South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 15 April 1875, page 7

DTSTJRAirCE NOTICES THE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED. Head Office in Melbourne, with Branch Office in Ballarat. Dibectors in Melbourne : Richard Twentyman, Esq., Chairman. Thomas Moubray, Esq., J.P., Vioe-Chairmao. J. L. McClure, Esq. Thomas Alston, Esq., J.P. Hon. C. J. Jenner, AJ.L.C. Mathew Lang, Esq. Henry Stevenson, Esq. FIRE RISKS accepted at moderate rates of premium. WM. MACREDIE, Secretary. No. 1, Market-square, Collins-street west, Melbourne. With reference to the above, the undersigned have been appointed Agents in South Australia, and are prepared to accept Bisks at lowest current rate?. JOHN WEBSTER ft CO., 23c King William-street. NOTICE OF REMOVAL TO EAGLRCHAMBIRS, PIRIE-STREIT, ADELAIDE. f^OKHWALL FIRE AND MARINE Vy INSURANCE COMPANY, LIABILITY UNLIMITED. EAGLE LIFE' INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSURANCE FUND— £2,856,240 17s. 10d.« TOTAL AS8ETS-£3,12O,281 14s. Id. CASH IN HAND and INVESTED IN GOVERNMENT and OTHER SECURITIES EXCEEDS THREE MILLIONS STIRLING HENRY SCOTT, Eagle-Chambers, Pixie-street, Adelaide. 26ct mBANSATLANTIO FIRE IKSUX BANC1 COMPANY OF HAMBURG. iATTOBW-lB AHD AGENTS — 60c G. MUMM1 ft CO., GrenfeD-itreet

t gin/™'™™— TBB AUSTRALIAN WIDOWS' FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCHTY, LIMITED. : ISTABLIBHED A.D. 1871, ' FOB -. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE, ANNUITIES, , AND ENDOWMENTS. ' ADELAIDE AGENCY. Y. T. R. Dumas, Sing William-street. Medical Ixaauiwn— Drs. GunsoK and Robebt. ' - son. ; Hbad Office, ' -109, COLLINS-STRIBT WIST, MELBOURNE. '? ? 77thw THE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA, : LIMITED, VICTORIA. 1 ? SEASONABLE RATES. '? AGE takes aa at NEAREST BIRTHDAY. LIBERAL CONDITIONS as to TRAVEL and RESIDENCE. : POLICY NOT FORFEITED so long as it has SURRENDER VALUE. ? i SURRENDER VALUE given AFTER TWO Y1ARS. -i ALL PROFITS DIVIDED among the assured. ? JOHN M. TEMPLETON, Actuary and Secretary. Head Office: 1, MaRket-Buhdikos, Collujs-stbeet west, ; Melbourne. : With reference to the above tbe undersigned have been appointed Agent* for South Australia, and are prepared to accept risks at current rates, JOHN WEBSTER & CO., i23o King William-street NEW SOUTH WALES MARINE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ' Httd Office: George-street, Sydney. Incorporated by Act of CoundL ImL (Unlimited liability.) Marine Risks at ourrent rate*. Policies on Wool, Goods, Copper, fcc, to Great Britain issued In triplicate, payable in London, fa case of loss, by the Company^ Agents, Mean, Dangar, Grant, & Co., Fenchurch House, Fen church-street. 202o JOSEPH STILLING & CO.. Agent* BRITANNIA FIRE ASSOCIATION Chief Ofhcss: 429, Strand, London. BRITON MEDICAL ANDGKNIRAI LIFI ASSOCIATION. LONDON AND~PROVINOIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, ONI MILLION. Agent for South Australia— ? ALFRED WATTS. Register-Chambers. Adelaide. 336o OYAL FIRE AND LIFI INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL— TWO MILLIONS. Fire Premiums for last year ...£807,405 0 fl Life Premiums do. do ? 237,415 0 0 FIRE BISKS taken at Moderate Rates, and Losses jpremptly settled. LIFE BRANCH.— In this department the Rates are as low as can be combined with perfect security. No extra charge is made fot voyage to or from Europe. Medical Referee, Dr. Moore. 268thscv ACRAMAN, MAIN, & CO. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. Established 1797. Principal Offices-NORWICaAND LONDON. : Amount Insured, £110,C00,000. ? Paid for Losses by Fires, £2,948,108. 19ths364 J. GILBERT BOOTHBY, Agent. ptHUROH OF ENGLAND \J AND ? GENERAL LIII ASSURANCE INSTITUTE Jl Capital, On Million. Asbubahcxs definitely completed and Claud promptly settled In the colony. LOANS GRANTS) at from SIX to EIGHT per cent., according to security, and oombiaad with Life Assurance. 22ot JAMES HILL. Agent, Qrenfell-straefc THE SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Capital— £750,000, in 37,500 Shares of £20 each. ; Bead Office— Queen-street, Auckland. ! Bankers— The Union Bank of Australia. ; Marine and Fire Risks of every description taken at Lowest Current Rates. ? L. A. JESSOP, Agent, ; 351c The Exchange, King William-street. THE UNIVERSAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, Head Office, 35, Cornhill, London. Capital, One Million. L. A. JESSOP, Agent. tJOc The Exchange, King William-street. UEEN FIRS AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, £2,000,000. L. A. JESSOP, AOKNT, 60c The Exchange, King William-street. IMPERIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MARINE RISKS taken at Current Rates. A?ent for South Australia, ? 278c ? H. COWH. AC1FIO INSURANCE COMPANY, HEAD OFFICE, SYDNEY. MARINE RISKS at current rates to the United Kingdom. ? 303c G. A. & H. BARTLIBT, Agents. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE AND LIFE. 73thse F. J. BECK & CO., Agents. PTOHC ITIOIS AID gTATIOHM ST. PA UL'S EASTER MAGAZINE, Containing Parochial, Local, and General Church News. Sold by the Principal Booksellers. ? ax ANNUAL VOLUMES, 1874. Leisure Hour, cl»th, Cottager. gilt, half-bound Child's Companion, Sunday at Home, do. boards, cloth, & gfl) Good Words Children's Prize, do. Sunday Magazine Good Things Chatterbox, boards, All the Year Round, doth TOL12 Sunday Reading for Famfly Herald, toL 35 the Young Tract Magazine Kind Words, boards, Adviser, boards, cloth, cloth gilt Children's Friend, do., Peepshow do., and gilt ' Peter Parley's Annual Infant's Magazine, do. Popular Science fie Family Friend, do. view, vol. 13 British Workman Routledge'sIveryBoy'i Band of Hope Review Annual . British Juvenile Quiver British Workwoman -The Trade liberally dealt with. 51c W. C. RIGBY, 53, Hindley-street. ON SALE by Undersigned— BIBLE3, Prayer Books, and Church 8er vices, Atlases, Dictionaries, Irish National Schoo Books, plain and illustrated ; Head-line Copies Exercise Books, and plain Buatnea Bjoks anc School Slates; Printing Papers in Doubli Foolscap, Demy, Double Crown, and Doubk Demy; Drapers' Cap, Royal Haad, Brown, anc Rope Papers. ? 67c PETES CUMMNQ b SON.

; M01ET A/fOIHT to LUID. fai Liigt oi ill Baall Sum, at LmN* Curremt Ratea, tad Bmi Propwty lot brinm of all kfaib toUMeWd. ? j. a philips . UNBMtlADdBKkWtlnnt,**, I flfcr ? 41«IJngWffliam^w«t. MONET TO LEHD on FtrnhdA B«utty,wt*fcrud« ftttl Property toterottonrha; ? W. BUTNY, Bolfclkr, ^ TfAmnxm-Bmutam, 18ct ? lawWautfiw . MONEY to LEND, In Latgt or BbbU Buna. : Loaaa and Guarantees Negotiated. ? ARTHUR CHAPMAN, ' licensed Land Broker and Ittate Agent, ;i29cr AdrerthT-BufldiEga. ? LARG1 or Small SUMS »t from 6 Ber Cent, to be LINT on Firat-ela» Swmnty. 198o Q. MUMME fc CO., Grenfoll-treet. MONEY tobeLBNTonFiMboldart lowest currtnt rates. PurohaMnl' TitiM obtained under Real Property Aot.*and all Agency businesi tnuuaotod by G. W. Cotton, Licensed Land Broker, Quean'i-Chambers, Pirie^treet. ? M8w BORROWERS. -Money to Lend, In Large or Small Sumi, at Low«* Bate Interest. W. WADHAM Jt CO. : The Anstrallan Land Mart, s KiBgWflliam-itmt. ? a52ct MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security. ? ? ANDREWS ft BONNIN, ; 138cr Waymouth-street. MOSEI TO LEND on Mortgage All Budatm udtr th* BmI Ptopvtj iettraaMoted. I NATHL. OLDHAM, UoasBed Land Broker. Imperial-Chamber*, XJngWIlllaai-rtreet j ? ? 882ct MON1I to L1HD on Fmhold B*»rfty. Badaam tmiMoted under witAMlPropvtyAoi 1FM. & D0U6LA8, ! TiotnatdLandBrokM, : Intnranot-Chambers (Piifa §fa— t «atoaao»» ; _ ,- ? ? Bio* MONEY TO LEAD in Large or Small Bums at Lowest Bate of Interest ! - MATHIWSfeCOX, I Solicitors, King William-street, Adelaide. 242mhso MONEY TO LEND on First class Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. BAKE WELL & REED, Solicitors, Eagle-Chambers, Pine-street, 72vr74mho Adelaide. OBEY TO LEND, In large or small Sums, at ourrent rates. All Deeds under the Real Property Act prepared in strict accordance with authorized scale. BAYNTON Jc PIZEY, Land Agents, Wet Waterhouse-Chambers, MONEY TO LEND in Tarioui Sumi at Lowest Current Ratea. ? WRIGHT BROTHERS. 70hfor Imperial-Chambers, Adelaide* ONEY TO BE LENT on Freehold Security at the Lowest Rates of Interest. W. D. SCOIT, Solicitor, 92tho ? City-Chambers, Currie-street. ONEY to LEND. J. J. STUCKBY, Solicitor, 70, King William-street, Adelaide. ? 72thaiqiv I HAVE £12,000 (TWELVE THOUSAND POUNDS) for Investment in Free Public-houses, either Freehold or Leasehold. 89thslI7 C BANBURY, Agent, Exchange. 1? O A AAA To I^ND. P. F. Bonnin, Soli0W(WV \J\J\J cit°rJ Gresham-st., Adelaide. - 19thslO7 OK AND UP WARD Son 3&O PERSONAL or other SECURITY. -South Australian Loan Office, 4, Gawler-place. 49whfso S. SAUNDERS. Manager. \TATIONAL LOAN AND DISCOUNT II OFFICE, ALFRED-CHAMBERS, CURRIE-STREET, Opposite the Bank of Australasia. Bills Discounted. Loans from £5 upwards ob Personal or other Security, repayable by Weekly [nBtalmente. ,293thse J. DANIFLS, Manager. BUSDIE83 NOTICES OUMM1R SEASON. ALL CR0S3E h BLACKWELL'S PRESERVES, DAINTIES, and SORTS TINNED FISH. :'.:'? PRIME YORK HAMS and N.W. CHEESE. NEW SELTZERWATER. Suitable LIGHT WINES, Bed and White, Fpreign and Colonial. SPIRITS and L1QUEUKS. ALE and PORTER, very Cheaply, all brands. R. H.~WIGG, WINE MERCHANT, GROCER, AND I ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, J21th£c 79, Kino Woliam-sthhbt, 79. O STRUTTOH, mX% Sou Bomo of ' HAUSSKN ft CO.'s FIRST PRJZ1 ALES AND PORTBB, Bltth-stbbt. Pale Ale, per Dozen ? 8a, 6d. XX, do. do ? 8a, 6d. XXX Stout, do ? 8fcto. Highest Price given for all Empty Bottlei returned. ? fflthao VEGETABLE SEEDSCAULIFLOW1R, CABBAGE, CILERY, fto. FLOWER SEEDSCALCEOLARIA, CINIRARLL PRIMULA, . MIMULUS,ftc R4W. HACKETT, SthscT 73, RUNDLE-3TRE1T, AD1LAIDE FR SALE, CHEAP, Pair of EightBorseSTIAM-lNGINIS, with FitSngs and Twin Screws, mutaU* for a Boat Forwood, Down, ft Co., bgineen and Pounden, Hindleyctrest, Adelaid*. 66ev pOLONIAL IRON WORKS, FORWOOD, DOWN, ft CO., ENGINURS, 70UNDIRS, MILLWRIGHT8 and )fak«n of Verttoal BoUen with attacked Imgin.., ; Machine Caitlnga, Ornamental Catting! ' for HooaM, Crettmir, Fenoes, fte., ! AT LOWSTPRICIS. HINDL1Y-STREKT~WBT, ADELAIDE. J ? 203a SOUTH AUSTRALIAN FOUNDRY. BANK AND BLYTH STRUTS, | ADILAIDB, ,' A. JONES ft SON S, SNGINEKKS, MILLWRIGHTS, IRON AND : BRASS FOUNDCRS, SMITHS AND BOILSR MAKERS. I lugtaei, BoQers, Mill and Mining Machinery. Windmills, Double-Action Pumps, Improved Woolpressers, Sheep Troughing, Whip-Whee. Sibbfes, ftc., fto., on hand or made to order. ? 37thaw FOB SALE, a 10 Horse-power HORIZONTAL STEAM-KNGINE, .with CORNISH BOILER, all In working order, and vtry complete. Apply to J. B. Adamson, Halifax-street, Adelaide; or to HUlier k Dyer, Kaponda, where it can be seen. 8lthso

T - ? - -BUSINESS NOTICES NOTICE.— The BUSINESS of H. A. CRAWFORD and of ELLIS EDWARDS AND CO. will now be carried on jointly at No. 4, HINDLEY-STREET, ADELAIDE, under tbe style of CRAWFORD, EDWARDS, & CO. In making this announcement I beg publicly to thank my Friends and Customers for their generous support, and trust it may be continued to the new Firm. 105'11t28 ? H. A. CRAWFORD. NOTICE is hereby given that our BUSINESS is being REMOVED from No. 24 to No. 4, HINDLEY-STREET, Adelaide, where it will be carried on under the style of CBAWFORD, EDWARDS, & CO., to whom all Debts due to us are to be paid. We take this opportunity of publicly thftni'T?g our Friends and Customers for their long-con* turned favours, and of assuring them that the Mew Firm will use every endeavour to merit a continuance thereof. ELLIS EDWARDS & CO. Adelaide, April 14, 1875. ? 105-11*23 VERY HANDSOME COUNTER and complete GROCER'S FIXTURES FOR SALE. Apply to mis Id wards ft Co. 105c T U S T A R R I V B D?J Pust-Claei NEW ZEALAND CHEESE ' Do. CHESHIRE Do. ! R. F. LOUTIT, ? GROCIR AND TIA DIALER, 6, HmDLBT-BTaKBT. . , 850 ; iy i l k-t s.-'s t;k r s. j , .?'; e. SAWT^LL, ?.:; I OPTICIAN. iRUNDL&STREBT-f [97c OLD ZINC BOUGHT at HIGHEST ILTPBICI. 56o A. SIMPSON ft SON. j ESTABLISHED 1751. PlLAXB.— GOLDSMITHS' ' ALLIANCE, LIMITED, : (Loit A. B. Savory and Smu), ? MANUFACTURING SILVERSMITHS, 11 & 12, CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. : exportation'price-list. Silvib Spoons and Forks,)- o, _eror Fiddle Pattern ? J «. *L per. 0*. Ditto, ditto, Queen's do. 6s. 6d. ' 1 The following are the weights recommended :— FIDDLE PATTERN. ' . s. d. £ s. d. 12 Table Spoons ... 30 ozs, at 6 2 ... 9 5 0 12 Dessert ditto ...20 'at 6 2 ... 6 3 4 12 Table Forks ... 30 ' at 6 2 ... 9 5 ' 0 12 Dessert ditto ... 20 'at 6, 2 ... 6 3 4 2 Gravy Spoons ... 10 ' at 6 2 ... 3 18 1 Soup Ladle ... 9 ' at 6 2... 215 6 4 Sauce ditto ...10 ' at 6 5 ... 3 6 8 4 Salt Spoons ? ...12 0 12 Tea ditto ? 10 ' at 6 8 ... 3 6 8 1 Pair Sugar Tongs ... ? 0 15 0 £45 4 2 QUEIN'S PATTERN. 12 Table Spoons ... 40 ozs. at 6 6 ...13 0 C 12 Dessert ditto ... 25 ' . at 6 6 ... 8 2 € 12 Table Forks ... 40 ' at 6 6 ...13 0 C 12 Dessert ditto ... 25 ? *'. at 6 6 ... 8 2 6 2 Gravy Spoons ... 12 ' at 6 6 ... 3 18 C 1 Soup Ladle ... 10 ' at 6 6 ... 3 5 C 4 Sauce ditto ...12 ' ai.7 0 ... 4 4 C 4 Salt Spoons :. ... ...' ... ... ... 2 4 C 12 Tea ditto ... ...14 ' at 7 0 ... 4 18 C 1 Pair Sugar Tongs ... ? ... 1. 5 C JE61 19 - 0 Freight, Insuracca, and Shippisg expenses are charged. Orders should be accompanied by a remittance. A Pamphlet, illustrated with 300 Engravings and containing the Prices of Silver Plate, Platedware, Watehes, Clocks, and Jewellery, will be forwarded gratis and post free on application. Orders addressed to the Goldsmiths' Alliance^ Limited, 11 and 12, Cornhill, London, can be forwarded through their Agents — Messrs. Joseph Stilling & Co., Adelaide; Messrs. Francis & McPherson, Melbourne; Messrs. Scott, Henderson, & Co., Sydney; Messrs. Justin Browne & Co., Hobart Town; from whom Pamphlets of prices and other information can be obtained. 328thsaf317 IANOS perSUpsMARLBOROUGH, GLANCE, and LUGAR, of the BEST MAKERS, with METAL FRAMES (the best ever imported in thiB Colony), to be SOLD at VERY LOW PRICE3 and Easy Terms. Also the Beat HARMONIUMS. G. KUHNEL, 1401, RUNDLE-STREET, ADELAIDE. [ s 49thc? ^ MEDICAL Jh Mr (ini 0/ Grwrtlf €oulf XkmmaHtmt^ 9r*pv* ttyw*»- £»**& *** ?&&?? CompkOalt, i±£mmt ?/ C9umt$rfmk m* Registered uhdkr 'Tbaoe Marks'' Act. : TESTIMONIALS:— STATEMENT OF THE WORLD-BENOWNEI PROFESSOR MOTT. !'I REGARD Mr. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAfl SCHNAPPS AS BEING IN EVERY RESPECT PRE-EMINENTLY PURE AND DESERVING OF MEDICAL PATRONAGE. To person! travelling, where the best waters frequently produce distressing aid sometimes even dan gerous effects upon persons unaccustomed tc them, I should think it would be a good pre cautionary provision ae a counteractive oi preventive *f those effects, when mixed in mode rate quantities.' The Government Analytical Chemist, Mel bourne, says:— 'As a sample ot Hollaads Gin J do not think that it can ba surpassed. It ma] be recommended for use in Hospitals and Privat-Practice as a good aromatic stimulant.' The Resident Physician of the Sydney In firmary saya :— ' I have no hesitation in stating that I consider your Schnapps a most excellent stimulant and diuretic' The Honorary Medical Officers of the Hobari Town Hospital 'Are unanimously of opinioi that it is a very agreeable liquid, and no doubi of benefit when administered in cases of disease requiring stimulant.' Packed in Cases of 1 doz. Quarts or 2 doz, Pint*. On sale by all Wipe and Spirit Merchants, Hotel and Storekeepers in the Colony. CAUTION. An Injunction against the sale of a counter feited article has recently been granted in th-Supreme Court of New South Wales under i penalty of £30.000. Sole Wholesale Agents in Adelaide— : UShOTA ? W. MORGAN ft CO. r\ a u _r i o l ix, HIALEY'S CELEBRATED ANTI MOSQUITC DROPS, PREPARE) ONLY by J. PORTIR, These Drops have been fouud so efficadoui against the annoyance of Mosquitoes that nume rous uselest imitations have been issued, agains which the Public are retpwtfully Cautioned and assured the only genuine are prepared by J PORTER, Chemist, ftc. (Successor to L. Healey) 162, Rusdle-street, opposite the York Hotel In Bottles, at M.t Is. 3d., and 3s. fid.

i MEDICAL ? LIVER COMPLAINTS.- T. O. DUNI STONE'S COMPOUND CSSINCI of DANDUJON, taken with hfa Liver POla, will cure oongestod liver, bilious oomplauts, eosthenesB, indigeitioB, nerroaj debility, weak* neea ia the legs and linking Mn&ation in the stomach, lose of appetite, headache, pains in the side or under the shoulder-blade, eoreoeu along the lower edge of the ribs, tpanaodio asthma, ftc It is a complete renovator of the ?ystem— a restorer of the vital funotfons «f -health* Thouaande of euros have already been made, and testimonials, unsolicited, are cob-* ?? stantry being reoeired.— Prepared only by T. 0. Dunstone, chemiat, No. 1, High-ebeet, Bt. KDda, Melbourne. AOINTS FOR ADELAIDE: F. H. FAXJUDrNG & CO., Clarenoe-plftoe, and 5, Bundle-etreet; and at North-parade, Port Adelaide. . 96*186 TBY DUMAS' COUGH MIXTURE, ; Ai CIRTAIN CURI for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, and. all BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS. ;:.- ;...-.. ? .? v.-.i ? ?--,: , Sold itt 2s. Bottles by .h ; - I S-V. E..1L BUMASjChbmist, ftc, : : 181tbib;-' . Kinx WilMui-street south.: o HOTELS AJTD LI VERY 8TABLE8 iBLACKWOOD INN, ' BELAIR. i _ _ ' ? ? ? - , PROPBnrroR : . i* (tATl Of PORT'aDELAIDB), - ? ' ; | ' Successor to Mr. R. BuatmD., . . : The Spot on which the Inn Is situated is oneof the prettiest in the Colonie*. It commands a ! BIAUTIFUL VIEW OF ADILalDE, the Semicircle of Hills, and the Ocean. PLENTY OF ROOM, AND EVERY ACCOMMODATION, COMFORT, AND CONVENIENCE FOR TRAVELLERS. BEST WINES AND BPIRITS, and FIRSTCLASS STABLING. 91thsl80 HOWE'S HOTEL, iKXR,T FIBIE. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. J. H. HOWE, 69-16&T PBOPRIBTOB. J. B. B UL L (LATI OF THE BURRA) Begs to intimate to his old Friends, the inhabitants of the Bouth-East, and the Publio iu general, that he has taken that well-known firstclass Hotel the KINGSTON ARMS KINGSTON, LACEPKDE BAY, where he hopes by striot attention to business to merit a share of publio patronage. Well-aired Beds, Good Table. Wines, Spirits, and Ales of the best brands. Good Stabling and Yards. Horses Bought and Sold on commission. Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock. First-class Skittle Alley. 88mwl74v7 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. BICIIARD DSMPSKY, Late of the Georgetown Hotel, has now Opened hLs New House, THE A R E A 8 HOTEL, FISHER-STREET, GEORGETOWN, Where he will be glad to see his old Customers, Friends, and Acquaintances. This Hotel is replete with every convenience of Travellers and Customers, and has well-ventilated Bedrooms, Trivate Apartments for Families, ' Bathrooms. &c. Commodious, well-drained, and ventilated h tables. First-class Stock, Sale, and Accommodation Yards; also sheep- proof. None but Best Ales, Wines, and Spirits kept. Livery, Bait, and Letting Stables. Bran, Chaff, and Oats for Sale. 74mho FORD'S HOTELMi*XN-SXREET,Cl^i*JEtK LIVERY, BAIT, AND LETTING STABLK. Snperior Saddle and Harness Horses. Covered Traps, Buggies, ftc, always on Hire. Fspeolal attention given to Instructions per letter or telegram to provide conveyance for gentlemen going North. Alteration of Train**. Ford's Four-hone Coach still continues to Meet the Adelaide Morning Train at Farrell'a Flat Station, arriving in Glare in time for the 1 o'clock Table d'Hote. W. E. FORD, Pkopmetob. 82ithse_ IMPERIAL HOTEL, CORNER OF KING WILLIAM AND GBKNFILL BTRIETS. WILLIAM PECK has now taken the whole of the above, and having completely renovated the rooms, and being supplied with an extensive and varied Stook of the Finest WINES, SPIRITS, ALE8, &o., can confidently invite his Friends and the Publio generally to favour him with a calL Comfortable and Quiet Booms for the transaction of Business. Personal Attention and Civility. 25mwfo TATTEBSALL'B 8TABL1S, PIRH-STRIIT, ADELAIDE. BRITTON JONES ft CO. ha ving Purchased the Plant of the above, beg to inform the Publio that they have excellent Accommodation for Livery and Bait Horses. Fint-olasa Honea and Buggies en Hire, by day, week, or month, on reasonable terms, and well turned out. Good Hacks, Harness Hones, Buggies, and Earned on Sale, or Bought on Comsuaaon. ? 887ot FOB SALE, one of the BEST HOTELS in the NORTHERN ARIAS.TENDIRS will be received by the Undersigned tni Monday, 5th May, for the Purchase of the Booyoolee Hotel, Gladstone, now occupied by Mr. P. Blake, and Leased till July, 1879, to Messrs. Syme & Sison, at £4 10s. per week. Tenden to state cash or terms as may be most convenient to the purchaser. No Tender necessarily accepted. Apply to 105ths24 W. C. GREINSLADE, Clare. FR BALE, or TO be LET at £1 per Week, the GLOBE HOTEL, PORT ELLIOT (now conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Bailey). Immediate posternon will be given. Stock, Furniture, &c, to be taken at a valuation on easy terms. Three-fourths of the purchasemoney for Freehold may remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. For further particulars, apply to the Secretary Iquitable Fire Insurance Company, Limited, Adelaide. 61thso tO be LET, with immediate possession, POET ELLIOT HOTIL, with W-acre Paddock, good Stables, and Conoert-Room. Leate, four years; usual covenants; Rent, £62 per annum, equal quarterly payments. Apply -THOMAS DODD, 65mwfcv South- torraoe, Adelaide. ; TO be LET. those . Oommodkrat STABLB at the BLACK IAGLI 1 HOTIL, PIRII-8TRHT. For terms apply te N.'Dann, on the premise*.. 8e t*3