South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 16 March 1866, page 2


ARRIVED. Thuhsdat.^Makcji 15.

ALEXANDRA, South Australian mail steamer, 456 tons, J. W. Brown, master, from King George's Sound. Anthony and Bartleet, Fort; U

Messrs. W. Marchant, W. H. Flood, Rommel, W. and J. Bowman, Captain and Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Isaacs and sister. Mrs. Leader, Mrs. Smith, Messrs. Pollock. Spencer, and Lewis (mail agent), iu the cabin; and four in the steerage. CYULUMS, ship. 3)- ions, Alex. Bruce, master, Iroru Port Angelos. Puiiec Sound, December A', Poyal Roads December ifi. W. Youngliusbmd, Jun.. and Co., agents. Passengers- Messrs. E. H. alack and \V. J. Fawcett, iu the cabin; and three in the steerage. I Per Maimetic Tclezraph.] AYR, barque. 287 tons, 'Hugh McEwen, master, from Auckland February iii. VV. l*bi»ber, Tu»n; J. S. Scott, Port, agents. Passengers- Mr. W. Jfesbitt. m the cabin; Messrs. W. Walsh, A. JlcDonald, J. McAthive. W. Mo.T ?rues, W. and A. Meigban and three children, m the steerage.

rr.iu.ll, klaiu.ii i:-. COORONU. steamer, :iul tons, W. McLean, master, from Melbourne March 13, via Port Fairy 14th. J. Formby. Port ; J. D.irwent, Town, agents. Passengers-Mr and Mrs. A. Maoreorge, IVtrs. Frodsham anil family (i), Mrs. Giliiain, -Mrs. Knight, Miss Ferris, Miss* Cabbage, Messrs. -;. 1$. Fisher, Jas. Ward, J. Johnston, A.J. s-olotuou, J. S. Solomon, Thos. Uuy. WneelJun, McLeod, Sparkman, TasselL D. Xestiell, Bookless, Masters, Spencer, and Boyle, in the cabin; and 18 in the steerage. ARRIVED COASTW ISE. Thursday, .makcii 15. FLINDERS, Government schooner, J. Melville, master, from the outports. ENTERED~OUTWArdR Tkuiwdat, Makcii 15. ALEXANDRA, steamer. i-S tnns, J. \V. iJrown. master, for Melbourne and jtydney. U. A. and H. Bdrtleet, Town ; Anthony and Bsrrlett, Port, agents.

CLEAUti) iiur. Thursday, Makch 15. KOBINOUU, banme, 2S0 tons, Joseph Creer, master, for Auckland. N« passengers. CLEAR KU OUT C'n.VSTWISE. Thcr-sdav, Makch 1.'. SARAH, cutter. 15 tons, U. McKay, ma-ster, for Port Wakefield. PROJFCrED DEPARTURES. LONDON— Alwynton, Uosforth. and Harwich, early CALCUTTA-Salamanca, early. MELBOURNE— Coorong. March 17 ; Alexandra, March 17: Japan, early. SYDNEY-E. K. bateson. early. NEW ZEALAS D-Sile. Kohiuoor, early. SAILED. Mar. 15-ADOLPH, hrii, for Sydney. 15-SARxVH, cutter, for Pott Wakefield. IMPORTS. CYCLONE, from Pu-et Sound-SI,122 feet pbned lumber, 312.506' feet rnunh luml-or, 12 spais on deck, W. Younuhustuml, Jun., and Co. AYR. from Auckland- 1W tons potatoes. 112.00»3 feet savra timber, Isbister. EXPORTS. KUHIN00R, for Auckland-323 tons flour, 5 tons hay, lease beer, 1 piano, 1 sew inn-machine, O. von der Heyde and Co.; !♦ tons bark. Beau Brothers; 40 cases jams, J. S. Sanders and Co.; 44 do. do., J. M. Linklater; 15 skeleton eases, 120 pkgs. iron bedsteaib, 5 cases chairs, 3 cases, B. Amsberg and Co.

MISCELLANEOUS. The Ctclont; from Puyet Sound, with a cargo of lumber, arrived on Thursday morning, and was boarded by a pilot from the Young St. UeorKe when far below Ulenelg. In exterior appearance Bhe looks rather weather-beaten, fer she has suffered some rough usase since leaving Koyal Hoads on December 2S, having encountere-l very severe gales, in which sails were split and bulwarks atove; hut despite of all contrary circumstances, she has arrived after a fair passage. Captain Bruce, the master, who was well known in these waters while in charue of tha Westburn, has returned to meet his friends after a long absence. Captain MeEwan, of the Ayr, from Auckland, reports the death at sea of Mr. John Kirk wood, a cabin passenger, who was in delicate health on embarkation. The Atalatta, for Adelaide, has been supplied with an anchor and chain from Kamsgate iu lieu of others lost— Hume itoiM. Omitted from manifest oE Royal Diadkm-5 §k|js., 3 cases. Edler Brothers; Utjl cases, 3 hhds., D casks, J. O. Wikox. PORT ELLIOT SHIPPING. »AILKI). March 11— Io, sch'xmer. Landlord, master, for Port Fairy. In ballast.

KING GEORGE'S SOUND SHIPPING. Arrived. February 10— White Eagle, Ellis, master, from Adelaide. February 11— CEW.r.n W.ismsGTW. Am«rinn ship, l.SW tous, Hames, ui Liter, from liiikunhead. February 12— Eaolf, American whale ship. Febiuarv 21— ai.w, banme, Martin, master, from Melbourne. March 1, ti)a.iu.— Smth Aintrali in mail steamer ALEXVXDitA, Cip^ain Brown, fr.mi Adelaide. Passengers— Messrs. ilretieliley. Cussins Marchant, Cole, VV. H. Flooil, Lewis (mad agent), and Master Samson, in the cabin. Same Day. 1 p.m.-P. & o. steamship Combat, Captain Burne, from Sydney, via Melbourne, with mails and passengers from i Jallc. Captain Gosse, K.N.. naval acent. March II. &O steamship Madras. Captain Faiimhar, from Point de Galle February 24. Captain Kiiig, ii tval agent. Passengers -For Adelaide: Captain and Mrs. Hall, and Mrs. Smith. For Melbourne: Mr. and Mrs. Hl.iseh, .Miss Sliarlan-l, Messrs. McEwin, Lewis, Mnnu'on, Uowes, Levin, Ashworth, Leveson, Cavanna^h, Boyce, and Hunter. For Sydney : Mr. and Mrs. liee'e, Mr. and Mrs. Wai them. Mr. and Mrs. liulboiruw, Messrs. Johnson, J. W. Johnson, Buckoldby, EckonL and John, James, an 1 Miss Strath. March S -Mary Smith, brig, from Adelaide. Sailed. February 17 -White Eagle, ship, for Swan River. February 2)1 -Eagle, whaling ship, for a cruise. February 25-V'ekulam. Angel, master, for London. February 2-i— Stag, hi rime, for Bombay. March 2, 10 a.m.-P. \ O. steamer Bombay, Captain Burne, with mails and px-sengers fur Point de Galle. Captain Gosst', K.N., naval agent. March 11, 6.30 xm.— South Australian mail steamer Alexandra, Captain J. W. Brown, for Adelaide. {See Port Ade:aide shipping.) MlSCELLANKOtTS. The South Australian contract mail steamer Alexandra started from the Semaphore Station at 9.40 on Sunday. February 25; passed Cape Eorda at 8 p.m. ; from thence, for the first two days, the wind was variable ami very light from the eastward, with perfectly smooth sea; but on Tuesday nidit a southerly win-l spruna up, shortly after followed by heavy beam sea. On Wednesday wind veered to the eastward, causing confused wiling sea. At 1 xm. of the 2tith a brig, name nnknown, bound exstwatd, came into such close proximity In the Alexandra that it was fortunate a collision did not take place. As usual with many of these ousting vessels, the brig did not exhibit any light, and it is to be hoped in matters such as the alwve the proper authorities will inflict the full penalty allowed by law to guarl auainst the loss of life and property which might arise through the wilful neglect of the masters of such vessels. In Melbourne a short time ago a captain of a very small coaster was lined in the limited penalty of £7 ami coats for neglecting to have the proper lights on board his vessel at the time of sailing; and it will be remembered that a schooner was almost sunk by the steamer Rangatira some time back, owing to the former not showing the usual lights. This subject requires immediate attention and prompt measures. The Alexandra made the run to King (lenrsre's Smiml in 'Mi hours, ilnrinir th»% I.ittpr nnrt

of it light easterly weather generally prevailing. The P. and O. steamer Bombay left Hobson's Bay at the usual time, and made a rapid passage to the Sound of 121) hours. The distance is calculated as being 1.340 miles, although the guidebooks issued by the P. and O. Company put it down much less. The Bombay was coaled with great expedition, receiving her full complement in about 14 hours, viz., 300 tons. The barque Star, with horses for Bombay, encountered very severe weather on the passage to the Sound; and during the gale lost 17 horses. The passage of the White Eagle, from Adelaide to the Sound, was accomplished in nine days ; she had on board *2,700 sheep belonging to Messrs. Marchant and Rommel. These were landed with great expedition and success, with the exception of 20, which perished through carelessness «f some of the parties employed The White Eagle sailed from the Sound on Feb-nary 17, having only been detained seven day?. When in charge of the Pilot she got ashore in coming ihrouehthe channel to the inner harbour. But was keilged off the next tide without having suffered any danger. Mr. Ueorjje Marchant reports that the country over which he has driven his sheep contain* very little of the poison plant, and what little there is ran easily be avoided with care. We regiet to state that Mr. Knmrael, while engaged in landing the Bheep, was suddenly taken seriously ill, through over-exertion and excitement. He returns per Alexandra. The passage of the Alexandra from the Sound to Glenelg, was accomplished in the short space of 91 hours. This steamet is now noted for the speediness of her passages ami pener il comfort. The P. andu. Company intend putting two new vessels, viz, Geeloxg and Avoc.v, on the Australian hoe.

BlUTISTI SHIPPING. Arrival fhom South adsthaua. December 21-- A lex akdk-u lied with, master. Departures f. -r Soum A ustralia, January l-CHEVior, Henderson, mister. 500 tons, from Gravesend; Atalanta, Ballinghall, master, ttJO rOna from Gravesen'l. January 5-Coi sair, Kees, master, 449 tons, from Liverpool. January 13 -Summer lee, Hughes, master, S33 tons, from (Jnyeseml. January 5 -Edinburgh, Watt, master, COStons, from Gravesend. Vessels Loading for Adelatde. ?Corrected up to January 24.) AT LOSUOX.-Earl of Southexk. Connor: Percy Doujdas, Hamon; I'resswell. Aitcheron; Jessica, Williams; Akhymist, Ahier; Octarb, Bristow; Beatrice. 3Iarkham. AT Liverpool. — Peerless, Flavin; Rimac, Thompson. Vessels Spokex with. Birmingham, from Liverpool 65 days, 32' a., 25° W. ; Hebe. Swedish barque, from Gene October 23,3T3(/S., 10'49'E.

ve3sels expected. From London. B VNDA. Morris, master, sailed November 15. BENVENUE. Re »y, master, sailed November IS. CHEVIOT, Henderson, master, sailed Jan. 1. CIT7 OF BA.NGOB, Menzies, master, sailed December 15. CONQUEROR, Noel, master, sailed Dec 7. CRUSdWELL, Aitcheson, master, leading Dec 26. EA.EL OF SOUTEESK, Connor, master, loading Decembers!. BDDrBUBGH, Watt, master, sailed Jan. 15. JJfcSSIUA, W&iains, master, leading Dec, 20,

PERCY DOUGLAS, Hamon. master, loading December 26. , .. , T 1O SUMMEKLEE, Hughes, master, sailed Jan. 13. - From Pltmodth. A.TALANTA, sailed with Government emiRrants TREVELYAN, Gooch, master, sailed with 4» Government emigrants (m place of the AmoorX Dec 15. ? From Liverpool. CORSAIR Kees, master, sailed Jan. o. PEERLESS, Flavin, master, to sail witn 340 emigrants; loa. ling Decera her 2t5. KIMAC, Thompson, master, loading Dec. J). From Glasgow. MURRAY, Johnstone. From Koochow. PRO3PERO, via Sydney, left Sydney February 2/. From Newcastle. ALEXANDRA, brigantine. sailed teb. 2b. CASS1N A, harque. sailed Feb. 28. KALCOX. H.M.54.. Captain Parkin.