Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Tuesday 6 July 1926, page 3



Young Virginia Beresford, appearing in "The Pioneers," u Muster Picture of the curly days in the Now SuutU Wales cattle country, is ii young woman who has in her time' cherished enough ambitious for live of her age. In the first place, at five (ambitious generally begin ut that intellectual age), she lind definitely decided lo he u nurse, because the big girl next door hud just passed her exuum. and looked so impressive in her uniform. Later, at about six, mar-riage was lier goal. Of course, at six that kind of thing would appeal, but after her seventh birthday she could 'mulgine nothing greater than being n lady jockey, especially as Kddic .lone» up the street lind a linn»! noiv pony.

After a period of two years, during which she lind spent days dreaming over tlio merits of ii chef's career, the life of au aeroplane pilot, after ii dight over Sydney, was decided upon. A yem »go she decided, after much brooding, ou films, and she was faithful lo that nuibitiou, Avith tlio result that she pluys the role of the wilful child in this stir-ring drama of tho colonial days.


I Nita, Naldi, who appears opposite

Rudolph Valentino ¡n "Cobra," to be released by linster ribturcs, lins been described as nu irresponsible person whose indifference to rumour in Holly-wood lins led to more than ono mild

quarrel with lier friends, who wonder why the reckless Nita never bothers to contradict cireuhilitig stories. It's just that Nita doesn't euro enough te bother. Her viniipisli roles have given folk tho idea that Nita can't be any-thing olse but that way in real life. In truth, she is n gentle lady, rather given to quirk witticisms, linel a popuhii niirtliniuUcr at «11 social gatherings where lior quick tongue lins made foi her a rupututiou for unexpected brilli

anee». Sho has a. sublety' and nonchal-ance1 agreeable in such a strong person-ality, ¡a ii keen student ol' human nature, mid is completely sophisticated


Tile Hen Tin pin of dogdom lina been found. He is with Harold Lloyd in "lint Water," n Muster Picture to be i-plciiHcd soon. A property mini rosciiec1 luck of Hie twisted eyes .from the doe pound, whi'ie lie was to pay tilt* extremi .jeiiiilty for being n cur. if the poison» .\-ho feel that niiiniiils are mistreutei

J Hie movies c-iiiild liave- spent a du; witching Jack being prepared for hil .creen debut, they would luivo leninec1

lint tiley ure labouring under a deluded ?pinion. The lunn who was associated

.vitil Larry Trimble in the education oí , ?'Sti-oiiglioiirt" look charge of- .lack .vho was deaf us well as cross-eyed, inn

-.rained liini for his »mull but elTectivi (tart. As long as the Lloyd funds hole mt theie will always hu a life of east mel luxury for Jack.


When .lohn Barrymore was rondin;. 'Moby Dick," the story from vvliicl lie .Muster Picture "Tho Sen Beast" ! erived. he was impressed by the M<

nug piiHs'ioii of the work, and onvisiono 'limsulf as Aluib, tho tromuiidous cell trill uhaiacter. Ho felt the eompuluiui to do this e-hiiriu-ter on the screen, just as ho had felt tho compulsion to de "Hamlet" on the stuge. And he pro inibod liiin.-i'lf that as sunn as lie returned ro Hie screen "Moby Bick" would be jus Hist picture, lint "Moby Dick,'' which was thu iiiimc given by Melville to a great white whale, whose presence lllls the background of the novel, was discarded as a title when the picture went into production at tito Wnriici Crothers' studio in Hollywood. In itt screen form, "Moby Dick" Wjecamc "The Sen Beast." and as Ahab Coeloy lias achieved everything that his im-agination pictured.