South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 15 September 1866, page 3


The annual dinner of the above Association was leld at the Town Hall ou Friday. September 14. There were between 60 and 70 members of the Association present, and Mr. A. Chapman pre-

sided. He was supported by the respected master of the Adelaide Educational Institution, Mr. J. L Young, and several of the masters in the establishment. Messrs. J. F. Conigrave and A. K. Whitby acted as couplers. At ahout 8 o'clock the company sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Mr. W. Hubble. After doing full justice to the repast the Chairman read a note from Mr. J. H. Clark, which stated that through indisposition in his family he could not be present as he had intended. A letter was also read from the Rev. Mr. Smellie, who was unavoidably absent. The Chairman remarked that the absence of another friend to the Associa-tion was also prevented from being in attendance. They, he was sure, would regret the bereavement with which he had been visited. The toasts of the 'Queen' and 'Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family' were proposed by the Chairman and duly honoured. Mr. J. F. Conigrave then proposed the next toast -'Sir Dominick Daly. Governor-in-Chief,' and in doing so referred to the urbanity and cour-tesy which characterized his conduct The toast was drunk with enthusiasm, with ' For he's a jolly good fellow.' Mr. J. L. Young, in rising to propose the next toast, that of 'The Parliament,' was received with reiterated applause. On the cheering subsi-ding, Mr. Young proceeded to draw a parallel between the Constitutions possessed by many States and representative government He was convinced if the Prussians were governed in the way that Englishmen were they would never submit to the tyranny of Count Bismark and others of his stamp. He hoped that the great war which had been raging in Europe would lead to the establishment of a higher form of government in those countries which had so recently been the theatre of that mighty struggle. He sincerely hoped that ere long the atrocious crimes which had frequently been perpetrated in so many coun-tries would cease. Persons were in the habit of making invidious comparisons between the Par-liament of this colony and that of England, but he thought this was unfair. If they had not such men as Gladstone, Bright -(A voice—' Yes. we have a Bright;' laughter j— he stood corrected; but would repeat that if they could not boast of such men as England possessed, they had representatives who worked with the utmost disinterestedness. He had great pleasure in proposing the toast The toast was drunk with enthusiasm. Recitation— 'The last days of Tippo Saib,' by Mr. J. Partridge. Mr. C. W. Babbage, in proposing the toast of the evening— 'Success to the Adelaide Educa-tional Institution'— was greeted by loud cheering. He was sorry that Mr. C. Peacock, to whom the task of proposing that toast had been originally allotted, was absent, because he felt he would have done it greater justice than he. It had fallen into poor hands -("Not at all") and besides he had no opportunity of preparing for the occa-sion, as he was not aware of his having to propose the toast except at the last moment. The sub-ject upon which he had to speak was one which commended itself to all. The educational institu-tion taught by Mr. Young had its old members filling important situations in all parts of the colony. Wherever they turned they saw their old associates filling situations of trust aud responsi-bility, and this must be a source of great satisfaction to Mr. Young. They could also say that they fulfilled their duties with satisfaction to their employers. The future success of every person depended entirely upon the education he had re-ceived in his youth. Unless a man had had the advantage of having been well educated he had every chance of failing. He believed all would bear him out that the best education in the colony could be imparted in Mr. Young's school. (Cheers.) He was of opinion that if he had not been a member of it he would never have filled the position he now occupied. The school was far in advance of every other educational institution in the colony. It afforded him very great pleasure in proposing the toast, and he hoped they would drink it in bumpers. (Loud cheering,) Drunk with the greatest enthusiasm, the names of Mr. Young and Mr. Bennett being coupled with the toast Song by the Chairman. Mr. J. L. Young, in responding to the toast, said he felt the greatest possible gratification in seeing his old scholars fighting the battle of life so successfully after passing through their prepara-tory training under his care. He was sorry that there was so little unanimity and cosmopolitan feeling prevailing in society. He found the greatest selfishness pervading it. It seemed as if all classes had chosen as their motto ' Each for himself, and God for us all.' Love of distinction and the desire for the acquisition of wealth de-stroyed the fine feelings of our nature, and he hoped those present would, as far as possible, avoid becoming subject to them. Those more seltish and sordid considerations should be rendered subservient to the duty devolving upon men as members of society as treating this life as having a higher aim than that to which these referred. But still it was a good thing to acquire wealth, and he advised them to get as much of it as they possibly could. (Laughter.) There was one thing which he wished them to guard against, and that was to preserve a proper humility, and not render themselves liable to the charge of being proud and conceited. He frequently received flattering accounts of the progress and conduct of his old scholars, and this was to him a source of the deepest gratification. A word of advice to those now assembled together. He did not ask them to adopt the principles he had instilled into their minds when they were under his tuition, but he would strenuously press upon their serious atten- tion the necessity of preserving the strictest in-tegrity in their future life. He trusted that justice and propriety of conduct would mark their career. There was one thing that the previous speaker had given expression to which he thought was but ill- considered, and which he should like to correct. That was the assertion that only education would ensure success in life. It was well known that numbers had worked themselves into high position who had never been educated at all. He concluded, amid repeated applause, with a hope that he would be spared to be with them at their next gathering. Recitation by Mr. H Giles. Mr. A. K. Whitby next proposed 'The Mas-ters,' and in doing so said he foundered himself highly honoured in being selected as the proposer of that sentiment. He felt glad of the opportunity thus afforded of eulogizing the conduct of their former masters, to which he hoped the position and influence achieved by their old scholars would bear abundant testimony. He would particularly refer to Mr. Bennett, to whom much was due, as he could personally testify. They could safely rely upon Mr. Young to engage good teachers, and his election woud be a sufficient guarantee of their fitness for the post. He would remark that since their last gathering Mr. O. Young had left these shores to spend the remainder of his days in the old countty, and he would take occasion to say that in him the school lost an invaluable instructor. (Cheers.) The toast was drunk with plaudits. Recitation by Mr. S. Solomon. Messrs. Bennett. Shakespeare, Von Schleinitz, Hill, Mahval, and Gaulter responded in terms expressive of the gratitude they felt in the recognition of their services, which they assured the company were requited by the kind remembrance in which they were held by their old pupils. Mr. H. Giles proposed 'The Army, Navy, and Volunteers,' and after passing a just tribute of praise upon the bravery of the two former branches of the service, expressed a hope that the volunteers, although at present untried men, which he hoped they would remain, would prove that they were not destitute of that pluck which characterized Englishmen, and which had enforced respect from foreign foes. He at the same time hoped that Mr. Young's scholars, in ad-dition to being ahead in everything else, would, if required. vigorously oppose invaders, and be the last to surrender. Drunk with enthusiasm. Song by Mr. W. Bickford, and recitation by Mr. Parsons. Mr. B. Solomon responded. Mr. P. Santo proposed ' The Land we Live in' in a few appropriate remarks. 'Song of Australia.' by Mr. F. Platts. Mr. F. Horwood responded. After a comic song by Mr. Auld, Mr. J. Partridge proposed ' Lady Daly, Mrs. Young, and the Ladies of South Australia.' Drunk wirh due gallantry, and with ' Here's a health to all good lasses.' Recitation by Mr. F. Hack, and song by Mr. B. Bickford Mr. M. S. Clark responded. Mr. J. H. Finlayson proposed 'The Friends of the Institution,' and, in doing so, remarked that the toast was a most comprehensive one. It included not only themselves and those most nearly connected with the Institution, but also all those who were well-wishers to it. He had no doubt that the friends of the establishment would increase as they saw the high class of instruction presented by Mr. Young. He was sorry that the gentleman who had been set down to respond to the toast was absent The sentiment was drunk with loud cheering. Song by Mr. Styles. Mr. E. Babbage responded in the absence of Mr. J. Howard Clark, and expressed a hope that the cause that prevented his attendance would be speedily removed. Mr. T. Hack proposed 'Our absent Friends,' coupling with the toast the name of Mr. J. H. Clark. Drunk amid prolonged cheering. Other toasts followed, including the following: -'Our next merry Meeting,' ''The Chairman.' 'The Croupiers.' 'The Host and Hostess.' 'The absent President (Mr. H. Bickford),' 'The Musicians,' 'The Committee.' and 'The Press,' all of which were drunk with enthusiasm, and duly acknowledged. A most pleasant gathering, the harmony of which was greatly promoted by numerous well-rendered songs and several finely-executed musical selections by Mr. Chapman on the violin and Mr. J. Shakespeare on the piano, terminated shortly after midnight without anything having occurred to mar the proceedings, although regret was expressed at so many of the members and friends of the Institution being unavoidably absent.