Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 18 September 1929, page 23


"d a lln- Satur las 1/ i linn

\GlATs Note-»I-, lions I I Iinl

*v tiulholri is \Mtlidrtvvn from Sale. W. J. A.


AM NTs Note- Mathers JI d MeMiln ht

I ive °old 5°ft of my Land in Goldthorne av.

W. Mills. AGENTS, Note. - My land, Urquhart st., Haw-thorn, has been Sold. N. C. Carey.

ACENTS, ¡vote-M» lio|ert» lb oi d -0 Still n

street Carlton hi» I ten Sold S J Smith AGENTS Note My property at Craigieburn is Withdrawn from Sale. C. McDermott.


LTD SpoUvvood \ ¡c

Notice Is herd» given, tint *--cnp Ccrllilc t°s Nos MO and SI representli s MM piet r e Ghaies ccweeutlv numbers _1 1"8 tu 2! l"o (>S 57U to OS 07o 120 Sol to LO » 0 ni ion 0 1 te 100 "0 in tlie lumc of MUlIIIvV W11 LUM DIMES of I» imiirooke He late leen reí orte 1 ts burnt ind It Is the Intention of ti tr id ei directors to ISSUF H!f*H feCRII' titln F vin (7) da)» flora the d tte t-<*rcot

J» L <*»[ \H -\ctinc, 'c rt-r Spotswood, Vic 18th te) tentber .)


..letona Branch 45*) 'G3 Collin» Street Melbourne


It is the intention of the Society, alter one month from this date to I-.SUI* under tie Cora panics Act No .031, a SPECIAL POUC\ in place of Policy No 8-IG818. on the life of ROBERT CECIL WHYTE STEWART dated Uto lîth Januiry 1D10, declared to have been lost

. HW POWNALL. Actine Manager. * Melbourne, 18th September, 102».


J^USTRAUAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Victoria Branch, 1"3 l63 Collins Streit, Mclbonr»

,. , e SO! ICE.

., . ° i,n'»'-itiii.i .1 Soclct», after one montii Inim lliis ihic, to IS^UE under th" Coin, panics Act. No 2.".11, t SPLCHL POL1CV. in place of Polic.v .No.,í52, on the life of JACK KAIN, clitcii tlie list Vugust, ISM. declared to base

been dtstio.vnl

,. i, ",c V- 1*0« NAI.U Acting Manager.

Mfllviunw, 1<¡th September, 19

1> lil nts NK;IS.-Iiii=h liojs, here's jour chance!

. i 1,r\VrJ" I""1 'cr Inlomiatlon regarding Nests within "u wins Melbourne, for photographic pur-poses, bits sippllcd on explication. U.A.S.,

r* VMUI ltlVI.U, anti All Agents. - My Pro *- )«rt> Uiihtlrawn irom salo. J. C. Adam« and Son are auctioneering. E. J. Woodard, Vic

C1" OF COBURG Notice ia hereby given, that, at an Ordinary Meeting of ihe- Council, held on the 24th August, lie», the Council of Ihe Cltj--of Coburg did nans a SPECIAL ORDER for borrowing the sura of tlunj-svy thousand pounds (£38,000) tor the following purposes;

Moreland road reconstruction .. ..£20,11S L ndergroiuid Drain, Glencairn avenue ,

to Mailer's Creek. J50 L'nderg.tiuiid brain, Clarendon street

to Donne street. 700 Drain, Moreland road, Sydney, road,

to railway. 750 Erection ot Conveniences arid Sewering

at Lake Reserve. SOO Dressing sheds, Lake Reserve (recoup,

M.I*.». .. 6S0 Pavilion, Tennis-courts, Harding street

(recoup M.F.). 232 Sewering Tennis-courts, Hardings street 2uU Scavenger, Dray (recoup M.F. £70) .. 140 Additions, Truby King Centre. Sewering Caretaker's. Cottage, Lalto '

Reserve .. . ... . Additions and Alterations to Stonc

cruslier. Nowlands. Cuhcrts, various streets. l.ÖJO Reconstructlou of Channels, Harding

street und Munro street, and Bulli!, ing nts, &c, to Hardings street

drain. 1,000 Alterations and Additions to Town

Hall , , . (1,000 Purchase of Additional Reserves:

Land, Extension ot Lake Reservo £400 Land, Extension of Charles street

Reserve. COO Land, Extension ot Mathieson

street it serve .. . 1S0O Land, Extension ot Short« road

Kuscrve.r.. 2300

- 5,000



And notice Is hereby giren, that the Council will, at an Ordinary Meeting, to be held oil mc 25th day of September, 1929, at 7.45 p.m., at tho City Hull, Hell street, Coburg, proceed to con

Omi such .Special Order,

By order.

_W. MITCHELL, F.A.I.S.. Town Clerk,

I Demetrius Vlassopoulos, of Greek nationality,

, boro nt Ithica, in the country of Greece, and resident 5 j ears and 9 months in Australia, now residing at Hcd Cliffs, In the State of Victoria, intend to Apply for Naturalisation under the Corn motin eui th Nationality'Act 1320-25._ I, Tomaso Demazi, of Italian nationality, born at

Peglio, Italia, and resident in Victoria for 5 years, now residing at 139 Cardigan street, Carlton, intend to Apply for Naturalisation under the Commonwealth Nationality Act 1922-1925.




The Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works having mode sewers for carrying off the sewage from cadi and every property «mell, or any p.irt of ivhich, abuts on the streets or parts of streets in which such sewers are laid, and which are Included viitliln the Sewerage Areas hereinafter described, doth hereby declare that on and after the 11th day of October, 192S, each and every property which, or any part of which, abuts on the said streets or parts of streets shall be deemed to be a sewered property within the meaning of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works

Act 1915.

The Sewerage Arcas hereinbefore referred to



CITY OF rRESTON.-Starting at the intersection of Merri Creek and Goodwin Street on the boun. daly of Sewerage Area No. 7S3. thence generally north-westerty following Sewerage Area No. 7S3, easterly along Bell Street and following Sewerage Area No. 091, southerly along Oakover Road, gêner ally westerly along Goodwin Street to the start-ing point at the intersection of Merri Creek and

Goodwin Street.


OITY OK BRIGHTON.-Starting at the intcrfce lion of Centre Road and Summerhill Road, at the junction of Sewerage Areas Nos. DOO nnd 715, thence easterly and north-westerly following Sewer-age Area No. 600, northerly alone Hawthorn Road, eartcrly along the northern bi-undary of the Methodist Church «nd a line souili-castcrly along Elster Creek, generally southerly along Park lauds Crescent, easterly along Centre Road, south crly along Thomas Street, ncsterlv along Marriage Road, north-westerly along Robinson Street, north. crly along the western boundaries of Lots 44 Dobinson Street and 25 Florence Street, westerly along Florence Street, southerly and westerly along tlie eastern and southern boundaries of Lot 42 Ward Street, farther westerly along a fence to n point in line with the east side of milson Street, southerly by a line, westerly along Marriage Road, not thorlv -follow ing Sowcrogo Area No. 57S, farther northerly, eastern', and northerly follow-ing Sewerage Area No. 715 to the starting point at the Intersection of Centre Road and Summerhill



CITY OF COBURG."-Starting at the Intersection of Henley Street and Parkstone Avenue, thence northerly along Henley Street «nd a lino, generally tiorth.castcrlj- along Moonee Ponds Creek, easterly along Reynard Road, generally northerly along Mitchell Parade, easterly along Bell Street, south-erly along lie.vno'ds Parade, westerly along Rey-nard Road, southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern boundaries of "Glensniojic," Rejnard Road, southerly along Wentworth Avenue, westerly along Parkstone 'venue to the »carlin«: point at Hie intersection of Henley Street and

Parkstone Avenue.


CITY OF CAULriELll.-Starting at the Inter-

section of Parker Street and North Hoad on the Iwundary of Sewerage Area No. ÍÍS9, thence getter ally northTly anil easterly following Sewerage Area No. 559, further easterly nnd southerly fol-lowing Sewerage Aren No. 710 to the Intersection of North and Koornang Road, westerly along North Road to the starling point al the Inter-section of Parker Street and North Road.


SniRE OF HEIDELBERG.-Starting at the In-tersection of Ravenswood Avenue and Lower Hei delbeig road, at the iunctlon of Sewerage Areas Nos, eso and 7C3, thence generally northerly, easterly, anti noilherly following Sewemigc Area No. 6SÖ. easterly along The Kjrie following Sewer use Arcas Nos. 737 and 630, solilh-cistcrly along Mutmiit Diive. casterlj along the northern boun-dary of Lot 29 Summit 1'riio, » line, and the northern boundary of Lot 3G Outlook Di Ive, south-erly along Outlook Drive, Fouth-weslcrly nlong Lo'ver Heidelberg Road, north-wester"}' along ihe soutlicra boundary of Lol It LOY» el Heidelberg Road, south-westerly along the cistern boundaries of properties on the cost «Ids ol Burton Crescent, south-easterly along the eastern boundarj' of Lot 3 Lower Heidelberg Road, southerly along Warn oliffe Road, westerly, northerly, ami westerly, following Sewerage Area No. 703 to tho starting point at the intersection of Ravenswood Al enuc and Lower Heidelberg Road.


CITY OF BRIGHTON.-Starting at the Intersec-tion of Hawthorn Road and Charles Street, at the Junction of Sewerage Areas Nos. 400 ami b9S, thence northerly along Hawthorn Road following Sewerage Area No. 406, easterly along Taylor Street, north erlv along Weber Street nnd easterly along North Hold following Sev/erage Area No. 770, generally southerly following Sewerage Area No. 733 lo the Intersection of Charlo« and Hodder Streets, westerly along Charles Street following Sewerage Area No. 098 to the starting point lit the Intersection of Hawthorn Road and Charles Street.

By order of the Boaid,

F. L. KING, Secretary.

Office of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, 110 Spencer street, Melbourne, 10th Sep-

tember, 1929.

-"VJOTICG Is hereby given, that Scrip Ccrtiilcito J-s numbered 1S,SI(I, for 100 Ordinary Shares of The Commercial Bank of Australia Limited, In the nome of AMY FLORENCE WHITE-PARSONS has been lost. It Is my Intention afte* the publication hereof to APPLY to the sold bonk tor a TRESH CERTIFICATE.




NOTICE is hereby given, that In conformity ivitli Section 55 o' "The State Savings Bank Act 1913," the following Auditors w11) attend at the undei mentioned brunches on tlie days specified for the purpose of Inspecting the Puss-books ol


Mr. J. Ainslie, Kew, from 23rd to BSth Sop

ti-mber, 1929, Inch: Mr. O. F. X. Morris, Yarraville, from 23rd to 2Slh September, 1929, incl.; Mr, C. H. Nichols, Seddon, from 23rd to 2Stli Sepi ember, 1929, mci.-, Mr. A. R. C. Phillips, Gleniris, from 23rd to 2Sth September, 1929, incl.; Mr. A. W. Lindsay, Sunshine, from ¿3rd to ÜStli September, 1929, incl. i Mr. J. R. Tinker, St. Kilda South, from 23rd to 2Sth September, 192"), Inch; Mr. J. P. Nugent, Hawthorn West, fiom 23rd to 2Sth September, 1929, Incl.

ALEX. COOCH. "hlngcr.


9d. a Hue; Falutdij. 1/ a lino.

ArrEIl the expiration of fourteen dan, from the

puntual Inn hereof uppiie.ltiou will be made to the Supreme Court of V ietoti.1, In Its Probate jurisdiction, LEllCRS of ADMINIS1H V1ION, willi the will (dated the- 22nd ii.i> ol Ma}, 1909) .mne.ved, of MARY ROCHE, foimer.y of No. II Grove Mansions, Clapham Common, North Side, London, England, but late of Shamrock Lodge, King's road west, Swanage, Dorset, England,

?spinster, deceased, ni iv be gr.mted to George James Wise, of 418 Little Collins strict, Mclbourti-, in tlie "-t.ite uf Victoria, solicitor, the «.lid di orge Julius \\IH> being tile* duly appointed allome} of Frank Savage, of Shamrock l.odge, King's road »vest, Swannee, Dornet, England, tie «ole e-ceruloi and benefit!.try under tlie saul will, lor the use and lienetlt of the donnr of the power limited until

he shall applv for probité. '

Batid tins IStli dil nf September, 1929. I GLU J «l-l ' ' e,r, lit, Little Collins

_street, Melbourne._ A rrl'.I! the expiration of fourteen divs from the I .¿""s piililicaiion hertel application will be made '

lo the Súpleme Court of the State of Victorn. 111

it- Probate jurisdietion, by Vincent Nolan, oí ,

M1 utile Collins street. Melbourne, in tlie slid ] State., solicitor, the attorney under power of the public trustee of Tasín ml.i, t.ic -ole eveeutor 1 the last will Clearing date the 21s( ria»' of Juni 192G) of JAMES VINCENT, late of Zeehan, 1 Tasmania, greengrocer und fruiterer, deceased, tli.i

the SEAL of the said Court may be AFFIXED to the probute of the said will granted to the said trustee hv the Supreme Court of Tasmania, In Its Ecclesiastical jurisdiction, on the 5th clay of March.

bated the 17th day of September, 1929.

VINCENT NOLAN, B,A" LL.B., of 440 Little

Collins street, Melbourne, proctor for the]


JUDiCIAi AND LAW NOTICES. I ' AFTER the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Vic-toria, in its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the WILL, bearing date the twentieth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty eight, of DOROTHY ANN CAMPBELL, late of Carlsruhe, in the State of Victoria, widow, de-ceased, may be granted to William John Campbell, of Carlsruhe aforesaid, farmer, and Mary Jane Le Brun, of 3 Meaker avenue, West Brunswick, in the said State, married woman, the executor and executrix named in and appointed by the

said will.

H. HURRY & SON, Kyneton, proctors for the

appl cants.

A FTER the expiration of lourtcen dais from the -cx publication hercol application »rill be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria, in IU rrobate Jurisdiction, that FROBATE of the WILL (dated the 2Sth day of February. 1310) of JOHN POWERS, late of Avoca, in the State ot Victoria, formerly baker, but late retired tanner, dec-eared, may be granted to Margarrt Powers, oí Avoca aforesaid, »»Idow-, the executrix named in and appointed by

the «tld »vill.

Dated this 17th dav of September, 1920.

HERRING & BATHURST, solicitors, Marybor.

pugh, proctors for the applicant.

AFTER tho expiration ot fourteen days from

the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria, In Its Probato Jurisdiction, that PRORATE of the WILL, dated the thirtcenlh day of Kebruary, 1020, of JOHN HENRY BARKER, formerly of Swan Hill, In the said State, chem st, but late of Bull street. Castlemaine, in the said State, retired chemist, deceased, bo granted to Margaret Mary Barker, of Bull street, Castlemaine aforesaid, widow, the sole executrix annointcd thereby.

H. S. W. LAWSOS & Co.. Castlemaine, proo

tors for the applicant.

A FTER tlie expiration of fourteen da*,« from the .*?»? publication hereof application will be made to Ihe Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in its Probate Jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the WILL, dated the twenty-t-coond day oí July, one thousand nine hundred and cleren, of GEORGE ROWLAND DAVIES, late of 9 Pleasant avenue. East Kew, In the tstld State, carpenter, deceased, may be granted to Laura Davies, of the same ad-dress, widow, the sole executrix named in and ap-pointed by the said will.

Dated this seventeenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine.

PITCHER ii ORAMES. 440 Little Collins street,

Melbourne, proctors *or the applicant.

AFTER expiratiou of fourteen days front pub

-t-***- lication hereof application will be made to Supreme Court, Victoria, Probate Jurisdiction, that PROBATE of WILL (dated Sth October, 192S) of DANIEL CENON LARMER, late of Thomastown, Gentleman, deceased, may be granted to' Robert Larmer, of Woodstock, fanner, the executor ac-cording to tenor, appointed by the said w iU.

Dated 17th dav of September, 1929.

FREDERICK C. D. BARKER, to Queen street

Melbourne, proctor for the applicant.

AFTER the expiration of fourteen days from

the publication hereof applicatlon will be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of the estate of CHARLES MORRISON BROMFIELD, lale of Clyde, In Victoria, gardener, deceased. Intes-tate, mav be granted to Percy Morrison Bromfield, of Thorpdale, sawmlller, being the son of tile said


TTl'TER the expiration of fourteen days from the ?"? publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court or Victoria, that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of the estate of ALLAN GEORGE RISK, late of 7 Ash grove. Caulfield, in Victoria, retired Government employee, deceased. Intestate, may be granted to Agnes Risk, of the same address, being the v-ddov* of tho tsald de



PTY LTD., in Liquidation.-Notice is hereby given, that a MEETING of CREDITORS of the above company will be held at the offices of Johnson, Bat-son, and Co., public nccpuntant«. 175 William street, Melbourne, on Monday. 30th lnst.,' at 2.30 p.m., pursuant to Section 1$9 of Companies Act 1315. _

G. H. BLAKER. Secretary.

CREDITORS, next of kin, and all others having

i I "MM- against Hie estate of the under-mentioned person aro required lo SEND PART1CU. uAi.ii tuereot to the aiiininlstratnx, al the omeo of her undersigned solicitors, on or before tho 13th day of October, 1929, othervtlsc they may he excluded »»hen the assets nre being distributed:


Usual Residence. - Greenslopes, Brisbane,

Queens and.


Date of Dentil.-29th November, 1023.

Dated the 17th day of September. 1329.

WEIGALL & CROWTHER, 459 Chancery lane.

Melbourne, C1, solicitors for the adminis-


1>. HAYDEN PROPRIETÄR Y LIMITED (!n Liquidation).-Notice is hereby given, pur sinnt to section 189 of the Companies Act 1015, that a MEETING of CREDITORS will bo held ot the office of Oarv-ln fc Smllh, 330 Collins street, Melbourne, on Tuesday, 1st Oct., 1923, at 2 p.m. Creditors are required to lodge their proof ot debts with me on or before Friday, Sith Sep-

tember. 1329.

_J. T. GARVÍN. Liquidator.


FITZGERALD, Deceased.-Pursuant to the provisions of the Trusts Act 1916, notice Is hereby given that all persons having any claim against the estate of James Patrick Fitzgerald, late of Broadford, In the State of Victoria, farmer, de-ceased, intestate, who died on the seventeenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred und twenty-throe, and letters of administration of whose unadminlstcred estate were on the twenty fifth day of July, ono thousand nine hundred and tvventv-nine, granted by the Supreme Court of Victoiia, In It3 Probate Jurisdiction, to John Francis McCarthy, of 93 Stount Alexander road, Flemington, In tho State of Victoria, retired salesman, during tho minority of Julia Margaret Fitzgerald, a daughter of the »aid James Patrick Fltrgerald, deceased, are hereby required to SEND In PARTICULARS In writing of such CLAIMS to the said. John Francis McCarthy, care ot Messrs. McNab and McNab, solicitors, Sjdney street, Kil-more, on or before the twenty-first day of October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine; and notice Is hereby ellen that after that day the said John Francis McCarthy will proceed to distri-bute the assets of the said James Patrick Fitz-gerald, deceased, which «Itali have como to his hands or possession amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the.said ¡tdmltiUitrator shall then have had notice, and the «.lid administrator will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis-tributed to any person of whose claim ho shall not then have had notice. ' *

? Dated Hie ninth day of September, 1923.

MCNAB and MoNAB, Ki'morc, proctors for the _said administrator._ KTOTICE to CREDITORS. - Re MARY ANN -t-^ FITZGERALD, Deceased.-Piireuunt to the provisions of tlie Trusts Act 1915, notice is hereby given that all persons having any claim agnin*t the estillo ot Mary Ann Fltrgcrald, formerly of Broadford, but late of 181 Bourke road, East Mai »ern, in the State of Victorin, widow, dccciscd, who died on the twenty-eighth day of April, one thouiand nine hundred and twenty-nlne, und pro-bate of whoso lost »vill »vas duly granted to John Francis McCarthy, of Mount Alexander road, Flem-ington, In the mid State, retired sales manager, nnd Thomas McCarthy, of Woodend, In the said State, gracier, the executors appointed by the said will, nre hciehy required lo SEND in PARTICU-LARS in writing of 6tich CLAIMS to the sale! executors, care of Messrs. McNab and McNub, solicitors, Sjdney street. Kilmore, on or before tlie twenty-first il-iy of October, one thotmnd nine hundred and twenty-nine; and notice Is hereby given that after that day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Mnry Ann Fitzgerald, deceased, willoh elinll have come to their hands or possession mtiongst the pcreon«. entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which tile said executors shall then have Ind notice, and the said exevutorj will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim they shall not then

have had notice.

Dated the ninth dav of September, 3929.

McNAB and McNAB, Kilmore, proctors for the i_ said eiecutora._

"YOUCE to CREDITORS.-ALFRED MOWBRAY -?-,| COOPER, Deceabcd.-All person» ha» Inn any claims against Hie estate of Allred Mowbray Cooper, late of Erindale mernie, Ripponlet, in the Stale of Victoria, produce merchant, deceased, who died on the fifteenth day of April, one thou-sand nine hundred and twciit»-nine, and lelteis of administration, »vith the »»ill annexed, were -rraiiie-. by tlie .Supreme Court of Victoiia, in it-, Trobatc jurisdiction, to THE NATIONAL 7RUS TELS, EXECUTORS, AND AGENCY COMPANY OF AUSTRALASIA LIMITED, of 113 Queen sltect, Melbourne, in the said Slate, aro hereby requested lo SEND PARTICULAR» in writing of fi li CLAIMS direct to said company nu or before the eighteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, alter which date the said company »vill proceed to distribute the assets of the said deeeised which shall have come to its possession amongst the persona entitled thereto, haling regard only to tim claims of which tt shall then hive hnd notice.

Dated the eighteenth day of f-eplcmbcr, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine.

M. MURNANE. 125 Queen street, Melbourne, _proctor for the said coropinv._ ^I0^1tF. to CREDITORS.-Trusts Act MIS.-Re

1 SARAH ROSANNA MATrHEBS. Deceased. All persons hann*-; any clulnis against Iho estate ot Sarah Rosanna Matthews, lato of Middle street, Ascotvale, in the State of Victoria, wldmv, de iiiuert, who died on the 17th Juno. 1929, ami probate ot whose »vill was on the ICth dav or July, 1929, granted by the Supreme Court of Victoria to William Hood, oi Park street. Moonee Ponds, manufacturer, are hereby requited to SEND PARTICULARS in writing of such CLAIMS to Hie said executor, care of McNab and McNab, 451 Collins street, Melbourne, on or before* the 1st duy of November, 1929, after that date the 6ald eiecutor will distribute the assets of tho~said estate amongst tile persons entitled thereto, having legard only to thexse claims of which he shall have had notice; und the said executor «III not be liable tor any of the assets so distributed to any person of whose claim he shall no1 then have had


Dated the l"th dty of September, 1929.

McNAB fc McNAB, 454 Collins street, Mel-

bourne, nnd at Kilmore, proctors for the said

NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expira-tion of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the LAST WILL, (dated 26th November,1914) and two Codicils (dated 4th July,1916, and 5th October,1920,re-respectively) of ANN PERCIVAL, late of “Linden” Rippon grove,Elsternwick, widow,may be granted to William James Bradley Percival, of Canberra, in the Federal Capital Territory, draughtsman, Arthur Percival, of Canberra, aforesaid, director

of Commonwealth lands and survey, and Harold Rowland Percival,of 129 Waterdale Road ,Ivanhoe in the State of Victoria, clerk, the excutors

named in and appointed by the said will. Dated this eighteenth day of September, one

thousand nine hundred and twenty- nine .

GAIR and BRAHE, Queensland Building,84

William Street, Melbourne, proctors for the

applicants. ii tion of fourteen di»» from Hie publication hireof application will h<* marlu io the Supreme Court of Victoria, in Its Probate jiiri.dirtlon, tint PROBATE of the L\*-r WILL and ÍES I I WENT (bearing dite the 2Jtli ihv of Jaunir», 1"-') n! MUtTHA HANNAH LOCKWOOD, I lie OI Whittb sea, In the Pinto of Victoria, retired postmistress ricceispd, un»' lie granted to .loMiph Loikwood, ol Birchip, In Ihe said «tate, storrl.tepcr; M irv Emnn Lockwood, of Whittlesea aforesaid, spirster, and Elizabeth Bljth, of Victoria slri-ct, ¡.hiern wick, In the Mid Stute, spinster, the eiecutor ii d ctecutrlccs named in and appointed bv the sild


Dated the 17th day oi Septcmhet, 1529.

McNIB and McNAB. 451 Collin« stieet. Mel-

bourne, and at Kilmore, Broadford, Sunhur», and Whittlesea, proctors for the applicant.


I "VOTICE to CREDITORS. - Pursuant to the

-1-1 Trusts Act 1915, notice is hereby gis-ni tint all persons having claims against the esUto ol DANIEL LYNCH, late of Five Ville Bridge, Steiglitz, in tlie State of \ icti-ria. larmer, de-ceased, who died on the third das of June, 192'1, and probate of whose will »».is granted by the Supreme Court of the State «I Vietona, in r« Probate jurisdiction, on the seventeenth dav of July, 1929, to Sarah Ellen Lvnch, r! Maude, in the Slid State, widow, and Hubert Edgar Lmeh, of Maude aforesaid, farmer, the executrix- and execu-tor respectively named in and unpointed by the said will, are herein- required to SEND PARTICU-LARS in writing; of such CLAIMS to the said execu-trix and «editor at the undermentioned address on or before the nineteenth day of October, 1929, after which date the said executrix and executor «rill proceed to distribute the assets of the said Daniel Lynch, deceased, amongst the person« en-titled thereto, hiving regard only to the claims of which they shall then lute had notice as afore-said, and the said executrix and executor «ill not be Hablo for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person of whoso claim they shall not then.have had notice as aforesaid.

Dated this eighteenth day of September, 1929.

DOYLE & KERR, "The Exchange," Market

Square, Geelong,- proctors for tie executrix

_and executor.

¡"tfOTICE Is hereby given, that after the expira .?.' lion of fourteen daja from the publication hereof application will bi made to tho Supreme Court of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the LAST WILL and TESTAMENT (bearing date the 21th da} of July, 1922) and Codicil thereto, dated the llth day.of December, 1926. of. THOMAS IRVINE GUILD, lstc of Sey-mour, In Victoria, retired storekeeper, deceased, may be grant«! to THE EQUITY TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, AND AGENCY COMPANY LIMITED, of Queen street, Melbourne, in the State of Vic-toria, tbo sole executor appointed by the said


Dated the 17th d»y of September, 1829.

McNAB and McNAB, 454 Collins street, Mel-

bourne, and at Kilmore, Broadlord, Sun-bury, and Whittlesea, proctors for the ap-plicant._ NOTICE la hereby given, that after th« expira-

tion of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made lo the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, In Its Probate juris-diction, that PROBATE of the WILL, bearing date the - day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six (which said »ill was ex-ecuted on the thirty-first day of July, one thou-sand nine hundred and twenty-six) of AMELIA ELIZABETH ASH, late of Leopold, In the said State, widow, deceased, may be granted to Oril John Thomas Ash, of Leopold aforesaid, farmer, the executor named In and appointed by the raid


Dated this eighteenth day of September, 1929.

WHYTE, JUST, & MOORE, of 27 Malon street, _Geelong, proctors for the applicant.

NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expira

lion of fourteen daj's from the publication hereof application will be made io the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria. In its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE of t..e WILL (bearing date the 2nd day of July. 1921) ol EDITH HONOR HAMLEY, late of 14a Palmerston grove, Oukleigh, in the State of Victoria, married woman, deceased, may be granted to Fred Tregear Hamley, of 14a Palmerston grove, Oakleigh aforesaid, schoolmaster, the sole executor named in and appointed by the

said will.

Dated tlie 17th day of September, 1929.

CORR and CORR, of 101 Queen street, Melbourne,

proctors for the applicant.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the PARTNER SHIP lately subsisting between Francis John Corker Minchin and Patrick Henry Squire, both of Korumburra, in the State of Victoria, auctioneers, carrying on business as land, estate, and stock agents and auctioneers under the firm name of "Minchin & Squire," has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent as from the thirty-first day of August, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine. The said Francis John Corker Minchin will continue to carry on the said business under the said firm name of "Minchin & Squire," and will receive and pay all debts owing to and payable by the said firm. Dated this 13th day of Septem-ber, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine. F. J. C. MINCHIN, P. H. SQUIRE. Witness to both signatures, Donald McArthur, solicitor. Korumburra. Boothby & Boothby, solicitors, Korum-burra and 408 Collins street, Melbourne.

ArOTICE la hereby given, that alter the expira ?L" tion of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to tt e Supreme Court of the State of Victoria' that PROBATE of the LAST WILL.- doted tho third day of Oetolier, 1912. of ALFRED DRINKWATER, late of 22 The Parade. Ascotvale, in the State of Victoria, re-tired military officer, deceased, may be granted to Rosa Annie Drinkwater, of 22 The Parade, Ascot vale, in the State of Victoria, widow, the executrix named in and appointed by tlio said will.

Dated the eighteenth day of September, 1929.


street,. Melbourne, proctors for the appli caiit. _

NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expira-tion of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will he made to the Supreme Court of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE ol the LAST WILL and TESTAMENT (bearing date the 4th dav oí February, 1929) of MARGARET GILBERT, formerly of 12 Percy street. Seddon, In the State of Victoria, but late of Stott street. Preston, In the said State, widow, de-ceased, may be granted to Annie Zwar, married woman, and Adolphus Zwar, retired farmer, both of Holmes road. Moonee Ponds, in the said State, the executrix and executor named in and appointed

by the said will.

Dated the 17th day of September, 1929.

McNAB and McNAB, 454 Collins street, Mel

bourne, and at Kilmore, Broadford, Sunbury, and Whittlesea, proctors for the applicant.

*\T011CE is hereby given, that after tho oxpira .L" ticin of fourteen days from the publication hereof application «ill bo mode to the Supremo Court of Victoria, In Its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the LAST WILL (hearing date the 1st day of December, 1920) of MARY GUILD. late of Seymour, in tho Stnte of Victoria, man led woman, deceased, may bo granted to Elsie Mae Intlri», of Robb street, Essendon, In tho said State,' married woman, the sole cicculiix named In the

salt! will.

Dated tho 17th day of September, 1929.

McNAB.and McNAB,- 451 Collins street, Md

bourne, proctors for the'appUeant.

JOTICE Is hereby given, that after Hie explra ' fion-of fourteen days from the .publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, In Its Probate inrlstllctlon, that PROBATE of the WILL bearing Hate the seventeenth dav of July, 1929. of CHARLES JOHN GHUTZNER. late of Thomastown. In the sa'fl State, farmer, deceased, may be grantee! to Florence Amelia Grutzner, of Thomastown uforesiild, widow, and Charles Frederick William Grutzner, of Bowden street. Preston, in the f.'iid State-motor driver, the executors named In und appointed by the said will.

DatidCthls eighteenth day of September, 1929.

NORRIS it NORRIS, of 341 Collins street, Mel

bourne, proctors for the nnnlicinrs_<_

IVTOTICE Is hereby given, that after the expira J- ' ' tlon ' of fourteen days from the publication hereof app'lcatlon will ho made to-the Supreme Court of Hie State of Victoria, In It« Probate Jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the MILL (elated tho. 12th day of April, 1929) of MARY ALISON DALGETY, late of 27 Herbert street. Northcote, In the said State, spinster, deceased, be granted to Agnes Dslgel}', of 27 Herbei t street, '»ort'icole aforesaid, widow, Hie executrix named i'l ¡ral ep poilllcel lil' the said will.

Dated the 17th duv of Seplt mber, 1921.

TOLDURST & Dlll'CE. 41S Chancery lane, i.'-:' _bourne proctors for the said cxt-culiiv.

NOTICE is hereby given, that alter the expira-

tion of fourteen days horn the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in Its Probate jurisdiction,, that -LEWERS., of ADMINISTRA-TION of tho estate of TIMOTHY JOHN QUIN-LAN, late of Nagambie, In the" said State, licensed victualler, deceased, Intestate-, may bo granted to Nora Quinlan, of Nagambie!'In the «aid Slate, Hie widow and one of tim next of Un of the c-aid


Dated this fourteenth tiny of September, l*-29.

A. li. HOPKINS, Nagambie, proctor for the


.-»JOTICE is herehv given, that after the ex -x piration of fourteen days from the publica-tion hereof application will be mode to the Supreme Court of Victoria, In its Probate jurisdiction, thui. PROBATE of the LAST WILL and TESTAMENT (bearing date the 2Sth day of January, 1910) of ANNA LOUISA KERR, late of Whittlesea, In the Slate of Vlrtorla. widow, deceased, may he granted to Thomas Kerr, of Whittlesea aforesaid, laborer, the sole executor named In the said will.

Dated Hie 17th tiny of September, 1929.

McNAB ¿ McNAB. 431 Collins street, Melbourne,

proctors for the applicant

PURSUANT to the Trusts Act 1915, notice is

hereby given that all p-rion» having claims against the estate, of THOMAS NICHOLLS, late ni Bairnsdale, in the Stave of Victoria, tailor, deceased, Intestate, who died on the I'th day ot June, 1929, and nilm'.iis'rai on of whose estate was granted bv the Supreme Court of the wild Sute, in its Probat» Jtirlsdi lion, on tho 15tlv da» of August, 1929, to Thomas Ernest Nicholls, of Bairnsdale aloiesaid, labourer, aro hereby required to SEND PARTICULARS In writing of such CLAIMS to the undersigned, nt his office herrunder mentioned, on or before the 2Sth day of October, iii», after which date the raid Thomas Ernest Nicholls -vv 111 proceed to distribute the assets of the said Thomas Nicholls, deceased, which shall have como lo his hands amongst the persone entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had nolle,»; nnd notice is horeb»' further given that ' the said Thomas Ernest Nicholls will not be liable for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person of whose claim lie shall not have lud notice

us aforesaid.

Dated this IGIli of September. 1929.

W. B. THOMSON', Ilaili'V n'ret llalrni-dule, _proctor for _ttio administrator,_ PURSUANT to "The Trusts Act 1915," notice

is hereby given that all creditors and others having any CLAIMS or demands against the estate of SAMUEL HENRY MURRAY, late of Toolambool road, Carnegie, In the State of Victorlo, ralhvay employée, deceased. Intestate, lette« of admin-istration of whose estate have been giantcd to THE UNION TRUSTEE COMPANY OF AUS-TRALIA LIMITED, of Collins street. Melbourne, arc hereby required to FORWARD PARTÍCULA"'*" thereof to the utiderslgneel on or before tho thlrty Orst day of October, 1923, after which date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets amongst the versons entitled thereto, hating regard only to those claims or demands of «lil, li it shall then have had notice, and will not tw liable to anv person of whoso claim or demand it shall not then have had notice. ?

Dated the seventeenth day of September, IKS".

GEO. II. WISE, Foster street, Nile, proctor for

the MldjidmlnlrtraWr.

RE LILLIAS LINTON BUTCHART,Dcccasc.'. íí Pursuant to Hie Trusts Act 16 5, notice Is ¡«roby gil cn that al! persons haling claims ngafn-t the estate of Lillias Linton Butchart, lute of ,1, Walsh street, South Yarra, In the Stale of Vie loria willow, deceased, who died on the thirteenth du»' of June, one thousand nine hundred and tvvcntj-iime. »nd probate of who-e »III ya? granted bv tlie Supreme Court of the Fad Stale, in its Probate Jurisdiction, on the twelfth clay of «.cnteinlicr. one thousand nine 1 tliiclred mid

tevent?...le o THE TRUSTEES. EXECUTORS, VXD AGENCY COMPANY LIMITED, oi 412 Col MIK street. Melbourne, In Hie said State, are hereby

rc'iilired to SEND PARTICUIARS in writing of

snell CLVfVIS to the said The Trustees, Executors, and A-cncv Company Limited, at ils tinned address, on or before the tliirlieth'day of October eme-thousand'nine hundred'und twenty nine, after which duto the said company,will pro reed to distribute Hie assets of the said Lillias Linton Butchart,> deceased, which shall have come to its hands amongst the persons entitled thereto lining icg-ird only to the claims of which it "hall then have hut"'notice; and notice is hereby further given that the said company will not he liable tor the assets so distributed or any part

thereof to any person of whose claim it thail not

have liad notice at aforesaid.

Dated this eighteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and twcntr-nlno.

F. G. SMITH and "»IcEACHARN, 307 Collins

street, Melbourne, proctors for the 3aid

co nipan j-.


."THE INSOLVENCY ACTS.-In the Court cf -.t Inse-lvvncj. Soutlt^ni District.-A First »nd Final DIVIDEND is Intended to be Declared in the- matter ct CHARLES AUGUSTUS PEARSON. tnrmerl*. oí Queenscliff, stationer, now of T.», Darling street. South Yarra, traicller, »vho-v cstitn w.ij sequestrated cn the 12th day of No »ember, 1927. Crtdtlors «ho have not proved their ilebls by Crû day c! Oetolvr, 1929, wtU Ni


Dated this 17th div of Scpteifher, 1929.

GEO. WHEATLAND, Trustee, 194 Kirie ftreet. Geelong._._

HMIE INSOLVENCY ACTS.-In the Court of .*- Insoliency. Southern District -A Seevii-d and Final DIVIDEND cs lntu-dcd to Iv Declared ni tht. matter cf FREDERICK JOHN FIELD, ot Bourke crescent. Geelong, grocer. whose estate» »vas sequestrated on the ll'th nay of October, 1927. Creditors who have not proved their debts by 3rd dav of Octoher, 1929, »w11 be excluded.

Dated this 17th dav of September, 1929.

GEO. WHEATLAND, Trustee, 191 Hjrie street. Geelong._ TO MAUD ELLEN PALMER, Formerly of 1S9 --1- Nicholson fctreet, East Brunswick, Victoria, New Zealand, and Plumstead. England. - Take notice, that Albert Edward Palmer has isMied a writ in the Supreme Court c1 the State ot Vic-toria against lou, Maud Ellen Palmer, and Stephen Joseph Paddle, w.iercby the plaintitl claims a declaration that be is entitled lo the whole bene-ficial Interest in teii simple in land Jointly pur citascd by contract in writing dated twenty-tlfth day of Mai*. 1914, by him, the plaintiff, ond by you. Maud Ellen Palmer, from the defendant, Stephen Joseph Paddle, being all that pirco cf land upon which is erected a cottage known «,-* No. 5,Nicholson terrace, Nicholson stioet. East Brunswick, and also for an order tàat ft transfer of the said land be made by Stephen Joseph Paddle to the plaintiff free of encumbrances as sole pro-prietor. Unless you ENTER an ArPEARANCP. In the Prothonotary's Otfico of the Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne on or bclore the first day of March, 1930, the case may proceed In your

absence. '

SNOWBALL and KAUFMANN. 47 Queen street,

Melbourne, solicitors for the plaintiff.

TRANSFER OF' LAND ACT 1915.-Amendment

of Certificate.-No. 431*7, Section 215,-i-TUB PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF VICTORIA TRUST.S CORPORATION, of Oollio» street. Mel-bourne, has applied to hare the Certificate ot Title, vol. 5261, foi. 1.053,293, ot the Register Book amended so as to comprise the land de-scribed hercunder, and the Commissioner lias directed noti.s of the application to be sdver tiscd In "The Argus" newspaper, and lias op pointed fourteen dayB from the advertisement, jfter which'time the application m«y bo granted unless a caveat Is lodged forbidding the same.

Dated the 7tb day of February, 1929.


Part of Crown Allotment five, section nine. City o! Melbourne, parish of .North Melbourne, .»ounty ni Bourke, commencing at the south-east angle of the said Crown Allotment, belns a point on the north boundary of Collins" street iistatit IS feet 41 inches from the kerb line; thence by the said boundary westetly 22 feet 1 Inches to a noint IS feet 25 Inches from the kerb line; thence by the centre ol a party wall northerly 40 feet Oi inch; thenco by a line easterly 7 inches; thence hy the «ide of a woll northerly 21 feet 6 Inches; thence t»y a Hue westerly 7 Incite«; thence by the centre of a party .wall northerly 8 fcpt 5 Inches; thence ulong u road «osterly 8 incites and northerly 10 feet; thence by the side of a wall easterly 22 feet 1 inch; Ihence. by the east boundary of the said Oro»vn Allotment as defined by n wall southerly 79 feet 11 inches, to the commencing polnL - Parts of Hie above desmbed land are encumbered by respective case-ments of party wall and overhanging chimney created by instrument of transfer, Ko. 1,103,79t

in Hie Register Book.


Registrar of Titles. .

?.?RANSFER Ol' LAND ACT 1915.-In' the Mat T- ter of the Instrument oí Mortgage Num-bered 531,414 in tile Register Book, and in the Matter of the Application of EDWARD AUGUSTUS JAMES SEYMOUR, of Station Street, North Carl ton, Public Accountant, for an Order for Fore-closure.-Pursuant to sceiion 10- of the above mentioned act Hie Commissioner of Titles ha" directed tile Registrar of Titles to canse notica to be published In "Tho Argus" newspaper that; the land described below Is now offered for liri »ate rale, and the Commissioner of Titles tin* appointed the 21st day of October, 1929, as lite time upon or after which the registrar- shall Issue to the" appl leant un order for foreclosure unless in the Interval a sufilclcnt amount shall have been obtained by the sain of such land to satisfv the principal and inlerest moneys secured by the abovemetiticned mortgage and all ex-penses occasioned by such cale and proceeding!*.

Dated the 7th day of September, 1929.

J. B. WORRELL, . Registrar of Titles. LAND ABOVE REFERRED TO,

Lot IC and part of lot 15, block P on plan ou subdivision No. 1279, lodged in .the Ofllce of Titles, and being part of Crown Portion 41, parish of Prahran, nt Gardiner, eountv of Bourke, particu-larly described in certificate of title, vol. 5233, foi. 1,0-10,893. The above-described land is sub-ject to n first, mortgage No. 534,443 in. the regis-

ter book.

Haden Smith and Fitchett, Colonial Mutual Fire Chambers, 403 Collins street, Melbourne, sol jellore for the applicant._


9d. a line; Saturday, 1/ a line.


r. r. LEE












? P. Y. LEG, 157 Spring Street,

Opposite Parliament House. Tel. 23111 Cent.

A A.-, ARTIFICIAL TEETH, mod. price'«. Ex-

tractions' painlcs-*.' Terms arranged. Old [Plates Relined. Pyorrhoa»n specialty.- -Teeth by

post. Open Mon., Fri. -nights. Teeth repaired while you wait. ISAACS, surgeon' dentist. IO

j Bourke st. C. MIO.__J_ j A LCOHOLIi,.»! Cured.-The . Bichloride of Gold

-c*- Institute, Moreland Hall, Jessie «t., Moreland Effective, fate'. Hwk. 714. Pamphlet- free.

AMBLER'S SILSPAK TEETH.-Special Oller. .c*-' '-£2/1-/11, tipper or lower sot; full -Ml», £5/5/. X-ray examinations. l'ainicaa 'extractions, eas* oxygen method. Horn-r*. dally 9 to 5.30; Wednes-day, 7 to S-p.m.; Friday. 7 lo 9 p.m.

?F. J. KENNELL, Dentist,. 129 Colite street, Mflbnimie- 'plmne aiipciufinont**. Cont. 72*1

LS11IMA Cured or Money Refunded: flgti'it

guarantee given; free booklet; special 'er. Union Mfc*. Co.. 2'W.i flinbi-lh st.. M"lb.

G. D

i A H n T i:

We have rhi*Ucir.iu' report-) cf the result in .»ira! hundr-'il cuies of Dhbrtcs under treatnicnl

with FULTON'S COMPOUND that will bo oi inti'rest to anyone mfl'erii.g from Diabète».

In mest e-are-a Ihe tíugar polyuW.i and thhft are moderate very soon after beginning the treat nifnr: . Som) for free monograph, glrln*; the rationale mid epitome of result-*.


299n Eli/aticth street, Melbourne.

DR. MALONEY, Medical Instituts. 453 Elliabcfli

St.-Duly, 11-12. 2.8, 7-S. All diseaso,. Advice, mcillclrc. .Ve. Dr. Maloney, surgeon.

I^AT Reduced.-Huyela, isle. ? Gibson, Muloiic.v,

chemist». Ljgon k1.. Carlten. Two ttamr-i

for booklet. .

1~»lis,. Epilepsy. -1 rer-oh'» Bonnay has cure-t

. Ihuilsaiids of the severest rases. Free booklet from Union Mis. Co., 299a Ellulvth st.

(Ol' Hid of that Rheumatism Yetî II net, Tn ' Bil Pills, 2/li Iw-vnU ebeinttti. or ChcWiirc'. ie Bínele Pluruinev, 102'th st/_

XF >tiu weir ii DeiiUil Plate,' you tieett KAG to

keep li atitUeiiticailj* clean; 2/ and' 2/9 per bottle. . '_

MO T II li R ii O O I)

Is the Noblest Ambition of Womanhood.

if Disappointed oi Worried Ahout Your Health

Write for Our


Of Valuable Information, Enclosing 2d. Postage,

To Department ().


Second Floor, Phalr's Building.

T»»*o Doors fiom Beauchamp'«. 327 Collins Street,



R. S. T. GOON.



Only Addrt-s», 20 Nicholson Stiecl, ritrtoj-,

Opposite Exhibition Gatdcne.

Country Pjllehts Promptly'Attended To.


Only address, 3 Peel'st., Ballarat (no cornice, tion with ony person under same name). Dof-s not visit outside Ballarat and Melbourne. Visits 12S Exhibition St.. Sept. IS to 27. Bo» I3S0

RHEUMATISM.-Wright's Rernedv, guaranteed

to cure» cr money refunded. Month's treat, ment S/0. Union Mfg. Co.,-292a. EJirabeth st.,


PSORIASIS Paint, extraordinary efficacy-, stohi

less to linen; onlv 3/li posted. Chemist Hughes &r5 Sydney rd.. Brunswick. "


HEUMATISM. - "ftlGSAL" will give }'°|l

inscunt Kliff. All chemists! 2/0 hot

._"..,. ' You dunk ii. cures in neck, money back

if it iaiR Rc-gioti-red, Albert Flow, 30 Partira i ni. MPí-man. Sydney, N.S.W'.

Agents Vi-Hird In *> ictorla.


/HEN Grey Hairs Appear, rub in l.ongmoies

Sulphur Hair Restorer, a valuable tonic, gs lack all the natural colour; 2/C, posted J "£5-7 Ilou-kc st.. Mclb._


¡VI. a line; Satmday, 1/ a line.

Stationery. 107 Elisabeth si.. Mcl'mnrae. C-L


ACFADDEN'S Health BOOKS.-Wiltc for lists.

li. E. Davis, 201 Bourke st., Melbourne.

rplIE tstorv of Australia, CÏU, tor ou/. IL A. J- Evans and Son, 35S Collins st_



TRANSACTS THE FOLLOWING BUSINES-»: Flre. Marine, Accident, Fidelity Guarantee. Wolken' Con-.pcns.itiou, Lite »stock, Hailstorm, Plnle-glo«s, Burglary, Cr«)», Haystacks, te.. Motor-cars, Customs Adm mslration, and Indem-nity Bonds. Lowest current rates on _i>pllcal!ei>

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