Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 9 February 1929, page 22


Dunbar to Coach Brighton.

liugh Dunbar, the noted-Melbourne follower, has accepted the position of coach ol the Brighton club, and officials of that club will be heartily congratulated on their success fn inducing, such an outstanding plajcr to help them. It will be remembered that Dunbar hurt his leg while play lug with Melbourne last season, and was unable to play for half of the season. There were doubts whether he would be able to play again, but he has" thoroughly tested Ids leg, and has been medically advis-ed that he need have no fears

about breaking down. * ' * * .

Brighton, which vas defeated in the semi-finals, is determined to'leave no stone*,untumcd to'im-prove ita position in the .Naming -season, and scve tal mu prises arc expected .when ,tho composition of its team*]« announced.* lllngrosc, vho'plajed with.Fitzroy Oast.year, is expected-io return to his former club, and Irwin, tho JiaH-back, "who broke his leg two years ago," has'recovered^and will play again. Arthur,' however,. is now-in Western Australia, and:will play .with / Katt Perth. " -


At a meeting ol the committee held on Thurs-day P. II. Howe (Collingwood) was appointed playing coach for the season. There were eight applicants for the position.

..The following -, committees were appointed; Finance, Messrs. C.* K. George, P. \\\ Tomkins, and J. E, 0*Urien,>with the president, treasurer, and secretary; selection, Messrs.* K K.-Dimmick, E. Robertson, *and ÎÎ. Leitch, with two, represen-tatives'appointed-by plaj ers; delegate's, Messrs. F. J. Trainor and It. L. Walsh. . . ,

A conference has been arranged with the -North-cote City Council for Monday to'discuss matters relating to the "improvement-of football in the district and for securing a, proa ter measure of support from residents. \\\ Wood, who was last season granted*a1 clearance to play with Carlton, has intimated that he intends to return to North-cote Ulla season. G. Gough Is also likely to re-turn. A **Buck-to-Korthcote" carnival will be held at Northcote Park "early in April.


Three successive premiership have placed the Coburg Football Club in a strong financial posi-tion. The annual balance-sheet shows that the excess of assets over liabilities is £155/5/2. The principal receipts, which aggregated £2,170/9/7, were £712 derived from various social activities, £353 from the sale of membership tickets, £194 from match attendances, and £178 from gifts. The principal items of expenditure were £1,245 spent on the payments to coach» players, and trainers, and £132 bonus to players. Thc credit balance

is £20.


The committee of the Brighton club has elected the lot low ing officials for the, coming season t Chairman of committees, Mr. \\\ T. P. Sutton;

ice-pi evident*, Messrs. D. Westwood, K. G. Chls ttolm. C. Hiddlcston, 11. Swinriertou, T. P. Dakin, and J. Douglas; sceretaiy, Mr. li, A. Pleydell; treasurer, Mr.' II. J. Dickinson; assistant secre-tary and ticket steward, Mr,' V.. G, Chisholm; minute secretary and prcns correspondent, Mr. J. A. It. Moncrieff; finance committee, Messrs. Sutton, Pleydell. Dickinson, Chisholm, 1). and It. Westwood, and 1). Swinnerton; delegates to Victorian Football Association, Messrs. J. C. Kid red and Ii. J. Dickinson; doorkeeper, Mr. L. Pegler; property steward, Mr. II. Browne; time-keeper, Mr. O IHddleston; first aid attendant, .Mr. J. Miller; masseur, Mr. II. Best; medical officer, Dr. li. J. Body; head trainer, Mr. 11. Saunders. A very optimistic note was struck for the coming Gcason. It was intended to have the

veiy bebt team procurable.

Preston Club Meeting.

General satisfaction wis expressed at the

mitti meeting of tho Preston lootball Club, held in the Preston lout) Hall on Wednesdaj ctening, at the meritorious achietcment of the club in winning a position In the 'four* lor the »ecoud

season in succewion

The president (Mr II P 7\\ar) said that the team had been weakened at the beginning of the season by the Io«s of sctcral leading plaj A joung strong team liad been built up,

be felt that the club might look forward to the coming season with justifiable optimism

The following were elected as othee bearers for this tear -President, Mr II P Zwar, tice pros! dtnti, MeHsrs f lUlfe, J W Shaw, P Ralfe, Ur H Walker, and Councillor*. G h Robln-soti and C T Crisp, committee, Messrs P Aslett, G Radcliffe, . Bromley, It Clnrk, tt Chown, T Holliwood, R Warren, J Deacon, t Stanley, It ^mithwi.k, P fclelth, and L Hooter, treasuut,, Mr H Miller, /¡erretnit Mr F J Hannah, assis-tant bceietar>, Mt h Costigan

Oakleigh Amateurs Disband.

The Oakleigh \matciir lootball Clul which waa disqualified from the Metropolitan Amateur Association list ueifon, has decided to di.tmnd bo as to merge itself into the OaklcInh ( .«^ocla tion) club home of the placers will po.-aibly plut in the firbt eighteen and t-omc lu the e*-tond cighticn

Northern Districts Associaiton ?

The second annual general meeting of the Sorthtrii Districts Association will be held in the lobuig put ilion al & o i lock on Mund it, Kbruari ¿a Comprising ¿i¡ clubs und tontrollit , approximately I.V. ngmteied pi it eis, the assu elation looks forward to tile tuturc with opli m is m \ high standard of football wau main tallied throughout the season l*2s It his been decided to admit two new clubs in eirh (.radc this bubon Information can be obtain d trom the lion (.eereun, Mr II O Peterson Greenwood utrea lascouule *-outh. \\ 7

Sale Club

S ti*-Tup '-ik J-ootball club lus le.lcetcd

Mr G Hutchln-son pret-Ident, Mesáis J l^am.i sou and 1 Ivertou tire iiesldents «nd Mr V letikiii!, Bicatuiy -.-I be major (Councillor Bren mnJ ireetnteti the tollowii,- tioilms it the annual me ling -Mo. t Improt ed pi it ci \\

hciimdt, most consistent plater, A McJnnea, most ton.-iMuit. tiaílici, II Illilatsou, heit m aeiiu (limit. L Pi nibil ton, \\ Waru

It was decided to intitc ap| lie uiona for the position of placing coach, and also to »ive full «support to the Junior iibsoclitlou on condition tfilit the junlutti join with the tcníois and draw up ruleR mid regulations for the guidiucc of the junior association

APPLICATION!!, ClosiiiR Pcbniura* '.'0,

PLAYINI! COACH. SeaMill l'A. . Slate QiiiilillciiUoiis. Sulaiy Hu-uli-ei).




Applicaaats lia billi« age, ri-ta-ieiaeei, mid Balar*. Icqllil'ltl.

Applii-iiiHs mu*,! fftmrantee clearjncr-,

ApiiUcttluii-j to tie In h-ituls oí bt-t.rctiti.v lay rtbrtiiiry 13.

~ -."~.--Id*'!


APPLICATIONS »ne ii» Uni (oi lho POM TION cal PLAYI.NCI COACH lo lli<- almac Hill) tor tin- LIM eciiM.ii. Aii-iliintlaii'*, .liitlii-j Iitiiiii, tu:, '?lovi «Uli the Sri-n-liirv at li aa.m. ota \Vr*lia*--.d.iy neat. Pell. 13, lie». " "" -. 'ii fcca-cm street.