South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 16 September 1865, page 3


The annual dinner of the Old Scholars' Association was held at the Criterion Hotel on Friday evening, September 15, when about 60 persons sat down to an excellent dinner, provided by Host

Hubble. Mr. E. Cheetham, President of the Asso ciation, presided; Messrs. J. L. Young, J. H. Clark, and the Rev. T. Smellie also sitting at the head of the table; Messrs. J. H. Finlayson and E. Solomon acting as croupiers. Dinner being finished, and a plentiful dessert placed on the table, the more important business of the evening commenced. The Chairman, before proposing the first toasts, made a few remarks upon the establishment and progress of the Association. Last year, in conse-quence of many of their old scholars being absent, they were not able to have their annual dinner; but he would intimate that in the present instance the appeal of the Committee had been handsomely responded to, and they had now nearly 100 members belonging to them. He was sure it would be very gratifying to Mr. Young to see so many of his old scholars present that evening, and he would say that it was their intention to keep up the annual dinner, and also, if possible, to have a soiree between the yearly dinners, so that the ladies might be introduced amongst them, they being precluded from attending the dinners. The Chairman then gave the toasts of 'The Queen' and 'The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Royal Family,' which were enthusiastically drunk. Mr. Elias Solomon proposed 'The Health of His Excellency Sir Dominick Daly,' and remarked that it was a toast that needed very little comment, as they were all aware that since he had been re-siding in the colony he had given every attention to their requirements, and had, by his courteous and gentlemanly behaviour, won the respect and esteem of all who knew him. (Cheers.) Mr. J. H. Finlayson then gave the toast of the evening-'Success to the Adelaide Educational Institution.' He was sure by the hearty manner in which they had heard the toast proposed that nothing which he could say would be needed to recommend it to them. They would all remember the pleasant and happy days they had spent together in Mr. Young's schoolroom. None of them would have forgotten the friendly rivalry with which they had striven to outstrip each other in the various branches of learning in which they were engaged, neither would they have ceased to remember the palpitation with which they were wont to examine the lists every morning, or the anxiety which they felt when preparing for their great and final examinations. When the toast was placed in his hands he felt that he would much sooner have had the task of reporting the whole of the speeches that were to be made by the old scholars that evening than stand up before them to make a sneech himself. He thought none would deny that Mr. Young's system of education tended to draw forth that love of learning for its own sake which led them to enquire into the reason of things and develop their mental faculties. They must remember that school was not the ultimatum, but merely the commencement of those more laborious studies which they had to engage in through life. He would couple with the toast the name of Mr. Young. He was sure that the pro-gress of the Institution under his care in the past would be only an earnest of the future prosperity which awaited it. He must refer to the friendly

feeling which appeared to animate the members of the Association, and the willing manner in which the invitation of the Committee had been responded to. The influence of the school had been already felt in a very great degree. Many of those who had attended the Institution in former years were scattered abroad in different places, some occupying high and responsible positions; and, as the colony increased in age and prosperity, their influence would be felt, which would tend to the further success of the Institution. (Loud cheers.) The toast was drunk amidst enthusiastic cheering for Mr. and Mrs. Young, and 'For he's a jolly good fellow.' Song, ' Auld Lung Syne,' by the company, and a recitation by Mr. J. Partridge. Mr. J. L. Young, on rising to respond, was received with loud cheers. It gave him great pleasure to meet them on that occasion. Many years ago they had been his daily companions; but great changes had passed before them since that pleasant time. The Italians and the Poles had been engaged in determined struggles for the liberty of their country, and the great civil war in America had been raging for the suppression of the evil of slavery. The little State of Denmark, too, had been in war, and obliged to succumb to the more powerful German States. He felt a great interest in Germany, and should be glad to see all the German States one Germany. (Cheers.) He had spent some of the pleasantest periods of his life there. (Cheers.) But amidst all those disturbances abroad they in that colony had been preserved in peace and mercifully kept from experiencing the horrors of war, and he believed their immunity from those evils which reigned in other countries to be attributable to their strong religious principles and love of

liberty. He was glad to see that the class dis-tinctions which obtained in older communities had not yet been introduced here: and in the words of President Johnson, he hoped that the only aristocracy established here would be the aristocracy of talent, virtue of character, and honest industry. And that their country would become great none could doubt, as the fruitfulness of its soil, its various wealthy resources, and the perseverance and industry of its people would in time contribute to grand results. But they must endeavour to do what was right in their Government, their Legislature, and the various other things which were in operation for the well-being of the colony, and remember that they had a higher law to obey than any earthly law. It would depend upon the young, the manner in which they were educated, how the future government of the country would in a great measure be carried out, for many of those present would no doubt have a hand in the government of the colony and rise to honourable positions at some period of the colony's history. He would remind them that the success of the present school depended very much upon their example. He felt indebted to them for the proud position he then occupied, and he should feel it to be his greatest glory to know that the members of his school had risen to be honest, intelligent, and noble-minded men. (Loud cheers.) Song, by Mr. W. H. Peryman— 'Sally in our Alley/' Mr. A. K. Whitby's name was on the pro-gramme to propose the next toast, but that gentleman resigned his position in favour of the oldest scholar of the Institution, Mr. Caleb Peacock, who proposed 'The Masters.' He remarked that if they showed any gratitude after leaving school it should be in re-verencing those who had had a hand in fitting them for the duties of life. He was sure that they felt extremely grateful to Mr. Young for having pointed out to them the right way, and given them that instruction which enabled them to keep in a proper course. (Cheers.) Many had entered the school since he had left, and new masters had gone into the Institution to take part in its duties ; but though he was not so well acquainted with them, as regarded their old master he had known him from the time the school was first opened, when he was the first scholar. One thing he regretted was the absence of Mr. Bennett, whose bashfuluess, he supposed, was the cause of his non-attendance - (laughter)— but he had been connected with the school fora great many years, and had done a vast amount of good. By the teachers which Mr. Young had engaged in his Institution he thought it would be seen that the very highest talent that could be obtained was engaged. Mr. Young had done his best, he believed, in giving them a good com-mercial education, which he considered a most desirable thing, and he had also proficient teachers in the modem languages— a knowledge of which in the colony, he thought, was very essential, especially French and German. He had much pleasure proposing ' Tne Health and Prosperity of the Masters

Song Mr. J. HALL. The Rev. T. Smellie was called upon to respond to the last toast. He regretted the absence of Mr Bennett who would have been the best one to have responded, the long time he had been in the school rendering him familiar with most of them. He, however, had much pleasure in being there that evening as he was more intimately acquainted with a few of the younger members of the Association than with others. He felt a deep interest in the welfare of those who had received their training !n that school, and should look forward to the future of those who went forth from that Institution. They could feel that upon their conduct in life depended in a very great degree the future prosperity and success of the school: and he was sure that the teachers felt it to be their greatest reward to see those who had been under their care go forth with a good education and engage successfully in the battle of life. (Loud applause.) The health of Mr. Bennett, though absent, was then proposed by the Chairman and cordially received. Music by the Band. Mr. H. Von Schleinitz, Professor of German, thanked them for the cordial way in which the toast of The Masters' had been received, and remarked that it was a source of pleasure to him his connection with Mr. Young's school, that he had accepted the kind invitation of the Committee to be present, and as he then stood before them it was the proudest moment of his life. (Cheers and laughter.) Mons. Marvall, the French Professor, and Mr. W. Shakspeare also, in a few appropriate and well-cbosen remarks, responded to the toast. Mr. C W. Babbage gave 'The Army, Navy, and Volunteers.' It was not a toast intimately connected with the Old Scholars' Association, though several of them were connected with the volunteer force. It was needless to say any-thing about the army and navy; their deeds were too well known to require comment upon from him. With regard to the volunteers, he would say that as a useful and valuable body of men he did not think they had been properly treated by Government, and that if they were to be encouraged at all it should be done at once. He then referred to the achievements of the Polish volunteers in defence of their country, and also to Garibaldi and his brave little band of patriots, who could not rest till their beloved Italy was free; and he did not see any reason why our volunteers, if required, should not fight as well as those he had mentioned in defence of their hearths and homes (Cheers.) Song, 'The Red, White, and Blue,' by Mr. A. Chapman, who on being encored gave "The Oyster Girl" Mr. J. H. Clark, in responding to the last toast, remarked that in the absence of any one more suitable to respond for the army and navy, he should have to do so. With regard to the volunteers, he had been a member of the force for several years, and he quite agreed with the re-marks of the proposer of the toast as to the small amount of support which they had received from the government, and it was only right that they should have more encouragement than they had had given them. They had a first-rate company the one of which he was a member, and to any one desirous of enlisting there was a chance for them to join. (Loud applause.) Recitation, Tennyson's 'Charge of the Light Brigade.' by Mr. J. F. Conigrave. Mr. F. Platts, in a brief but appropriate speech, gave The Ladies,' which was responded to with equal brevity by Mr. W. H. Peryman on behalf of the single and Mr. J. Partridge on behalf of the married ladies. Song, Mr. A. Chapman, which was encored. Mr. G. Dodgson proposed 'The Land we Live in," referring in eulogistic terms to the numerous evidences of substantial prosperity given by the colonies, and to the fact that native manufactures in lead and iron had to a great extent superseded the imported articles. Drunk with cheers. Song, 'Australia'-Mr. F. Platts. Mr. J. Partridge responded in a neat speech, in which he spoke of the capabilities of the colony in the production of wine, and its possession of what were true elements of greatness. Recitation, Mr. F. Hack— 'American Forensic Eloquence.' Mr. B. Solomon gave the toast of ' Our Absent Friends.' He alluded to the manner in which the old scholars had been dispersed, and expressed his conviction that such as were absent mutually with those who were present regretted that they were not able to join in that convivial gathering. Song, Mr. Elias Solomon— ' Long parted have we been,' which was encored, and was replaced by "Lather and Shave 'em."' Mr. J. F. Conigrave gave "'The Friends of the Institution."' The number of those embraced within the toast was very great, for not only did it include all the old scholars, every one of whom he was sure felt a deep interest in the school, but also their parents and each individual in the country, who were concerned in the advancement of the cause of education. (Cheers.) He would specially mention Mr. J. H. Clark, their guest, who had evidenced his interest in the Institute on every fitting occasion during the entire period of its existence, and especially in his half-yearly pre-sentation of a prize for the best anonymous theme written upon a given subject. The toast was drunk with enthusiastic cheering, and was followed by music by the Band. Mr. J. H. Clark responded in a telling speech, which was received with immense applause, ex-pressing the pleasure which it had afforded him to have been associated with the Institution during the past 13 years, and his hope that that connection would endure for for more than 13 additional years. He was certainly disposed to think with the gentleman who had responded to the toast of the evening, that the future of this colony depended very much on its 'young ' (Cheers)

Recitation, Mr. W. S. Samson— 'The Confession." Mr. T. Linklater, in a few well-chosen words, proposed 'Our Next Merry Meeting,' which was duly honoured. Song-Mr. W. Bickford. Mr. H. Bickford gave 'The Chairman' in very complimentary terms, which having been responded to, ' The Croupiers' was given by Mr. P.Santo, and acknowledged by Mr. J. H. Finlayson. A long list of excellent songs were then given, the chief performers being Messrs. Peryman, Platts, and Chapman. Mr. Vosz was very urgently pressed to give a German song, but he persistently declined, on the ground of inability. Mr J. H. Clark gave ' The Health of the Committee,' to which Mr. A. K. Whitby suitably responded. The health of Mr. Oliver Young, the Press, the Host and Hostess, and Mr. W. Shakspeare, who had superintended the musical arrangements, and had ably presided at the pianoferte during the evening; a recitation by Mr. G. Parsons -' The Tobacco-stopper,' auo. other songs, brought to a close the proceedings of an exceedingly successful reunion.