South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 30 December 1875, page 4


The explanatory telegrams lately received, from London throw some light on the negotiations now pending between England^ and Egypt. Although we are not yet in.

i-wau»uiii vi uiaujr ucioiia, me mujrmauorz. that has come to hand enables us to form a fair estimate of what has been and is being done. It is obvious that a difficulty hasarisen between the Khedive and the 3ultan. of Zanzibar, and that Egypt ha3 advancedsome unwarranted claim to Abyssinian territory. What has actually led to complications in these quarters it is hard to surmise, and it seems that even Lord Derby ib at a loss to account for the origin antidesigns of these rumoured movements. He has confessed his want of definite knowledge) on both points, but declared his willingness ? to advise Egypt to preserve friendly relationawith both these Powers. Any Egyptian scheme for the annexation of Abyssinia is altogether cut of the question, and any inroatL on Zanzibar is cot to be tolerated at the very time when England has stipulated for tho suppression of slavery in that quarter. It isno surprise, therefore, to learn from another telegram that upon the demand of England the Khedive has recalled his Bhips front Zanzibar, and abandoned the idea of making encroachments on Abyssinian territory. Whatever the miBuuderstanding was it ha? been removed, and for the nonce at any rate the differences among these African potentates have been adjusted. Another significant item which cannot be overlooked is Lord Derby's' disclaimer o£ an IndianEgyptian Protectorate. It is not certainly 1 ? fr*

the first time that srch a thing has beei mooted, but wliy it should be brought up a thi3 peculiar conjanctare of affairs oa tin Continent it is not easy to say. It has lonj been the fixed opinion of many eminen politicians that something of th-sort is inevitable, nor would we no? venture to assert that it is improbable 01 even very remote. Assuredly some direel English control over Egypt is far from at impossibility. If Turkey . be Oferthrowi there is nothing vxree Lkely than thai England, for Indian reasons, will claim th-suzerainty of Egypt, if she does nob actually propose the neutral independence of thai Power. There has been no love loaf between the Khedives and the Sultans since the autonomy of Egypt was established nnder the suzerainty of the Sublime Port; in 1S41. Oa the contrary, the Nile-land hi3 been tending towards Western civilization, and has looked upon England and France as its truest and best friends. Frequent ruptures with Turkey have helped to weaken the feeble bonds of attachment, while commercial intercourse and the opering up of the country have induced constant communication with the 'Western Powers favourable alike to all parties. More especially has the influence of England been strongly felt in Egypt Englishmen stand high at the Court of the Khedive. Railwaya, telegraphs, and other great public works have been entrusted to their skill and labour ; and although M. Lesseps had moat to do with the Suez Canal, the Khedive obtained his consulting engineer, Mr. Fowler, in Ecgland. Moreover, the laws of the country are now regulated and administered in accordance with English forms, and at least one English Judge sits oa the Egyptian Bench. Nothing is done by halves by the present energetic ruler of Sile-Iand. Very recently new codes which abrogated all previous legislation were promulgated. These codes embrace civil, criminal, maritime, commercial, and penal laws. In short, whatever iv nv Wfi trim WA nentnva flio nniii m-nnrWi

el modes and institutions copied from the English. So, when it is considered necessary to examine the financial condition of the country, a British Commissioner is dispatched to Cairo with leave to advi. e the Khedive. Little wonder then that the impression gains ground that England has taken a, firm hold of Egypt ; and the recent transactions anent the Suez Canal deepen the colour of this impression. We must not lay too much stress on the 'cash down' purchase of shares. Considering the interest Englishmen have taken throughout in the Suez Canal, and the extreme importance of such a route to Great Britain, it is quite a prudent step to secure, on no doubt satisfactory terms, the 177,UOO shares which the Khedive had to sell. If it was a bold stroke thus to buy nearly one-half the tota shares cf the Company, who, it may be asked, was more able or had a better right than Great Britain? It is comforting to observe that not merely the English Press approve of the action of the British Government, but that the French, German, and Austrian Press also speak approvingly thereof. Perhaps, indeed, there is more in this purchase of the Khedive's shares than as yet meets the eye. This ready cash would be very useful just at present to pay interest on Turkish bonds, and as the Khedive has a tributary obligation imposed on him the money might come in handy. That the Khedive is in urgent need of the money himself we are not disposed to bel'eve. Nor dess Lord Derby, so far 35 we can judge from the telegram, say a word that would convey such an impress ioD. He asserts that the object of the action of England was purely defensive, and intended to prevent a larger preponderance of foreign influence in the management of the canal. This indeed would seem to imply that the Khedive had resolved to part uith his shares, but yet nothing is said about their having been placed upon the market, where doubtless they would have been heard of had Egypt been in an embarrassed condition. Lord Derby alda that although he will not propose neither ?a ill he oppose an arrangement for placing the Suez Canal under the control of an international syndicate— a statement which, with the sources of information at our disposal, is not very intelligible. A3 it is, however, England cannot do better than leave this business in the hands of the noble statesman who generally thinks thrice before he acts. There is another matter, to which we have alluded, that must not be Io3t sight of when reviewing the present portion of Egypt. A month before the teleapanis announcing the sale of these shares had been dispatched from London, slight rumours touching the solvency of E^ypt were ailoat in the money market, and it is probable that this Suez transaction mayhava caused them to be spread further. To counteract these incipient doubts respecting the Khedive's financial state the Consulting Engineer to the Government of Egypt laid certain facts '^tfore the public. From hia statement we learn that Egypt has judiciously eipeaded large earns of money during the last ten years on public works, which have already greatly benefited the country, and are now admirably developing its resources. 'The works of the Suez Canal, the great docks at Suez, and the greater harbour and docks at Alexandria are all completed and paid for, except a comparatively amail amount at Alexandria.' Hence the English purchase 'i3 net likely to be weighted with any conditions of an unwelcome character. Further, railways have been increased in length from 250 to 1,200 miles since 1S63, ind now show a mileage proportionately greater than that in Austria, Hungary, or Spain. Irrigation has been iJso pushed forward at a very rapid rate. Eze canals are so largely extended and improved that ' much of the land £3 doubled n value, and at least 350,000 acres have Jeen added to cultivation in ten years.' Indeed, it 13 estimated that 600,000 acres of I

increase may yet be hoped for, and thi3 is no small matter when the crops are reported to fetch an annual value of from £8 to £12 an acre. Besides this, further explorations are on foot, telegraph lines have been constructed, and gas and water have been amply supplied to the chief citie3. This can hardly be viewed as the description of a country that is not steadily progressing, and when it is recollected that these works are completed and paid for, and that the Khedive has only now to decide how far he will project and carry out others, the future of Egypt will provoke little uneasiness in monetary circles. Her connection with England is of course a sound help, whatever may be the after-relations between them.

Accidental Death.— Mr. J. M. Solomon, J.P., held an inquest at the Adelaide Hospital, on Wednesday evening, December 29, regarding George Gibbs, a plasterer, of Rundle-street east, who died at the institution on the previous day from internal injuries caused by a fall on board the Glance, at Port Adelaide, on Monday. Councillor McNamara was foreman. William Bird said he arrived with the deceased by the Hesperus, in May, 1874. Gibbs was 29 years of age. On Monday afternoon witness went to the fort by the 3 o'clock tram with deceased and a shipmate, Lieven. Gibbs and Lieven went on board tne Glance, and after 29 minutas* absence deceased came back, saying he had fallen while in the hold, bat had not hurt himself. They returned at half-past 5 to town. Deceased did not complain of pain. He had no relatives in the colony. Witness left them at the Adelaide Railway Station, and never saw deceased alive again. Frederick Kuowles, saflmaker on board the Glance, saw the deceased fall straddle-legged across an iron beam, six inches wide, between the after and main hatch of the 'tween decks. Mr. Lieven and a sailor helped him up. He complained of pain, but after resting fire minutes said he was all right, and walked up the ladder out of the hold without sssiataace. The 'tween decks were not floored, but witness had a platform under tnfl Tn.tlT) listnlv vrfiArann tin nrna fhan nrnwTrinr*

Gibbs fell merely the length of his legs. Charles Iieven, after giving corroborative evidence, slid that he last saw deceased alive when witness left him within a short distance of his lodgings, at about half-past 6 o'clock on Monday evening. Edwin Stumbke, shipmate, who lodged where deceased did, said he saw him at Miss Thompson's, in Grenfell-street, on Tuesday afternoon, and by a doctor's directions took him to the Hospital. Deceased did not return on Monday night. Sarah Ann Thompson said that the deceased called upon heron Monday evening, about9 o'clock. She had known him since April, he having lodsed at MissOsier' Rundle-streeteast, where she had been staying. He said he had fallen down in the hold of a vessel, and complained of pain. The pain being great he remained the night, and becoming unconscious about noon of Tuesday she sent for Dr. Moore and Mr. Stumbke. Her reason for not sending earlier was the deceased wished her not to do so, saying that he was getting better, and would return home in the morning as soon as he was able. John Davies Thomas, M.D., Senior Hoiise-Surgeon, said that deceased was admitted at 4.40 p.m., and die! at 10 minutes past 7 on Tuesday. After describing the patient's symptoms on entering, he gave the result of the post-mortem examination, which showed that there was no evidence of external injury, except a small bruise inside the left thigh. He found tha prostrate gland, near the reck of the bladder, had been injured by au attempt he made during Glbbs's life to pass a catheter, which had entered there instead of having gone its proper coarse. AL the organs presented a healthy appearance, except the inside of one cavity ot the heart, where a small quantity of blood poured out underneath the lining of the membrane which he did not think was the cause of death. He believed the death to have resulted from the injury, the general shock to the system, and the consequent loss of blood that must have taken place. He did not think that death was accelerated by any neglect. The fall might have caused the rupture. The Jury without retiring returned a verdict of accidental death. Death from Exposure.— An inquest was held by Dr. Riddell, J.P., at the Jamestown Hotel on December 28, respecting Daniel Hopkirk, who was found dying on tie Yarrowieroad the previous morning. Thomas Diokson Jefferson, farmer, of Tarcowie, deposed— Yes-terday afternoon, twhan on my way to Yar* rowie. I saw the deceased lying on the road. I got off my horse, looked at him, and shook him, to see whether he was asleep. He was lying in the track, and I fancied he gave a groan. Rode tn tVin nearest, finnaa MV MnVnnioi'a'ii an/4

stated that a man was, I thought, dying on the road. Next went to Martin'?, and he came back with me, also McNamara. When we got to the deceased he was not dead. We lifted him off the track, got straw, and made a pillow. Martin went to Jamestown for the police, and McNamara home forhis dray. I stopped till he came back. We gave brandy, and removed the man to Martin's, but he died on the way in the dray. Knew hLn about six months. He was in the habit of 'breaking out now and then.' He was lying about five and a half miles from Yarrowie, and appeared to have struggled. Thomas Martin, fanner, Tarcowie, deposed— The deceased left my premises about 10 or 11 o'clock on Sunday morning. He was very intemperate and spoke occasionally of having liver complaint. Two bottles produced were near him, and one smelt like whisky. Be had no friends in the colony, was between 50 and 60 years old, and was a sailor. Six pounds twelve shillings wore due to him. He told me he had been in the colony twenty years and had worked on the diggings. He was in good health when he left my place. James Francis Reid, of Yan-owie, publican, said — Hopkirk was at my house on Sunday, and left about 4 or 5 o'clock quite sober. He had three or four nobblers of gin, and took two bottles of it, which I tied in a handkerchief. To Policetrooper Solly— He told me that he was going home to Martin's, and that Martin did not know he was out He paid for the nobbiers, but not fcr the bottles of gin. He appeared well, and I remarked that he looked better than I ever saw him before. Police-trooper Solly said — About a quarter to a pm, Thomas Martin informed me that a man was lying dying on the road to Yarrowie. I obtained a pair cf horses and vehicle and went to the spot; then for Dr. RiddeU, who was away. I drove with Martin 16 miles, and found the man Ijfcg dead in the dray at Martin's. I had him put into the trap and brought him to Jamestown. Have no reason to suspect that there had been any violence. Never saw deceased before. The Jury returned a verdict to the effeot that the deceased came by his death from exposure to cold and wet. Mobb Wautox Mischief.— We reported on Tuesday that the iron house and ware of tha Kensington Cricket Club upon the East Park Lands had been damaged, and we were informed on Wednesday that some evil-intentioned per* sens visited the house of the Sussex Club, also on the Park Lands, and broke down one aide, causing material injury. Chbtstmas Feast at Bowokk.— Mr. G. F. Angas's usual Christmas bounty was partaken of by between 70 and 80 persons in the schoolroom at Bowden on Monday, December 27. Although the weather was unfavourable there was more than an average attendance, and aa tue scholars were also present and were provided with refreshments, the gathering was large and interesting. A reading given by Mr. H. Hassey was warmly applauded. Hearty thanks were voted to Mr. Angas for the feast and to Mr. Harkness, the Sc:ipture-reader, for the interest he had manifested in the spiritual welfare of the people of the district The children attending the school presented Mrs. Toy a small but acceptable token of esteem for her as their tescher. The Theater— There was a small attendance at the Boyal last night, when the former programme was again presented. Scarlet Fever.— In our leading article on tbis subject yesterday the number of deaths up to the end of November of this year from scarlet fever was erroneously stated at 273, whereas it ought to hare been 430; the former number was based on a half-yearly calculation.

Thb Cables.— We are officially informed tha the delay in repairing the Madras-Penang cabli was caused partly by the Telegraph Company'1 ship Agnes losing her propeller and bains beached on the Nicobars to lent, and partly b] bad weather. Liberation of Prisoners.— John Kerney, alias "Captain Thunderbolt," and Thomas Field, who, it will be remembered, were in 1866-7 sentenced to death for robbery under arms, and whose sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life, have been set at liberty. The Sheriff and Superintendent of the Stockade both reported the conduct of the prisoners to have been exemplary and recommended their being released. David Kerney, who received the same punishment as his brother, was discharged from the Stockade some months ago. Reckoning credit-time, John Kerney and Field have each served about 14 years. John Kerney, who with his companions played upon the fears of the people of Adelaide for five or six months, was merely 22 years of age at the time of his trial, so that he is not more than 31 years old now. Db. Bleasdales Proposed European Journey. — We are informed that the Chief Secretary haa communicated with the Governments of Victoria and New South Wales, asking whether they are prepared to co-operate with South Australia in sending Dr. Bleasdale to the South of Europe for the purpose of collecting information upon winema&ing and olive culture, but up to the present time no answer has been received from either of those colonies. Cricket.— Our telegram from Mount Qambier records a victory in favour of a team of Adelaide player?, consiEtaDg chiefly of members of tha Kent Cricket Club, by two runs, with five wickets to fall The interesting match between Victoria and New South Wales haa resulted in the^ ignominious defeat of the Victorians in one innings with one run to spare. The individual scores and other details will be found on reference to our cricket and telegraphic ooluoms. NEW MUSIC— Glen & Co., of Collins.streat, Melbourne, have just issued their Christmas number of the Colonial Musical Cabinet, a copy of which we havo received from Mr. Woodman, of Rundle-street It contains 36 quarto pages in an illustrated pictorial coloured wrapper, with title-pages and index, the whole published for a shilling. The contents are mostly pianoforte mueic, and the best pieces in our judgment are Zelman's 'Gems of the Opera Valse,' 'Cor-delia,' a 'Morceau de Salon' by Charlotte Crofton Fatherley, and 'The Opera Bouffe Quadrilles" by J. Hill. 'The Flower Girl' song is an adaptation of some slipshod verses to a very old melody. The author has judiciously withheld his name. With tbis exception, the pieces are quite up to the publishers' standard of popular music. Serious Assaults.— Two charges of serious aEsault were investigated at the City Polioe Court on Wednesday, the 29th inst In the first case James Mullins, a shoemaker, appeared upon an information for wife-beating on Sunday, December 26. It appeared that the prisoner quarrelled with his wife, and she being frightened ran out of the house with an infant in her arms. Her husband followed, and threw a small leg of wood, but it missed hitting her. He then threw a ragged half brick, which struck her on the eide of the head, fracturing the skull. The child was uninjured. Mrs. Mullins was taken to the Hospital and remained in s precarious state. She being unable to attend at the Court, the prisoner was remanded for a week. The second case was a neighbours' quarrel,

wnicu resuiiea in Bridget uostello, a widow, having her arm broken with a poker by Miohael Maddern, a labourer. The prisoner was committed for trial at the Supreme Court M1IX8 v. Stonbman and Othbrs.— In our report of the interim proceedings in this case, recently before the {supreme Court, when referring to certain bills which had been pleaded as a set off in another action, it was stated that they had been accepted by the Western Stage Company, whereas they were accepted by Uobb & Co. St. Thomas's Church, Port Lincoln.— Another of the series of entertainments in aid of the fund for the enlargement of this Anglican Church was given on Christmas Eve, and proved an unqualified success. The large hall of the Port Lincoln Institute was tastefully decorated with evergreens, flowers, engravings, and Chinese variegated lamps. The chief attraction was a handsome Christmas tree set in a pretty artificial garden and profusely hung with numbarless articles, intended as presents for the Sunday scholars connected with the church. In addition there were small ornaments, the whole illuminated by coloured wax tapers and candles. The tree was generally admired, and a large stall provided, at which a great variety of useful and elegant goods, including a handseme electroplated tea-service, was offered for sale. Judging from the crowd round the table a profitable trade must have been done. A second stall, presided ever by Mrs. P. C. Dove and the Misses LawEOD, and laden with fruit, bonbons, and Christmas cakes, was also largely patronised. The Sunday-school children, assisted by their teachers, sang beautiful carols with pleasing effect, greatly to the credit of the Missaa Bartleet, who had trained them. The Inoumoant, the B&v. Dr. O. Hammond, presented sundry valuable prizes to pupils. The proceedings, which were chiefly managed by Mr. P. C. Dove, lasted four hours, and the receipts amounted to over £50. White's Booms.— The U.S. Minstrels had another full attendance on Wednesday night. The programme of the previous evening was repeated, and was received with marked approval. The American- Circus.— The tent in Piriestreet was crowded on Wednesday night, and the audience appeared to appreciate the efforts made to amuse them. A change of programme was announced for this evening. English Cricket.— By the last mail it is mentioned in the Australasian that 'Mr. J. Conway received a letter from Iillywhite, the well-known English cricketer, stating that arrangements had been completed for the vide of a professional team of cricketers to Australia during the next season, and that all the be3t men had promised to make the trip.' [From yesterday's Evening Journal] Thb Bainfall. — The following are the quantities of rain which fell at the undermentioned places for the 48 hours ending at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning, December Adelaide ? 0*500 Gumeracha ... 0*780 Bliiiman ? 0*310 Willunga ? 0*650 Melrose ? 1*380 Normanville ... 0*320 Mount Pleasant 0*400 CapeJervis ... 0-235 Georgetown ... 0-290 Port Elliot ... 0-602 Burra ? 0*630 Goolwa ? 0*730 Clare ? 1-390 Mannum ? 0-180 Auburn ? 0-970 Mount Barker 0*646 PortWakefield 0390 Strathalbyn ... 0*320 Kadina ? 0*280 Meningie ... 1*370 Wallaroo ? 0-230 Kingston ? 0*310 Moonta ... 0*180 Robe ? 0*290 Blancbetown ... 0*130 Narracoorte ... 0*940 Kapunda ? 1*310 Penola ...' ... 2*650 Tanunda ? 1*330 Mount Gambler 0*500 Gawler ? l*0S0 It will bo seen that the heaviest downpour was at Penola, but the average fall seams to have been greater in the North. New Congregational Church.— On Sunday December 26, the Bey. F. W. Cox in the mornirgand afternoon, and Mr. F. Searle in the evening, preached the opening sermoBs of an Independent Church at Houghton. The congregations on esch occasion were large. The services were continued on the following Tuesday by tea and public meetings, which were numerously attended in spite of the unfavourable weather. Mr. G. McEwin, J.P., to whose liberality and kindness the erection of the church may be largely attributed, presided, and addresses were delivered by the Ravs. F. W Cox. J. LyaU, W. Wilson, R. N. Morris. J. B. Fergoscn, and J. Henderson. A financial report showed that the total expenditure had been £560, towards which about £525 badbeen raised. During the last 20 years service/* had been carried on at Houghton in connection with the Congregational Union and Hcme Mission, bat latterly the attendance ha« so much increased that a separate buildin* oecame necessary. Steps were accordingly taken with this view, and the foundation-stone of the.cbapel was laid by Mrs. G. McEwin on August 6. The building is of stone, and the niaEB of it were gratuitiouly drawn by Mr T Fret t Its size is about 35 x 22 feet, so that nearly 160 peopio can be accommodated.