South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 12 July 1877, page 8


From Bean. Brothers. Monthly Circular we extract the following :— Wool— As usual at this season, of the year the quantitv offering is very small indeed and confined almost exclusively to fellmongers' scoured skins.

Prices during the past fortnight have been in advance of those ruling last month, and buyers are more willing to purchase, doubtless in consequence of late favourable English telegrams. Many growers who have observed the fluctuations which are constantly occurring in the London market have determined in future to offer their wools here rather than run the risk, of the great uncertainty attending the consignment to a market over, which they control. In all probability the adoption of such a course will attract. the attention of both foreign and intercolonial buyers, and be the means of securing additional permanent competition. Reports received during the month from all parts of ? the colony are most satisfactory. Everywhere there is abundance of feed and water,' and a good clip of wool is confidently expected. The.iainbing, so far »s is at present known, is very deplorable :. this has been fully expected in consequence oT the jjooniess of the sheep caused through List . year's drought. The Portia sailed last month with ''SI bales wool ; previous shipments, 118,967. Total to datp. 118,748. The Mary Moore is loading, and iwill sail for London about the 20th inst. -Freights remain at last month's quotations. Arrangements have been completed for direct steam cohimunication' between Adelaide and Londoa. The Lusitania, S.&JS tons, is the first steamer,, and will sail from Port Adelaide via the Suez Canal, with wool of the new clip, on the 29th September, and deliver cargo in London for November sales. -Freight charged is --1. for greasy and Id. for washed, with 5 per cent, primage. Prices current. — Greasy, none offering; scoured inferior, 9d. to lOd.; middling to good, 12d. to,15d.; superior, 16d. to 13d. ? - ... Sheepskins. — The usual sale3 held during the mouth iiave been well attended. Prices remain oa the ; whole about the same as last quotations. Butchers' best green skins bring extreme rates, couitry and station skins from 2A-d. to 5£tL perlb. Thei demand is scarcely so brisk, in consequence of the jvet weather interfering with drying operations. HjHes.— No alteration in pricf.s since our last circular. ?' ? . -Kangaroo ^kins.— Very few are coming forward. There °are enquiries for shipping . parcels at about is: per ,1b. Local consumers will buy only lar^s sMns, which bring up to 40s. per dozen. -? Tallow. ? Competition has been keen for the limited quantity offered, which was insufficient fcr local Bianuiactvirers. Prices are now easier. We quote bestinutton, £35 per ton ; other sorts, from £2S to £32. There is every prospect of prices soon beiEg much lower. ? :.*-. -Mimosa Bark.— Stripping season will shortly commence. Numerous enquiries for this article have already been made; : znd prices are certain to open illfrVl^r tVfl-n locf Tear