Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Tuesday 17 May 1927, page 10




AYR, May7.

Mr, Cha», Collins, M.L.A, for Rowen, addressed, the electors in thc1 Central Theatre, Home Hill, on Tuesday even-ing, and] nave a hricf resume of 'thc doings of Parliament for thc past twelve niionths. Not many /electors were, prêtent, hut those who were ¡ts audience -were attentive, and thc speech was free of interjections. ' The, chair was . occupied hy Mr, Wm, Burkitt, chairman of thc Home HiU branch,of thc A.L,P. At the conclusion of Mr, Collins'? address » vote tof confidence was matved by Mr. C, G. Munro," se-conded by Mr. Jas Oiiron and carried, HOME HILL A. H. ft I. SOCIETY.

Mr, G. C, Pc»torioii8 presided ai a meeting of the Hunte Hill Agricultural, Horticultural and fmduatrlal Society held in Watson's Rooms on Tuesday evening, May 3rd, there being a good attendance of committeemen, nie chief business of thc meeting was thc cnn* sidcration of thc schedule as submitted liv thc schedule sub-committee, Thc classes are practically thc same as thc last show held in November, with thc addition of class for sugar cane and ces, tests, Thc date (or holding thc show was fixed at August 20, After consideration as to the most suitable place for thc show it was decided to make an endeavor, to obtain thc Farmers Hall, and if the room was in-sufficient for displaying thc exhibits it will bc possible to erect tarpaulin awnings on the sides.

Thc sttb-conimittec appointed for in-specting thc sites on thc State Parin which thc Society is endeavoring to ob-tain for a show grounds, reported favorably on the site opposite the Rural Sclioolgrottnds. Thc Society unanim-ously decided to make application to thc authorities to have thc land allotted.


A well attended meeting of farmers who are owners of irrigation plants was held and a protest entered against the proposed iniquitous water tax as fol-lows: "That strong objection be taken to the regulation, and that all present refrain from making application for re-gistration of any pump." .

A second hand crushing mill has been purchased from thc Mackay dis-trict, and is at present being Installed at the Invicta Mill. It is hoped that this installation will greatly increase the tonnage to bc crushed.

Messrs. P. G. Hughes and H. Hecht were nominated for thc position of chairman of the Invicta Mill Suppliers

Committee and thc ballot favored Mr. flccht. Included in thc inward corres-pondence was a letter from the growers meeting, recommending thc action to he taken regarding thc Water Tax. Thc recommendation was modified slightly, thc committee agreeing to thc principle

of registration, but objecting to any fee

hcing charged. Much correspondence from thc Growers Council was dealt with.

Constable Gilmarten, of thc local police has been transferred to Towns-ville.


, The growth of thc 15-year s old town of Home Hill is marvellous. Thc writer remembers that when he first took up residence herc 6 years ago, the main street was a collection ol small shops and thc only building other than

wood was thc Crown Hotel. Since that time other buildings have taken shape with great rapidity. These include a new bank (Australasia National), two hotels and several brick and concrete business premises. Thc latest additions to the town arc shops erected hy Messrs. Hansen and Ramsden, one to house a bakery and thc other occupied hy Messrs. Malpasa Bros, and McBow. ¿Thc latter is a tobacconists and general sporting saloon, and thc shop is indeed a credit to any town in North Queens-land, Thc front portion of thc building and fittings arc done in polished silky oak, ami thc windows arc of plate glass, "har too good for Home Hill" is a general comment, but owners and occupiers think otherwise, and have every confidence in the future of thc

town. -

Thc one blot on thc landscape is thc apology for a building which is to do duty for a Court House. This was a shop transferred from across,thc street, and thc old and mutilated signwriting on the building gives it a ludicrous ap-pearance. Thc Police Magistrate has refused to usc thc building until such time as it assumes a more dignified ap-pearance, and the time for that has not arrived, despite thc fact that the "sliack" has been in it» present position for over two years. ,

Thc office of thc acting sergeant of police has still to do duty for a CourtHouse, and the congestion is deplor-able. Home Hill certainly is deserving of better things.

Several new and up-to-date, resid-ences have been, and are being erected in Ninth Avenue, and the demand for laud in this quarter is keen.



Mr, A. V. Lorant presided at a meet-ing of thc above, held in thc secretary's office last evening. Included in thc. in-ward correspondence was a letter from Mr. R. R. Kemp, tendering his resigna-tion as a committeeman. It wss unanimously decided to rennest Mr. Kemp to reconsider his decision.

Thc rent for the grounds for thc L.B. Rugby League was fixed at ¿2/2/per day, the League to be asked to see that thc club's property was protected and no cars or sulkies to be allowed on the tracks or in thc saddling pad-


Thc balance sheet on the April race meeting disclosed a loss of iii.,

Thc chairman asked for an expres-sion of opinion as to the advisability of racing on June I Ith, thc date allotted by the N.Q.R.A. Thc secretary, Mr. C. G. M. Boyce, strongly opposed, on the grounds that there was already a big overdraft at the bank, and the club would most likely make a loss on the meeting.

Much discussion ensued, speakers contending that local owners were en-titled to some consideration, and a meeting in June would enable them to keep their horses in work until the an-imal on August 6.' It was considered it would bc possible to run a small hack meeting in June if the various positions such as gatekeepers were filled volun-tarily.

Mr. E. T. Duggan moved, and Mr. J. Robertson seconded, that a meeting be held on June ll th.-Carried. The programme to consist of two Grass Fed, three Corn Fed and 1 Trotting event. Te was agreed to make the trot a i minute limit. It was decided to

I hold thc annual general meeting of members on Saturday, a/ay 21.



AYR. May ll.

Messrs. C. R. Crofton (chair), J. McBean Walker, M. A. Coyne, A. H, Land W. Morratt, Geo. Maxwell, W. H. Fer-guson,, and the secretary (Mr. B S. Donovan) were present at a meeting of the Kalamia and Pioneer Mill Sup-pliers' Committee held in the secre-tary's office on Monday, evening last. >

The question of demurrage ? as charged by the Railway Department was brought up. members generally censuring the Department for applying demurrage to trucks containing coal and coke. In aeverat cases the De-

partment took three and four days to bring the. coal front,, the mines at

Collinsville, and. it was unfair for them ; to penalise farmers for being a few hours late in removing it The matter ia to bc taken up with the authorities.

Mr. J. McBean Walker explained :

that thc Maidavale L.P.A. had nq-1;

titillated Mr. A. Ë, Parker (or thc I

vacancy canner! through the resignation ' of Mr. A, W. Cowley. Ott the mo. lion of Messrs. Crofton and Ferguson, thc secretary was instructed to write thc head office, requesting that they call for nominations for the vacancy and that the local C.P.S., Mr, A. I), Poll, was willing to preside at thc bal-lot which could bc taken locally.

Thc Jarvisfield L.P.A, wrote that the committee support them itt their re-quest to thc Central Cane Prices Board fnr a .10 arres minimum, lt was de-cided that in view of the early visit of thc CC. I*, li, thc committee were not prepared to endorse thc request,

1927 LBW.

After discussion aa to the levy to '

struck for thc 1927 season it was de-cided, on tile motion of Messrs. Crof-ton and Land that thc levy bc lid, per



I AYR, May 12.

I Mr. ll, S, Donovan, secretary of thc O.A. P., received the following telegram from Mr. H. A. Bruce, M.LA., un Tuesday afternoon.

"Had long interview Minister yes-terday. Cabinet sat to-day and with-drew all water charges,"

Mr. Donovan immediately despatched thc following in return,

"Wire received. My committee de-sire mc express, on behalf farmers Lower Burdekin, their sincere gratitude for your untiring efforts, which have been successful in having water tax lifted from this district.!'

There is naturally much jubilation that the Government has seen the In-justice of the charges as submitted by thc Commissioner for Irrigation. When

Mr. Brticc was in thc district some two I weeks ago a deputation waited upon

him, and he promised to do hi» utmost f on their behalf. Alive to the drawbacks

the coming into operation of such an iniquitous tax would cause and the re-sultant loss to thc farmers and workers Mr. Bruce got busy on his return, and thc growers of the Lower Burdekin arc indeed grateful to him.



In thc absence of thc President, Mr. W, R. Chandler was voted to thc chair at thc May meeting of thc Brandon Progress Association. Included in thc correspondence was an apology from thc General Manager Northern Rail-ways for the inconvenience caused to passengers through thc mail train fail-ing to stop at Brandon, and promising that there would not bc a recurrence.

Correspondence was also received dealing with thc Association's request that facilities bc provided in Brandon for thc sale of unemployed insurance stamps, and advising that thc sale nf these was only entrusted to thc Labor Agent or Clerk of Petty Sessions, and that the mater would have to stand un-til thc appointment of a Labor Agent for thc town.

The naming of thc streets was dis-cussed, and whilst thc matter was being debated, Mr. Wm. Payard stated that originally the name of thc district was Musgrave, hut that when thc late Sir Thomas Mcilwraith was on a visit to the district he was so impressed with the rainy weather lie experienced that he said it reminded him of Ayr, in Scotland, and from then it was called Ayr.



There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Ayr Horticultural Society, held on Tuesday evening, Mr. G. R. Wilson presiding. The chief business of the meeting was a letter front thc Royal Horticultural Society of England with regard to affiliation, thc secretary (Mr. W. S. Todd) ex-plaining the advantages to bc gained through affiliating, lt was unanimously decided to pay thc necessary fcc (Í1/I/-). The date for the 1927 show was fixed for August 25, at thc Theatre Delta.


Mr. J, J. Lotiglmane presided at the May meeting of the Ayr branch of thc A.L.P. lt was decided to co-operate with the Kalamia School Building Committee in obtaining the necessary funds for the completion of the school, ft was agreed that it was most desir-able that the school he completed at thc earliest possible moment.

Mr. D. Glcdson, M.L.A., Minister for Labor, wrote that with regard to thc Japanese employed at Pioneer Mill, the Townsville Industrial Magistrate was still engaged on the matter and it was hoped to have thc whole matter fin-alised at an carty date. The Minister also stated that he hoped to make arrangements for the appointment of a resident Industrial Inspector for Ayr from July 1st.

Members of thc Hospital Committee brought under the notice of the meet-ing that the Department had lately ad-vised them that the endowment for thc proposed ambulance buildings would only be i per i, instead of 2 to I, as first supposed. The secretary was in-structed to write the Hospital Com-mittee, requesting that the whole of the correspondence he tabled for the next hospital committee meeting, and that thc A.L.P. will co-operate with the Hospital Committee if there be any evidence that the previous Minister had made a promise that the rate of subsidy would be 2 to I.


Thc fine residence of Messrs. Bourke Bros., at Alvaleigh, was destroyed by fire on Monday night, May 9th. There were some employees working on the place until Monday morning, but as they had finished planting operational that time that had left for a neighbor-ing farm, and there, was no one present at the time of the occurrence. The oubreak was first noticed by some Spaniard» living about a quarter of a mile distant, but when they arrived the flames had gained a strong hold, and soon the building was a mass of smouldering ruins. The building was insured with the South British Com-pany for £900. The origin of the blase

remains a mystery.