South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 6 February 1874, page 6


Eighth Day.— Thursday, February 6. FINANCIAL SESSION.

The following laymen were associated with the ministers in reviewing the varied financial interests of the Church:— Messrs. J. Carr, M.P.; J. Pearce. M.P.: D. Nock. J.P.: J. B. Hack. T.

Padman, W. Rhodes, J. R. Stephana, D. Davidson, £. Clement, J. Paul, M. Kingsborough, J. D. Hill, E. A. Butler, J. W. Parsons, W. Springett, T. J. Mitchell, G. W. Cotton, and A. Catt. The Rev. S. Knight offered prayer, and tbe Secretary read Romans xii. The Pbksidkkt expressed his great pleasuro at meeting so many laymen prepared to assist their ministers in the work of the Church. They had always been in peaceful relation to each other, and would continue so just as they Eraverfully sympathised with each other. He op'ed that the now constitution they had would conduce to the rapid spread of the Church. The report ot the Children's Fund w;us presented and adopted. The Rev. T. Lioyd and Mr. C. Drew wore appointed Treasurers for the Fund next year. It was greatly regretted that tho allowance had to bo reduced to -i'9 5s. per child. After some discussion tho following: resolution ?was passed, on the motion of Mr. J. Carr — ' Tuat in the opiHiou of this Committee tho amount given from the Children's Fund should hot bo less than £10 per child.' The Education Fund report was also read and adopted, on the motion ot Mr. J. Pearee. The Ituv. \V. P. Wells and Air. J. Colton were appointed Treasurers to this fund. It was resolved that a supp'ementHiy fund for this colony bo formed to increase the allowances now made to tho ministers from the Education Fund, aud that Messrs. J. Carr, M.I'., and J. Pearce, M.P., be appointed Treasurere, aud requested to collect subscription*. Tho report of tueiupernumerary Ministers and Ministers' Widow.-*' Fund uexi came under revk-w. It was adopted en tho motion of il r. J. D. Hill. The Roy. J. Bickfcrd aud Mr. -V*. KhodeH were appointed the Treasurers. The home Mission iind Contingent Fund statement waa read, discussed, and passed en tho motion of Mr. T. Padmnii. The llev. W. L. Binks and Mr. J. Colton received thanks for services rendered in tho past year, aud were reappointud. Thu R«v. A. Kigg was also thanked for his very efficient labours as Secretary to tho fund for a runiber of years. The Kev. H. T. Burgess was iipptiiuted a.s his .-uceessor. The cotouy being ! divided into two Districts, it w;is lound necoswirj thut souk- Htttled principle be established upon which the Home Mission Fund could be divided between the Districts. A Committee was therefore formed, to consist of tbe Chairman and representative of the District, with two laymen from each District; the Chairman of the ' meeting to have a doliberativei and casting vote, j The laymen elected for next year were Messrs. i Carr and Colton for tho Southern District, and ; Messrs. Pearce aud Nock for the Northern. j The Church Building and Loan Fund report ! was presented by the President and passed. Mr. j Carr moved that the Loan Fund yearly income | l-e divided for tho Districts by tho Allocation j Committee, to be subsequently dealt with by the ] financial district; meeting according to speciul j cases. Tho Kev. S. Knight was appointed to i prepare a property schedule for the colony, j Thanks were awarded to Mr. T. G. Waterhouse j for bis gift of JtlGO to the Loau Fund, and to i 'bo Rev. S. Knighc and others for services \ roudered to the fund. The Committeo of last year was reappointed. j Mr. G. W. Cotton read tho report of the Prince Alfred College, which was considered very satisfactory. It transpired that an over- draft at the Bank of £1,800 had been reducod to £388 by the successful labours of the Rev. W. P. Wells and M. Wilson. The Committee was reappointed, and thanks were given to the President, the Rev. W. P. Wells, Mr. J. Colton (the Treasurer), Mr.G. W. Cotton (the Secretary), the Rev. M. Wilson for his special canvass for subscriptions, and Mr. T. G. Waterhouse for his gift of £500. The balance-sheet of the Wesloyan Book Depot was read by the Rev. W. L. Biuks as book Steward, and was regarded as indicating -toady progress. Thanks were presented to the Kev. *W. L. Binks as Book Steward, the Committee of Management, and to Aledsn'. W. Khwies and T. J. Mann as Auditors. Ti.e Foreign Mission District Auxiliary Fund came uuder notice. The Rev. S. Knight and Mr. J. if. Hack were appointed as Treasurers for the colony. Tho meeting closed with tb« benediction. Tho evening session was occupied with the itiFciL-fcion of the subject of lay representation, and the following gentlemen spoke:— Messra. G. W. Cotton, J. B/Hack, T. Lloyd, M. Kingsi'oroiiirb, T. Padman, R. Casely, J. P*uil, G. W. 1'utchell, W. P. Wells, J. Stephens, J. Bickford, A. Stubte, and S. Knight. A resolution was carried to the effect that lay representation to Conference wa3 desirable, and that an equal number of ministers and laymen, iluiy representing the circuits, should compose the Conference-, and have power to deal with all ?questions in the eaid Conference, excepting that uf the examination of ministerial character, which should bo dealt with by tha ministers ;:lone. On the moticn of the Ex-Pbksidkst ( 'ev. J. Bickford) the oordial thanks of the m nutera were presented to the lay gentlemen for their assiduous and careful attention to the business of the day. Thanks were then voted to tho Preaident, aad the beuodictioo wa3 pronounced.