South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 16 February 1877, page 1

. ? SHIPPING ? ^A^k XJACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP ffl^^JT COMPANY.— OVERLAID Sffffijffir ROUTE TO GREAT BRITAIN THROUGH AMERIOA.-The CITY OF NEW YORK, or other Steamer will be dispatched from Sydney for Kandavu at 3 p.m. on ^lday» j'1 Marchf 1877, carrying Mails and B-JfJ' to be transhipped thence per Steamer to Honolulu and San Francisco. _ . For further information and rates of passage, »Pply to fredk. WRIGHT, Agent. Cresham-Chambers, Adelaide. ? 10c_ '?-.-^-w -it/rESSRS. MONEY WIGKAM ^Bwfi&K VI AND SOVS' (of Blackwall a^K^rf, W-m) LINE of STEAM andSAnJNG PACKETS will be dispatched from the Sandridge Railway Tier for London Direct, as follows :— ? ______^__ 1 ? gyp^ [ | Commander, j Will SaiL ' ? 71 1877 Hahfshirb, via,E Kidgers ... February 17 Cape Good Hope...! SS. SostERSKTSHinK,|H T# Hoit 3larchl7 via Cape GoodHope . .r ,„ Es^BX '. ? J- Cummiug... March 23 S.S. Dmiuji ' '.'?'? F. Anderson... April 14 S.S. NoRTHtiJlBBH- H fl Shinner June 9 LANT) ... ? ? m The Accommodation for all classes of pas sengers are unsurpassed. Provisions ef the best quality are supplied. Each vessel carries a duly-qnalified surgeon. Passage-money, £16 and upwards. A liberal allowance to families. ? Return Tickets issued at reduced rates. ^ Passage-Orders are Issued to persona desirous Of sending for their friends at home. For all particulars, apply to .,,.. 27c JAMES HILL, Grenfell-street._ ' .^-v — 'f^lf MELBOURNE DIRECT.— WHSK JJ The new Steamship 'M-fl^ggr VICTORIAN, 656 tons, A. McCoy, master, will sail on Tuesday, February 20, at 3 p.m. Passengers by 2 p.m. tram # N.B.— Bedding is provided in the Second Vor'the Adelaide Steamship- Co., Limited. HERBERT EVANS, Sec, 4, Currie-street. JOHN FORMBY k SON, Port. 46-51 ''3TT CJTEAM TO MELBOURNE.— The «wra^Rx »O Steamship SJaggg? CLAUD HAMILTON, James Tozer, master, will sail on Tuesday, 20th instant, upon arrival of the 2 p.m. Train at Port Adelaide. For particulars, apply to THOS. HUGHES, Grenfell-streefc; 46-51 JOHN TURNBULL, Port. ? '~3TT OTEAM TO LACEPEDE BAY, Jim O ROBE, PORT MACDONNELL, S^gT AND MELBOURNE.— The Steamship COORONG, J. Dowell, master, will sail on Wednesday, the 21st instant, upon arrival of the 2 p.m. Train at Tort Adelaide. For particulars, apply to THOMAS HUGHES, Grenf ell-street; 46-52 JOHN TURNBULL, Port. ? -aS^k T?0R POB~T AUGUSTA Wj^vJP D I R E C T.— Reduction in aggSSSsST Saloon Fares. — Cabin, £3 10s.; Re turn, £6\— The Steamer LUBRA will sail on Tuesday, February 20, at 10 a.m. Passengers by the 9.30 a.m. train. For tlio Spencer's Gulf Steamship Co., Limited, HERBERT EVANS, Sec.; 4, Cume-street. JOHN FORMBY & SON, Port. 47*51 ~3~T X?0R PORT LINCOLN AND JmLf^JL? PORT AUGUSTA, Carrying aSccsSC^ Cargo for Tunby Bay. — Reduction in Fort Augusta Saloon Fares, as follows:— Cabin, £3 10s. ; Return, £6.— The Steamer ROYAL SHEPHERD will sail on Tuesday, February 20, at 12 noon. Passengers by 11.30 a.m. train. For the Spencers Gulf Steamship Co., Limited, HERBERT EVANS, Sec, 4, Currie-street. JOHN FORMBY k- SON,- Port. 47*51 ~Zt~T CiTEAM TO VICTOR HARBOUR. JrJ_ |?f \.^5 — The Steamship *rii 1 1 ijli«-^i^~ GLENELG ?will sail on Wednesday, 21sfcinst., at 9 a.m. Cargo must be alongside' by 4 p.m. Tuesday, 20th. ? -Freight or passage, apply Steam Tug Office, Tort. WM. McCULLOCH, 4751 Adelaide and Goolwa. -TLvrk CJT^^1 TOEDITHBURGH AND 4l5fc3^io STANSBURY (Twice a Week). d^^T — On and after Wednesday, the 14th February, the Steamslrip GLENELG ?will sail every Wednesday and Saturday morn ing, at 9 a.m., returning from Edithburgh and Stansbury every Friday and Monday morning, at 9 and 11 a.m. No Cargo taken for Staiabury For freight or passage, apply 40cv STEAM TUG OFFICE, Port. -^-v TT^OR EDITHBURGH AND TFj^v-*- STANSBURY.— The Sg^SSST CERES starts' every Tuesday and Saturday from Port Adelaide at 9 o'clock; from Edithburgh and Stansbury, Monday and Thursday 'Mornings at 9 and 11 o'clock. Freight or passage, apply [????- ? ? ? -264mwfcv G. R. SELTH, Maclaren Wharf., u^Zt^ TjyOR PORT WAKEFIELD 3jj£j^.X' AND ARDROSSAN.— The 'rBferrSr- Steamer AMY will leave Port Adelaide evt/y Tuesday at 9.30 a.m., and return leaving Port' Wakefield every Wednesday at 7 a.m. An; intermediate trip to Ardrossan only will be made, leaving Port Ade laide Friday mornings at -9.30 arid Ardrossan 10.30 on Saturdays. THOMPSON, WELLS, & CO., * 44mhfscv Port Adelaide. ? ^^^ TTXCURSION ROUND the sUSt^^-*^ SUNKEN DREDGE WIL ?S£5KE£r LUNGA ait Port Adelaide Light house, ^Saturday, ljth February, 1877.— The Steamer ? ' ' ? -ELEANOR. r r will leave Port Adelaide on 'arrival of 2 p.m. train from Adelaide, conveying Passengers as atove. Fares, 2s. 6d. each. *: 46-S THOS. SINCLAIR. j£%&v 1? L D E B ~L~1 N E.— 5g*£g«vXL- For LONDON, Calling at the 'lilfTi CAPE and BT. HELENA— The Splendid Clipper Ship -n™ TORRENS; ' 1,300 tons register, H. R. Angel, Commander, will sail from Tort Adelaide 25th of March. This fine composite ship is now on her second voyage. She was built specially for the Ade laide passenger trade, and has superior accom modation for saloon and cecond cabin pas sengers. . Dr. Blakely proceeds with the ship. Beds and bedding provided 'for saloon pas sengers. For freight or passage, apply to Captain Angel, or to _ 40mwfcS ? ELDER. SMITH, & CO. -A'&2k X ONDON DIRECT. — The Al ig|g^-l_J Barojie njflli - chasca,-038 tons, Capt. Brothers, is now receiving cargo, and sails all March 47mwf c JOSEPH STILLING k CO. ^£&%^ 'P^OR KING GEORGE'S SOUND, 3fgSg^X' BUNBURY.andFREMANTLE. a*fffiSn' —The Regular Trader, -ANNIE LISLE, W m. Hayes, master, is again on the berth, and tvill have quick dispatch. - -For freight or passage, apply to the Captain, on board, W. R. CAVE k CO., Port; or _l5c___ JOHN WEBSTER k CO., Town. t JShn TTor ki^'G GEORGE'S SOUND. SP&X/ —The ?*?»& ? EMILY SMITH, --apt. Davidson, will sail early 4750 J.NEWMAN & SON, Agents, Port. Jfi&i TT^OR NEWCVSTLE.— The ? SM^i-. .HARBINGER ?^ttfer with dispatch. . , -_J^ ? '_ J. STILLING & CO. -£jk^ T?OR P0RT WKIE.— The ^^^X1 MALDON LEWIS ?^?UBK^ will sail with dispatch. **- J. M. SINCLAIR, -SON, & SMITH., }

SHIPPING ^^^TpOR PORT -PIRIE -DIRECT.— ISsig&Sr BRONZEWTNG sails. Frjday, 16th inst. J. M. SINCLAIR, SON, & SMITH, Agents. - ? - - .: ./ .. ;.:?..-; ;.45-7 jZk&- T^0R EUCLA DIRECT.— The ^^^^.JJ HELEN MARQUIS ?nOSSwr. sails Saturday, 17th inst. For freight or passage, apply -to -. ' - '?- ? i — ' ? ' J- M. SINCLAIR, SON, & SMITH, ^**° ? ; ..;;; Agenta. A'^*v 'IT^OR LAOEPEDE BAY.— j^p^^-X1 The Schooner ' ' ?SfSBB' ANNIE TAYLOR will sail on Friday at noon, February IS. GUTHRIE & CO., Kingston. a46-7 J. NEWMAN &? SON, Fort: '^~T^fi ARDROSSA N.— The g^J Regular Trader «Kf$i& MAYFLOWER - --lails from Port Adelaide every Friday at 5 p.m., and Ardrossan every Tuesday at 2 p.m. 301whfo -^^^~|^OR PORT AUGUSTA DIRECT. TWnwBii ELSIE . sails Saturday, February 17. J. M. SINCLAIR, SON, & SMITH, Agents. ' ? ? 47,8 J&&, 'IT^OR PORT AUGUSTA aftf^-J1 AND PORT PIRIE.— The ., - LOTUS will sail with dispatch. ^e ? G. R. SELTH. £%a^ T?OR WALLAROO &£&b-JO DIRECT-The ?3SiS& ALERT will aail with dispatch. 39c J. M. SINCLAIR,, SON, & SMITH._ Ji^v TTo:B PORT WAKEFIELD~The W^^X1 SEABIRD «??» will sail Saturday, 17th inst. C. E. COOKE & CO., . 4Q'8 ? Agents for John Stylbs. A^v T?IRST VESSEL FOR YTATER Wtt&JP LOO, STREAKY, AND SaHSer VENUS BAYS.— The FREEBRIDGE will sail with dispatch. 44c J. M. SINCLAIR, SON, & SMITH. i'^v TT^OR R.IVOLI BAY.— The Wtf^X1 Schooner «KtB& LOUISE will sail on Monday, 19th. 4750 GEO. R. SELTH, Maclaren Wharf. jk'&^ T?0R FREIGHT or CHARTER.— jB&Q&JO The Al Clipper Brig JfiBg THORKILD, 181 tons register, light draught of water. Apply to GILES & SMITH, Adelaide. 46-8 GEO. P. HODGE, Port Adelaide. jiS&v XjX)R FREIGHT OR CHARTER aMSaSyX1 — The Al barque aHsT SEAGULL, Gay, master, for Sydney and Newcastle, will b« ready to receive cargo Thursday next. Apply to a41mwfc J. 'W. SMITHS. IRVINE,, from London.— CONSIGNEES are requested to PASS necessary ENTRIES. All Goods impeding discharge will be landed and stored at Consignees' risk and expense. Any damage to Goods to be pointed out on the wharf previous to removal, and no claim will be allowed unless said goods, whether duty paid or entered for a bonded warehouse, be examined in the presence of the master or chief officer at Port Adelaide. Bills of Lading to be presented at our Port Office. Captain Seymour will not be responsible for any Debts contracted by his Crew. HARROLD BROTHERS, 47'50 Town and Port. HIP ANN MILLICENT, from Liverpool.— CONSIGNEES are requested to PASS necessary ENTRIES at once. All Goods im peding discharge will be landed and stored at Consignees' risk and - expense. Bills of Lading must be presented at the office of Messrs. John Newman & Son, Port Adelaide, and all freights paid before delivery. No Claim for damage will be allowed unless pointed out to the Captain before removal of goods from the wharf. ; ; Captain Pack will not be Responsible for any Debts Contracted by his Grew. M. MARWOOD & CO., a47'50 . Waymouth-street, Adelaide. THORKILD.— Captain BAADE will NOT be X ANSWERABLE for DEBTS contracted by any of his CREW. ? 46-8 POET ADELAIDE CREEK. NOTICE TO MARINERS. NOTICE is hereby given that a BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT will be EXHIBITED from the SUNKEN DREDGER WILLUNGA DURING the NIGHT, and a RED FLAG by DAY, until her removal. : Pilots and Masters of Vessels must exercise great caution whilst passing her. B. H. FERGUSON, President Marine Board. : Marine Board Office,JFebraary 6, 1877. 38c FIIHE Undersigned beg to inform Woolgrowers 1 X. * and others interested in the Wool Trade that they have received full particulars from their friends at HAMBURG and AcNTWERP respecting SHIPMENTS DIRECT ~to any of these Ports and' via London. I They will be glad to give every information. /._:l. G. MUMME.& CO., 75mwfcv Grenfell-street. 'XJTFE are prepared to MAKE ADVANCES IT on WOOL, &c.,^consigned to our London Agent, Mr. Thomas Anderson, No. 4, Billiter Bquare ? J JOHN WEBSTER & CO., -274c -' 'King William-street. . nnHE Underaighed; EXECUTE I INDENTS, or to ADVANCE on WOOL; SKINS, TALLOW, or other PRODUCE, for Shipment to London or Liverpool. JOSEPH '.CROMPTON, 39-129v Blyth-street, Adelaide. HE N R Y 0 O W~f~E~, ? - Aitkbd-Chambhbs,- Currie-stbebt, AGENCY OFFICE for the following COM PANY— -:. ? -. IMPERIAL MARINE INSURANCE COM PANY, LIMITED, OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. ? 158mwfc william m.cpulloch & co. general carrd3rs, insurance, shipping,::and custom house-agents. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCHES: ADELAIDE, GOOLWA, and PORT VICTOR. ?pv.A-n OFFICE: MELBOURNE. 244mwfcv XTICT0R HARBOUR AND GOOLWA^ V GEORGE S. READ, Customs, Shipping, and Genbrai. Commission Agent. 333c O SHIPMASTERS, MMICHANTsTaND OTHERS. The SHIPPING REPORTER attends to Telegrams or Letters, and his Boats are available for all purposes connected with Shipping in the Gulf. Boat Flag No. 3. RICHARD JAGQE, Beach Branch Office, Lefevre's Peninsula. PBODTTCE ? O~H N D E N O H & 0 O, TANNERS, CURRIERS, FELLMONGERS, &c. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GIVEN for HD32S, SKINS, TALLOW, &c. ON SALE, LEATHER of every description, first quality. GLUE, Colonial, equal tcC imported, and at ' 30Cte rlCe8' HmpMARSH TANNERY. WOOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, BARK, GUM, SHANKBONES;- TALLOW, -&O, PUP.OHASED byr the Undersigned in AgT7cve' W. PEACOCK & SON. W'~~' OOI1 SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, TALLOW, BARK, SHANKBONES, HORNS, OPOSSUM and KANGAROO SKINS, &c, PURCHASED by E. R. Priestly & Co., 92, Currie-street, Adelaide. ? 362cv REVEB' NEW ZEALAND OATS on SALE. WHYTE, COUNSELL, & CO., 297c - . - Carrie-street.

j ? MEECHAJTDISE f^TLBETS WINES AND SPIRITS.— VJT The undersigned have been APPOINTED ' SOLE AGENTS for SOUTH AUSTRALIA' for these WINES and SPIRITS, which are of Guaranteed Quality and Purity. The extent to which Messrs. W. & A. Gnbey/s Wines and Spirits have been appreciated in England is shown by their rSales, whiph in 1875 amounted to 17,000 dozen weekly — representing one-twentieth of the entire Wine Trade of the United Kingdom. ?First Shipment now to hand, consisting of CLARETS, HOCKS, SHERRIES, PORTS, CHAMPAGNES, and SPIRITS of all descrip tions. ? ] Orders will be taken for th K.TTR CASES and upwards. . ,- , 3 -fPRICEXIST forwardedxm application to I FANNING & CO., j 23, Currie-street. Above Wines and Spirits can be obtained in aiy Quantity from-J. Lammst, Tynte-Btreetr Njorth Adelaide. ,.,':. j. -; 234o : /fVN SALE by the Undersigned.— SELTZER \LF 'Water, in cases, 2, 3, and 4 doz., Glass Bbttlea. ! - -- AI50, t r, -v Baskets and Cases, 2 doz. Pints Stone Seltzer ?. Cases, 1 dozen Quarts Stone do. ? ajto *?? ? - — Sehweppe'8 Genuine London Manufactured ' . ;? ?: Sodawater. j-i ? ??, .'??( ? .? ??? ! H. NOLTENIUS' & CO., I Wine and Spirit Merchants, !!6c ? 75, King William-street. ON SAUs— Lemon Harfs and Lownde**' RUMS, Sherry in qrs., Glenlivet1 and Beith Robs' Whisky, Hennessy's 3-Star, JDKZ and Key Geneva '' s ? ? ; j -J -FANNING-fcCO^ -'? j 141c ? 23, Currie-street. ON SALE— TEA, ex LochieL CLARET, and BRUSHWARE. ? ? 1312tfc GILES & SMITH. ARRIAN'S No. .3 BULK AT.K Just Arrived, per Locheh, First Ship ment of the NEW BREW. ! JAMES R0BIN-& CO., ? ! 33mwf 59 ? Grenfell-street. N G:L I S H A L E i w ASHBY^ BULK AT.Tg, in Hhds. ? | Ashby's Bottled do., in cases « Tennenf s do. do^ do. | ShipmeatB of NEW BREW, Just Arrived. -! ELDER, SMITH, & CO^ ... J. tl93c ? Adelaide Agents. 'JFlMEJUICE CORDIAL, GUiLON'S, in one Xj dozen cases, just landed. --Ilaspberry Vinegar, do. do. ? J Pure Honolulu Limejuico, in small casks | Oil of Lemon, in glass flasks. . . 1 41-59 GEORGE YOUNG, Gilbert-place. /-1UINNESS'S STOUT, Bottled by O*Brien \JT —the celebrated DAGGER Brand. Sole Agents for South Australia, ! M. MARWOOD & CO., 1 327c Waymouth-stf eet. KENAULTS PALE BRANDY, in Bulk and Case., . ? FANNING & 'CO., Sole Agents, !l85c 23, Currie^treet. SALT, SALT.— PRIME UVERPOOL~SALT for SALE. Apply to 123c H.H.RANFORD, Port Adelaide. ORE BAGS ON SALE bj 29mwfc ELDER, SMITH, & CO. LITHOFRACTEUR ON SALE, by FRANCIS CLARK &SONS, j 231mwfcv : Grenfell-street. 7T~Z\ ANCHOR IRON FOR SALE. 5 feet, 3s. 3d.; 6 feet, 3s. lid.; 6 feet 6, 4s. 3d.; : 7 feet, 4s. 6d.; 8 feet,. 5s. 3d.; 9 feet; 6s.: 3d. ; iDOORS— 6 feet 10 x 2 feet .10, 1 J thick* 23s. , DOORS— 6 feet 6x2 feet 6, D.M., 18s. : DOORS— 7 x 3, 1| thick, 21s. PICKETS, 16s.i-er 100 ? i At S. H A R V E Y'S TIMBER YARD, FLINDERS-STREET, Opposite the London Inn. Sashes and Frames and Building Materials of every description always' on. hand-,. j 281mwfc C' O A . L S. C: O A L~ S. Best New South Wales Household Stean and Blackstnithc' Coals may be had in anj quantity, delivewd in Adelaide and Suburbs also to Glenelg or elsewhere, If required, a.' Lowest Prices. ! : HENRY SBIPSON; j Coal Depots — Currie-street, Adelaide; and | Queen's Wharf, Port. j January 1, 1877*. - 239mwfcv I : PBOFESSXblfAl, : DR. S E A B R O O K 'mat bb' ; CONSULTED AT MR.; BOCKZSy CHEMIST* 50, RUNDLE-STEBBT, . ' '? DAI L^ AT NO ON. . ; ^ ? 301mwfc R. FOKSTBB, - S U B7GrE O N; can be Consulted at his Residence, Hurtle-square, Adelaide. - 43mwf54 ?---D1 bT. n o r m a^ n, DENTAL SURGEON7 ? ' C i ROCKVILLE -HTOUSE,- - ' i ? -NORTH-TERRACE. 35mwfc T\R. NORMAN desires to give notice that JLr he has RESUMED PRACTICE, and that he will remain in the Colony, not going to Europe as lately announced. Rockville House, North-terrace, ; January g, 1877. ... ? 13c , a r t i ft c i a l i e eth modern* Dentistry painless. ;-'?? Lath from London. ? ? - ...... Twenty-five years' practical experience'. Mr..BLACKM(?R:E-rSURGEON DENTIST, North-terrace, Adelaide, opposite the Railway Station, was for seven years Surgeon Dentist to the Barnstaple ,and. Nqrth Devon Hospital by appointment; 'COtfstructjr Artificial ?Teeth^ from -. One to a Complete Set. Misfits rectified, and 'satisfaction guaranteed to all those who have as -yet been .unsuccessfully r treated. ;A; Set of ffeeth made and fitted to the mouth in a day. Two visits '-6aly creqtiirei: NJB.— IVIr^ 'Black more's only address ii» South Australia is North terrace, opposite the Railway Station and corner ?of Bank-street. t .=-... . . -. ... - 4Qmwfe. ? 1T- AINLESS DENTIS T~R~Y JL MR. L. N. BLACOI ORE, ? {SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, VICTORIA-SQUARE; ADELAIDE, - 7 !Begs to announce to his Friends and the Public jin general that he is now; prepared to Extract iTeeth without th^ slightest pain or inconvenience' to the patient under the influence of ? . .. NITROUS OXIDE GAS. i Artificial Teeiir supplied pnr the latest im t proved principle and at strictly moderate *price. ' ' ~ ' - - ; -Mr. L. N. B. at home daily from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. ' - ' NJJ. — No connection with any Firm of the same name. .' ' \' ' _' ' 119mwfc MACGEORGE, LAND, ESTATE, AND ? MQNJSY. AGENT. ; ; ' Money always at command at lowest current irates.' v, :-?.?: ; - .-'-'I ? ' .-'.:. '.. ??.-'- : '?? , Agent for Absentees. 4 Licensed to transact' all business under the ? Real Property Act. , .. I Grenfell-street. ' 33mwfl27v ? '\rOTICE; OF REMOVAL.— Messrs. MANN ;J3l and FOSTER, Solicitoes, have RE ! MOVED from Eagle - Chambers to Offices * Santo's New Buildings, WAYMOUTH-STREET.. N3.— The ofBces hitherto occupied by Mr. t Mann to Let. ? 23'54 JOHN LETCHFORD 71,'KING WnJdAM-STREET, ' Opposite D. & W. Murray's. ' Licensed Land ! Broker, House and Land Agent, Transfers, Mort gages,'Leas'e8,-&c.,iprepared, Selections taken up in New Areas, Government and other Land Sales attended. Money to Lerd at Current Rates in ; large or small sums, u;- ,111.'; . ?'.-. ';!&?* -N. COLIISON, LICENSED ' LAND ? BROKER, AGENT, &c. SELECTIONS MADE in NEW AREAS. Purchases completed. All business under the REAL PROPERTYrACT transacted., MONEY to Lend in large : or- small sums on ' Freehold security. ' '' * ' ' ** Farms, Houses, Tor Land bought and sold on commission. ----?!= -- '-??? ...;.?; ,1 :??. ''.,_i. . 14, Register-Cluaibers. 17mwfo

' PROFESSldNAL ? JC. PHILIPS, LICENSED LAND ? ? BROKER, AGENT, &c - Transfers, Mortgages, and Leases prepared. Property brought under the Rbal Propbbtt Act. Land Purchased at Government and other Sales, and Selections made in the Nhw Areas. 41,' King William-street. 218cv ~~~ I NOTICE. ~~r MK I N G S B O R 6 XT G H ? ESTATE AGENT, LIQUIDATOR, AND ACCOUNTANT, Trustee for Assigned Estates. Agent for Trustees. * Trade Assignee in Insolvent Estates. May be consulted on all matters of Business and '-'. -.'. r Financial Difficulty. ' Loans1 negotiated from 6 per cent, and ?up-wards, according to amount and value of security Having arranged a separate department for the above branches of my business, which will be under my own immediate supervision, assisted by competent Clerks, I am prepared to give prompt attention to all business entrusted to me. --????? M. KINGSBOROUGH, _140mwfcv.A V, _' Currie-street, Adelaide. f\B. A S. ? E. LANE VICTORIA - CHAMBERS, VICTORIA SQUARE, ADELAIDE, J ACCOUNTANT, LAND AND ESTATE . ?? ?-?? : ?'-- ?: AGENT. ? ? ? , -???*? -?' LICENSED LAND BROKER TTNDER THE _ REAL PROPERTY ACT. GOVERNMENT LAND SALES ATTENDED. All Business under the Heal Property Act transacted.' ? Smwfc ? E~TNEL L & REINE O KB. (Latb Waltbr Rbtsthll), , LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, &c, ' 92A, KUTO WrtLIAM-STHBaT. SEVERAL Thousand Pounds to Lend. Sections Purchased from Government under the Cash or Credit system. All Deeds and Documents under the Real Property Act pre pared. ? 335mwfo R E D K. WRIGHT, GRESHAM-CHAMBERS, ; Licbksbd Land Brokkb ajto Land Agekt. All Real Property Office Business transacted with dispatch. Selections taken up in New Areas. Purchases of Credit Selections completed. ? ? 276cv JOHN JAMES BENHAM (late of Cavenagh and Benham), LICENSED LAND BROKER and GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT Gresham-Chambers, Adelaide. Money to lend from 7 per cent, upwards. 6*187-OLES & GOODOHILD, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK SALESMEN, &c, KAPUNDA. ,294cv DBAPEBY AND CLOTHING , VTOTIOB OF REMOVAL. BALLANTYNE & CO.'S . TAILORING...AND OUTFITTING BUSINESS, r WILLIAM POLE, Makager, : l ? ' is now ' T- -R . E M O V ED 1 and carried on in s THE NEW ROOMS, . -86 and 88,' R U ND L E-ST R E E T . ., BALLANTYNE & CO.~i , 25c _ 86 and 88. RUNDLE-STREET. /%f\ KING WILLIAM-STREET. THE NEW MATERIAL FOR RIDING -: - ' ?' ; suits.' constitutional cotton. *' Extract feom London Corhb3pondent. 'This is a line selling here just now very well. . Most of the best Tailors have it ; in fact it cannot be made fast enough. In Rotten Row gentlemen wear it in suits, and have their boots topped with the same material. They are all beautifully made and finished. You ought to?make a noise with them; none shipped to Adelaide yet.' ?- 7 : ?*? -. L have a first parcel close at hand, and will be glad to receive orders for' it. GEO.- Pr DOOLETTE, COUET AND ClBEICAL TATLOB AND COSTUMIEB. ? . ; , ' , :?: * ;: 33c J MILLER ANDERSON & 00., 17, HINDLEY-STIIEET, , ^ Are now Showing a Fresh Shipment of BRUSSELS AND Va^PKSTRY CARPKriNGff1 ' ' '£ ! ' mNewStyles/auitetiefor : DR AWING-RjOdMS/ D INING-ROOMS BEDROOMS, ANI-LffiRARIES, . - which, added to theif . previoasly EXTENSIVE STOCK,' ,,.-; renders it a most desirable one to select from, J. M. A. & Co. call special attention- tp^. their TAPESTRY CARPETS as being very SUPERIOR IN ' STYLE £m)x COLOURS to those usually imported*, 'which they offer AT VERY LOW -TRICES'. ,: \\ 1 ?'? ?? ?- Also, : .-. . .'.j .?:.: \ a new stock: or ? EXTRA SUPER KIDDER CARPETINGS. These goods are made from the very best : materials, and can be recommended for their GREAT DURABnJTY. : THE PATTERNS ... also are very superior to the ordinary make. TO TOURIST S. A LARGE STOCK of SOLID LEATHER and BASIL PORTMANTEAUS, TRUNKS, OASES, BAGS, &c, TRAVELLING RUGS, WRAPPERS, OXFORD and other SHIRTS, specially suited for travelling. J. MILLER ANDERSON k OO. HETOLEY-STBEET. 341cv A B Y L I N K N ? AKD . ? UNDERCLOTHING MANUFACTURERS. CRAIG & CO., 161, RUOT)LE-STEEET, Two Doors East of thb York. LADIES' OWN MATERIALS MADE UP. Ladies' own Patterns accurately Copied. WEDDING and TRAVELLING OUTFITS made up on the shortest notice. 279mwfc R S. £ O R O N I N, Dealer in Ladies' and GEcrruBKHa's LEFT-OFF WEARING APPAREL, WAYMOUTH-STREET, Opposite Kellet's Marble Works. Mrs. S. CRONIN gives Highest Value in Cash for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Left-off Wearing Apparel in any quantity. A remittance sent per return of post for all parcels received. Letters promptlv attended to, and Ladies and Gentle men waited on at their residences. - -? Transactions strictly confidential. 332mwf c

j PRAPEBY A1O) CLOTHgre ? dj PEC I AL NOTICE. »5 GLOVE DEPARTMENT. {We have just received a Splendid Assortment in! French Kid Gloves, one, two, ani three buttoned, all the new colours, in every size. j JNO. HODGKISS & CO., ? 26 and 28, RUNDLE-STREET. Q| E AS ON GOODS [Public attention is hereby called to the fact that in all Season Goods we have MADE GREAT REDUCTIONS in PRICES to effect ad : immediate clearance. The following De partments are especially worth inspection, vi£-r ? ' , -iFRENCH and ENGLISH MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. {FANCY DRESS GOODS of every Descrip tion-^ ? ' ttHE COSTUMES DEPARTMENT. Ithe fichu jacket and mantle department. . iTHE RIBBON AND FANCY DEPART MENT. ; Ithe ?gentlemen's summer cloth ejtg and hat department. [Nora— JNO. HODGKISS k CO, 26 and 28, RUNDLE-STREET, AND -1 to 7, STEPHENS-PLACE. /V~H Ji I S T MA s'. FLNOY GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. In PORCELAIN, ' ; In PAPIER-MACHE, In FANCY WOODS, . In IVORY, j InOAMPALUNA, ' ; In METALORA ANTIQUE, j la KUDO VERTU. JJNO. HOBGKISS & OO., j 26 and 28, RUNDLE-STREET. TT O L ID I A T S .: j TRAVELLING REQUISITES, | ? In PORTMANTEAUS, In LEATHER BAGS, In CARPET DO. In TOURIST DO. { In POCKET PISTOLS, In EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR THE COMFORT OF THE TRAVELLER. JNO. HODGKISS & OO. . ;? 26 and 28, RUNDLE-STREET. ? -jk/T I L L I NB KY. THB NEWEST FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY JUST TO HAND BY 6THAHHRS VIA ICBLBOTTRNl. Ladies are invited To make an early inspection of the same. i JNO. HODGKISS & CO., ? I . 26 aaid 28, RUNDLE-STRBET. TT O S I B R Y. ; THE LARGE SHIPMENT ' (Of Special Make) in LADIES', GENTLEMEN^, and CHILDREN'S j HOSIERY j Is now open for Inspection. ALL THB HBWBST PATTERN S AND BVBRT SIZB AND yAirw, JNO. HODGKISS & CO., 26 and 28, RUNDLE-STREET. XJ ^ I N T T. ; . WE ARE OFFERING. TWpNTY-TWO OASES FANCY ' PRINTS ? (Ail Fast Colottbs), at TWENTY PER CENT. UNDER ENGLISH ] PRICES ! JNO. HODGKISS & OO., | 26 and 28, BUNDLE-STREET. TTtURNISHING DEPABTMBNT. | F L O O B O L O :T H S. INDIA MATTING. i COCOA DO. 1 OOIB DO. i KAMCLUTION. | BOULINIOON. Noiseless to the tread, agreeable to the feet, non inflammable, artistic in design. JNO HODGKISS & CO. j OBSERVE— FUBNISHING BOOMS, STEPHENS-PLAOK. j ? 858cv 1 EDTTCATIOir DRAWING CLASS.— Mrs. C. W. BABBAGE has a Class for Drawing at her house on Monday and Thursday; Two Guineas per Quarter of 12 weeks. Kent Town. 47,50,2 I boabjTahd lodging toOARD and RESIDENCE for Gentlemen :|L# at Kent Town. Piano, Bath. Cards on application at Mr. Oelmann, Wills & Co. 43,5,7 RS. J. R. WHELAN, late of the Bedford Hotel, Woodside, has VACANCIES for ^wo or three Gentlemen LODGERS. Plunge and Shower Baths. Morphett-street, near Grote gfreet. ? ? 47^0^ SUPERIOR BOARD and RESIDENCE at Mrs. Beeby's, 1, Dorsetta-terrace. 46*8 SUPERIOR BOARD and LODGING for Two 0 or Three Gentlemen at 3, HayVBuildings, opposite the Institute. 45*7 iptOMFOBTABLE BOARD and RESI \J DENCE.— Mrs. Toole's, Gouger-street, near Central Market. Five minutes' walk from general Post-Ofiice. ' a45'7 ^lOMFOBTABLE BOARD and RESIDENCE Kj for Two or Three SINGLE GENTLE MEN. Mrs. W. Chance, Louisa-street, off South terrace. ' a43*8 SEMAPHORE.— BOARD and RESIDENCE for Two Gentlemen in Private Family. Apply to Mrs. Norris, Semaphore. a468 JV Comfortable Furnished ROOM TO LET, LtjL near South-terrace; Board if required. Address F., ofilce of this paper. 46*8 ? 1 LOST AHD FOUND JT OST, MEMORANDUM-BOOK, in King JLj William orHindley streets. Reward on Reaving same at Billin & Wight's, Flinders street, ax T OST, on morning of 10th instant, from I A Yards of Duke of Wellington Inn, Payneham bright Bay HORSE, black points, star in forehead, snip on nose, SP near shoulder, 16 hands high. Reward of one pound to any one delivering same at TungkiUo, Duke of Welling ton Inn, Paynham, or to the andersigned. \ W. E. MALE, Palmer. ? Palmer, February 11, 1877. ? 44*7 ONE POUND REWARD.— LOST, from Friedrichstadt, near Hahndorf, one 'Brown MARK, branded 7 near shoulder, small star in forehead. The above reward will be paid : to any person delivering the same to H. Pfennig, : Friedrichstadt. 46'8v ONE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD.— LOST, on the night of February 1st (supposed to be stolen), from my Lucerne Paddocks, Lower Finniss, one Weighty Fat YELLOW and WHITE BULLOCK, branded V near shoulder. If Strayed, £5 will be paid on his delivery at the Finniss ; if Stolen, £100 will be paid to the person giving such in formation as will lead to the conviction of the offender. WM. ROGERS, JUN. February 7, 1877, ? 40mwfcv FOUND, a PUBSB containing Money. Apply Steward, Hospital. x

J ? AMUSEMENTS ? rpHBATRE ROYAL. LYSTER'S ROYAL ENGLISH AND j OPERA BOUFFE COMPANY. I Director ? Mr. J. Allison. i Business Manager.. Me. J. E. Krrrs. j Treasurer ? Mr. O. Lewis. j ? ^ ___ ^ SUBSCRIPTION SEASON OF TWENTY !FOUB NIGHTS, COMMENCING ON ?FEBRUARY 26, 1877. | MISS CATHERINE LEWIS ; (Prima Donna). MR. ARMES BEAUMONT (Tenor). j TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION:— ! TwBNTT-Foxm Nights. i% „»«, f Twenty-four Tickets, ) i?rtTrD P™** i Transferable, avail- \- *™* ^^ 1 able for any night. J GuiNBAa' Stalls Do. Do. Three Pounds. iSabscription Lists now open at Armbruster's, wnere tickets can be obtained, and at the Box Office, Theatre Royal, where plans can be seen a^d seats secured from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. N.B. — The Subscription Lists will be closed on Wednesday next, February 21. ?'i — ' ? : ? POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT BUT ONE. i W I L S O N ' S Jmammoth circus I AMD I COLOSSAL ROMAN HIPPODROME. j TO-NIGHT, ?} GRAND FASmONABE NIGHT. SECOND APPEARANCE THB PREMIER EQUESTRIENNE MDLLK LEON. Last Night of the Great Equestrian Spectacle, INDIAN LIFE; - OB THE CHASE FOR A WIFE, I lustrating Life on the Frontiers and Prairies ??'?????? of America. IHE INDIAN ENCAMPMENT AT REST. Indian Festival, War Dance, Races, Savage Sports and Pastimes. ! THE RACE FOR A WIFE. ? Leoni, the Apache beauty, being beloved by several young braves of her tribe, is permitted by Tpd?*' law to mount the fleetest horse she can find, and speed away over the Prairie, hotly pursued by her lovers. After an exciting chase she becomes the prize of her favoured admirer Leonchi. ARRIVAL OF A CAPTIVE— HIS DOOM. Interruption of the Bridal Festivities. ATTACK ON THE INDIAN CAMP. ? Terrific combat between Buffalo BUL the Border Scout, and Leonchi. Leoni, mounted on her swift steed, while at full gallop, sends a bullet through the brain of the Border Scout : RESCTTB OF LEONCHI BY LEONI, THE APACHE BRIDE. Flight of the Indians. TO-MORROW SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17. LAST APPEARANCE OF \ THE GREAT TRIPLE COMPANY In Adelaide. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO THE World-Renowned ? OMAR KINGSLEY. On which occasion will be produced on an unprecedented scale of perfection the : Popular Hippo-Drama, TURPIN'S RIDE TO YORK. The part of Dick Turpin by Mr. OMAR KINGSLEY. Black Bess iby a beautiful thoroughbred mare, half-sister to LURLINE. ? POPULAR PRICES. PIT, TWO SHILLINGS ; Stalls, 3s.; Grand Stand, 5s. CHILDREN HALF-PRICE. Tickets at the Box-Office, Freemasons' Tavern, from 10 till 1 and 2 till 5. ! Doors open at 7 ; commence at 8. ! WILSON'S | MAMMOTH CIRCUS COMPANY ? Appear AT GAWLER i On MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT. 1 At FREEIING on WEDNESDAY. . At KAPUNDA on THURSDAY, &c. mHE GBAND ANNUAL SWIMMING ?JL MATCHES FOR LADIES j WILL TAKH PLACE AT ! THB CITY BATHS ON FRIDAY EVENING, February 16, 1877, Under the Patronage of the Ladies of Adelaide, '? On which occasion there will be a Grand '? Display of BREAST and SIDE-SWIMMING, FLOATING, j AND DIVING. | . Admission Restricted to Ladies only. 1. Match .... ... One Length of the Baths. 2. Match ... ... Two Lengths of the Baths. 3. Match ... ... .,. Life-buoy Race. 4. Match ... ? Steamboat Race. 5. Match ? Fancy Swimming. \ Interval of Ten Minutes. 6. Match ... ... Four Lengths of the Baths. 7. Match ? OneLengthwithFeetTied. 6. Match ... ? Paddle Race. ' To conclude with a Laughable Entertainment, TAKING TEA IN SIX FEET OF WATER. ! Admission, 2s. ($d.j under 12 years of age, is.oU j Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8 , o'clock. Entrance, Turkish Baths. Carriages for 10. i The Baths will be closed to Gentlemen at 6 o'clock. 46,7 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CRICKETING ASSOCIATION. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17. ! Hindmarsh v. South Australian, on Oval. ; Kents v. Kensington, off Oval. i Wickets to be pitched at 2 p.m. j x FRANK B. BURTON. T- LENHEIM MUSIC HALL IF YOU WANT A GOOD NIGHTS AMUSEMENT, PAY THE ABOVE PLACE A VISIT. ? Admission only Is. 124c Proprietor, J. CARSTAIRS. ? WANTED ? WANTED KNOWN, Comfortable BOARD and RESIDENCE, with Bath, five minutes' walk from city. Apply G. Hunt, draper, Rundle-street east; or P. Toole, Way mouth-street. 45*7 WANTED KNOWN, CHAIRS STRONGLY CANED from 2s. each. W. Terry, Chair Caner, Angas-etreet, corner of Cypress-street. ? 4551 WANTED KNOWN.— Mrs. H. D. HYAM9 (late of Ballarat), 10, Robe-terrace, Waymouth-street (opposite Aerated Bread Com pany), begs to inform her numerous friends and customers that she is prepared to PURCHASE LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S LEFT-OFF WEARING APPAREL in large or small quan titiet ; also Boots or Shoes, in any variety ; Furniture, &c Highest prices giver* for any of the abovenamed articles. Ladies and Gentle men waited on at their own residences. All letters promptly attended to. EMIGRANTS' LUGGAGE BOUGHT. 340c

PROFESSIONAL ? g^\ R E B N & CO., \JC LAND AGENTS AND \ AUCTIONEERS, LICENSED LAND BROKERS and LICENSED ! SURVEYORS, Are prepared to act on behalf of persons wishing to secure LAND in the GOVERNMENT AGRI CULTURAL AREAS ; to undertake SURVEYS in any part of the Colony; to negotiate Loam for large or small sums at Lowest Current Kate* of Interest; and to transact all business con- ' nected with the Real Property Act. ! EXCHANGE LAND OFFICES, 182cv Kino Wiluau-stuhht. yt»«. ? — — m ? - i ? ? ?? '-j ? WANTED THE BELA1R INEBRIATES1 RKTRKAT. —The Committee of this Iustitutiou aro willing to receive applications until Slst March from persons desirous of filling the Situations of SUPERINTENDENT and MATRON; married couple preferred. Apply by letter, enclosiug testimonials, to J. Tasker, Secretory, Edward street, Norwood. February 15, 1877. ? 47,53,00 PARTNERSHIP.— WANTED, a PARTNER with £4,000 to £7,000, to join in an old established Brewery in Riveriua. Business, about £2,000 monthly. For further particulars apply to Henry Sullivan, at Messrs. Whyte, Oounsell, k Co.'s. 43CT ?\\J ANTED, a GOVERNESS for the Country T T competent to teach English and Music. Apply Mrs. Long, Unley-road, Unley. 48*8 BOOKKEEPING.— A Respectable Young Man, who has spare time, would like to get some BOOKKEEPING in the Evening. 4ddress Z. O. A., Post-Office, Adelaide. a40S TT7 ANTED, to BUY or JOIN in a BUSI jT T NESS as PARTNER ; available capital tp put in £1,000 to £1,200. Apply Steel, office of this paper. , a43'8 W 'ANTED, a SCHOOLMISTRESS for two . months for a Church Dayschool. Salary j6l a week. Hours from half-past 9 to 3 P.m. Apply by letter, postpaid, to Rev. T. Field, Glenelg. ? 47'50 . f^ OVERNESS.— A Young Lady wishe* ? \JT re-engagemont to Teach Young Children and assist with Needlework. Reference* moat , satisfactory. Address ' Governess,' care of Q. ; P. Doolette, 40, King William-street. 41c ANTED, an ENGAGEMENT aa GO-VERNESS in the Country, to instruct in English, French. Music, and Drawing. Address ' Governess, office of thii ' paper. ? S2o mHOROUGHLY Competent BOOK JL KEEPER, free after 4 every day, wishea EXTRA EMPLOYMENT in Posting .Trades men's Books, making out Accounts, Copying, Extending Stock Sheets, &c; first-class refe rences. Omicron, Register Office. 47,50,2 'ANTED, EMPLOYMENT by a thoroughly competent Man to take the MANAGEMENT of a large FARM, who is careful of all kinds of Stock. Twelve yean' colonial experience. Unexceptional reference, and is married. Apply to J. Murray, grocer, St. Vincent-street, Port. 47*53v O CONTRACTORS and Others.— WANTED, EMPLOYMENT as CLERK of WORKS or at Surveying, Levelling, Drawing, kc. Address C.E., care of R. Allen, Esq., Jun., Currie-street. 45mwf71 ANTED, as SALESMAN, Yo~u*ng~~Man well acquainted with General Iron mongery. Apply to lirowu Si Wood, Waymouth- ' street. ? 4750 WANTED, Youth or Young Man aa CLERK. Apply by letter, with refe- [ renccs, addressed Grocer, office of this paper. ? 4750 WANTED, in the SURVEY BRANCH of our Office, an ARTICLED PUPIL, GREEN & CO., 29c Exchange Land Offices. ANTED, HEAVY WHEELER; highest wages given ; none but good hands need apply. Barrett k Andrews, Mount Gambier. ; ? a37o A FIRST-CLASS COACHPAINTER. Highest J\. Wages given. J. It. Harris, Stratholbyn. , ? 457 _ WANTED, by a Respectable Man, who understands Stores, a SITUATION aa Warehouseman, Porter, or Clerk. Address Z. Y. X., Post-Office, Adelaide. a408 TTT ANTED, a SITUATION in a Genera f T Store ; town or country. Twelve yearn' experience. Good reference. P.S., G.P.O. ? 45-7 WANTED, a BUTCHER. Apply W. Kither, 117, Bundle-street. 468 ANTED, a. FEMALE ASSISTANT SHIRT CUTTER; must have had previous experience. G. & R. Wills k Oo.'a jShirt Factory, Stephens-place. a40'50 J\T7'ANTED, by a Dressmaker, a FEW ▼ ? WEEKS' WORK in a Family. Ad dress Dressmaker, General Post-Office. ax W' 'ANTED, a respectable WOMAN, to go to England immediately with a family ; references indispensable. Address Mrs. G. O. Gooch, Strangways-terrace. a47'50 ?\XTANTED, a COOK. Apply to Mrs. : TT Anthony Hall, Semaphore. 45*7 nnTTANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT. [ v ? Apply to Mrs. Griffith, corner of Kant terrace and William-street, Norwood. ? 44o A~N OPENING occurs at Port Adelaide for a well-educated YOUTH, Apply A. Z., Register, Port Adelaide. 19o . ANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT and a NURSEGIRL. Mrs. I'ooie, St. John's . Parsonage, East-terrace. 47*50 WANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT. : Apply to Mrs. Hanson, at Cumberland . ffotel, Glanville. ? ' ? 47/50 , I AN Experienced GENERAL SERVANT JX. WANTED. Apply to Mrs. Harold Addison, Whitmore-square, near Bushmen's Club. ;_ ? a4750 WANTED, a Good GENERAL SERVANT . for a small family. Apply to Mrs. Jaa. L. Simpson, Molesworth-street, North Adelaide . ? a43wf7 ??|Trr ANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT ; T T good wages. Apply early, at the Globe Hotel, Bowden. a46*7 , ' T-ESPECTABLE SERVANTS can La've'~a XV home while waiting situations at Mus Judge's Registry Office, Rundle-street. Terms Moderate. x ANTED, PARLOURMAID, al*o Cook*;. wages for Cook, £1 per week. Apply Miss Judge's Registry Office, Bundle-street, x WANTED, a CHURCH GIRL, about 15, as HOUSEMAID. Mrs. Green, Paraonage, Alberton. ? &47*50 W 'ANTED, an Active BOY, at G. & W., Shierlaw's, Glasgow House, 11, Hicdley street. 47'50 ANTED, SMART BOYS aa RUNNERS. Apply to Evening Journal Publisher, at this office. ORT ADELAIDE AND SEMAPHORE.— WANTED, BOYS aa RUNNERS for Evening Journal. Apply to G Henry, Journal Offce,Port ? COTTAGE WANTED, seven or eight rooms, south-easterly part of Town. Address Permanent, Register Office. 47*50 ANTED, a Three or Four Roomed OOT TAGE, within five minutes' walk of Light-square; no children. Address Tenant, office of this paper. ax ~\WT ANTED to RENT, a HOUSE of Sir or TT Seven. Rooms; suburban. Apply E. Coppen, Adelaide Photo. Company. 47,8 \\T ANTED, aHOUSE of not less than Eight T T Rooms, either at Glenelg or within two miles of Adelaide Post-Office. Addreaa Box 18, Post-office. ? 39c ANTED KNOWN, persons of any age instructed in Writing, Bookkeeping* Reading, Arithmetic, Piano, French, German, and Shorthand, at any hour, day and evening, at NORBIS'S Writing Institute, Freemmtv street. 44.6J