South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 24 October 1877, page 4


The reply of the Governor to the address from the Legislative Council in reference to the dispute between that Chamber and the 'Chief Secretary

was received on Tuesday afternoon, and read, by the President. It cannot be deemed altogether satisfactory, and had the present Ministry not placed their resignations in the hands of the Governor it would not have done much to. relieve the difficulty to which: it relates. Considering, however, that the Government have resigned, and taking all other circumstances into account, the Council has little reason to complainj of the answer which has been forwarded; to it. His Excellency was no doubt bound to consult with his advisers upon the matter submitted to' him,- and ifc was only reasonable to suppose that their version of the case would not at all coincide with that furnished ,in.the Council's address. If Sir Henry Ayers had remained in office some suggestion might fairly have been looked for as to the course the Governor intended to pursue to give effect to the -wishes of the Council. His retirement, however, renders this unnecessary, and ? the reply only deals with the most general aspect of the points involved. Indeed, recent circumstances have taken awfay I ''? ?-?-:? ??-??? j '

the need for any reply at all as a guide to future action, and the document trans mitted to the Council may'be regarded as' a rejoinder advised by the Government to the allegations of the Council. It is not our intention to go over tho ground' we have so frequently had occasion to traverse, and of which the. public must have grown thoroughly weary.. As the Ministry have paid the penalty of- their misconduct ' by being- com pelled to resign, we shall say no more than that we are at a loss to under stand how they can justify the assertion not ODly ' that they have been' sincerely, desirous to avoid a collision between the two Houses of Parliament,' but' that 'their poKcy has had no tendency- to' subordinate the Legislative Council to the House of Assemtly.' The strictures upon the resolution of , the 29th August appointing Mr. Morgan to take charge of, all public Bills received from the Lower House agree m the main with what we have raid. .It is no doubt opposed to. Parliamentary practice, though even the reply does not pronounce it unconstitu tional We urged from the first that it was likely to lead to much incon venience, that it was a very undesirable expedient, and that if justifiable at all the only possible, defence for it was that it had been forced upon the Council by the action of the Chief Secretary. Not the worst feature in it was that it created a precedent apt to be abused in the future ; and .it is [ardently to be hoped that the very limited success of its operation will prevent any future appeal to it. At the same time the circumstances connected with its adoption stand out as a significant warning to future adminis trations to keep clear of the shoals upon which the present Government have got aground. Neither side can claim to have secured a victory/ but of the two the Council has certainly suffered the -Ie3s ill. The quotation from Todd in the third paragraph is no doubt apposite ; but if the whole of the context had. been given it would be seen to afford at least^some excuse for the action- of the Council. It states that 'the efforts of Ministers should be continually directed to the furtherance of business in Parliament in such manner as will best pro mote the public interests and ensure the convenience of members generally; for Ministers are the natural leaders in both Houses, as well as the proper guardians of the powers and privileges of Parliament.' If they fail to fulfil the functions of guardians they must at least be held responsible for the irregularities wh;.ch their negl: 3t occasions. It is quite true, as the fourth paragraph of the reply states, that the Government stopped the works and gave an assurance ' that no further expenditure would be incurred before due provision had been made by vote of Parliament.' It was not, however, at the re quest of the Council that the works were stopped, but only when the Ministry found that they could not draw the .Ar.einbly into a quarrel with that Clumber. Again, the crucial question is what is ' due provision 1' In the iratter of the Port Broughton Jetty^ a distinct resolution. in favour of the work being cprried out was submitted to the. Upper House as well as to the Assembly. The Chief Secretaiy afterwards explained that the reason for tb'9 course was that the Council last year had objected to tjhe work. The Council has objected to the Parliament Buildings, and' the work is one in which the members have a direct interest ; yet the orlly steps taken to consult them we!re of such a nature as to be a direct affront to the Council. These having failed, the only provision the Government proposed to make was the placing of a sum upon the Estimates. Thus they were intending to force the Council either to aanctipn a work as to which they would have bo opportunity of expressing an opinion jor' to reject the Appropriation BilL The reply closes with the expression of the Governor's confidence that the Council will exercise its rights so as to conserve the true interests of the country, and with the satisfactory assurance that he will use ' such powers as have been en trusted to him to guard inviolate the rights and privileges legitimately and constitutionally belonging to the Council. ' The reply remark, but we presume will be entered upon the records in the usual way. This done the Chief Secretary took an opportunity of an nouncing briefly and in a dignified manner the resignation of the Ministry. No one, however, took any notice of the statement, and Mr. Morgan proceeeded with the busi- . ness as if nothing had happened. Such! a course was most unusual, and, whatever the motive that prompted it, not at all de sirable. It is true that by the vote of the Chamber Sir Henry Ayers liad been deposed from the leadership. In Hi3 official capacity the House'had ceased jbo acknowledge him, but it ^seems to us lit would have been more judicious and becoming to have adopted' the invariable rule of at once adjourningihe business 'to await the completion - of fresh. Minister; al arrangements. National Bank op Austeaiasia. — The thirty-eighth report of thisflourishij lg banking institution has been issued, and we are glad to observe that the Bank's prosperity is still well maintained. Fjor the half-year ending with September 30 -the -gross profits amounted (to. £103,795 .los. Sa, added to which £2,935 0s. 7d.,was recovered from debt3 written off as1 bad, making, with the balance brought forward of £8,853 6s. 7d. , a total of . £115,584 2s. 5d. Against this the expenses were : — At the head office and 86 branches and agencies, $44,348 7s. 10d. ; bonus to officers, £5,000 -y Bank-note tax, £1,402 9s. 3i ; thus leaving a net profit available for dis tribution of ; £643833 5s: 4d., which tho Directors recommend shall be appropriated as fallows : — ? Dividend at rate of 12h per cent. £46,875 0 0 Bank premises account .„ ... 10,000 0 0 Balance carried forward ... ;.... '7,958 5 4 ? . . £64,833 5 4 The Reserve Fund still stands at. the handsome amount of '£250,000. The deposits held by the Bank stand at

£3,201,395 lls. 5d. The Bank premises are now valued at £105,959 lls. lid. The total liabilities- of the Bank,- which are ?: amply secured by the assets, now reach the enormous sum of .over five and a half millions sterling, which will givs an idea of the extensive operations of the Company. The Directors state that they consider the time lias nearly arrived when the remaining 12,500 shares of tho Bank'a capital should be issued; but about this further information will shortlj bo forth- \ ?coming. Altogether ? the statement of \ accounts is most satisfactory, and reflects- \ credit alike upon. the Directors' and the \ ^Management both here and in MelbDurno. | . Executive .CorNcn.,— Hia Excellency the^ Governor held a Council on Tuesday, at which, all the Ministars were present. ... Chamber of Commerce. — The quarterly meeting of ibis Chamber wi)l te held this after noon. NOETH AnFLAiJE PRESBYTER! in CHURCH.— T^ie induction of the Eev. 'A. F. Knox to the* pastorate of this Church will take place this evening, -Banquet to the Governor. — The momherS' of tho Adelaide Club, on Tuesdays-October 23, gave B complimentary banquet to His Excel lency Sir William Jervois, at- tho Club House,. North-terrace. Sir John Morphott presided, V* and there were between CO and 70 'gentlemen present. His Excellency was attended by tho Aide-de-Camp and the Private Secretary. The proceedings were entirely of a private and social character, the only toast proposed beiDg that of '.' Tho Queen.' ? First 'Wool Ships from Port AnEUiDB.— The Invcrcauld and Birinah are the first wool sMp cleared at Port Adelaide during this season. The former takes 6,207 bales and the later 3,5f 0, while both have large lines in other goods. The ra:e between these vessels, which follow closely upon the Bel*-ana, will doubtless prove exciting as well as interesting. Tiie Melbourne Steamers.— There being some misapprehension as to the date of sailing of these vessels, it maybe stated that they leavo Port Adelaide for Melbourne every Tuesday and Saturday when practicable, and leave Melbourne Wharf on the return voyage on those days also. The Victorian, which should have sailed from. Melbourne yesterday, was detained till to-das ? 'by necessary work. . , -The Hoh. T. Elder.— O a Tuesday the Legis lative- Council agreed, on the motion of 'the Hon. J. Fisher, to grant threo months' leave o£ absence to the Hon. T. Elder. Mr. Fishes stated that the hon. gentleman contemplated being absent from the colony for about a year. He had not actually resigned, as he did not ?wish to put the country to tho expense of an election, but he had left his resignation in his (Mr. Fisher's} hands, and if the Council thought it desirable tnat it should be put in Mr. Elder was quite willing that that course should bo pursued. ' - -The Late Burglaries.— Owing to the vigi lance of the police two young men named Henrj Barrett and Edward Burt, recent arrivals by the Hesperus, and charged with being the. perpe-trators of the robberies in the shop of Mr. Davis,, jeweller, and at the residence of Mr. Bickfordr in Waymouth-street, were arrested, and tried before Mr. Beddome on Tuesday. The evidence against them was sufficient- to secure theircom mital for trial, as the stolen property wa9 found in their possession when they were taken attheii; lodgings not many hours after the last robbery. The detectives deserve great credit for tho promptitude with which they followed up tha clue given them and recovered the property, which consisted of sis. gold watches,. Bomo jewellery, and a considerable sum of money. Accidents.— John Warren, of Magill, via admitted into the Hospital on Monday evening, with his right leg broken. He was driving a team of horses and dray down a hill on tha Magill-road on the night in question when ha slipped off end the wheel passed over his leg. A man named Charles Sheppard, in the employ of the Government, was admitted into the same institution on Tuesday, suffering from injuries received through falling from a telegraph pole, which broke whilst he was repairing it. Meaning of the Word Slaughter.— At the Supreme Court on Monday the opinion of the) Court was sought as to the meaning of the word ' slaughter,' about which there was a lengthy discussion in the Local Court some days ago. Mr. Boucaut contended that the word meant nofc only to kill but to dress and prepare for majfcet f but His Honor Mr, Justice Stow said the word ? meant simply to kill, and the Court could nofc strain its meaning into anything else. . Dehohstbaiions ra Botany.— Professoriate continued his demonstrations in botany at tha Botanic Garden en Tuesday morning, and thera t were about 40 students present. The Professory in a clear and easy manner, explained the ? pin- ' ciples of respiration, expiration, and assimila tion in plants, and he showed how there niighfe be a fairly luxuriant growth of timber in place3 where wheat and other cereals would ba 3 failure. He stated the chief inorganic and organic constituents of plants, and illustrated the effects prodnced by them. He Eaid the great difference between tha plant and tha animal is that the former manufactures its own protein, or basis of life. After dwelling upon the principle of fertilization and showing how nature abhors self-fertilization, the Professor stated that in his next lecture he would enter upon a comparison of the buttercup with the wall flower, and the pea with the rose or hawthorn. Port Augusta Eailwat.— Mr. Lindsay in tends to move in the House of Assembly on Wednesday, October 31— 'That a return be obtained from the Engineer-in-Chief and laid on . the table of this House, showing the estimated annual working expenses, including maintenance and depreciation of way, works, rolling-stock, and motive power, on the Port Augusta and Govern ment Gums Eailway, in comparison with tha estimated annual revenue on the same.' Town Hml Organ Concert.— An excellent programme has been arranged for the concert ? this evening to be given at the Town Hall. Ono of the most attractive features will be the -per« formance on the organ by Signor Giorza, who ia admitted to be one of the finest players in Aus« tralia. New Steam Dredge.— By last mail the des cription was received of a new dredger recently built for the South Australian Company. Sha is to steam out by way of tho Suez Canal, and when set to work here will dredge the spoil from the bottom, and shoot the debris over the edge) of the sheet pile wharf frontage. Glen Osmond Institute.— The opening. con-cert of this Institute will take place this evening. Patnehah Ikstitutb.— A Eoiree in aid of th--/~? Indian Famine Belief Fund will bo given ^ \ evening in the Payneham Institute. V_J ^ Briixiant Meteor.— A most brilliant meteor waa seen at Eiverton on Tuesday evening at half-past 9 o'clock. The direction was from west to east. White's Eoohs.— A well-packed house as sembled to witness the performances of the Georgia Troupe of Minstrels on Tuesday night.. Monday evening's programme was repeated, and judging from the applause and merriment produced the entertainment was as highly appre ciated as ever. The season will positively closa on Saturday night next. . The Port Adelaide Steam Ferry.— A state- ? menfc was recently made that the charge of this; ferry had been accepted by the Central Eoad Board, whereas the ferry intended to be referred 'o was tho one at Mannum, on the Murray.. Thi explanation is necessary, as in May last the Marine Board asked that the Port Adelaide Sf2am Ferry might be placed under their control under conditions similar to those by which they govern the watermen's boats. Cruise of the Governor Musqrave.— This-morning the steamer Governor Musgrave starts for a long cruise to Troubridge, OapeWilloughby,. Port Victoria, Tipara, Ports Pirie and Augusta. She will be engaged in lighthorss work and tha marine Bervice generally. The Political Crisis.— A public meeting adjourned from the previous night was to have been held in the open air at tho Central Market on Tuesday evening, October 23, at half-pSst 7, but at the hour .appointed only a few, of tha citizens put in an : appearance ; end 'as the resignation of the Ministry during the day had changed the'aspect of -affairs there seemed to be no disposition on the part, of the email gathering to denounce anybody. ,

RESIGNATION OF THE MINISTRY.— During the interval betwen the adjournment; of the House Of Assembly on Thursday last and its meeting on Tuesday afternoon the greatest anxiety was manifested b? the public to ascertain the remit of the Ministerial crisis. Rumours of a dissolution, of reconstruction, and 'of 'resigna-tion alternated with each other ; but no definite information was to be obtained, and there is ?every reason to believe that the question was not settled until within two hours of the meeting of Parliament. His Excellency met the. whole of his'' Ministers in Executive Council at noop, and the conference lasted until after half-past 1. The Assembly .met at the nnusual hour of five minutes to 2, owing '. to the formal motion on which Mr. Colton made his statement on Thursday having- been carried, and there was a large attendance of both - members and strangers to witness the proceed inp. After some questions without notice had ' been replied to and several papers had been laid on the table, Mr. Colton rose to- make a state ment to the House. He . prefaced his 'remarks by promising to be brief, bat made a speech last ''ing- about ten minutes only, at the end of which ? he -js&ted isiat the Ministry had done. The position in which the 'Government found them selves in consequence of the vote of the House, the hon. . gentleman said, had caused them anxious consideration 'as to the future, and as to what is best to be done for the future Welfare of this colony.' Not only had the question of an appeal to the country been con sidered end discussed at length with His Excellency the Governor, but the Government had thought over the propriety of going on with the business in the face of the adverse motion of the Assembly. The result of all their considera tion, however, was that he had handed the resignations of himself and colleagues to the . Governor. Mr. Colton did not add _ whether His Excellency had accepted the resignation, but this information was given in a short _ state ment which the Chief Secretary made in the Legislative Council. Immediately after Mr. - Cotton's statement the Assembly adjourned, but :the: Legislative Council proceeded with the .business, and got through a considerable amount ;oi ?wait. We believe that none of the_ Opposi tion hid been communicatad with by His Excel -lency'the Governor up tp a late hour last ?evening.; ? ANNIVERSARY. — On Tuesday evening, October 23r well-attended te3 and public meetings to colefcate *!ie anniversary of the Flinders-street ' Presbyterian Church were held in that building. Mr. D. Murray, M.P., presided, and delivered a short speech upon the general principles and duties^ jot Presbyterians, and referred to the late 'movement in Europe in connection with ?that Ghurch. - The Eev. J. Lyall, after speaking of {he encouraging progress made during the .year, .said 14 members had been added to the Church, and the Sunday-school attendance was good, the average of scholars being 2C0, and the: staff, of 40 teachers very efficient. In reference tq. the.. finance of the past year he. said tie ?money raised for Churct ! purposes was £6S7 3s. 2£d. The'subacriptions for the purchase of land amounted to- £150, and the money raised for . outside purposes was £249 4s. lid. The total sum raised was £1,056 7s. Id. Much zeal had been shown in assisting the missionary cause and other good purposes. He directed attention to the number of persons in the city who netfer attended any place of worship, and suggested that some inducement should be offered to strangers and others to attend church. The 'defective acoustic properties of the Flinders street Presbyterian Church required attention, as there had been complaints from strangers and visitors that there was a difficulty in hearing the preacher in some parts of the building. He thought that might be remedied by the erec tion of a gallery at the end, and there would not be much difficulty if the congregation would only enter heartily into the project. The Eev. W. K. Fletcher delivered a stirring address upon the duties of a Christian life. The Eev. P. Maclaren addressed the meeting on the subject of unity in work, pointing out the great under . takings accomplished by combination and asso ciation for a particular end. He made reference to the class of church-goers who stopped half way in their religions duties, being neither in nor out of the Church— not members in the strict sense of the ward, yet attending regularly — and these he exhorted to make a profession and undertake their religious responsibilities as they should. Snort addresses upon religious topics were delivered by Revs, S. Mead, LLB., G. Paton, B.D., and J. Thorne. The choir sang several sacred selections at intervals. PRESENTATION. — On Tuesday afternoon, October 23, Messrs. Stout and Groundwater, on behalf of the employes of the firm of Preston & Parson3, presented Mr. J. L. Par3ons on the occasion of his retirement from the firm with a massive gold locket and an address, : of which the following is a copy: — ''We. the employes of Messrs. Preston & Parsons, mer chants, Adelaide, ? hearing with deep regret thaiit isyour'intention to withdraw from the firm, feel it a duty to express our indebtedness for theunvarying kindness and courtesy which have characterized your relations with us, and while our connection with you must long be a subject of pleasant memory, we trust we shall also remember the noble example you have set us of a true, earnest, snd consistent life. 'We earnestly desire that whatever be your prospects or purposes in the future, yourself, your esteemed good lady, and family may ever be surrounded with all that happiness and comfort which you have always soiight to diffuse among those around you. May we ask your acceptance of the accompanying locket as a token of our sincere esteem, which we know you will regard, not for its intrinsic value, but for the respect in which you are and always will be held. Commending you to the care of a kind and watchful Providence, we are,' &c. [Here follow fifteen signatures.] Mr. Parsons, in a short speech, returned thanks for the gift. The address was tastefully executed, and was the work of Mr. S. Evans. On the front of the locket was Mr. Parsons's monogram, and the following was inscribed on the back of it :—' Presented to J. L. Parsons, Esq., by the employes of Preston & Parsons on his retiring from the firm. October 1, 1877-'. The MURRAY-MOUTH. — In the House of Assembly on Tuesday Mr. Lindsay enquired if the Government had taken any further action ' in reference to Sir John Coodeand the question of the navigation of the Murray-mouth.' In reply Mr. Boss said that the Agent-General in London had transmitted a letter from Sir John Coode, the eminent harbour engineer, in which he expressed his willingness to undertake a trip to Australia, and to report not only upon the navigability of the Murray-mouth, but upon any other works of a similar character. Sir John also stated that he would accept the same or similar terms as those given him by the Go vernment of the Cape of Good Hope, but what they were the House was not informed. The Treasurer added that the Ministry had com municated with the Government of Victoria to ascertain if they would join in securing the services of Sir John Coode, but a reply had been received to the effect .that the harbour works had been handed over to a Trust, with which the Government could not interfere. Notwithstanding this discouragement Mr. Eos3 is of opinion that it would be desirable for this colony alone to incur the expense necessary to secure a visit from Sir John Coode. Stirling East School. — At a public meeting held in the Schoolroom, Stirling East, on Monday, October 22, the following resolutions were carried unanimously :—" That in the opinion of this meeting immediate action should be taken to have the school property at Stirling East vested in the Council of Education in order that the urgently required improvements and enlargement may speedily be accomplished"' " That Messrs. W. Lewis, W. Radford, and John Brodie be a deputation to wait upon the Council of Education to urge upon them the desirability of carrying out the foregoing resolution, which can so easily be done by accepting the offer of the Crafers District Council;" "That Mr. Krichauff, M.P., be respectfully asked to introduce the deputation." Railway Tarifft.— On Tuesday Mr. Hardy gave notice that he would ask the Commissioner of Public Works to-morrow :— ' 1. Whether the railway goods traffic rates, as published in the Gosernzurl Gazette of the 30th August last, were in accordance, in every respect, with the recom mendations of Mr. Pendleton, the Traffic Manager; and, if they were not, in what respect did they dift er from Mr. Pendleton's recom mendations ? 2. Were those rates, as published in the Gazette of 30th August, considered and approved of by the Government before they were published ?' THE HAMLEY BRIDGE RAILWAY.— Mr. Morgan moved the second reading of the Hamley Bridge and Balaklava Railway Bill in the Legislative Council on Tuesday. The measure met with almost unanimous support. The second reading was carried without a divi sion, and a motion by Mr. Baker to refer the Bill to a Select Committee was negatived. It ?b as then passed through Committee without amendment, the report' was adopted, and the third reading was fixed for next day.

Meetikg of Ratefatebs. — The adjourned meeting of ratepayers convened by Mr. YF. VA» Cswthorne to consider who are the mo3fr fitting persons io be elected respectively to theJUajpr alty and'Councillor8hip for Gawler Ward at the impending municipal elections, was held at Mr, Tidemann's auction mart, Cuxrie -street, on Tuesday evening, October 23. Mr. Matthew Goode presided, and there were about 250 ' persons . present. The meeting appeared to have been convened for the purpose of supporting . candidates whose views were, opposed to the proposed system of deep drainage throughout the city. Mr. W. C. Buik, who said he was in favour of what is known as shallow drainage, was proposed as a candidate for the Mayoralty, and the preposition was carried without a dissentient voice. „ The meeting then proceeded to consider the most fit aid proper person to fill the vacancy in, tile representation of Gawler Ward, and the name of Mr. Frederick Anderson was proposed, Messrs. J. Hemmingway and W. Benbow, whose namn had been mentioned at the preceding meetings aHnouncing their disinclination to contest Mr. Anderson, since he was like themselves opposed to the deep-drainage system. Ultimately, how ever, it. was resolved at the instance of Mr. Caw thorne that the meeting ^asof opinion 'that the Councillor to represent Gawler Ward should be in favour of shallow drainage,' and the assemblage, which throughout had by no means been an orderly one, then dispersed. ; Oddfellowselp. — An adjourned meeting was held at Magor's Eoyal Exchange Hotel, Port Pirie, on Monday evening, October- 22, for the purpose of establishing an Oddfellows' Lodge, M.T7. There were a number of old Oddfellows and others present, and Mr. Chas. Mole presided It was resolved that an Oddfellows' Lodge-M.U., should be opened, to be called 'The Loyal Port Pirie Lodge f also, that a dispen cation should be applied for from the Adelaide District. Fifty candidates fOr admission gave in their names ; and a Committee of five P.G.'s were appointed, including P.G. Chas. Mole (Secretary), to make and carry out the neces sary arrangements. Harvest Psospects.— The late rains and a continuation of cool weather have (says the. Northern Argus) proved very favourable to the crops in the North. 'We visited several farms on Blyth Plains one day. last week, and the crops looked remarkably well. We saw large' paddocks that will reap over 20. bushels to the acre if nothing occurs to injure them. On one farm we were shown wheat 'that was affected with red rust. The farmer informed us that he manured the ground heavily, and had it sown early, intending to cut it for green feed for his' horses, but it grew so luxuriantly that he did. not require it for that purpose. The portion that was left showed signs of rust six weeks ago. oh the leaf and stalk, but the ears were tolerably clean, with the exception of a few spots, where manure-heaps had laid for some time. The farmer was not &t all alarmed about it, and told us that notwithstanding the appearance of rust in wheat grown on such' rich ground he ex pected that it would yield over 30 bushels to the acre. We noticed a few wheat-fields which had evidently been sown late, but though rather thin and short looked healthy. The plains on the whole looked well, and the farmers seemed satisfied with their prospect. ' Albeeton Baptist Chtjhch. — The anniversary services in connection with this Church were cjccessfully concluded by largely-attended tea and public meetings on Tuesday, October 23. At the latter gathering held in the church, which was tastefully decorated with flowers for the occasion, Mr. S. D. Giyde, J.P., Mayor of Kensing ton and Norwood, presided, and there were on the platform the Eevs. M. -Lloyd (the pastor), W. Clare, H. J. Lambert, J. Shallberg (Baptists) ; S. Eaymond (Primitive Methodist) ; and Mr. W. H. Martin (Evangelist). ' The Kev, M. Lloyd, an reporting upon the progress of the Church, said they were not accustomed on such occasions ,tD make formal reports. He, however, submitted the following figures :— The total addition to the Church had been 14, and net increase 6, which left 135 as the number of present Church mem bers. In the Sunday-school there were 170 scholars and 19 teachers. The addresses were interspersed with music by the choir under the leadership of Mr. Hancock, and Mr. Tapp pre sided at the harmonium. The proceeds of the tea were £12 10s., and there was a good response to the collections, and also in subscriptions. ? IfAPCIfDA AND N0STH-WeST BeHD LrXE.— From a report published in the Kapunda Herald we note that great progress has been made in the construction of this line. The contractors are now busy laying down a temporary tramway at the North- West Bend to facilitate the landing of sleepers, and they expect to have their work finished within the contract time. The rails will be laid early next year by the time the locomotives will have arrived. ? The Herald expresses the opinion that when the railway : is completed there should not, if the -Government act wisely, be any difficulty in securing to the colony a considerable share of the Eiverina traffic. ' ' ' . . i .? Fibe. — An inquest was held by Mr. J. W-Castine, J.P., at the Ehynie Hotel, on Monday, October 22, to enqaire into the origin of a fire by which a house was burnt down near Khyriie on the previous day. Mr. A. Nickolls was chosen Foreman of the Jury. Henry Hopper, a Labourer in the employ of Mr. Kemp, stated that about 11 o'clock on Sunday evening he was going tome from Ehynie in company wiifch another man. After parting with him he went to the back door of the house and saw two men sitting within the doorway smoking. They called to him and asked if he had any beer. He replied no, and asked them if they were going to work for Mr. Kemp. They said no ; they were not going to work for him; they would sooner burn his house down. They then said that if he did not go away they would shoot him. He therefore walked on, and whon on the top of the hill looked back and saw the place waa on fire. Then went to Mr. Kemp and told him of the occurrence. The men were tall, and wore dark coats. Other witnesses were called, who gave evidence that Hopper had made similar statements to them. The Jury returned the following verdict: — 'That there was no evidence to show who set the house on fire, but believe it to have been wilfully dono by some person or persons unknown.' : Ekteetainhemt at Poet Adelaide. — The fourth presentation of Bachelder's Pantascope at Port Adelaide was quite as successful as those given on the three former occasions. There was a very gocd and appreciative atten dance. The company make their final appear ance to-morrow evening. Waixaeoo Mines School.— The Y.P Adver tiser states that Messrs. Nottle & . Hancock ire pushing forward the Wallaroo Mines school— a very large and substantial building. They have, however, been delayed by the impossibility of procuring plasterers, and portions of the building have been waiting six weeks for that part of the work. They had to send to Victoria for men. Poet A dexaidk Eailw at Station Ih?bove hehts. — A new open plalfot mis being erected on the eastern boundary of the Port Adelaide Rail way Station to remedy a great inconvenience felt in discharging northern goods trains. The plat form, which is composed of jarrah and Oregon, will be 200 feet long, excluding the races, each 15 feet long, and 14 feet wide at the Port end and 20 feet at the other. There will be a crane fixed on the middle of the platform, which ' is about 20 feet off the goods-shed ; and a road is being made to run from St. Vincent-street to the platform. This decided improvement is to be completed this week, and will doubtless be appreciated when the wheat season arrives. The new platform to be erected for the Semaphore line is talked of, although the ground has not yet been pegged out; . J : Fbeebobn- v. Edwards .and .Anothhb.— By a typographical oversight the word' ' granted' was omitted from the report of the motion in this matter for a rule nisi which was mad6 in Banco yesterday. : North-West Bend Railway.— We are in formed that the well-known Carrying Company, Wm. McCulloch k Co., whose transactions in connection with the river trade are so extensive, are the successful tenderers for the conveyance of 30,000 sleepers from Port Mannum to the Bend, for use in the construction of the line of rail thence to Kapunda. [From yesterday's Evening Journal.] Meeting of Ministerial Supporters.— A meeting of Ministerial supporters was held at Mr. Wigley's office on Monday. We believe that an understanding was arrived at that stron' opposition should be offered to Mr. Boucaut, if in the event of the resignation of the Ministry, the hon. gentleman succeeds in forming an Administration. The Lt7SITA-ta.— Messrs. J. Stilling & Co. inform us that their Sydney agents telegraphed them this morning as follows :— ' iusitania entered Canal 17th October, Cuzeo leaves Sydney Sth December.' ? . , ? : ; I '