ARRIVED. TnnnsDAY. November 13.

Fi\!RY ROCK, brig, 192 ton?. J. L. »»fc-¥?» master, from Ho&ait Town November 3. John Newman and Son, agents. M-T.ean CUORONG. steamer. 3M tons, W. McL«u},

master, from Melbourne Novemneno. -. ?»*'££ To-vn; John Newman and Son. P«£ f*£Xarf T senders- Mrs. B. Sayers. Messrs. W™j®»m?S'r; Magarey. Wm. Johnston. C. \ Jan*?*'* w*j3 Fisher. McLdlaruJ. Lvncb. Win. Simpson, and Captain Jackson, in the saloon; and U ra the steen^e. ARRIVED COASTWISE. TlIUItSDAY, NOVEMBEBIS. ANALGI3TA. schooner. :W tons. £UcLeod. master, frcui Yautoilillr. ««P«l JJ«k : &£ Jervia. and Kangaroo Island. vCargo-S5 JJ« wool. J. Lashruoore; 6 do. do., N. Thomas, oao. -io T WiNon: 12 do. do.. K. Tapley. 11 tons silwr lead, Talisker Minin? Company. FLKETVVINi;. schooner, 55 tons, J. Anderson, ^A^-SX^U George Stonle, master, from Yankaiilla. Kapid ^?lM^IPSf Jervis. Cargo-113 ba-«5 wheat, L. Glyde; 2 bales. 5h'xs wool, K. Tapley. CYNTHIA, schooner, 65 tons, C. Heath, master, from Yorke's Peninsula. Cargo-2E0 bales wool, Order.

cleared out. Thubsd.vt, November .18. DARRA. ship, m tons, B. Lodwiek. master for London. Passenj-'era-Mewirs 1 C. C. 4L Kitto, Jackson. J. A. Bean, and G. T. Bean, in the cabin ; Mrs. Thomas and infant. Mrs. Duryea. Miss Chapman, and Mary Walsh, in the second cabin. CLEARED OUT COASTWISE. Thursday. November IS. ALEXANDER, schooner, 31 tons, W. Skinner, master, for Port Wallaroo. DASHING WAVE, schooner. 4» tons. George Riramonds. master, for Yankatilla, Kapid Bay, and Cape Jems. SWALLOW, cutter, 40 tons, J. Lewis, master, for Port Caroline. m ).» IICTED DKPABTUHES. LONDON-South Australian, Glen Osmond, Yatila, St. Vincent, early. From Poit Augusta — Vnaa, Ettie, early. CALCUTTA— .fane Bell, Vernon. early. M ELBOURNE -Coorong, November 23 ; Penola, November 21. NEW 0'AJjEDONL.V— Contest, early. -'ov. SAILED. m „ 28-ALEXANDER, schooner, for Port Wallaroo. 13-DA3HINU WAVE schooner, for Yankaiilla, Rapid Buv, and Cap-3 Jervin. 1S-SWAI LOW, cutter, fur Port Caroline. IS -D A Ri:\. ship, for London. 18-CASSINA, barque, for Newcastle.

IMPORTS. FAIBY ROCK, from Hobart Town -36,000 palings, G6,0W feet titnlur, 2.500 do. boards, .1UC ) ttattens. lO.O'W laths. jtf pairs cart shafts, J. Newman and Son. COO KONG, from Melbourne-51 boxes bitters. 40 -!o. soap, M. C. Duvies; 2 pk a., Sauuders; 91 cases fruit, W. Jene3; 5 do. do., J. Williams; 21 pkgs., P. an 1 S. S.ich; 4 cases. U. P. Harris and Co.; EJ do. brandy, Arm3 (ienemann; 7 qr.-casks, 3hhds» Lamb ami Co.; :5 liluls.. 2 qr.-casks, J. Hill; 1 case, J. HL Stacy ; 1 do. clothins. Officer Commandin' 14th Regiment; 2 pkgs., & Bepda; 4 trunks boots, Totoey Brothers; 2 v'w-. W. Dillon; 1 tiank, A. Dottie: Ido, P. Atkin; Ma. J. Morgan; 3 cues, J. P Moyle; 1 trunk. J. Dixon; 3j-kgs, Balthussar; 10 rases and 25 pocket* hops, biinms aid Chapman: 111 hides, Douoh r.nd Co.; £0 do., t»'. Pea.-ut.-k ana rion: 5 pk-r%. W*. Sowter; 1 case, »;. R. Debney; 7 pkg3.. .i. Burton; 1 do., J. Br.ulley; 12 do.. K. Pone; :i cues, P. LeCreu; 34 empty hhds, John Newman and Son: 2 eases, B.irnett; 1 do.. Kdelsten ami lo.; 1 do.. iJ. Peake; 1 do., D. Fotlierinsjlriiu; 1 do., IL Hutton; 1 do., C. 1L D.uton ami Co. ; ti do.. Buik; Ed »;.T3pty susar ruaU, W. Munrau ami Co.; 1 case. Main and Gever; 1 do., Kittig; 2 pkgs., - 'how; 2 cases. b\ U. Smith;! it)., C.Mann; 2 do., W. andT. Rhotlus; Ido., P. Falk and Co.; 1 do., H. Noltcnius: 2 do.. R. liutton: 35 do. fruit, E. B. lleyue; 1 ilo., Dodijiun : 1 -!o . A. » J. Woodman; 1 pk:.'., Hughe-.; MS cases fruit. (.', Pitt; 10 do. do., A. 'r. Wigzsll; 4 ingoU tin, J. Formby; 2 horses, Gilbert; 1 pk«.. 1». and W. Murray; 2 parcels. Johnson; 1 do.. J. E. Mouldun; 1 do.. Dr.Todman; Stf pk^s., 4 ca3C?, 10 half-chests tea. Order.

EXPORTS. DARSA, for London — 7,KU ingots copper, Worthing Mining Compiny ; :{.--i- ' !-a?? copper ore. Paramatta Minin,: Company; 4'M injiots silverlead. Talisker Mininj Comiunv; UK) bales woo!. 9 do. leather. 1 c:isk c;ilfskin-. 37 do. tallow, 25 tons lark. Stilling and Co.: 2? bales wool. Hunter. Htcvtnson, and Co.; 10 do. do., \V. Isbister; 242 il-. do., Anstey and (Jiles: ij do. do., J. Barritt; 12 do. (in., F. Clark anil Sons; 2 do. do.. H. D. Dale; Vi ao. tlo., J. Cranz; :!S do. do., A. Shannon; JS tin. da, J. M'jrphett; 24 do. d.i., H. U. Keitzhen; ;itfdo. do. F. U. Dutton; :!3t do. do.. W. J. Browne: tS do. do.. W. L. M'nrchant; 20 do. da, U. K.. Hujliis; Ml do. do.. J. Dar-rent; 12 do. do.. Watts and Weih; ff.) do. do.. Barritt and May; 68 «Io. do.. A. Hilktt; 42S do do., (i c;isks wine, 1 do. j;un«. J. Gilbert; 301 bales 2!) bails wool, L. ? ilydt:; Ipipe S hlids. wini-. Boon! Brothers; 1 cask tium. 2 eiisc* wax. G. Phillip3 and Co.; 4 bales leather, F. Fischer; 2 cvses specimens of natural history, Dr. Schoniburjik ; 1.0:« bales woo!, 1 packet do.. 17 tanks tallow. H.Scott; 4itJ casks do., 5-- Kegs preserved meat, E. M. Bagot; 3 pegs., iieaile. PORT VICTOR SIUPPJNTG. Arrived. Sovamlwr 11 — Celesti.v. barque, 315 tons, Jumes Ritchie, master, from Port Adelaide. E. Allen, agent. Passenger -Mr. Henry Currie, in the cabin'. Caro'0 for Brisbane. ' November 10-Secbct. cutter, 30 tons, Walker, nii3ter, from Port Adelaide. G. S. Bead, agent. Cargo— Sundries. MELBOURNE SFHPPING. Nov. ? Arrived. ?7— TA3I.VR, Eteamer, from Launceston. 17— Ron ltor, stt-amer, from Portland. 17— Planter, barque, from Newcistle. 17— Leoxidah, schooner, unknown. 17-Glesshee, barque, from Newcastle. IS-CuRisrufj. TiionrdOX, schooner, from Belfast. SYDNEY SHIPPING. Nov. Arrived. 17— Lady DEXiaos, brip, from New Zealand. IS-U.vxa.vTiUA, steamer, from Melbourne. sailed. 16-Alice Cameron, barqne, forNswZca'and. IB-Lalla Rookh, brig, tor Melbourne. lt- -Western Eupire, ship, iur London. NEWCASTLE SHIPPING. Nov. AnnivtD. X7— ASME Scott, brip, from Ljttelton. .Sailed. 17— Memento, brig, for M 'llioutne. 17— (5OLDt_- Age. forMelbou-ae. 17-Moosta, ship, for Waluroo. MISCELLANEOUS. The Fairy Kock, from Hobart Town, arrived early on Thursday, after a pxssase of 15 days, during the first eight of which strong northerly wind* were experiencetl. at times increasing to a full gulf, but latterly it has been more moderate, although the barometer has ranged exceedingly low. The Coonoxc, from Melbourne, arrived with her accustomed punctuality on Thunday afternoon, :i'id brought several seamen to form part of the irew of the Darra. They were to be transhipped in the roadstead, but the intervention of the police wm necessary to persuade 'Jack'' to go on bosxd. Captain McLean reports light head wmds and fine weather durins the voyage.