South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 29 August 1866, page 4


New Mail Service between Mauritius aud Galle.— From advices received by the English mail we learn that improved communication be tween Port Louis and Galle has been effected.

nncn wm materially Denent tne Australian Uolo ues. The following is an extract of a letter sept 0 a mercantile firm in this city:— 'Port Louis, Mauritius, July 4. Our Government has entered nto a contract with the Union Steamship Com -any, for which we (BlythJ Brotliers & Co.) are igents, for a monthly mail service to and from xalle, which is to commence from this side this reek, by the (departure of the steamship Natal Che time-table has been arranged as under :De -arture from this port, 6th instant; arrival at ialle, 17th; departure from Galle, 21st and 22nd; irrival at this port, 1st and 2nd of everylmonih. L'his service will be connected with the already ixisting hue to the Cape of Good Hope, and will ilace that colony and this in much more direct :ornmunication than at present with the Aus ralian Colonies, India, and China. The mail for ;he Australian Colonies will go forward from ialle by the P. & O. steamer on the 21st of every nonth, and wi'l be due at Adelaide on the 10th and Hth; at Melbourne, on the 10th and 11th; and at Sydnev, on the 13th and 14th; say at the last named pott within o9days of the dispatch from shis side; whilst by the previous circuitous route ria Aden the mails could not reach in less than ;\vo months. Letters from the Australian Colo nies by the P. & O. mail steamer should reach Galle in ample time to come on by U. S. Com pany's steamer leaving that port on the 21st of every month.' ilAUKIAGE OF THE GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTErtS.— On Thursday, August 9, the two daughters of His Excellency and Lady Daly were married at Trinity Church— the elder to Mr. John Souttar, and the rowiger to Mr. H. H. Turton, the double ceremony being performed by the Very lter. Dean Parrell. The bridal party consisted almost entirely of parents, relatives, and near friends, but the church was crowded to excess. The arrangements having been so quiet and unostentatious, we refrain from my lengthened notice; but we cannot record the event without saying how universal is the feeling of regard towards the two young ladies who have thus entered upon a new stage of life. All to frhom they are known will unite with us in wishing them many years of uninterrupted happiness. The Far Nokth.— Recent accounts state very little rain has fallen north of Pekina, and the feed for some distance south of that station is very bare, eo much so a3 scarcely sufficient to subsist travelling stock. Several mobs of cattle from the Far North have reached the' settled districts; but their. condition has not improved on the way down. Mr. H. Dean has returned to Wilpena from the Barrier Ranges, and reports great scarcity of water, although the feed produced by the rains in January is still abundant in that region, lie con firms the apprehensions that were entertained as to the mortality amongst the cattle caused by the drought, having fallen in with Tery few tracks-a circumstance that may be ac cepted as conclusive evidence on that point. The following is an extract from a letter written by a gentleman competent to form an opinion on the subject on which he writes:— 'Kanyaka, August 21.— The country is looking very bad all the way up. About the Black Springs, and from there to the Burra, the country is green, but the feed is not an inch long. It is about the same from the Burra to Booboorowie. On the plains the feed is a little better, but none of the hills have lost the red tinge of summer. Canowie is far worse than I have ever seen it at this time of year. The same may be said of Bellilli and H. Hughes's run. From Rocky River to Spring Creek the feed is better than I have seen anywhere else, but even there it is not what it ought to be at this season. From Spring Creek to Beautiful Valley there is no grass, but a fair picking of wild geranium and herbs. From there every mile the country gets worse. There are miles and miles on the Mount Arden Run on which there is not a single blade of any thing green to be seen. The most of the large gum-trees in the Pichirichi Creek are dead or dying. This summer will settle the whole of them. The Willochra and Kanyaka Plains are as red as a brickfield, and dust-whirlwinds flying about in all directions. From Ragless's to Kanyaka there is no feed, the greater part of the country being quite as bare as at the end of summer. In the little hollows and crab-holes the geranium has tried to grow, but it is not two inches high. The report that was so industriously circulated in town some few days back that the Willochra was flooded and the plain covered with water is only another of the many falsehoods which have been circulated to mislead the public. The mailman tells me that Wilpena is a little better than this. Certainly, if it is not much better, the few sheep there will have to start for the Coorong again after sheariug.' Adelaide Fire asd Life Assurance Cok PANr.— The annual general meeting of the share holders of the Adelaide Fire and Life Assurance Company was held at the offices of the Company, Grenfeh-street. on Monday, August 13. Theie was not a very large attendance cf shareholder. Mr. T. Graves presided. The report of the Direc tors, which was taken as read by the meeting, commenced by stating that the affairs of the Com pany were in a very satisfactory state, notwith standing the present being the most unfavourable portion of the year. It also remarked that up to the present time a remarkably small quantity ol breadstuffs had been exported when compared with former sea«on8. With regard to the marine department the report stated the premiums re ceiv-;d in this department during the past half-yen amount to £12.333 2s. 10d., being an increase oi more than £4,000 over any previous half-j car. ant plainly show how steadily the marine business ii increasing; although the competition is still ex cessively creat, aud rates consequently much re duced. The losses also have been verv conside

table, reacmng tne sum of £t-,S.W 153 Id. ; but this amount, large as it is. is trifling when the dis astrous season is taken into consideration.' And as tqthe fire department, 'this department shows an amount of £1,3S3 lfc. Id. received for pre miums in the same time, against £745 7s. Id. re ceived during the same portion of last year; aud also exhibits a very fair increase of business, but not eo much as it might show if shareholders would take a more active interest in it by bringing their own business and influencing that of their friends. The losses in this branch amount to £1,158.' It next sets forth that the London agency was in very satisfactory order, and the business was improving. It also noti fied the appointment of Mr. G. S. Walters as a Director in London, in the place of Mr. F. Wright, who bad resigned. The Melbourne agency was satisfactory; bat it was recommended to close the Newcastle agency. The reuort then said:— 'A reference to the statement of liabilities and assets will show that there is now £27,235 lent out on mortgage, and that the whole results of the past half-year show a profit of £5,330 14s. lOd., which your Board would recommend should be appor tioned as follows:— Amount to be carried to Re serve Fund, £1,332 13s. 9d.; amount to be written off the purchase of Lloyd's business, £2.72* Is. Id. ; amount of dividend, at Is. per share. £1.275— total. £5,330 14s. 101' The report and tehtnc7 Bheet were adopted. The Hon. A. Blyth and Mr. T. Whinnerah. the retiring Directors, were then re-elected. Messrs. Vf. Kay and K. B. CoUey were re-elected as Auditors for the ensuing year.

AccinuTiuTiON Socim.— A peneral meeting Bf 'le ,S-»uta Australian Acclimatization Society was held at the institute on Monday afternoon, August & for the purpose of winding up the ^?cieuy- -*&**%? cre P«sent Mr. J. H. Clark (iu the chair). Dr. Mayo, Messrs. N. Blyth. M.P., A. S. Clark, and F. G. Watcthouse (Uou7*ecretary). A letter was read from the Under Secretary, acknowledging receipt of the Society's letter respecting the rehnQuishment of the land which the Government had - ranted it. It was resolved that the resolution adopted at the last meetinst for the dissolution of the Society be confirmed; and also that any amounts in excess of £1 is received from any member by way of subscription, dona tion, or life-membership, be returned. It was decided that the Honorary Secretary be requested to close the accounts as speedily as possible, and submit them to the members of die Executive Committee, who were authorized to dispose of auy surplus that may remain in such manner as they may deem best. Beadtiftisg the Tobbess.— The work of beautifying the River Torrens is apparently pro ceeding vigorously. The banks immediately to the north-west of the City Bridge are being sloped, and already the effect is sufficient to give an idea of what the place is capable of being made. A number of weeping willows have been planted in groups of three on each side of the bridge and across the' river. It is intended to plant the banks with various fibrous rooted plants, bamboos and cAiies ef different varieties, the iris and couch and prairie grasses, besides poplars, willows, and gum-trees, the whole making a handsome und impregnable breastwork to the water. Lower down the banks are being sloped on south side of the river, and west of the Morphctt street footbridge. When the whole work is finished another pleasing resort will be available to the citizens for the purpose of recreation, and our young men will have the opportunity of testing their strength at aquatics in a way which cannot fail to be beneficial to them in many- respects. The work is being carried on under the supervision of the City Surveyor. Lighting the Citt wrrn Gas.-A requisition to His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide is, we understand, being numerously sigued by all classes of the citizens, asking His Worship to convene a meeting of the ratepayers for the purpose of con sidering the propriety of lighting the main streets and thoroughfares of the city with gas, provided the rate to be levied does not exceed 3d. in the pound upon the Corporation assessment Gerhak ImmigbaJiTS.— The Sophie has brought 115 German immigrants, who, from their appear ance, and the report of their general demeanour on the voyage, will prove a great acquisition. The majority come out to their frieiuh here, and ihe few who have no friends will doubtless soon acquire some amongst the population of the German vil lages. There arc four Lutheran missionaries in the cabin, who are to devote themselves to the instruc tion of the aborigines in the outlying Northern Districts. During the passage the only incidents of importance were the loss (by dsath^of one of the passengers, and speaking a British sloopof war off the Cape. The Sophie is one of the well known GodefTruy's line of packets, and is consigned to Messrs. Amsberg & Co. SECRETAnt TO THE CojtMISSIOXER ,OF CROWN Lands.— We have authority for stating that Mr. J. N. Blackmore will succeed Mr. Wildmau in the office of Secretary to the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Mr. Biackmore has been in the Crown Lauds Department for some months, aud is ac quainted with the business of the office. The New Road Board Commissioner.— Mr. Robert Rankinc, late of Mount Crawford, but now settled in the North, has been appointed by the Government to the scat at the Central Road Board, rendered vacant by the death of Mr. Edmund Bowman. Mr. Hankine, who is a well known am! highly respected old colonist, has had much experience as axustnet Council Chairman. The Engineer and Architect's Depabt ment.— Mr. W. Hanson, Engineer and Architect, has, we regret to learn, been obliged to relinquish for a while the heavy duties of his office, and obtain a few weeks' leave of abseucc, on account of a long increasing illness. During the time of his leave he intends taking a sea voyage in the hope that it will recruit his health. The Hon. the Com missioner of Public Works has, we believe, been desirous for some time past to afford Mr. Hanson some relief from the duties of .his office, but the amount of labour in the Public Works Depart ment haying lately increased fourfold he has found it very difficult to do so. Mr. Hanson's illness has now rendered the step necessary, and we under stand that during his absence his duties will be divided among several gentlemen in the Bamc department. Lands Titles Office.— The following is a com parative statement of transactions during the month of July, lSGu-lStili, in the Lands Titles Office:- Julv.

1865. 18C6. , Applications ? 102 107 Transfers ? 189 190 Mortgages ? 116 152 Leases ? 21 £9 ] Transfer of mortgages ? 3 — Discharges ? 61 52 Powers of attorney ? 1 5 Caveats ? ? 2 10 Transfer of leases ? 2 5 Surrender of leases ? 2 5 Trusts ? 1 — Licences ? '... 1 — Transmissions ? 5 7 Withdrawals of caveat ? 4 2 Order of Court ? 1 — Total ... ?ll 5C4 Fees of office ? £5S8 12s. (id. £087 163. Od. Value «f land brought umlcr Act £SO,014 £8 1.252 Tun English Mail.— We are indebted to the Postmoster-Ueneral for the following particulars of mails dispatched per contract packet on the 2-Sth July:— London via Marseilles— Four boxes, con taTning 2,182 letters (28 registered letters included) and 333 papers; London via Southampton— 70' boxes, containing 0,709 letters (193 registered letters included) and 11,278 papers; India, China, Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, and Mediterranean 1'orts— 34 boxes, containing 591 letters (7 registered letters ncluded) and 775 papers; Western Australia— 3 boxes, conbiiuing 405 letters and 242 papers. TELEGRArn Extension.— Gangs of men arc now engaged in running a new line of wire between Mucclcsfield and Stratliulhyn, aud Laiic horne's Creek and atrathalbyn, with a view to the establishment of stations at Macclesfield aud Langhorne's Creek. It is expected that the work will be completed in about three weeks. Pro vision is likewise being made for completing the second Hue of wire right through to Melbourne by filling up the gap which has hitherto existed in it between Langhorne's Creek and Kchunga. The Glen Usmond-koad Metal Compant, LiiiiTED.— Tbe half-yearly general meeting of the shareholders in this Company was held at the Company's offices, Hindley-street, on Tuesday, July 31; Mr. U. L Stow, Q.C., in the chair. The balance-sheet and Directors' report were read und anproved, Messrs. Armour, Vosz, aud George Wyatt elec-ed Directors, aud a resolution to wind up the Company as soou as existing contracts were completed was adopted. \\ hit of Intrusion.— We hear that the lion. John Baker, M.L.C., lias instituted proceedings against the Sheriff, as the officer representing the Government in the matter, for the recovery of damages in levying a writ of dislrinoas on behalf of the purchasers of the pastoral leases then held by him. The cause will come on at the uexi Civil Sittings of the Supreme ConrL Purchase of theSemaphore Hotel Property BY THE Government.— We understand the Go vernment have purchased the Semaphore Hotel and the land immediately surrounding it from Mr. Reynolds. The buildings will at present be used as Harbour-Masters residence and Pilot Station. The land is required for defence purposes- probably for the erection of a battery. The Police Force — We understand that the Government, after protracted consideration, have come to the conclusion of placing the detective branch of the police force on an improved footing. Cieaiiikg the .MuaBAY.— The Riverine Herald says:— 'A snagging party, under the South Aus tralian Government. 13 at present at work in the Murray, below Wentworth. The whole of tho Enags, it is said, aietobe removed from the river between Blanchctotrn aud the junction of the Darling.' The Ericsson Monitor.— We understand that the Government have declined to entertain the d nest ion of providing an Ericsson Monitor lux the defence of the colony, on the grot; nd of the great expense, some G'J men being constantly required to ivoik the vessel, and the original cost being £S0.000 for each. Inspector of Sheep.— Mr. Henry Galhraith has been appointed Inspector of ^hcop in the South-East District. He will inal:e IVnola his headquarters. We believe Mr. Galbraith is a thoroughly competent gentleman for the past, and his appointment will give general tati Jaction. Death by Drowning of Mr. Edmund Bow-man, J.P.— Early on Wednesday, August 15, we received a telegram from our Auburn correspon dent, informing us that Mr. Edmund Bowman J.P. (one of the Directors of the Union Bank, and a member of ihe Central Road Board), had been drowned on Tuesday, August 14, in a creek near his Port Wakefield Station. A later telegram from the same source adds that Mr. Bowman was seen to fall from a log bridge, and that he is supposed in doing so to have injured his head, so as to have been unable to rise from the water, which is only four feet deep. It was a woman who saw him fall, and no assistance reached him in time to save his life. There are, perhaps, few men whose loss would have been more deeply regretted ; for during a long residence in the colony he had preserved a very high character, and was much esteemed for his sterling qualities and his simple unostentatious charity. He was extensively engaged in pastoral pursuits, and his name will long be remembered in connection with the Crystal Brook, Wakefield, and Mintaro runs. He was a married man, and leaves a young family. Our correspondent sends us also by post the following particulars:— 'At an early hour this morning (10th). we were startled by the sad news that Mr. Edmund Bowman, J.P., had been drowned in the creek close to his station, near Port Wakefield.. It appears that about 5 o'clock last evening the deceased gentleman was going from the woolshed to the station. To enable him to do so the creek had to be crossed by means of two rough logs without any handrail on either side The height of the crossing is about six feet from the water, and at the present time there is about four feet of water flowing in the creek. A woman saw the accident, but by the time she gave information and the body could be found life was extinct. It is supposed tbat Mr. Bowman's foot slipped, and no doubt his head struck on something in

falling, which must have rendered him insensible at the moment he fell into the water. The body was recovered about 60 yards from the crossing. Nothing that has happened in our district for many years has caused such profound sorrow as the above sad affair. The colony, and this district in particular, has lost one of its earliest and best friends.' The mortal remains of the deceased were interred in a vault in the Enfield Cemetery on Sun day, Aug. 19. The funeral procession left the home at 2 o'clock, the hearse being followed to the grave by more than 200 gentlemen on foot, and a large number of persons had congregated in the Ceme tery around the place of interment. The burial service was conducted by the Rev. Canon Russell the principal mourners were the three brothers of the deceased— Messrs. John, William, and Thomas Bowman, his two sons, and his three cousins— Messrs. William and Thomas Bowman, the nanagers of the station at Crystal Brook; and Mr. Edmund Parnell, of Kadina. Amongst the many friends of the deceased who had assembled to pay the last sad token of respect to his memory was the Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. T. English). Hons. Thos. Magarey. Mr. C. Goode, M.P., Mr. W. Everard. M.P Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P., Mr. A. B. Murray, M.P.. Mr. P. B. Coglin, M.P., Mr. H. E. Downer, S.M., and Messra. J. G. Daly, G. Tinline, W. J. Crawford (Manager of the Union Bank). John Brewer. E. M. Bagot, L. Barnard, P. D. Prankerd, K. Chapman, E W. Wright. E. K. Horn, Chas. Bleechmore. J. M. Lianklater, G. James. A. Macaulay, J. P. Stow, - Wadham, T. Graves, C. Smedley, J. Harvey, Dr. Fisher, and Dr. Gosse,

Death of Mr. Robert Milne, J.P.-We have to record the decease of Mr. Kobert Milne, ot Drumminer, who died on Aupjst 4th, at the ge of 66 years. The .funeral took place n Tuesday, August 7. The mournful cortege, -rlnch comprised a -hearsu. two mourning oachea, and 12 or 14 private vehicles, besides a umber of horsemen, started from thedficeafcd's ite residence at Druinmiiicr, near Modliury, at alf-past lit o'clock, and proceeded to the North Ldelaide Church, where it arrived shortly nftcr 12 'clock. The Rev. J. Jefleris cmidiu1! cd the funeral ervice at the church, where a large huuiIi-.t of the leceased's friends assembled. At thi! conclusion if the ceremony the prociission movcl --ii slowly o the West-terrace Cemeturv. where aJ'ttr a short 'Ut earnest discourse the tieceised was interred, riie body was followed to the grave by Mr. Milne's brother deacons, and numerous persona! friend?, ncluding Messrs K. A. TnrUon, J. T. Shawvcr, ^ep. Phillips. W. Bruce, Frost, nnd other*. Mr. Milne was born near Aberdeen, when- ho obtained v thorough knowledge of advanced Si-ntch farm ne. He arrived in South Australia in is :i», and in IM3 settled at Drumminernn a farm of his own, 'There he has been ever since. He was. appointed Luaicman of the Highercombc District Council. »nd acted in that capacity for many v«irs. He was also Returning Officer for the' District of iataia forsome years, nnd for it Ion.; i-eriod in the Commission «f the Peace. He wa» esteemed ^,r.IPa'y services, nnd b-lonpc-d to that class which has done much for the true prosperity of Scfr He wm a worthy helm of the late fc£ t tbp( North AdeluMe Conjiinnitional Lnurcn from its commencement until iiis death. In his character he was cautious anl shrewd, slow in judgment, wise in decision, nnd. nl.itve all, a pattern of integrity. He was charitable, and an earnest and devoted Christian. Mb. Francis Packaud. — A telegram was received at the Crown LandflOtlirc on Friday, Aufnist'17, conveying the intelliitem-c that Mr. Francis Packard, member of Mr. Kbem/.er Mac-george's survey party, and formerly a member of the Northern Territory ExpedHinn, li;ul been drowned in the Murray, near 1-IjhhiIi* town, and that the body had not been rectum -!. -'o par ticulars were supplied in the nirss.ijie : but it is surmised that the accident happened while he was engaged in crossing some horses. § Death of Mr. Robert Hall — We have to record the death of another well known colonist— Mr. Robert Hall, of the Gresham Hotel which took place somewhat suddenly on Saturday, August 18, at, half-past 11 o'clock, although the deceased had for some days been confined to the house, and was under the attendance of Dr. Gosse. Mr. Hall arrived in the colony 24 or 25 years ago, and was for some time employed as clerk to the Hon. J. Morphett, M.L.C. He subsequently built the Phoenix Hotel in Hindley-street, and there carried on the business of a publican until about the time of the rush to the Victorian gold diggings, when he took a trip to England, and on his return started as a photographer, in which profession he was engaged until a short time ago, when he took the Gresham Hotel. The funeral took place at the West-terrace Cemetery on Monday, August 20. The cortege consisted of three mourning coaches and between 30 and 40 private vehicles, containing the deceased's son and a large number of his acquaintances. Amongst the group of mourners around the grave we noticed the Hon. W. W. Tuxford, M.L.C.. Mr. P. B. Coglin, M.P., and Messrs. W. Crane, A. Gaedechens, E. L. Grundy, J. Henning, G. James, P. Jury, J. Lyons, E. M. Martin, W. Martin, H. Moseley, sen., T. Powell, W. K. Simms, H. C. Uhlmann, and J. M. Wendt. The burial service was read by the Rev. J. Pollitt. § Mr. Thomas Barlow.— We regret to announce the death of Mr. T. Barlow, the wellkiuv.vii couch builder in Kundle-fitreet, who did, nfier.i liogei ing-illness, on Thursday, August hi, nt his r- -idencc in Norwood. Mr. Barlow has been loniiiu tin- colony, and was well known as an etlci-tivo und coiiHistcnt advocate of the temperance question. He waB President of the Temi-ciiinen Association of South Australia, and was very much respected by nil who knew him. We understand that when in Knglnnd he was a powerful speaker on tcetotiiliMn', and wa& the menus of inducing a large number nf persons to sign the pledue, some of whom ar- now highly respectable members of society in thia colony and in the old country. At a meeting of the Committee of the South Australian Totat Abstinence Society, held on Sa'urdny, tho follow ing resolution passed and trivnsq,itted to tho family of the late Mr. Thomas lliirlow: -'With deep and unfeigned Borrow, on account of the' death of their beloved President, the Committee of the South Australian Total Abstinence Society would offer their heartfelt sympathy and nindiilcnco to his bereaved family. The Committee feel that

lie departure ot tneir esiecmea irienn ana leuow rorker has created a void that will long be felt by very member of the Total Abstinence Society ; mt still they feel assured that while inemory'hplds er scat his general benevolent nml active eilbrts or the public good will be remembered with acred love by the various branches of thu temper* mce cause. The Committee liclievn that the good ieed 'cast upon the waters will be four, d after tunny lays;' that though dead ' he yet speiiK.-th.' ' Wo mve learned from a friend of the ileccind that he vas connected with the Birmingham Temperance Society from its earliest formation. Me was then t coach uprincnuiker in one of thu establishments )f the city. It waB found that he jm^ivscd a great alent for public speaking, and his hm vices were iought for far and wide by the varimH Temperance societies then in course of fartiriti--n throughout ;he country. He always attracted larp- audiences, neing known ns Thomas Barlow, the liirmin^hnm blacksmith. For nearly 2'J years he lectured gra tuitously for the temperance cause whenever his business permitted. While in Uniniii^liam ho commenced business for himself unit prospered: but his health failing his medical advisers ordered him to South Australia. His career of usufuliicss in connection with the Total Abstinence Society is too well known to require description. JNew Directouy fou South Auhtiiama.— Mr. Butler, of Melbourne, is making arrang'tuents for the publication of a '.National Dheetorv for South; Australia.' which, in addition to tin: infor mation to be found in t-uch works, will contain a correct and complete map of the to'ony. ThbCbown Lands ()FFiCE.-Mr. Frank Ilymill, [if the Post-UUice, has been appointed to the orh'co rcccntly held by Mr. Wackiuore in the Crown Lauds Department. The olticc vaulted by Mr. Uymil! has not yet been filled up. INSOLVENCIES AND ASSIGNMENTS.— The follow-ing is a list of persons who have declared them-selves insolvent since the date of our last summary: -Charles Randall, of South-terrace. Adelaide, out of business; Edward Thomas Wildman, of Adelaide, Government clerk : William Leaver the younger, formerly of Adelaide, hatter, now a prisoner in Her Majesty's Gaol;David Roger Jones, of Stepney, builder; George Leopold Morton, of Adelaide, mining engineer; Agnes Urquhart, of Adelaide, storekeeper; Patrick Fitzpatrick, of Adelaide,tobacconist; Robert Wiltshire, of Rhynie, bootmaker; Henry James Elburn, of Edwardstown, farmer ; William Sydney London, of Moonta, shoemaker; Peter McDonald, of (Wimpinne?), sheepfarmer; Carl Heinrich Richter, of Grecnock, wheelwright; Joseph Elliott, of Norwood, storekeeper; Henry (H)anforth Chandler, of Undalya, licensed (vi)ctualler; Ernst Krutli, of Angaston, out of business, for-merly of Gawler, storekeeper. a of persons who have availed themselves of the arrangement clauses of the Act since July 27:— James Hanlin, of Spring Creek, near Kapunda, farmer; William Edmund Vile, of Kapunda, livery-stable keeper, farmer, and grazier; Caroline Ward, of Kadina. widow; Gabriel Bennett, of Adelaide, auctioneer; James Rogers, of St. John's, near Kapunda, farmer; Henry Thomas Sparks, of Port Victor, builder; Henry (Mali tioir?), of Port Augusta, grocer; Thomas Moody and Charles Bock, of Nuriootpa, storekeepers; Richard Ha?s, of St. John's, near Kapunda, storekeeper; Samuel Bakewell, of Adelaide, w.i--ie-';ilu grocer; William Elliott and Daniel Keknkk, of Adelaide, millers. liESEVOLEST SOCIETY FOR UjM'JIAKHI/.— A public meeting was held in the l-..-uia Hall, Jlindraarsh, ou Tuesday evcninir, in the purpose of establishing at.eneral Ueneyolent r'icicly; Mr, J. Pickering, M.P., in the chair ilaviim opened the meeting with a few appropriate n ihuikh, ho called upon Mr. J. E. Miiton, who reail thu rules, of thu Adelaide Benevolent mid .-irnngejb' Friend Society, and stated that it was a .Society Hiuiiur to that which it was intended to cmuIuuIi for the iieinhbuurliood. Mr. G. Lunwll rc;ui a lepottoi tha labours of a Committee of ladien asiollowB:— ' Having been requested to furnish a lew purlieu- ^ l.irs respecting the small relief fuad, wu subjoin, the following statement. About 14 months sinco several cases of distress in this iici,Iiboiirhoud having come under notice, wlrcii could not be met' without special aid, Mr. J. l'itkcriuK. Ml'., kindly unleiiooc to apply to the Hon. (J. 1'. Anga?,. M.L.C. (who hail previously usHistcd in similar ca^es privately;, and the re--ult vr.u tlic receipt of a rmiutUucc of X'lOin July, IS).'), mid it similar amount in January, ]8ij'j, which amounts have bwn distributed by u Committee of ladiu* formed for that purpose in Euch a manner as they con sidered would best meet the wantR of thu c re* lkvcd. The amount of relief, funi;'li necessarily Hinall, has been most thuiikiuih received. The Committee would cull attention to a few of tho cafccs that have been relieved. One of ihe Jirst watt a German widow with a Einull fnnily and in ill health, unable to obtain Government, relief. Bho was assisted from this fund ut various times by being supplied with some of the necessaries of life until ubiu to obtain something for herself and family. A man in dying circumetnnccs, without iiiiy means of obtaining what he required at that trying hour, was much comforted by a little a.-Hi»Unce. Another tuan, sent from the Ho^iiul incuiaMe, was, during the few remaining weeks of life, greatly comforted by the supply of a few articles suited to his situation. 2. The father of a iiuaiero's family, a confirmed invalid, has had relief administered at various times, a. A widow, whose husband «as drowned, nnd Juft iu destitute circumstances when near her confinement, was relieved at that time and severnl subsequent periods. 4. Another case was that of a younij couple -the husband ill with rhemmtic fever and the wife near her confinement. These person* were extremely grateful for tho timely aid atlorded. Another family have recently been relieved-father ill, seven children, only one old enough to earn anything, and, with that small except ion. depending entirely on Government relief. The above state ment oi faitijnvesUit au inadequate idea of the amount of comfort imparted to ths recipients of ? these contributions and their eiMtkude. fur llimn.

bveu in coses where Government relief i» abtamed it is often quite unsuitable for invalids, oiauy mo:e cases have come to the knowledge of the Committee than it was in their power to re lieve. They also received an intimation from the gentleman referred to that he hoped otlit-is would unite with him or he should not bu disposed to continue his aid. Ii is theref re hoped that the Society about to be formed will meet with cordial and liberal support. After the report Mr. Barnden came forward and moved the first resolution as follows :— ' J hat it is advisable to establish a General Uentvolent .Society in this neighbourhood, and that Mich a (Society be now organized.' TheKcv. S. L. HarrH seconded, and it was carried unauimously. Mr. Mold moved the second resolution, as follows :— ' Tltat a Com mitteeand ofliecrsbe elected to carry on the opera tions of the Society.' Mr. J. E. Mitton itccouded. and stated tbat the Society was intense I V: embrace the townships of Uindmorsh, liowdeu, urnl Jiromp ton. Carried unanimously. The ffllu.vinj; names were then submitted to the meeting aud adopted, with power to add to their number, vu.:- Messrs. Josiah Mitton, G. Burnell. Ouomlie, Barnden, Stcarne, Lees, and Cath. A Lndicn' Committee was to'be chosen by the General Committee iust elected. The following jjrcntlenien were ;hen elected to the several ofllces:— hesident. Son. G. F. Angas; VH' President*, Mr. F. Pickering, ALP., flou.T. Munrcy; Treasurer, VIr. Steame; Secretary, Mr. U. Burnell. Be solved, that the Committee diaw up a code ot rules, and have them printed for . circulations Several subscriber*' names were taken down, and »llections made amountiog to £1 3s. 6d., and tho meeting closed.