South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 5 July 1869, page 1

SHIPPING. ? ^a-CJck TJIOE MELBOUBNEL-The ?fr!Wl?5»v MJ Steamship j___&__§~~ CUOBONG, _'?_ia*^P' W. McLean, master, will Bail for Melbourne on Tuesday, July 6. Passengers by L40p.m. train. : J. NEWMAN & 8ON, Port 1827 J. DA.BWEKT, Gten&ll-atreet. jU^Kk F9Jk$!LB0UBNE AND frfiH^.1-^ SYDNEY, conveyiDR PasBenuers jtfflyg' and Goods for Newcastle. Brisbane, _ ?-11 . Rockhampton,andallthe Queensland Port8.-The A.S.N. Uo/s Royal Mail Steamship will be dispatched on Thursday, the 8th July, on arrival of the 1.40 train. For freight or passage, apply to G. A. & B BARTLEET. Grenfell-gtreet. ANTHONY & BARTLEET. Port. 182-9 -,^-t T?OE POET AUGUSTA, Calling at flWT^j. X* WALLAROO Each Way with at aSSse** PassenRera only.— The Steamer -UI.-'Afc*- KOYAL SHEPHttRO. H, Ward, master, will sail on Monday, July 5, at 4 p.m. Passengers by 3*30 train. No cargo received after 2 p.m. IfiQ'67 ? J. DARvTKST. Agenr. J^2fcv ?FU)JB .WALHKOO.-The 8team3f__fof^ 8 P KANGAROO, »4Mllar j. Gordon, master, will sail on Wednesday. 7th instant, at 4 p.m. No cargo received after 2 p.m. 188'8 ? J. DARWENf. Agent. ^~k-v l?Ofi PORT LINCOLN. -The ^Itf^w SteanuhiD **BX33&* a. McCoy, master, will sail, on Monday, 12th instant, at 4 p.m. 186-937 ? J. DARWENT. Agent. ^~N-k I?OR WENTWORTH AND «4r£fev_rv UPPER DARLING. -The -3*i£iji& a CULGOA will leave Gool wa about 9th July, calling at MilanR. Mannom. and Blanchetown. Apply to IStc ACBAMAN. MAIN. LINDSAY, & CO. -CL.-V I?OR WEtfTWORTH. cirrjinf? «Wsfcv I1 Cargo for the DARLLXG.— The 3figcB»r e er queen. Capta'n Pickhiila, will sail from Ooolwa with cargo and passengers on or about Friday, 9th instant, ^mg^^oigs^LING&CO. ,-Ih mdK ADELAIDE LINE OP ,1823^ A PACKETS TO LONDON.-The JmWSgEr Al Clipper Barque «BSr CLODIAN, 4S0 torn retrister. Captain S. Gun too. Thi* fine Vessel is now receiving cargo and sails early in August. Jforfnighton^ppl^to BROTH jQym ULELAND, MirCHELL. & CO., 13'rnye ? Port. ? jLSa. E»0R YANKALILLA and RAPID ?raScS^,' BAY. -The Schooner BhlMBr Geo. Ktorrie. master.' will sail on Wednesday, July 7, weather permitting. Apply on board, or to l'jfr'8 J.FORMBY. Agent jC&a. T?OR YANKALILLA. RAPID BAY, $23^.1 AJJD CAPB JEKVIS. -The ?aBHBr ° °OnebASHING WAVE, George Simmonds, master, is now loading, and will have immediate dispatch. 186c JOHN NEWMAN & SON, Agents.

XA^k 1?Or PORT MAUDONNELL.-Tho ?iSfisSrV J? Schooner 3|Sgp' KANGAROO, ?imnUi' t. Cheeseman, master, will sail on Wednesday. July 7. For freight or passage, applv to ROBIN & LEMES5URIER. 181''8 ? Town ami Port. A&*. TCOK VICTOR HARBOUR. -The jjSa^_JD Cutter JffWSfr- LADY FERGUSSHN, ?'Wflffl.* (J. Forbes, master, will sail on Tuesday, July 6. For freight, apply to 1ST7 ? J. M. SINCLAIR, Port X&± TfOR CHARTER TO QUEENSJgga^. 1? LAND.-The Al Schoener ______§_' DEFIANCE, ?nrfiliffiBP' Captain Hill, carries 2IW tons cargo on a light draught. 176mwfc JOSEPH STILLING & CO. pONSIGNEES per CARNAQUHEEN \J are requesteil to PA35 ENTRIES at once. Bills of Lading must be presented at our Port Office bafore delivery will be given, and Claims for Damage or Deficiency must be pointed out before the Goodiare removed from the Wharf. Cargo impeding the discharge will be landed and stored at Consignees' risk and expense. Captain Kamsay will not be responsible for DebU contracted by the Crew. 184-7 ELDER, SMITH. & CO. CONSIGNEE WANTED for 10 \J Bales CORNSACKS. G within diamond, per Rover of the Sea?, from London. 188*8 ? HARKOLD BROTHERS. ROVER OF THE SEAS, from Lomlon.— CLAIMS and Accounts against this Vessel are required in Duplicate, by noon on Monday, the 5th instant, or they caunot be recognised. _x ? HAEROLD BROTHERS. NOTICE TO MURRAY SHIPPERS. — P.OODS DELIVERED on BOARD STEAM KIH at GOOLWA WHARF at SIXTEEN SHILLINGS PER TON from Port Adelaide, by SIDNEY HAKE, Shipping and Custom-House Agent, 15Sc ? Goolwa. ? NOTICE TO MURRAY AND DARLING RIVER SHIPPERS. GOODS for the Rivers Shipped per CYNTHIA will be delivered bv the undersianed to the Steamers at Gonlwa at SIXTEEN SHILLINGS per TON from Port Adelaide. RICHD. ALLEN. JUN.. Port Victor, F. B. JONES & CO.. Port Adelaide, Agents for Cynthia. R. A., Jun., is prepared to take charge of Wool far either Dumping or Shipment to Melbourne or Port Adelaide. Port Victor. May 17. ISO. ? 130c VICTOR HARBOUR.— GEO. S. RKAD, Customs, Shipping, and General COMMISSION AQENT. ? 42-223 T BRAKE NRIDGE, ? SHIPPING & COMMISSION AGENT, MH.ANG. Fbee Storage for Murray and Upper River Goods, if necessary. 'Steamers supplied with all kinds of Colonial Produce at and under Adelaide Prices. ? HGmwEMlv WA. EATON, ?^GOVERNMENT AND MERCHANTS' PRIVATE TELEGRAPHIC AGENT. Telegrams sent to all parts of the World. Fee, 10s. 6d. each Message, in addition to cost of transmission. CHAEGES TO ENGLAND. Twenty words, £3 Is.: thirty words. £1 113. 6\L Additional ten words, lialf is charged. Oilke, No. 51. Pedlar-street, POINT DB GALLEl CEYLON. 158c mO SHIPMASTERS, MERCHANTS, X AND OTHERS.-The SHIPPING RE PORTER attends to Telegrams or Letters, and his Boats are available for all purposes connected witl Bhipping in the Gulf. Boat Flag No. 3. RICHARD JAGOE, Beach Branch Office. Lefevre s Peninsula.

MERCHANDISE. ON SALE, by the Undersigned.— Celebrated LION BRAND ALE (new brew, i in hogsheads and barrels) Hennessey's P.B. in case '' Oatmeal. 25, 50. and 109 lh. hags. ? Pearl Batlev. 1 cwt. and 2cwt. baes '- Cnmsacks, Flourhags (100 lbs.), Branbag3 - ? Woolpock*. Kerosine, Coke Tobacco (Raven Twist), in quarter and liall ?-.' tierce3 Candles (Dc RoubaLx) &-*., &C. &C. :130a ? J DACWEMT. Grenfell-street. ON SALE— GAWLER-PL ACE — ex Clodian, George Shotton, Fire Queen, Lyra, Peeress, Callisto. Silver Clouii. &c a very VALUABLE and COMPREHENSIVE STOCK of SADDLERS' IRONMONGERY, comprising -Saddles of all qualities and shapes. . Harness to suit every kind of vehicle, and of very best quality. Whips of every description. Bridies for town or bush work. , Bite and Stirrup-Irons of newest design. . Plated an.l Brass Goods. Harness, Chains, and Gear Work generally. '' Brushware for stable use. Gie and Buggy Sadilles and Pads. - Hemp. Twine, and Saddlers1 Silk. . Horsehair, curled and teazed. ?.? Enamelled and Patent Leather. . . Gig and Buggy Lamps. /138cr JAMES A. HOLPEN. ON SALE— GAWLER-PLACE— ex Fire Queen, Just Arrived— .„ HARNESS foi Pair-horse BUGGY and ? . CARRIAGE ? ' HARNESS for GIG, WAGONETTE, and :'. BUGGY. ilWAYS ON HANDHARNESS of my OWN SLAKE, either for ' V Carriage, Gig, Buggy, Express, Spring-Cart, '*'? Cart. Plough, &c t 'HARNESS on the AMERICAN FASHION ?'.': made to order at the shortest notice. ;;'l38cv , JAME3 A. HOLDEN. ON S A LE-GAWLER-PBAOE -Saddles for Station use. ? . i *.' Saddles for Town use. ? ...; .., for Ladies. , !v. .: Girls or Boys. ? . .. . of my own make in all qualities, ana for any purpose. . , '^.Stations supplied with every Requisite in the Saddlery Trade, at the very lowest paying price. .;138cv ? JAMES A. HOLDEN. SABNIA TIMBER YARD, Steam Saw,. Moulding, and Turnery Mills, Pott Adel aide. Building Materials of all lands. uSmifc: ~7B0B«f * LEMESSURIER,

WBR(^[A^ 1 OJf SALE by the Undersigned— ?J OREBAGS, Comsacks, Woolpacks Miners' Candles Ditto Sieves, all sizes Galvanized Iron, numerous descriptions Nails, Screws, Rivets, and Washers ice, &c &c. 75c ? ? PHILIP LSVI & CO. I COALS. — English and NW South j Wales, for Household, Steam, and Black- 1 smiths' use, of best quality, for Sale, in any quantity, at lowest price. Orders received at my Offices, Curriostreefc, Adehude; and at Queen's ^Po^Adelge. ptOALS. COALS. COALS. — V^ House, Steam, Smiths' Coals, from be3t Pits, in any quantity, at Lowest Price, at William WlBlyth's. North-terrace Coal- Yard. 186-275 rtOALS, COALS, COALS, COALS.— \J FOR SALE, in any quantity, at the Offices of the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COAL COMPANY, LIMITED, 71, King William-street, Adelaide. PORT AGENT, COKBIiN LAMB. Adelaide Office now at Shawyer & Bowen's Printing Office. S5mwK65 TH03. E. BUltY. Secretary. VXTOOLPACKS, Fencing-Wire, Hoop » v . Iron Sheepshears, Vices, Tarpaulins, Coke Comsacks. Branbags, Canvas, Twine Patent Safety Matches, Vestas, Treacle Paints. White Lead. Oilmen's Stores BOTTLED } Devenish, Bass, Brass ALF, fAllaop, Dawson, Hurst PORTER, (Bridges. Guinness. Barclay SrOUT, ; London and Burton Company London and Westminster Stout, in hhds. Bass's Ale. in hhds. ; Malt Brandy, Rum. Gin, Port. Sherry WOOL, TALLO\V, ) ADVANCES Made and other -FREIGHTS Engaged PKODUfiE. | INSURANCES Effected INDENTS Executed; Sheep for Sale. SHEEP STATIONS SuDpIied with Stores. 150mhcv70A HENRY SCOTT, Adelaide. llfOOLPACKS, Orebags, Branbags. Y' 15S1247 ? HALL & CO., Port. ROOFING - SLATES FOR SALE CARTER, TYAS, & CO., 153c ? Greaham-street. Adelaide. PHAMPION FIREPROOF SAFES \J AND DOORS. The undersigned having been ArpoiNTED Agent for South Australia for Messrs. MACARTHY AND AINLBY'vS CHAMPION FIREPROOF SAFE3 and DOORS, is now prepared to receive Orders for same. Full particulars on application to J. DARWENT. Agent. !S3mwf274 ? Orenf ell-street. STEAM-ENGINES, Portable, 6, 8, and 10 Horse-power; Horizontal 3 to 40 Horsepower, with Boilers complete; Cornish Tubular Boilers; Vertical Engines, 3 and 4 Horse-power; Steam-Hoist; Doukey Pumping - Engine, with Boiler complete; Punching andSheariug Machines, Drills, Lathes, Corn-Mill, Weighbridges, Hydraulic Wool-Presj, Crown Printing-Press, Lithographic Presses and Stones, on Sale by 17t)'mwf2ti5 ? G. A. & H. BARTLEET. TO MINING COMPANIES.-FOR SALE. One New 30-Inch Single-Actiug CORNISH PUMPING-ENGINE, by Harvev and Co., with Wronghtlron Main-Beam and Forty Fathoms 10-Inch Pumps ami Pitwork, complete; also, 40 Fathouu 12-Inch Pumps and Pitwork, complete. HAREOLD BROTHERS. Adelaide. August 27, 1S63. ? 244mc ?RICHMOND & CHANDLER'S JLl- OHAFFCUTTERS. for Hand, Horse, and Steam Power. IMPROVED H0R3E-W0RK*. Knives, and all the extra Fittings for Chaffeutters. HOKNSKY'S PRIZK PLOUGHS, with all the Fitting?, Shares, &c A New Shipment of the above just to hand. FARMEltt, STOHEKEEPER3, and Other3 are invited to inspect the same at JAMES B It O W N ' S, AGRICULTURAL STORES, 183CV ? W.VYMOUIH-3TRBST. FLOUR-MILL GEAR, with or without Two or Three Pairs FRENCH BURR STONES. WANTKD to PURCHASE; also Sundry Articles of Flour-Mill Requisites, such as Smut, Separator, &c. Apply, stating particulars, to E. C care P. J. Donnoliy & Co., Collins-street west, Melbourne. 182 '8 I IBERAL ADVANCES made on U WOOL, TALLOW, and other COLONIAL PRODUCE consigned to their London House, 32, Great St. Helen's. Freights engaged. Indents promptly executed. 144mhcvS ? HARROLD BROTHERS. YusmEss notices. WA. WIGHT & CO. ? (Late Thos. Gravis), WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. 130, HlNDLEY-STREET. In returning our sincere thanks for past favours, we beg to avow our determination strictly to adhere to the same system of business with which we set out. namely, that of SELLING at the SMALLEST KEUfoTSUATING PROFIT on the Sale Cost, reuderinjj further genuine competition useless. In reviewing the past we feel deeply grateful for increased patronage, as the best proof that the Public can and do highly appreciate our system of business. W. A. WIGHT & CO., GROCERS, ? 130, HlSDLEr-STKgET. 170cV ENGLISH CHEESE, Ex Rkslxdi. FINEST SHIPMENT of the SEASON. W. A. WIGHT & CO. (Late Thos. Graves), 170cy ? 130. HINDLEY-STREET. COLONIAL RAISINS. We respectfully request the Public to INSPECT THIS SEASON'S FUUIC by sameGrowers. and equal to our Prize Fruits of previous Seasons. W. A. WIGHT & CO. (Late Tnoa. Graves), 170cv 130. HINDLEY-STREET^ r! b r a^ y~ . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER AND CORNFACTOR, COB5ER OP HINDLEY AND MORPHETT STREETS, In thanking the public for their patronage during the past year, begs to inform them that be has, in conjunction with his Old Premises REOPENED the adjoining Shop, 151. HINDLEY-STREET. N.B.— None but the Best Article kept, at the Lowest Remunerative Prices. Cash Advanced on Colonial Produce. 10a'tlQ3v H JONES, Abtist Photographeu, ? Opposite Town Hall, King William-street, 13 months Operator at Mr. Duryea's. CartesdeVisite, 15a. per dozen ; extra copies, Is. each. . 179mwfcvA H. JONES, Opposite Town Hall.'

PORTRAITS. PORTRAITS.— -L Every Description of Photographic Work done in First-rate Style, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, at EDWARD FARXDELL'S/ S3. HINDLEY-STREET.-Established Ten Years. N.B. All Negatives kept and carefully registered ; upwards of 8.0U0 in stock. Copies. Is. each. A Large Stock of PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS, &c, kept in stock. Catalogues on application. . ? . Agent for Melbourne Alb Paper, &e. . ? 162mwft64v ADVERTISING AND GENERAL XX. AGENCY' OFFICE, IS, Register-Chambers, Adelaide. The undersigned is authorized to receive Advertisements or Orders for the undermentioned PapeTs:— ADELAIDE-ifcff«to\ Observer, and Journal. KAPUNDA-flifraM. GA\VLER-Z?UJiyip. WALLAROO-Timw. MOUNT GMlBlElt-Standard. GLMIE-Mrlhern Aryits. STRATHALBYN-5o«//(mi Argus. SYDNEY— S. M. Herald and Sydney Mail. MELBOURNE-ylrtftti and Austmlasiun. , WAKRNAMBOOL-i'owOTtner. BALLARAT-Star. LAUNCEST(JN-£trtmtner. AUCKLAND-Dai/y Southern Cro3S and Weekly Nexcs. - ? Information furnished as to cost of Advertising, and Advertisements forwarded to Papers in Melbourne, Svdney, Hobart Town, Queensland, New Zealand, WesternAustralia, kc . GEOBGEDEAN. 15Smwf2497 15. Register-Chambers. k OSTERLOH, WATCH XX. AKD , MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, . Of NO-. 60, ROKBLtSTREBr, ? , finding his present Premises too small, has: removed to one of those ' COMMODIOUS SHOPS . recently erected near Messrs. Solomon & Salom's Auction Mart, No. 64, HINDLEY-STREET. 131-86 T300KBINDING Neatly Executed JLJ LAW and GENERAL BOOKBINDER. Music Books Bound to open fiat. AtBYNG'S, 41, Kino WnxwM-STRKET. Ruled Sermon Paper. 2t5Omwfc TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.— A large supply of Royal and 'Imperial Mounting Boards just received. ?; . . 97q ?? ' E.8. WIGG, 12. RandlMtreet. 'PO FARMERS, BUTCHERS, SOAPJ- BOILERS, AND OTHERS. , The ADELAIDE S ALT C3OAIPANY. LIMITED, are prepared to SUPPLY .COLONIAL SALT in any quanutiea.. Samples can be seen and every information obtained at the Company's Offices, Port Adelaide, on application to ? ???.? S^ffiKn?0^;^0 IZTVIBv ? - Currieratreet, Adelaide.' \f AMBLING for ilie! TRADE al ITX PLATTS'S ACCOUNI BOOK MANU SAQZQ&Y. v :. -m

? ''-? BTTSINESS NOTICES. ., C.U.IN N 1 N G H A M'S, 29 and 31, RUNDLE-STREET, Adelaidb, : Have jusc received the undermentioned ' , NEW G0OTD3 AND NOVELTTES. ' RICHARD3ON'8 LORD BROUGHAM TELESCOPES, MODEL ENGINES, &c . I SCHAFfiR'S EGG-TESTEBS,. Hovendon's Per- I turnery. '-'? ??????. ^ . : BENNETTS PATENT INDIAN ZEPHYRION, a Mechanical Contrivance much used in India and other Warm Climes. ' ???????. SULMAN'S Renowhed FANCY; NOTE PAPEBS, Anglican Language of Flowers, Shell and Fern3 and other' Pretty Designs stampedfor South Australia. ? ? ? HDfK'S Celebrated KEROSINE LAMPS for the Table, Hall, Passage, Chamber, Shop, Reading, &c., all of. the newest Styles; also, China-, neys. Globes, Shades, Wicks, &c. . 1 PERRY'S well-known GOODS in Pencil-Cases, Commercial Inks, Marking Ink Pencils, Essence of Ink. Tablets, Indiarubber Bands, Pens, Penholders, Screw1 Bill Fde«, Damping Wells and Brushes, Pen Brushes and Racks, Letter Balances, Tracing Cloth. Liquid Gum, Plate Powder, and many other Fancy Sundries. NEWTON'S Patent Coloured KAUEDOSCOPE TOPS. ,' ?'''.. ALFORD'S Colonial-made EXHIBITION WOOL 'MATS;aIso, . : i : . .?.;--??: ?ENGLISH Coloured Wool GJG and CARRIAGE MATS of every description; Rocking Horses, Toy Iron Wheelbarrows,: Boxes Took, Boxes Colours and Palettes, Baby Jumpers, French Tops, the new Gyroscope Tops, and other Novelties. ? , i . . SPLENDID ALBUMS, suitable for Presentation, the newest out; Jet, Steel Ivory, and Garnet ; Jewellery in great variety ; Chignon Bands and Combs, Chain Combs, and Braids. WICKLOW SPA JEWELLERY in Sets somiich enquired for lately ; Brushware, Crumb, Pastry, Furniture. Telescopic Hearth, Whisk Cloth, Plate, and every other description of Brooms and Btushware. PERFUME DiFFUSER, quite new, for the Pocket andl'oile?, with a vast Variety of other New Good3 and Novelties too numerous to particularize, now on Sale Ht CUNNINGHAM'S. 81mc DUNCAN & ERASER, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, Franklin-street, Adelaide; were Awarded the '... EXHIBITION PRIZE GOLD MEDAL, Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh; Also, Honourable Mention November, ISaT, and February, 1809. Every Description of Carriages and Buggies on Sale and Made to Order. L , ? ; 167mwni61 PRAY & SCHRuEDER, VT UALVANIZED IRON & ZINC WOUKEUS, GASFITTERS. PLUMBERS, &c Gawler-Plack and Gilbeet-place. Adelaide. Galvanized Iron of all lengths and sizes kept in stock. Gutters, Ridgecap?, Brass Window Bare, Church Windows. Baths and Tanks, Roofs and She^g Erected, Water Laid on. Bellhanging and Copperwork done. Country Orders promptly attended to. ? 10flmh96v9S_ OPENING OF THE LARGEST FURNISHING SHOWROOM IN THE COLONY. , I beg respectfully to inform my friends and the Public that in order to raeet the demands of my GREATLY-INCREASED FURNISHING TRADE, I have added to my Premises A LARGE SHOWROOM. in which will hi found the MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES LH THE COLONY, Includir-g— Brass and Iron Bedsteads of every size and quality. Stoves, Fenders, and Fireiions. Electro-plated Tea. CoiTee Services, Liqueur Stands. Cruet-Frames. Enivep. Forks, Sp ons. &c Mappiu & Johnson's best Table Cutlery Best Edinburgh Cut-Class Decanters. Claret Jugs, Dishes. Tumblers, and Wines. Dinner and Toilet Sets (a large assortment). Ornamental Glassware of every kind. Lamps of every sizs and pattern (upwards of 1,000 to choose from). Cocoa- Bordered and Wool Door-Mats. And every description of Household Furnishing of BEST QUALITY, at LOWEST PRICES. Parties Furnishing can see and choose every Article they require without leaving the Room, Observe the Addres3W. C. BULK, 179mcSlvA 47 & 49, RUN DLE-STUEET. THIRTY BALES PAPERJL HANGINGS.JUST JUST ARRIVED, The FINEST and RICHEST PATTERNS ever imported to Adelaide. Neat Patterns from 6d. per Piece. Country Storekepers and the Trade Supplied at a small advance on Invoice Price. PAPERS HUNG on the shortest notice. J . WITKOWSKI, 2S, mNDLEY-STREET. 172mw25S PORTRAITS and 1'AMUiY GROUPS JL ? taken at '''/'.' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. PHOTOGRAPHS of all sorU COPIED equal to the original. VIEWS-The FINEST COLLECTION in the Colony, large and small. - . Also, PORTRAITS of NATIVES, from 6s. pel dozen. ? B. GOODE & CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS. HlmwftJ5 O. RUNDLE-STREET. A USTRALIAN PHOTOGRAl'HIC Xi. COMPANY, 29, Kino Willlvm-stkeet, Adedaide. CARTE-DE-VISITE.VKiTLARGEDrOETRAITS At Moderate Phices. Map Plans, Diagrams Copied and Photographed. Views of Gentlemen's Residences taken to order. 120mwf97 H. J. Til WAITIS. Manager.

SI HP SO N ? & SO HS ' ADELAIDE PATENT FIREPROOF SAFES, which have SUCCESSFULLY WITHSTOOD A MORE SEVERE TEST as to their FIRE-RE3IST1NG: QUALLTLES than any yet manufactured, are now being supplied by them at ? ???..-:.'????' LONDON PRICES. Mantjfactokt— GRENFELL-STREET AND GAWLER-PLACE. 160mwftl56 -T ? A. J A: M I E S O N, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, (Opposite Barlow's Coach Factobt.) ,;. '. .. ' 203, RUNDLE-STREET, '-ADELAUJE. , HSmwfHlS W& J. T£ N O X, SHAREBROKERS, HOUSE AGENTS, AND ACCOUNTANTS. 15Smwf2l8- ????? ? GRESnAlI-STBEBT. VUJIGHB 11 ID G E .8. WEIGHBRIDGES, ' that will Weigh up to Tea Tons, equal to the 'Imported, can be had at . H. B. HAWKE'S FOUNDRY. KAPUNDA, ' TOK TWENTY PER CEUT. tESS than an imported one of the same kind. H. B. it. has much pleasure in referring the Public to the following ? Thstmosiai,:— ' _' Albion Mills, Gawle.-, Dec. 2, 1868. 'Mr.:Hawke-r-Dear Sir— iheAYeighbridge yon made me has now been -in use ? some mouths. It appears, to workwelL It lias 6eea tested in various ways,' and' found 'correct.! I 'consider it equal to any imported one in the colony.— Yours truly/ : CS^iv ??' ; ? ? 'James iDAWsoN.' JAMES ARTHUR ^HITFIELD, Member op thk SoaKTr 6? Engineers, ' , Bepsresbectfully to inform the' Public that he has TAKEN 'the BU3INESS lately carried on 'by Messrs.^ ELLIS & CH1TTLEBOROUGH (for merly J. Huawooo & SON3J, at -.._..: ' THE COLONIAL JE0N.W0RK?. , , HlNDLEY-STBEET WEST, ' '. where he will still ' CONTINUE the BUSINESS of ENGINEER, .:?„..,..??, 'IKON-FOUNDER. &c. - ?----'J': Al WHITFIELD is prepared to give Esti mates or Tenders for all descriptions of Machinery «6teani-Engine3,-. Boilers, i Girder and Bridge Work, Screw and Patent Rack Presses, &c, &c, made 'Jo order. . ' . , ' . '.' Ii4mwf223 ' \iraE;I WWB RIDGE S. YV ' - towteighupto5brlOT6ns, ; SPECIALLt SUITED for 1HNING PURPOSES t! '', r ,..: * JAMES ARTHUR WHITglRLD.. ? I«mwf223 - , ? ... ?nURE, SPIRIT FOR FORTIFYENC A.-. -; :??--': ?? ,; WINES.' ?: ' :.?'... ' The Undersigned are prepared to- arrange for th DBTUJjATIOS in their PRIZE STILL of an quantity of WINE or GRAPE itEFUSE, th produce of this colony. r . ':??' : SPHiTT FOR SALE IN BOND. .'..?- . CLARK^JCROMPTON, T 102mh59v91 . BLra STEER, 'AdsuiDB,;

ELLIS EDWARDS & CO., having SUCCEEDED Messrs. W. MORGAN and CO.. of 24. Hindley-street, in their Old-Estahlished FAMILY and RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS, respectfully solicit a continuance of the favours and preference so long accorded to their prede- cessors. 24, Hindley-street, Adelaide, ? July 1, 1869 IS6mwf97 ED W A ED ?, M QMT GO M RE J, MARTiN,':lafe*'Partner'in the Firm' of ULams & Sacjt.- ftn*MohuNa. 74 illNDLEY3TKKET, and JtUi&lO Vi&D to No. 15.. in. the- same Street, being the' 'Shop exactly ' oppbsite ' tho Blenheim HoteL .'He ._is-'ithere.cartyinjt on the Ironmongery Business in coji junction with J. W. Mulrch,'under the Firm of '? **.--'? -.-.!.??: MARTIN &.M0BCU,;.- : . ?' and he will feel much obliged by his friends sending bim their Orders to W3 New Establislfrheht.' ; J ' : - ? -, 18i;98jnnwfa(K, K. SAMUEL ?- irA'It CE, HOUSE, LAND, & GENERAL ESTATE ? : . . . AGENT. . ?' , '?? ... : HlNDLEI-STRKET, ADEiAIDE,S.A. ? ... i. ' , I -.-_ EENTS, INTEREST, DIVIDEND3, and DEBTS COLLECTED and REMITTED, or Invested in Freehold Estate, Government-Bonds, Sax, as; instructed. , ,: ; j a, ,,; :137iuwfc . NOTICE TO SHOEMAKERS :AND LEATHKR-DEALER8.; -B. TAILOR BANNER: and CURRIER, HLNDMAK3H, begs to inform his numerous Town and Country Customers 'that -he has OPENED the PREMISES, No. 11, HINDLEYSTKEKT, three doors west of Biinn's Exchange and next Messrs. Main & Geyer'a, as a . WHOLESALE AND P^TAIL LEATHER AND GRINDERY WAKEGOUSE. The Stock comprises all descriptions of Leather, Grindery, &c, and an iusneeuon will certL'y as to the genuine character of the Goods. . Note.— b1~TAYL0E, . No. it HINDLEY-STREET, next Main and Beyer's. ? N.B.— Wool, Hides, and Skins Purchased. Adelaide, May 18. 1S69. . 139cv CELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. AN0THER'RiDUCTION. ' i EDWARD SUTEE, ' ' ' No. 50, RUNDLE-STREET, ..'./.. is now ? : UNPACKING A FRESH LOT OF BOOTS, and which he is SELLING OFF AT PRICES 1HCHERTO UNHEARD OF FOil CASH. All Goods Marked in Plakjt Figures. The Public are invited to come and judge for themselves. Either one SHOP or the whole of the PREMISES TO be LET. Apply to lrJc ?*??--- EDWARD SUTER. O THE LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Mr. C. P. EYMER, 45, RrjKDL&STRiET. has the pleasure to announce that his BUSINESS as a HAIRDRESSER and PERFUMER will be OPENED on Friday, the 9th of April The Shop' will be Stocked with the CHOICEST ARTICLES for TOILET. . Of the Two Saloons for HairJressing, one will be pecially reserved for Ladies. Mj\ C. P. Eymek's Btudy and endeavour will be to give satisfaction to all who may honour him with a visit. ' ? Adelaide. April 6^ 18©. 931S7 PIANOFORTES, Obli.jne, Cottage, *- &c by Broadwood & Sons, Self, and other eminent makers— all warranted. HARMONIUMS-Fiom the largest to the smallest size. MUsIC— New and Popular, for all Instruments; the Largest Stock in the Colony. PIANOFORTES. HARMONIUMS. ORGANS, and other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. REPAIRED and TUNED, at SAMUEL MARSHALL'S, ? 52, RUNDLE-STREET. 172t91v HARMONIUMS, PIANOFORTES, AND CABINET ORGANS. The Larcest Stock to Select fboh is at WOODMAN'S; MUSIC. DEPOT, . Adjoining Globe Hotel, ' ' ~~ — RlTVDLE'STREET : Complete Sets of Instruments Supplied for Brass Bands, Fife and Dkou Bands, and Chrtbtt Minstrel Troupes. Pianofortes Tuned and Harmoniums Repaired, by Mr. Pappin. in a thoroughly woikmanlike manner. lOOmwftSS A MYSTERY.— I that rustic path was treading, when the sun his ravs was shedding, beaming, gleaming, fairly streaming through the trees; and I watched the streamlet glistening, as entranced I there was listening, to melting, merry music on the breeze, when beneath a tree reclining, where no ray of sun was shining, lo! I saw'a fellow-being on the cround! Thoagh no other -feature shifted, quickly jbooii his eyes uplifted— up-.rard lifted as ue wildly looked around. ' Good friend,' said I. approaching, ' do not chaise me with encroaching— aie you waiting for some messenger of news?' But no other word he uttered, and no other sentence muttered, save— 'You'll rind there's none like Brandon's Boots and Shoes!' 'That's a stiange expression, surely!' said I, looking down demurely. 'I trust, good Sir, that you the question will excuse.' But he only looked the prouder, as he spoke the words the louder— 'There's always . perfect comfort in Brandon's Boots and Shoes.' Why. bless me, man'' I shouted, as his sanity I doubted, '''tis surely nought to me what person's goods you use!'' Hut he only cried the higher, with enthusiastic fire, 'You'll save your cash by wearing Brandonrs Boots and Shoes.' So I- left him there recliuinp, where no ray of sun was shining, and frequently I wondered at the words the man did use; thinking surely 'twas a mystery, and that some hidden history was weaving iound myself and Brandon's Boots and Shoes. Sol then resolved to buy them; nay, I felt compelled to try them. And, behold, I've cause for g!adnes=, that the words I deemed were madness, induced me thus to purchase Brandon's Matchless Boots and Shoes. Observe the address— 51. Bisakdos's Shoe Warehouse, No. I 78, RONDLE-STREET. ADELAIDE. 170'351z pUNTHER & VON DOUSSA, VJT WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, DISPENSING CHEMISTS. AND GENERAL IMPORTERS, 50, RONDLE-STBKET, ADELAIDE. Importers of all kinds of Chemicals for the Laboratory and Photograher's Atelier. Storekeepers, Stations, Surgeons, and the Trade Supplied on liberal terms. Winemakers and Distillers can obtain a constant supply of all articles necessary in their business. A largeassortment of Enzlisb, French, and German Patent Medicines, and all kinds of Homoeopathic Medicines and Medical Books, at the Lowest Prices. 29'128zv MURRAY is LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER. Tastes diScr in Perfumes and Wines. Gastroj nomists admire Cl'quot's .Champagne, and Ladies I of refinement and delicate taste assert that the I fragranceof MURRAY &-LANMAN'S FLORIDA | -W.ATEK' is. Superior to all other Essences, not i excepting the best Jean Marie Farina . Cologne. In South America the former is pronounced better than the latter; and but a short time introduced info this market, it already enjoys much favour amongst our beautiful countrywomen. like the German waters, it is prepared from fresh flowers; but as the aromatic vegetation of Florida is more Fragrant than that of Europe, the odour o MURRAY & LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER surpasses that of Colojne. Agents for Adelaide, '-? Ibam2« F. H. FAULDIifG & CO. TDURYEA, ARTIST PHOTO.???-? GRAPHEK,r r ; By Special Appointment to H.B.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, ??.?'? -and' ? ! - ? His Excellency Sir JAMES FERGUSSON, Bart. PRIZE MEDALLIST at the UNIVERSAL -EXHIBITION. ISG7. , , - . , For some years Mr. DURYEA hasnot compctcd for the Prize3 oflered by the SOCIETY. of ARTS until the list -Exhibition;' when he waa ?, AWARDED PRIZES for the Best MKZZOTLN1 I PHOTOGRAPH, the BEST OIL and WATERCOLOUKKD PHOTOGRAPHS, the BEST SIX LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS, and the BEST SL3 VIGNETTE CARD PORTRAITS. The Exquisite Finish of these Pictures was commented on by the Press in most favourable terms, and provesthe Superiority of finish in the various branches- of -Ait .Photography, -..i :, .-.? The Public, r are invited to inspect the unrivalled : Collectlori of Portraits and ? ' Ministry, finished , in the most improved style, and ^ con taining likenesses of all the leading- personages oj .thecolouy.* : .?—.?-- m ,-...,. ?; . rN.B.— -'aded Photographa Restored,, and Copied from Carte de Visites to any size, and Dnisbed in Oil, Water, or Chalks from descriptive particulars. ' 68, KING WILLIAJr-STREET,' 'u '' . .:;??.- EstabhshedlSyears^. ^132^96v B0 0.KiB;Ip;lflThe Proprietors1 of the Register;' Vbierver and Evening Journal ?beg: to iaformuhe PubUi that in connection witliAeir General .?Printing - Offices,' uhde^tHo Sirperinteriaonce^-Of Mr;'JS WnmroR% Chey- lrave.- estahlijhcdi a BOOK BINDING. DEPARTMENT, ,for the.practica SEanagemeht of which- they;^r3vei-seSnreathe-ser vices of Mr. . R., C; THORJfTOjr, , whose long eifieri enco ana thorough knowlease of alL Br4nches o ; Trade euaBle0 them : to guarantee' 'the- effieieh1 execution ofapy Work entrusted , to. their ^are They are'now preparetTto receiveorders for ? i MUSIC Bocnd witltfiesible-backs, to opes flat. ' ACCOUNT BOfjp. lor BankeB... Merchants ? Companies,' or Socie5es.*'RuleiJ, Paged,' and Let 1 tered to any Patttrn.'and-'BoundinifitsC-cIafes style ?? . MACHINE-RULING, pf all descriptions. .?--: BOOKBINDING in aU its Branched from th simplest repairs to elegantly-finisnea' Work for th ( Drawing-room. , . r . . -; ASSESSMENT BOOKS and other' Boots an , Forms- required by Corporations and1 Distric ' Councils. : .-?? .J z -.-,?? -v-r.t'h- -? ? -?' JKULED and PRINTED FORMS 'for. Ban Returns; InToices, Bill-heads, Sal^'A'(Jconnt4 &Ci Orders executed with punctuality and at modi ratecharee3. ?. . -;f ., *_.

\ fflAPERY A3TDCL0THIK&. rilSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.L/.;-9j- ? '_ ? ' ? . ? ? , , T ^DfGSBOROUGH k UPTON letf most respectf ullv to announce to their Friends indthe Ptihlic fiPnp[al|y t,hat tbpir* _ . '' * ' I partnership willcease^ rota effluxion of time, on the 20th of August, £9, and that they have great pleasure in taking ' ?hia '.opportunity of thanking .their numerous friends and tlie.paUic generally for the very iberal support they have, accorded them during ;he last fourteen years. ._ , . , . . IS OfiDEB. T0..CX03E..EABXSEB3Hre. ACCOUHTS, i i,KIXGSBOBOUGH & UPTON ' w find it necessary to' ' 3LEAB OFF ALL THEIR PRESENT STOCK i -'OF DRAPERY GOODS, '?- ' irid in order to do so effect0ALLt. they purpose PfcOaiNG THEIR BUSINESS PREMISES, , ; 86 and S8, Rtjxdib-stbeet. . , OaTHURSDAY and FRIDAY NEXT, J the 1st and 2nd July, tq enable them thoroughly to go through their i STOCK, and intend MARKING IT DOWN ! y\ ''- ' to such ' i '?::? EXTREMELY LOW PRICE3 ! as will I ENBURE a CO51PLETE CLEAR VNOE within the time at which their Partnership ceases. | 'feGSBOEOUGE 'ft UPTON would ^ipress-oa their -Friemlftand Supporters in Business, and the Publfc generally, that the Stock thejrwe offering nnder the pfecuuar circumstances noted ab6f els coinposid of r '.:.- U l-- ? ? ! GOODS^OAREPULB^SELECTED', by both Paittoers from all the PRINCIPAL RECENT, SHIPMENTS, . and comprises a Splendid .Assortment of THE NEWEST AND BKST-SELECTED GOODS imported this Season. Their Stock of CALICOES, FLANxS^L^, ? - l ?? and ; GENERAL MANCHESTER GOODS being in excess of other Depaitments, they intend REDUCING this class of Goods to a Scale of PRICES NEVER HITHERTO ATTEMPTED ' ? in South Australia ; : KINGSBOROTJGH & UPTON'S Sale being imperative in consequence of the Expiration of Partnership, all OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS not Paid previous to 31st July, 1869, will be handed over to their Solicitor, and immediate proceedings taken for their recovery. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ' OI KINGSBOEOUGH & UPTON. OrEwatNnrc; Close at Six. I77cvxj DISCOUNT OF ONE PENNY ON EVERY SHILLING. EXPIRATION~OF LE VSE. REMOVAL TO NEW PREMISES. GREAT SACRIFICE OF DRAPERY, ; AT J. : DEL A NY'S, 135, RUNDLE-ST., seau tue YORK HOTEL. CONTINUATION OF~SALE OF DRAPERY, . . ? ? ? AT -J. DEL ANTS, ' to end of' the present month. The PREMISES will he~CLO3ED on July 1 and 2 for STOCKTAKING, and ! FURTHER MARKING DOWN the STUCK. REOPEN on SATURDAY, July 3. SALE TO BE~CONTINUED for A FEW DAYS ONLY. GEEAT SACRIFICE! TREMENDOUS DISCOUNT ! REMEMBER-A'FEW DAYS ONLY, AT J. DELANY'S, 135. EUNDLE-ST.. NEAB THE YORK HOTEL. _J ? ? ? ? 177-236 T ONERGAN & MITCHELL'S JLi NEW DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, ? (Next Solomon & Salom's Auction Mart), HINDLEY-STREET, Was OPENED on TUESDAY, Mauch 23, with a : LARGE AND WELL- ASSORTED STOCK ; of NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRAPERY, GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. L. & M., in introducing their Establishment to the notice of the Pnblic, beg to state that their intention is to Supply a SUPERIOR AND MORE VARIED STYLE of . FASHIONABLE DRAPERY than is generally to be met with in Adelaide, and AT LOWER PRICES. The Stock has been carefully SELECTED FROM the 'LATEST SHIPMENTS, i and for '????'? I QUALITY. CHEAPNESS, and NOVELTY : cannot be surpassed by any H6use in the Trade. An Inspection is respectfully solicited. . N.B.— We wish particularly to impress on intending Purchasers of Drapery that our GOODS have been PURCHASED FOR CASH, at a large Discount, which enables us to Sell New and Fashionable Goods at Prices which cannot be surpassed in Adelaide. The TAILORING DEPART51ENT is under the personal supervision of Mr. Uoos. who is a Cutter of known ability. We have a Large and Choice Selectioa- of Tweeds and Cloths to select from. AU Orders will receive prompt and careful attention, and a Good Fit guaranteed. We beg to call attention to the following Departments :—FANCY FANCY DRESS DEPARTMENT Consists of the NEWEST MATERIALS suitable for theSeasonNAPIKR CLOTH, Sultana Cloth. Serges, Poplins, French Repps, Camlets, Plain and Fancy Winceys. Prices from 2s. 6J. to Two Guineas the Dress. - - ? ? FANCY SILKS in great variety. Good BLACK GLACE SILKS, wide width, only - 2s. lid. yard. - - ??? , The NEW SHADES in FRENCH MERINOS, Is. FrScHTWILLS, COBURGS, and ALPACAS, ? at exceedingly Low Prices. 64 SHEPHERD and ROB ROY PLAIDS, ALL Wool. 3*. 3d., usual price 4s. 6d. . . . WINCEYS. 3;d. yard. ?? SHAWL AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT. SHEPHERD PLAID SCARF SHAWLS,, warranted all waol,.13*. GJ. BOB ROY' SCAUP SHAWLS all Wool, 16s. 6d. .QUEENSLAND WOOu SHAWL*, 17s. Cd. A Case of SILK and- CASHMERE SHAWLS from 123. 6di to 25s., worth 50a. ^WATERPROOF MANTLES. BLACK: CLOTH JACKETS from 6s. ed. BLACK VELVETEEN Do.. IIs. tid. ; ASTRAC AN' JACKETS, all Colours, 10a. (3d. FRESUH STAYS from Is. Bid! to 10s. 6d. LADUfls'TULMMBD HATS from Hid. to 33s. A Choice Selection of FRENCH. MILLINERY BONNETS from 16s. M. to Two Guiueas. JOSEPHINE -KID GLOVES, 2s. lid. SEALSKINS in the NEW SHADES-Bismaick ; - - Ophelia, Drab, and Black, 3s. 3d per yard. ma!ncheste'r~^epartment. WHTTfi BLANKETS from 6i lid. pair. S4Sli»iETING.9id. -. -v . .. . ;.-?-. iTERRTQUrLTS, Marsell?, Toilet, and Alhambra, ? ???' from 4?. lid. '-* ; ?:? -ir j.'i : :?-. '.???: ???; : HORROCKS'S LONGCLOrHS. 5s. Gd. dozen. . GRBY CALICO. 25d.'yard; ? ' PRINTS. 4Jd. yard. . . . HOYLE^S OAMiiRIC CLOTHS, 7iJMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. DOESKIN:SraTS,353. - :.. ' . Good BLACK CLOTE SUITS. 33s. SYDNBY-TWBED TROUSERS, 5s. HoX wortl 1 ., -lOKfid., ,... / . :? ~.,,r, ? ?; . ;? iBe3tMOLl!SKlN-TROUSERS,-J5s.lld. ' iMUNKJilYJAOKETi. from 12s. fid; to37t 6d. A Large Assortment of the FEWEST SHAPES ; '- m GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS', and B0Y6' ? -.;M1AX3.'.-. -?- ' ? -c ? ;' - ' ??-CRIMEAN SHIRTS. ffoni2s.lld. to 12s. 6d. Good SCOTCH TWILL BHIRTS.K Hid. ?:?-???? 1 WHtT&and UEGATTA, SHIRTS, equally cieaps 'TWEED -SUIRTS. 4?. lid.; wortrrSi 6d. eRIMFTAN SfllBTlNG. all VTool,8id; per Yard. ALL-WOOL FLANNELji10id..yard. .;-?i iupUilNlSHING DEPARTMENT, ,-au BBU3SELSj'KIDDBRMfNSTER, xand FEL1 iSTraT^^AEfETg,u;SId; ^f'&earihrugs ny&ai ii;Kn,v. **,?-» titi-dM tnii il;. m -??. u : COCOANUI1IATTINGW,INDIA MATTING. DAMA3KT-SW133 LAOBp and flARNESS .,:i;CU£TAISS.i .„ -,4 «? ,«,«„ ,„ ?} ii: , -.. ALL ttT00LJ)AMASK.l3. Tin- Yard, worth 2j. 9d ; COLOURED^DAMASK ''CL«TH3( AU, WOOI v i t4a; lid. each ^ufual Tirice, lls, fld. ; t * . ( , IINEN DASIA^K CLOTU^aU Sizes, froD ' ft.'6d.toTW6Gaineag.''* ?.'V;^ ;*: doOD5 : SDPPEISD'^''' BAiZ AARS A!ND ;- uOHAilITAaLKilN5!Eil'ffTiaN3 .; ,]?}?? ? ? ? .. 7; ; ,AI WHOLESALE PWCffi.i . ' . ; ; L.&M.:ber to inform Penoas residing i». th ? Country that they have made airangements to ?en i j Drapery Goods to every part of the Colony « 1 ' «ce«i.tof Cheoiiea or PostrOttJce Orders. Orda ' j over. £5 sent Free of Charge to every part of £6 ! Gbtobyv; Patterns, with prices, of alt kinds -c Drapery, sent ^oa -receipt of Postage Stamps. ? Vi shad 'pay strict attention to the 'execution' of ;ai ? order- that we- may be favoured witb, . and. .wi ai^pl/ the fteataad Newest of Drapery Goods.

DRAPERY AND CLOTHINQ. V rPHE Undersigned are now offeringji J- '? ' Spumdid Assortment of ; . NEW DBESS MATETtlALS. | JTRIPED REAL MOHAIRS, 7s. 9d.TflEDRE38 ?LAlNASD!-HOTCAJlLETS.8s. Sd. do. }HENJS MOHAIRS ... ...10s. lid. do. 'LAIN AND SHOT REP;?, 13s. 6d. do. 3HECK WISCEYS ... „. 7s. Cd. do. JTRIPKD .WINCEYS ...13s. t5d. do. ?IGUREDUENAPPE3 ... Ss. 9d. do. ilCH POPLIN ETS _ .„ las. Od. do. 51LKBROCADE3 _ ._ 17«. 6i. do. ?I«URED MIKAD03 ? 17s. (Jd. o. 3ROGHE FIGURES ._ ... 17i 6d. do. FIGURED POPLINS ... 39s. Od. da N.B.-A lot of FANCY SI LKS are being Cleared \ 3ut at Gbkatlt Reougcd I'eices. NEW MANTLES. XE\Y MANTLES. I The New and Fasliionable Gbet Tweed ' Wastle3, loose or tight fitting, ready-made or made to order in a variety of shades,' lS-t. 9d. each. JNO. BALLANTYNE & CO., 141-249 38. EUNDLE-STREET. EXPIRATION OF LEASE. IMMENSE SALE OF DEAPERY AND HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. FIFTEEN THOUSAND' POUNDS' WORTH. ASTONISHINGLY LOW PBICEi AT LEAST ONE-HALF MUST TE SOLD ??? within the next Two Months, as the PREMISES WILL BE CLOSED EARLY IN AUGUST. JOHN A . NORTHMOKE Respectfully informs the PUBLIC OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA that not having been enabled toetlect asatisfactory arrancemeiit for the Renewal of the Lease of the Premises Nos. 131 & 133, RUNDLE-STREET, he will LOSE the [same EARLY in AUGUST NEXT and CARRY ON HIS BUSINESS at his other Establishment, Nos; 103 and 105, KING WILLIAM-STREET, IMMEDIATELT OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, until other Premises can be obtained on reasonable terms. As this will necessitate the Reduction of ln'3 Stock to at least onkhalf the present amount, he will OFFER THE PUBLIC the CHOICE OF HIS ENTIRE STOCK at 131 and 133. RUN DLE-STREET, and 103 and 105. KING WILLIAM-STREET, amounting to over FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS' WORTH OK DRAPERY AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, which, at the Ordinary Selling Prices, is the CHEAPEST STOCK IN THE COLONY, at such REDUCED PRICES as to completely astonish any competent judge of the Value of Goods. HOTELKEEPERS, HEADS OF FAMILIES, and PARTIES FURNISHING will EFFECT A VKRY GREAT SAVING by MAKING THEIR PURCHASES ATT1IIS SALE COUNTRY RESIDENTS PURCHASING tlieir STOCK OF WINTER GOODS would save the expenses of a journey to Adelaide. THE SALE WILL COMMENCE on SATURDAY, the 12th of JUNE. TERMS-CASH ONLY. NO ABATEMENT.-NO DISCOUNT on Parcels of Less than £10. EXTKA ASSISTANTTWANTED FOR THIS SALE. The Advertiser is open to treat with any Person having BU.SINH-S PRKMIS!' ' to DISPOSE OF in RUNDLE-STREET suitable for a LARGE DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT. NOTE TII« 'aDDRK-s.S -JOHN A . N O It T II M 0 R E, 103 and 103. KING WILLIAM-sTUEBT, 0PP031TK TUB TOWS HALL, AND 131 ASD 133. RUXDLE-STREET, Near the Yoaic. lB2c I') J. DEL ANY, No. C, Kundle-stkeet, NOW SELLING OFF. THE ENTIRE STOCK has been REDUCED TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. Particular attention is called to the following Lines, which cannot he equalled in Adelaide:— (WO Stout Mohair Dresses at 4a. Oil. each. 100 Quilts from (U. Gil., worth Ss. U.I. each. Stays, Is. ll'J.. 2s. tid , 2-. lUld.. and :h. Unbleached Calico, is. tid. per dozen. Bargains in Millinery, Mantles, and Hosiery. Men's Tweed and Doe Trousers, 12a., worth 18i Every Article at TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. REDUCTION. ^ ? 182-'8 AMUSEMENTS. ? 'powN hall, port Adelaide. UNDER DISINGUI3HED PATfiONAGE; Owing to the IMMENSE SUCCESS of the ENTERTAINMENT Given by Several Members of the THEATRE ROYAL .COMPANY. they will REPEAT THEIR PERFORMANCES on TUB EVENING (MONDAY). JULY 5. ENTHUSIASTIC' RECEPTION - of the PANORAMA-LAKES OF KiLLAENEY, with IRISH MELODIES. Walking is the Zoo ? M133 Bubtox Bloatkd Aristocrat ? Miss Kubtox Concertina Solo ? Mb. Philkno, Prices of admission-Front Seats, 3s. ; Seconc Seats, 2s. *, Back Seats, Is. Carriages may be ordered at half-past 10 o'clock Performance to commence at 8 precisely. x BTth palm erst b~irs FAREWELL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN TOUR. MOONTA-TO-NIGUT and TUESDAY. ivADINA-WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. WALLAROO-FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Due notice of ADELAIDE SEASON wil appear. ? ' ? | ? x_ »p O W N H A L L WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, July 7 and 1C TWO GRAND-EROMENADE CONCERTS, By the ORCHESTRA OF TUE THEATRE ROYAL, Assisted by All the available Local Taleut. ?'??'? CosuocroB-^Mr. J. Hall. Programme in future advertisements. Admission— Body of the Hall (Promenade). 2*. Gallery. Is. 18 r«

'1X-WI* HALL EXCHANGE ROOMS. JL FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. ? CosnresciNO MONDAY, Jolt 5, lSfiO. FANCY (JLASS- BLOWING. OLAiMWOKK? INU, AND ULASS-fcPlNMNG, -'? ? mchiiling the GP.AND STEKEOPTICAN OF NIAGARA FALLS. ; DiSTRiBtrnorr of Presents at half-past 9. Master H. B. HANTON, the Campakologiax, will PERFORM on the BELLS. Doors opeh~at half-past 7, commence at 8 precisely, f : . Admission, la.; reserved seats, 2s.; Children, hatf-price. . ..: :: ? lfrl'91 , ST/ FRANCIS XATIER'S .-.:.!. CATHEDEAL. ADELAIDE. „' 'MONDAY EVENKG. Jdly 12. . Under the Patronage of HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HON. J 3D?. JAMES FEKGU3SON. BART., HIS LORDSHIP THE RIGHT REV. DR. SHIEL. .... ME. CHARLES' LASCELLES ? * ' ' . ; will gives ' ? ,„ GBMp. ORGAN RECHAL, ? , i. .-;,„ , ? lnlwspcrsedwith. . ' ' , .; YOCAIrSELECTlONS/iom, the OBAIOEIOS, :i . . i ?laAkl.oftheli'uniisofUie POOR SCHOOLS ? i»- ?? ??? --?',: :-. :.::?; for the ? i ??. ? / . EDUCATION OF DESTITUTE CHILDREN, ':?' Utt rihlca' c&asiqn he will De assisted by ;i:^;,1^ri:,iMB.,!BTOy,''!,-.i.- ? : - -a PEOFE33QR; IREDERIC ELLAED, Mr. ALFRED W1LKIB, LADY agfl-GgifTLBMEIf-AMATEUBS, - tj'( f. — i '?'?? ' v.'j ind the ? ?(.... ,? -i-.i CBOIE.oftbeCrATHEDRAL, which willx be angmented on .this occasion, under ?-?'??' \ the Leadership of MtP/AEUDtEB. Further particulars will be duly announced. ISOc BALL PROGRAMilES, CONCERT — PROGRAMMES, and TICKETS, Printed in the Neatest -Style, at the Register, Obteryeri and Ertaing JoltrAal General; Printing' Uffiee»i UrenfeltHtreel. * .,h'; ./ ,? :.:.:? ; ;: A large quantity of Cards and Fancy. Paper in the Newest Patterns ust unpacked, Specimens oe view; ? - - ; ' '?'??'' !'??? : ro.- :??.: i..

EDTJCATIO2T. ? , pOLLEGlATE SCHOOL OF ST. , ^ PETKli. The next Quarter begiu9 ou Monday^ July 10th. 86hm93,5.rv!»S G. W. HAWKES, Hon. Bee, j ADELAIDE EDUCATIONAL: Cy. INSTITUTION. The next Quarter will Commence on Monday, ' Fuly 5. ' 177 85v77j ? JOHN L. YOUNG. PHE CUMMEKCIAL, CLASSICAL, J AND MATHKMAT1CAL ACADEMY, : KlXG WlLLIAM-BTBEhT nnd NOBTH-TKHUACE, ? will Reopen on Mouduy, Ju!v 5. 130c ? ? R. THOMSON. 1)UiNDLE-bTREET UKAAI&1AU1 ** SCHOOL The Duties of this First( Jlass Piiivate Establishment will be Resumed on Monday, 5th July, ISt 9 179-87 ? M1TTON & ANDERSON. \|R. HOSKING'S ACADEMY. i'-L — Duties at the G mrer-strcet Academy will be Resumed on Tuesday. Jidy (1. ? IS2'7 BROUGUAM SCHOOL, OILtES^ STRlfiET.-Duties will be Resumed on Monday, July 5, at 9 a.m. T. BUP.dAN. Gilles street. July 2. 18CgL_ ? 18 »?'« (^ LENE LQ~ACAUEM Y;— Fai awitLU vJT House. Pupils are retjuestcd to Keasscuiblo Monday. July 12. ISSw*i-l ? FRKDERICK CATERER. PALM PLACE, lUOKNEY.— Mrs. HAILED, havi'ip removed to a larger llouso, s prepared to hECElVE an additional number of BOAUDKiW. Pupils will Reassemble ou Monday, July 12. ' ? 18limwrfc\Hl TNSTITUTION FOR YOUN G LAT)\ TSS, JL ANGASTON Ht)U.-F, JlUXTON-STltEET, NORTH AU.XAIOK. Conduced by Airs. ]?'. EVA NS. Pupils will Kcas-iemblc nn Wednesday, July 7. Vacancies for twi» or threi: Boarder!'. alH6''Hl l^DUOATlDiNALTESTABLlSnWENT JLli HANSON-STItElCT. Comlucte.l by Mrs. and Misi CARI.KTON. The Young Ladies will Jleasseaibb u.i .Moml.iv, July 5. ? lS2siuli EDUCATIONAL CLASSES!— MI-.S Wi:ST h:i3 taken the House lately occupied by 15. M. li.i^tt, R«\., Hi iiano ways-TtrtHAOt; North Ailclnidc, tvheru t-ha will be prepared to RECEIVE- YOUNG L.\D1KS as UOAltDEltS iu addition to her present Daily Classes. The next Term will commence on MonJa July 19. The Dmcing Class will Reaascmble at the Town Hall Ifcfrcshiucnt Kouin ou Saturday, July 21, at 10 o'clock. Circulars and Cards of Tc ms rasy be had from Mr. K S. Wigg, 12. Rundlc street. ? I7l»c MISS PHILLIPS'S SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, Sow.inn's-BuiLDixcs, Pultesey-stuect Nojith. Young LaJTw will Reassemble uu \Veilncs'l;iy, July 7. ? 1S£7_ MRS. FERNELEY'S ESTABLISIIWKNT, SOUTH-TKKRACJi KAS11, for th-J EDUCATION «»f YoUNU L.VDIES will RE-OPEN WEDNESDAY. July 7. Vacancies for two Boarders. 177'RS

MARINE VILLA, (2LENELU. — The Duties of the HOARDING onrt DAY SCHOOL, con lucled by Mr». nnd the Mjsrps 11 Altl'JS, will I if Ktsai'.ied uu Munday, July \Mi. Vncancieii forBowdt-n. 18(ifff!H) '-'pnE~c-^ni e ucFai^'c lass i c al, X AND MATHEMATICAL ACADEMY, KlJCC WlLLIAU-HTIlKET ASD NOUTH TKItUACK. In the Keoiietiinu of this KsUliliHlnuent, ns advertised fur Alondiy, ttio 5th instuiit, 1 bet!, ahliou^h reluctutitly, to f.tite that certain business arrangements, which have only recently been completed, will preclude the continuance of my previous pursuits, ami beg respectfully to tender to the Parents und Guardians of tho.e whom they have been nli-used to entrust to nif care my most heartfelt thankd for the kind and liberal tmpport they have bestowed upun nie fur the past ci^ht and a half years; ami in sodoinR I have much plenmire in introducing; as my Successor Mr. W. PRICE, B.A, a Bcntleman whom 1 have every reason to lielieve highly qualified in every rcsiiect for carping out the duties of the School to the entire satisfaction of those who may be pleased to favour him with their support. If. THOMSON. \|R. W. P nTc~E, B.A., Caw. l'JL (Late of North Adelaide). CLASSICAL MATUBMATIOAU AND COSIMKRC1AL ACADEMY.Begs Begs respectfully to announce lo his Friends and the Parei.ts ami» of those w!io have betii pleased to entrust pupils to his care, huvii'K entered into arrftn.iiements above-mentioned as Mr. Thomson's Successor; nnd while thanking them for their kind support, trusts lie may recuivu a continuation of thu baiiK', as abo that which lr.w li.tiv so liberally rxcorded to his predsccasur, nsburiu^' them thai there will tie no want of exertion on his part req.ui.-He for the fulfilment of the studious duties devolved upon him. The Duties of the School will bo Kesuinnl, as already advertised, oil Moiulay, the 5lh inttant. ? : ? L ]82-'« jnEttMAN~'(JYMNASTIC CLUH.— Vl A CLASS f-r YOUNU LA.DI1W from eisht jcara upwurds will \-c Opened on July the (ith umkr the Patronage of the following Medical (itntlemen :— W. (Josse, JJwi., II. J^aoruix, Er-q., J. Phillips, Esq.. and li. T. Whittcll, E«u. Mesdaiue3 A. J. linker, C. IJalclr, A. l!urteis, Al. Coode, R. Lacroix, A. Lcscheu, C. L. Meyer, ami R. Schntnlmrak have kindly consented to act us a Committee to superintend the Lemons. Director-Mr. A. Lescukn. Terms per Quarter, Ilia, til Hours for Lessons —Tuesdays ut 4.30 ii.m., and Saturdays at 10 a.m. The Instruction will be carried on in Knyliflh. Applications will he received by Musbrs. Uerke and Rodemann, Urndle-street. TH. N1EIIUUS. Hon. Sec Adelaide Juneai, 1S03. ? I7Uin*tiS)l S~DaTlY GOVERNESS in a Family or 8chool-an Ei'.GAGEMKNr r^uired. AL. Post-QIUce. Aileliti.le. ? ™'i*Lml_ WANTED, as RESIDENT or DAILY (JOVEUNESS. a Lady (uiiddle-aKed preferred) nith a thorough knowledge of inusic. J'lio pupils consist of four girlu from six to fourtwa years of see. Address, &tatin» terms, tic, to Q, ottice of this paper. l«Cc PEOFESSlbsTAL^ DR. BUTLER has REMOVED to liis Niiw Hcsidi-ncc. opposite the Driatol Tavi-rn, FKANKLIN-8TREBT. The Kntmnce to the Surgery is on the cist side of the House. Franklin-street, June 3'l, 18;9. ? 1«2 'fi MR. FREDhRlO ELLARU inroniin h-B Pupils that lie will RKsJUMK LK-»HOyS on Weilnwdav, July 7.___ ? jix_ VIOLIN CLASSES.— TLe Mext Quarter betins on Thursdny next, Hotel Europe, Orenfell-strect. Terms-One Ouinen iwr Qaartcr; ? ax / ^ R A N V I L L E S. P iil~C E, \~T I'KMFJ'SSIONAL ACCOfJNTANT, LICENHKD LAND AND ViHAUK UI'.UKER, ' 10, KlNO WlLLIAMSTBEKT, ADF.LAIDK. ? 172incv TAMES O U M M i'n'(T ?J AKCHITECT, AtrBED-CUAMUEIlS. 10. OUUB1E-8TR2ET: - - ? 1H127J

? MONEY. ? DANE * CO.^ Governinent STOCK and SIIAiiK BUOILKKS, G7, Colliiiiwln-et west. Mellwiinic. ? ? WrlK nrnviT^TJriousAND imjunds to X LEND, on fnU-doSi Security, in small Sums, at from 71 ytr '-'t. IQjc U. MUMME& CO., Caylcr-placc. MO.NKY LENT O.V Mf-RT«IA!5K. LOANS NEGO T I A T E D GUEK.V At WADH.V-l. lev Tfodnnsfe '/«;)il n-\ -.?-. !{i'_'-'V:lii in- -?-?(?( VfO-!E'i TO LliND ou Firs!-cla*i L»A Security. Apply to F. S. C. Drittie!d, Secretary Adelaide Marino and Fire Assurance Com* pany. Grenfell-rtreet. ? ltonwfcv MOJNJSY TO LUX I). Property brought under the Real Property Act Mortgages, Lease*, and Tmmlaa drawn. w; M. Lirrr-'UJfOKD, licensed Land Broker, Watcrhotuc-BuildinstB , ? 24fk:v \f O-NEY TO LEND.du Personal or I'i- other Securitiei*. from £5 and up«raidd, at moderate interest, at the IjOhii Office, Hindleystreet west, opposite Bimnu dc Chapman's Breyery. : ? 55mwrfc MONEY TO LEND on Freehold or other Securities, loan* Negotiated. J. M. LOCK. Licensed Land Brnkor, Hlmwfc Ureghaai-ChamberB, Adelaide. \TONEY TO LEND on FreelToid i*i- tfcctinty, whether under Real Property or other wise, at lowest ra ten. AUDRKWS ft BOrWIS, IQOcy ? -n. King WilMaiw-rtrpet. VfONEY TO LEND on freehold i»i- Security in Urcc gum» at » per cent lt-kv ? WAY ft lWiOK. VS ONKY TO. be LENT at 8 p«r Cent,, i ' J- if in moderately large :suma and Firbt class Securities. ? ? ? .. ??? ' G. W. COTTON. Lkensed Land Broker, King WlllianvBtTeet ? ? ?? ? 8-1cv MONEY TO LEND ou- Mortgage at moderate rates. Mortpu/e*. Trannferfl, Leases, and Application! prepared under the Real Property Act GEO.BAYMTON&Oa. 128mws122v ,Waterhouse-» Boildrngg. IVyTONllY' TO L^ND on 'Mortgage. 1V1 .:'. ' CWACHTMANK. . . 142mh«f : ' ? ' W, Rcsijtcr-Ubambne.

LAND AUCTION KOTICES. UKEEN & VVADHAM'b UEXT MONTHLY LAND AUCTION SALE will bo held in the LAND MART ON FRIDAY, Cth AUGUST, 1809. Particulars of Properties intended for this auction m requested to be forwarded on or More the 22nd July. ? l.Skv ' ? PUBLIC NOTICES. QUEENSLAND TRKASURY BILLS ANDDKBENTUUKS. NOTICE i« hereby given that INTKUK3T MUnx Aw on the 1st instant on TKHASUKY 1UL1.S and UEUUNTUKES issued hy tho Uovermncnt of Queensland will be PAID nt this BANK nn presentation of the Documents by the holders thereof. W. J. CRAWFORD, Manager. Union Bank of Australia, Adelaide, ? July 1, 18ta ? I83'6 NOTICE TO DEBTORS IN TUE ASSIGNED KSTATK OF WILLIAM 1JNE?, Huilder.-AII AUOOUNTS DUE to this Mate H'ill be received by Messrs. KiNimoHOium and Chapman. AdvertiBer-Buildingu. King Williatn-Btreet, whoso receipt will be sutllcient discharge. An immediate eettldmentof the sauio is particularly requested.W. W. 0. OAKTEK, \rtni,uPH lGda ? ClIAS. FARlt. i lnnlMl1 ALL PERSONS havimTmTy CLAIMS npuinHt WILLIAM MAUTIN, formerly of liellavistu Yiucynrd, (ioodwood Puik, nml now of tho liuck's Head, jfortli-tcrroce, arc ri'tiiientuil to forward particulars of same to thu (llohu Inn, (Sawlcr; and nil Persons Inilcbted U the Raid William Mm tin are reimcstcd to Puy their Accounts at the name plnco within 11 ilnyu, HK11UEUT HKAS. ) KDWAttD MAUriKj Trustees. UtU. MARTIN, J _Juuo ?H, ISGll ? 175'8Sy__ TN RE tho ASSIGNED~KSTATb' of X UOIIKIU' ELL1.4 an.l JAMlvS C1UTTLKHOllUUGH.uf Adulaido. lioiifoii:nlur«. -NOTUJK is hereby tiivuu that the TICU.STKI-.S of tho nbuvo K6tatii iiuve this day HI, Kit in the Court of Insolvency an ACCOUNT of the wii.l KSTATK n« requireil by Section 1K7 of tho limolvcnt Act, \Htt)\ nnd that it is proponed to DLUIAUti a FllLST DIVIDEND of Four Sliillinus and Si\|ii-m-o iu thu l'oitul, payable at our (illicit. 71, Knu WilliamBtreut, Adelaide, on nnd uftcr the l»vi-ty-tlrnl ilay of July, lbCi). liy order of llio TniKtet's, T. E. BURY iV C«»., Accountants. Dated this £Si.h day of June, KSliD. lKlfint) OTICET-^AirPAitTl ES iNT/BUTED to tho KSTATB nf II. W. HUIK it u-t-maker, Kin? Willinui street, nr j nu|iieHted to l'»y tlienmoutit due forthwith to Mr. .lonl ltolicriH, 71, Kin« William-street, who is authorised to receive the same. By order of the Trimteo, 17Dmwf!K) TIIOMAH JOUN8ON.

VIOT1OE. — Wo tho unaerHigiioU, L- TRUHTKEMlnthoKSTATliof It. MIM.LICU, f Eden Valley, bavin* F1LKI) a SCilKDl/I.Kof ho H.iid Estnto at tho (Hlku of Ilia Olliciul UMiynee, in aecordaiico with thu liuolvonny Act, lo hcruliy civc notice that a FlliHl1 and FINAL )1V1!H;NI) of Fivk Ktiii.i.iMds and l\\nIII Nt; in tho Pound will liu 1'nyub'e nt the O(li--o 1 Mis-jib. U. & R. Wills 6i (Jo. on or lifter tliu ildtli ntUtlt. L. BKVILA^UA, jlrH8tccsAdelaide. July 3. 18til». ? IHlV'H _ j^ L A £ OU L T U ft B. — PutHoim L nci^unintrd with this nihject aro iuvitcil 1 1 oniinunica'.u their inf'irination hy lultur, uddrumiud o thu (Jliaiuliur of Manufactures, on or buforj L'uegilay, July (I. 17ti'7.St,tl,s.lilvfvl ft. V. PIZKY. Hon. Hue. NlTTf u'n*d¥e F 'rTTOlTuH RKW/VIID.- STOLEN frm. my Padilncko. Hiirphctt Vuli1. on Tuesday niulit, .funo 22, or iVcdimsilny nioriiJiiK, Ei«lit l'at UUIjlAJl'Krt, irumlud H on near lump, ulit in ntnr car. Flvu 'ouml.s a head will liu niven ou recovery of thu lame, and jLIOJ uiiou the conviction of the thief vitliin thu period of two vcarH. A. BTiaVART. Morphott Vain. July 1. ISO!). lHtiHJ ILL1AM WI LLI AMH^l^nvunl AililiL'tH to U. F. ISekhur, Cliamlior of Jommcrce, Uccloui;. 1SJ iHruililIU COMPANIES i ANp_S0CIETIE3. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN UAS COMPANY. Tho ANNUAL UENKKAL MEETING of SHAUEIIpLUERB in this Compnny will be held at the OlIiceB of the Company, Uraifell-strcot, Adelaide, nn Monday, the i2ilth day of July, IHiKi, at. half-past 2 o'clock p.m.. for thu tranmtutinn of the follovrinpr btminesH :— To receive the Runurnl stnteuient end li:ilancc-Hbei!t hhoHritiK tho Ktatu of iifl'.iirs of thu Ciimpany on tlic ,'llith dny of June, 1SI9; ti) fix thu imiount nf ri'iiiutiurution to thu Directors and Auditors lor lliu pust vonr; toulcut three Directors in thu room of thu lion, William Alilnc, Ncvillu Hlyth, Khij., niul ( itort/o Main, IC«-|,, the retiring IliructorH (who nru diuible for roeloction, ami oll'ur thuniHulvej) ucconiiiiKl)'); to ulect two Auditors for the ensuinft year. The lit-o!{g of TranHfcr will Ik) Closed from tho 10th to 2'it!i of July inclUMive. JOHN PAXTON, Rccretary. Grcnf ell street, Adelaide, July 2, 1W]|). ? lS4.2U.'irlM;iinr2W),:-.7 COUTH A UST11ALIA N O AH 0 COMPANY. NOTICE.— Any riharulmldcr duly (|UaliIluil by holiliiiK Kifty HharcH in the Company, nnd ln-tending to bu a CANDIDATE for the (-lt|co of plllE'JTOll at tliu ciiftuim- K!ectinn on lliu 2l|lh instant, must civc mo itoticu iu writing by 9 o'clock p.m. on Monday, thu 12t)i instant, of IiIh itilciitlmj to offer hlmsulf, utid of his williiu.'iiuss to aut If eluded. JOHN PAXTON, Hccrutury, Ctenfell'Strect, Adulaido, July 2, W\), vjriuwW NOTICE. —Agreoftbly to ArtiuliM of Association, tlio FIIWT HALF-YKARLY MEETlNOof theSUAREIIULDKKH in tho ADICLAIDE M1SAT-PKE.SERVLNO CUMl'ANY will bo held nt tho Ofllco of tho Company. itc«intcrClianiburs, ou Monday, the 5th day of Julf, W/J, oj, 2 p.m., at which persona interested in Nuu\' Preserving are invited to attend. By Older, O. J. COATE3, Bcctetarv. July 1. 18 K). JKJ-'d oiiricu ltur al a¥d T'Loiir. CULTURAL HflClETY. 8ulificril-cr» nru respectfully intoniied that llio ANNUAf, (iEMEKAli MKETINO will taku pluco at thu Norfolk Arms on Tuesday next, Gth Jufy, at :t p.m. By order of the Committpp. 1S3J17 ? W JIUCKBTTJIwi. Hec. ADELAIDE llu N T^c'lu'iI^A 1\ MEET fSTO will take place on Tucwlay, O'.U instant, at 7 p.m., nt tin- (Jlobo Hotel. All Members art* rcMiieste'l to uttciul. 1W'7 JOHN CHRl.STUPJiEl^ Hon. Hec. ? DI3TEICT COUNCILS. PORTLAND ESTATE DISTRICT i- COUNCIL.-N(mC'E is hereby Klvcn tlmt the ANNUAL (JENERA1, MISETINO (J RATKPAYERS, to pass l!u!ance-Shcct far )-a&t year, pud for other purposes will \-3 hold r,t tliu Council Room on Monday, July 12, JSU'J, at t- o'clock iu the liveuuiK. Uy order, W9t T. J. KLVO, Clerk. ? ^BOARjOAN^LfJDOIlIO; ? WANTED, TwnorThn-o CHILDREN to 1JUAKD and ICDUfJATE. Thou deprived of MaUiruul cure will find thl« un cxuilUnt opmirtutiity. (iond rtfcruiiceH. 'I'triuK mod era t«. Audreii A.B., otlicu of this paper. IGiiu LOST AND POUND. ? ONE POUND RKWAltD—LOBT, from Walkervillc, one Black MACK, brandud H— near vliouldcr; (-ne Clietnut MAKE, branded C with -- over near shoulder, H with B under nil shoulder. The above reward for information that will leftl to their recovery. 184-7 A. J. PAO&Ell. Butcher, Walkervillo. 'Employment wanted. WANTED, by a young Lady, n SITUATION as (JOV1SUNK88, who in competent to impart a thorouRh EiikHmIi Education. Reference given. Addieu A., llindmnnh. lUj' U PERSONS WANTED, WANTED, a PARTNER, with from i2,000 to iM.O'J'J, to joiu an old-e»tabH«lie-l Business. Principal* only treated with. Apply to !5*?elto X.Y/1.LAft/iWtrOIBee. IHio W' ANTED, an ENGLISHTEACHER, Competent to teach Dancing Addrcw H., PoBt-Offiee. Uawlcr. ? , W7 . WANTED, ft COOK. Apply to Mm. Henry Kcott. Mount Lofty, or 7R Kimr. \Villiam-gtrcct. ? ^l'6 TIT ANTED, a COOK. Apply to Mr*. V t Milton, Oovernment Offlccii. ? x_ \\7' ANTED, a Married Coaple, a Htrong VV Hoy, nnd (lenorol Servant!. Btova'p Labour Offlce.JSg, Hindley-street. ? _^ WANTED, Mftrripd Couples, Ploughmen, &c; aUn, Female Ooou. Oenenl Servants, and Nuno Uirk Apply at Morcom's Labour Mart. ? ??; X W' 'ANTED, a' good MAN COOK. Apply at the Eagle Tavern, at ljt o'clock, on the 5th Inttant. ? .'; ' x BboKBINDINGrin every Stylo : at tha 'i'- : 1 REGISTER, OB8ERVKB, and BVXMIHCr