South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 5 April 1869, page 1

SHIPPING. STEAM TO ENGLAND UNDER SIXTY DAYS.---EAGLE LINE. —The Steamship GREAT BRITAIN, Captain Gray, R.N.R. NOTICE to INTENDING PASSENGERS.---This favourite Steamer will be despatched for LIVERPOOL Direct on or about the 26th APRIL next. For particulars of passage-money and freight, apply to BRIGHT BROTHERS & CO., Melbourne; or ACRAMAN, MAIN, LINDSAY, & CO., 95c Adelaide. Ji_1s.-k. I?0R MELBOURNE. CaUing at ^ffttf^ JF R0BE ™lh Passengers and 3yfcft«r* Cargo.-The Steamship ; **UMVJ** ALDINGA. John T. Rolls, master, will sail for Melbourne on Tuesday, April 6. Passengers by 1.40 p.m. i Train. J. NEWMAN & SON, Port. 91''6 J. DARWENT. Gicnfell-street 'TTT I71OR POET LINCOLN AND I flPfl^v C PORTAUGUSTA.-The3teamer ; jla*E» LUBRA, -''w'iir A. McCoy, nuuter, will Bail on Mon day, April 3, at 4 p.m. ' ELDER, SMITH, & CO., lTown and J. STILLING & CO., / Port. 9I-'5 J. DARWENr.Greufell-street. ! vj. - T710R PORT AUGUSTA, CaUing at OTTCS^ A1 WALLAROO Each Way for : ?AimjS»- Passengers only.— The Steamer i ? WCTfni KOYAL SHEPHEKD. H. Ward, master, will sail on Saturday, the 10th j April, at 3 p.m. Passengers by 1.40 train. No | Cargo received after 2 p.m. JSLDEK, SMITH, & CO., 1 Town and J. STILLING & CO.. J Port 95100 J. DARWENT, Grenfeil-street *^L-v T?OR WALLAROO.-The Steamer ; 4fOTt&v V KANGAROO, TTTi J- Gordon, master, will sail for — !'»»». VI.- Wallaroo on Wednesday, April 7. at 4 o'clock p.m. No cargo received after 2 p.m. KLDKR, SMITH. & CO., \ Town and J. STILLING & CO., f Port. fS*7 J. DARW.KNT. Grenfell-street. ? a^a. HP he adelaide~line of jga^s. A PACKETS TO LONDON.-The Tt IMtr^ ch'pper Bariiue ?wBBHr CLODIAN, 4S) toua. Capt. Gunton, will follow the Arab Steed with all dispatch on her return from Sydney. Slmhc ? HARROLD BROTHERS. . XttA. I?ori LONDON.— The new chpper jgSSfc,. L) Ship 3%l£W HUGH FORTE3CUE, ???rahr u years Al, 505 tons register, now load in tr, and will sail early in April. Good accommodation for First and Second Class Passeacers. _71mwf3c ? ELDER, SMITH, &_CO._ i^-s T71OR SYDNEY, with immediate rfSSSfex I? Dispatch.— The Al clipper Barque 3ffry» clouian, ?WVTJHftr 4so tons. Captain Gunton. For freight or passage, apply to HARKOLD BROTHERS, Town. 79c CLELAND. MITCHELL, & CO., Port. .-2,.* fTIIEST VESSEL FOR WALLAROO ^S-^L1 AND MOONTA BAY. -The ?JftTPi^y favourite Schooner ?rtiftrfar ADELAIDE, H. O'Hara, master, will sail with immediate dispatch. SHc B. & B. JIAIX. X~*l 1?IR3T VESSEL FOR MOONTA j§@§V I BAY AND WALLAROO. - The *$J!{%yy Schooner ?fliamfer TRIUMPH will sail with dispatch. Apply on board, to R. Arnold; or S9c H. D. DALE. A^-a. 1?OR YANKALILLA. RAPID rfSgS^. * BAY. AND UAPE JKRVI8. %lpXW*[ '*ne Schooner will sail on Tuesday, April (J, weather permitting. Apply on board. aXi-'G R. TAPLEY. Port. '??i* l?ol: P01:r CAROLINE. — The ?iaScSV L regular trader Schooner 3ffiffCag»- RESOLUTE. ^Tfi'gBw j McLcod, master, will sail on Thurs day. Aprils, weather permitting. 95'S »:. TAPLEY, Port.

-3.^ F^OR PORT WAKEt'lilLO.— few T S FLEETWINft. mmtllrw n. KopfF, master, to sail on Monday, 5th April, 4 p.m. ftT'5 J. NEWMAN & SON. Agents. .-3»- f7*OK FREIGHT OR CHARTER TO jga^r GKEAT BRITAIN OK THE JE|38£ EAST.-The Al fast-sailing Ship J. Beaton, master. This Ship has just arrived with troops from Holiart Town, and is admirably suited for copper ore or general cargo to England, or for the conveyance of horses to Eastern ports. APP J t0 CHAS. JACOBS. Merchant, 90c Adelaide. j^a. I?OR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. jfflS2ks. V The Al first-class new Ship 3JEi!gy LLVD3AY. ^aaxaiar 5=3 tons, is open for Charter to any ^gjc ? P. SANTTO, Wapnonth-street. /CLAIMS against the CLODIAN are U^tediodugg.^thin^ AMES LAWRANCE, Lloyd's Rooms, 95, Collins-street west, Melbourne. SHIP BROKER, AUCTIONEER, and GENERAL SHTP AGENT. Charters always oilerinfr to all parts of the East. VESSELS WANTED for Shanghai. Hongkong. Ninppo, Foochow, Chufoo, Yokohama, Singapore Macassar, Java, Msco, Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, 30!H:Umwtl22 Lloyd's Rooms, Melbourne. ivER darling. -captains and OWNERS of STEAMERS trading on this River are heieby informed that INFORMA TIONS will be LAID AGAINST THEM in every instance in which it can be proved they have INFRINGED the HAWKERS or LICENSED VICTUALLERS ACT after this date. Bi/er Darling. March 20, 1&S9. le'SvlU T7ICTOR HARBOUR.— GEO. S. t READ, Customs, Shipping, and General Commission Agent. 42132

WA. E ATO JN, LfUVJiltriJU-CiiNX . and MERCHANTS' PRIVATE TELE GRAPHIC AGENT. POINT DE OALLE. Telegraphing to any part of the United Kingdom from Galle. 20 words, including address, £5 10s.; for erery additional 10 words or fraction of words, half rate extra. „. . , Telemms sent to all Parts of the World. Fee, 15a. each Message, in addition to cost of transmission. ? eaOc ILCANNIA, RIVER DARLING. — J. P. TRIPP, Wine and spirit Mer chant. Auctioneer, and Commission Agent. begs to inform Merchants. Station-Owners, and the Public that he has ERECTED a large IRON STORE, CELLAR. &c. at WILCANNIA, and is now prepared to receive, store, or forward their wools, goods from steamer?, or sell consignments on commission. Wilcannia. March 25, 1S69. 92105vlU O SHIPMASTERS, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS.-The SHIPPING RE PORTER attends to Telegrams or Letters, and his Boats are available for all purposes connected with Shipping in the G ulf. Boat Flag No. 3. RICHARD JAGOE, Beach Branch Office, Lefene s Peninsula. MERCHANDISE. ON SALE by the Undersigned — OREBAGS, Cornsacks, Woolpacks Miners' Candles Ditto Sieyes, all sizes Galvanized Iron, numerous descriptions Nails, Screws, Rivet3, and Washers &c, &c. &c. 75e ? PHILIP LEVI & CO. ON SALE by the Undersigned, the BALANCE of the CARGO of TEA ex ENGELBERT, from Foochow, consisting of choice numbers in Chests, Half-chests, and Boxes. 32icv W. MORGAN & CO. HFFLEY'S FIRST-CLASS CLARETS. VJ R5nwf3c J- STILLING & CO.

COALS. COALS. COALS.— Best House and Smiths' Coals for Sale, in any quantity, at , „ , J. GURR!S Iron and Coal Yard, 69mwfl5S ? Currie-street. ? COALS. — English and New South Wales, for Household. Steam, and Black smiths' use, of best quality, for Sale, in any quantity, at lowest price. . . .-Orders received at my Offices. Crow-street, Adelaide; and at Queen's Wharf, Port Adelaide. 15c HENRY SIMPSON. COALS. COALS. COALS. — House, Steam, Smiths' Coal3, from best Pits, in any quantity, at Lowest Price, at William W. Blyth'a, North-terrace Coal- Yard. 93M8I COALS, COALS, COALS, COALS.— FOR SALE, in any quantity, at the Offices of the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COAL COMPANY, LIMITED, 71, Kirn? Willianwtreet, Adelaide ; and of Corbin Lamb, Esq.. Port Adelaide. Adelaide Office Jtetnoved adjoining Messrs. Sbawyer & Bowen's Printing Office. S5mwE65 THOS. E. BURY, Secretary. C* UICHEN BAY MEAT-CURING VX COMPANY. SHIPPERS, SHIP CAPTAINS, and the TRADE are respectfully informed that the MEATS 0! this Company, including Fresh Meats in Tins, Spiced and Smoked Meats, Hams, Tongues, 4c, &c, are ON SALE by the Undersigned. Inspec tionofSamplesiain^ed.^^^ 62c ? Gilbert-place, or Prince's Wharf. . T7NGINES, Drills, Lathes, Punching Hi and Shearing Machines, Weighbridges, * 'Corn-Hill, Hydraulic Press, on Sale. .-. „__ ' Sffimhc GrA.&H.BARTLEET,

MERCHA1TDISE. DlU.BLTH';'ST.Oir.Tf'' Bottled by Borthwick— Quarts and Pints. 8hepton Mallet Ale,- do. do. The undersigned have on hand New Shipments in prime condition. ^ ? ; 95mwBl23 ELDER, SMITH, & CO. j B ALLAN WATER. BALLAN WATER. The above VICTORIAN SELTEESWATEB can be obtained in any quantity from H. G. CROCKER & CO., Sole agents for South , Australia. .,,'-«.' Pamphlets, containinz testimonials from the leading Medical Practitioners of Melbourne as to . its curative properties, cm be had of the Agents, ' 27, King William-street N.B.-A Certais Cure for all Liver Com plaist^ ? 90mwtS9vA ] T7IRG0E, SON, -k CHAPMAN I * Have on Sale— ' Bass's Ale, bottled by M. B. Foster & Sons Guinneas's Stout, bottled by M. B. Foster and Sons -Hudson's Washing Powders ; Orlando Jones's White and Blue Starch Patent Safety Matches Iceland Moss Cocoa Epsom Salts ? Paste Blacking Gingerbeer Corks Bungs and Taps Gorgona Anchovies Bencraft's Oatmeal Quinine Champagne Angostura Bitters Borwick'a Baking Powders Nixey's Black Lead and Varnishes Reckitt's French Ball Blue Kooney's Broom-Heads and Sash-Tools. GAWLER-PLACeT ADELAIDE. ? 13mwflO-2^ HAUSSEN & CATCHLOVE, BREWERS AND WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Hindmarsh Brewery, and 62, hlndlet-street, adelaide.

wines-port, i SHEBRY AND MABSAH, I Tn tj-11, anJ Light Fobhgn. 1- 'SfflL™'1 Colonial, I BOlue* Bbitish, J SPIRITS-Br.vndy.1 Sy'« ! All Brands, iu Bond or ? &KY. I ^tyPaid. Geneva, J SUNDRIES— Esglisu Porter, \ Bulk and English Ale. 1 Bottle. Cordials and Liqueurs Bitters, best Brands Aerated Waters. CORKS. Pipes, Cigabs, Tobacco. 27mwf95 FRY'S CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. Silver Medal, Pahis, 1867. CHOCOLATE for EATING and for the TABLE. FRY'S CELEBRATED SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE 17RY'S CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. - Six Medals— London. Paris, New Yore, and Dublin. FRY'S HOMCEOPATHIC COCOA. FRY'S ICELAND MOSS COCOA. TOY'S CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. J- The OJJL* Wm-r.s Pakis, 1S67, and London. 1S62, awarded to any English Manufacturer of Chocolate and Cocoa, were obtained by J. 8. FRY & SONS. ? 2Slmwftl63vtl67 ESTABLISHED 1795. nELIANCE FIREPROOF SAFES. JOHN TANN, Inventor and Patentee of the New 'RELIANCE' WROUGHT -IKON and STEEL BURGLAR, WEDGE, DRILL. CROWBAR, and FIRE-RESISTING SAFES and IRON DOORS, fitted with the Patent 'Reliance' Cylinder, Gunpowder-proof, Unpick able Lock. On Sale by G. A. & II. BARTLEET, Sole Agents for South Australia. March2i.lSC9. 83mfl?2

QARNIA TIMBER YARD, Steam O Saw, Moulding, and Turnery Mills, Port Adelaide. Building Materials of all kinds. 2t5rnwfc ROBIN & LKME53URIER. OWNER'S KEKOSINE, CORNSACKS, BRANBAGSonSale. 365c ? WM. HOWES, 23. Cnrrie-street TVO MINING COMPANIES.— FOR J- SALE. One New 3lMnch Single-Acting CORNISa PUMPING-ENGINE. by Harvey and Co., with Wroughtlron Main-Beam and Forty Fathoms 10-Inch Pumps and Pitwork, complete; also, 40 Fathonu 12-Inch Pumps and Pitwork, complete. HARROLD BROTHERS. Adelaide. August 27, 1868. ? 244mc T IBERAL ADVANCES made on 1-i WOOL, TALLOW, and other COLONIAL PRODUCE consigned to their London House, 32, Great St. Helen's. Freights engaged. Indents promptly executed. UtmhcvS HARROLD BROTHERS. A DVANCES on WHEAT and FLOUR. XJL —The Undersigned will make liberal Ad vances on Shipments of Wheat and Flourconsigned to their Correspondents in England. WM. MORGAN & CO., 16c Currie-street. Adelaide. WHEAT. FLOUR, (fee, STORED at Port Adelaide, or PURCHASED, or SHIPPED to ENGLAND, or elsewhere, in first class vessels. GE0RGB y0TJNG. 35!)mhcv Gilbert-place, or Prince's Wharf. DBAPERY AND CLOTHING. RASTER HOLIDAYS. EASTER HOLIDAYS.


/CHOICEST AND JNJfiWJSST UUUDS \y OF THE SEASON IS GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL. WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS. DO. DO. DOESKINS. DO. DO. CASSIMERES. DO. DO. BUCKSKINS. DO. DO. IJIDIiNGCOiiDS. SCOTCH TWEEDS. CHIPPING NORTON DO. A Large and Varied Assortment of the above in best Goods, some made from Wool shipped from Port Augusta. All Goods Cut on the most scientific and econo mical principle, and Made on the Premises. JNO. BALLANTYNE & CO., ' 69-249 ? 38. BUNDLE-STREET. J MILLER ANDERSON -fc CO., 17. H1NDLEY-STREET, are NOW OPENING NINETY-EIGHT BALES AND CASES Of WINTER GOODS. Other Shipments now due.

Purchasers at Un*3 Establishment can select from 'one of the '? LARGEST, NEWEST, AND CHEAPEST ? STOUKS in the COLONY. . ; J. MILLER ANDERSON & CO., ? 17, HINDLEY-8TREET. M'I21v brussels and tapestry ?--? carpetings. THIRTY NEW PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM, including WHITE GROUNDS, OAKS, CRIMSONS, and OSEtNSTwttli HEARTHRUGS to MATCH. Also ' ; ? DRUGGETS. : J. MILLER ANDERSON & CO., 17, HINDLEY.-STBEET. ^4'121v

DEAPERY AITD CLOTHDHt. T ON ERG AN & ? MITCHELL' S Lj ? i ?--.??? ?-? new'' '???-??'?- '--r:' -??-DRAPERY ESTABLISHM.ENT,t (Next Solomon &. Salom's Auction Mart), - , . 'i HIN.DLEY-'STiiE'ET, '.' S\ j OPENED on TU EBDAY, MASCH 23,^ ] ? - . with a ' * ' ! : LARGE AND WELL- ASSORTED ST5OCK ; NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRAPERY, GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING,., . &C., &K '&C. L. & M., in introducing their Establishment to the notice of the Public, beg to state that their intention is to Supply a , SUPERIOR AND MORE VARIED STYLE of ? FASHIONABLE DRAPERY thanisgenera^tob^met^m Adelaide, and The Stock has been carefully ' SELECTED FROM the LATEST SHIPMENTS, and for QUALITY. CHEAPNiSd*. and NOVELTY cannot be surpassed by any House in the Trade. An Inspection is respectfully solicited. We beg to call attention to the following Depait ents :— FANCY DRESS DEPARTMENT Consists of the ? NEWEST MATERIALS suitable for the Season— NAPIER CLOTH. Sultana Cloth; Serges, Poplins, French Bepps, Camlets, Plain and Fancy Winceys. Prices from 2s. 6d. to Two Guineas the Dress. ~ ' ? -FANCY-SILKS in great variety. . Good BLACK GLACE SILKS, wide width, only 2s. lid. yard. The NEW SHADES in FRENCH MEEINOS, Is. FRENChWiLLS, COBIJRGS, and ALPACAS, at exceedingly Low Prices. SHAWL AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT. SHEPHERD PLAID SCARF SHAWLS, war ranted all wooh Itk. fid. ROB KOY SCARF SHAWLS, all Wool, 16s. 6d. Ui-ENSL.\ND WOO .SHAWLS. 17s. «5d. A Case of SILK xnd.CASti.UEUE SHAWLS , from 12*. bU to 25s., worth 50s. PEINTi. Fast Colours. 4}d. yard; Hoyle's Cam brics, warrauted, 7i per yard.

MANTLES AND JACKETS In the NEWEST MATERIALS and SHAPES. The NEW SHADES in SEA LSKINS. BISMARK, OPHELIA, DRAU and BLACK, 3s. 3d. per yard. HOSIERY AND GLOVE DEPARTMENT. All kinds of SEASONABLE HOSIERY. Plain and Fancy Gloves of every description. JOSEPHINE KID GLOVES, 2s. lid. per pair. usual Driee 3s. lid. MEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. SYDNEY TWEED SUIT.-*, 19j. 6d. DOESKIN SUIl'S, 27s. 6J. Good BLACK CLOTH SUIP3. S5s. SYDNEY TWEED TROUSERS. 5s. lid., worth IDs. 6-1. Best MOLESKIN TROUSERS, 5s. lid. MONKEY JACKETS, from lis. &L to 37i GM. A large Assortment of the NEWEST SHAPES in GKNILEMEN'S, YOUTHS', and BOYS' HATS. CRIMEAN SHIRTS, from 2s. lid. to 12s. Gd. Good SCOTCH TWILL BH1RTS, Is. HH WHITE and REGATTA. SHIRTS, equally cheap. CRIMEAN SHIRTING, ail Wool, Hid. per Yard. &4 SHEPHERD and KOB KOY PLAIDS, ALL Wool, 3s. 3d. Yard— Usual Phice, 4s. 6d. FURN1SHING~DEPARTMENT. BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER. FELT, and DUTCH CARl'irrS, HEARTHRUGS. COCOANUT MATTlNti. INDIA MATTING. )AMASK, SWISS LACE, and HARNESS CURTAINS. ALL WOOfi Yard, worth 2s. M. COLOURED DAMASK OLOTUS. ALL WOOL, 4s. lid. each; u^ual price. 11s. Oil. LINEN DAMASK CLOTHS, all Sizes, from 4s. Hi. to Two Guineas.

GOODS SUPPLIED TO BAZAARS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. N.B.— We wish, particularly to impress on in tending Purchasers of Drapery that our Goods lave been PURCHASED FOR CASH, at a large Discount, which enables us to Sell New and Seasonable Goods at l'rices which cannot be gurpossed in Adelaide. ? 72'82mwfr73 ' pODRAPERSand STOREKEEPERS. G. & R. WILLS & CO. invite attention to their WINTER SHIPMENTS. now to Hand and to Arrive, as follows :— Cases. Bales. Trunks. TotaL Orient. ... ... 68- ? 60 65 ' 19? Overland Mail ... 2S - - 28 Duke of Sutherland 89 — — 89 White Easrle ... 279 199 119 ' 5W Overland Mail ... -21 — — 21 Arab Steed ? 419 fl 37 465 Gateshead ? M 15 — 1*8 Hugh Kortescue ... (E) 3 45 120 Overland Mail ... 17 — « 17 Now DISCUAI.CIXG— Ciodian ? 128 28 — 156 Charlotte ? 12S & 57 22t) To Arrive Eauly— George Slmtton ... 179 5S 15 252 S.s. Great Britain ... &S — 51 119 Total ? 2,405 To Follow— Fontenayc, Fire Queen, Light of the Age, Callisto. Owing to the loss of the Gossamer in December, and the delay ib the Channel of Vessels following her, a considerable period must elapse before the later Shipments can be received. Customers are therefore recommended to Sort-up early. 83mwf95vS6

T O fl N A. N O R T H M O R E !l Respectfully announces to the Public that he will OPEN his ESTABLISHMENT, Nos. 10 J and 105, KING WILLIAM-STREET, Immediately Opposite the Town Hall, . On SATUliDAY. March 27, And trusts by supplying good useful articles at the Low Prices which has secured so large a share of patronage for his Establishment. Ncs. 131 and 133, Rundle-street, to merit the same for THE TOWN HALL DRAPERS ESTABLISHMENT. Special attention is requested to the following items:— 720 pairs French Kid Gloves, stitched backs, Is. 6}d., worth 2s. 3d. 1,968 pairs French Kid Gloves, coloured and black, plain and stitched backs, 23. 4Jd, worth 3s. 3d. 2,467 yards Jasper Poplinette, 5s. lid. the dress, worth 78. Gd. 163 Ladies' Fancy Astracan Jackets, 7a. Gd., worth 10s. 9J. French Merino', Is. 63d. Rob Roy and Shepherd's Plaids, double widths, al wool, 3s. lid- per yard, usual price 4s. 6d.— not to be equalled in Adelaide. Winceys, 4}J. per yard. 2,040 yards Wincey?, 30 inches wide, fine quality, Is. IJiL per yard, worth Is. 4Jd. Black Glace Silks, 2s. 11 Jd., wide width. 940 yards Fancy, Striped, and Brocaded. Silks, 543. 9i. to 63s. the dress; the usual price from 723. 6d. to four guineas. Women's White Cotton Hose, from 2|d. per pair. Unbleached Calicoes, 2Jd. per yard; the dozen yards. ' Horrocks's Long Cloth, old. per yard. L110 yards all Wool Crimean Flannels, from 13. Hid. per yards, worth 2s. 9d. A Large ami Varied Stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' ClothiDg at Very Low Prices.

NOTE THS ADDRESS JOHN A. NORTHMORE, 131 and 133, RUNDLE-STREET, ? (Near the York), and the TOWN HALL DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 103 and 103, King' William-street. N.B.— The Town Hall Establishment will be Illuminated on Saturday Evening. ; S5cv USINESS P O S-T EitS, IN AXY SIZE, COLOUR. OR STYLE, Executed promptly at the REGISTER. OBSERVER, end EVENING JOURNAL OFFICES. PROFESSIONAL. MR. .HATCHETT, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC, REMOVED to TOWN HALL CHAMBERS. King William-street. 92''8 : T A ME SOU -M MIN G, el . ARCHITECT, ALFRED-CHAMBEBS, 10. CUBBIE-STBEET. ? :93-lS3 GS. PR I O E,| . PUBLIC and PRIVATE ACGOUNTANT, Gilbert-place, Abelaidk. — 4mhc ;

AR T H U R -CHAPMAN, ! XTQtriDATOR OF ESTATES, - ' ? ACCOUNTANT AND GENKRAKAGENT, | No. 8, REGISTER-CHAMBERS, GRENFELL-STREET. . Estates InspectecrotWpund up., _;? Books in Arrear Made up aniAudited. Agent for the Sile«nd:PHi-ohaseof.Bnsinesses. 1,' Attorney fqr Absentee PfflBriebKS. ; ,- ? 47c NOTICE. - J. . W. BO RT ON, VETERINABY SURGEON. Member of the 'Boyal College of Veterinary Sur geons, and Member of Veterinary Medical Society, having removed from North-terrace, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he^ may be Consulted at bis Office and Surgery, next Exchange Hotel, flindley-street, or at the Southern Cross 8tables, Kin? William-street, daily, from 10 a.m. to5p.m.,asd at any other time at bis residence, Frankis-terrace, King William-street, Adelaide. 19'107v pIRCOLARS~Printc-rireatly,. at the V/ REGISTER, OBSERVER, and' EVENING JOURNAL OFFICES. -

; -??? JFUffEBAL KOTIGJES.. ; '-:\i T?«HE Friends of;tlie;late Mr.'aE_ORGE ; -X ABBOTT- are respectfully informed that his * ^BKJIAINS wilt Leave bis laie Residence. Qaeen ? street. 'Norwooa,- for :the West-terrace Cemetery, This Day, Monday. April 5, 18S9. ai 3 o'clock p.m. x ? OLIVER KAKKINE. Undertaker. _ ; BELIGrJOUslrOTICES. pHALMERS CHCJRCH, ADELAIDE. \J —The Ladies of Cha'merB: Church, North terrace, are now making preparations for having a BAZAAR of USEFUL and FANCY ARTICLES, and respectfully solicit the co-operation and assist . ance of their friends in town and country. The undermentioned Ladies will be happy to receive Contributions and Donations :— Mrs. Henry Brown, Parkside ; airs. T. G. Brown. King William streef; Mrs. Thos. English; Parkside; Airs. Cun: ningham, Angas-street; Mrs. WiUiam Ferguson, Glen Osmond; Airs. Ritchie, Roper-street; Misses Gibson, Bowden; Misses Ferguson, Glen Osmono. .... 95 6

KENT TOWNCHUllUtl.— A UKAJXi^ BAZ.LAR in 'Aid of the Kent Town Church will be held-in' the Transept Schoolroom adjoining, on Tuesday, April 6th proximo, under the Paf o lage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Edith Fergussonr Opening at tslf-past 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The Bazaar will be con tinued oa Wednesday, -Thursday, and Friday, con cluding with a Sale on Saturday evening, air 8 o'cloct Amongst the Articles Exhibited for bale will be found several beautiful examples of Artistic Needlework, a Collection of Foreign and Bntisn Sheila, Bohemian Glass, Jet Ornaments, Cutlery, Inlaid Mother of Pearl-and.PapierMache German Toys, a great quantity o£ 'Ladies* and Children s Attire, &c. Music at intervals during each evening. The Committee respectfully beg public support and countenance of tneir. effort. ' V- . ? ? »?'? : S. KNIGHT, \Hon-90fm5 M. KINGSBOROUGH, 1 Sees. ST. JUDE'S, BRIGHTON. An AMATEUR CONCERT AND READING3, . In Aid of FUNDS for BUILDING a SCHOOLROOM in connection with the above Church, will be held in Mr. Brown's Large Room, en Tuesday Evening, Prices of Admission-Front Seats, 2s. 6d. ; Second do.. Is. 6d. Doors open at half-past 7; to com mence at 8 o'clock. x

? EDUCATION. ? SCHOOL OF DESIGN. — SOUTH AUSTRVLIAN INSTITUTE. CLASSES in every Branch of DRAWING. PAINTING, and MODELLING! Terms. 5s. per month, in advance. Private Lemons given. 95w7 ? C. HILL. GLENELG ACADEMY, ? FAIRFIELD HUU.SE. The Quarter commenced on Thursday. April 1. a'JJ,7, t»0 ? . FRED. CATERER. pOLLEaiATE SCHOOL OF ST. \J P£ I'EK.— The next Quarter begins on Mon day, April 5. ? 91sm5v G. W. HAWKE3, Hon. Sec. riOLLEGIATE SCHOOL OF ST. Kj peter. Kev. W. W. EWBANK, M.A, one of the Assistant Masters, receives a limited number of Boarders for the above School in his House at Broughain-place, North Adelaide. S9ruwf93 MISS SEINER'S SCHOOL, Palji IiJL Place, Hacksey. The next Quarter will begin on Monday, the 5th April. ? 91fm5v MISS MITCHELL, OSSORY, Prospect Village, North Adelaide. Pupils will Reassemble on Monday, 5th instant. ? ? ? . ? S0-'5v LADIES' COLLEGE, KENT TOWN. Conducted by Miss THWAITE3 and Competent Assistants. In this Establishment Young Ladies receive a First-class Education, on the most Reasonable Terras. Its continued increase and prosperity, together with its superior advantages, and the very satis factory progress made by the Pupils, justify Miss T. in invitinj? the attention of Parents and Guardians to this Establishment, the locality of which is remarkably healthy. The treatment of the Pupils is marked by great kindness, and their moral and mental culture are special objects of care and study. The Education imparted ia equally solid and polite, every attention being paid te the various studies pursued, and the greatest assiduity em ployed to complete them as soon as possible. In this College young ladies are trained either for business or for the attainment of those higher accomplishments which constitute the embellish ment of a refined and superior Education. Prospectuses will be forwarded on application to ths Lady Superintendent (Miss Thwaites) with, references of the highest character. The Duties of this College will be Resumed on Monday, *5th April. ?? Ladies' College, Kent Town, ?March 31, 1869. 90 '5

MR. E. P. NESB1T begs respectfully 'to announce that he has REMOVED from Angaston to the Premises lately occupied by Mrs. Bell, in PENN1NGTON-TERRACE, NORTH ADELAIDE, where it is his intention to OPEN a PRIVATE SCHOOL fir the EDUCATION of YOUNG GENTLEMEN, both Boarders and Day Pupils, on Tuesday, March 30. Terms for Boarders and Day Pupils can be had from Mr. Howell, bookseller, Adelaide: or from Mr. Nesbit, North Adelaide. 39--»6mwfcv BOAED AND LOTJGIN&. IJOARD and RESIDENCE, third house 13 west of Scotch Church, North-terrace. ? 6797 BOARD and RESIDENCE at Mrs. Smith's, 9, Dorsetta-terrace. 67*97 TDOARD and P..ESLDENCE for Gentle -D men at 3, MUTs-Buiidings, near Black Swan, west of Trinity Church, North-terrace. 95c OARD and RESIDENCE at Mrs. Ashton's, An?lo - terrace, Gilles - street Plunge and Shower Bath. 90 103 'empToymeiTt~wanted. WANTED, by a young Lady, a SITUATION as TEACHEli in a School. Address E.M., Clare Post-Oflice. x AN Experienced CLERK, vrith unes ceptionable References, is OPEN to an ENGAGEMENT as Accountant, Correspondence Clerk, or otherwise. Addre.-s X. N., Post-Office. 93'9vl007

PERSONS WANTED. EQUITABLE INSURANCE COM PAN Y. - WANTED, a SECRETARY. Particulars to be had at the Office, 9, Hindley tstreet. ? 95w7 TO MEDICAL MEN. — MOUNT PLEASANT.- WANTED, a Duly Qualified SURGEON, to Atten 1 the Brothers of the Loyal Mount Pleasant Lodge of Oddfellows, M.U. The Lodge numbers 120 members. No duly qualified man residing within a radius of 18 miles. For further particulars, apply to 7Gc GEORGE FARR, Secretary. ANTED, a LADY, to undertake the Education of two young Ladies. Apply, by letter or personalty, to Mrs. Hart, Ghnville Hall, Port Adelaide. ? 93'9 WANTED, a PRESSMAN, capable of » Y taking charge of a Machine, and thoroughly conversant with his Business. Apply, by letter, to G.D., office of this paper. . 93cv

WANTED, a General HOUSE SERVANT. Apply Mrs. Daniels, Lefevre-terrace, North Adelaide. 86c ANTED, a NURSE who has been accustomed to Children. References re- i quired. Apply, by letter or personally, to Mis. i N. Oldhain, Woodsidc- House, near Mitcham. ! ? 93-r I \\T ANTED, an APPRENTICE to the »* WATCHMAKING TRADE. Testi- . monials an to respectability indispensable. Apply to Isaac Asher, jeweller, 37, Rundle-street. 91c ANTED, a BREAD and BISCUIT BAKER. Apply, by letter to Alex. Moore, j baker, Main-street, Kapunda. S2'5 ANTED, a LAD for the Desk. ? Goode Brothers. ? x WANTED, a good GENERAL SER VANT ; must have good references. Apply third door west of. Scotch Church, North-terrace.' ; ? :.-'???? -: :? ?? ?? .- ? ? . 95'6 WANTED, a First-rate COOK. Apply to G. Aldridge, Prince of Wales- Hotel, ' .Angas-street.. ? . . 93c I ? CONVEYANCES. EAPUNDA TO BLINMAN, a Day and a Half Quicker than the Day Coach, at Greatly Reduced Ppjces. . ? ? „ . _ _ . ..MCDONALD & HOSKIN. .... . 280c Asrent. R. Hc-«nso Globe Hotel. STATION' F-)R '-SALE,' 'known as ! IATIARA POINT, £6 mile3from Lacepede, Bay, contains GO Square Miles, nearly all securely fenced. Improvements consist' of /rood ? Stone House of Seven Rooms, Garden, Woolsheds. Stocl yards, Huts. &c. Stock consist of 4,000 Sheep and 40 Horses, and the Run will carry about double.the number. Apply 10 FRANCIS CLARK & SONS, Blyth-street. Adelaide; or to : . 35Jmbcv JOHN LEA, Tatiara P.bint. ANURE',: MANURE, MAJSURE.— The undersigned has for Sale a large quantity of excellent Manure, the produce of his Boiling-down Works, - ? - - ' -:- ; ? ?- ? ? ; . 92mwfcvlOO - ir . ., E. M, BAGOT,

PROSPECTUS OF THE GLEN IT 'OSMOND SILVER AND LEAD MlNEfU - r COMPANY. LI4UTED, Adelaide. Capital: £30.000. in 6,000 Share:t of £5 each. 2.000 fully Paid-up. 4H» Cyntributinjf, The Contributing Shares will be issued to the public at £2 each. £1 on application, and £1 on Allotment, to be considered asCapital paid. '?? Phovrionai. DiancTona. ' ' Hon.J.T.Bagot,M.L.OV S. K Lortl, Esq., Mel Adelarlel . , ? bourne. Lewis Wm. Giltes, E-q , Mars; Buckley, Esq., Adelaide; late Police Melbourne. Magistrate, Wannam- Peter LangwilL Eao^, booL : Melboome. ?. -H. J. Jordan, Esq , M.D, Melbourne. ?? Standing Counsel. -B. F. Bunney. Esq., Melbourne. '? ?__ , Solicitors: . Winfield Attenborough, £sqn Melbourne. Messrs. Bagot & Labatt. Adelaide. A0EST3 FOB THE PB0M0TEB3. J. W. Singleton & Co., 34, Collins street west, ??? Melbourne.' -?? Bankeus : Bank of New South Wales. . '? Brokers. Gordon Evans, Esq , . Chas. Seal, Esq., Melbourne. - Ballarat. James Hendy, Esq., K N. tframett, EBq., . GeelonR. -. Sandhurst. . Louis B. GiHes, Esq., Adelaide. 5 This 'Company is formed for the purpose of working an extensive silver and lead mine at Glen Osmond, Adelaide, which has teen fully developed by an English proprietary, and proved to be rich in both metals. Tins mine is known to m*ny, both in South Australia and Victoria, and as it will naturally be asked why. ' being proved to be rich,' it ceased working, we deem it correct to enter into petaiL - The English proprietary worked it from the year 1847 to 1850, paying a royalty to the owner of the property of one-eighth, and extracted from the mine over £39,000 worth of silver and lead, paying £1,200 royalty. The English Company demanded that the royalty should be reduced to one twentieth, considering the expense of labour (at that period £5 per week to miners), together with the magnitude of the works done, as eutitlingthem to thi3 reduction. They insisted upon this; but the owner of^ the property refused, and instituted an action of ejectment against them, which was carried on with considerable vigour, when the Company retracted and offered to adhere to the original agreement. Immediately following this the cold-fields opened out in Victoria, and all the

mines in aouin -au^irana were uesertea. xne Company unable, unless at the expense of impor tation, to obtain labour (except at fnbulous prices), coupled with their idea that one-eighth royalty was too much (and probably a second desertion of miners), decided. to forego their agreement, the property thereby reverting to Mr. Uilles. Many attempts were made during his life by parties to obtain a lease of the lodes, but in every instance refused. Since the demise of Mr. Osmond Gilles the pro perty has fallen into the hands of gentlemen willing to permit the mine to be worked, and who, understanding its value, have consequently consented. After careful inspection and investigation of the statistics and facts connected with these lodes an arrangement has been come to, and the proprietors have agreed to take the sum of £15,000. two-thirds in fully paid-up Shares, and the balance in cash for the property (sub ? surface), with the right, title, and interest in and to all mineral lodes, right to mine, enter and break the surface, and with ingress and egress to and from the aforesaid pro perty at all times. The following description of the Glen Osmond Silver and Lead Mine i will be highly satisfactory to those who have lial experience in similar under takings, and as it shows unmistakably the almost interminable extent of undeveloped resources it is hoped the public will look upon this enterprise more in the light of a permanent investment than a speculation. The general characteristic of silver and lead mines is permanency, ami as will be shown u.iUniig remains to be dune but to step into the mine and 1 cat- the benefit of the labour and capital of the previous Company. The Glen Osmond Stiver and Lead Mines are situated alrut; four miles south of the City 0 Adelaide, at the foot of the Mount, Lofty Ranges, and about 12 miles from Purt Adelaide, on land belonging to the estate of the late Oeuioud Gilles, Esq.. and comprise 12S- acres. In this property Ten Silver and Lead Lodes have been discovered, comoosed of barytes, gossan, and silver-lead ore. Three cf these lodes have been opened up to some extent, and above 1,500 tons of silver-lead ore raised and smelter), averaging 75 per cent, of lead and 15 ozs. silver to the ton of ore. Some of the ore is very rich, iu the steel grain especially ; it has yielded as high as 263 ozs. silver to the ton. This quality of ore increases in quan tity on the eastern course of the lodes; the workings in the drives turned out over one ton per fathom, and gave good profits on the work. Out of one ton of ore the following computation shows the gross net proceeds:— Presuming its yield to be 75 pe: cent, lead and 15 ozi. silver, it is worth, say £i7 10a.; and the cost of raiiioe, smelting, carriage, and freight would not amount to more than £8 per ton, leaving a prolit of £9 10a. per ton. There s always a steady market for the lead, which is now worth from £18 15s. to £22 per ton in Eng land, and silver 5-i. 4d. per oz. One of the lodes, known as Goie's, has been proved to be. exceedingly rich in silver, being prin ciDallv composed of the steel grain and dark and

wmte caruonates, ana win yieia trom zw to zw ozs. of silver to the ton, besides the 75 per cent of lead— one ton of thi3 ore would therefore yield, net, £5!) (ii. SI It has also recently been disco vered that amongst the refuse thrown aside from the previous workings of the mine there is a krge quantity of the same ore which is at the present moment yielding so largely of silver in the Almanda, a neighbouring claim, the shares of which are quoted at the present time at £3 10s. premium. Stopinghas not yet been carried to any great extent, and there are larjre faces ready to open out on. A large amount of dead-work has been done, such as opening drives, shafts, &&, so the new Company thereby reap immense adv ntage, the works being iu the- advanced stage existing at the time they were so peremptorily stopped. There are now some 1,400 feet of drives along the course of the lodes from where the ore has been taken and smelted, yielding as before stated. There need be no apprehension of danger from an influx of water, as there is more than ten years' work above the water level. This will save the ex pense of machinery. It is calculated that with £3,000 to the credit of the Company the necessary works in connection with the mine can be com pleted, and then nothing remains to be done but raise and smelt the ore. The mine has been inspected and reported on by a thoroughly practical mining engineer, whose report is as follows :— To the Provisional Directors of the Glen Osmond Silver and Lead Mining Company, Adelaide, South Australia. Gentlemen— In compliance with your request I beg to inform you that 1 have inspected the pro perty, and now have the honour to enclose my report upon the same. In the first place I may inform yon that the pro perty consists of 129 acres of land situated on the side of a high range. There are three distinct and

weii-ueimeu iouca piusiug uiruugu me property, all running east and west and underlying north. Lode No. 1, or that on the southern boundary, and known as the O.G. Lode, has yielded large quantities of - ore. A tunnel has been driven upwards of 48'} feet in length, and at a depth of 180 feet from the surface; it has been used for ventilating and other purposes, and is now in goo-; condition. The greater portion of the ground overhead has been worked out and filled in, but I am informed that a good lode has gone down in the bottom of the tunnel, which may be reached by opening up the mine at a deeper level. This part of the mine will then rive good returns, and become very valuable. With this object a shaft has already been sunk to a depth of £'0 feet, is now in excellent order, and available for future operations. This lode where worked has averaged two feet in thickness, and produced one ton of ore to the fathom (six feet).' Lode No. 2 is known as the Victorian Lode, and is situated about 420 feet north of the O.G. Lode. This lode when opened up was considered to be the best of the kind in the colony, and has produced a large quantity of ore. ? On this lode Ihree tunnels haye'been driven. The first has been put in at a depth from the surface of about 24 feet and 60 feet in length; the second,- at a depth of 144 feet from the surface, has been driven a distance of 360 feet Nearly all the ground overhead has been worked out, but a R°od lode having gone down in the bottom of thetnnnel, the old Company commence! a new one at a still deeper level and drove a dis tance of 600 feet, and the face of the drive must be now close up to the lode worked in the higher levels. This tunnel is 132 feet below the one above, or27b' feet from the surface, and it is estimate! that by driving this- tunnel another 600 feet i would give years of profitable work. The grouni is pood for driving, and can be done for about £1 nerfoot. '

An air-shaft nas been sum ior me purpose 01 ventilation, and answers well. A main-shaft has also been sunk to a depth of 240 feet, is in good condition, and now available for working the Mine. This lode (No. 2. or Vic toria Lode) varies from six inches to three feet in thickness, and has produced as much as 75 per cent of pure lead ore. Lode No. 3, known as Gore's Lode, is situated 320 feet north of the Victoria Lode. This lode was found on the surface, and has been worked to a depth of 60 feet with satisfactory results. It is not 8» thick as the O.G. and Victoria Lode?, averaging only about one foot in thickness, but the ore is of a much better quality, some of it haviug yielded as much as 200 ounces of silver to the ton. To wore this part of the Mine to advantage a new Bhaft wil have to be sunk, which could be done at about 10s per foot, and would in all probability open up a large quantity of payable ground. On each of the lodes there is a large quantity of ground tothe eastward-unexplored, which, if opened up. might pay welL. Some very valuable lumps of ore nave been found on different parts of this property, in dicating that there are other payable lodes not yet discovered. About 1.500 tons of ore have been raise i and sold from the Mine, producing from 12 ounces to 200 ounces of silver to the ton, and from (5 to 85 per cent of lead to the ton. There is a dressing-floer, with abundance of water, for pre paring the ore for the market. There ? is a Smelting-House adjoining the Mine, which might ^Je 'purchased at a low figure, and would be of great valua to the Company. , . ... in conclusion, I beg to state that I regard this mining -property as a very excellent one, and if properly opened up and carried on will give good returns for capital invested. . ? _ Hoping therefore, that the Company will be successfully floated, and turn out a safe, profitable, and permanent investment ». ; - 1 anvGentlemen, : - Your obedient servant, Martin Morrish, Mining Engineer. Adelaide, March 8, 1869. -The above report is confirmed by the following letter from the Miuing Manager who previously conducted the mining operations for the English t proprietors:— ?? ? '

. MIM-LNQ NOTICES. The Provisional Directors of the Glen Osmond Silver and Lead Min ing Company, limited. Gentlemen— I have- pleasure in bearing testi mony to the truthfulness of Mr. Morrish's report of the Glen Osmond Silver Lead Mines. I can state from my experience of lead mines; and iny connection with the Glen Osmond Silver [jead Mines, during their being wrought by the Glen Osmond Union Mining Company of South Australia, of which I was Manager, that this is a valuable Silver-Lead Mine very easily wrought and when opened, as we would have done, will be remunerative to the Shareholders. . I will take shares in the new Company, and beg to call your attention to the opening of Gore's Lode, as I nave .raised ores there .producing 26S ozs. 16 dwts. of silver to the ton of (ires. Yeurs very respectfully. J. B. Pascoe, Mining Manager. Melbourne, Mar:h 13, 1869. The Promoters of the Glen Osmond Silver and Lead Mining Company, after full, investigation and enquiry, have perfect confidence in the success of the enterprise, and hare no hesitation whatever in recommending it to the careful consideration of investors. The contributing Shares will be offered to the public at £2 each, which will be considered as part of the capital of the Company, and the money will be appropriated as before stated, leaving £3,000 to be placed to the credit of the Company to commence and carry on operations ; and it is not contemplated that farther calls will be necessary. Immediately upon the cash and shares being handed over, the Proprietor will place the Company in absolute poisession. and execute all legal docu menU, when the Company will be registered under he Limited Liability Act of South Australia. Prospectuses, with Forms of Application, maybe obtained from Mr. L. A. Jessop, Alfred-Chambers, Currie-street Ia consequence of the, numerous applications already received in Melbourne, the Share-list ia Adelaide will positively close on April 6, at noon. 90fm5k

PUBLIC NOTICES. A DELAIDE PHILHARMONIC £\. ? SOCIETY. TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. Those interested in the organization of the above proposed Society are invited to attend a Meeting on Thursday eveuin?, April S, at half-past 7, at Lloyd's Coffee Booms. ? 95w7 FOOTBALL.— A. MEETING of the MEMBERS of the ADELAIDE FOOTBALL CLUB is convened for Wednesday, 7.30 p.m., Lloyd's Booms. jy'7 H. Y. SPARKS. 'PHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore X existing tetween P. HYNKS and THOMAS C. HAYNLS, as Contractors, is DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All Claims against the late Firm to be forwarded within 21 days, and all Debts due to them to be paid within that time. P. HYNES. Blumberp. THO.S. C. HAYNES. Norwood. Witness-DAYro McNamaka.. KT'6vlU7i pRIZEof ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS JL FOB THE BEST ES3AY ON THE LAKD QUESTION. \V ith the view of eliciting the expression of well considered opinions on the important question of the Public Lands, the Proprietors of the Wuflffa Wogga Advertiser have determined to offer for the BES11 ORIGINAL ESSAY on 'THE FUTURE LAND POLICY OF NEW SOUTH WALES,' A PRIZE of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS. The conditions of the competition will be as follows :— 1. The essays must be sent, with mottoes, on or before the 20th of May, J869, addressed to the care of the Australian Joint-Stock Bank, Wagga Wagga. ' 2. A sealed envelope must be enclosed with each eEsay, containing the motto of the essay and the name of the writer; such envelopes not to be opened until after the award has bten made. 3. The essays shall be submitted to the decision of five gentlemen of recognised position and ability in Sydney, whose names will be announced in a future notice. 4. The decision of a maioritv of these gentlemen

shall be nnai. 5. All essays will become the property of the Proprietors of the Wayga Wagga Advertiser. 6. The Prize Essay and such of the oihers as the Prop.ieton may think worthy of publication will be published in the Wagga Wagga Advertiser. N.B.— This competition is open to writers in all le Colonies. JONES & DAKLOW. Advertiser Office, Waggu Wagga, N.S.W. ? OOmc FN HE ASSIGNED ESTATE of Mr. L J. E. CLINCIT, Grocer, Rundle-street NOTICE.— All PERSONS INDEBTED to the afeove Estate are requested to MAKE IM MEDLVTB PAYMENT to us at the City Auction Mart Hindley- street; and all PERSONS CLAIMING to be Creditors are required to SEND PARTICULARS of their respective CLAIMS, and came in and Sign the Deed of Assignment made in accordance with the pro visions contained in Division VL of the Insolvent Act of 1800, in order to participate therein. MAURlOtS SALOM, \ Tpugteea GILBERT WOOD. / lrU8tees March 31, 1S69. N.B.— All Accounts due to this Estate out standing after the 10th April will be placed in the hands or our Solicitors without further notice. St2'!5vl00

LJ u is u iv jn u 1 lu-tt. — 1 1 ne unaersigneu, XT JOHN GOLEM AN DIXON, baiug about to depart from the Province of South Austrajia, hereby request that all ACCOUNTS or outstanding Demands against me may be forthwith PRE SENTED, in order that they may be immediately discharged. J. C. DIXON. North-terrace, Adelaide, March 26. ISft). ? F9I02 NOi'ICE.— Persons having CLAIMS against* he ESTATE of the late Mrs. M. L. SCHUir, of Pirie-street, are requested to FOR WARD ACCOUNTS to Mr. O. Wachtmann, Register-Chambers, till Monday, 5,h April next, otherwise they will not be recognised. 1L L. VOSZ. lir^c.fnr, D. MAHNKE, /Executors' Adelaide. March 24, 1839. ? 5!-^5_ lN~the ESTATE of WILLIAM -L HOLDS WORTH, late of Norwood. Store keeper.— All CREDITORS desirous of participating in the division of the realized Assets in this Estate are requested to EEnDER their CLAIMS to the Undersigned on or before the 10th day of April nest. By order of the Trustees, G. S. PiUCB, Accountant Gilbert-place, Adelaide, April 1. 1SC9. 93'5 T HAVE APPOINTED Mr. C. R. JL DARTON to Act as my ATTORNEY during my absence from the Colony. P. DAKERS. April2.1Sfl9. 95'100

I HAVE APPOINTED Mr. C. R. DARTOX to act as my ATTORNEY during my absence from the colony. P. DAKERS. April 2, 1569. ? 93'9 f-iHARLES McCARTHYRANCLAUD \J ij requested to Forward his Address to the undersigned. Any person knowing bis where abouts and communicating it will oblige. 92mwfcv ? E M. R»GOT. 'Vf OTICK— All PIGS, FOWLS, die, IN f-.nnd TRESPASSING on Sections 323, 2-CJ, and 275. District of MudlaWirra North, will be SHOT after this date; and all CATTLE and HORSES IMPOUNDED. JEREMIAH MURPHY. Marcb.30.18fi ? 92-'5 NOTICE.— All PIGS, GOATS, DOGS, POULTRY. &c, found TRESPASSING on Allotment No. 15, in tha Township of Auburn, after this date, will be DESTROY K; '. A. J. CAREY. March 30. 18C9. ? 95-'O ALL PIGS, POULTRY, GOATS, -fec, TRESPASSING on Section 3021, Hundred Of Yatala, will be DESTROYED. a93'C RICHARD BH.CKLER.

TSHDEBS. ? l?iREWOOp .—The Undersign edhereby 1? invite Tenners for the Supply of from ONE to FIVE HUNDRED TONS of MALLEE FIRE WOOD, delivered at their Mills, Port Adelaide, in Parcels of Fifty or One Hundred Tons. JOHN DUNN & CO. Port Adelaide, March 23. 1SU9. ? 8fcv rpENDERSforFlKEWOOD WANTED JL till noon of Wednesday, the 7th instant, for the supply of 100 Tons, in one or mote lots. 93 '5v MELLOR BROTHERS, Adelaide. T7IREW00D WANTED for BLIN I? MAN SMELTING WORK* Contracts now being Let. Apply to E. A. Fiveash, Temple Chambers. Curne-street, Adelaide. 83mwsl23v PLOUGHING.— TENDERS wDl be JT received till noon April 9 for Ploughing about 100 Acres of Land near Thebarton. The lowest or any Tender nut necessarily accepted. For particulars, apply to 92mwf99vO3 KM. BAGOT. LOST AKD gQUITD. STRAYED HORSE.— On Tuesday, the 13th March, a Chesnut Mare, brand'ed NWB off shoulder, white stripe down face; came into my yard. Commercial HoteL 'Any one owning the same can have it by paying expenses. I If not claimed within 14 days it will be Bold to pay expenses.': : A --'**.' . ? .^5c ?:,-/ „ -?,:?:.? WM. MULLEB, Gawler. traUND, a * WHIP. The Owner can Jl obtain the same upon payment of expenses, &c on application to Win. Win3toa at Messrs. Clarke, McKenzie, & Co.'s, Port Adelaide. x FIREWOOD FOR SALE.— Mr. JNoi PRINCE, JUN., bezs to inform the Public 1 that, having purchased the whole of the DKAD 1 TIMBER lyingupon the GOVERNMENT FARM, j he will be prepared tr- Supply it in the City or I Suburbs at the most Iteasona'.le Kates. Parties desirous of doing their own Carting may Purchase the Timber as it now lies at the Farm, either in bulk or cut up. Wanted immediately, Men accustomed to Cut Firewood, to whom constant work will be given. Apply, Mr. Jno. Prince, Jun . Parkfields Store, Lower Mitcham. 93mirfl83vl00Al7O

AMUSEMENTS. i ?pHBAIfiJ R O Y A L. Acnrro Manager, Mr. S. Lazab. Stack Manages, Mr. X. S. Bjoxaib. IMMENSE SUCCESS OP THE GRAND BURLESQUE AND PANfOMIMK. THI3 EVENING (MONDAY). April 5. 19d9, The Performance will commence with the Comedietta of , THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. Characters by the Company. Jl'obc followed by LITTLB RJJD BIDING HOOD. Characters by the whole strength of the Company, including Mons. Massabtio and Miss Sally Llotd, Messrs. Fbed. and Edwin lbotakd, Mr. CHABLE3 WaBO, And the Ballet Teoopk. Seats may be secured at the Box-Office from 10 to 4. Doors open at half-put 7. Overture to com mence at 8 o'clock sharp. Prices of Admission-Dress Circle, 5s. : Stalls, 3s.: Pit. 2s.; Gallery, Is. Monthly Tickets from this date for Dress Circle, £1 Is., with the privilege of introducing Ladies at half-price. 90c BALL PROGRAMMES, CONCERT PROGRAMMES, and TICKETS, Printed in the Neatest Style, at the Register, Obterver, and Evening Journal General Printing offices, Grenfell-street. A large quantity of Cards and Fancy Paper in the Newest Patterns oat unpacked, Specimens on view.

THE SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. NOTICE TO BORROWERS. The Trustees having KEDUCED the RATE 0 INTEREST on MORTGAGES from Eight to SEVEN PER CENT, per annum, are now pre pared to entertain applications for Loans on first dass Freeholds, at the latter rate, in sums of 4200 and upwards. Forms of application may be ibtained at the Bank Office. H.H.TUET0N, Accountant Savings Bank, Adelaide, December 4, 1863. 3J0mwfcv J^IVE THOUSAND' POUNDS for - Investment on First-class Freehold Security. Rate of Interest :-Seven per Cent, for £1,000 and upwards; Seven and a Half per Cent, for £500 and upwards; Eight per Cent, tor sums under £500. Address A., office of this paper. 64c \1ONEY TO LEftD on Mortgago at 8 ItJL per Cent or higher, according to security. 16c G. MUMMti & CO., Uawler-place. VfONEY'TO LEND on Personal or lYJL other Securities, from £5 and upwards, at moderate interest, at the Loan Office, Hindley* street west, opposite Simms & Chapman s Brewery. 55inwfc jVfONEY TO LEND on Freehold 1VL Security, at current rates. KE.NN & SON, Oomhcv Register-Chambers, Grenfell-street. \1ONEY TO LEND on First-clasa U Security. Apply to F. 8. C. Driffield. Becre tary Adelaide Marine and Fire Assurance Com* paoy, Grenfell-street. 13mwfcv VI O N ifi Y TO LEND. Property i'J. brought under the Real Property Act Ytort£a£es, Leases, and Transfers drawn. W. M. 1JCTCUFORD, Licensed Land Broker. Waterhouse-Buildings ? gttic-v MONEY TO LEND at from 7 per cent. H. C. GLEESON. Licensed Land Broker, 5 lev ClarkVBuildings, Hindley-street. VI ONEY TO bo LENT at 8 per Cent., -? *A if in moderately large sums and First-class Securities. G. W. COTTON, Licensed Laud Broker, King William-street. 21 lev

\1ONEY TO LEND on Freehold iVA Security in Large Sums at 8 per cent 144cv ? WAY & BROOK. IJONEY TO LEND on Freehold i-'JL Security, whether under Real Property ir otherwise, at lowest rates. ANDREWS & BONNIN, lOOcv 61. King William-street MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. LOANS NEGOTIATED GREEN & WADHAM, lev Exchange Land Offices, King-William-street ? PEODtTCE. ? HAY. HAY.— FOR SALE, Four good-sized Stacks (first-class Sample) a few miles from Town. For particulars, apply to 92mw97 S. BARNARD, No. 4, Cume-street HONEY, GUM, WAX, and SOFT SHELL ALMONDS Bought in any quantity for Cash. 25mhc A. F. CHRISTEN & CO. NOTICE. — HIGHEST MARKET PRICE given for HIDES, 8HEEP3KIN8, TALLOW, dfca, at the llindmarsh Tannery, or at 34, King William-Btreat 114c JOHNDENCH&CO. GOI, GUM, HONEY, BEESWAX. WATTLE BARK, and TALLOW PUR CHASED in any quantity by 357U11V J. & G. WILCOX, Gawler. ONE HUNDRED TONS Prime WHEATEN HAY aud CHAFFED HAY FOR SALE. HUNT&DENTON. 39mhcv Adelaide Stores, Lyndoch. WHEAT.— Best Samples Purchased, or Stored on moderate terms. Bags supplied free of charge. 7-96V ANDREW JONES, Bank-street \17'HEAT PURCHASED or STORED. ' » Advances made if required. Bags supplied. 78cv G. A. & H. BARTLEET, Grenfell-street

WHEAT ADVANCED on for Ship ment, or Stored at our Port Stores. Bags supplied, 75I05vlOO JOSEPH ST1LL1NO & CO. WOOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, TT BARK. GUM. SHANK-BONE8, TAL LOW, &c., PUCCUAHKD by the Underlined in Adelaide. 277cv W. PKAOOfTK * RON. U/OOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, (fee. -T PURCHASED at the Highest Alarke Price. li:!cv JOHN TAYLOR. Thebarton. 'PHE BOGAN HOTEL, MANNUM. JL —The Proprietor bees to inform the Public generally that the above Hotel is now ready for the retention of FAMILIES and PLEASURE PARTIES. The locality is the most picturesque and healthy on the River. Murray, and the liest in the colony for the enjoyment of real Sport, such as Rabbit and Duck Shooting. Every faciliti afforded to Sportsmen in the way of Boats, Guns, &c. Charges moderate. Drinks excellent. ?Mi CHARLES PHILLIPPS, Proprietor.

TA T T E R S A L L 'S HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, LETTING & LIVERY STABLE8, Pieib-stbeet, adjoining the Tows Hall. J. P. WILLIAMS & CO. have much pleasure in informing their Friends and the Public that they have opened the above commodious and centrally situated Premises, which will be found conducive in every respect to the health and safety of Horses and th-- complete protection of Carriages. The Letting and Livery Department will be under the personal superintendence of Mr. Williams, whose experience is a sufficient guarantee that reliable Horses and Vehicles will be supplied at the shortest notice and on reason* able terms. Loose Boxes if required. Horses and Carriages Bought and Sold. Experienced Grooms in atten* dance day and night. N. B.-The Central Position of these Stables offer great advantages for the livery and Bait of Hones from the Country. 242c FOR SALE, a PUBLIO-HOUSB at VENUS BkY, containing 14 Rooms, Cel tenure, &x, together with Shed, Stable, and Stock yard. Apply to 42mhc ELDER, 8MITH, & CO. npabe LET, a COUNTRY BREWERY, -L in a thriving locality, and doing a good trade. Apply to 92-8vl00 W. & J. RTpRRIg, 19. Currie-Btreet. WANTED, a PUBLIC-HOUSE in »-f the Country, doimr a fair share of Busi ness. Address Encmirer, Post-Otlice', Unley. ? 9lmhte SOBSES, CATTLE, VEHICLES, &c. FOR SALE, a Light American Four Wheeled TRAP and HARNESS, nearly new; alfo, HORSE, quiet in Saddle or Harness. The whole for £i'). Apply to C. Dalton, rtrureiBt, High-street, Kensington. 92mwfc qxToWNERS OF BULLOCKTEAMS. X -WANTED, some POND3 MADE with Plouzh and Scoop, in the neighbourhood of Clinton. . , . , The Earth to be taken three yards, at least, clear from the edges of the Pond. Scoops will be lent by the Station. Price 61 (Sixpence) per cubic yard. Apply to W. Fowler, Yaroo, near Clinton. 8v llw

LAND AUCTION NOTICES. GKEKN & WADHAM'3 ? NEXT MONTHLY F AND AUCTION SALE li will be held in the LAND MART ON FRIDAY, lftra APRIL, 1869. Particulars of Properties intended for the Auc tion are requested to be forwarded on or before 1st April. ? 79cv LAND~AWHaa8E8. GRSEN -b WADEAM, LAND AGENTS AND LAND AUCTIONEERS. LANDED PROPERTIES VALUED. LANDED PROPERTIES 8UBYK7ED. PLAN8 Furnished and TOWNSHIPS LAIC OUT. Plans of Townships, Hundreds, &&, Bus. throughout the COLONY alrty* open tot inipec* HOUSKa 8TORE8. LAND SECTIONS, Ac, LET or LEASED, KXCHANGK LAND MART And Luii] Offices, Klnjt 'Williannrtitet LAND. LOAN, AND GKNKRAL COMMISSION OFFICES, nnxrvBKvnrKv ) Purchased hi accordance with HWrrinKH t »ne instructions of parties 880110118 J absent from Adelaide: GOVERNMENT \ Purchased and Let on Lbmo, SECTIONS 1 with Right of PurchaM.

SPECIAL NOTICE. GRKBN & WADHAM*8 ADVERTISEMENTS appear in the 'REGISTER1* Newspaper on MONDAYS end THUKSDAYS, and in thn ' OBSEItVJBIi' of Saturday. elcv GKKEN A WADHAM. Land Arenti. pEORGE BAYNTON -fe CO., vJT WATEimouan-BUiLDixoa, Rundle-sthekt, Have the undermentioned PROPERTIES FOR SALbi or TO LEASE :-FARMS near Mitcham, Ueedbeds, Goodwood, Burnside, Glen Osmond, Willungs, Maclaren Vale, Dry Creek, Golden Grove, Macclosfleld. Naimo, Woodside, Lanehorno's Creek, Port Wtkefield, Koscworthy, Clare, Kapunda, Mount Gambler, Narracoorte, Tarpoena, and Ponolo. FAMILY UEA1DENOK3 near Paynoham, Walkerville, Mitcham, Mafflll, Burnside, Woodville, and the Semaphore. ALSO, FOR SALE. Stations, Stocked and Unstocked. Rambouillet Kams, Short-horn Bulls, Store Sheep and Cattle. MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE. Instructions received, by letter or otherwise, to Sell or Lease Properties, Negotiate Loans on Mortgage, Purchase and Advance on Govern ment Sections, and invest our clients' capital as advised. 23mwst22v FOR SALE, all that Valuable FREE HOLD PROPERTY, situate near Maqill, and being on the FOUKTH OKKEK, viz.. Sections 850. 852, 853, 854, and 855. containing 400 Acres, substantially fenced, and having Pekmanrnt Water. From their contiguity to Adelaide they are well adapted for Grazing Paddocks, Apply to the undersigned. ALKBKD WATTS, 1, Kcglster-Oharobers. March 31, 18W. ? »l'5wf»9 FOR SALE, in UNLEY PARK, COTTAGE and Three Acres of LAND. including Vineyard. Orchard and Well of Good Water. Emmire of Mr. Fiulaysou, CarringUm street. nUTtf

£i^OR SALE, at NORWOOD, Good 1 FAMILY RESIDENCE, 10 Rooms, Out Buildings, and all Couvanicnocs (with or without Laud). Apply to tffmwfo OHAKLE3 DRAPER. Greiifellstreet. FOURTH OREEK.-FORSALE. with i- immediate possession, Substantial HOUSE and OuthuildiuKs; LAND, beautifully Timbered: OUANGEUY, und FRUIT and PLEASURE GAUDENS, with Creek running through tho Property, late the property of F. Grote, Esq., deceased— iu all 45 Acres. Splendid Crop of Oranges this season. For particulars, apply to Messra. Green and Wadham; or to Mr. Bonnin, Cl, King William street, Adelaide. Large proportion of purchaeo-money may remain for a term at 8 per cent. ? 78mwfcv rvESIRABLE COTTAGE TO bo \J LKT-Five Rooms. Detached Kjtohen, Cellar, Tank, &c, situate in Charles-street, neat the Kensington-road, NORWOOD. Apply to Mr. J. M. Lock. ? Wc_ EAST PAYNEHAM. — KEDLAND COTTAGE and 4} Acres Land TO be LET. Possession early in April. Right of Purchase if required. Apply to E. P. Sablne, at Messrs. J. Stilling &Co.V8. ? sriUWO SEVERAL reoontly-built Commodious RESIDENCES TO be LET in the vicinity of Palm House HACKNEY. Apply to HENRY RYMILL, Imperial Chambers, King William-street. aUmwso

I'O bo SOLD or LET, for a term of years, with or without a Right of Purchase, that eligible PROPERTY at GLKNKLG known as Mr. Stephen Wright's, and now in the occupa tion of Mrs. Hkks. The Land has frontages to fllnturin and Partridgo Streets, end comprise* about four and a half Acres, at present forming lucerne paddock and garden. The Residence is substantial, a considerable portion having been recently erected, and contains Twelve Rooms, largo Central Hall, Bathroom, &c. The Outbuildings Include Stable, Harness-room, and Coachhouse. There is abundance of Rain and good Well Water on the premises. Possession can be given on 1st February next. APPyt° HKNRY RYMILL, Imperial-Chambers, King William-Btrcet. ? 273mc TO be LET or SOLD, BEOKENHAM LODGE, the Six-Room Villa adjoining St. John's Parsonage. This pretty Villa i ai just been Repainted, Papered, he... in a most elegant style. Gas services laid to the dillbrent oonu including Kitchen and Servants' Pantry. Thret; Water-taps connected with mains, and two targe* Rain Water-Tanks: Cellars, Batltfopm, Boiler* house, Storeroom, China Closet, &o., &u. Apply at St. John's Parsonage. ? I60 TO be SOLD or LET, about four milea from Adelaide, on the MAOILL-ROAD, a COTTAGK of Five Roomft. with small Kitchen and dry Cellar, Garden and I'addock. Apply to 89mwf$ PILES & HMITII, Waymouth-street. 'PO be SOLD or LET, a HQU8M X containing Six Rooms, situate in CUKRIK. 8TREET WEST, Adelaide, suitable (or a Private Residence or a Shop, aud which premises are known as being in the occupation of Mr. O. Wadey. Apply to Mr. W. II. Wadey at L. B, MathewB, Esq.'s, Green's Exchange, Adelaide. 92mfc

TO be LET. SHOP, with DWELLING. X HOUSE, in HINDLtSY-STKEKT, known aa J. Anderson's ironmonger. For particulars, apply to Mr. Beach, next door, or UKl$KN& WADHAM, 361c ? Land Agents. TO be LET, nituatod in Bridge-street, KENSINGTON, the DWELLING-HOUSE of Nine Rooms, with Stable. Outhouses, Garden, and three Acres Paddock, presently occupied by Mr. George Fowler. For further particular*, apply to 89104 D. & J. FOWLER. 'PO bo LET, for GRAZING, Four X SECTIONS of LAND, containing 311 Acres, adjoining MOUNT PLEASANT. Apply toWtn. BukeweU, Uurrie-street, Adelaide. ? Wo TO be LET, in ANGAS-STREET EAST, one Six-Roomed HOUSK. Apply Mr. Devenish, Kennode-street, North Adelaide. ? 89c rP0 be LET, a Six-Roomed HOUSE, J- FINNISS-STREET, North Adelaide. Apply to L Simmons & Co., Beehive, corner of King William-street. ? 83c TO be LET, the VALLuES HOUSE, within two and a half miles of NAIRNE. It contains Nine Rooms, and has a large under* ground Tank. Garden and Vineyard in full hear ing, and several Paddocks it required. The situation is healthy. For further particulars apply to Mr. A. A. Light. Nairne. 28cv 1^0 be LET, in the bout part of . O'OONNELL-STREET, SHOP and PRE MISES, with Stables. Particulars at P. KuhneU's, saddler, O'Connell-street, North Adelaide. fllmc

TO be LET, or FOR SALE, tboso Spacious and Convenient Premises, VAUX HALL HOUSE, BTEPNEY. frith Shop Fixtures, &c. Apply to G. F. Hussey, Ward-street, North Adelaide. ? 87Wmc TO be LET, MARION VILLA, with large Garden, situate Kensington-road, NORWOOD. Apply to Samuel Pewoe,.Agent. ' ? 67mwfc TO be LET, at OLENELG, a Six Roomed HOUSE, with DRAPERM SHOP attached. Apply to Mrs. Keys, Glenelg. 98mwl99 ? TO be LET, at GUMERACHA, a SECTION of LAND, containing 80 Acre*, fenced and subdivided, on which U a Garden ot Three Acre* and a Six-roomed House. Pouejiiou given 2 jth March. Apply to J. B. I'.ANDELL. 72vrmc Kenton Mills, Qnmeracha. WANTED to RENT orPUROUASF, a Large FARM, with good Homestead; also, a BHEKP STATION, capable of carrying 12,000 to 20,000 Sheep, with or w.lhotit Stock. 47mcvA ? HENRY SOOTT. Adelaide. WAREHOUSE TO bo LET at PRINCE'S WHARF, with or without Bonded Cellar. Apply to Mr. D. Brown, on tho Premises, Port Adelaide; or to ..... 3Stahg GEORGE YOUNG, Gilbert-plwo,