Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Friday 19 March 1920, page 4

Woothakata Shire Council.

.--The first'rneeting of the Woothak-ata'Shire Council went along as or-derly as a wedding, which is a some-what unique experience-for Mareeba gatherings. The appointment of Cr. James Harris as chairman was a popu-lar decision, and from the methods shown in handling one or tw:o intri-cate points with the possibilty of gin-ger behind them, the Chairman gave evidence of being the right man in the right place. Cr. Clacherty, was inj dined to act the canny Scot in curtail

inp àllowanccs and salaries, .while Cr. Kilpatrick adopted a-policy of liberal pay for good work. The newly ap, pointed councillors showed fair form

and good sense in any suggestion or decision, and the ink pot was never i called into requisition as a missile,

though a vote at the next meeting for I a water-bag and mug will be carried j unanimously.