Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Tuesday 13 July 1926, page 8




Brisbane, July 7..

Dear Silvia, .

Naturally the excitement of thlB week is the visit to Queensland ot" their. Ex-cellencies, the Govoriior General ' itttd Lady Stonehaven,,who in the two days they have been here have-already es-tablished themselves in popular favor by theil- keen interest in everything, and their desire lo learn all about Queensland contritions and Queensland life. Lady Stonehaven made a nf,w .and pleasant .departure frrMI rtrklhiarv vico-refta! proceedings yesterday, when, bit litr visit to thc Younï Women's C^iliullüli Association, 'and to thc 'Brisbane-. Women's Club, she ex-pressed a wish to speak to everyone individually instead of addressing them cn masse, as she said "platforms w.erc stupid things." , Iii the course "pi, a short chat af Government. House.j.she declared her wish to get to.kupyy. people ou a more or less informal, fboting.jin stead bf iii thc'conventional manner of public' addresses, and' said' she was looking forward with thc keenest in-terest to her visit td vour centre and the North generally, of which she had heard such splendid accounts. She loves the sunshine and the bush, and as she is- fond of riding, she will have many opportunities of getting, away from the beaten track of officialdom. Lady. Stonehaven-is rathej octile, and \ her Uliie eyes sparkle with animation I as she talks. .Her hair is soft light

brown, and she has the fresh com-plexion that marks thc Englishwoman, lt is rather difficult at fir,st lo credit .ber with a daughter of about 21 years of agc, who, you may remember, was married last August to Mr. Michael Mason", grandson of the Earl of Craw-ford. The remainder of the family arc a soií'of 17J, who has just left Eton., and Who, his- mother says, has decided to become a mining engineer; another son of 16, still at I;" ton. and the two little girls. Ariel (!>*). and Ava (7). who arc staying in- Sidney- during their parents' Queensland tour.


Thc South RrH"'"- ri>y >T"" 'VJ1* ¡íglow with scarlet poinsettia and bright with Hags and luxuriant palms yesterday morning, when the Mayor and Aldermen of Brisbane welcomed their Excellencies at a civic reception. All thc world and his wife were there, and it was a very pleasant eathcrhig. the speeches not too long lo. bc inter-esting, and marked by a fine friendly spirit. Lord Stonehaven received an address of welcome, enclosed in . a handsome cabinet of Queensland maple; and her Excellency received the usual bouquet of deep crimson roses and sweet peas'. Af the Y.W.C.A. her Ex-cellency had hinch with thc, Board of Directors, and afterwards met over .120 girls1 who' had" assembled' there, ac-cording to :custbm. for their lunch. 1 In 'thc afternoon,' the' President bf Thc

Itrisbaiie VVrunenV Club'fMrs. TY.H. iWcddV introduced] liddy Stonehaven to

thc members, and'â pleasant afternoon was spent in music and conversation.


For thc': fluids of the' Queensland Bush Book Club, a big afternoon was arranged to-day., in Lennon's ballroom and lounge. Mah jongg and. bridge vere ihc 'principal attracfion^' and as the organisation is; really one of the

most- popular |n ' Brisbane; the attend-ance' was- V.ery 'large." ' A splendid 'com-mit lee, with Mrs. Stanley Chapman ai it's head as President, ana Mrs. Finnin ns: energetic 'Hon. Secretary, attended to thtùcomfort and enjoyment bf ¡thc guests, and saw ..that everything ran

tj'Colf '.ist- încrca'âiiik'in'. p.oi»ularit^?c»icr;}i .flay" licj-Q.vany -already.,!! Hçâr;jhe;)uc,«p< :i)crship -for tlieZ-'hew.clu.b %i :'ïpdôoroo l|illy is pretty, well filled,. 'The. Premici ii.Mr.' NV:.' McCorinack),. drove thé firs I ball oh Saturday afternoon, and a, larçi social gathering was-' there' tó .sec htui do it. Afterwards,' thc, visitors,'-nuin: bcriirg sbmc liundrtdsj'. wei'c enter taincc by'the- committee a't tea, in tjib .¿lui .'liciitse, anti oil the tree-shaded,' tcr.ract liVerlo.okihg ihe- links. Hiige brass ian of ..roses and great bowls of watth 'made the chib house fragrant. Mrs. H C. Morrow (thc wife pf thc President) who received thc guests, was assistée by a committee of lady members, win dispensed, tea under thc direction o Mrs. G. S> Crouch.


. ' Last " Friday was a very gav night indeed, ',aiid* dancing ..cnthusiSists Inn aity amount of choice for indulging ii tlicir favoritcMu'door sport. Followitu bii-a former festivity, eight hostesse who have youn.e daughters,, combine to,give a most enjoyable dance in th hew-parish hall of All Saints' Churcl Wickham Terrace. Iceland' popjiic and' bowls of fragrant jonquils deco, atcd 'thc hall.- Thc hostesses.1 who ar well-known in Brisbane society, wer, Mesdames B. W. Macdonald. M.' i Hayihcn. D. J. Mackay Sim. A. J Donaldson. P. L. Hart. .1. E. Trude un Duckett White. Oil thc same nigh thc Sandgate Yacht Club held its ai nttal ball in thc Sandgate Town' Hal and many people journeyed from- Br:, bane in thc car to swell tl: throng, of dancers. The de'eoratibi .featured nautical .emblems, includin lifebuoys and the Yacht Club's ,bad» with streamers of red, white anil -bili t bc club's colors. M rs. .T. E. S. Pinn ridge (wife of the 'PresideilO.Hidió'.r ccived -thc guests Wore a beautif gown of"moonlight Hhicrbc.-íüédMiiVr cttc. Thc State Taxation Office sf;i arranged their; annual -hair'.oh tl same evening- at thc Crystal - .Palac while! a :faticy' dress «dancé1 \\\as "held

St. Luke's Hall. City, for the finn otVthe Seamen's institute.' At thc la named entertainment the' rjrizes we awarded as follows: Best dressed pa and -Eastern Prince and Princess; mo original costume; "A Street Musician most .comical costume (.ladyta), " Schoolboy": most inexpensive costnn "Thc Brisbane,Courier."


M rs._ T. J¿ Ryan. ,whb is noted as oi of Brisbane's most cncriroHc puhl Workers.liás bcetrserioitsly ill for soi: wceks- in the- Mater Misericordtae Pi vate -Hospitrfh but is 'now'' about aga] Her illness was «o sevcrc-that'.luir lia which she had retained unslung! through all these months, had to

sacrificed; much to her regret. Ever one is glad to sec her back again

social and charitable gatherings, ai though she' U thinner lier smile is . cheeryna* ever, 'f- '' ? *> ' ? ?

Mr. and; Mrs. Miire, H. Robertsc who haveJiceu. spalding1 sollie nibilt hi Townsville, .lnivc rethrjicd to Br: .halie... .-,}. .-.".¿¡í,,- ' ".- .

""Miss Jessie McWilliam daughter Mr. T.McWilliam, very well known in commercial circles in Brisbane, is on a visit to Rockhampton; and later in tends going on to North Queensland.

Iiave been' on a .short'visit to Brisbane, left for Sydney to-day.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Ryan (Cairns), are spending a holiday at Coolangatta.

Mrs. A. Lofts (Cairns), is also spending a seaside 'holiday at Tweed


The Archbishop of Brisbane (Dr, Sharpe) lind his sister, Mrs. J. ii'. Pricev left Ons week on a visit to Thursday Isintu! by thu Mululiiif. Mrs. Price i* expected to return to Brisbane in about a fortnight's time,

Miss Olga Bruche, daughter of Gen-eral Bruche, our former Military Com-mandant, arrived from Sydney by tho Cooma, and was thc guest of Dr. and Mrs. Grizel Gibson while ill Brisbane, She hns.lirnv feoiití oh to Bluff Dowüs¡ North Queensland, Where she will he thc guest of Mr. and Mrs. Erliest


Mr. and Mrs. O'sullivans are Mel-bourne visitors, who left yesterday by the Cooma for a lour of .your district.

Miss Joan Devereux left yesterday on a brief visit to' Sydney, and later she intends going on to Cairns.


Another link of the pioneer families

is broken this week in the death of Mrs. G. P. Stuart, wife of Mr. G. P. Stuart, formerly manager of the Union Bank of Australia, in Brisbane. Mrs. Stuart was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petrie, after whom the town of Petrie was named. Her father was one of the pioneers of Bris-bane, and his book "Tom Petrie's Re-miniscences" which is regarded as one of the best authorities on Brisbane's early days, was written by his daugh-ter, who was then Constance Campbell Petrie. In the book she managed to keep to her father's pleasant conversa-tional style, and much valuable abori-ginal folk lore and information is con-tained in the volume. Old Mrs. Petrie, who has attained an advanced age, is still living, and so is a sister of the gifted authoress, who had been an in-valid for some years prior to her death.


In a previous leitet- I told you of thc passing at Batavia of Miss Nell Heid, a popular lîrisbaiic girl who. with ber sister and some Irielids. was on a holi dai' trip to Java. The remains were brought back to Brisbane for burial, and the funeral look place yesterday, after thc arrival of the Houtman. The service was ""TïêTiF'Trt bvmthuisi, ilie family home at Clayfield, and after-wards the casket was placed beside that of the dead girl's father in Ton 'wong Cemetery. Thc late Miss Reid was a gifted musician, an accomplished needlewoman, a member of thc Royal Queensland Golf Club, and a popular 'member of thc younger set.

Affectionately yours,