Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Wednesday 14 May 1924, page 3

'. Cairns, Pictures,. To-night

"Townies and. Hayseeds.

The chief attraction- at the . Cairns -Theatre'.to-night is the screening of

hvo'^ 'midrwetk"1''special's^ -, namely, ', "Townies ' and '-Hayseeds,", a S-ree'

rollicking comedy, ;. featuring : Lotus Thompson' iii one continual. simmer of .'merriment,; and "Trapped .iii thc Air,"

featuring oriê' of-'William' Fox's noted . stars,-Les Clines, in'.a;, thrilling aerial

romance. ) containing \ five . reels "Tow-hies and Hayseeds" was pvo-' ducrd in record time, and ostensibly . for thc purpose Of .creating, harmless '.'entertainment and plenty 'of laugh fe: at v some Of the , leading' southern theatres. When -the picture was re-viewed, the houses were in one con-

tinual simmer of merriment,^ freely punctuated with .hilarity.! This state of affairs was due, probably, more to the cleverly written 'Sub-titles*t|han.\tG ' most'- of the' actual ^'episodes them-

selves. ' Even so, there are many hwthorous incidents, some of them very long, drawn. Of course, but all are calculated - to secure attention - and . create a jovial feeling. The . little

.story lhere is concerns: the adventures of a family from town, who decide to .''ave u-monfh's' holiday on a country . farm. Thc love-element is'not with-

out ifs intercstj this being provided by ? Miss Lotus Thompson, .a Sydney .', beauty, and 'Gordon Collingridge,

leading' juvenile.' Also prominent in -the oiece are George Edwards,; Pink« Weatherley.' and Jv' P. O'Neil. "Trapped m thc-Air," thc William Fox -production,-tells a story o'f dramatkidvtntti^e in Natured" own settings, ' ,tlVc"only true locale for gcnuine .ro-.

inane-:. Filmed in' the 'Sierra's innerJ

mosi -mountain--^astneSses, it sho\yi

scenes of natural, grandeur and beauty that', .baye .never ibefore^becn seen /on the iscrccn. :A t\vo;paft¡ AI : St. ^oton's comedy,.'newsy gazettes, and spo/tinfl review .'complete a -splejulid mid-Avceli bill.« A; fitli orchcstra.jvill be jin at-tendance;' A matinee, will be'held' on Friday afternoon' at 4.15. o'cloitk.