parties supplied anywhere at any time. ? 3Q7--10 r 0 e. ice. 1 c e.— JL Orders for the above respectfully solicited at . the Adelaide Ice Works, Franklin-street :W3c F. C. MUSS ELL. D. BEACH'S RESTAURANT, 6, HINDLEY-STREET. ICE CREAMS, WATER ICES, in every variety during the Season. EVENING PARTIES, SOIRKES. &c. &c. Supplied on the Shortest Notice. 30S'10 RF. LOUTIT (late with Mr. J. M. ? Ltnklater), GROCER AND TEA DEALER, No. 6, HINDLEY-STREET, Next Door to Mr. Beach's Restaurant, Begs to inform his Friends and the Public that all his GOODS are of the BEST QUALITY, and requests a Trial. ; Orders Delivered in Town or Suburbs. First-class Dairy Produce Wanted. Note. -No. 6. HLNDLEY-STREET. 2SSc ENTRANUE FROM GRENFELL-STREET. 'REGISTER GENERAL PRINTING XV AND BOOKBINDING OFFICES. The rapid increase of our BOOKBINDING and MACHINE-RULING BUSINESS having necessitated an extension of space,. the OFFICE of Mr. S. WHITMORE, the Superintendent of the General Printing and Bookbinding Departments, hasbee KEMOVEDintotheFRONTBUILDING, where all Orders may be given, Printed Forms Purchased, &c. The Entrance in future will be from Grenfellstreet, in the Western Wing of the EegisterBuildings. tST GENERAL PRINTING, BINDING, and MACHINE-RULING executed Promptly in the BestStyie.' - ' : - ? ' ?' V .: ??;? ANDREWS, THOMAS, & CLARK, Proprietors.- ,„ . Segiiter, Journal, and Observer Offices, : ' Grenfell-street Adelaide. 189cv

Bxrsansss notices. ; TESTIMONIALS ]', W.PAVOTOOTXHB- T n ROVER . & Bi K E R ^ S. M^' CO.'S MACHINES. j GROVEB & BAKEK, thinking a few Testi- f( aonials fiom WKLi-KNOwir Local Purchasers ' j« auch more satisfactory than five times the number 1 rom America, have much pleasure in submitting ?! he following to the*Public of South Australia. j t MESSRS. fl|ARTIN & MUECH. IB iheie Agents, if 15, HuJDIEr-STBEET, ADELAIDE, I J] YU1 be happy to. show the Machines to anyone j favoring them with a call. ( MacDonnell Bay, January 30, 1869. ti Sirs-In answer to your kind note, 1 must beg to P -e excused for such long silence, as ill health has ?eudered it necessary to be away from home; but \ rith regard to the Machine that I purchased from I rou I cannot speak too highly of it. It is always j ' ?eady to go to work, and. although almost in con- 1 itant use, it has never been in the slightest way ' jut of repair. I have seen almost every other sort I if Machines. Though much grander looking. I T would not exchange my simple-looking one for C :hem. There is jiot the slightest difficulty in learning the Grover & Baker Machine, and I would recommend every lamily to have one. *. And fluiat Btill remain, yours, &c., ? ' ' E.W.Clark. To Messrs. Grover & Baker. Glen Lindsay, February 6, 1S69. Gentlemen— With reference to the Grover and Baker's Sewing-Machiue, I have much pleasure in ' saying that it is complete and good in every respect, and in my opinion iar exceeds all others that have ? come under my notice. I have been working mine 1 about two years and a half, and it has not required the least repair: and 1 also strongly recommend any persons purchasing a Machine to have one of this construction. , I am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, ' Isabella Lindsay. The Manse, Gawler, April 27, 1869. Having used iSrover & Baker's Machine for the ! last sixteen months, I can confidently recommend it for all kinJs of domestic work. The stitching is decidedly superior in appearance and durability to any I have tested. From Mrs. Evans. Port Elliot, February 13, 1869. Dear Sir— I Bhould have replied to your note earlier, but have been from home, and since my return have been much engaged. With respect to the Sewing-machine, I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to its utility. From what I know of other Machines (and I have seen several kinds), I consider Grover and Baker's the most simple and useful for general family sewing, and a most important and valuable addition to a household. I remain, yours truly, H. M. Hotham. To Messrs. Martin & Murch, Agents for the Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine Company. Surrey House. Norwood. March 18. 18C9. Dear Sir— I think it is over four years since I purchased the Grover anil Biter's SewingMachine; it has been in constant use the whole of that time, and gives every satisfaction; it does not easily get out of repair, and I have broken but one needle. Yoars, &c, . From Mrs. J. N.EWBEBBT. AGENTS-MARTIN uc MURCH. General and Furnishing Ironmongers, 15. Hindley-street, Adelaide. 291tl7v CUNNING HA M'S, 29 and 31, RUNDLE-STREET, Adelaide. IMPORTER OF BAKER'S (Pyrotechnist to the Queen) ENGLISH AND CHINESE FIREWORKS. The TRADE SUPPLIED with Crackers Sky Rockets of all sizes Wheels Sky Rockets with Serpents or Squibs Coloured Stars Star Candles Triangle Wheels Blue Lights Roman Candles, all sizes Goldeu Rains Roman Candles, with Flower Pot3 Brilliant Stars Prince of Wales 's Italian Streamers Feathers Mines Waterloo Crackers Jack in the Box Tom Thumb Balls Gold Flower Pots Chair Crackers Percussion Signal Lights Fire Balloons Maroons or Imitative Asteroid Rockets Cannons. chinese~c!ackers. In consequence of an overstock, the Price this season will be 5s. 6\1. per Box. F.ED, GREENLAND BLUE FIRE ! Masks, Noses, &c, with all other NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, at CUNNINGHAM'S. - 298cv

'1 F. GUNTHER, 1 J. WHOLESALE & ROTAIL DRUGGIST, ISPENSLNG CHEMIST. AND GENERAL IMPORTER, 50, PvUNDLE-STRKHT, ADELAIDE. Importer of all kinds of Chemicals for the aboratory and Photograher's Atelier. Store:epers. Stations, Surgeons, and the Trade Supied on liberal terms. Winemakers and Distiers can obtain a constant supply of all articles jcessary in their business. A large assortment of aelish, French, an'l Gonnan Patent Medicines, id all kinds of Homeopathic Medicines and \ !. edical Books, at the Lo» Prices. . 29pt28zv 3 O O T S A N D SHOES. NEW GOODS PER~THE YATALA. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S. Coloured Boots, Toes to match Coloured Boots, Patent Fronts Coloured Boots, Goloshed J Coloured Boots, Military Heels Coloured Boots, Spring Heels White Marsala Boots, Military Heels 1 White Marsala Boots, Without Heels White Marsala Boots, Girls' and Children's Black Cashmere Roots. Military Heels # Black Cashmere Boots, Spring Heels Black Cashmere Boots, Toe Caps Black Cashmere Boots, Goloshed Black Cashmere Boots, Extra Broad Side Laee and Elastic Sides. German Lasting Boots. Military Heels , German Lasting Boots, Spring Heels German Lasting Boots, Toe Caps. -With an Unrivalled and Unequalled Assortment -f all kinds of Gentlemen's, Ladies', and Children's Joots and Shoes suitable for the season. BRANDON'S SHOE WAREHOUSE, 78, Rundle-street. P.S.— See Brandon's Window for some of the iWEETEST Children's Boots ever imported. 302'51 |^O PUFF. NO PUFF. NOTICE TO THE SADDLERS, &c, OP SOUTH AUSTRALIA. JOSEPH C. GENDERS does not call attention to his ENORMOUS STOCK of SADDLERY GOODS x- h3nd per Recent Arrivals, but respect:ully assures them he has on hand a sufficient Supply of Most Suitable Goods, which for Price ind Quality shall not be outdone by any advertising House. 2S6'315 PINE PURE SOAPS. VICTORIA INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION, 1866. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1867. These Soaps are now well known throughout the Colonies, and stand unrivalled in their excellence. JOHN TIDMARSH & CO., 292thstlOSv Adelaide. 'HO BOOTMAKERS, LEATHERJL SELLERS, AND OTHERS. F. FELS & CO. (Late Bean Brothers), TAN.NEKS. CURKIEKS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF BOOT UPPERS, Beg to inform the Trade that they have OPENED an ESTABLISHMENT in GRESHAM-STREET (behind the Bank of Adelaide), where they are prepared to supply every description of LEATHER and BOOT UPPERS on the most reasonable TERMS ' The Uppers are made of the very best material, the workmanship guaranteed, and at Prices which defy competition. Countiy Orders promptly executed. Torrensside Tannery, October 21, 1869. 29S'324 TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.— A large supply of Royal and Imperial Mounting Boards just received. ? . s. 67a E. S. WIGG, 12. RundUwstreet rpHE Undersigned Irishes to DISPOSE L OF .his GROCERY and DRAPERY BUSINESS. There are TWO SHOPS adjoining each other the Grocery Business being carried on in the one, and the Drapery Business in the other. There is also a large Substantial WAREHOUSE close by, which can be Let with the Shops, and which is admirably adapted for a WINE and SPIRIT STORE. The Shops are situated on SOUTH-TERRACE, KAPUNDA, and the- large and rapidlyincreasingTraffic from the Murray Flats lias to- pass the Daors. The Business enjoys a first-class Farming connection, and the Trade is fast increasing; this being, in fact, the reason of the Undersigned wishing to dispose of it, he being' also engaged in the Wheat ana Timber Trades, which now require all his time and attention. Possession can be given in two or three months, by which tune the Stock will be reduced to the smallest amount. - r; . --: - J. F. SCHRAMM. Kapnnda. August 30. 1869. ? 243c' MARBLING 'done for/ the Trade. -? ANDREWS, THOMAS, & CLABK.

BUSDfESS NOTICES. ,DVERTISING AND GENERAL r L AGENCY OFFICE, 15, Register-Chambers, Adelaide. h ? y GEORGE' DEAN. a VDVERTISEMENTS~and ORDERS Received = the Register, Observer, and Evening Journal, ilbourne Argus and Australasian, and Sydneg -irning Herald; also for the leading Colonial j 1 Intercolonial Newspapers. ? 2'i7tW13ir j A ARTIN -fc MURCH, Ikonmoxqebs, 1 £ ]£ HQTDLEY-STREET, Will TRANSACT JslNKSS as usual on the 9TH instant, and IUT UP for the General Holiday on the fol- -ring FRIDAY, the 12th. as determined npon by 1 Jtrovemment. 309'*10 J COLONIAL WINE. —Superior , /'Colonial W iue on Sale at the Lowest Price, at i t Cellars, Willowbank, Harden. Country Orders t, nctualry attended to. 1 »6-t31 ? Mrs. A. PITT. J )LD LEA.D, PEWTER, and ZINC l BOUGHT at ( i»38c ? R. DODGSON'a Leigh-street l )LD HORSESHOES, IRON, RAGS, j BONES, ZINC, and OLD METALS PURIASED in any quantity. ORIGINAL STORF, Robe-terrace, Waymodth-btreet. ? 247thst60 , ROUBLE FURBOW, PLOUGHS, | J with Three Wheels and PatentAxles, £10 \ ich. , MELLOR BROTHERS 296mws335v352 Adelaide and Kapunda. V VELOCIPEDE for 5s.— TO be 1 RAF f LED for on Saturday night, Novem :r 6. a BICYLE, nearly new. Criterion Hotel. 3O6hslO \N OLD OOPPY CKEAlUNA ^- VIOLIN, with Case and Bow complete, to 3 Sold To-day at Parr & Luxmoore's. ? x_ 70R SALE, a FLAVEL'S PATENT ? REGISTER STOVE; size 4 feet 6 inches; early new. Apply F. D. Beach, 6, Hindley-street. ? 3bS-'lO VO SURVEYORS.— Two TROUGH- 1 L TON & SIMMS'SFive-Inch THEODOLITES, implete, FOR SALE. 189thsc ? AL C. DAVIES. Gilbert-place. FOHN A. BRUCE, AUCTIONEER I and LAND AGENT. KAPUNDA. ? 219thst34 F WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE, I. RETAIL, and MANUFACTURING TATIONER, PRINTER, PAPEli-RULER. &c, J, King William-street, opposite the Exchange. 77th6C fl&APERY ASP CLOTHING. 3HIRTS. SHIRTS. SHIRTS.— The undersigned have Just Unpacked a i'resh Consignment of Superior Gentlemen's ihirts, all Bizes, direct from Bielefeld, Germany. W. CHRISTEN & CO., 31Qws35 Grenfell-Btreet, near Sturt Hotel. &AULT & SCOTT respectfully announce that their SUMMER STOCK HAS ARRIVED, and consists of the FEWEST & MOST FASHIONABLE DESIGNS in Dresses. Jackets, Hats, Bonnets, Parasols, &c &c. These Goods have been selected with great care, md Marked off at the Lowest Paying Prices. TIMES DRAPERY MART, 14, RUNDLE-STREET. 2Smhst22v JVHE SOLAR HELMET A. MACGEORGE & CO., 5 S'10vl7 48, King William-street. HE LATEST SHAPES IN LADIES' HIDING HATS, with Veils. A. MACGEORGE & CO.. 30S-'10vl7 40. King William-street. IVjANTLES AND MILLINERY. For the convenience of their Customers, J. MILLER ANDERSON & CO. have just added A SHOW-ROOM for the above Departments on the Ground Floor, which is Now Opened A thoroughly experienctd Manager, from Melbourne, has been engaged to superintend the Millinery Department, and, with ever}' confidence, J. M. A. & Co. solicit inspection and comparison. 17. Hindley-street. September 25. 1S69. 2U8-32Sv

VfHO'S YOUR TAILOR? If his FIT and PRICES DON'T SUIT, give ROBIN & B1RKS A TRIAL. FIT WARRANTED, and PRICES LOW. 305-lOv RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. SALE OF DRAPERY [GOODS. CHJAMBETre t& CO., 57, RUNDLE-STREET. sg to announce that their GREAT SALE of DRAPERY is NOW PROCEEDING. tie WHOLE of the STOCK must be OLE ARED OFF by next Month. REAT REDUCTION in EVERY DEPARTMENT. For particulars see Handbills. CHAMBERS & CO. luring their GREAT SALE will FORWARD OOD3 to ALL PARTS of the COLONY AERIAGE FREE on Parcels from £2 upwards. Note the Address— CHAMBERS & CO., 305-t365 57, RUNDLE-STREET. No. 107b and No. 107d, aUNDLE-STREET, OPPOSITE THE PLOUGH AND HARROW. JOHN A. NOJRTHMORE has R3E.MO VED to the abovenamed Premises, and will CONTINUE .THE SALE : until STOCKTAKING, . the 1 FIRST WEEK in OCTOBER. HEADS ofUFAMILIES well to avail themselves of the present opportunity of LAYING IN a STOCK of ; DRJAPERY, As the PROPOSED INCREASEDFTAXATION, Whilst exempting theJEich Absentee, will PRESS MOST SEVERELY on THE HEADS OF FAMILIES, the LABOURING POPULATION. and 'PERSONS ENGAGED IN BUSINF.SS.'J Note the address— rOHN ilOETHHO.KE, 107B AND 107D, BUNDLE-STREET, Opposite the Plodgh and Harrow, and 103'AND 105, KLNG WILLIAM-STREET, ! Opposite THE TOWN HALL 261c j PROFESSIONAL. ' A M E S CUMMIN G, 1 ARCHITECT, l '?' ALPRKD-CHAMBER3, 10, COBRIBSTREBT. ? 27S't3 r*HARLES HOPE HARRIS, V7 Surveyor. Licensed under Real Property Act, GREEN'S EXCHft-NGK. a22S-320 BTJHS AND STOCK PORT AUGUSTA BOILING-DOWN AND' MEAT-PRESERVING COMPANY. ^ LIMITED. , As it is expected that all existing engagements will be overtaken, at the latest, by the 20th November. Sheepfarmers desirous of having further Sheep Rendered Down during this season are requested to make immediate application tc Mr. A. D. lassie, the Manager, on the Works. ... r,,--.. -... ? . ? ? 303wt2ir STORE CATTLE FOR SALE.For Sate. 350 Head Fine Store Cattle, non Running on Swan Eeach, River Murray. ^for' trice and tennB,apply to ~ ' ?.'„: „ : .. mZpercy wells. 250c Register-Chambers.

FUNERAL NOTICES, ?*HE FRIENDS of the late Mrs ~ - McROBIE are respectfully informed that r Remains will Leave h^r late Residence, r ilham-street. Norwood, This Day (Saturday)^ I 3 o'clock, for West-terrace Cemetery. x « ? WM. PENGELLY, Undertaker. RELroiOu^NOTICEl ^ fR. H. S. EARL, M.A., will ' 'X PREACH (D.V.) in WHITE'S ROOMS )-MORROW EVENING. Subject -' God's ord rightly divided!' Service will commence punctually at half-past 6 ? 233sU3v50 7BENEZER BAPTIST CHAPEL, ?J BROUGUAM-PLAOK. North Adklaide7 ANN1VKRSAUV SERVICES of the above lace of Worship will be held on Sunday, 14th ovember. Mr. S. Cozens, the Pastor, will each in the Morning and Afternoon; Mr. ljllard in the livening. Services will comence at a quarter to 11, 3, , and ti o'clock. Collecm after each Service. Refreshments will be provided for friends coining om a distance. PUBLIC TEA on MONDAY. 15th. at 6 o'clock, ublic Meeting at half-past 7, when several linisters and irieuds are expected to address the leeting. ? xvj 3ENTHAM - STREET CHAPEL.— J ANNIVERSARY SERVICES in connection ith the Sabbath School will be held next Lord's m^V. The .^Y- *'? K- KiSGOoa, from Chiua, ill Preach in the Morning, and Mr. ll/HussTtt 1 the Evening. Afternoon Service at 2.30. lien the Children will be addressed by several 'riends. On Tuesday (9th November), Scholars will ssemble at 6.:jO p.m., for the presentation of the 'rizss and Rewards for the year. Parents and other Friends cordially invited. Collections at each Service in aid of the School. ? 308,10 rHE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of the FLLXDHKS-STKEKT PKEHBV'EBIAN CIIUKUU will commence on Sabbath. I ovember 21, when SUMMONS willlra preachpfj iy the Ke»-B. J. Jeffehis, J. Henderson, and J. i. Parsons. A TEA. and PUBLIC MEETING will follow on TUESDAY, November^;!. 3!l3sl0v f- RAND UAZAA R.^ UT A GKAND BAZAAR in AID of ST. jAUKEXCE'S CUUKCI1 will be Opened in the L'UWN HALL at 2 o'clock on Monday, November 5, and will bd continued for the week. All Friends intending to give Donations are equested to forward them to the Ladies presiding iver the Tables, who will thankfully receive them ; is also any of the Clergy in Adelaide, 309cvl7 MTJglCIPAL COUNCILS^ CITY OF ADELAIDE. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. In compliance with a Requisition received by aie. 1 hereby CONVENE a PUBLIC MEETING -f the CITIZENS, to be held in the TOWN HALL, Adelaide, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th nstant, at 7.30 p.m., to Consider who shall UEPRESENT the CITY as MAYOR aud SuUNCILLORS lor the Ensuing Year. H. R. FULLER, Mayor. Town Hall, November 4, 1S6H. ? 310,14 CITY OF A~DE~L aTd E .— The COUNCIL will SIT at the Council Charaler, Town Hall, as a COURT of REVISION of the Citizens' Lists, on Wednesday, the 21th instant, at 10 a.m. Lists of the four Wards are exhibited at the followine places:— GAWLER WARD- The Gcnernl Poit Office; Blenheim Hotel, Hindley-street; Golden Fleece, Currie-street; Cumberland Arms. Elizabeth-street. HLNDMAKSH WARD-Tomi Clerk's Office. Town Hall; Red Lion Hotel, Rundle-Mreet; Black Eagle Hotel, Hindmarsh-squaie; Plough and Harrow, itundle-street. GUEY WARD— Prince of Wales Hotel. Angasstreet; Wakefield Hotel, Wakefield-street; Queen's Arms Inn, Brown-street ; Flagstaff Hotel, FrauklinBtreeL KOBE WAGD-IluntEinan's Hotel. O'Connellslreet; Queen's Head Inn, Kermode-sireet; Lord Melbourne Jnu, Melbourne-street; Wellington lun, Wellington sau ate. Notices of Claims will be received up to Thursday, the 18. h instant; and Objections to Saturday, the 20th instaut. Forms of Claims and Objections cau be had on application. By order, THOMAS WOKSNOP. Town Clerk. Town Hall, November 4. IS -». 310.15,21 PUBLIC NOTICES.

U — A PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the Town 3all Kxchanpe-ltoom on Friday evening, Novera-er 19, at half-paat 7 o'clock precisely,' when Mr. m GLYDt; M.P., will OPEN a DISCUSSION -n WOOI, and the possibility of some portions of his Produce bting more advantageously maiiuact u red in than exported from the colony. Information upon the subject addressed to the Chamber will be acknowledged with thanks. By order, S. V. PIZEY. Secretary. Waterbouse's-Buildinir. :iH),14,ie.l!J,2:jvllij HliARSNDl)N~LOCAL~CODRT^— -J A PUBLIC MEETIN'l} will be held ut the SanRarilla Hotel on Tuesday Eveuing, November ), at 7 o'clock, of the Inhabitants of Meadows, Dasbwood's Gully, Kangarilla, Eyre's Flat, Jlarendoii, Cherry Gardens, Coromandel Valley Happy Valley, Almanda, and the various parts of be District, to refute the fallacious statements nade by a Deputation that waited on the Atturley-General on the 3rd November, 18ti!t, in reference to the Clarendon Local Court. This Meeting is called at the urgent request of various Ratepayers in this District. THOS. WRIGHT. x Chairman Clarendon District Council. HI PMENT TO INDIA.— PKRSONS wishing to Transmit SAMPLES of SOUTH AUSTliALfAN PRODUCE for the consideration of the Government of India are requested to forward them, MAKKED A3 ABOVE, to the Arches at the I'arltruy Goods Shed, to the care of C. Bonney, Es-{ , on or before the lO.h instant. As soon as the Samples have been adjudicated upon, the result will be notilied to the respective Contributors. All Bulk bUirMENTS must be forwarded to the cars of Messrs. John Newman and Sou, Port Adelaide, not Inter than the 20th instant. J. 8. O'HALLORAN. Secretary. Government OtHce3. Noveini-er 1. 18t9. 3US'*13 TN the ASSlGNhD ESTATE of 1 DAVIES & PIKliCY. of Magill, Potters. TENDKliS are invited and will be received until noon of Tuesday, the 9th instant, for the whole of the STOCK-LN-TKADE aud PLANT in the above Estate. Stock-sheets can be examined on the premises, Magill, or at the offices of the undersigned, Neither the lowest nor any Tender necessarily accepted. KINGSBOROUGH k CHAPMAN, 310'3 ? Agents for the Trustees. ? A MEETING of the JOURNEYMEN PAINTERS will be held at the XOIJFOLK ARMS THIS EVENING (Saturday), November 6, at half-past 7 o'clock, for Adopting l.'uicu of the Association and other important business. x A LL CLAIMS against the ESTATE of l\. the late F. A. MiSYEK, of Norwood, must be rendered to (he undersigned ut the office of Messrs. Elder, Smith, & Co., Adelaide, on or before Saturday, November C. S. K. WAKEFIELD, lFro/,,lfnro 305-'10 A. S. CHAPMAN. |ExecutorsLLEN'S SPECTATOR.—Sir. Sir. G, M. ALLEN begs to thank his Friends for their support in the establishment of the above Protestant Newspaper, and to inform them that he has sold it to Messrs. C. Shuttleworth, J. P. Boucaut, G. W. Cotton, and other Wesleyan Friends, who now carry it on under the altered title of The Spectator; and be trusts that his Wesleyan Subscribers will continue their support under the altered principles of the Paper as hitherto. At the cuine time, Mr. Allen begs to announce that, at the desire of several orthodox Protestants, he has consented to undertake the charge of another Weekly Newspaper, which will represent/at'Wy all sections of Universal Protestantism, without the acerbity of preferential Dunominauonalism. Further particulars in future announcement. All accountB owing to Alitrit Spectator uu to the 30th September are payable 7lly tQ\i. M. AIXKN. ? Xk NOTICE.— REMEM BER the UK ATH-HOLE. TO PARENTS, GUAKDIANS, and SCHOOLMASTERS. The LESSEE of the CITY BATHS begs to inform the Public generally that the SKASON will -X)MMENCB on SATURDAY next when he will be prepared t« INSTRUCT YOUTHS and ADULTS in the AKT of SWIMMING in all its branches. T. BASTARD. Swimminc Master. For particulars enquire at the City Baths. ? 308*10 DUBL1C NOTICE— H. WOODCOCK, L BUTCHER, NOKTH ADELAIDK, desires to acquaint his Customers that Mr. J. STONE is NO LONGEB. in his EMPLOY, and has no authority to wait upon them for Orders upon his account, a305c ? H. WOODCOCK. NOTICE. — I, ROBERT ALFRED TARLTON, brinjr about to visit England, have APPOINTED Air. CHAS. KlSCHBlliTli my ATTORNEY to act formedurinz my absence. Mr. HAKKY TUKNEE (late of the Union Bank) will act as my AGENT, and will Pay all I Accounts at present outstanding. He is also authorized to receive all Moneys on ray behalf, and his receipt will be a sufficient discharge for the Bame. E. A. TARLTON. Adelaide, November 1, 1S69. ? 306' 12 NOTICE.— I will NOl1 PAY DEBTS Contracted by any Person in my Name I without a Written Order. T. DUBYEA. November 3, 1869. ? 308 '1* pAUTION.— LOST or MISLAID.— 1 \J A CHEQUE, drawn by Francis Veysey. No. . B 10594, on the Bank of Adelaide, dated 12th t October, 1869, for £i 12s., in favour of 1*0. 267. i The public are Cautioned afrainst negotiating same, 1 as Payment is stopped at the Bank. Adelaide, November 4, 1869. ax

LAND AUCTION NOriCES. GKEEN & WADHAM'S NEXT MONTHLY AND AUCTION SALE * will be held in the LAND MART ON FRIDAY, 26tu NOVEMBER, 1869. Particulars of Properties intended for this auction 5 requested to be forwarded on or before the 11th )vember. 303cv COMPANIES AND SOCIETIES. HflE ADELAIDE, MARINE, AND L SUBURBAN RAILWAY COMPANY. LIMITED. mniUM Dividends of 6 pbb Oknt. Guarantekd kok Seven Ykaus. Forfull Prospectuses, Bee Ikgister&ai Advertiser ctober 5th to 14th. Applications to be sent to JAMES HILL, Secretary, 288c Grenfell-street. ? amusements' J A. O. DRUIDS' FESTIVAL, ? IS THE EXHIBITION GROUNDS, Nobth Pabk Lands, (The Proceeds to be given to tbo Widow and Orphan FimuJ, ou THE PKINCE OF WALES'S BIRTHDAY, Tuesday, Novkmbrb V, The Committee have provided A HOST OF AMUSEMENTS, everal of which are specially adapted for Ladie and yount; people. Also A RIFLE GALLKRY, ndcr tho management of a Special Committee of Volunteers. JUMPING MATCHES AND FOOT AND HURDLE RACING ror various amounts, and a tiricoui, Phizb of a ?aik of Running Shoes, given by Mr. Dillon, of lundle-street, for a special llunllu Race. VELOCIPEDE RACES or various Prizes, and a Siycial Pbize of a ilLVEB-MOUNTED Bklt, Riven by Mr. Beck, of iVayniouth-street. Also, u Prize of £1 U., Riven -y Mr. Vosz for a Novel Velocipede Uace around light poles. A STILT RACE. Prize XI Is., presented by Dr. Gunson. Stilts two eet higli. Competitors to provide their own Stilts. THE GYMNASTIC CLUB will perform in the Exhibition Building. DANCING to the Mubi'c of the BAND OF H.M. 14tu ItKGIMENT. by the kind permission of Major Vivian. THE CATERING is undertaken by Mr. -;ko. Aldiudqe. Luncheon, Is. tid. ; Drinks at Town Prices. In the Evening a UKANDJ PROMENADE OONOEKX (Under the 1'utrouage of the Mayor and Corporation) IN THE TOWN HALL The following Ladies and Gentlemen havo kindly volunteered their services :— Mrs. Walklcy Miss Hall Master Hall Miss Vaughan W. Townsend, Mr. Harvuy M iss Winter Ebu.. M.P. Mr. E. Ward Miss Bishop Mr. Hall The Adelaide Amateur Christy Minstrels, And the Band of H.M. 14th Regiment. Mr. A, Barwick will sing 'The Young Girl of the Day' in character. Sports will commence at 10 o'clock, Luncheon at 1 o'clock, Concert at 7.30 o'clock. Admission to the Grounds, Is. ; Concert, 2s. Tickets to be had of any member of Committee, and at the Prince Alfred Hotel, King Williamstreet. J. H. SHERRING. Chairman. 2S5t300,S.10 H. L. DURIEU, lion. Sec. A T tho termination of tho above Concert XI. there will be a QUADRILLE PARTY, unde the management of Mr. 11. L. UuitlEU. Tickets. 2s. (id. each, to be hud at the Prince Alfred Hotel and of Mr. Durieu. £85130(5,8, 10 URINCE OF WALES'S BIRTHDAY. i- RURAL FETE. MITCHAM. In connection with St. M ichael'h Chukcii, will lie held in NliTIIEIUJY PARK, by permission of the liuii. Win. Morgan, RI.LC, ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 9.

lMUSEMENTS to suit all corners. The FIRST PRIZE MEETING for Sport* of he MITCHAM AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB rill take place on the grounds. Croquet. Football, Cricket, Aunt Sally, Quoits, iwinKS, and oilier (James. RCHKAEDER'S BAND is engaged. Refreshments on the ground at Town Prices. Sports will commence at 12 o'clock. Admission to the ground, In. TickctB may bo iad at Mr. WiJliams's, King Williumstreet; Mr. ?latts's, No, 1, Ilimlley-strcct: anil at tho Htorca f Messrs. Taylor, (-arditur, and 1'rince, Mitclmm. Children under 12 years of iigu, half-price. Oinnibuses will l-:uve the Hoiitliern Cross, King Villiam-strect, for the ^rounda, at liulf-pwit 11 I'cloclt a. in. ? 3(MlliBiiitl3 rHE PRINCE OF WALES' BIRTHDAY. NOTICE.-Thc RURAL FErE In NETHERBY ?AKK. MITCHAM, will, notwitliBtunding tho government change 111 their Holiday, STILL BE HELD on TUIWDAY, tho !lth November, as innounced by udvertiHemcnt. (l'H0''1U He drpid.s' festival will be held ON TUESDAY NEXT. As previously announced, boing tho Princo of Wales's Birthday, and THE TRADES HOLIDAY. 3O!V'1O A PPL I CATIONS for STALLS, -fcc, JX at DRUIDS' PIONIU. Exhibition Buildinu. November 9, apply at Princo Alfred Hotel, King William-street. The Young Men and Boys who desire to be engaged as Barmen and Waiters, apply as above. a3URc GEO. ALDRIDGE. THE PICNIC in connection witli tho X STOW MEMORIAL UUUJiCH YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY will take place on TUESDAY next, the 9th iuMunt, us arranged for. axx W. 11. NEWBOULD, Hon. Sec. A DELAIDE WESLEYAN MUTUAL x\. improvement association. ANNUALl'fUNIC. The Annual Picnic of the above will take placo on Tuesday, 9th instant, Prince of Wales1* Birthday, on the Grounds of Mr. Maloney, near Waterfall Gully, Fourth Creek, kindly lent for the occasion. Cobb& Co.'b Coaches will leave the Lecture Hall, Pirie-streel;, about hnlf-paBt 8 n.m. Tickets before starting. ;ilO''12 ADELAIDE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Patron— Hie Excellency 81a James Febqubson, Bart. The Bociety'H SECOND CONCERT (Secular) will take place at the TOWN HALL on TilUliBDAY, the 25th instant. WM. H. BUBRELL, 310tbsc Hon. Secretary. Vy H I T E' S R O O M S. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. ENTERTAINMENT In Aid of the Building Fund of ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH. UNLEY. His Excellency Sir J. Feiiguhhon in the Chair. ' Reminiscences of Church Life and Work in England.' by the Very Rev. Dean Rubsell. MUSIC and RECITATIONS by Amateurs. Doors open at half-past 7; to commence at 8 o'clock. Tickets— Front Beats 2»., Back Beats la.-may be obtained at the Booksellers' and of the Building Committee. 308. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BENEFIT SOCIETY. A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT by the ADELAIDE AMATEUK C1IRISTY8 will be held in ST. FEANCI3 XAVIEK'8 HALL, On TUESDAY, November 23. In AID of the WIDOW and ORPHAN FUND. Doors open at 7.30; to commence at 8 o'clock. Tickets-Front Scats, 2ji. ; Back Seats, 1b. ; to lie had of any of the Committee. x PRICKET.— A MATCH will be played \J THIS AFTERNOON, on the NORTH PARK LAND3, between the Norwood and the Stowe Cricket ClubB. Play to commence at 2 o'clock sharp. j, T, FITCII- ^t^, ROYAL HOLIDAY. GLENELG SPORTS. JOTAT-fflraNOMdoUiSAgUAnOSPOBTB. HORSE RACES. QUOITS. AUNT RALLY, and a great Variety of other DIVERSIONS. 310113 PRODUCE. ? t\rOOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS. -bc. VV PURCHASED st the Highest Aurko ^Ifcv JOHN TAYLOR, Thebarton, OOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINQ. BARK, OUM, SHANK-BONES, TAL. LOW. &c, PURCHASED by the Undersigned in A877cv8' W PEACOCK *8Off CONTEYANCES. ? E' APUNDA TO BLINMAN, a Day and a Half Quicker than the Day Coach, at Gbkatlt Reduced Pbiobi. ? MoDONALD & H08K3N. Ajjent, B. Hkhbibo. Globe HoUw 280c '75 ? ? ?