South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 17 August 1877, page 4


The financial statement presented by Mr. Berry in the Legislative Assembly of Victoria on Thursday evenino1 exhibits 111511117 onfiafnotr.*.r.

features. It shows that the net result of operations during the past twelve months has been to increase the credit balance of £52,890 with which the yeax* opened to £205,671. The revenue, it istrue, fell somewhat below that for 1875-6, the amount in the one case being £4,503,780, and in tho other £4,626,880, but the decrease in expenditure more than compensated for the diflerence, the disbursements in 1876-7 having been only £4,358,109. It does not appear how much of the surplus of £205,671 is pledged to meet outstanding liabilities, but it is evident tliat the Treasurer is in a better position now than that occupied by his predecessor this time last year. Tho expenditure, we learn, fell below the estimate by £171,690, and of this amount, a considerable proportion can no doubt be set down as legitimate savings. Customs duties failed by £7,225 to-realiza the amount looked for from them, bufc the deficiency is compensated for nearly twenty times over by unexpected excessesin other items of revenue. Land sales and rents have been particularly prolific, yielding £61,000 more than was anticipated. The Treasurer in his Estimates for the current year reckons upon, a material expansion of financial operations. The revenue, including the balance in hand, will, it is assumed, reach £4,904,180, and the expenditure' £4,860,114, thus leaving a surplus of £44,066. Treating first of disbursements, we notice that a large number of 'special expenses are provided for. Among these the most conspicuous are the increased grant of £32,000 for education purposes, the appropriation of £50,000 for railway rolling-stock, and the vote of £100,000 foe defensive works. It is almost incredible in these times of borrowing, that a Treasurer should be found ready to-meet an extraordinary expense Uko this out of ordinary revenue. Still more incredible does it seem that the Treasurer to take this step should be Mr. Berry, who has in the past gained an unenviable notoriety for extreme and heterodox measures. It speaks well for the monetary position of Victoria that she should not require to saddle her loan, fund with this expenditure. For the large addition to the revenue of the year the Treasurer trusts to two sources. First, to what Mr. Rosa calls the C( surplus buoyancy' of the finances, and secondly to the balance resulting from readjustments of 'the burdens upon the people. We say to readjustments; for in thoBudget there is evidence of - an anxiety to deal with the incidence of taxation — a matter which our own Government has pusillanimouBly shirked. The details of Mr. Berry's scheme do not commend themselves to our judgment, but credit is duo to him for attempting — in however crude a fashion — to remove some of the inequalities of taxation. His land tax scheme is radically unsound, and his attachment to the heresie3 of protection renders him a most unsafe guide in matters of fiscal reform ; but there is somemodicum of good in his proposals. His rancorous opposition to the principles of I free; trade is not a sufficient reason for withholding from him a fair meed of praise for re*conimending the remission of duties to the extent of £161,239 and the- -transfer of many articles from tho ad valorem to the fixed list. It is true that as a set-off he imposes new duties and increases' old

ones on purely protective grounds, but it is only reasonable to recognise the fact that the balance is in favour of remission and improvement. One item in his policy, however, appears to us to have no redeeming feature ii?. it, and that is the proposal to charge a heavy rate upon all stock imported into Victoria, whether by land or sea. The object o£ thi3 is to raise a revenue at theexpense of Riverina graziers; 'but it is childish of the Treasurer to image that only that class will be affected. As in the case of the tax upon breadstuff's, it is the consumer that will have to pay the piper. Should tho duty be agreed to the cost of meat to, the

fceef, mutton, ana pork eaters ' of Mel 'boTirne mil be increased to the full extent, and to more than the full extent of the importation charge which it is pro posed to levy. It would appear thab the Government Lave made up their minds to give effect to the ambitious proposal of the Exhibi tion Commissioners for a World's Show to be held in Melbourne in the course of a year or two. The sum which it is in tended to devote to the furtherance of thi3 object is £S05000 or £100,000, and inasmuch as one year's revenue i3 not 1 equal to the burden of so large an outlay the amount 13 to be spread over a series of years, the instalment allotted to 1877-8 being £7,000. We congratulate Victoria upon the courage she is showing in this matter, and trust that her action may meet its fitting reward. Altogether we may say of the Budget thai; it is much more satisfactory — or rather much less unsatisfactory — than was to have been feared. Its proposals for the future bear the impress of Berry sobered by the heavy responsibilities of office rather ^than of Berry drunk with the ? adulation of the multitude. Whether so .comparatively moderate a scheme of financial reform will meet the . 'views of the extreme party which has .lifted the present Premier into power msy ?well be doubted. The system of protec ' tion which it proposes is too limited ; the process of bursting-up estates which it advocates is too mild and gradual to te likely to satisfy the demands of the rampant democracy of which the hon. gentleman is the chosen expositor and apostle. ' B att. ast foe Ships. — In another column ?we publish a letter from Messrs. Stilling and Co. calling attention to a practice ap parently prevailing at the Port which should at once be enquired into and stopped, if the facts are as stated by our ? correspondents. Barges are measured and marked by the Government Surveyor as capable of carrying a certain tonnage. In supplying silt for ballast to ships these ? barges are used, and the quan tity is checked by the official measurement of the barges. Frequent ; complaints have been made of a deficiency in the supply furnished under these con ? ditions, and many disputes have in conse quence arisen between the shipmasters and the contractors. As the latter have always been borne out by the Government Surveyors in the assertion that the mea surement was accurate, the captains have in many cases given in with the conviction that they must have been mistaken in their impression. Accompanying Messrs. Shilling's letter is one from the master of the Darra, which clearly proves that there must be some serious error in the official marks upon the barges. Captain Cameron states that he paid for 465 tons of ballast. Instead, however, of laving the full quantity it was, he asserts, 134 tons short. The difference 'between the value of the 'alleged and :the actual number of tons is not by -any means the chief consideration, -though the Port will speedily get a 'bad name if such glaring dishonesty is practised. But a far more serious matter is the danger to vessels which proceed to -sea with insufficient ballast, as was the case- with the Darra. While represen tations are continually being made of the need for a more stringent supervision cf -vessels leaving the Port, it is rather startling to find, if the statements of our correspondents are accurate — and we have no reason to suppose they are not ' — that the Government officials are among the chief offenders. We hope the Marine Board will give attention to the subject

Thb Political Situation. — On Thursday Mr. Coglin again asked the Commissioner of Public Works — 'What was his reply to Mr. Nock on the question sent to him from the caucus meeting lately held within the precincts of this House.' Mr. Colton gave the following answer : — ' My reply to Mr. Nock was to the effect that under no circumstances would the Ministry agree that the Chief Secretary should resign, and that we were determined to stand or fall together.' This statement was received with cheers. ? Eiflb Association. — A meeting o£ this Association will be held this evening at the Prince Alfred Hotel. Persons interested in rifle matters are invited to attend the gathering Chamber of Manufactures.— A meeting of the Standing Committee of this Chamber will be held this afternoon. Union Bank Shakes.— 'We learn that within the course of the last few days 40 shares in the Union Bank have changed hands at £61 per share and 60 shares at £60 10s. per share. Collection and Delivery of Paechls. — 'We note that arrangements have been made by Mr. Pendleton, the Traffic Manager of Railways, for the collection and delivery of parcels in Ade laide and Port Adelaide at much lower rates than those which have been previously levied. Supbhme Court.— The Chief Justice will sit in Equity to-day, at half-past 10 o'clock, to hear the case ef Mildred v. Tidemann and Another. Town Watt tor Gawler. — The poll to ascertain the views of the citizens of Gawler in reference to the proposal to build a Town Hall took place on Thursday,: August, 16. Coun cillor Sanderson acted as Keturning Officer, and at half -past 4 declared the result, to be as. follows :— For, SI persons representing 295 votes; against, 22 persons representing 75 vote?. Majority for the erection of the building, 220. There was very little excitement over the poll. . Mdt.t.t!. Atlanta's Enteetainment.— Mdlle. Atlanti gave a .second musical and literary entertainment at the Town Hall Exchange fioom on Thursday evening, Augnst 16. The ^tendance was only moderate, though this was probably owing to the counter-attractions at the Theatre and 'White's Kooms. Mdlle. Atlanti's programme consisted of pianoforte solos, songs, and readings of a miscellaneous character, which she rendered altogether unaided. It will there fore be conceded that the task of divert ing an audience for the space of an hour and a *. half in ' this manner 13 by no means an easy one; and although Mdlle. Atlanti's performances did not suit all present yet they possessed considerable merit. Despi be an aptitude for indulging in somewhat noisy instrumentation at times she is without doubt a brilliant performer on the pianoforte, and her efforts won much applause. TheatubBotal.— The emotional drama ' All for Gold' was repeated at the Theatre Eoyal on Thursday evening before a good house. The players were very successful in their different parts, and were loudly applauded. This evening a new piece, entitled 'Violet, the Flower Girl,' ?will be presented for the first time in Adelaide. IiICensed Victuallers Ajxend3iest Bill. — Five petitions in favour of Mr. Nock's Bill were presented to the House of Assembly on Thursday. One of them was signed by 3,0GS residents of Adelaide. The total number of - petitions presented for the Bill is now 21. Excluding three representative memorials the signatures number 6,117. The Volunteers. — The Gawler volunteers met for drill in Frankel's wheat-store on 'Wed-nesday evening, August 15. Sergeant-Majors Callaghan and Cosgrove were present as in structors. The company were put through the parts of the recruit drill, and made good progress. A number turned out on Tfcjrsdny, between 6 and 8 pjE., for extra drill.

The P & O.Co.'s Mail Service.— Messrs. Elder, Smith, & Co., the agents of the P. & O. Steam Navigation Company, have just had a lircular of instructions printed for the guidance )£ the Company's commanders on visiting' South Australia, and for the better conduct of affairs it Glenelg. On passing the outstations signals ire to be exhibited, so that the approach of the 3teamers may be telegraphed to Adelaide, and provision made for the care of patients in case there is any infectious disease on board, and for the speedy discharge of cargo. This is now regularly done, hut the regulations will be of service to any new captains who may come to the colonies. It has been a subject of complaint that the mail steamers have frequently stood too far out to sea when there was no occasion whatever for such precaution. This is to be obviated in future. A cargo lighter of 100 tons capacity has been purchased from the Com pany's King George's Sound agency, and on its arrival —a month hence — it will be moored astern of the hulk, so as to be always ready for the transhipment of cargo. The agents point out that it will be a great convenience if the mail steamer be anchored either close abreast or a little astern of that vessel, so that a line may be run out from the ship's quarter to give ' a lee or working side if required. The President of the Marine Board (Captain R. H. Ferguson) has not only given permission for this to be done, but strongly recommends it, as in his opinion there is plenty of water, even inside the lightship, in the heaviest weather for the Com pany's largest steamers to anchor in safety. The comfort and convenience of passengers are to receive more attention, and in rough weather a chair is to be rigged in readiness for tran shipping purposes. It is to be hoped that the Company's officers will endeavour to carry out the wishes of the agents, and so secure as much improvement as is possible in the service at Glenelg. Tee Weecked Ship Cooxatto.— Shippers of wool and other produce by this vessel, which was wrecked in February, 1876, will be glad to learn that at last there is some prospect of a settlement of their claims beirg made. By the last mail Messrs. J. Stilling & Co. received the following information from Messrs. Anderson, Anderson, & Co., their London agents: — 'At the adjourned meeting in regard to the salvage by the Coonatto the consignees of cargo with their underwriters decided to authorize us to make the best settlement we could get with the outstanding salvors, and we have since closed with them for 5s. per bale beyond the amount already paid into Court as sufficient, together with a sum for costs. The statement is now being pressed forward by the average stater, and the whole affair will be closed up with all practicable dispatch.' Government Land Sale.— A sale of town ship and suburban lands was held at the Crown Lands Office on Thursday, August 16. There was a good attendance, and bidding was brisk. The greater part of the land offered waa sold. The highest price given wastfor lot 56, township of Lancelot, which realized £22 10s. City Latpeovements. — The general prosperity which the colony is at present enjoying is plainly evidenced in Adelaide by the building improvements which are being made on all sides. 'We have already mentioned that two fine mercantile buildings are being erected in Currie-street. That long-neglected thoroughfare will soon be completely metamorphosed, as a number of blocks of land abutt ing thereon have recently changed hands for building purposes, and already there are no less than four sets of scaffolding in course of erection between Light-square and King William-street. In Stephens-place Mr. John Hodgkiss contemplates making extensive improvements. Thejow of brick cottages next to the Globe Hotel have been pulled down, and the old two-storied, buildings running on to Dr Campbell's house will follow, leaving a very extensive site for the new erections. On North terrace Messrs. G. & E. 'Wills & Co. intend to build a second warehouse similar in style to their handsome structure which now ornaments the terrace. Very extensive alterations and im provements are shortly to be made to the Theatre Eoyal property in Hindley street. The theatre will be carried back 30 feet, widened 12 feet, and refitted inside. Perhaps the most important of the contemplated im provements is an arcade, which it is intended to construct between Hindley-street and North terrace. The Hindley-street fagade will be between the Theatre and Bank-street, and the North-terrace front will be on portion of what is now the garden of the Bank of South Australia. Adelaide visitors to the neighbouring capital will have seen how popular the Melbourne arcades have proved, and will therefore readily appreciate the advantages of a similar institu tion in our city. It would be difficult to select a more suitable site, as the passenger traffic from the North-terrace Station will be diverted in a great measure through the arcade. Next Messrs. Shierlaw's fine new

premises, a nttie iurtner up tne street, the old building so long occupied by Messrs. Martin and Murch has been demolished and re-erected in a much improved form, and numerous other busi ness places and private houses are being rapidly r un up in other portions of the city. Funeral of the late Mr. H. W. Ehmcke. — the remains of this well-known citizen were conveyed from his late residence, Wakefield-street, to the West-terrace Cemetery on Thurs-day. The large concourse of people in the street and the long line of vehicles which joined in the funeral cortege testified the estimation in which the deceased was held. Before the pro-cession left the house the members of the Liedertafel assembled before the door and sang a funeral hymn. The procession was headed by a few members of the London Order of Odd-fellows ; next came the Concordia Band playing the " Dead March in Saul ;" then the members of the Fortschrittsverein walking four abreast, with their banner draped in crape ; then the hearse containing the remains, followed by the members of the Leidertafel with their mourning banner, the Leiderkranz and the Gesang-verein Fidelitas; then, the four mourning coaches conveying the relatives of the deceased gentleman, next the employes at his sawmills in Hindmarsh-square, and after them a large number of private vehicles. The services at the grave were conducted bv the Rev. J. C. Woods, and Bro. Gay, of the Princess Royal Lodge, read the funeral address usual at the interment of members of the Order, and the Musical Societies sang several hymns. Amongst the gentlemen present at the grave we noticed, the two sons of the deceased, Messrs. H. and W. Ehmcke; his sons-in-law, Messrs. O. Ziegler, W. Gaetjens, A. Kiedel, and L. Mauraun ; the Hon. W. Sandover, M L.C., Dr. Mücke, Dr. Schomburgk, Messrs. W. and H. Menz, F. Basedow, M.P., C. L. Meyer, J.P., B. Amsberg, J.P., L. Meyer, L. Conrad, O. Kiedel, A. Leschen, A. von Trotha, E. B. Heyne, W. Nitschke, T. Scherk, G. Eimer, O. von Hartitzsch, H. Kloepper, F. Sudholz, B. Nol-tenius, E. H. Grafe, R. Homburg, G. Mumme, A. Weidenbach, H. Schrader, H. Pelzer, F. A. Kleemann, H. Bocker, G. Hallmann, A. Bartels, J.P., T. Voges, G. Kindermann, Lauterbach, J. M. Wendt, L. Müller, A. Clausen, E. Fischer, F. Fischer, H. Oehlmann, F. Armbrüster, H. C. Uhlmann, H. Linde, A. H. Beyer, F. V. Beyer, O. Tide-mann, A. Warnken, A. Klauer, T. Niehuss, C. Wittig, C. Becker, H. Wiesendanger, E. Lellmann, Pustkuchen, H. A. Mattfeld, Volki, H. Jahn, Summer, H. Struve, H. Kruss, W. Dittmar, F. Lindrum, C. A. Wagner, J. Schirmer, W. Niebour, C. H. Koehler, C. W. F. Trapmann, R. Henning, C. von Bertouch, J. Eggers, J. Scott, J.P., J. Saxby, W. Farr, W. Baker, R. H. W. Humbley, S. Harvey, A. Adamson, J. L. Bonython, and W. A. Tucker. The Season. — A letter from Manna Hill, the site of the experimental farm of which Mr. G. Hannaford is the Manager, under date August 13, says — " The season so far has been favourable for commencing the farm. There is abundance of feed, but more rain would now be accep-table. Bieds of III Ojien. — 'We are informed that at Swan Eeach on the Murray large, flocks of emus have of late been seen in the vicinity of the station, evidently coming in from the back country to be near water. The appearance of these shy birds in such numbers is supposed by persons in the neighbourhood, to indicate an unusually dry season, as such flocks were observed in' the same locality in 1854, just previous to the long drought which lasted for two years, Since that time emus have been very scarce near the station. The Port Pibie Dredger.— The boiler for the Port Pirie new dredger has just been landed, ex Astracan, at Port Adelaide. It is made of ^inch iron, and weighs 9 tons 9 cwt. 3 qrs. Sottth-Eastern Drac-age 'Works. — Mr. Hawker will move on August 29, in the Assembly, ' That the petition of J. & J. Cock be taken into consideration, with a view of moving that, in the opinion of this House, the penalty for non-completion of contract in the time specified should not be enforced,'

The Orphan Home.— The annual meeting in connection with the Adelaide Orphan Home was held at the Church Offices, Leigh-street, on Thursday afternoon, August 16. There was a moderate attendance, and His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, who was accompanied by the Aide-de-Camp (Captain Haggard), presided. In addition to the various members of the Committee, &c, the following were also present : — His Lordship the Bishop of Adelaide (Dr. Short), and the Eevs. W. B. Andrews, G. H. Farr, A. Dendy, D.D., and Canon Coombs. Apologies for non-attendance were re ceived from the Venerable Archdeacon Marryat and the Eev. F. S. Pcole. The. Hon. H. K. Hughes, H.L.C. (the Secretary and Treasurer of the institution), read the seventeenth anr-na1 report, which stated that at present there were thirty girls on the books of the Home. Good reports had been received fiom those families under whose care the girls had been placed upon arriving at the age for leaving the institution. The Committee gratefully acknowledged the sup port accorded by the public, especially by the National Bank, the Bank of South Australia, the Societies of Oddfellows, and the Masonic Lodges, who thus by their liberal assistance recognised the Orphan Home as a provincial institution. The Committee further thanked Messrs. E. S. 'Wigg & Son for a very valuable gift of maps as well as for the liberal supply of school books and other stationery gratuitously granted by that firm ever since the foundation of the school ; also for the gifts of clothing and garden produce which many friends had kindly forwarded from time to time. The report also expressed the gratitude which the children felt for the kind supply of fruit by Messrs Moulden and Herbert Hughes, and the gratuitous con veyance to the Bay on their annual holiday permitted by the Adelaide and Glenelg Eailway Company. The Committee wished it to be known throughout the colony that they were always ready to receive and consider applications for the admission of destitute orphan girls of any denomination into the Home. The financial statement showed a balance of £80 8s. 6d. in the hands of the Treasurer. His Lordship the Bishop of Adelaide, in moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, said it would have given him considerable gratification if the Chair man had introduced the proceedings with some remarks concerning the Orphan Home ; but he was sorry to learn that His Excellency was suffering acutely from toothache, and conse quently could not make any lengthened remarks on the occasion. He did not know an institu tion which appealed more to the sympathies of the community than the Orphan Home, and he was glad to think that the Adelaide Home was wisely conducted and very successful. (Hear, hear.) The Eev. 'W. B. Andrews seconded the motion, which was carried. On the motion of Mr. E. S. Wigg, it was resolved that the thanks of the subscribers to the institution be accorded to the Committee and officers for the past year. Mr. Hawkes then moved that the fol lowing ladies and gentlemen be appointed the Committee and officers for the ensuing year : — Mesdames Short, Kent Hughes, Stuckey, Souttar, Farr, 'Wearing, Morgan, F. S. Poole, and Douglas ; visiting clergyman, Eev. F. S. Poole; consulting physician, Dr. Moore; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. H. K. Hughes. The motion was carried. Great satisfaction was expressed at the manner in which the Matron of the institution, Mrs. Birt, fulfilled her duties ; but it was deemed unnecessary to record a resolution to that effect. Canon Farr then moved a vote of thanks to Hi3 Excellency the Acting-Governor for presiding ; and in doing so said that no orphan wad refused admission into the Home, which was open to persons of all denominations. He thought nothing could speak more in favour of the good work that the Home was accomplishing than the fact that many of its quondam inmates at present sub scribed towards its funds. (Applause.) The Chairman, in returning thanks, said that if any guarantee of the usefulness of the institution were required they had only to refer to the zeal, earnestness, and kind-heartedness of the ladies who formed its Committee. The meeting then terminated. Colonial Art. — Mr. S. S. Knight, an artist of some repute in Victoria, has now on view at Mr. Wigg's, in Rundle-street, a small painting he has recently finished. The picture is en-titled ' An Australian Evening,' and depicts a group of cows coming down to drink at a sedgy pool. The aerial effect of the slumbrous sunset hour is cleverly rendered, although the landscape is certainly as much English or Belgian as Australian. The cattle are painted with con-siderable skill, but the shoulder of the cow immediately in the foreground is certainly out of drawing. As a whole, however, the picture is a pleasing one. The Case of Isaac Place. — Mr. 'Wigley has again given notice of his motion, ' That in the opinion of this House compensation for the services of Isaac P. Place, and the expenses in

curred by him in reference to his attendance on one 'William Adams, should be at once paid.' It is now on the Notice-paper for August 29. Sunday-School Union.— The monthly Com mittee meeting was held in Stow Church Vestry on Monday evening, August 13. Present— Mr. D. Murray (in the chair), Messrs. Hay, Frost, Eobin, Ashton, Shakespeare, Charlton, A. Adam son, J. B. Adamson, Morris, LeCornu, Steven son, Lapidge, and J. P. Eoberts. Mr. A. B. MoncrielFs suggestions for a rearrangement of the work were read, and the Corresponding Secretary (Mr. Hay) explained that they had been considered by a Sub-Committee, who sub mitted certain recommendations based thereon. A Committee was appointed to consider '. the matter more fully, and draft fresh;_constitution and rules, as far as may be renndered necessary, for presentation to next annual .meeting; also to make preliminary arrangementsjfora Sunday school week. The Sub-Committees presented their reports, and instructions. were given for the entertainment, Sub-Committee to arrange . for three public gatherings. Public Teachers' Association.— A meeting of the Northern Branch of the Public Teachers' Association was held in Tarlee on Saturday, August 11. There was a good attendance of teachers. Correspondence was read from Mr. Basedow, MJP., Mr. 'Whitham (District Inspec tor), and Mr. 'Webb (Secretary to the Parent Association). . The following resolutions agreed to show the nature of the business brought under consideration: Eesolved— ' That the Council of Education be respectfully requested to make arrangements for keeping the Model (or other) School open during the Michaelmas vacation, to enable country teachers to visit such school, that they may have an opportunity of noting the system adopted;' 'That in the event of a Commission being appointed to enquire into the working of the Education Act the Secretary call a special meeting of the Branch;1' 'That six copies of ? The Teacher ' be subscribed for by the Branch.' An essay on 'The mode of teaching arithmetic' was given by Mr. 'Williams, of Allandale. Several other teachers. explained their modes, and an interesting discussion ensued. Mr. 'Williams was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his essay. The next meeting was arranged to be held at Kiverton, at which Mr. Fogg promised to give an, essay on ' The modes of teaching geography,' also an object lesson on a lucifer match. ExtertacxITest at Bowden. — An entertain ment, which was exceedingly well attended, was given in the Bowden Bible Christian Church on Thursday evening, August 17. The object of it was to aid the trust funds of the Church. ? Dr. Astles presided ; and the Eev. J. Thorne, late Emigration Lecturer at England, delivered his lecture on America and the Americans, which was listened to with rapt attention. At the close the rev. gentleman intimated that he would probably redeliver ' it elsewhere and enter more fully into the subject. This was ' hailed with loud applause, and indeed those who have had the pleasure of listening to such a racy and vigorous description of American institutions and the American people generally could pot fail to feel gratified at the prospect of participating in the treat again. Several musical selections were given by the Choir, and the following ladies and gentlemen also contributed to the evening's enjoyment by rendering solos and duets:— Miss Hancock and Miss F. Hancock, and Messrs J. K. Coombe, J. G. Nash, and A. Puddy. Flthce. — The Hamilton Spectator (Western District of Victoria) writes : — ' It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, and we are glad to learn that the present exceptionally dry season, however trying to stock in some quarters, has had the effect of banishing fluke from the district. Mr. John Eobertson, - of Victoria Valley, who lost 14,000 in one year from fiuke, informs us that there is not a single sign of that disorder now visible in his direction, or in any other part of the district he is acquainted with ; and he attributes the fact to the dryness of the pastures.' Sheep for Bunbowrie Station.— 'We learn from the Wilcannia Times that on August 1 the Hon John Crozier purchased 8,000 ewes from Messrs. Barrett & Wreford for his Bonbqwrie Station. ; .

Accident to Me. Justice Stow. — An acci Jent, fortunately unattended with serious results, occurred to His Honor Mr. Justice Stow in King 'William-street on Thursday ifternoon, August 16. His Honor was driving in the direction of North Adelaide in a hooded buggy, and when the vehicle reached 'Way-mouth-street the horse, from no apparent cause, 3hied and swerved on to the western side of the thoroughfare, and before His Honor could bring the animal back to the crown of the road the near fore-wheel of the buggy came into con tact with the wheels of another vehicle stand ing near Mr. Melvin's auction rooms. The col lision tilted the Judge's trap on to its off side, breaking the shaft, and in this position the vehiclr was dragged across the road in tBe direction of the Napoleon Hotel. Mr. Stow was thrown violently to the ground, and imme diately afterwards the body of the buggy was severed from the wheels. His Honor was un fortunately entangled in the reins, and was dragged some yards after the remains of the rap. The horse was stopped opposite the Imperial Hotel, and the Judge, who appeared to be much shaken, was immediately placed in a cab and conveyed to Dr. Moore's, whence he was accompanied by the doctor to his own residence at North Adelaide. We find, on enquiry, that His Honor has sustained no injury beyond a few bruises, and it is not anticipated that any serious results will ensue from the shock. The Late Crisis in Sydney.— Some curious and very creditable scenes took place in the New South 'Wales Assembly on Friday evening, August 3, prior to the defeat of the Parkes Ministry by the adoption of Mr. Garrett's re olutions relative to the interpretation to be put upon the 31st clause of the Land Act Amend ment Act of 1875. The talk inside the House (says the Sydney Echo) was neither instructive nor amusing. One hon. member accused another of ' grinning like a dog,' and when exception was taken to the offensiveness of the remark, he maintained that no offence could be given by a quotation from Scripture. Others floundered wildly in their endeavours to make the claims of the law, the claims of free selectors, and the claims of party dovetail. A myste rious charge was made inferentially by the Minister for Lands against somebody when he said that no one should be able to say when he left office that he had ever crammed it with the scum of oyster saloons. If the hon. member was not talking nonsense, he must have meant that on taking office he had met that fishy deposit there; and the question is, by which of his predecessors was ft deposited? Other speakers gave clear evidence in support of the view that the object of the motion was to fix upon the Government the odium of being disposed to favour the squatters. This debate has been full of contra dictions. It has been said that the motion was not an attempt to decide a question of law, when the resolution affirmed that the Attorney General's opinionjwas contrary to the law, both as to its spirit and its meaning. It was not a party motion, although! t was certain to force on a crisis, and was intended to win party support at the next general election. It was not a party motion ; but heaven and earth were moved in preparation for the issue. The scene on Friday night as the division drew near was curious. One hon. member, who might have been ex pected to desire rest in another place, was there, swathed round the throat with folds of flannel. Another, who would certainly incur a rebuke from his medical adviser, was there, speaking with evident pain, and almost gasping for breath at short intervals. Another, who had apparently been roused from his bed to be in at the death, . could hardly be recognised for bandages which concealed his features and their condition. And another was there in full health and vigour, although only three or four days before he had been ' banqueting' in the distant interior, and his presence in Sydney in the flesh was a modern miracle. Life Insurance. — We extract the following from the Australasian Insurance and Banking Record of August, 1877 :— ' 'With regard to the somewhat complicated affairs of the late John 'Walpole, Secretary of Dundas Shire, Victoria, who committed suicide by shooting himself ,jthe Raviilton Spectator writes : — ' As to the policies of insurance, the Companies with one exception had refused to pay. That honourable exception was the Australian Mutual Provident Society, and the policy they had agreed to satisfy was one of £1,500, which was held by Dr. Cairns to secure a debt of £1,300. The overplus of £200 on that policy was not available to the creditors, as widows were by law protected to the extent of £1,000 upon such policies, as against any un secured creditors. A further policy for £500 was in existence, and, being in the same Company, might eventually be paid. As this was not assigned it would belong to the widow of the deceased.'' [From yesterday's Evening Journal.'} Dr. Schohburgk. — The popular Curator of our Botanic Garden has received another grati fying testimonial of the esteem in which his services in the cause of science are held by the learned Institutions of Europe. By the last mail news reached him that he had been appointed an. honorary member of the Eoyal Geogra phical Society of Dresden — a Society of which for the last four years he has been a corresponding member. The following is a copy of the letter announcing the new honour that has been conferred upon the Doctor: — ' For years the science of geography has been benefited by you — more especially this Society, which since you have been one of its corre sponding members has had many valuable con tributions from you. Therefore, esteemed Doctor, in acknowledgment of your merits as a scientist the Eoyal Geographical Society has elected you' an honorary member— the highest honour the Society can bestow. 'While I have the pleasure in. forwarding you the diploma, allow me at the same time to express the hope that you will accept this distinction, not merely as a token of gratitude, but as a mark of the high esteem in which you are held by this Society.' The diploma which accompanied the communication was very handsomely got up, and bears the signatures of Professors Eiige and Abendroth. Townships in the North. — A deputation consisting of Messrs. P. Dowd and F. T. Jones, introduced by Messrs. Rounsevell, Ramsay, and Bosworth, M.P.'s, waited on the Commissioner of Crown Lands (Hon. J. Carr) on Thursday, August 16, to represent a grievance in connec tion with the declaration by the Government of the new township of Shebbear It was pointed out that the members of the deputation and others had bought land in the Government township of Yarcowie, where suburban lots might be sold bow, but that the Govern ment, while not selling suburban lots, had surveyed the township of Shebbear within five miles of Yarcowie and adjoining the private township of Terowie. It was thought the distance between the townships was too short, and that, besides being unfair to those who had bought land at Yarcowie, it was not beneficial to the country that small town ships should be created in close proximity to each other. The expense to the Government in the future of providing police stations, courts, railway stations, and such buildings at the small townships was also urged, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands was asked-to withdraw the new township from sale. Mr. Garr said that the department had been 'very busy lately; but he would see about the sale of suburban lots at Yarcowie. The pre sence of a private township at Terowie showed that people there wished to purchase township lots, and whether the Government had a township there or not the inhabitants would apply for a railway station, and would have one, as the township of Terowie was already of importance. The deputation, on being assured that the Government would look into the matter and repair any injustice that might have been done, withdrew. Drowned in the Murray. — The body of the man Kemp, who was drowned on the 11th ult., was recovered on Sunday about five miles below where the accident occurred. Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting a Magis trate to hold an inquest, none being obtainable at Mannum or Mount Pleasant. Eventually the services of Mr. H. Baker, J.P., of Tungkillo, were secured, and he held an enquiry on the 14th inst., when the Jury returned the following verdict : — 'That James Kemp met his death by accidentally falling overboard from the steamei Corowa on the lltb. July, 1877, in the Eiver Murray, and that there is no evidence to show how or what caused him to fall.' Eiver News.— The following were the heights of the rivers at the localities mentioned, as re ported at the Telegraph Office on August 16, at 9 a.m. 'Wentworth (Darling), 9 ft. 10 in., falling. Euston (Murray), 8 ft. 5 in. Balranald (Murrumbidgee), oft. 6 in. Wagga 'Wagga (Murrumbidgee), 2 ft. 3 in. igp Mr. James H. Parr reqnests special attention to his Sale, This Day, at White's Rooms, Adelaide, at 2 o'clock, of Valuable Station Properties, viz., Mount Serle, with 9,000- Sheep and 1.800 Cattls ; Ooraparinna, with 16,000 Sheep, by order of w. L. Beare, Esq. Also Pastoral Leases, west of Lake Eyre, 1 for Messrs. Affijtey & Giles antf J. & C. JL Bagofc