South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 12 July 1865, page 1

«i A* ? , .t-'?DtJCRD FARESJWMELbA^#^ XiTBODENE and SYDNEY.Pf^JI^, The A.S.iN. Co.'s Koyal Mail WWf^Tm CITY OF ADELAIDE, due on the 9th inatant with the English mail, will be dispatched as above two or three days after her G. AT&H^AIlTLEKiVTowTi. 187c ANTflQN Y & BAR11JSET, Port. '~7-k*- T- EDUCED FARES. - FOR ajO^ JK- MELBOURNE.^ The MJMi\t\^, favourite Steamship WSmBSUm* COOKONG, Wm; McLean, commander, will Bail for Melbourne'on Friday, 14th July, on arrival of the L40 p.m. train. 1 JOHN FORMBY. Port. 191'5 J. DARWENT. Grenfell-street. ' n-- TJ EDUCED FARES.-FOR nUb^t Jtt MELBOURNE DiRECT.MMRl\J^.'Jhc Bplendtd new Steamship SSBaDfi* SOUTH AUSTRALIAN, 7flD-Jtonfc- John Pain, commander, will sail on Monday, next, the 17th inst., at 3 o'clock; train L40d.hl ' . WM. ISBISTER, 5, Currie-street. JOHN NEWMAN & SON, Port. N.B.— Passengers will find the accommodation of the South' Australian superior to any Steamer in the trade. ? W m -K- 'TjiOR WALLAROO AND PORT jj^J-^v 1? AUGUSTA.-The Cfl^U^. ROYAL SHEPHERD, ?SSSBE-SBto' Captain Word, will sail for the aboveporta on Saturday next, July 15, at 4 o'clock Freight on small packages and parcels to be prepaid, or they will not be forwarded. fU^T^-'i^andPor, ELDER, SMITH, & CO., Port Augusta. . No Goods can be received without a ShippingNote, FormB of which will be supplied by the Agents on application. ? 191' *-^4 'V*. |j1ORWALLAROO.-The Screw JuluwtT^- *? Steamship Mf^aVt^ KANGAROO, ^35S£S& W. Orchoni, master, will leave for the above Port on Wednesday next, July 12. Freight on small parcels must be prepaid, or they will not be forwarded. Goods for shipment must be alongside before 12 o'clock on day of sailing. * For freight, apply to BEEBY & DUNSTAN, Town or Port. 17r'2mtwc _ -v - T-0RT ADELAIDE TO UPPER gjW--y^ Jl DARLINU.-The new light ?astfJ^^- draught Steamer will leave Port Adelaide for Wentworth and Fort Bourke about 25th instant. Apply to K J. 8PENC15. or AORAMAN, MAIN, LINDSAY & CO. IStiaw93v203 ? «'k*. THE MURRAY AND fllJka*^ 1 D All LING KIVERS.-The ^^^1^ MOOLGEWANICE, Captain E. H. Randell, will leave Mannum eurly in ; August. JOSEPH STILLING & CO., Agents. 18(nvfcvS -a^ T71OR LONDON DIRECT.-The jj&eRi JD fine Ai ship | 78Bfm& ALEXANDRA, ffiwgito 450 tons, having the greater part of her cargo engaged, will meet with quick dis- . patch. | For freight, apply to Captain John Hcdwitb, on 'g°rt° PHILIP LEYIftC--._ j -v~*x TF0R MAURITIUS niRECT.-The ! J^JKPX. X? line Al clipper Barque j lJubSji Captain Munro, will sail as soon as her inward cargo is discharged. j For freight or passage, apply to ' 193c W1L ISBISTER, 5, Cnrrie street.

-Cjfo^ T^OR SYDNEY DIRECT.-The Al j MMl^ MOUNTAIN MAID ; y»iliKalSg will have immediate dispatch. i For freight, apply to \ 184c H. D. DALE, Agent, Port Adelaide. ; '~7^T |j»OR WALLAUOO.-The Schooner -tAg^i -I . ADELAIDE, \ Jftffi$y with dispatch. j * PP V ° ROBT. ARNOLD, or 185c C LAMB. .--.. T7)0R PORT PIRIE and TUMBY jkjbjKfi^ J? BAY.— The Schooner I jKSShb with dispatch. Apply to ^ I 192c C.'LAMB. ' ' _.-*_ TjIOR WALLAROO.- -The Schooner jk&EPS. X1 ECLIPSE, Tfik£&Rl& having greater part of her cargo engJ^jgjJEm gaged, will sail with dispatch. , Applyt° JOHNYEOjor I 192c C. LAMB1_ | -j^ |71()K LA.OEPEDE BAY. - The j , 1^^^ SWALLOW. i rjnftjgr J. Lewis, master, will sail on Wed- j nesday, July 12. ' For freight or passage apply on board. 101 -3^ -

?hk&iK TT0R VIuroR HARBOUR.-The ffiffiffifl E. Lethaby. master, will sail positively on Wednesday, iith inst. ! For freight or passage, applv to ; J. DARWENT, Town; or ! 101'3 R. & R. MAIN. Port. _-«_ TjiOR YANKALILLA.-The Cutter j^^v r Y(»UNO CHIEF 1mm wiU sail with dUpVc df Vtf VN ? or I l»7c ? _c- J^¥5_' ? ' -a- TTIOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.- ! Jt^^p\. J- The powerful Brigantine ffiffffflg. 182 tons, R. Henderson, master. j me'''0 JOHN NEWMAN & SON, Port, j A LGERNON, from London. -Consignees jCX are requested to PASS ENTRIES for their Goods without delay. Biils of Lading must lie presented at the Port office of the undersigned prior . to delivery of Goods. .... I All cargo remains at Consignees risk aa soon as landed from ship's tackles ; and no claim for damage or deficiency will be allowed unless notined to Captain Mowalt before removal of the goods from d0DBSille- ELDER. SMITH. & CO. July 10, 1865. ? inAl3_ A LGERNON, from London. —Captain J\. MOWATT will not be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted by his CREW. liU'3, APTAIN GALE, of the EVELYN, will NOT be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS Contracted by the CREW of his Vessel. 193 '5 f^ AUNTLET, from ~London. — This VX Vessel having arrived, CONSIGNEES are requested to PASS the necessary Customs ENTRIES without delay. Bills of Lading must be presented at the Port Offices of the undersigned before delivery of the Goods. All Cargo remains at Consignees' risk as soon as landed from the Ship's tackles ; and no claim for damage or deficiency will be allowed unless notified to Captain Hudson before removal of the Goods from alongside. pHnJpLm&c0 /CAPTAIN HUDSON, of the GAUNT\J LET, will NOT be BE-PONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted by the CREW of his Vessel. 193-'5 EVELYN, from London.— This vessel having arrived, Consignees are renuested'to PAS8 the necessary Customs ENTRIES without delay. Any Ooods damaged must be pointed out to the Captain prior to their removal from the wharf. AU Bills of Lading must be presented at the Port offices of the undersigned before delivery of ^f' ? PHILIPLEVI&CO. TO SHIPMASTEES, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS.-TIie SHIPPING REPORTER attends to Telegrams or Letters, and his Beats are available for all purposes connected with Slipping in the Gulf. Boat flag. No. 3. VV RICHARD JAGOE. Beach Branch OHice. Lefevre's Penhmila. T30RT ADELAIDE STEAM BISCUIT X MANUFACTORY.-Shipar.dFancyBiscuita always on hand. Shipping supplied at the shortest notice. 9inwf205S J. LAVIN, North-parade. MERCHANDISE. ?

ON SALE, Gawler-place— SADDLES— English make in every variety Bridles, Martingales, Girths, and Strapping Whips, Jockey TwjKGig, Huntinp, &c. Flock. Curled Hair, Kersey, Collar Check Manila Rope, from J-inch upwards Colonial and English Leather Hegskins Bits, 8purB. and Saddlers' Ironmongery. Shafts. Hicttory, Ash, Lancewood ???? Axles, Springs. Qoach Ironmongery Lamps, Lace, TnmmmRs, Plush, &c. Enamelled Buggy Hides. Leather- Cloth Buggy. Castings and Sundries. ? AlsOi at my pwn ManufactureSaddles of any pattern or quality ? Bridles, 'Martingales. Girths, Straps, and every Article required byJBushmen and others Harness -Carriage, Gig, Buggy, Express, , ;: Tandem, Cart, and Plough. Whips-Jockey, Twig, Tandem, and Hunting '? I-'*- Thongs, Tandem, Four-Horse, CarUBulleck , ? i , , ? ?- , Collars-Buggy, Gig, Sprmg-Cart^ iSw^irv {« 146cv61e '?? JAMES A. HOLDEN, ' i! i^EMENT. CEMENT. CEMENT.— \J& BAZLEY WHITE & BROTHERS' Cele' '''bnitetT PORTLAND CpiEJIT, in air and water ? ' tinht' packages. Just received, direct 'from the ' 'Sbovi firni, » further supply of the above superior ?'; i^bJWitTictoria-sauareandTopham-Btreet'

MEROHAHDISE. ? NOW LANDING, ex Evelyn,; from London; FuU-weight WOOLPACKS, 50 in a Bale; On SALE by 193'9 ? ' ? r 'C. JACOBS, Cnme-strefit ENEVA (red casjes),' Gin, Bnuiuy Sherry,- Port, Tobacco, Woqlpacka Cornsacks.' Braribags, Tarpaulins, Twme Patent Safety- Matches, Treacle 1 American Buggies, Bedsteads. „„ 175mwscv ? ABRAHAM SCOTT. CO A L S and C 0 K E. WILLIAM W. BLYTH. North-terrace. - ? ? . ? 188-279 COALS. COALS. COALS. T^E.BURY&CO.,iaKingWm.-8t. 16m FOR SALE, Three Tons of good HONEY. Apply to B. Gollan, broker. Exchange. ? **' ? 192'3 FENCING W I KE.— Just Arrived, per Sir John Moore, best Anneale'd Wire, Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8- the quality unsurpassed. To save disappointment, early orders aria necessary. CANVAS, SEAMING AND SEINE TWINES. Best Hemp Fishing Lines. J. Brown has now on hand a well-selected Assortment, as above, of the very best quality. KEROSINE. Downer's, Cozzens's, and other noted brands, wholesale and retail. GALVANIZED IRON. A few tons 26-gauge Scotch Iron, 6, 7, and 8 feet lengths, on Sale (a bargain), at J. BROWN'S GENERAL STORE, Waymooth-street. ISIcv Opposite Light-square Steam-Mill. A NALYSIS of FLINDERS ISLAND xi. GUANO, by G. H. CossrNS, Analytical Chemist, Adelaide, April 23, 1865:— Per cent. Moisture ? 11'8 Organic matter and ammonia ? 290 Phosphate of lime ? 3.T5 Carbonate of lime ? 13'2 Salts of soda and potash ? ti'4 Sand,&c ? 5'0 Loss ? 1*1 1000 This excellent Manure may be obtained in large or small quantities on application to RODIN & LE ME3SURU1R, Currie-street, Adelaide, and Iipson-atreet, Port. ? 122cv BUSiyESSlrOTICES. JUST ARRIVED, ex Akbar and tl Gauntlet, a Splendid Assortment oM, 3, 0, 10, 11, and 14 Stop HARMONIUMS, knee swell, by best makers; BARREL ORGANS, MUSICAL BOXES (Drum and Bell), MUSICAL ALBUMS, MUSICAL CIGAR-STANDS. &c, &j. B. KELSEY & CO., ltKV'tiv Nos. 3, 4. ami 5, Peel-street, Adelaide. T M. WENDT, JEWELLER and «J . WATCHMAKER, 84, Rundlk-htueet, Be«s to inform his Patrons and the Public that he is prepared to Execute Urders for SILVER TEA and COFFEE SERVICES, of any design, entirely of his own manufacture. Cups, Vases, Claret-Jugs, Salvers, Epergnes, Candelabra. Inkstands, &c., of the most elegant pattern and finish, made on the premises. A recherche Stork of JEWELLKUY, Foreign and Colonial, in all branches, always on hand: also. Patent Keyless Watches, Dixon's Sheffield Plate, Optical Instruments, Compasses, plain and prismatic, &c, fee. DIE-SINKING and General ENGRAVING, viz.. Crests, Arms, Seals. Offii-e-Stamps, Facsimiles, Door and Window Plates, &c, &c, Engraved on the premises, 84— Rpsdlk-street— $4. 3Rmwf2I9 VfOTICE OF rTeMOVAL.— 1- F. ARMBUUSTER & UHLMANN. Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists, Ihpobters, &c. host to annotmce that they have This Day REMOVED their BUSINESS from the Shop next, the Red Lion to their NEW and more convenient

PREMISES ^o. 9, KUNDLK-STKJSET, next Door West of the Red Lion, which has been expressly built to suit their more varied and increasing requirements. The Business at their other Shop, Ho. 129. near the York Hotel, will be still conducted as heretofore. Messus. F. ARMBRUSTER & UHLMANN respectfully take this opportunity of thanking the ( Public and their numerous Customers in general for the very liberal patronage they have received durum the last 10 years, and assure them that their best endeavours will be exerted to deserve a continuance of the same. Messrs. A. & U. also beg to inform their Country and Suburban Friends that their well-known Traveller, Mr. Jnhn Stevens, still continues to act ; fur them, and them alone, being the only Person ' authorized to Collect Outers on their behalf. | Messrs. A. & U., in conclusion, beg to state that they rlo not rely on Colonial Maikcts for their Supplies, as they are repular Importers from the first English and German Houses of the Rest of Articles in the Tobacco line, as also Fancy Honda, ? Perfumery, &:c., &c, of which a large Stuck is | always on hand. STOiiEKEErais and Dealeus served on the most liberal terms. F. ARMBRUSTER & UHLMANN, Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists, No. :), next door west of the Red Lion ; and No. 129. near the York, Rundle-streer. Adelaide, July 1, ISfi5. ? 182tnw?!):lxvj _ OT1CE OF REMOVAL.— The WHOLESALE BOOT and SHOE BUSINESS of the undersigned is REMOVED from 8, Himllev-street. to his New and Spacious Premises,

KING WILLIAM-STKEKT NOKTH. THOMAS JOHNSON. June 29, 1S65. ? ^l^^L. VTOTICE.— T. JOHNSON wishes to il inform his Retail Customers that in consequence of not lwing able to dispose of the Lease of his HINDLEY-^TREET Premises, he will UARRY ON the RETAIL BUSINESS there under the Management of Mr. A. Cutting, for the ; remainder of his term, viz.. to June, ISHti, and will REOPEN on SATURDAY. July 1, with a NKW S f OCK. ? 181cvM)c N~OTIOE.— ROBERT DODGSON, PALNTEIt, PLUMBER, and GLAZIER, take3 tliis opportunity of returning his pniteful tlianks to his numerous customers and friends for their liberal support and patronage, and begs to i inform them that he has OPENED the NEW SHOP this day, at the Corner of LEIGHSTKEET, where all orders will Ire thankfully received and punctually attended to. Business carried on as usual in the old premises, and for the Wholesale Trade in general. Leigh-street, April 9. 1864. ? lOOcv H''O R W O O D & ELLIS,1 Successors to the Late Firm of Houwood and Sons, beg to state that having 'taken the commodious Premises lately occupied by .the above Firm, they are prepared to Take Orders as i RON and BRASS FOUNDERS, ENGINEERS, i MILLWRIGHTS, SMITHS and BOILERMAKERS, &c, and to Execute the same on the ; Lowest Terms and with the quickest Dispatch. '? P.S.-Solk Makees of the PATENT RACK W( )OL PRESS. ? 321cr'28mwfc , t?VERY PRTZE CERTIFICATE of li MERIT has been AWARDED to the MESSRS. TUXFORD. iMTORTEas, Adelaide, pince the formation of the South Australian Agricul- ? tural and Horticultural Society, for the Best and | Largest Collection of IMPLEMENTS and MACHINERY Exhibited by Messrs. Tuxford at the Society's various Shows. . i MESSRS. TUXFORD would further remark ' that thrir STOCK of AGRICULTURAL IM- ; PLEMENTS and MACHINERY will continue to be found the BEST, LARGEST, and CHEAPEST in South Australia, at their Establishment, NORTH-TEBRACE, ADELAIDE. February. IStB. ? 49wscv WATTLEVILLE JAMS. — Messrs. VV W. MORGAN & CO. having arranged for the whole of the above Jams of the Season 1S65 ! intended for the South Australian Trade, the undersigned begs to refer his friends to that Firm , for their supplies. I 4«mwf2-26v T. REYNOLDS. Wattleville. WAX and PAPER FLOWERS.— A Large and Splendid Assortment of MATERIALS for the above, in great variety just unpacked, at S. MARSHALL'S, 52. Eondle-street. Also GLASS SHAPES and VASES. 170mwfc THE undersigned is prepared to undertake SALES by AUCTION of LAND. STOCK, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE on the usual terms of Commission. H. D. GOUGE, Auctioneer and General Agent, Wallaroo. !S9-20ev2U3j

THE ALEXANDRA ARROW.rCHARLKS PLATT8 has received some of the above new Patent Arrows Per Overland Mail SHOW-ROOMS, 136q Hindley and King; Wil liam streets. PIANOFORTES, by the most eminent Makers. ALEXANDRAS HARMONIUMS. The largest Selection of Music in the l,Jony. , PLATTS'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE. No. L Hindfey and King William streets. gs Established 1R39.

\ R R IV E DBRANDON'S WINTER op STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 78, RUNDLE ? STREET. ? 159cy A WHOLESALE IRONMONGER is Xi. desirous of Joining.with some other House in the Expense of a TRAVELLER. Address A.B., office of this paper. 193 4 WA. W I G H T -b CO., ? LATK ' MB. THOS. GRAVES, GROCERS, &c, M1 ? 130, .HDrDLKT-STBKKT. ? 334CV AGENTS IN MELBOURNE.— Messrs. GORDON A GOTCH, of; Collins. street west, Melbourne, have been appointed AGENTS in Victoria for the Register and Observer Newspaperai and are authorized to collect AccbnhtB due. Advertisements and. Subscriber*' names will berccetved m,«ndw*meetww pnnnp tttenSW'-;-':': .? ?; '-? ? ?' ''i '?

DRAPERY AND CLQTHIfffr/__ RIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. JNO. H0DGKI3S &? CO. have much pleasure in calling the attention of the Public of bouth '^mwjSSm of furnkhing goods Now landing.' Their Buyers liaving' visited the British; and Continental Markets enable them to °flertMOST RECHERCHE COLLECTION ever kept in Stock in this country, being suitable to every style of decoration, which for Beauty of Design and Colouring surpasses all former snipIDIrit8our VELVET PILE. BRUSSELS, and TAPESTRY CARPETS will be' found a choice assortment of Dining and Drawing Room patterns ; also, several unique designs for Breakfast Kooms, Bedrooms, Lobbies, libraries, &c., including the ^^BROWN PAPER PATTERN ^ , as used in England for Managers' Offices, Boardr°0mr8lStock of KIDDERMINSTER and SCOTCH CARPETS embraces an extra superior quality made to ourorder. . , PATENT FELT CARPETS, as usual in three widths, the same in sizes with border all round. The Materials for WINDOW DRAPERY range from the common Union Damask to the massive Reps and Silk Fabrics. „,„„__. nn .mjnv DESIGN-BOOKS of WINDOW DRAPERY, Door and Draught Curtains, by ALFRED STANDAGE, the first Artist of the day. These books are intended for the free use of Customers purchasing the materials from J. »H. & Co. . The Second Shipment of CURTAIN POLES daily e,pected.oHoi)GKiss&o0) Drapers and Carpet Warehousemen. ? 184mwfcv X OVERLAND MAIL.— The CHOICEST of COLOURINGS in Plain Poplins. . „ , The NEWEST DESIGNS in Poplin Robes (very choice) GYMP BRITOLIAS, Wide Jet Belts. Belt Ribbons and Buckles, Paris Kid Gloves, Shawis, &c. Now Open for Selection at No. 26 and 2S, RUNDLE-STRKET. Adelaide. 181mwf93vS!- JOHN HODGKIS3_& CO. ALBION HOUSE, KENSINGTON. MR9. ST. GEORGE, Late Mr. Coortnay Cookk. Mrs. ST. GEOR(!E has much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Kemintrton and its vicinity that she has REOPENED the PREMISES latclv occupied bv Mr. Courtnay Cooke with a NEW and CHOICE SELECTION of GENERAL DRAPERY, MILLINERY, MEN'S CTn?H^ft«UNBRY and DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENTS will be conducted under the personal superintendence of Mrs. St. George, whose experience in these particular Branches will be sufficient to guarantee the greatest satisfaction to the most fastidious. „,„„ The Stock of MB^'S and BOYS' CLOTHING will be found Well Assorted and at TOWN A Large Stock of SHEETINGS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CALICOES. &c will be kept; and in order to prevent Families from making their purchases in Town, Mrs. St. George has determined on adhering to the principle of small profits, and feels assured that this, together with a due attention to the requirements uf the neighbourhood, will ensure a success equal to her predecessor. ? ISlto JOHN HODGKISS & CO. request the U attention of CASH BUYERS to the system on which their business is conducted, viz.. every Article Marked the LOWEST CASH PRICE, and where Credit is given Interest charged on the account. By this system the Cash Buyers secure the advantages they are entitled to, and the Credit Buyers know the amount they pay for the accommodation they receive. Observe-JOHN HODGKISS & CO., 275cv 26 and 2S, Kundle-street. 'PROFESSIONAL^ ~ AIR. JOHN A. BRUCE, ASSAYER 1VL and ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, Kapusda. ? IfiSiuwKHS TAMES CUMMING, ARCHITECT «i and SURVEYOR, Temple-chambers, *20, Currie-streut Adelaide. ? 7(»mwfc

? TOPICAL. THE INVALID'S FRIEND.— HOLLOWAFS PILLS. NERVOUS DISORDERS. What is more fearful tban a breaking down of the nervous system ( To be excitable or nervous in a small degree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found? Here is one:— Drink but little wine, beer, or spirits, or, far better, abstain from them altogether; do not take coBee— weak-tea is preferable ; get all the flush air you cau ; take three or four of the Pills every uignt, cat plenty of solids, and avoid the use of slops. If these golden rules are followed, vou will be happy in mind strong in body, and forget you have anv nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one thingmore tbananotber for which these Tills are so famous it is their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blond from all impurities, and removing dangerous and renewing suspended secretions. Universally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaints, these Pills never fail, never weaken the system, and always bring about what is required. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether

they secrete too mucn or ioo nine waicr; ur whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the region of the kidneys, the^e Pills should be taken according to the printed directions, .and the Ointment should lie well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief after all other means have failed. THE STOMACH OUT OF ORDER. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills. They remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver, and reduce it to a healthy action. They are wonderfully efficacious in cases 'of spasm; in fact, they neverfail in curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. BRONCHITIS, DIPHTHERIA, COUGHS, AND COLDS. No diseases are more frequent, few more dangerous, than affections of the respiratory argans. The first symptoms of disordered action may always be removed by Holloway's renowned Pills. They quickly remedy any temporary stagnation of blood, relieve dny overgorged veins, moderate the hurried breathing, and enable the windpipe and lungs to perform their functions with ease and regularity. These Pills, by their-purifying powers, cleanse the blood from all impurities, and thus fortify the system against consumption, asthma, and other pulmonary complaints. DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS. In cases of debility, languor, and nervousness, generated by excess of any kind, whether mental or physical, the effect of these Pills is in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and restorative. They drive from the system the morbid cause of disease, re-establish the digestion, regulate all the secretions brace the nervous system, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back the frame to its pristine health and vigour. BILIOUSNESS. LOSS OK APPETITE, HEAD ACHE AND LOWNESS OF SPIRITS. These Pills effect, a tiuly wonderful change in debilitated constitutions, as they create a healthy appetite, correct indigestion, remove excess or bile, and overcome giddiness, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Holloway's Pills.arethe best rem :dy known in the world for the following Diseases:— Ague Female, Irregu- Scrofula, or ? Asthma Iarities King's Evil Bilious Com- Fevers of all Sore Throats plaints kinds Stone and Gravel Blotches on the Fits SecondarySymp-Skin Gout toms Bowel Com- Headache Tic-douloureux plaints Indigestion Tumours Colics Inflammation Ulcers Constipation of Jaundice Venereal Affecthc Bowels LiverComplaints tions ? Consumption Lumbago Worms of all Debility Piles kinds Dropsy Rheumatism Weakness^ from Dyseutery Retention of whatever cause Erysipelas Urine &c., &c. Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, ?244, Strand (near Temple Bar), London; also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers m Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices :-ls. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s., and 33s. each box. . . ,%? There is a considerable saving by taking the liirtrp.r frizes.

H. O. — jJirecnons lor me uuiuauuc ui ijuucmo ui Bvery disorder are affixed to each box, and can be had in any language, even in Chinese. ? 35Acrw3tt . DLEURO-PNEUMONIA.— The JL Medicines needed for the Cure of this Malady in Cattle, with directions for its use, extracted from Moore's Veterinary Homieopathy, sold at E.' S. WIGG'S Homeopathic Dispensary, 12, Bundlestreet ? ; ? 'Wto UX VOMIOA, and a variety of HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES, justun pocked. Also an Assortment of_ FAMILY MEDICINE CHESTS, &c, ice, &c. , ^ ,/PLATtS,. ? 47a _, ^SoTeXjcent for Lkvth& Ross.

H0ESE3,: CATJBE, YlSHICLEKv &o 0-i.TEAMSTERST— HORSE and ??'BULLOCK TEAMS WANTED at the Mbontsr Mine for the conveyance of Copper Ore and Materials. . ,r ? ?;?' Present rate of Cartage^ between Mqonta and Wallaroo, 12s. peiTon'ft^Or^ ; Us. per Ton for Materials. ? '. ~ i!-- t;.?--'*1'r '-.-*??*? ''?-S-'-''- ??-? ,-/ Apply to Captain 'Siftiwct, 'on the Mine; or at the' Company's OflSde^GnTri^street, Adelaide, where contracts may be obtamed for any pened. that may be/agreed on. '?? ' ? 1536 . . 'LOST AKD FOUHI). ? SIX POUNDS REWARD.— LOST, fam'Boolcoomafa Station, Eastern Plains, about October, 18S4. one Bay GELDING. HW conioined near shoulder, star and snip, bobtail, white hind fetlock; also, one Bav MARE, | in circle near rump, P off shoulder; black foal running with her when last seen. The above reward will bejmid to any person returning them to J. P. Ball, Boolcoomata; or Messrs. F. J. Beck & Co, Cumestreet, Addaide. . 193fm8v210

,A]gtrSE^?TS. VICTORIA THEATRE.— Stage Manager— Mr. J. R. Greville. Musical Director— Mr. E. Salamon. UNDIMINI8HED SUCCESS ' of the Distinsuished and Popular Artiste LADY DON.' Last Night of 'the Successful Burlesque of P R I N GE *1lM I A BLjE. The Splendid Copedy of SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES for this night only (by universal desire). THIS EVENING (Wednesday), 12th July, The entertainment will commence with (last time) the charming Comedy of SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES. Lady Don as Lauba, in which character her Ladyship Trill sing 'Meet me by moonlight alone, '?' and-the celebrated song of ' Why are you wandering.' To conclude wjth tfop .'positively ^he last tune) the new and -original successful Burlesque, written expressly for Lady Don, entitled PRINCE AMIABLE, Ob the Last op the Ogees, Prince Amiable ? Lady Don. Assisted by the Howsos Family and the Talented Company, with its Gorgeous New Last Scene. x B. M. NATHAN. Acting Manager. PUBLICATIONS AND STATIONERY npHE HYMNAL^ entitled 'Hymns, JL Ancient and Modern,' now used at St. Paul's, Adelaide: St. Andrew's, Walkeryille, and St. Jude's, Port Elliot, cin be had in various sizes and binding (chiefly as under), from ' W. MULLETT. 29, Rundle-atreet. s. d. 32rao Demy, Glazed cloth, cut flush ? 0 6 Do. do., Cloth turned in. gilt lettered... 0 8 Do. do., Limp, roan, red edges .... , ... 1 0 18mo do., Cloth turned in ... ? 1 1 Do: do., Cloth turnedin, gilt lettered, red edges ? ... 1 3 Do. do.,' Limp roan, red edges- ... ... 1 6-._ , ? ... 192'8 VIEW MDSIC. NEW MUSIC-Jusr^ 1^1 Unpacked, a Large Shipmeut of the MOST POPULAR MUSIC of the Day. Also, Musical Magazines, Cabinets, Exercises, Ac &c. 181mwf272 B. SANDER, 11, Hindley-street.

METALLEC MEMORANDUMS Wallets andPocket-Books Curl Paper Atlases in great variety Congregational Hymn Books Baptist Psalms and Hymns Mitre Hymn3 Presbyterian Hymns Wesleyan Hymns Congregational Year Book, ISti Nautical Almanacs Earth's Bible Manual Willis's Poems Guthrie's Sneaking to the Heart, new edition Oliphant's Life of Edwnrd Irving, new edition The Author of the 'Sinners' Friend,' an Autobiography, by Newman Hall ?, Memoir of Dr. liaffles i Bushnell's Christ and His Salvation Sensation Novels. School Books, Copies, Exercises : Drawing Materials, &c, Sec. Just Unpacked. E. S. WIGG, 192q ? 12, Rundle-strceet. EX RUNNY MEDE— Maurice Dering Cliildren's Friend Schnorr's Bible Prints Mayhew's London Poor, vol. 1 Domestic Service Guide Temper, its Use and Abuse Trollope's Young Heiress Trollope's Tales of all Countries Fullerton's Too Strange not to be True Worboise's Thornycroft Hall Ballantyne's Lifeboat Good Words, vol. 18G4 All the newest Novels All the newest Books for Children &c, ' &c, &c. Also, out of the above vessel— Letts's Note-Cases Letts's Rough Diary Covers Letts's Sermon-Cases Ixjtts's Russian Note Wallets Letts's Persian Note Walle's Letts's Calf, Morocco, and Persian Purses. 4to, 12nio, 16mo, and oblong PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, of the best manufacture, and most elegan designs. FAMILY ALBUMS. PLATTS, Hindley and King William streets. 157q Established 1839. Just Published, Price 28s., HISTORY OF THE DISCOyERY AND EXPLORATION OF AUSTRALIA: Or an Account of the Progress of Geographical Discovery in that Country from the earliest period to the present day, by the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods, F.G.S., F.U.G.P., F.L.S., &c, &c, author of 'Geological Observations in South Australia,' 'North Australia,' &c Two Vols. Svo, with Map and Portraits. CHAItLES PLATTS. Sole Publisher for Adelaide, No. 1, Hindley and King William streets. 171q Established 1839.

HYMNS— The Mitre Hymn-Bpok, with Supplemental Hymns, from la. 3d. Hymns, Ancient and Modern, tid. each Hymns and Psalms, published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, strongly bound, 4d. each Wesley's Hymns, and the New Congregational Hymns, from Is. 3d. each Leisure Hour, 1864 8unday at Home, 1SR4 Iiondo'n Journal, the last volume Cassells's Family Paper, the last volume Howitt's Australja, 2 vols. Woodi's Australia. 2 vols. Dr. Cumming's Life and Lessons of Our Lord Chambers's Journal, first volume new series for 1864 Stones Crying Out The House and Home A Year at the Shore, by P. H. Gosse Cassells's Popular Educator, (5 vols. The Boy's Own Volume for 1864 Piactical Dietary, by E. Smith, M.D. Poor and Happy, by the Ilev. Louis Wilson Familiar Words, by J. H. Friswell Snurgon's Sermons, the new volume The Last Gleanings of Frank Fowler The History of Playing Cards, with Anecdotes of their usein Conjuring, Fortune-telling, &c, by the Rev. E. S. Taylor JOHN HOWELL. 4, Rundle-street, 17Sq Agent for the S. P.C.K.

MAY MAIL. Sir Victor's Choice Yates's Broken to Harness Modern Scepticism and Modem Science An Editor oil' the Line English Lyrics Howitt's History of Discovery in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand Stones Crying Out Bourne's Handbook of the Steam-Engine Lessons for Maidens, Wives, and Mothers Treasures in Needlework John Stuart Mill on Liberty Memoir of Cardinal Wiseman Photograph Manual The Book of Animals Gleanings Aniohgat the Vineyards &c, &c, &c. PLATTS'S, No. 1, Hindley and Eing William streets. I79q ? . Established 1S39. ? Just Published: Reduced to 26s. HISTORY oF the DISCOVERY and EXPLORATION of AUSTRALIA, &c., by the Rev. J. E. T. Woo'S, F.G.S., &c.,&c. ; 2 vols., 8vo, with Map and Portraits. N.B.— Several Books at various times of late having been advertised by other houses at prices below the ordinary rate of advance without any known cause or reason being assigned for so doing, the undersigned begs to call the attention of- the public to the fact that he will supply the Books so advertised in every instance at a discount of 5 per centfrom whatever the price may be. I74q W.C. R1GBY, Importer. ALMANACS FOR 1865. Just Published, fy the Register General Steam Printing Offices, Grehfell-street, and to be had of all Agents in Town and Country, THE ROYAL SOUTff AUSTRALIAN 1 SHEET ALMANAC for 1865, Pbick Sixpence. THE ROYAL SUUTH~AUSTRALIAN CARD ALMANAC for 1865, Price Thheepence. Size, 6 in. x 9 in.

THE DESK ALMANAC for 1865, Price Oke Penny. Size, 3J in. 1 4| in. THE 'REGISTER' CARD ALMANAC for 1865, Price One Penny. Size, $k'm. x 2j in. S--WL--B- D- E N B O R G True Christian Religion The Four Leading Doctrines of the Sew Church Heaven and Hell Five Tracts 'Spiritual Christianity. lfttq -?;?? ??'? PLATT3, Established 1839. SLATES, Hardwood Frames, various 11 'sizes; ; 179q ? PLATTS. HISTORY and EXPLORATIONS of AUSTRALIA, byRev. JuhakE. T. Woods. lllq E. 3. WIGG, 12, Rundle-street. TP HE W H I T E WIFE, J- by Cuthbeht1 Bede. 178q „_ ? , E. A WIGGt 12, Bnndle^treet. VTAPOLEON'S, JULIUS (LESAR. -li 7178a ' E^; S., WIGG, 12, Bundle-atwet. pARLYLE'S HISTORY OF Vx FREDERICK-lL^Called the Great 6 vols 178q ? - E., 8. WIGG. 12, Rnndle^treet HO Mr E NEWS, ' 12s per annum in town, ' 12s- do. posted. PLAITS, 74q ? Agent for the Home NewH. NEW MUSI O.. ?„ „ . PLAITS, No. 1, flindley and King William Btaceta, I ' Established £338. r ^ lSq

THE COLLEGIATE .SCHOOL OF . ST. PETER, ADELAiPE.^Under the Direction of Fifteen Governors; the Right Eev. ? .the Lord Bishop of Adelaide President. ' ' HeadMaRter-Re7G. E Farr.M.A., Pembroke College, Cambriage. ;: - - ' ±1'' ??'?'?'? ?' Second MasterMJ. W. May, Esa.wKing?s College, London.!-! i :i ' '???:-?? ? Assistant Masters— Rev* Francis Williams, M.A., Lincoln Coll., Oxford; Mr. George R. Irwihe, j Literary Scholar and Exhibitioner of 'the Queen's ? University, Ireland. | Professor of Modern Languages— Mr. H. von Schleinitz of the Universities of Leipsic and Greisewalde Professor of French-Mr. Adolph Marval, of the I ?University of Paris. | Professor of Drawinjt-Mr. Charles Hill. i Terms, Payable Quarterlyin Advance. J For Boarders, including (Tuition, Wash- j ing, and Mending of Clothes, per. quarter ... ? £15 0 0 One Guinea Entrance-Fee for New Boys. [ Day, Scholars; per quarter ? ... 3 10 0. . One Guinea Entrance-Fee for New Boys. j Extrad-iBdoks and Stationery supplied. One J -Guinea each per, quarter for German, French, or Drawing. . ? . . G. W.HAWffES. Horn Sec N.B.— A Quarter's Notice required- previous to JrenuwnL- . . , ! ! iritis requested 'that Boys to bet admired to he Collegiate School may be brought to the Head . faster between the hours,jof-9and 12o'dockon Monday, 17th July next: . 189mwi.96v810 ? PORT ADELAIDE GRAMMAR IT . school, ? '?;.? Rev. FRANK GAERET1' JLA., Master. This.Sch'ool will Re9pen on Monday, 17th July. For terms and admission, apply to ? J. SHEPHERD ANTHONY, Hon. Sec. July 11, 1865. ? 193f5 jfPHE YOUNG LADIES of Mrs. -L W-HITBY'S ESTABLISHJIENT ' are expected to Reassemble oh Tuesday, the 18th inst. Carrington-streefc South Adelaide. 193'8 'VTOUNG LADIES' SCHOOL, at Port -I- Adelaide.-^The next Quarter will commence :onMonday,JuIyl7. g ^^^

1/fISS MITCHELL, Cbarlton House, ^'A Glenelg. For Boarders only. Pupils will Reassemble on Monday, 17th inst. . J91''S JV/TORNING CLASSES for YOUNG 1H liiVDIES.-MISS SINNETT'S .CLASSES, Grerifell-street east, will Reopen on Monday, July 17. Class for General English Instruction, including Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic History, && Classes for French and German. Drawing lass for advanced students as well as beginners. A .Class for advanced English Reading ; and on Saturday a Drawing Class for Boys. l-8nv.»f95 ?TV/TR. R. B. WHITE, Professor of 1*J. Mosio (from the Royal Academy of Music, London), begs to announce to the, inhabitants of Adelaide and its environs that he has taken a loom in the Adelaide Assembly Rooms, King William-str.eet, where he will 1« happy to RECEIVE' PUPILS ? for INSTRUCTION' in MUSIC commencing Monday, July. 10. For terms and particulars, apply as above. N.B.— Mr. R. B. W. is open to Engagement for Co.vdcoting Concerts. audSoiBEES. Adelaide, June 30. 1865. ? 182c

lygURANCE NOTICES THE SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Marine Risks at Current Rates. JOSEPH DARWENT, Agent 32c ? Grenf ell-street. ? OOYAL FIRE AND LIFE At INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, £2,000,000. Annual Revenue over £600,000. Increase of Fire Business last year greater than that of any other office in Great Britain. FDtE BRANCH.— Insurances granted at Reduced Premiums, Claims settled in Adelaide. LIKE BUANCH.— Moderate Premiums, liberal conditions, and undoubted security. No extra charge for voyage to England. Medical Referee-R. W. MOORE, Esq., Colonial Surgeon. ACRAMAN MAIN, LINDSAY, & CO., 24cv ? Agents. ? AUEEN FIRE~AND LIFE V£ INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, Two Millions. 288c WM. YOUNGHUSBAND. JUN., \ CO. /CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND VJ GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY INSTITDTION. C-vpital, One Million. Fire Risks taken at usual premium. All Claims promptly settled in the colony. Loans granted on personal security. FHA.NCIS S. DUTTON. Agent, 13c Rundle-place. HOME AND COLONIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capita), Two Millions. MARINE RISKS at CURRENT RATES. 288c WM. YOUNGflUSBAND. JUN. & CO

pOLO N I AL INSURANCE COMPANY \J OF VICTORIA.- We beg to call the attention of Insurers to the fact that the LIFE and GUARANTEE BUSINESS of the Company has been TRANSFERRED to the AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY, and that Premiums on existing Policies should be paid to us. FRANCIS CLARK & SONS, Agents. ? 18»mwf2l2 QOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE O COMPANY, LIMITED. Directors: Hon. Thomas Kevnolds. M.P., Chairman. J. M. Linklatcr, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. P. 'Harris, Esq. J. C. Verco, Esq. J. P. R. G. Bowen. Esq. I F. W. Thomas, Esq. James Hardman, Esq. FIRE and MARINE RISKS taken at Reduced Rates. Losses paid cither here or in England. Money Lent on Mortgage. Agencies at every Township m the Colony. Central Ottice, King William-street, Adelaide, SSmwfe ? R. E. TAPLEY, Secretary. U' NIVERSAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital, One MHlion, Head Office, 35, Cornhill, London. ADELAIDE BRANCH. Edmund W. Wright, Agent

Imperial-chambers, Jung William-street. Risks are accepted by the Agent or Broker at the Lowest Rates, and Losses promptly paid, either hore oi in London, as required. HENRY CO WIE. Broker, 230mwfc ? Gilbert-place. DERWENT AND TAMAR MARINE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, jE100,(H)9.-E8tablishe 1838. Head Olh'ce: Macouarie-street, Hobart Town. ADELAIDE BRANCH: Agent, W. Samson. Olllce: 5, Currie-street. Marine and Fire Risks are accepted by the Agent, without reference to the Head Office, at the lowest rates, and Losses promptly settled. Marine losses maybe made payable in London it required;- ? 4Q-256mwfc TTOBART TOWN and LAUNCESTON ±1 MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Surveyor- Captain Simpson, Port Adelaide. RISKS accepted at REDUCED RATES. 274mwfc ? F. J. BECK & CO., Agents. The only Ottice whose bonds and policies of guarantee. are accepted by the Treasury, Customs, Inland Revenue, General Post-Office, War, Admiralty, Home, Colonial, India, ann other Government departments in Great Britain THE EUROPEAN ASSURANCE 1 SOCIETY. FOR LIFE ASSURANCE.FIDELITYGUARAN. TEE, ENDOWMENTS, AND ANNUITIES. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 22 Vic., Cap. xxv. Capital— A Quarter of a Million Sterling. Annual Revenue, £160.000. . . . Forms of Proposal and every other information may be obtained on application td Adelaide— B; B. COLLEY^King William-street; PortAdelaide-GLELAND PAGE.& CO. 238wsc

A USTRALIAN ALLIANCE ft- ASSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE and GUARANTEE Risks accepted at current rates, while Insurers are entitled to a portion of the PROFITS. , ' LD7E and MARINE Insurance effected. ANNUITIES and ENi-K)WMENT3 granted., FRANCIS CLARK & SONS. 69mwfcv ? Blyth-street, Adelaide. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. / Established 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament Subscribed Capital, £%000,000 Sterling. The Company Insures against Fibe nearly every description of Property, at the Lowest Rates of Premium corresponding to each risk. Insurances for seven years charged forsix only. Losses settled in the colony with prompttude mi hHEMOT FULLARTON. & CO., Agents. 2Slmwfcv

4 DELAIDE MARINE AND FIRE A ' ASSURANCE COMPANY. ??'?. Incorporated, by Actof Parliament BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Wm. Peacock, M . L.O., Chairman. Hon. AithurBlyth, M.P. WiUiam Morgan, Esq. James Smith, Esq. ; , Edward J..Spence, Esq. Thomas Graves, Esq. Thos. Whinnerah; Esq. Offices— Grenfell-street; Adelaide. .v MARINE RISKS effected at lowest current rates. WOOL taken with AVERAGE recoverable on each BALE. Losses payable, in London or \ FIRE^RISKS aken atlaberai Rates in Town or LOSSES promptly settled in CASH. ? FKED. S. O. DRIFFIELD, Secretarj. MONEY to Lend. ? 314mwfcv /CORNWALL FIRE AND MARINE VJ INSURANCE COMPANY. LAUNCESTON. Established in 1841. ? - . Agents at Hobart Town, Melbourne, Geelong, and Eiver Mersey. ' ^''^BRAtAM SCOTT, Blyth-itreet 3mhcv JAMES AIKMHBAD, Secretary. -

; ,:,.,„? PUBLIC NOTICES. T R IS H I MM I G R AT I ON V JL Crown Lands and Immigration Office, Adelaide. July 11, 1865. NOTICE is hereby given that APPLICATIONS for ASSISTED PASSAGE CERTIFICATES for persons of the Irish nationality RECEIVED at the LOCAL COURT-ROOM, Adelaide,' between 10 a,m. and 3 p.m.' on Tuesday, the 18th July, Instead of at the Crown Lands Office. -By order of the Commissioner, 193fnVSv & T. WILDMAN, Secretary. ASSISTED IMMIGRATION.— Crown Lands and Immigration Office, June 16. 1865. ? ? NOTICE is hereby given that, the Adelaide Local Court-Rojin will be open from 10 until 3 p.m.', on Tuesday, the 18th July, for the receipt pt Applications for Assisted Passage Certificates in favour of persons of the Irish Nationality. All such Applications must be put in as above, as none will be received through the post. The address of the Depositor must be attached to the Application, and the Certificate will be forwarded by post to such address. : Forms of Application and any information required can ho obtained at this Office. H. B. T. STRANGWAYS, 168w93.99v'96l Commissioner of Crown Lands. : A PUBLIC MEETING will be held at tlr the Crown Inn, TRURO, on Thursday, July 3, at6.o'clock pan., for the purpose of considering he desirability of MEMORIALIZING the PARLIAMENT to. have a MAIN LINE of ROAD declared between TRURO and KAPUNDA. ' D. SHANNON. W. FLAVEL. 1 Dniro, July 5, 1865. ? xrmw -TVTOTICE.— All CLAIMS upon the .1 ESTATE of the late RICHARD HICKS, Esquire, not yet sent in arc required to be left at the Office of Hicks & Daly,. City -chambers,. Ade-' laide. J. G. DALY, 192c ? Solicitor to the Executor. VTOTICE.— I shall NOT be ANSWER1^1 ABLE for any DEBTS contracted in my name without a written order. No Person is authorized to receive Payments on my account except myself. II. WAUNCKEN, 192''4 Baker, Flinder-street. CQgPAHIES AND So'dfETIES. j THE NATIONAL BANK .OF AUSTRALASIA. Incorporated by Acts of Victoriak and South Australian Parliaments. The Board of Directors have resolved to mCKEASEthe CAPITAL STOCK of the Hank by the Issue of THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND NEW SHARES, on the following terms, viz. :— 20,000 Shares on the London Uepister. 15,000 Shares on tho Victorian and South Australian Registers. The Shares to be issued (£1 paid) at £2 premium, payable as follows:— £0 10s. per Share on application. £.] 10s. per Share on allotment. £2 0s. per Share at Three Months, without interest. . The Holders to be entitled to receive the current ' Half- Year's Dividend, and the Premium (£70,000) j to be added to the Reserve Fund. j In the event of an excess of applications being made, preference will be given to present Shareholders. Applications will be received at the Head Office, Adelaide Office, and the Branches -?( the Bank, up to noon on the 22nd inst., for the Purchase of ! Twenty-Five Thousand of the above-mentioned Share3, on the terms specitied in the following proportions, viz. :— 10.009 Shares on London Recister. 15,000 Shares on Victorian and South Australian Registers.The The remaining 10,000 Shares are reserved for Issue in London. Forms of Application can be had at the Offices of the Bank. By order of the Board, A. CUNNINGHAM. Manager. Head Office, Melbourne, July 1, 1865. To the Board op Directors op tiie National Bank of Australasia. Gentlemen— I h'g to request you will Allot me Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank on the Register, in terms of your notice of the 1st instant. I enclose for £ , being deposit of Ten Sliillmps per Share, and I agree to execute the Deed of Settlement of the Company on allotment. I am, Gentlemen, yours faithfully, Name ? Occupation ? 184'203vS6 Address ? HPHE NATIONAL BANK OF AUS- \ JL TRALASfA.-A BRANCH of this BANK is This Day OPENED at NURIOOTPA, under the temporary Management of Mr. Frank Karuth, for the transaction of general Banking Business. E. M. YOUNG, Manager. Adelaide, June 22, 1SU5. 17:5 2U2v9ti THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTR ALASI A.-A BRANCH of tins Bank has this day been OPENED at PEN OLA, under the Acting Management of Mr. W. F. Remington, for the transaction of Genera! Hanking KusincfS. 189-2l9v2l0j E. M. YOUNG. Manager. A GRICULTURAL ANJD~HORtF?£1. CULTURAL SOOIETY.-The ANNUAL PLOUGHING MATCH. SHOW uf ?ENTIRES, and TRIAL of IMPLEMENTS will be held on the 10th of August, 18G5, at a place to bo named. Persons desirous of offering Land suitable for the purpose should communicate with the Secretaiy not later than the 27th inst. EBENKZER WARD, Secretary. 94, King William-street. l!)2'3ivs207 OAKD OF PUBLIC COMPETITIVE FXAMINAT1ONS.- CANDIDATES for EXAMINATION at the Public Competitive Examinations, to conimence 4th September next, are required to send in to the Hon. Secretary, on or before noon of the 27th instant, a statement of their names at full length, their addresses, the day and yeai of their birth, the schools they last attended, and the classes and subjects respectively in which they intend to ofi'er themselves for examination. Each communication must bear the signature of tho applicant.

Candidates will take notice that as the tiousc ot Assembly has refused to furnish the necessary funds for the award of money prizes. Certificates of Honour only will be awarded to the successful candidates, as intimated in the 14th clause of the published Programme. By order of the Board, JNO. HOWARD CLARK, Hon. Sec. Adelaide, July 5, 1865. ? 187ws207'8v203 QOUTH AUSTRALIAN GAS COMO PANY. - The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders in this Company will be held on Monday, the 31st day --f July, at the Arbitration Rooms, Adelaide Assembly Rooms, King William-street, at 3 o'clock p.m., for the transaction of the following business :— To receive the General Statement and Balance-sheet, showing the state of affairs of the Company to the 30th June, lSO'.'i; to h'.v the amount of Remuneration to the Directors and Auditors for the past year; to elect Three Directors in the room of Hon. Henry Ayers, Thomas Graves, and George Young, Ksquires, the retiring Directors (who are eligible for re-election, and oiler themselves accordingly); to elect Two Auditors for the ensuing year. ' The Books of Transfer will be closed from the 24th to 31st of July, inclusive. JOHN PAXTON, Secretary; 23, Currie-street, July S, 18 jo. 191mf2l2v QOUTH AUSTRALIAN GAS COMO PANY.— NOTICE. -Any Shareholder duly qualified hy holding 50 Shares in the Company and intending to be a Candidate for- the Office of Director at the ensuing election on the 31 st of July, must give notice in writing of his intontion to Hie Secretary on or before Monday, the 17th of July, at 2 o'clock p.m. JOHN PAXTON, Secretary. 23, Currie-atreet, July 8, 1S'J5. 191mwf981v PERMANENT EQUITABLE L BUILDING and INVESTMENT SOCIETY. -The MONTHLY MEETING and SALE of SHARKS will be held in the Society's Office, No. 9, Hindley-street, on Wednesday, the 12th instant, at 8 o'clock in the evening. 192'3 CHAS. HIGGINS. Secretary.

? M0?I?! ? rpWO THOUSAND POUNDS JL WANTED, on Freehold becurity; six per cent., five or seven years. Address Box, C9, PostOffice. ? ? ? 153w'93 WANTED, £2,000 on First-class Security. Apply to T. SCHUMACHER, _x ? Land Broker, Pirie-street. CITY LOAN and DISCOUNT~COMPANY, 71. King Williim-street, opposite White's Kooms. Money Advanced in sums of £5 and upwards on approved personal or other security. 55mwf235 G. M., GALLEY, Agent. MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. LOANS NEGOTIATED. GREEN & WADHAM. lev | Exchanire Land Offices, King William-street;

MONEY at Eight per Cent, on; Freehold Land of adequate value, and on other Real Securities at moderate rates of interest, &. W. Cotton, Licensed Laud Broker, WaterhouBe's-buildings, lung William-street, Adelaide., ? ? ? ? ? 326m wfcv \1ONEY TO LEND on Freehold jlVJL Security. ANDREWS &BONNIN, 4cv Solicitors, 61, King William-street. MONEY TO LEND; Property brought under the Keal Property Act Mortgages, Leases, and Transfers drawn up. W. LETCHFOKD. -' y Licensed Land Broker, WateThouscVbuildings. N.B.— Chaiyesas allowed by the Act. 246cv MONEY TO LEND on approved Security. W. H. BUNDEY, Solicitor, 95cv 71, King William-street VTEW, TYPES and New MACHINERY 13 for ECONOMICAL' and ATTK ACTIVE ' PRINTING, now to hand at ihollegislcr Genera Frinting-OtBceB.GrenieU-street , . ttcv

HUiriCIPAIANDDISTEICT . r-' :C(TOCHg. ??--? ? .? iDALANCE-SHEET of the NOARJL- LUNGA DISTRICT COUNCIL for the Half-Year ending June 30, 1S65. '' J January.!, UBS. Du. ToBalanceiast audit ... ? £10917 3 Rates received* 1864-5 ... ? 12313 6 Jetty dues ? ... ... .'.. 33 12 9 ! DogActfees ? ~ ... ? 22.4 0 Private subscription .., ? 0 10 0 Impounding fee ? ... 050 Slaughtering licences' ... ? 0.10' 0 i t -.' m- ?'?'? *.- £290 12 G Julyl. ToJJalanceinhand '... ... 120 7 9 January to June 1. 1865. Cr. ' By Improvements, as underFencing new road, Section 35X40 0 0 ..' Platform and repairs at jetty 29 8 10 Mttalling, &c, near Wickhams „. „. ..- 17 7 0 Surveying Clwendou Range- . roati&c ? ... IS 13 6 Repairs Onkaparinea bridge 2 14 6 Dp. ..Hornal's Hill ... 1 10 0 Sundry small accounts ... 7 11 8 By Office Expenses-. Clerk and Supermtendent's ^salary. ? ...- ...jE30. 0 8 CollectM's commission ... 9 3 9 Advertising and printing ... 8 18 6 Stationery and stamps ... 1 15 0 Auditing accounts ... ... 2 2 0 Rent of room- ? 10 0 ? 5219 3 By-Balance ? 12U 7 9 i290 12 6| MARTIN BUBGESS, Clerk. I Audited and. found correct with vouchers produced, this 30th day of June, 1865. 1LL.ALDEIKEY, \ AllJi,tnl_ p JOHN ADAMS,. /AudltoreMITCHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL.— ! ELECTION MEETING at the Unley Inn, July 10, 1SU5. The Chairman of the District (Dr. Burton), Returning Officer. The Ballot commenced at 9 ii in. and continued until 5 p.m., when the Scrutiny was made, and the Poll declared to be as follows, vie. : -Badrnan. 74; Latter, 58: Hofmiaun, :W; Darling, 27: Young (Parkside), 1; YoungKJlen Osmond), 1; Fisher. 0; Viney, 7; Thomas, 1; llomershani. :-; Easther, 3S; informal, 9 The Iloturnins Ofllcer deckre-l Messrs. Badmun, Lafl'er, and Uoffuxann duly elected. The whole of the Councillors then met. when it was resolved unanimously that Ilk-hard Francis Burton be the Chairman for the next 12 months; apd aho, that this Council at its rising be adjourned until Monday next at 1 p.m.. for tho transaction of special business. By order,' m'iv ? W. FABIAN, Clerk. 'PAN-UN-DA DISTRICT.— NOTICE is -L hereby civen ihat the ANNUAL MEETING of RATEPAYERS held this day, at Tanunda, for the Election of Three Councillors, is adjourned to Monday,. July 17, 1865, to be held at the Tanunda Hotel, Tanunda. from 9 o'clock till 5 o'clock p.m.. for ELECTING,- -by ballot. Three COUNCILLORS fromJthe following candidates nominated, viz. :-Messrs. Traugott Schrapel, Rowland Berthold Habermann, Hermann- Har! wig Meins, Christian Heppner, Johann Friedrieh Christian Schulz, Henry Gerhard Ahrens, and Julius Pabst. C. VON BER1HJUCH, Returning Offioer. July 3, 1865, ? lbGwS»3v96 rPANUNDA DISTRICT. -NOTICE & J- hereby given that Mr: O. V»N BERTOUCH is APPOINTED RETURNING OFFICER for the purpose of conducting the ELECTION of Three COUNCILLORS for the District of Ta« nunda, on Monday, July 17, at the Tanunda Hotel* Tanunda. F. BASEUOW. Chairman. Tanunda District Council Office; July 3, 18ti5.. ? 186w3.iv9fi VT O R T H WANDILTA MINE.— i-l NOTICE is hereby given that no further Applications for Shares in the above Mine will be received after Thursday next, the 13th instant. W. MOOHE. Secretary. 191'4 G. W. COTTON. Agent in Adelaide. iffSOLVEHCY NOTICES' ' TN THE COURT OF INSOLVENCY. JL South Australia. -WHEREAS Adjudications in Insolvency have been made against the undermentioned persons. Notice is hereby given that thelCommissionerhas appointed the following days for Meetings in each Estate to be held at the Local Court-House, Victoria-square, Adelaide; at the date of which meetings the Insolvents aro required to surrender and make disclosure of their estate and effects, and the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and vote in the choice ef an Assignee or Assignees, aiid al the last sitting the Insolvents are to finish their examinations :— JOHN INOLEBY, of Moonta. Yorkc's Peninsula. Joiner, Builder, and Contractor and late of Adelaide, out of business, on Friday, the sixteenth day oi June, axd on Friday, the fourteenth day of Jul?, at 12 ''clock. WILLIAM RINGER, formerly of North Adelaide, Baker, afterwards of Hindley-street, Adelaide, Baker, then of Rundle-street, Adelaide, Hawker, since of Kensington, Baker, and now of Magill, Baker, on Monday, the nineteenth dny of June, and On Monday, the seventeenth day of July, at eleven o'clock. JOSEPH ALFORD, late of Woodside. Farmer, on Monday, the nineteenth d ;y of June, and on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of July, at eleven o'clock, THOMAS MORAN. of Adelaide, Coachbuilder, on Wednesday, the fifth day of July, and on Thursday, the third day of August, at eleven o'clock. CHARLES HEWLETT, of Maidstone, Builder, on Wednesday, the fifth day of July, and on Thursday, the third day of August, at twelve o'clock. ^WILLIAM HENRY ST ANBURY, of Kooringa, Storekeeper, on Wednesday, the fifth day of July, and on Thursday, the third day of August, at two o'clock. .'OHN CHERRY. Official Asrismei.

? jSMPIOYMEHT WANTED. WANTED, a SITUATION in a Country Business, by a young Man fully acquainted with the German and English languages. Good references can be given. Address P.B., office of this paper. x ANTED a SITUATION as COACHMAN or GROOM. Good references. Apply to J. Wilcox, Mr. Rounse veil's stables. ? 192'3 WANTED, EMPLOYMENT in a » » Country Store, by a young Man accustomed to the business. Good references. Address A. B.. Mr. S. Bakewell, Peel-ttreet. 110*4 j^ MPLOYMENT WANTED by a young -J Man' who has lost the use of his left hand. Apply to D. II ail, 8* King William-street. HCc PERSoWslyANTED ~ XTQAULUNGA DISTRICT SCHOOL. i^l --APPLICATIONS (with Testimonials) from married Teachers only will be received by the t'oarlunga' District. Council Until July 31, 18ii5, from Persons desirouB of obtaining .the ! APPOINTMENT of MAdTBU bi the above School. Duties to commence at the end of September next. ? - ? MARTIN BUKWESS, Cert „ Noarlunga, June 2U, 1805. . 182-'9Grl86w'2G A T Mia. HOMFRAY'SFeinaleReTidrJr XX ~flffice7GawW-plffce^Wanted, General Servants, lor country. ' /. «. . x AT Mrs. HOMFRAY'S Female Registry Office, Gawler-place— Wanted, tidy Nursegirl8. ; ? x FOUR PLASTERERS WANTED, to proceed to Moonta «'. once. For particulars, apply to Mr. John Pulsford, timber merchant and builder, Grenfell-street, Adelaide. ' ' 193-M

WANTED, in a Gentleman's FamUy about two miles from Town, a RESIDENT GOVERNESS. A knowledge of French mostly required. Address by letter, R.B.S., office of this paper, stating salary required, &c, &c. 193''4 WANTED, by a Family residing in the country, an Experienced GOVERNESS, who can be well recommended. Apply by letter to Box No. 13, Post-Office, Adelaide. 188ra*y3vx WANTED, in aSuperiorLadiea'School, a competent ENGLISH TEACHEU; a knowledge of Music indispensable. Applv by etter to (GO, Marshall's Musical Repository, Rundle-street. . ? ^ ? 171c WANTED, 'a 'young MAN,, who ia able td Attend to a Shop in a Grocery and Baking Establishment. Apply to Chas. Tidemann, 36, Currie-street.* -?—??— y&.

WANTED, a BO)r. Apply to S. . Blomfield, butcher,' Parade, Norwood, 192 '3. WANTED, good GENERAL SERVANT8. for the Country. Mrs. Selth's. x -WANTED, ..a . jcespeckble . YOUTH. T T Must write a good business hand. One willing to learn tlie Counter Trade preferred. Apply 5L Bundle-street; ; ? 193c WANTED, CABINETMAKERS. C. , . Kulp.ffl, Hindley;fitreet, Adelaide. MwsCv, W-A N T E JX immediately, HORSE' » V A I DRIVERS. ; Apply to Mr. Escott, Wbyte Park. TothiU's Creek. ? H7cv AN T,E D,' several TEND and . ' TARPAULIN MAKERS, at Thoma* MacDonald'a, Freeman-street. ' 192*3 WAITED, 'a sttorig LAD about 14. Apply at Joiics Brothers', WaymouthBtroet' ? / . ; 191-'3 T^JPIWO'JD. . FIREWOOD.— 1,000 'J? Tons 'Wanted, immediately? Hindinarjl) Steatn.-Mills.' . ' . '. ' ' ' WOnrc \ ' . ? '. - '. ? ?'

LAND AUCTION K0TICE3 . , A BSTRACTof GREEN&WADUAM'S ?Ol .JULY . LAKD AUCTION SALB, To be held in the .. LANI) MART, ADELAIDE, ON FRIDAY. JULY 14, 18% AT 11- O'CLOCK PBEQISKLT. Lot.- - .TOWN PROPERTIES. -15. COTTAGES and LAND, Kcnnode-street, NORTH ADELAH)E. SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. 1. BLOCK 01 LAND, FINCHLEY (near Magill). 2. ALLOTMENT No. 6, WOODFORDE (near Magill). 3. ALLOTMENT No. 24% KENT TOWN. 18.. BLOCK of LAND, BRIGHTON. COUNTRY PROPERTIES. 4. SECTIONS 305 and 402 ,(232 Acres). ROBE TOWN (near to). '-J ?_ 5. SECTION 4 (101 Acres), MOUNT BARKER MINERAL SURVEY. & SECTION 5 (90 Acres), MOUNT BARKER MDjJERAL SURVEY. ' -7. SECTION 6 (94 Acres). MOUNT BARKER MINERAL SURVEY, a SECTION 11 (119 Acres), MOUNT BARKER MINERAL SURVEY. 9. SECTION U (88 Acres). MOUNT BARKER ? MINERAL SURVEY. 10. SECTION 3271 (- Acres), PARA WIRBA. 11. SECTION. 32F2(U4 Acres), PARA WIRKA. llA. , . Bl ORDBB OF THK iMOBTOAQE3S, VALUABLE BUILDINGS and LAND, CLARE. 12. SECTION 198 (91 Acres), TALUNGA. 13. SECTIONS 1, 0, 7, and 11' (405 Acres), DUBLIN. 14. SECTION 1599(640 AcreB). GILBERT. 16. ALLOTMENTS 38 and 39. BLANCHE. TOWN. ', *^* 17. SECTION 1279 (6 Acres). ADELAIDE (Hundred of),19. 19. SECTION 2073 (1(-S Acres), BREMBR. For full particulars, see current advortisementi in RtiQISTJSR and OBSERVER Newspapert on Monday, Thursday, anil Saturday. 186cv LAND AUCTION 8ALE. MY Next LAND SALE will be hold on FRIDAY, JULY 28. Particulars of Properties for Sale are respectfully requested before the 20th inatant. _184c ? CHAKLKS I1DKMANM. LAND AND HOUSES. GREEN «fc WADHAM, LAND AGENTS AND LAND AUCTIONEERS. LANDED PROPERTIES VALUED. LANDED PROPERTIES SURVEYED. , PLANS Furnished and TOWNSHIPS LAID OUT. Plans of Townships, Hundreds. 4c., &c,, throughout the COLONY ;»lwiyg open for inspection. HOUSES, STOUES, LAND SECTIONS. &C, LET or LEASED. EXCHANGE LAND MART And Land Offices, King William-street. LAND. LOAN, AND GENERAL COMfflSSlON OFFICES. GOVERNMENT ) Purc'1118'311 in accordance with SECTIONS ( tlie instructions of parties HLOiiuiNS j absent from Adelaide; GOVERNMENT IPurchased and Let on Lease, SECTIONS / with Right of Purchase. SPECIAL NOTICE. GREEN & WADHAM'S ADVERTISEMENTS appear in the 'REGISTER' Newspaper on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and In tho 'OBSERVER' of Saturday. lev ? GREEN & WADHAM, Land Agents. B~ EXLEY, near ST. MARY'S.— FOR SALE, a Comfortable and Substantially-built FAMILY liESlDENCS, containing seven lofty and well-finished Rooms, dry Cellar and Pantry, with Stabling, Gighouse, aud Outbuildings. Grana ami Hay Paddock of Hisven acres, four and a half acres of Garden and Vineyard, ntocked with choice Vines aud Fruit-trees in full bearing; Winehouao and Cellar. Well of excellent Water, and Rain' water Tank of 5,001) gallons. Tho Property ia known as the Residence of the late Jas. Waterman. Apply to CHAS. ROWLAND, Agent. _175wsc ? 3i).KingWiUiam-3trect. EOR SALE, ALLOTMENT of LAND in PIKIE-STKEET, part of Town Aero 208. Apply to T. SCHUMACHER, 193'C ? Land Broker, Piric-streeL 1.7*011 SALE, on favourable terma. a - SHEEP STATION, not affected lry tha existing drought. For particulars apply to T. E. BURY & CO., 180c ? 1!), King William-street, Adelaide. HILTON.— TO be~LET, wth imniediatc possession, the Premises lately used as a Public-HouHe called HILTON HOTEL, with Lucerne l'adduck of aluut three Acres. Apply to Mnjtoglehy, 77,^in«JiVinmiu-Btreet. ? 180c_ LAND F 6 h S A L E — MEADOWS-^Seotions 3399 and 3400. OLDPDRT-LotNo,3. GAWLKR TOWN-Lots C4. 100, 125, 158, and 181. Apply to 158mwCT ? MLDER, SMITH, & 00. rPO be LET, a HOUSE and SHOP -L near the National Bank, KING WILLIAMSTREET. Apply to R. A. Fivcasli. Templcchambers. Curne-street. ? lOOmwfc rp0'b7LET~'that'Excellent FAMILY X RESIDENCE known as Canonhury House, Norwood, with about Four and a Half Acres of Land, well-stocked Garden, &c. Apply to ll-2c CHARLES DRAPER, Grenfell-Btreet.

? pn ? Engineer and Architect's Oilke, Adelaide, July 4. 18(13. TENDERS for ERECTING LOOKJL OUT 8IGNAL-S?.'ATION at NORMANVILLE will bo received until noon of Thursday, 13th instant. Drawings and specification can be seen at this office, and alw at Jhe Telegraph (Station, Norinanville. Neither tbe lowest nor any tender will necessarily be accepted. W. HANF.ON, I8fifmw93 ? Engineer and Architect. Engineer and Architect's OlHce, Adelaide, July 11, 1805. TENDERS for BUILDING TANK, X &c., at tlie POLICE STATION. WALLAROO, will be received until noon of Saturday, 22nd instant. Drawings and Specifications can be seen at this Office, and also at the ubovenamed Station. Neither the lowest nor any tender will necessarily be accepted. W. HANSON, I93sw200yi ? Engineer and Architect TENDER FOR' HORSE'S. X Surveyor-General's Office. July 7, 1865. TENDERS will be received at this office until the l:lih inst. for the Supply of Eight Sound Stanch HORSES, broken to saddle and Harness, Age not to exceed seven years. ? 180wH3vx. TENDERS will be received by the X undersigned up t-j July 2(i, 1805, tar tho ? QUAKUYiNG of about 1.0o0 feet ofMAKULK from the Macclesfield Quarry; alao, for tho CARTING of the tsanu to Adelaide. Apply to JOHN KKLLET, 181c Waymouth-street, Adelaide.

HOTELS AND LWERY STABLES. PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL, MOONTA. ROBERT HYDE having taken the above House trusts that by strict attention to business to merit a share of patronage. The House has been thoroughly renovated and everything done fur the comfort of Visitors. Good Stabling and Stockyard. ?. 1 he Best Drinks to be procured always on hand, N.B.— An Ordinary every day at 1 o clock. ? ISTwso PURIUE-STREET LIVERY AND V^ BAIT STABLES. Messrs. JEWELL & NICHOLLSbeg to tender their tlianks to, tlie Public who have so liberally patronised their Livery Stables for the task Five years, and to inform them that they have, in addition to their Old KtitabUshmenLj OPENED STABLEB at the rear o| the WHITE HORSE, Currie-street, also STABLES adjoining the. NAPOLEON. King William-street, where every description of Light Vehicles and First-Clawi Horses can be obtained on Hire. A Shoeing Force bas aho been erected at the White Horse Stables by Richard Correll. late o| Crane'B, King William-sticet. lor'av

^UKTH. BXAK JLKJN, Hear IUQ ULilKMAN MINE— The undersigned are prepared to negotiate for tho SALE of this valuable Property. I89'95v9Cj FRAN0I8 CLARK & SONS. PRODUCE. pLARE MILL.— NOTICE TO \J OWNERS OF NORTHERN 8TATIONS.The undersigned is prepared to deliver first-class Silk-dressed Flour, in bags or half bags, at any of the Northern or North-Eastern Station! within 80 miles of Clare, at Adelaide quotations, or at farther or less distances at proportionate rate*. 89c ? CHARLES KIM PER. EAST, ALBURN1 . -IILL.-FLOUR always on 8ale at a considerable reduction from Adelaide Prices. Cartage found- to ;Jl parts of the North on reasonable terms. fllcv_i: ? . GEORGE FIELD. WOOL, HIDES, RHEEPSKINS, -fec, ' PURCHASED nt the Highest1 Market Price by . ' ' : ' 113cv JOHN TAYLOR & SON. Thebarton WOOL. HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, SHANKBOJIES. TALLOW, &o, PUR. CHASED by the undersigned In Adelaide, or by USAgent,J;M.I[uTtK^S..8()N(