South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 9 January 1862, page 1

SHIPPING. ? j -K^ QTEAM TO SYDNEY.— The ! ^rfcase^RV ^5 A. S. N. Company 'a Royal ./y^jJYftX^. Steamship r**iiaK» CITY OF SYDNEY, -E. Moodic, Ksf-, commander, will be dispatched for Sydney direct about the 12th inst. Passages may be engaged by this favourite vessel at £20 each, available for return by the Company's steamer leaving Sydney in February or March; allowing ample time for a visit to Queensland, and affording an excellent opportunity for ' witnessing the Sydney Regatta and Cricket Match j coming on shortly. For freight or passage, apply to G. A. & IL BAKTLEET, Agents, - Jrenf eil-street ; or to 3c ? J. RAWLINGS, Port. ? . ~ ~V *. ^-TEAM TO MELBOURNE— jf^Nff^. 'WlTE SWAN, * jTbimm A. A. Harper, commander, will j leave Port Adelaide for Melbourne, calling at Guichen Bay, on Wednesday. Sth January. ABRAHAM SCOTT, Adelaide. 4cvs JOHN NEW.MANjc SON, Port. ~-K4L CJTEAM TO PORT LINCOLN SG^*?3^v J^ AND PORT AUGUSTA.(JaptahiHM^rd, will sail on Monday, the 20th instant, at 4 p.m. Goods must be alongside not later than 12 o clock on day of sailing. Freight on small packages and parcels to be prepaid or they will not be forwarded. JOS. STILLING & CO., \ Town __,, Port. J. DARWENT, / Town and ™n ? ELDER, STIRLING. &.CO., Port Augusta. NOTICE. SHIPPERS and CONSIGNEES per LURRA are requested to take Notice that the Owners of that Vessel will not be responsible for any Goods after leaving the Ship's tackles. Consignees in the country must arrange to Pay their Freight at the sort of delivery, or in Adelaide. ? 8-20 -l3s&v ©TEAM TO WALLAROO, K#WCT^v n AT GREATLY REDUCED VgNlftfNJ^- FARES and FREIGHTS.— The I'aptain Alex. McCey, will sail on Saturday, 11th nst, at 4 p.m. FARES -Cabin, 50s.: Steerajre, 30s. FRBIUHTsS-To Wallaroo, 21s. per ton. From Wallaroo, 10s. per ton. Jf.R— Shippers will be held responsible, and Oonsigneqs, who do not arrange to pay their Freights on Goods being landed, will lie charged percent, extra for collection. No cargo received after 1 o'clock on sailing days, ind all cargo unclaimed at Wallaroo will be Stored at expense and risk of Consignees. Freights on small parcels to be prepaid. Apply to J. STILLING & CO.; ELDER. STIRLING. & CO.; or to S-U J. DARWENT. Grenfell-street. .\* QPECIAL STEAMER TO WALCBfcJk*^ © LAIiOO.— The -? ~»ai£j5» Captain Ward, will sail on Wednesday next, the 15th instant, at 4 p.m.; after which she' will resume her berth on the Ports Lincoln and Augusta line. Apply to J. STILLING & CO.; ELDER. STIRLING, & CO.; or to g'15 J. DARWENT, Grenfell-street. ? ^ ''k -k CTEAMER BETWEEN PORT fizUJrc^ £} ADELAIDE, GUICHEN W^r^. fiAY, AND MACDONNELL tJ^gjBag-r BAY.— The screw Steamer ANT, Fredk. P. Snewin, commander, will sail from Port Adelaide for the above ports on Tdesdat, 14th January; at Ten o'clock a.m. All Cargo to be put on board, and taken from ilongside the steamer at MacDonnell Bay, at Consignees' risk and expense. No Cargo received on board at Port Adelaide on the day of sailing. Apply to YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN., & CO., Port Adelaide; ORMEROD & CO., Robe; or to 9'lavx E. FRENCH, MacDonnell Bay. -4 ~k 5K I?OR THE DARLING JUNC8ztaJt*T^v -*- TION.-The powerful and M^S^^?^. favourite paddle Steamer ?I K*&!llSm GUNDAGAI, ?Japtain Johu Barclay, will leave Goolwa for Wentyorth on the 13th January, delivering goods at all .'itennediate places on the River Murray. For freight or passage, apply to ?A. GRAHAM, Goolwa: or WL YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN.. & CO. _ ? 353tl3vtll 'k* TjlOR THE DARLING JUNCJ3fc4--F^ A1 TION AND KIVERMUB:yffN8\f\^ RAY.— The Steamer ~W. R. Randell, master, will leave Goolwa on Saturday. 11th instant. For freight, apply to J. S. SCOTT, Adelaide; or W. R. RANDELL. The Stnrt will take Car^o for steamer GeminLf 7c ? *V^~ OTEAM TO PORT ELLIOT.— tSSgWfcnK^ ^ The new screw Steamship V^yg\ft^. MURRAY, *% jsi^Stim Captain Barber, leaves Port Adelaide on Thursday, 9th instant, at 4 p.m., taking cargo for River Murray Steamers. Be ? __*'? B- JO^ES, Port. m ~k ^ ~I70K GOOLW/L-The Steamer fjkJ^jv I? STURT t^^jf^y^^. will sail on Thursday, Oth inst., ^^VCRAMAN, MAIN, LINDSAY, & CO., Town; or E. & R. MAIN, Port. All freights must be paid by shippers, and smal reels to be prepaid, or they will not be forwarded. Freight, 27s. tid. per ton. ? 4U -Ch*. 'OLACKWALL LINE QF -M$fcv J3 PACKETS FROM HOBSON'S 'W2&£&- BAY TO LONDON.— The inagniti'p-r^Xc cent fr'gate-built Ship T PRINCE OF WALES. ?2,000 tons, Al at Lloyd's, L. W. Vaile, Esci., commander, will be dispatched as aliove with strict .punctuality on Thursday, January 30. For freight or passage, applv to. G. A. & H. BxVRTLEET, 4ths23 . Grenfell-street. ~ZHT ORIENT LINE OF PACKETS jjj&lf^ \J FOR LONDON, sailing with the fn£&£c£t established punctuality of this line, luJj?»aSg al-out tIie 1?t February.— The wellknown Al fast-sailing Shij,^ 800 tons. H. R. Angel, commander, is now loadinp wool and a great part of her cargo being alreadj engaged, will be dispatched as above. For freight or passage, apply to JOSEPH STILLING & CO.: or to 355^1 W. YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN., & CO. ' —. iSor.T WAKEFIELD LINE OF J&K^v X PACKETS.— To FOLLOW tin $|swS\ CREST OF THE WAVE and tin ..MggW VICTORY.— The «E^*'B- EMPUESS EUGENIE, 'Alfor 13 rears, W. Nattrass. commander, havini '?completed her loading at Port Wakeneld, wil leave for London in a few days, after taking m i few bales at the Lightship to complete her cargo. ^LtSlN^S^cffii. & CO.; or to, E. K. HORN. ? 362cv_ ' _-i_ ijlOR SYDNEY DIRECT.— Tl ._w&E*s. JD clipper Bonnie ? JlMm& PRINCE ARTHUR. ;X V,wiML well known for dispatch and regula massage*, turning out her cargo in first-rate orde :and condition, will commence loading on th a4th, and sail on the 17th instant ^P^oC^tainYoung. on boarf^t^ -£kh. 1?OR SYDNEY AND NE\ Jb^^^. F ZEALAND.— Tlie fine Hamhui S^ B3rqUPETER GODEFFROY, Captain's. Johannsen, will have quick dispatch f( Syuney, and is open to sail from thence to sue port in New Zealand where sufficient induccmei ; She has verv good accommodation for cabin ar intermediate Passengers. For freight and passage, apply to & B. AMSBERG & CO., Agents. ~ -£7 Tj^OR SYDNEY DIRECT.— The fii j^&S&s. J? fast-sailing Barque 'W&Rte RIALTO, ?'?'.r\-vjj[S&' Captain Currie, will meet with prom -dispatch. Has unrivalled accommodation for ps For freight or passage, spply to the Captain -bOan?;°t, THOS.E.BURY. j-c a^, King William-street. -Tla. ' -OOB WALL AROO.-The Ship j^^Jb TUBALCAIN W&fiJfK& is how loading for above port, ai - xZ&Zs offers a desirable opportunity i shippers of machinery. . For rate of freight, apply to Captain Clark, -W; orto eldeR| STIRLING- &CQ, -kk*-. ? T^OR WALLAROO.— The Schoor IGB *^v I1 J»HS McDOUALL STUART J@& yfStf Nicholson, master, will sail for t -jr i r '^,ifg^ al-ove port on Saturday, January 1 Freight 15s. per ton. ' F6 * freight or passivgc, applv on board : or to 7-11 - ? JOHN' WALKER, Port. ? -CL-*. l?0^ WALLAROO. -Tlie Cutter h$$fe\ A^ KANGAROO Ii2fflm& 'ril1 ^ on Tllursila-'« Januarj- 9. fiSrrlwfc ^or height or passage, apply to ? T^E RASFORD, or to- V * C-J9 ROBIN 6c LE MKS3URIER, Port '???_v'~U.- T?0R PORT ELLIOT AND E -M'^\ COUNTER BAY.-The Cutti -'Vvffigg E. Jenkin3, master, will sail Thursday* 9tb instant. Forfreightcrpassaje,^^^ ^ 8^ ? _K- & R- 5IAIN. Port. TVTOTICE~TCTCONSIGNEES.— C«i IN Burrowes of the CITY OF BRISTOL will acknowledge any Claims for Damage unless injury sustained is pointed out on the wl ? before the goods leave the vessel ; and will nol answerable for any Debts contracted by his Cre r ' - ? 8*J '. JEFFERSON7' STOW~~~ SHIPPE W AGENT. WALLABUO; and at Messrs. J Newman & Son's, POET ADELAIDE. 2»

SHIPPING. ? i QHIP PRINCE FREDERICK £5 WILLIAM, from London.— This Vessel -having arrived. CONSIGNEES are requested to PASS ENTRDZ3 for their Goods in accordance with the regulations. All damages must be pointed out to the Captain before goods leave the r ' Wharf, or they will not be allowed. ? I VT' PHILIP LEVI& CO., Agents. ? ] CAPTAIN LINKLATER, of the } PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM, wiU J NOT be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted by the CREW of this Vessel. ! T 7-9 PHILIP LEVI & CO., Agents. ! { SHIPS' POSTERS and EVERY ] DESCRIPTION of PRINTING got out on the shortest notice, and MOST REASONABLE . TERMS. A large Supply of COLOURED PAPER, . j COLOURED INKS, and NEW TYPE. Orders ; . received at the Register General Printing Office, 1 Cirenfell-street, Adelaide ; and by the Shipping j eporters at the Port ? lev , t MERCHANDISE. ? [ ] XTOTICE.— Now ON SALE at the ' -Ll Stores of the undersigned, and to arrive by \ early ships— , SADDLES, and Saddlers' Ironmongery of ' every description Manila Rope from J-inch to 4i-inch * Europe do. from 1-mch to K-inch ? J Seaming, Seine, and Shop Twines . j Bengal Rope, Clothes and Fishing Lines, and i \ Thatching Junk . ? M Invoices of seasonable Boots and Shoes ; Nye's Sausage Machines,- Weighing Machines - « (Avery's and Day's) ;i--^ ? ' L Patent Mangles, Chaff-cutters, Oat-crushers Curd Crushers, Grape Mills, Washing Ma- : chines (Bogg's Patent) Gig Lamps, Iron Wheelbarrows, Sack Trucks Floorcloth,' Carpet Brooms, Bass Brooms ; \ Assorted Door Mats, Cocoa Fibre ! j Canvas American Enamelled Duck, Corn- i sacks .-.??? ; j Bullock, Horse, Plougli, and Backhand Chains Shoe-hemp, Patent Brads and Bills, and Toeplates and Heels Patent Axles and Springs Dog and Manger Chains, Horsehair, Hemp ? Halters - ] Engine Packing,' Cattle Bells, Harvest Gloves '? Fericinft Wire, assorted sizes ? ' '? Phaetons, Dog-Carts, &c. I &c &c, &c. J. COLTON & CO. Nos. 42, 44, 46, 4S, Curric-street. 4-:g)ri)thsc | TARPAULINS, Bleached and Browu,JL 10x12, 12x14, 12x1^ 14x1(5, 14x18, 16x18,10x20,18x24 Cornsacks, Bnmbags, Orebags, Woolpacks Sewing Twine, Canvas, RooungFelt, Tinplates Ewbank's Nails, BBH Iron, Steam Packing Terry's Rifles, Dentists' Chairs, Pianos, Drugs Oilmen's Stores, Colza Oil, Nuts, Treacle Vinegrowers' Pale Brandy, in cases, Geneva Pirn's and Swaine&Boord's Gin, Rum, Sherry Bv&ss's and Burton Brewery Ale and Porter Chaff-Machines and Corn-Crushers Portable Steam-Engine, 14 horse-power. 27Smhscv ABRAHAM SCOTT, Blyth-street. ; ON SALE by the undersigned — BRANDY, Bulk and Case— L. Camperdon, Full Flavoured, Rouillac 200 Proprietors', C.V.C., Gustave Edouard, Junquel Fres. Claret. Burgundy, Champagne, Vermouth Cura^pa, Maraschino, Absinthe, and other ; Liqueurs ' j Fruits in Svrup and Brandy, French Jams i , Salad Oil, Vinegar, New Neva Stearine Candles Prunes, Capers, Spanish Olives, Anchovies Patis Trufles, Lyons Sausages, Sardines . French Felt Hats, Paris Boots and Shoes Superior Velvet Corks, Bottling Wax, , &c, &c, &c CURCnSR, HAWKE. & CO., 360thsll ? 9, Currie-street. pAUSTIC, SODA-ASH, and ALKALI VJ Baskets, Bed-Ticks, PanamaHats. Congou Tea Sherry, in bulk and bottle. Port, do. do. Brandy in bottle, Whiskv LL in bottle 100-lb. Flour-Bags, Gold Watches, very superior Printed Books, Engravings, Account-Books, t Stationer}', &c. j A Grand Piano, also several other Pianos, in ! rosewood and walnut cases j Clothes Washing Machine, by Moore Superior 'Stanhope Gig and other Carriages On Sale by HOLT. B. LUCAS, Gresham-chambers, King William2SScv street, Adelaide. ON SALE, at 34, Kimj William-street, Colonial-made Bush Saddles Colonial-made Allover Hogskin Saddles Colonial-made Bush Bridles, &c., &c. And all kinds of Gooils required by Ceachbuihlers and Saddlers. 152cv ? ^ JAMES A. HOLDEN: ON SALE, a Large Assortment of First-Class SOUTH AUSTRALIAN WESTS. HENRY NOLTENIUS. Faulding's Stores, King William-street. 281)c ON SALE, GERMAN ALE.— The undersigned is in receipt of direct Shipments of this highly-approved-of Article. HENRY NOLTENIUS. Faulding's Stores, King William-street. 2S9c COALS.— Best English and Newcastle N.S.AV.) Coals can be had in any quantity, at H. SntPSON'S Coal-yard, Port Adelaide; or D. KEKWICK'S. Grenfell-street. ? lc ri'6 a'l s'.'c o a l s.~ c Wl l s. V i T. K BURY, 24, King William-street, 318t43 FOR SALE— CLOUZEAU'S BRANDY A\rarrick Brothers' Perfumed Spirits Noble & Hoare's Varnishes. Othsc ? B. J. PRICE, Stephens-place. BAZLEY\ WHITE, & BROTHERS' Celebrated PORTLAND CEMENT, new landing, ex Parisian, and on Sale by the undersigned. WILLIAM SOWTER, Victoria-square. N.B.— This Cement being packed in air and water tight packages is guaranteed superior to any to be obtained in the colony. ? 232thtl35 BRANDY.— Rouillac 200 Proprietors' Company. ? Sole Agents, CURCD2R, HAWKE, & CO.; 3tiOh'J ;), Currie-street. BUSINESS NOTICES. A' GAIN EVERY PRIZE was Awarded xi. by Judges of the ADELAIDE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, this year, at the GREAT CHAMPION TRIAL of FARM LMPLEMENTS to MESSRS. TUXFORD, IMPORTERS, lforthterrace and Grote and Gouger streets, Adelaide, tor -Agricultural Maclunery, Tested, Exhibited, and Imported by them. Adelaide, December. 1859. 3hcv TTUBBUCK & SONS' Best Zinc Wliite, XX Zinc Dryers, Ground Colours, Pumicestone, &c, &c ..,.-? ? . i ? Noble & Hoare's Varnishes, Black, Japan, and Gold Size, for House and Coach Painters, Filling G. B. 'Kent & Co.'s Paint, Distemper, and Marking Brushes, Sash Tools, &c. ? ? . ?? ?-,? G. Jenning's Patent Water-Closets, JomLs, and 4, fi, S, and 9 inch Pumps, &c. ' Paperhangings in great variety, warranted to wash. Washhand-Basins, with Plugs and Washers. . Perforated Zinc for Blinds, in a variety of Pat, | terns. The above having just arrived per Alma, are now i on Sale at the Old-established Shop in Leigh-street. ROBERT DODGSON, 304cv Successor to S. R. Hall. j XfO. 46, KING WILLIAM-STREET, IS . ? ADELAIDE. * JOHN PERRYMAN..WATCH and CLOCK r MAKER, SILVERSMITH, and JE\YELLER, 1 , in returning thanks to his very numerous friends t . and customers for the very liberal support he has '?received during the last eight years, takes thispp1 I portunity of announcing that he has made niost I extensive improvements to his premises, ; and i trusts, by conducting his business as hitherto, and by keeping Goods of the very Best Descripe ' tion and Workmanship, combined with Moderate Charges, to merit an increasing and more enlarged support. . J. P. also begs to intimate that in addition to his !, large and varied Stock of English and Geneva 5' Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Timepieces, Jewellery, Mathematical Instruments, Prismatic n and Pocket Compasses, Telescopes, Opera-Glasses, Microscopes, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers, &c, &c. _ J. P. has also just imported from England ar excellent supply of Silver and Plated Goons, made expressly to order, consisting of Tea and Coffei ,i Sets, Liqueur-Frames, E?£ and Cruet Frames 1 Candelabras. Cake and Bread Baskets, Disl i Covers, Corner Dishes, Salvers, Salad Stands ! Presentation Cups. Inkstands, Knives, Forks, am ?? Spoons, Communion Services, &c, &c. Chronometers, Watches, tScc., Repaired onthi - premises by skilful and experienced workmen »r under the personal superintendence of J. Perry ; j uian: ? :®*v_ LJl^TOTICE. — GENERAL PRINTING I J3I OFFICES. — Letterpress and Copnerplat ] Printing of every description executed in the mos superiorstvle, arid on the most reasonable terms, a ~ I the REGISTER and OBSERVER GexeralPklm ! nfo Offices, Grenfell-street. Fancy Printing ii Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Inks of any and ever colour, and on any Coloured Paper or Card. Postin j and Hand Bills got out on the Shortest Notice an | in the most Showv Style. Concert and other Prc I grammes executed promptly and cheaply. Books 7 ! Forms, and all the work required by District Com s' : cils, Agricultural and all other Societies, execute r with promptitude and on reasonable terms. Bi Heads, Mill and Cart Notes, Business and Addres -n ? Cards, Circulars, Cheques, Chemists' and oth-Labels, Magazines, Periodicals, Music, Catalogue Mercantile Price Currents, Pamphlets, Deeds wit 1 Plans of Property, and BOOK WORK and JO PRINTING nr GENERAL. . Thenossession of the Most Extensive and Con '*? | plete Printing Establishment in South Australi: iot ; and the engagement only of the most skilfi :ne ; workmen, will enable the Proprietors to execui art ; work in a style not to be surpassed, with tt ** ; utffi°SLe,:!P)e-nt'on- and on the cheapest terms. r. i . SPECIMENS OF PRINTING of every descri L ion can be seen by applying at the above offices. rn T. Orders received at the offices in Grenfell-stree Id by the Shipping Reporter at the Port, and by tl ihn various Agents of the Begiitcr mi Obxrvcr v town »nd country, ,

? BUSINESS NOTICES. j NOTICE . OF REMOVAL, j SHAWYER'S PRINTING OFFICE, ; PJlilOVED.TO KING WILLIAM-STREET, Opposite the Napoleon Bonaparte HoteL J.' T. SHAWYER respectfully announces to his fiends and the Public that he. has Removed his J Establishment to the above address, where he i ias increased facilities for executing work with , ispiitcli. ' '' . ' - ^ J. T. S. gratefully acknowledges the kind sun- ( orf he has received, and in thanking lus Friends ( ronld assure them that no attention shall be ranting in the execution of their orders at his iew Establishment. - Office hours from 8 to 5. 9c -\fR: SAMUEL MARSHALL~being ( L»A about to leave the colony by the ship Murray, begs to inform his friends and the i ublic that lie has Appointed his WIFE. -Mrs. ANE MARSHALL, Ins ATTORNEY, who has lower to pay all Debts due bv the said Samuel . larshall. and to receive all Moneys due to him, ,nd to act in all cases as if he waspresent. Also, that the MUSIC BUSINESS will beconlucted as heretofore. Tuning and Repairs to ?iariofortes and other Musical Instruments atended to on reasonable terms. He also wishes to state (notwithstanding the eports that have been circulated) that he has not eiinquished the business of MACHINE MAKER, ,nd that he still continues, and will continue, to urnish Reaping-Machines unparalleled by any naker in the colony, on terms that, considering forkmanship, durability, and performance,- will . five satisfaction, and defy competition - by any irize machine. . ? December 30, 186L_ ? 365cv , ] li/fR DDTTON being about to visit LtX England, will attend to any Business Mat- ? ers on COM!\IISSION which may be entrusted to lim during his stay in England. Address, care of klessrs. Frederick Huth & Co., Moorgate-street, ..on on. FRANCIS S.DUTTON. Rundle-place, December 18, 1S61. ' 353tll fN RETIRING FROM BUSINESS, 1- J. WEIL takes this opportunity of thanking i lis Customers and the Public for the very liberal iiipport he has had for the last 12 years,' and at the -unie time ofifcrs the remainder of his Stock at a (reatly Reduced Price, jus the Shop is let, and must' jc cleared out in a short time. : ? J. W. will feel obliged by all parties having any :laim upon him to send in their Accounts to him ror Settlement. He likewise requests that all Debts due to him will be paid on or before the 1st February, after which date all outstanding accounts ivill be placed in the hands of his Solicitor. \ 108, Bundle-street, January 7, 1862. ,7'55v32 : G.SHADGETT, beg3 to thank, his . numerous Friends aud Customers for past ravours, and to ?inform them he has made a 3REAT REDUCTION in the PRICE of SADDLERY and HARNESS. A good Assortment . always on hand.— 75, Rundle-street, east of Gawlerplace. ? 348thscv: T3LUNDELL, SPENCE, & Co.'s ZINC J3 WHITE PAINT.— Cheaper, whiter, and far more permanent than Whitefead, specially suitable for the Australian climate and atmosphere. Sold by all Dealers in Paints in Adelaide. ? 29JthsnO7v25; BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS .-^ J. H. HOWE. 29.V, Hindley-street, -having opened the above Premises, begs to' inform his Friends and. the Public that he is prepared to supply them with every description of ENGLISH and COLONIAL BOOTS and SHOES, at Prices tlnu will defv competition. : Ladies' Black and Coloured Cashmere Boots, from 3s. Gd. per pair. Ladies' Cloth Double-sole Boots, from 7s. per pair. . ? ' ' i Gentlemen's Wellingtons, from lGs. per pair. '?? Gentlemen's Elastic Sides, from 13s. per pair. And every other kind equally low. - - ? ? j Lasts fitted to the feet without extra charge. Note the Address— 29}, Hindley-street, next to Mr. Loaver's, hatter. ? 20!)c: NOTICE~to STOREKEEPERS in TOWN and COUNTRY.— Every description of Printing required by Storekeepers and Others got out on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms, at the Register and Observer General Printinc Oflices. Orenfell-Rtre0 ? OTAGO.— THOMAS NORTON &CO., AUCTIONEERS; HORSE. SHEEP, and CATTLE SALESMEN; SHIPPING, CUSTOMHOUSE, and COMMISSION AGENTS. Ships' Entries and Clearances effected; Consignments received for Sale. THOMAS NORTON & CO., 29Atll2 -.Stafford-street, near Jettj', Dunedin. -TklNNEFORD'S PURE .. FLUlfe U MAGNESIA has been, during twenty-five years, emphatically sanctioned by the Medical Profession, and universally accepted by the Public, as the best remedy for A :idity of the Stomach, Heartburn. Headache, Gout, and Indigestion, and as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, more especially for Ladies and Children. Combined with the Acidulated Lemon Syrup, it forms an agreeable Effervescing Draught, in which jits aperient qualities- are much increased. During Hot Seasons, and, above all, in Hot Climates, the regular use of this simple and elegant remedy hasbeen f oimd highly beneficial. Manufactured (with the utmost attention i to strength and purity) by Dinneford & Co., 172, New Bond-street, London: and sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the Empire. ' W. GODDARD, - ? Dale's Medical Hall, Hindley-street, 15tthI6vfI9 Agent for South Australia. MAIN'S CASTOR OIL POMADE, now so well known for 'Preserving and Beautifying the Hair. ? ? ? Prepared only by W. MAIN, Medical 'Dispensary,' King William-street. In Pots, Is., 2s., and Glass Jars, 3s. 6d. each. Cockle's, Norton's, Holloway's Pills, Keating's Lozenges, and other Patent Medicines, always in stock. Murray's, Dinneford's, and Crowder's Fluid Magnesia.- : ? . lthc rpo MOTHERS, SURGEONS, and X -NURSES.- CROWDER'S PURE FLUID 'MAGNESLA, warranted superior in quality to any imported, and sold retail by most Druggists and Storekeepers, in botttles at Is., 2s., and 3s. 6d. each (half price of Murray's), and wholesale at theManufactory. Franklin-street. , . 318mhc TTOMffiOPATHIC MEDICINES, = in ' JLJL Pilules and Globules, a full supply of ithe various dilutions, and guaranteed to be GENUINE and NEW, being medicated from the Tinctures prepared by Messrs. H. Turner&Co., the celebrated Homoeopathic Chemists of Manchester. Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicines and Books. E. S.-W1GG-, 12,!EundIe-street. N.B.— A large supply of Domestic Guides, and Medicines in cases expected by early ship. ' L275q froaiolb p athWSdTcTnes, ±JL from the House of LEATH & ROSS,'Chemists by Appoestsiknt to the London HoiiffiOPATHio Hospital. ~ 330-i ? '?;-';? PLATTS, Agent._ H0M050PATHIC MEDICINESPILULES. .??. ??. PLATTS,. : 283g . Hindley and King William streets. TT0MO30PATHIC'C0COA, which ^viU XL ; bear the test, W tlie Microscope, at- ' ' ; -275q - '.WIGG'S,' 12,- Bundle-street..-RANDALL .&. CHARLES WORTH'S XV; GLEN PARA WINES. ? = . ? -?' -EVERETT & CHAaiBERS, Agents,'7 I 361c , King, William-street, Adelaide. pOLONIAL WINE, 4s. per Gallon, \J iit R. H. Wigg's, 47, King William-street, and 8,. Gilbert-place. : ? 334thst28 ' . WINE.— 5,000. Galls., Table and Harr vest, on Sale. J. Monro, Grenfell-streeti' ^??^/;-'- ????:?':: ;? - ' -v .,; :-.?_ ., ; :290ht9^ ?pHAFF, CRUSHED CORN.— The ?V/v undersigneel receive Hay for Chaffing; and Cora for Crushing. ' - ? .?---? ? ; :'.?:: ; ??? -Also, on Sale, Crushed Com, Chaff .Coals.: and Firewood cut to any required lengths,'- and delivered in Town and Suburbs, i' : - .': r ??*'?? -:i \SINNETT& CO., ?''? : ! 352mhc Ice Manufactory, Franklin-street. JVE & MESSENT7~~W,ALLARbO, GENERAL STOREKEEPERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, COMHOSSION AND PORT AGENTS. ,. .. v N.B.— All Goods consigned to their. care will meet with prompt attention. 2C4cr266inhc . WHITE ANTS.— GAS TAR.— The Tar resulting from the manufacture o Go: from Resin Oil is found effectual in preserving Timber from the ravages of the Wliite Ant, and ii being used for that purpose by the Telegraph De partment to protect the posts carrying the wires The Tar will be found invaluable for treating thi bottom? of posts in fencing, joists, &c., in flooring i Sk'.d at the Register and Observer Ofiicas, in quan ticies not less than 5 gallons, at 2s. per gallon ; an-, in single gallons at 2s. Gd. per gallon The vessel for the tar to be hro . lev . : pOCOANUT OIL, COCOANUT OIL v»' Fresh, Wliite, Pure, and Fragrant, at DALFS MEDICAL HALL. 1 85, Hindley-streets Adelaide. : 2SStl4 ? W. GUDDARD, Manager. t q^O FARMERS.— MACHINE*' Oil - X andCORNSACKSonSaleby i Solcv JOHN HiVRVEY. Weymouth-street. I T3IPE STAVES and HOOP IRON fo I X SALE, at BLOOR & GERNER'S, Curri( r street. ? 313t38 ~ TO CRICKETERS, -fcc^ i X On Sale bv the undersigned ? -II ; BATS. ? ' s ; BALLS. r STUMPS. !, LEG-GUARDS. h GLOVES. B SCORING-PAPERS. CRICKETERS' GUIDES, i- LAWS OF CRICKET. l PLATTS, U 312q 95 and 97, Hindley-street. ' /General printing Toffices.-VT PKIN1TNG of EVERY DESCRIPTION e }- e'euted NEATLY, CHEAPLY, and PROMPTL at the REGISTEk and OBSERVER. GENERA t PRINTING OFFICES, Grenfell-street, the mo ie extensive Establishment in South Australia, whe the most skilful hands are engaged, and every e deayoui made to give satisfaction. . , n Ibi ' ? : ? -??'- * * -'

_ DRAPERY AND CLOTHIN Q ? j VTOTICE.— POWELL, PRICE,' & CO. 31 will CLOSE their ESTABLISHMENT on i 'RID AY, the 10th instant for the purpose of Relarking the Stock, and will RE-OPEN at 10 'clock on SATURDAY MORNING. 910 ACADEMICAL CAPS and GOWNS rlL kept ready made, or made to order at the ime prices as the imported Goods, bv W. (ELANO, Tailor and Robe Maker for the last 13 I ears to the Collegiate School of St. Peter, linders-street, adjoining Dorsetta-terrace, being iree minute3' walk east of the Government iffices. ? 9mwfrs PXrasols. parasols. PARASOLS.— The attention of the Ladies f South Australia is invited to a very large stock [ PAR 0 at1{0ACffS- Uf Eundle-street. Decidedly the cheapest he has ever seen offered -r salejn this city. ? 354c ['M~M~B N S.E SALE. UPWARDS OF TEN THOUSAND J»OUNDS WORTH OP DRAPERY, V AX ' * MARVELOUSLY LOW PRICES, AT NORTHMORE ;& .C ASTLE'S,' 35, 131, and 133, Ruxdle-street, Previous to ?; . ?; ALTERING and ENLARGING i PREMISES. For particulars, see Small Bills. ? 348cv fr ROACH, 44, RUNDLE-STREET Li. (Late Goode Brothers), as the honour of inviting the atten of his 'riends to a' Large Stock of -. DRESSES and DRESS MATERIALS rhich he lias purchased, and is now selling at ?rices very much below what they have hitherto een sold at in Adelaide. Ladies seeking HOLIDAY ATTIRE roach's establishment, 44, Rundle-street, rhere they may at the same time purchase CHEAP HATS and BONNETS, 'rimmed and Untrimmed, to suit all tastes and ircumstances. - , ? In the SH0W-K00M, 44, Rundle-street, a Jhoice Variety of ? LACE SHAWLS, MOHAIR and SILK PALETOTS .re on sale, some of which have been made exiressly for the approaching Holidays. V ? Remember the Address! , . ? L. ROACH, 44, Rundle-street 351c t (Late Gqode Brotheks). ?_ : niSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP^ U GREAT SALE OF DRAPERY, CIX3THING. &c, lately -belonging to PRICE BROTHERS & POWELL, 94 and 9(5, RundlcrStreet, The Sale will commence on Saturday, the 11th nstant, and continue for a short period only. E. POWELL and CHAS. PRICE having pur:hased the interest of Mr. James Price (who reires' from the business), will carry on the same, inder the style or firm of ?????-. : - .-? 1'OWELTi, PRICE, & CO. For particulars, see handbills. Remember the Address — ? POWELL, PRICE, & CO. ' (Late Price Brothers & Powell), ? 94 and 96, Rundle-street. Januarj* 7, 1SC2. ? 8cv TO DRAPERS.— BUl-Heads, HandBills, Posters, and every other description )f Printing executed on the cheapest terms, at the Register and Observer General Printing Office. Irenfell-street ? ? '. ? EDUCATION. __ SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, ... 169, RUNDLE-STREET. Coaducted by MissPHILLEPS and Miss JAMES: The Young Ladies of this Establishment will Reassemble on Thursday, the 16th inst. 9'15 ., T'HE YOUNG LADIES of Mrs. WHITBY'S ESTABLISHMENT will Re- sume their Scholastic Engagements on Monday, 13th January, 1862 Vacancies for a Boarder and also a Daily Pupil Teacher. Carrington-street ? 9'llv , UNLEY PARK COTTAGE.— The SCHOOL will be REOPENED on Monday, the 20th of January. Mrs. THORNBER will be at home after the 14th instant. ? 9sthl6 ? THE FELLENBERG COMMERCIAL SCHOOL; Hindmarsh-square, Conducted by Mr. JOHN MARTIN, aided by competent Assistants. Terms per, Quarter, paj'able in advance:— English, £1 5s.; German, £lls.; French, £lls.; Drawing, 10s. 6d. . ? THIS SCHOOL IS NOT IN CONNECTION WITH THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. 19fmwl5 EDUCATION IN THE HILLS.— Mr. T. CATERER receives Junior Pupils into his house at Greenhills, Beaumont, with a special view to prepare them for an extended Classical, Mathematical; and, Commercial Course. Further particulars on application. . 8'14 ADELAIDE EDUCATIONAL INSTI- TUTION.-The next QUARTER will com-mence on Wednesday,- January 15. . Applications for Boarders to be made to Mr. John L. Young, Parkside. 36416vl8 ? COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, ANGAS STREET. . Principal. F. HAIRE, B.A. Second Master, W. SYMS, M.A. : .. For terms for -Boarders or Day Pupils, apply to the Principal, at the Institute, Albert House. ? 2cv GLENELG EDUCATIONAL INSTI-TUTE.-The Pupils of this Establishment will Reassemble on Wednesday, January 15, 1862. ? 360CY ? ... J. MORDEY MITCHELL. WEYMOUTH-STREET SCHOOL — , The Duties of this School will be' Resumed on Monday, January 13. The Course of Instruction comprehends the essentials of a sound practical English Education. References to the parents of the pupils kindly permitted. Terms on application. A Pupil Teacher required. Apply at the Schoolroom on and 'after the 13th. 614 - . R. C. MITTON, Master. WATERHOUSE'S BUILDINGS, North-terrace.— BOARDING and DAYSCHOOL 'for YOUNG LADIES, : conducted byMrs. Mrs. C. J. CARLETON - (late of West-terrace). The Duties of this School commence on the 13th instant. - '. ,'.. Thsll NORTH ADELAIDE GRAMMAR SCHOOL.— Tlie Duties of this School will be Resumed on Monday, January 13, 1862. The Curriculum embraces the principal branches of a sound; Classical, Commercial, and Mathematical Education. ? There are a few Vacancies for Boarders. ' . JOHN WHINHAM. Buston-street, North Adelaide. 7hsll' THE NORTH ADELAIDE CENTRAL SCHOOL, Conducted by Mr. BATH. ? This School, in addition to the ordinary subjects of study, supplies to advanced pupils a thorough English ana Mercantile Education. Higher branches taught, if required. Duties will be Resumed on Monday, 13th inst. t 4th9 PUBLICATIONS AND STATIONERY PLATTS'S SOUTH AUSTRALIAN X BOOK-ALMANAC for 1862 is now ready. ? V Storekeepers supplied. 357q rpHE~MELB6URNE CHRISTIAN X TIMES, Price Gd., to be hod of! W MULLETT, Bundle-street. ? ? ? 3'9 TTOWELL'S SOUTH AUSTRALIAN XX DIARY and ALMANAC for 1862, just out Price only SIXPENCE. ? ; ? - . . ; ? . -348q ?-- ? :- 4, Ruhdle-street. THE SCOTCH THISTLE jm\ ... EIGBY, 53, Hindleystreet. AVARIETr of FOREIGN ROSES . :340q? ; RIGBY, 53, Hindley-street. -T!HE GREATEST NOVELTY of th( ''.DAT is the ROSE, fo lie had at - 340q - - RIGBrS. 53, Hindley-street. XT U. M BE R ONE , -L-jl . Edited by^A Pentjragos'. !-. ....L-_. ..',. J C.,-;;^. ;.;? PricelS^'^ ''?-'?' .''??-. j ?; 136ths ., . ::;.:^^RIGBY, Adelaide. ? , Just Published, ' PLATTS'S LARGE PRINT X -ALMANAC for 1862. _____ PRICE SIXPENCE. 322q I' Just Published, priec 6d., the P OYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIA! XV SHEET ALMANAC for 18«2, containing a immense amount of Useful and Correct Inform: tion. Register General Printing Office, . Grenfell-street, Dec 19, 1861. ? 355cv NOTICE .—The PERIODICALS MAGAZINES, to., by the DECEMBE MAIL HAVE ARRIVED and READY f( DELIVERY, i 354q ? JOHN HO}VELL,^undle-street. THE R'OSES of tlie UNITE] KINGDOM. ? 340q ? RIGBY Rt, Hindley-street Just Published, Price 2s. 6d., Posted, 3s., THE POST-OFFICE DIRECTOR for Adelaide, Port Adelaide, Kadina, ar Wallaroo. W. C. RIGBY, Bookseller, 332q ? 53, Hindley-street pORNHILL MAGAZINE, in Hal - --^ Yearly Volumes, from the commenccmei to the present time. - 357q JOHN.HOWELL, 4, Rundle-street THE MELBOURNE ROS] 340q RIGBY, 53,JHindley-street FAIL NOT to begin the NEW YEA with one of r LETTS'S DIARDS3 for 1862, [j ' various- sizes, bindings, and prices, at t: - . ... PLATTS'S. e -. Hindley and King William streets. i- N;B.-SEUJNG AT ENGLISH PRICES '.. ; ? *

PUBLICATIONS AND STATIONERY ALMANACS, AOIANACS, 1862.— A Now Ecailv, Price Cd., RIGBY'S LARGE SHEET ALMANAC, containing, in addition to the Calendar, the Rising and Setting of the Sun; Moonliglit Nights throughout the Year; Arrival md Dispatch of Colonial and English Slails; Postage Rates; Wliarfage Dues; Parliament of south Australia; Gardeners' Calendar; the Flagstaff, Signals, coloured \c, &c, &c. Also, Rigby s -Bushman's Almanac, Price 3d. N.B.— Large Sheet Almanac, 4s. per dozen -wholesale; Bushman's do., 2s. Note the Address— 53. Hindley-street, 347q ? W. C.^RIGBY, Publisher^ , RIGBY'S SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BOOK ALMANAC, Now Ready, contains i variety of useful information. Price One . shilling. , - : ; N.B.— Tlie Trade Supplied. : 53, Hindley-street. ' 9q , ' OOOSAY & SON'S MUSICAL PUB- ; D ? LICATIONS-Large Supply to hand. . „ ; W, C. RIGBY, Importer, 9q-: : ... -j .,?:;.;?;,.. SX Hindley-street, tETTS'S DIARIES FOR^ 1862. j ?-' ?. ?. .-: PLATTS,:. ' 283q Hindley and King William streets. ? ESSAYS AND REVIEWS. \ 357q_JOHN HOWELL, 4, Rundlerstreet_ XTEW DIRECTORY for' Adelaide. l'f North- Adelaide, Port Adelaide, Wallaroo, and Kadina, contains BOOK ALMANAC for 1882J Census Returns, Post-Office Regulations, Real - Property , Act Fees, and a viriety of useful information. PIATTS, ; Hindley and King William streets. '. The SIXPENNY SHEET ALMANAC is now READY.' .-? ? 336«i ' T ETTS'S DIARIES for 1862, at Xi'. English Phices. ? ' „?..-.? W. C. RIGBY, 3q .: , ;, Importer, 53, Hindley-street. BOOKS RECEIVED BY~THE DE?? CEMBER MAIL.— A large Supply of NEW BOOKS and New Editions just to hand; also an immense Assortment of ILLUSTRATED and JUVENILE BOOKS, adapted for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. 1 357q ' JOHN HOWELL, 4, Rnndle-street SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1862. - ' \TpTICE TO AGENTS.— The ROYAL !-.; SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET ALMANAC for 1862 is now Published, corrected up to the latest moment. Price per dozen, without the right, of returning, 4s.' tkl. Agents will please give their orders* immediately, intimating how they, wish them forwarded, so as to avoid postage. -? Register and Observer General Printing Offices, . ,= ? ,-;- December 19; 1S61. . ' 355cv ; OME v i NEWS.-JHr. Platta is ap-^ pointed . by Messrs. Grindlay &? CoJ the! Proprietors of the Home News, their -SOLE AGENT for th Sale of the paper 342q rpHE. LARGEST AMOUNT of CORX RECTINFORMATIONFORTHESftL\LLESTPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE PRICE. ; HOWELL'S BROADSHEET ALMANAC FOR 18(2 contains the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, Eclipses, Articles of the Calendar, Fixed and Movable Festivals, &c. Registration of Births, Deaths, &c, Chamber of Commerce, Cattle -? JIarket, Farmers' and Gardeners' Calendar, Government and Parliament, Local Courts, Lands Titles Registration Office Charges, Electric Telegraph Charges, Pilotage and Steam-Tug Rates, Savings Bank, Poundage Fees, Dispatch and Arrival of Mails, Railway Time-Tables, Customs Tariff, &a, to. Only Sixpence Each. -337q HOWELL, Rundle-street. THE N E W E S T BO O K S, PER OVERLAND MAIL. ,- tThcLife and Letters of Jno. Angell James, .- ? including an unfinished Autobiography. :*, .'Irving's History of Scottish Poetry ; ; Craik's History of the English Language and Literature, 2 vols. ? ' ! : Reyiiolds on Epilepsy Smith's Historj' of Wesleyan Methodism, '? 3 vols. Kl .'- '-.-? '.?'? - ?;?? '-' ?'*??? ?? : , , Expository Outlines of Sermons-Old Testament v Ditto' ' 'Ditto,, Ditto NewTestament Olmstcd's Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom ? ' '?. ? Memorials of the Rev. Joseph Sortain Phillips's and Darlington's Records of Mining and Metallurgy ?- - ? . ; - ' , ,.. Cross Country, by Walter Thornbury '? Dutch Pictures, by G. A. Sala Mem«ir of Baron Larrey The Book and jts Story . ? '-, The Missing Link , : A Book for a Rainy Day ? ; 'All the Year Round; vol. 5 ' -. Reissue of PuncJi, vol. 8 ! Herschel on the Telescope ..:.. Life Work ; &c, &c. &c. NEW SERIALS. The Popular Science Review The Quiver The New Pennv Magazine vl ?Beetoh's Illuminated Familv Bible, 1 ^ ??? : to., to., to.' ? '. ?? .-?-.. ;. ' H0MQ20PATHK! TINCTURES From LavTH & Ross, ? '- ' :- to., to., - to. PLATTJ-, 355q Hindley and King William streets. BY LAST OVERLAND ~MAIL.rThe usual Supply of Standard Magazines, Newspapers, to., and the Sixpenny Magazine. ! ? Anderson's Oka vango River I Woman in White. . ? Dictionary Daily Wants, &c. . St. James' Magazine ? ' ' ' ' Beeton's Illiistrated Bible, Part L ; Commentary, Wholly Biblical, 3 s., ' Bushneil's Character of Jesus Bushnell's New Life Bushneil's Christian Nurture ' Bushnell's Nature and the Supernatural Per RECENT SAILING VESSELSLife of.LordDundonaldTwelve Twelve Great Battles of England India and Its Inhabitants ? ' Puck on Peg:isus Family Treasury, 1S59, 1860 Children's Paper Routledge's Shilling Sunday-School Library Darwin's Oriuin of Species ?- :- ;, All of the Volumes of the Series 'Reaso; Why' Tyng's 40 Years' Experience of ? a Sunday School Teacher ' Life Work, by L.N.R. '.. Keith's Evidence of Prophecy, newly re written ??? ?? ????? '* .?'???? Keith's New Work, the Destiny of the Churc ' and the World, vol. I- :-- ??*--??.- ?????-? ;' : Annotated Paragraph Bible, 3 vols. 287q ?' E. S. WIGG. 15, Rundle-street. : '' SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1862. ? '.. Just Published, at the Register and Observer GerieraL Printing Offices, Grenfell-street, and . to be had of all the Agents in Town and Country, Price Sixpence, the ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1862, containing a mass of useful information — . . ? ECLIPSES. Feasts, Anniversaries, Principal; Articles of the Calendar, to. CALENDAR for each Month in the Year; con tiaining the Days of the Week, Month, and -. Year, Risingand Setting of the Sun and Moor for each day, Phases of the Moon, Dailj Means of Regulating Dial Time, Remarkable Days. &c. JEWISH CALENDAR for A.M. 5622-3. GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA including Ministry, Executive Council Parliament, Officers in the Civil Service Judges, Law Officers, &c. - - ; - ROYAL FAMILY-with Birthdays. ? ' LOCAL COURTS, Stipendiary Magistrates, ani '. Davs of Meeting, to. FARMERS' and GARDENERS' CALENDAR.... Kitchen Garden, Fruit Garden, Flowe ..'?' Garden, and Field— instructions for eacl J month in the year. TABLE of DISPATCH and ARRIVAL o INLAND MAILS, with Distances of Pos - -— Towns and Postmasters' Names. . SOUTH AUSTRALIAN RAILWAY TIME 1 TABLE and REGULATIONS for North am PortLine3. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. i ' CUSTOM-HOUSE Port Adelaide, South Austrn 1 ,; lian Customs Tariff. ? : iTRADES' HOLIDAYS. l SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE. ? CENTRAL ROAD BOARD. -' VOLUNTEER MILITARY FORCE. ' \ BEGISTRATION of BIRTHS, DEATHS, am MARRIAGES. POUNDAGE FEES. CHAMBER of COMMERCE. SAVINGS BANK. r LANDS TITLES REGISTRATION. ' 1 MAGNETIC TELEGRAPHIC CHARGES, to., 1 and ' SIGNALS used at the West-terrace Sigm Station, and at the Register and Observe Signal-Staff. Note.— The whole corrected up to the time c going to press. ^ PRICE SIXPENCE. 55cv r ? ' ? . ? : ? pHRISTMAS PRESENTS )\J Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Gold Pens Silver-mounted Penholders* Silver Card Cases Sandalwood Card Cases Papier Mache Card Cases l Papier Mache Work Boxes d Papier Mache Envelope Cases ; Inkstands. Bookslides ^^H^ISONIUMS. S AXD :- ??' : - . PIANOS. !t NEW MUSIC, ARCHERY, - -&C to., &c PLATT8, J. 339q Hindley and King William streets. n f?NGLISH NEWSPAPERS o. Ili Bell's Life in London Dispatch ' . Sunday Times The Queen Illustrated N,ews,qf the World, . also,- ? ~* '-; THE WEEKLY RECORD. 35*1 PUTTS, News Agent,

COMPANIES AND SQCLETIES. 1 1 THE SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH | , AUSTRALIA. | NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS. The Auditors of the above Institution will : ( ;ttend at the Bank office, King William-street. I -Adelaide, on Tuestiay, Wednesday, Thursday, and ] Saturday of each week, from the 15th January i nstant'to the 5th February next, for the purpose : ( if inspecting, examining, and verifying Depositors' ; tes-lMjoks with the Books of the BanK, as reluired by the 39th clause of the Savings Bank i.ct of 1S61. By order of the Board of Trustees, H. H. TURTON, Acting Accountant. Adelaide, January 4, 1So2. Cinli34v_ SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTlfTUS'-TRALIA.-NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS.fO DEPOSITS will be RECEIVED or REPAYD3NTS MADE during the first fourteen days of fanuary, the Books being closed for the Annual balance. 57nihtl3] H. H. TURTON, Acting Accountant HORTICULTURAir~ANrnFLORI SOCIETY.-NOTICE to ?UBLIUAN*S, FRUIT-DEALERS, to.— The. Secretary will attend at the Norfolk Arms, ou, Saturday, January 11, at 12 o'clock, for.thepurKise of LETTING GROUND for BOOTHS. 8'IQ ? J. R. SMITH, Secretary. THE EAST TORRENS WINEMAKING AND DISTILLATION COM?ANY (LnnxEDl-The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETLNG of the Shareholders will be held at the Jompany's Cellar, Stepney, on Mondaj', January 3, 1862, at lt- o'clock a.m., for the purpose. of sleeting three Directors and two Auditors, 'and -ther, business. ; ?' ?* ; '????? xrh' ? __J_- BURN, Secretarj'. SOUTH AUSTR_LL\N CRIC ICET * CLOR— A SPECIAL MEETING will be Klil at the Gresham Hotel To-morrow- (Friday), at L p.m. Business— Return Match with Union Club: 910 G. W. O'HALLORAN, Hon. Sec. ; IT N1TED TRADES MINING ASSO: U CIATION.— A GENERAL MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS of this Association 'will bo tield at the Hotel de Europe, on Friday,, the 10th inst., at 3 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of considering the desirability of Winding-up the affairs of tliq Company. : J. II AMSBEKG, Secretary, i Adelaide, January 8, 1S62. _ ? 810 ? Tdelaide miningventdke.— rV- ? A MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS: in this Venture will be. held at the Bed Lion, Rundle5treet, on- Friday, the 10th instant, at 4 o'clock p.m., to consider the desirability of . Winding-iip the affairs of the Company. t ; 810 _^ =i u L. B. MATHEWS, Secretarj'. ; NEW DEVON MINING1 COMPANY , (LIMITED).— NOTICE is hereby given that the FIRST GALL of Ten Shillings per Share, due on the 17th September last, in accordance with the Deed of Settlement of the Company, must be paid at the offices of the Company forthwith. .'? By order of ' the Board, , ;PHILIP B. FOX, Secretary. November 23, 1861. ? ., . . :fi9c ' OUNT' CRAIG MINING COMu PANY (Lisiited). ; .NOTICE is hereby given that,. in accordance with a resolution of the Special General Meeting of Shareholders held on Tuesday, the 7th instant, the said Meeting was Adjourned until Thursday, the ;16th day of January instant, at 3 p.m. . ? : -?? ? Bv order, -9-16 ' ; ANDREW'P. POLLOCK, Secretary. ! CECTION 375, WALLAROO. — A O- GENERALMEETINGof SHAREHOLDERS in the above Company will be held on Friday next, the 10th *inst, 'at the Hotel Europe, at 4 o'clock p.m., to receive the Report of the Directors. ' 8-10 ; ' J. M. SOLOMON, Chairman. PERMANENT ALBION BUILDING X ! SOCIETY.— The usual MONTHLY MEETING of the above Society will be held at the Office, 33, Kin? William-street, at: 8 o'clock on the evening of Thursday, January !l, 18ti2. ' ? '' By order of the Directors, .. 2-9 SAMUEL ALLEN, Secretary, i - .-,--:?- pxjBLIC NOTICES! ' 'VTOTICE. —The , PARTNERSHIP JJM heretofore existing between the undersigned is now DISSOLVED by mutual consent, in consequence of Mr. E. Lalouette leaving the colony; and all Debts ' due to or by the late Firm will be received and discharged by Mr. F. Trapmann, who will Continue the Business on his own account. ? ' EVARISTE LALOUETTE. ? * ? - FERDINAND TRAPMANN. Witness— J. Morgan.1 ? Adelaide, January 7, 18C2._ ? 810 , NOTICE is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, under the style or Finn of PRICE BROTHERS & POWELL, has been DETERMINED by mutual consent from this day. Dated 31st day of December- 1861. RundWt. ciSlfelCE. .. EVAN POWELL. Witness-JNO. M. Lock. ''.... The Business will in future be carried on by the abovenamed EVAN POWELL and CHARLES PRICK v ?, . ? ?????;'.. 7cv NOTICE.— The undersigned begs to intimate , that be has this dav taken into PARTNERSHIP Mr. W. LONGBOTTOM, of this city, and that in future the business will be carried onunder the style and firm of !'J.. COLTON & .co.' , ..???.-? ???-': '? . ? . : johncolton: Adelai(le, January 1, 1802. 4thsc NOTICE— I wfll-NOT be ANSWERABLE for any DEBTS contracted without my written authority. 7hsll ? W. VICAR Y,' Hilton. THE undersigned, being about to take, a trip to England, begs to notify that his Business will during his absence be conducted as usual by Mr. WM. S. MILLER, who holds a full Power of Attorney. A continuance; of the kind support hitherto accorded is respectfully solicited by r.,: ^ .. THps; _ BURY- . 24, King William-street, Adelaide, \. _? ? l Jauuorj' C.lS(a. ' ? 0c , TTHEFRIENDS of the late W.W. R. X WHITRLDGE are earnestly solicited to Assist -in i raising a FUND for the Support of his WIDOW and Fiv6 Young CHILDREN, who are left totally unprovided for. Several Contributions have been already promised, and the. Committee have arranged for the Whole of the Fund thus raised ito; be invested in safe Securities, so as to obtain a small but certain Annual Income for the benefit ottlie Family. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by either of the following Gentlemen, -.who have consented to act as a Committee, for making the necessarv arrangements:— Hon. T. Reynolds, Messrs. J. If. Clarfu. F.-H. Faulding, J. Fisher, T. Magarcy, M.P.,' W. Wadliam, E. S. Wigg, W. Townsend, LLP., and J. L. Young. ; SuBscmirrioNS already Promised. Proprietors of f Sir R.-, G.Mac- ,v -the ' Register, ? ... Donnell .: .;.,5 5 0 &c. 'j -?..;: £106 0.0 Lady MacDonnell 2 2 0 J.L.Younc.Esq.100 0 0 P. Santo, Esq., ; F. H.Faulding, .. M.P. .... ; ,...: 5 0 0 Esq. ... ... 30 0 0 W. Townsend, Pat. Auld.' Esq. 10 5 0 Esq^, RLP ? 5 5 0 Messrs. Green Mrs. Townsend. ,1 10 and Wadham 20 0 0 Mr.TVJ.'Botting 5 5 0 Hon.W.Peacock 5 0 0 Mr! W.Kay ... 5 5 0 , Hon. G.C. Hawker 5 0 0 Mr. A. Dowie... 5 5 0 Hon. A. Hay .,. 10 0 0 1 Mr.- T... Futcher 5 0 0 Hon. R. I. Stow 5 00 Mr. E. I Rowland 21210 - Hon.T.Reynolds 5 0 0 Mr. A. Stow ...10 17 fl T.Magarey.Esq., Mr.OliverYdtmg 10 j 0 fl M.P. .. ...20 0 0 Pcr.Rev:A.R.Rus3ellA. Anderson, GiD.Sismey.Esq. 2 0 C Esq., M.P. ... 2 00 J. Lindsay, Esq., , TV. J. Browne, ; M.P. ... ...1..1C Esq.,M.P. .,. 5 00 P,Cobbett,'Esq. 0;10( J.T.Bagot,Esq., . Messrs. ,G. A. &' -' M.PT... .! 5 00 H.Bartleet ... IK J. Dunn, Esq., ; Rey.A.R.Russell 5 i 7 ( ? M.P. ... 1 1 0 Messrs. Tuxford/5 1 5,( Dr. Wark, M.P. 2 2 0 Dr: Moore ... 10 10 ( E. D. HanGon, '. Goode Brothers f. '.Hi 0( Esq., M.P. ... 5 0 0 Mr. Barclay .,: 2.0 { W. Owen. Esq., . Mr.W.Rounsevell 1; 0 ( . M.P.- *7 T:..' 5 0 0 Jfr. Brahthwaite I- 1 ( W. Parkins Esq., - Messrs. Wylde& , ?' M.P. ;:. ??; ... 5 0 0 Claridge ?, .:. 5j C ( E McEllister, : '' W. Sandqver. ... ,1; D ( M.P i. ... 1 10 B. Nathan, Esq. HI t Joseph Peacock, ;. S.Bakewell,Esq. : Esq.,M.P. ... 1 1 0 1LP:._' ... 1; 1 ( CS :. ,? ... 1 0 0 Rev. J. Jefferis 1 1( I ThoSiElder, Esq. 10 10 0 Hon.G.M. Water- -R.B.Smith,Esq. 10 10 0 _house ... _-..;,6-' 5 ( Hon.B.T.Strang- Thos. Giles, Esq. 5:. 5 I ways. ? 2 2 0 L. Glyde, Esq., : Blyth Brothers 5 5 0 .M.P. ?. :..... ... 1; 1 I Employes Register Rev. C. Man- ; , and Observer 40 17 0 ' thorpe .-. ... Ii 1 1 E. Bowman, Esq.. 2 2 0 Martin &Sach 5 12 II I C. B.Young, Esq. 2 2 0 AFriend .'.. ^015 I . H. D. Cruttenden, Captain Prynn ? (Port) ... 1 1 0 (Livingston)... 0 10 i f Capt. Ross (Com- Capt. Lawrence # modore) ... 0 10 0 , (Orient). 1 1 1 Capt. Henderson Mr. J. M. Smclau- 0 10 i (Cornelia) ... 110 Mr. W.Morgan. 2 2 . Proceeds of Mr. R. B. Torrens, ' Townsend'sLec- Esq. ... ... 5 0 ? itureatWoodside 3 C 6 Mrs. J.H.Clark 1 ll ' Do at White's EditorAdvcriiser 5 0 Boom ? 63 2 6 Mrs. R. R. Lcake 1 1 Do. at G3wlerln- Mr. J. McDonald 1 0 stitute.. —14 8 0 J. Colton, Esq.. 1 l Do. ' at- Mount H. Seymour, Esq. 1 1 Barker ... ... 6 7 0 W. W. ? 1 1 Do.atYankaUlla 2 30 Mr. B. Potter... 1 0 Do.atPortAde- . Mr. W. Hampson 0 8 ? laide ? -4 4 0 Mr. F. Sanderson 0 10 Half dot at Koo- Mr. J. Thomas 111 ringalnstitute 3 3 0 Mr. W. C. Buik 1 13 C Lindsay, Esq. 2 20 Mr. John Davis 2 3 AFriend ... 3 00 Mr. J. M. LinkMr. Jas. Clark, later . ... 4 0 ' Noarlunga ... 100 Mr. M. ConniMr. P. RowHmd 110 grave ? 0 16 J. Taylor. Esq., 5 50 PerMr.£.T. Smith -Messrs. Cbdd & - W.H. Trimmer, Twigg ? » 13 0 Esq ? 1 0 ? Mr.'S. Morcom 0 10 6 J. I). Sutherland, Mr.E.S.WigK 5 0 9 Vsn. ... 1 0 Messrs. Harris & Messrs. A. &E Dobie ? 0 10 0 Heath ? 10 'Messrs; Barlow C. T. Hargrave, I & Sons ... 1 .1 0 . Esq ? 10 Messrs. K&W.-- H.Strother,E3q. 1 0 Hackett ... 1 00 W. Colman, Esq. 1 0 igtoiatthiaOat*,,. ... ,,,i713 3 ti N v a a ?- .-'? ... '. . .' ? \- '

JOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS ^ALE OF CROWN LANDS. J Thursday, January 9th, 1862. ' The following portions of Crown Lands will be tiered for sale by public auction, at the Land tfficc, Adelaide, on Thursday, the Sth January, SUi at 11 o'clock. Deposit 20 per cent:— CouiJTRT Sections.— Upset price ill per acre. tounty Hindmarsh— About oue and a naif miles . west by south of Currency Creek Township, : Hundred of Goolwa. ' Lot. Sec Acres. Lot. Sec. Acres. 23S31 2125 80 | : ' ' lounty Adelaide— Half a mile north-east of Stringjbark Trigonometrical, Station, Hundred of Onkaparinga. . . ? : 22S32 61 96 I 22S34 . .67 63 22XX} (Hi 86 I ? : ' lounty Light— Sosth of the Light, about one and a half miles south-east of the new Light Bridge, Hundred of Light. 22--35 444 91 ; lounty Eyre— About five miles south-east of Mount Despond, Hundred of North Rhine. 2283U (»9 SO 22S45 668 .92 22S37 660 JXi 22846 .669- 75 : 22S5S C61 S2 -22S47 670 - - 7222539 «!S 90 23S4-3 671-164 22540 mi 49 22849 673 ? 83 22S11 61U 152 22850 674'. 18U 22542 (365 200 22851 675 136 22543 666 162 22S52. 676 184 22SM 667 144 22S5J 677 151 bounty Burn-From half a mile to three miles east of Hallett's Hill, Hundred of Kingston. 22554 120 104 22859 125 130 22555 121 177 . 22800 126 125 2285W 122 129 22S61 127 113 22857 123 117. 22862 149 76 22S58 .124 110 : = ^ bounty Flinders— Half a mile west of Boston Bay, and four miles, north by east of Winter's Hill, Hundred of Lincoln. v . 22SG3 137 r .97 I 22S6S 139 * 122 ?22S64* . I3S 7S I. Surveyor-General's Office, Adelaide, November 13, 1861 .:: . VrOTICE is hereby given that the iy Leases of Waste Lands of the Crown— Lots 122, 123. and 124. Gawler Ranges— will not be -ffered for sale on .the 9th Januarjv 1862, aspreriously advertised. ? ' . ? ; 4xrh G. W. GOYDER, Surveyor-General, ? Telegraph Office,- Adelaide, Dec 30, IRrtl. ELECTIIIC TELEGRAPH. — TEN? DERS for the Supply of POLES for a Line )f Electric Telegraph from Auburn to Kadina will je received at this office 'until noon of Tuesday, :he 14th of Januarj', 1802. . Specifications may be. seen, and all, particulars jbtained on application at the Telegraph Offices, Adelaide,, Gawler Town,* Kapunda, and Auburn. Tenders to be addressed to the Superintendent of Telegraphs, marked outside Tender for supply ot Poles, Auburn and Kadina Line.'' ' CHARLES TODD, ' Observer and Superintendent of 365thsl4vll ? Telegraplis, S.A. QEALED TENDERS, addressed to the 0 Collector of Customs, for the CONSTRUCTION of a LANDING WAITER'S BOX in accordance with a 'Specification lying in the Comptroller and Landing Surveyor's office, will be received until noon of the 10th instant : Tenders to be marked outside, in the left-hand corner of the envelope, 'Tender for Landing Waiter's Box.'* '? ? ? B. DOUGLAS, Collector, H.M.C. ? Custom-House, Port Adelaide, January 3, 1S61. : 4th9 Chief Secretary ,s OUiCe.Adelai(le, , January 2, ist»2. - -pOASTING STEAMER SUBSIDY. yy —The Government not having received any proposal embracing the whole of the service specified. in Gazette notice of 12th ult., notifying that the House of Assembly had voted jEI, 000 for the encouragement of regular Steam Communication between Port Adelaide and tlie Southern Ports ind Jetties of the province, fresh Tenders are now invited from persons willing to- ' undertake a portion of that service, viz., to run a Steamer once a fortnight-, for twelve months from date of acceptance of Tender, between Port Adelaide and Port Elliot, touching at any or all of the following intermediate Ports and Jetties, viz:— Gleuelg, Noarlunga, Aldinga, Yankalilla, Rapid Bay, and Encounter Bay ; and also at Neapean Bay. ' * Scaled Tenders will be received until Januarj' 10, 1862. addressed on the outside to the Hon. the Chief, Secretary, and marked in the left-hand corner ' Tender for Steam Communication.' By command, G. M. WATERHOUSB, 4th9. . Chief Secretarj'. ' Crown Lands and Immigration Office, Adelaide, January 2, 18(52. NOTICE.— ONE MOIETY of any PENALTY that may be inflicted under the Act No. 12 of 1861— 'An Act to enable the Governor to, Prevent the Importation of Cattle into South Australia under certain circumstances, and for other purposes'— will be paid to ? the person or persons who sh.;ll give such information as shall lead to the conv.ction of any person or persons offending against the provisions of said Act. . j - - H. B. T. STRANGWAYS, ! Commissioner of Crown Lands and Immigration. ::N.B.— The full penalty is £500. 4-25rmw29 XrOTiCE. — PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. ioi. —The instructions to the Police with reference to the above have been withdrawn, inconsequence of the issue of the following Proclamation:— ?:??... : . 'PROCLAMATION by His Excellency Sir Richard Graves MaoDonnell, Knight, . Companion . of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath Captain-General and Governorin-Chief of Her Majesty's Province of South . Australia, aud .Yice-Admiral of the. same, - &c. &c, &c . ? . . ..' . i (L.S.) Richard Graves MacDonnecu ' AVherea8 by an Act passed in the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years of the reign of Her Majesty, intituled An Act to enable the Governor to prevent the Importation of Cattle -into South Australia, and for other purposes,1 it was enacted that it should be lawful for the Governor, froth time 'to time 'and at any time thereafter, with the advice and consent of- the Executive Council, by proclamation in the South Austrahan Government Gazette, to prohibit the introduction or importation of any cattle,' or any particular description i of cattle, into the said province from such places, ami during such time, ' as, should' be. set forth in j;\ich proclamation: Now, therefore, I; the said Governor, in pursuance of the said authority, and of all other powers me enabling, with the advice and consent of the. Executive : Council, do hereby proclaim,, order, and direct that, from the day. of the date hereof, ho horned cattle, except such as being free from the disease known as pleuro-pneuiuoiiia, shall bcaiithorized to be imported, under a permission in writing .signed by the'- Commissioner of Crown Laii3s7 snail beiiitrdduced or imported into' 'the province of, South Australia from either of the col6nies of NdwSoutlr Wales/ 'Victoria, or Tasmania: And I do also proclaim, order, and direct that this my proclamation, 'shall: continue in full force and eflecfuntil the samo shall be revoked by proclamation in the South Aiudrulvin Government Gazette.^ ?' : -., u _ , ' , ;'' ?.'.' ???,-: 'Given under my hand and the public seal of the said province, this twelfth day of December, in tlie year of* our -Lord one.thpiisand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the twenty-fifth ^year of Her Majesty's reign. . ... :' By command, ' G. M. waterhoube, Chief Secretary. ? '..*? , : 'God Save the Qoeejj.' i Tlie. attention of the Public is particularly di rected to the folldwing clauses : — - * '' '1. It shall be lawful for the Governor from time to time, and at any time hereafter, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, by proclamation in tMcSouth Australian Government Gazeit(,Xo prohibit the introduction or importation of any cattle, or any particular description of cattle, into the said province from such places, and during such time, as shall be set forth in any such proclamation, and to alter. or revoke any such proclamation; andjf. during the time when any such proclamation shall be in force, arij person shall iriiport or introduce into the said province 'any cattle,, or shall cause, suffer, or permit any such cattle to be landed in the said province, or driven over the bqundaiy of any other colony or province into the said province, itroppositinu to the terms ol . any such proclamation, such person shall be linhlt to a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Pounds, ant . also to be imprisoned, with or without .hard latxmr for any period not exceeding sis calendar months arid such cattle shall lie forfeited to Her Majesty. '2. Any cattle infected with any contajooii! disease may, during the period when any sucl proclamation shall be in force, l-e shot or other . wise destroyed by any Constable, Crown Landi Ranger, or other person duly authorized by th-Commissioner of Crown Lands. _ '.'. '3. Any person offending against the provision! of this Act, or of any proclamation issued in pur suance of this Act, may be apprehended by ani person, and taken before the nearest Justice of th'* ' Peace for the said province.' ' H. B. T. STRANGWAYS, . 347cvx Commissioner of Crown Lands, &c. ADELAIDE WATERWORKS.— Thi x3l Honourable the Conjmissioner of Publi Works directs the publication of the follow-in 1 CLAUSES of the ADELAIDE WATERWORKS ACT of 185.S, and hereby gives notice that th ; PENALTIES will be strictly ENFORCED. By order of the Commissioner, i ??-?-?? B. BOOTH BY, Manager. I Waterworks Office, December 10, lfyJl. 39. Every owner or occupier of any teneruen I supplied with water under this Act, who shall sui i ply to any other person, or wilfully permit him t ) take any such water from any pipe in such teni ) ment, unless for the purpose or extinguishing an ) fire, or unless he be a person supplied with watt ) i by the Commissioner, and the pipes belonging t ) ? him bo out of repair, shall forfeit to the Commi: ) ? sioner, for every such offence, a sum not exceedin I j Five Pounds. ) 40. Erery person who, not having agreed to \ i supplied with water by the Commissioner, .sha - i take any water from any reservoir, watercoursi i i pipe, or .conduit, lielonging to the Commissione [) | or from any cistern or other like place contaii ing water belonging to the Commissioner, oth« 3 i than such as may have been provided for tiie gn | tuitous use of the public, shall forfeit to the Con [) raissioner, for every such uiluiice, a sum not e: ceeding Ten Pounds. , 41. Every person who shall wilfully or careless! 0 , beak, injure, or open any lock, cock, valve, pipi ! work, or engine bejon L'iiiK to the Commissioner, -0 shall flush or draw off the water from the rese ? voira, or other works of the Commissioner, or sha 0 do any ptiier wilful act whereby such water sha be wasted, shall forfeit to the Commissioner, fc 0 every uuclj offence, a sum hot exceeding lv\ 0 Pounds, besides the 'amount of damage tp vvhic 0 the Commissioner may be putinrpspegt thereof. I I ;? ' ',,' , -?,',: .'? I .-' ?'?' *»5^

LAND AUCTION NOTICES. GREEN & WADIIaM'S NEXT MONTHLY LAND' AUCTION S ALE will be held in the LAi'D MART, ox Februaiy 7th. FRIDAY, 7th Fcbruaiv. Parties are reuuested to fonrard particulars of Properties intended for this Auction Sale on or jefore the 23rd Januiiry. 4cv AMUSEMENTS. ' VICTORIA THEATRE? Open even* evening, under the Management of Mr. J.M.Wolfe. THIRD MILLION NIGHT. THIS EVKN1NG (Thursday). Last Night but Two of the great Polypjionist's Entertainment. Mr. HENRY JULIAN HALL, nightlv hailed most enthusiastically in THE SEVEN AGES OF MAN. ? - X5 Changes of Costume. Roses, 3s. ; Stalls, 2s. ; Pit, Is. ; Gallerv, 6d. 'Words of all the popular Songs to uc had at door. Price, (Kl. ? ' ? x PORT THEATRE''. THIS EVENING (Thursday), the Alpine Romance, THE CHAMOIS-HUNTER'S BRIDE, in which Mrs. A. Moore (late Miss Rachel Lazar), Mr. J. M Wolfe, Mr. ami Mrs. Kobt. Macgowan, Messrs. Lawrence, Hooper, and the whole of the Adelaide Dramatic Company will appear. To conclude with : ? THE LOAN^ OF A LOVER. x TO-NIGHT, THURSDAY, January 9. ANOTHER CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. MORE NOVELTIES BURTON'S NATIONAL CIRCUS. MAHOMED CASIM, the Great Eastern Wonder, in his astounding Performances. DIVERSIFIED SCENES IN THE CIRCLE. To conclude with (for the first time) a laughable Afterpiece, entitled A TRIP TO D0NNYBB00K .?'?'. ONE-WHEELED SHAY. TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), the Entertainments will be by bespeak and under the immediate Patronage of Hin Excellency SIR RICHARD GRAVES MACDONNELL. V* *™ NOTICE.— The SECOND GRAND DAY PERFORMANCE will take place on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock. : N.B.— The Circus will lie rendered perfectly cool by a copious shower of pure water which, will bo plaj-ed upon the Marquee from the main during the Day Performance. ' ,*','? x 1 ^ PROFESSIONAL. DR. CHALMERS,' SURGEON, Ac, Tavistock-buildingu, 210, Rundle-street. : ' 36lt26vlS tTOMCEOPATHY. — MR. KIDNER, 1JL HOMCEOPATHIST. No. 9, Doreetta-terracq, Flinders-street. Consultations daily from 0 till 3. ? 35Gcv MR. G. S. KINGSTON, CIVIL ENGINEER and ARCHITECT. , Offices, Grote-Btrcet. 18flhu DANCING.— LESSONS in DANCING given at Mr. Hillicr's private residence, No. 117, Hindley-street. tar Schools and Private Families attended. 287mhU» MONEY. . rPO CAPITALISTS.— MONEY i WANTED,, on Freehold and other Securities. Apply to * .??'??? ? F. E. H. W. TvRICHAUFF, ? . Licensed Land Broker. Bugle Ranges, January 7. 18-i2. ? 9c , MONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage or Deposit of Deeds, and Bills Discounted. JOHN RICHARDSON. King Willinm-atreet. ? lev ONEY TO LEND on Mortgage or under the Act. . ,.; ; Lands Bought and Sold on commiBston. Parties assisted at the Government Land Saloa to the extent of two-thirds of the purchase-money. Tracings to Customers free. EDWARD WRIGHT, ....... Grcsham-strcct 2&cv , - (Opposite National Bank). MONEY TO LEND^SmmTrf Ono Hundred Pounds and upwards, at from 10 per cont. interest. G1U5EN & WADHAM. Uni Agents. Exchange Land Oflicos, King W.'lliam-street. . ? 3mhcv MONEY TO LEND, in large or Binall suras, or for short or long periods. Interest at current rates. : - . ?' 'WRIGHT BROTHERS. Exchange-chambers, King William-street. ? 3hfcv MONEY TO LEND. LO AN S NEGOTIATED CASH ADVANCED. ' - In large or Rtnall sums. GREEN Ac WADIIAftl Exchange Land Offices, King William-street. lev HOTELS AND XIVEBY STABLE3. ^PHE PORT PHILLIP CLUB HOTEL. JL — ^Tbe extensive additions anil alterations to the above Establishment being now completed WILLIAM H. EVANS beers respectfully to intimate Hint he has REOPENED this magnificent HOTEL, and is in a position to accommodate those Ladies and Gentlemen who may favemr him with their custom in ;i manner far superior in every w&.y to that which under the former arrangement!) it was possible to do. There are baths hot and cold ready without any notice, and bo contrived that there is no necessity for any personal attendance, as well as every other necessary appliance. The culinary arrangements are complete, anil nnno but respectful ami good servants will be kept. There is ARplondid Billiard-room, nnd good Stubling uttachetl tp t ho premises. . , . , William H. Evans will only add that ho was for a lonp time connected with Establishment, and that no exertion on his part shall be wanting to secure the patronage of the public. , Flinders-street, Melbourne! December 4, 1801. 354»21 8P0BTINQ. ? COUTH AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY £3 CLUB SUMMER MEETING. The SETTLING for the RACES of this Meeting will take place at the Globe Inn on Friday evening,' January 10, 1»!2, at half-past 8. All ACCOUNTS against the Club must be Hunt in by noon of Thursaav, the llth instant. 7hflO Ii. M. BAGOT, Secretarj'. CONVEYANCES, ?\T0 MONOPOLY. NO MONOPOLY, 1.1 FARES to or from PORT ARTHUR ' Fifteen ShilliiiKs (15s.) hv T. MOYLE'S NEW LL\E OF CONVEYANCE. T. MOYLE hows that by starting his new Con-, veyance from and to Port Arthur and Kadina, at the above Low Rates, coiiiljiued with comfort an.i civility, to secure the patronage of the Public. The greatest attention will be given to Parcels, which should be liookcd PER MOYLE'S CONVEYANCE. , Mr. N. Opie, the we}l-knmui whip, is engaged. Every AccoiumodnMori will be found at MOYLE'S EXClfAX-!E HOTEL. KADIXA. ? Mi 'jmhsc . ^ZjeSployment wanted, 2 TO NEWSPAPER, PJlOPltlETOllK, MERf'HANTS, and (Jtlieni.-The undetHigned, having much leisure time at Ihh disposal, is anxious t-- obtain :i SITUATION for cither Newspaper Office, Merchant, nr 1'ublic (Jompany. i Apply to A. Z., dflicoof this jupcr. 8fmi:t WANTED, by u young Man who, thoroughly understand* office duties, a ! SITUATION as CLERK or SALESMAN ir\ Home light business. Address J. ii., otlicc -,-{ thin i-ai-er. i ? trio ; rpo MILLERS.— WANTED, n * -L SITUATION by an Experienced STONEDRESSER. Address A. H., ottiie of tins paja-r. |x ~ PERSONS WANTED.7ZZ OVERSEER WANTED, to untlcrtnko sole Management of a Sheep Station in Port { Lincoln District. Apply, with testimonials, to * 7c ACRAMAX^ MAIN, 1JNDSAY, & CO. \ BOY^VvXnTED. Apply to W. ?£\- Fiveash, Draper, 4, Hindley-street. 3c W'ANTEi-7*a~YOUNG MAN fov a Country Store, acquainted with the Grot eery Business. Apply to G. tx. U. Wills & Co., *- Kundle-street, botwten the hours of 10 aud 4. 8'10 i- ~\\[ ANTED, an active young Man as Y » t POKTER, and to Drive u Horge and Cart. r Apply to W. Kverett, Hiii'lley-street. 8']0_ ' TirAN'rED, .i SERVANT who can % » » Cook, Wash, and Iron well. Apply to Jlrs. Wright, South-ternice, before 1 o'clock. 3c U WANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT. ' » Apply to Mrs. Meadows, p'Connell-street, :, North Adelaide. _ ___ 911 * WANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT l- ' » for AVidlaroo. Good references. Apply i- to Mrs. Malcolm, Woodville. ? 4th9 WANTED, a COOK and HOUSE3LVID, at the Wellington Inn, Currie -:, street. ? 910 r! WANTED, a WETNURSE. Apply 11 TT toDrrGasse, 365c II ? ' ? . ? _ . -r \XrA:NTED. HORSE and MULE p »W DRIVERS. Apply at the Stations of the h English and Australian Copper Company, at Kapunda, Whjte Park, and Logan's Gap. ? January 6^1863* . «*U