South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 8 September 1877, page 5

England in the Russo-Turkish war is likely to make trouble in India, speak as if the population were chiefly Moham-medan, and might be expected with com-paratively little inducement to make common cause with the Sultan. Neither of these suppositions is correct. Scarcely any one is so ill-informed as not to know that the worshippers of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva comprise the great bulk of the people. There is strong reason, also, for believing that the Mohammedans, at least of Southern India, while re-' taining their worship of one God, have greatly departed from the primitive simplicity of their faith. Profes3or Monier Williams, who ha3 recently travelled in that region, says that this simplicity is corrupted by the adoration of jpirs or Baints, the veneration for relics, and conformity to Hindoo customs and superstition. The effect of thi3 perversion is such that in times of sickness the lower orders not unfrequently resort to Hindoo deities, and especially to the goddess of smallpox. It is evident that it must also result in diminishing their religious enthusiasm and weakening the chances of [any danger from thia source. The learned Professor further asserts that while the majority belong to the same great section of Mohammedanism as the Turks (the Soonies) he is convinced chat tHeyhave no idea of acknowledging the Sultan of Constantinople as their spiritual head, and that the existence of sympathy between India and Turkey ia a figment of political agitators. This statement has .led to an/extensive correspondence in the columns of the Times, in which both sides of the; subject are fairly ? represented. One correspondent, who has served as adjutant for seven year3 with a native corps, . corroborates Professor Williams's statement a3 to the Mohammedans .of South and Western India, and says that in frequent conversations with men. of every grade he has rarely found any distinct notion of the Sultan of Turkey or his Empire, and . never that he was recognised as the TOi^lif of the Indian Modems. On the other hand, Dr. George Birdwood draws attention to the fact that the Sultan is regularly prayed for as the Kaisar-i-Rum by good Mohammedans in various parts of the country, and that by the agency of the Press ?popular attention is directed to his claims. Sir. Mohammed Hussein TTafrinj who is himself a Mohammedan, speaking for his co-religionists, avers that they revere the Sultan as Khalif, and watch witfe interest the crisis which has arisen in the affairs of Turkey. ? . Probably there is a measure of truth in both aspects of the question. There is no political or other natural connection between India and Turkey. It is not pretended that any special sympathy exists between the Mussulmans of India and those of Persia and Turkestan. A century haa elapsed since Islam in India was recruited by constant accessions of new spiritual life from lands nearer the original sources of the faith. India has now local sects, local saints, and local shrines. The peoplegenerally know little of politics and less of geography, and it is therefore unlikely that the Sultan can be much more to them than a name. Still there is something in a name. Many an uneducated Roman Catholic child in either Ireland or Belgium who has'the most shadowy ideas of .the Pope recognises his supremacy, and would sacrifice something to protect him were he known to be menaced ; and the same principle will operate amongst those who regard the Sultan as the Yicar of God. It is evident that the Turkish authorities are diligently endeavouring to arouse the sympathy of Mohammedans everywhere in order to gain financial aid from those who are unable to participate actively in the present strife. Pamphlets and other publications coming chiefly from Mecca have been extensively circulated in India. These papers chiefly exhort to union against Russia as the common enemy of Islam. Indian Mohammedans are informed that the fact of their being subject to a .tolerant and liberal Government does not excuse them from the obligation of helping in the hour of need. It is adroitly insinuated that the British Government will not look with disfavour- on their rendering assistance, because the greater part of the T\;rkish debt is held by Englishmen, and the maintenance of Turkey ia essential to the safety of, Englishmen. These appeals have caused a certain degree of agitation to be felt, and have been responded to by contributions and collections to a considerable amount. It is natural that when thus appealed to Indian Mohammedans should have some degree of interest excited, for while they may neither know nor care very much about the Sultan he h the only living head of their faith ; and Turkey is at present the most conspicuous representative of its former Imperial power. Persia . is feeble, and the Mohammedan Empire of Delhi is only a memory of the past. The sentiments once cherished towards the Great Mogul can now only find expression on behalf of the Sultan, and it would not be at all surprising if the effort to awaken religious enthusiasm produced very decided results. Such, however, has not hitherto been the case, and we learn from the Friend of India that the agitation is rather declining than increasing. Meetings have been held, sympathy espressed, and offerings made for 'the faithful at Rum ;' but there has not bee a any such wave of excitement a3 would endanger the tranquillity and far less threaten the safety of our Indian Empire. Several reasons may be assigned for the attitude of Indian Mohammedans which ought to reasaure those who doubt whether their present comparative indifference will le permanent. There is first the absence of direct political connection to which we nave already referred. India is isolated from the rest of Islam, and is generally in advance of it. There is also the presence of local differences. Before Indian Mohammedans could act with common consent they must be united among themselves

and of this - there ? is at present no prospect. People can scarcely combine against a common enemy who will not break bread with each other. The two great sects keep alive their traditional enmity, and it operates so powerfully that it is said not a single Shiah community in India has contributed a rupee towards the defence of the Turkish Empire. A further fact is that the appeals made on behalf of Turkey represent Russia alone as the enemy to be opposed, and do not suggest anything disloyal to the British rule. It is distinctly stated that the present war is ;n no sense a struggle between the Crescent and the Cross, but a further attempt at enroachment by all-devouring Russia ; and ministers are urged not to represent her as the Champion of Christianity. Above all ia the consideration that British thought and British civilization are gradually and surely leavening the whole of the Indian peninsula. Intelligent Mussulmans perceive that no nation equals ours for 'the freedom and security of its institutions, the justice and beneficence of its administration, the disinterestedness and good faith of its international policy, and the true greatness of its military strength.' Many of them have gained both wealth and worldly wisdom under these advantages, and these they will neither recklessly abandon nor rashly risk. _, : ' New Stock Regulations. — The Government Gazette. oi Thursday contains new regulations affecting the importation of stock into tlie colony. These are almost the same as those issued in 1876, but some alterations have been made in the phraseology, and one or two new rules have been added. Among other modifications we observe that the amount of the maximum penalty of fifty pounds fixed by the Health Act for the breach of certain regulations is now mentioned in every case where it may. be inflicted in place of the use merely of the term ' a fine of not less than ten pounds and upwards.' Thus persons contemplating a breach of the law can fully understand the outside . extent . of the risk they incur. A definition also is now given of the word 'destroy' used in the regulations empowering inspectors to order the . destruction of infected animals. It is defined to mean 'to kill and burn or bury at. least twelve inches beneath the surface of the ground.' This, strictly read, would seem to recognise as permissible the inhuman practice of burying animala alive. We imagine1 the Society for the suppression of cruelty to animals would have a word or two to say about such a procedure. The most important of the new regulations, and probably that which has. .occasioned the reissue of the whole, is the one constituting the Districts of Albert and Victoria, lying between the River Murray and the Victorian boundary and the coast - line, infected districts, in a modified sense. Any person moving an infected animal from this district into any other part of the province, or from any other part of the colony into this district, will be liable to a penalty of not Ies3 than £5 for every animal so moved. Another regulation provides that any person driving an infected animal from or to this district and leaving it on any road or land without destroying it will be liable to an additional penalty of not less than five pounds, and a similar amount for every day during which the animal remains undestroyed. Thi3, we presume, is to prevent persons abandoning diseased fl.Tiimp.Is to avoid detection and to cover cases in which animals may die on the road or in a paddock. The regulations are stringent, but they are necessary in the face of the continued existence of disease among the stock in this and bhe neighbouring colonies. We observe that throughout the word 'animal' is employed, which is afterwards denned to include cattle, horses, 3heep, swine, and goats. Thus the doubts which have occasionally arisen with respect to the comprehensiveness of the regulations will not now be liable -to occur. ? Jewish New Yeah.— To-day is the first of the Jewish new year 5638, and will be observed as a strict holiday by our Hebrew ; fellowcolonists. ?'Tub Tub Hounds. — The hounds will throw off from Lockleys at half-past 2 o'clock this afternoon. Footbaix. — The following Association matches will be played to-day :— South Adelaide v. South Park at South Adelaide; Port Adelaide v. Woodville at Woodville; and Kensington v. Victorian at Kensington.' Sfe. Peter's College also meet the ' Old Fellows' on the College ground. ? ' Pahabise Cricket Cltjb.~A meeting of the members of this Club will be hojd at Paradise this evening. The Bishop of Adelaide. — His Lordship the Bishop of Adelaide (Dr. Short) has left Ade-laide for a mission tour of five weeks' duration in the North and Northern Areas. Althoepe Islands LIGHTHOUSE.— Tenders having been twice unauccessfully called for this work, ii will be carried out by the Engineer of Harbours and Jetties. Kegatta ik New Sooth Wale3.— On the 9th of November nest a regatta is to be held at Balmain, ^Sydney. Two of the contests — the Gardiner Challenge Cup and Champion Soul Ilace — will be open to amateurs from all. tha colonies, and the passages of i&tending competitors will be paid. Ciuckst in Mblbotirnb.— In the report; of the East Melbourne Cricket Club's meeting we notice the following :?— ' The Hon. Secretary announced that a muff team from Adelaide would play a muff team from, the members of theClab at Christmas for the benefit of the public charities, the understanding being that a muff team from the Club would visit Adelaide next year.' -Probable Castawats. — When the ship Monaltrie, on her entrance to St. Vincent's Gulf, passed the Neptane Islands before daylight on Thursday morning, a light was visible on shore there. Captain Cumming on arrival at the Anchorage reported the circumstance, and it was suggested that there might be castaways on the islands, the recent report of the mast of a vessel having been seen drifting Investigator's Straits lending some colour to the suggestion. The captain was under the impression that fcbe island was inhabited or he would have sent one of the ship's boats ashore to see if any ona was in distress there. The President of the Marine Board was of opinion that some adventurous people had gone there egging, but nevertheless the Governor Musgrave was, by his orders, dispatched at half -past 10 last night to examine the spot for fear a disaster had really occurred. Ths Lath AGBicuxxtrEAjc Show. — An error having crept into our report of the Merino sheep awards at the late Show, by which the prize for f oar-tooth rams and over was credited to Mrs. Baker, of Terlinga, instead of to the Canowie proprietors, we now append a corrected list of the prizes taken by the Canowie brand : — Grasa-f ed Merino sheep, first prize champion ram class, first and second prizeajf or pen four-tooth rams, first prize for pen ewes four-tooth or over, first and second prizes for pen of ewes and lambs. The Judges of Merino rams were — Messrs. T. S. Porter, A. McFarlane, and J. Anderson.; Mr. John Cowan, of Two Wells, informs us that he obtained the prize for the best pig tor bacon, but the Secretary's books do not show it.

-i The Etjeopean Tetegsams.— The news from Europe either records another Turkish victory or confirms the Ottoman official accounts of the result of the battle at Kudi-Koi, but it is not easy to say which. The latest telegrams, at any rate, state that Eyoub Pasha, who is operating near IRasgrad, has driven the twelfth Russian army corps across the Lom. The number of the killed is on this occasion slightly varied, being fixed at 3,000 men on the Eussian and 900 on the Turkish side. It is also asserted that : Widin has been reinforced, but it is difficult to understand by what route the Turkish forces can have reached the fortress-.- This last intelligence is altogether of a very vague character and must be. taken quantum, mleat. Madame Thiers, it will be observed, has claimed the right to make the arrangements for the funeral of her late husband, and the Government has consequently decided to limit its share in the proceediBgs to making provision for military honours. The sorrowing widow evidently desires that the burial shall be made as far as possibleaEepublican demonstration, and it is but fitting that her wish'should be respected. The Litest scenes in the last act of Mr. Thiers's life-drama are so intimately bound up with Republicanism that Republicanism ia entitled to play a leading part in his obsequies. The Goveenoe of the Straits Settlements. Mr.W. C. F. Robinson, late Governor of Western Australia, who has been appointed as Her Majesty's representative in the Straits Settlements, is expected to arrive here by the next English mail en' route for Melbourne. He will probably there confer with Sb William Jervois, the late Governor.qfthe Settlements, as to the future government of the colony. Sebiotjs Accident at Sea.— About one of the most critical positions a man could experience occurred during the passage of the ship Monaltrie. When off the Island of Madeira the hands were engaged reefing the upper maintopsail, when a couple of them in attempting to pass each other en the yard lost, their hold, and fell from a height of nearly 100 feet. One of them being light and vigorous made a clutch at the starboard main lift, and in the sudden shock of bringing himself up so suddenly stripped the fleph from his right arm. The other, an able' seaman, of about 16 stone, fell into the main rigging, breaking the ratlines from top to bottom and bending the shear pole. His left ear was cut .off and fell overboard, and th§ iaan himself at last fell, to the deck insensible. It was at first supposed that the man had sustained mortal injury, but on examination the loss of his ear proved to be the most serious result of tlie accident. After careful attention for a few days he came rounds and in less than three weeks was again at work. Death op Me. John Paxton.— We exceedingly regret to have to announce the death of Mr. J. Paxton, Secretary of the South Australian Gas Company, which occurred at his residence, Glenelg, on Friday, morning, Nearly . five weeks ago the deceased gentleman met with an accident through his horse bolting. He was thrown. from his vehicle on to the road, when the wheels went over him, causing internal ruptures.: From the first the injuries were regarded as of a very serious character, &nd although about a fortnight ago some little hope was held out of a recovery, the large amount of medical skill brought to bear on the case failed to prevent a fatal issue. The death was officially reported to the City Coroner,.but he, having made enquiriea^eemetl the holding of an inquest unnecessary: Mr. ' Paxton arrived in the colony about 25 years ago, and was first employed in. Messrs. Elder, Smith, and Co.'s office; afterwards he became clerk to the late Mr. R: B. Colley, with whom he remained a considerable time. On the opening of the works of the South Australian Gas Company he was appointed Secretary — a position he has held ever since. It is not too much to say that the zealous and judicious way with which he discharged his duties tended not a little towards the success of the Company ; while his obliging disposition and affable manners rendered him a general, favourite. Mr. taxton, who was about 38 years of age, leaves a widow and two children. The Atjstealiak Ceickbtebs. — Mr. J.. Conway, the agent for the Australian team who are to visit England next year, has written -to the South Australian Cricketing Association asking upon what terms he may have the use of the Oval for a three days' match in March. We understand that the Committee of the Association are anxious to have ths Australian representatives in Adelaide on an earlier date— at the beginning rather than the end of the season — and that a reply to that effect has been sent. With characteristic candour Mr. Conway says he k convinced that the team are ' capable of exhibiting cricket of as good quality as that shown by the last English band of players who visited Australia.' They are undoubtedly strong in all points of the game, as the following names will show:— (New South Wales) O. Bannerman,D. Gregory, N. Thompson (or Evans), Spofforth, Garrett, Murdock, (Victoria) Allan, Kendall, Horan, Blackrmm, Boyle, and (Tasmania) Bailey. Sale of Deatjght Stock.— On {Friday afternoon S. Barnard & Co. offered for sale by auction in the Royal JHorse Bazaar three fine Clydesdale entires and a number of valuable draught mares and fillies, bat although the attendance was large the 'bidding was not brisk. Grey Champion, a large dark iron-grey draught three-year-old entire, by Young Lord Clyde, oat of the prize Clydesdale mare Madam, from Tasmania, was passed at 140 guineas ; Cannie Scotchman, a splendid bay draught entire, three years old, imported from Scotland, was passed . at 330 guineas ; Champion, a five-year-old bay draught entire, by Miller's Champion out of an Aggravation mare, was passed at 50 guineas ; Nugget, a yery fine dapple grey* prize draught entire, was sold for 100 guineas ; and Gladstone, a Talk o' the Hill's colt, was sold for 52 guineas. Several draught geldings fetched sums varying from 33 guineas up to 64 guineas. Charitable Entertainment at Port Adelaide. — An entertainment was given in the Town Hall, Port Adelaide, on Thursday even-ing, September 6, in aid of Mr. Francis Fletcher, who has been unable to work for the past three years. There was a crowded attendance. The programme was carried out with marked success. The singing of Misses Gayson and Halsey and Mrs. L. Jagoe was deservedly ap-plauded. Misa Gayson's rendering of 'Strangers Yet' was remarkably good, and was encored. A duet, entitled ' Echo,' by Miss Halsey and Mr. Eunson, was also encored, as was a pleasing con-certina solo by Mr. Diamond. The following gentlemen also took part in the entertainment, and their efforts were well appreciated: — Messrs. Matthews, Collins, Willimott, and T. and G. Bishop. The two latter rendered a comic duet of their own composition, and being re-called gave ' Buy a Paper.' Mr. Flint also sang, and was well received. Messrs. J. W. Chanuon and P. Willimott presided at the piano. The Southern Star Brass Band played at intervals during the evening. Wants of Minlacowie. — A public meeting was held at Mr. King's, Minlacowie, on Monday, September 3. Mr. James Anderson presided, and briefly stated that the object of the meeting was to take steps to have various improvements effected at the jetty and to discuss other local matters. Mr. Kendell moved the first resolution— 'That in. the gpinionaf this meeting it is desirable that metal tramrails should be substituted for the iron plates at present intended.' Ee believed the change would cause the jetty to be easier worked,' besides being more permanent. Mr. King seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. Mr. Thomas moved the next resolution — ' That this meeting considers that 100 feet of double width at the end of the jetty is not sufficient, and that the Government be asked to extend it to 250 feet.' This was seconded by Mr. Darby and carried. After, some discussion as to whether the tramrails were to be extended out over the sandhills onto the solid ground, Mr. Weeks proposed — 'That the tramway should be extended over the sandhilL' This would- fn his opinion, . be both cheaper and better than a macadamized road. Seconded by Mr. Treasure and carried. Mr. King proposed — 'That a memorial be drawn up and presented to the Government, embodying the foregoing resolutions.' Mr. Norman seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr. Kendell proposed and Mr. Sherriff seconded — 'ThatMr.Jas. Anderson and others form a deputation to wait upon the Government to represent the wants of the district.35 'Carried. A discussion then arose respecting the establishment of a school, and it was decided, on the motion of Mr. Thomas — 'That endeavours should he made to have a school erected on a eite offered by Mr. H. Boss en north corner of Section 15.' Carried. Great dissatisfaction was expressed that the Council of Education had not taken steps in the matter long ago. Votes of thanks to the Chairman closed the meeting. Adelaide Hospital.— The following is the return for this institution for the past fortnight : — Number of patients admitted, 74 ; discharged, €0 1 died, 1 ; now in hospital, 191 ; out-patients prescribed for, 887.

Theatee Royal. — Sheridan's charming comedy 'The School. for Scandal' was rendered on Friday evening to an excellent house in boxes, stalls, and pit. Though not ineffective taken as, a whole, the piece did not run so smoothly nor was it as.lively as when performed last season. It almost appeared as if too much reliance had been placed on tlie fact that the play had been recently prepared by the company, and that in consequence it was not as carefully studied and rehearsed as is ? requisite. The voice of the prompter was heard too often, and occasionally the business seemed to hang heavily. The bright sparkling wit of the dialogue and cleverly-conceived humorous situar tions, however, assisted to carry off the performance with a certain amount of success. Mrs. Siddons was unfortunately suffering from severe indisposition, hut nevertheless she presented the bantering laughter - loving woman of fashion with a' very considerable amount of verve and sprfghtliness. In the screen scene her acting displayed a very gratifying amount of the quality which we have so strongly record- '; mended her to cultivate;— subdued concentrated earnestness. The passages following the discovery were characterized by much empressement, which was greatly enhanced by the text being delivered quietly and without the slightest overemphasis in voice or action. Mrs. Siddons's dressing, as usual, was a great feature, and was both elegant and appropriate. She was twice recalled, and.received liberal applause and some beautifurflowers. ~ Mr. Chaplin's Charles was as . finished, and pleasurable as when previously given. He thoroughly looked the handsom iehommr young ' Macsroni,' and depicted the loveable faults and foibles of the carelesslygenerous young profligate in an easy and oatural manner. Mr. Joyce's : Sir Peter i? a part which suits him . better than any other he has assumed; and the 3ame may be said for Mr. Douglas's Joseph, whose stiffness of styje is not at all inappropriate in the pedantic young hypocrite. Mr. Welsh, as Sir Oliver, we are sorry to say somewhat marred what was previously a most admirable impersonation by being imperfect in the text, which caused, a great want of; smoothness in delivery. The other personages in the play were all creditably represented as follows:— Sir Benjamin. Backbite, Mr. O. -Brown; Crapbree, Mr. J. Hasker; Careless,. Mr. A. .Elliott; Rowley, Mr. J. P. West; Moses, Mr. J. A. South i Snake, Mr G. Carey; Trip, Mr. G. Carey j ^dy SneerweU's servant Mr. T. Reading ; Maria, Miss Emma Rogers ; Mrs. Candour, Miss' Melville ; Lady Sneerwell, Miss Maggie Oliver. Thia evening a treat for the gods is to be provided, Khen Boucicault's romantic Irish, drama ' The Colleen Bawn' will be presented, Mrs. Siddons appearing as Eily O'Connor and Mr. Chaplin as Miles na Coppaleen. Bachelder's Pantascope.— This entertainment still attracts the attention of the Adelaide public, and on Friday evening there was a good attendance. The excellent representations of the magnificent scenery of America were deservedly, applauded, and in the realistic storm scene' a new feature was introduced. As the battle of the elements was subsiding, and the. soft light of the moon breaking through the' lightning-riven clouds was showing Itself I a singer behind the scenes gave the beautiful song ' Rockedin the cradle of the deep' with clear distinct intonation, the effect being very striking and appropriate. Voltaire's ventriloquism, especially in the song of the '♦ Bold Gendarmes' between the two lay figures, was very amusing, and Mr. Lay's Anglo -German songs secured him a double encore. ! Rifles.— The' Monaltrie, from London, has brought a further consignment of-Martini-Henry rifles for the Government. ; The Kaptjkda Rifles.— The members of thi3 corps held their fifth drill on Thursday evening, September 6, in the store kindly lent by Mr^J. White, M.P., preparatory to passing for rifle practice. , There was a good attendance, and all present appeared to be well up in the different movements. ? , „ The Town Hall Organ.— We should have mentioned in our notice of this instrument that it was erected by Mr. R. McKenzie, formerly with Messrs. Hill & Son, of London, and who superintended the erection of the Melbourne Town Hall organ. Sale of Ihpobted Cast Stock.— Mr. J. H. Parr field a sale on Friday-, September 7, at the . John Bull Yards, of cart mares and geldings imported'froni Tasmania. Only three of ihie lots were sold, three mares— Flower, J%dy, and Blossom. They went at fair prices. The Commissioned of Public Wobks i in Gawlbb.— On Monday morning, September, 3, the Hon. J. Colton, with Messrs. F. Basedow and J. Dunn, members forBarossa, arrived (by the first train, and were met by the Mayo? of Gawler and several Councillors and leading gentlemen, who pointed out to them the public . buildings in the town. The ostensible object of the Commissioner's visit (states the Bunyip) was to see for himself the positions of King-street and Bridge-street. Having been shown over these streets the; Commissioner said he^ woulU consult with the members of the Road Board and endeavour to get this vexed question amicably settled. A visit was paid to the new school, Mr. Tardif, the contractor, conducting him through the building: He expressed himself much pleased with, the progress made, and complimented Mr. Tardif on the energy he had displayed since the foundation-stone was laid by His Worship the Mayor so short a time back. St. James's, Glenbtjen.— A correspondent at Glenburn says : — ' The Rev. Richard Josling having accepted a curacy to St. Margaret's, Woodville, a testimonial— similar in wording to the one presented by the sister Church at . Yankalilla— and a purse of sovereigns were presented to him on Wednesday last from tke Churchmen and others of the district. The testimonial was signed by the Churchwardens, Synodsmen, and others, among -whom were maay connected with other Churches who, won by Mr. Josling's kind and conciliatory spirit, have attended the English Church during his charge. Mr. Josling's active and earnest work in the Church's cause will be long felt, and he goes to his new sphere of labour with, the good wishes of all in the district.' St. Maby's Chttech, Koobinga.— A social gathering of the members of this congregation was held in the Burra Institute on Thursday evening, September 6. The proceedings began with a tea, which was well, attended. After tha tea, a lecture, at which the Lord Bishop presided, was delivered by the Rev. C. W. Morse on the subject of his recent visit to England. The lecturer specially referred tor .tie increased . interest taken in Church matters, and to the efforts that were being made to reach the mass of the population. The Bishop said he had hoped ^before this time to have bsen able to have laid the foundation-sfcine' of a hew Anglican Church in the Burra, and thought from the, number of persons present that a larger building . was required.. -* The Rev. EL Howitt explained that the delay had been caused by the past bad season, which had been particularly felt in the surrounding districts. The new building would be begun as soon as the working plans were ready. Several songs, duets, &c., were given by the members, and. a pleasant evening was spent. . Wallaeoo Moras Tendbe Ststem. — The T. P. Advertiser of September 7 learns ' that two tenders under the contract system introduced at the Wallaroo Mines were accepted on Wednesday last for fresh works. Having heard a great deal said respecting the contract system, we are very glad to be able to say that our enquiries bring out satisfactory assurances that the system is working well alike for the mine, the employers, and the. men. There have been rumours current that this new system of contracting has had the effect of reducing wages, and that that indeed was its object. Whether there is any truth or not in the rumour is best decided by actual results. We believe the earnings per man for the last month's work made up reached a sum that represents very good wages — quite es good as the average of the district at any time (we should suppose) since the strike. There may be little difficulties in the way of adjusting all the bearings of the new system, but a little forbearance, and an effort on both sides -to assist in their adjustment will no doubt lead to a fair, equitable, and satisfactory working, of tjje system. In the fact, too, that fresh works are being offered for contracts every three or four days which ire open to all miners who may choose to tender, we recognise an endeavour on the part of the management to furnish sufficient work to employ all the labour that may be available.' Accident feom Gttkpowdkb.— A son of Mr. ?Healey, of Penfield^ met with a serious accident last week through trying to light a fire with gunpowder. He incautiously (says the Bunyip) put down his face ta blow it into a blaze, when the powder exploded. His face is severely lacerated *and the sight of one eye seriously injured. He is under the care of Dr. Dawes, afiid i» progressing fawttftbj j.

Accident at Bhowh & Thompson's Yaed.-— An accident of a somewhat serious nature happened at Messrs. Brown & Thompson's yard, Waymouth-street, on Friday afternoon, September 7, to four men who were employed raising a very large block of wood on to a trolly by means of a travelling crane. ' The bearings of the tram on which the crane runs gave way at one end, the tram itself came down with a run, and the men were precipitated to the ground, a distance of 20 feet. It was thought that the weight of the wood: had caused the breakage, but -we are informed that the same crane and its fittings were used by the firm in the _ erection of the Bank of South Australia . for lifting much heavier material, and the exact cause of the accident is as yet not ascertained. One of the men, named De Moline, was underneath the others. His left ancle, was dislocated, and he was very severely cut about the face. The other three sustained but slight injuries. Two of them were able to go home at once without assistance ; the third man, James Gilbert, jun., was, however, injured about the .ancle, and had to be taken home. De Moline was removed to the Hospital, where he was, promptly attended to and the dislocation reduced. * Sitdden Death.— The City Coroner (Mr. T. Ward, J.P.) conducted an enquiry at the Oddfellows' Arms, Bowden, on Friday afternoon, September 7, into the circumstances connected with the death of a man named Connor Hoare, aged about 63, who died suddenly about 1 o'clock the same morning. Mr. A. E. Vardon was elected Foreman of the Jury. Annie Hoare, single woman, said the deceased was: her father. She had tea with him about half -past 5 o'clock the preceding evening, when he seemed all right, though he complained of being a little tired. After tea he laid down on the sofa and went to sleep. Shortly after 1 o'clock in the morning, however, he called for his daughtdr, said he felt a severe pain in his heart, and added that he thought he was going to die. He then stretched out his arms and expired. Deceased used to drink heavilv, but discontinued that practice about two or three years ago. He was sober at tea-time. Dr. Sangster, of Bowdeh, who made a post-mortevi examination of tae body, said the cause of death was disease of the heart. The Jury, without retiring, returned, 'a rerdict to that effect. ? Deer-Kixling ts Victoeia.— On September 1 a deer battue was held at Werribee Park, it being the first thing of the sort (states the Argtis) ever seen in Australia. The fallow deer on Messrs. T. & A. Chirnside's estate have become so numerous, and their depredations on the crops of the farmers ia the heighbourhojxl have caused so much complaint, that it was decided to have a grand battue on the jst September, at which all the farmers in the district were invited to attend on horseback, bringing with them as many gazehpunds as thiey could muster. About 20 gentlemen were invited from Melbourne, who were to be stationed in place? wkere the deer were expected to, pass, ;in order- that they, might bring them down with their rifles. It was found that deer are not ;so easily managed as a drove of kangaroos, for with all the dogs, hoiaes, and guns brought out against the herd only 25 head were killed. -It is estimated that the fallow deer on this estate now number over 700 head. : CrsTOHs Seizttre.— The Custom-House officers at Penola (says the Border Watch) have mad£ a large seizure there on account of the Customs Department. The lot consists of two teams, of bullocks, two drays, and several tons of salt. The owners of the teams are charged with illegally crossing the Border from Victoria with dutiable goods without giving notice. It is said they were in the habit of bringing salt from some of the Victorian lakes, and never before being molested they were not aware they were breaking the law. Antipodal Hyacinths. — The Gardeners' Chronicle relates that when lately at tlie Amsterdam Show he saw hyacinths growing downwards into the glasses as well as in the ? ordinary way. The neck of the hyacinth-glass has a glass box fitted on top, filled with earth, in which is planted a bulb in the usual manner. Underneath this another bulb is placed in the reverse position, and the flowers grow down into tie water without any apparent attempt; at regaining the erect posture. When the Dutchman was asked how this was effected he smiled, and said the under flower was an Australian bulb, and grew that way naturally. [From yesterday's EveniTig Journal.'} ? Telegeaph Facilities. — A Telegraph Office has been opened at Glenorchy, in Victoria. : Tow2? Hall Conceets. — Rehearsals for these concerts will take place on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ??'''??' i Thb Oeigin of an Old Saving.— The Rtev. Moncure D. Conway writes to us :— ' The saying ^Cleanliness is^next tqjgodliness,' by attributing which to an Apostle Mr, Mundella haa. been questioned by .' A Rustic,' is not of Scriptural but yet of Hebrew origin. It first appears in Beraitha, as the last Mishna of Sato, chap. ix. It is often repeated in Rabbinical books, e.g., Hiineas ben Yeir says, 'The doctrines of religion are resolved' into carefulness, carefulness into vigorousness, vigorousness into guiltlessness, guiltlessness into abstemiousness, abstemiousness into cleanliness ; cleanliness is next to godliness.' ' Mr. N. Howe writes :— ' Others besides 'A Rustic' and Mr. Mundella may be glad: to learn that though not the teaching of an Apostle, the words, ' Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness,' occur in a Sermoa on Dress, by John Wesley, who died in 1792.' ' Ciericus' writes to us : — ' The old proverb is not ?' Cleanliness is next to godliness,' but to goodliness — viz., beauty of form, grace, elegance.'— Times. j Pobt Rifle Cltjb.— A meeting of the Port Adelaide and Suburban Rifle Club for the distribution of prizes won at the recent matches was held at the Globe Hotel, Port Adelaide,; on Thursday evening, September 6. Mr. C^ J. Reynolds presided, and there were 20 members present.' 'The' Chairman distributed prizes as follows : — First prize, silver cup, presented; by the President of ihe Club, Mr. J. Hart, Mr. E. Burns ; second prize, silver cup, presented' by Mr. W. J. Magarey, Mr. E. Hardy. Sevferal minor prizes 'including distance prizes were also presented to the winners. Second match — First prize, gold medal, Mr. J. W. Williams; second prize, silver medal, Mr. H. Reynolds. Several awards of less value were also made. Each cup and medal bore a suitable inscription. Mr. E. Burns proposed ' The Health of the President of the Club,' remarking that Mr. Hart had taken a deep interest in the.Club, and had supported it handsomely. The toast . having been drunk with musical honours, the following were honoured:— 'The Health- of Mr. W. f J. Magarey,' ' Patrons', of the .Club,' and ' The South Australian Rifle'Aisociation.'' Sale of Township nsab Tbeowib. — On Wednesday the Hon. L. Glyde, M.P., and Mr. J. G. ^Ramsay; M.P., waited upon Mr. Carr, the Commissioner of Crown ask him to withdraw the proposed sale bt the towfiship of Shebbear (Terowie), which had been gazetted for sale next week. They pointed out that/ the inhabitants of Yarcowie complained that it [was not fair of the Government to establish a rival township within four miles of Yarcowie, where , they had purchased land upon the strength that the Government buildings would be erected there. They also urged that the lands suburban to Yarcowie should be offered for sale, as many persons were anxious to buy them. After a long discussion Mr. Carr acknowledged the force of the arguments urged by the deputation, and agreed to withdraw the township of Shebbear from sale. He also promised that the lands suburban to Yarcowie should shortly be offered for sale. Sale of Peize Cattle.— Messrs. E. Laughton and 4fc. offered at the Royal Horse Bazaar Yards, on Friday morning, September 7, some very high-class cattle, including Mr. ' J| H. Angas's pedigree Durham bulb, Commodore Booth and Fredericus 10th, and the celebrated white-faced bulls Bringwood and Rob Roy, from Mr. C. Price's stock. The auctioneers started the beasts at 100 guineas, but strange to say not in one instance, although there was a good attendance of well-known breeders and stockowneifs, could a bid be secured beyond this amount. The whole of the stock was therefore withdrawn, but will probably be disposed of privately. Txntaba Vinetaed. — We are informed that Mr. T. Hardy, of Bankside, has purchased the Tintara Vineyard, the well-known property of Dr. Kelly, at Morphett Vale ; together with 27,000 gallons of wine, comprising jwrtioaa of the vintages of the preceding seven years, not including the last. Mr. Hardy has abo taken the old flour-mill at Maclaren Vole, and intends turning it into a wine manufactory. Productton of Olive Oil.— The bonus of £100 for the first 2,000 gallons of oliveoil manufactured in the colony has been paid to Mr. S. Chiles, of Unley Park, who has made 2,600 gallons, and is yearly increasing his trade.


The curiosity and wonder of the traveller in India are excited even more by the vastnees and variety of the teemins population of that country than bv

the grandeur of its scenery, tho exuberance of its plant and animal life, or tho inexhaustible richness of its resources. Its two hundred and fifty million ii-, habitants ate composed of races presenting almost endless diversity of physical features, social customs, and religious creeds. This fact requires to be borne in mind in estimating what effect European, affairs are likely to have upon Great, Britain's greatest dependency. Alarmists who believe that the non-intervention d