South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 8 December 1868, page 5


The LATE MR. F. H. FAULDING.—Our obituary notice contains the name of an old and respected colonist, F. H. Faulding, who died on Thursday, November 19, at his residence, Wooton Lea, near

Glen Osmond. Mr. Faulding came from Swine fleet, near Goole, on the Ouse, in Yorkshire, where his father carried on his profession of surgeon. About 26 years ago Mr. Faulding left England for Sydney in the Nabob with the intention of making Adelaide his ultimate destination, and arrived here by the brig Dorset in May, 1842. In 1845 he commenced business as chemist and druggist on the same premises where the business is now carried on. In 1857 he and Mrs. Faulding visited England for the first time, and returned to the colony after an absence of 18 months. On the 16th December, 1861, he was returned to the City Corporation as Councillor for Hindmarsh Ward, the Municipal elections of that year being more than usually interesting and exciting on account of their being the first under the existing system. He had also been for many years a Trustee of the Savings Bank. His health, which had never been very vigorous, began to give way, and to escape from the cares of public appointments, and to recruit his strength, he, with Mrs. Faulding, revisited Europe by the overland route in 1863. They finally left England in 1866 in the Great Britain for Melbourne, and proceeded from the latter city to Adelaide, where they arrived on December 31. Soon after his return to the colony he was elected a Director of the Bank of Adelaide. His health, which had been declining for a con-siderable time previously, now gave way entirely, and latterly it was evident that he could not recover, though his mental powers remained un-impaired. Six or seven years ago he built a beautiful mansion near Glen Osmond, named by him Wooton Lea, and there he endured the painful illness the melancholy issue of which is regretted by a large circle of friends. He was attended by Dr. Moore, who latterly, however, could do little beyond alleviating pain. Mr. Faulding was a warm friend of the colony, and to the last day of his life continued to manifest an interest in all that concerned its advancement. He was a consistent and liberal member of the Wesleyan denomination, and his long and useful career in this colony has been marked by number-less acts of private benevolence. The funeral of the deceased gentleman took place on Saturday afternoon, November 21. The greater portion of the service was performed at Wooton Lea by the Revs. S. Knight and W. L. Binks, in the presence of the relatives and intimate friends. The cortege, started at 4 o'clock, and proceeded along the Glen Osmond-road, by way of Hanson-street and Wake-field-street, to the West-terrace Cemetery, which was not reached till half-past 5 o'clock. The hearse was followed by six mourning-coaches containing Messrs. A. Macgeorge, James Macgeorge, E. F. Macgeorge, W. J. MacGeorge, Dr. Moore, Mr. L. Scammell, Mr. J. S. Turner, Mr. E. P. Sabine, Messrs. Robert Turner, Joseph Fisher, M.P., W. Longbottom, W. M. Letchford, W. Milne, Mr. Mann, Mr. Bakewell (Crown Solicitor), A. Hay, M.P., R. B. Smith, and the Revs. J. G. Millard, W. L. Binks, S. Knight, and A. Rigg. After these came a long procession of vehicles, which were nearly 100 in number on arriving at West-terrace. At the grave the concluding portion of the service was read by the Rev. Mr. Binks, and prayer offered by the Rev. J. G. Millard, in the presence of a large concourse. Those around the grave included, we may say, members of nearly all religious denominations, besides mem-bers of Parliament and of the Ministry. There were also gentlemen who were more or less associated with the departed in the way of business, and representatives of almost every section of the community, who availed themselves of the occasion of paying respect to the memory of one who had done much to entitle him to the high esteem of his fellow colonists of all classes. Death of Mr. John Davis.-We are sorry to have to announce the death of Mr. John Davis, of Rundle-street, which took place at his residence West-Terrace. on Tuesday afternoon, November 16 in the 51st year of his age. He had been for some months time a very delicate state of health and for the last few weeks he has been unable to leave his home- Mr-Davis arrived in the colony about 20 years ago, and soon after established him self as a watchmaker and jeweller, in which business he remained and prospered. He took considerable interest in the agitation for reform before the Constitution Act was passed, and assisted at several meetings on the subject. Since then he has occasionally taken a part in Municipal and other matters ; but has never occupied himself prominent with public affairs. As a citizen Mr Davis has always borne the highest character for uprightness, integrity, and benevolence His generous behaviour to Mr. Vial after the attempt on the life of the Duke of Edinburgh in Sydney will be remembered, and many other acts of liberality marked his career. He leaves a wife, son, and daughter to mourn their loss. The re mains of the deceased were interred at the West-terrace Cemetery on Thursday morning November 12. The hearse was followed to the grave by seventeen mourning coaches and other vehicles., Arnongst those present, besides the son and employees of the deceased, we noticed the Rev F.W.Cox, Hon J. Hodgkiss, Messrs . A. Hay M.P., W.Sandover, M.P., W. Townsen,M.P., H. Giles, E. R. W. Grandfleid. J. K Moulden. J. Perryman, H. Stelner, T. Schlank, E' Sawtell, J. Wald, W. H. and J. M. Stacy, W. D. Allott, P. B. Carlin, J. Brown, J. Williams. H Henning, W. Shoobridge, D. Adamson. L. Murphy J; Pulsford, W. Vosz, H. Jones, D. Robin J. White, O. A. Babbage, and several others. The Rev. C. W. Evan officiated at the grave FUNKRAL OF THF. LA'fG MRS. MaH.VKE.— Our obituary announces tho death of this well known Germuu co'-?mst, after an iilness of IS months, during which she sutlVred fro-n a most painful and acute diieaso. On Tuesday (17th) her leraains were interrod in the West-terrace Ceme tery. To mark the high reject in which she was heul by all who knew her, a great many friends followed her to her last resting-place. We noticed between 4- atM 5) piivate carriages and con veyances besides i a great many who went direct to the Cemetery. Here the cortege was. r^ar^jh^it,

to tho solemn strains of Schrader's Band, whlcli created a profound impression on the minds of all assembled. The path from the rood to tuo mve was strewed with white sand and ' Mowers. The Rev. Mr. Woods read the burial service in n very eflective manner, and afterwards addressed those around htm ort he high character the deceased lady how. Ihe had been ever ready and willing to assist those who required it by sound advice; and those in need by word and deed. Gladly ghe administered to others comfort and happiness, and waa herself a true mother to those who were orphans. He spoke of how she had borne her long and psinful illnefa with a true Christian spirit and fortitude, and when at last she felt that she was beyond the hopo of recovery she knew how to die as a Christian. The address was listened to in deepest silence, every one present feeling how truo it was. Th« ? jiedertalel then sung the well-known beautiful hymn, 'Jfa ist bentimmt in Gotte* Kath,' begin, rung- It u ordaine J that we part from those raott dear to us, but not for ever part; for though wo here may part, in Heaven we meet again, and here we never part auuiu.' Amongst the frtemla ollowmg the heawe we noticed nearly all the eadinij German colonist*, besides a great many Kuglub. Thk Distkessino Fatal Accident at thk Bon Aoookd MiNt-lt will be remembared thit a short time ago we reported that the body of a ttuBhinan, whose name was unknown, had been ouud in a deserted shaft at Ko'iringo, Into which the poor fellow had apparently walked, and met with an immediate or possibly a lingering de'tth. The whole case was a sad and mysterious one. The name of tho de:caRcd hat now transpired, and the poor fellow's father, Mr. Burns, a resident of North Adelaide, has, through Bergeant-Major Sounders, com municated with the police at K-iortnga in order to have a fence placed round hin son's urave. The body when discovered was in bucIi a state a* to render Identification very difficult, if not im possible: but it appears that a pocket-knife found on the person of the then unknown, which han weu recognised by Mr. Burns as his hod's property, having been his for years, coupled with the fact that Mr. Burns had a sou in the neighbourhood at the time who has never since been heard of, leads him to feel convinced. The clothing worn has also lieen identified. Deceased, or at any rate a person named Bums, was with three others at the Hurra Hotel just before shearing time, and sent his 'swag1 on in a dray with his two matem saying that he would ? follow during that evening, flu has not sinco been seen alive, and therefore it is pmbable that ' intending to go after them he took a short cut to reach the North-road, and walked into the open shaft. We learn that tho father him been unahlo on enquiry to hear that the niatns of deceased took any steps whatever to discover his whereabout* on finding that he did not keep his engagement. Man and hih Wifk Kilujd at Baoot'h WKLL.— Ou Saturday, Nov. 24, about sundown two most distressing accident* occurred throiiRh the bolting of two hoi sea with a wagon. The owner(Mr. achultt), an old resident of Bagot's Well, who had been to Kapunda on business, was returning homo, and, when within about one and a half miles from his residence, his horses are supposed to have taken fright and after having galloped for somo distance Mr. Schulte was seen by a little boy (James llemson) apparently trying to rise up or jump out of the wogpn. The latter lie is suppoied to have done, and in doing so received such injuries as to cause his death shortly afterwards. After Mr. hchultE was thrown or had fallen out the horses still continued to gallop, and on reaching Mr. Scnultz s residence his wife, seeing them coming, ran in front to try to atop their progress, when sho was knocked down, run over, and killed almost it not instantaneously. Mrs. Schultz's father was present when she ran to try and stop the horsed, and called out to her not to do «o, but it is supposed she did not hear on account of the noise made by the wngon. Two little children are left and it is a most distressing case. It is a singular coincidence that the former husband of the same woman was killed some years ago under similar circumstances, at tho time he was driving one of the same horses that bolted on this occasion; and Mr. Hemson, who went to Mr. SchulUe'* assistance, waa or hud been in company with tho former husband when he was killed on this rood. An inquest was held on Sun* day, before Mr. H. Kelly, J.P.; Mr. Ood, ten., Foreman. After the examinntion ot three or tout witnesses, verdicts to the effect that death wm caused accidentally in each instance were returned. The bodies were then interred in the Bagot's Well Cemetery, when the Rev. M. Williams ollloiatod.