South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 7 May 1874, page 4


The narrative which we elsewhere pub lish of the proceedings at Moonta, which have led to Mr. J. H. Horwood's leaving the Peninsula, will be read with very great

regret by all who take an interest in the true welfare of that community. When the deputation from the Moonta miners waited upon the Directors in Adelaide they stated confidently and persistently that no intimidation had been used in connection with the strike. We have no doubt they had persuaded themselves that their state-ment was substantially true, although the evidence on the other side was so conclusive that, as we pointed out at the time, it was impossible to accept their assurances. Even granting, however, the absolute truth of their statements at that time, it can no longer be their boast that intimidation and violence hare not been resorted to. When the strike was over it was hoped that bygones would be treated as bygones, and that the ill-feelings which had been engendered would be allowed quietly to die out. So far as we are aware, not one of those who took part in the strike — not one of those who denounced the Captains and Directors in language they might naturally deem slanderous — has been singled out by the authorities for retribution. We regret to find that the men have shown themselves less forbearing than their employers. Ever since his return to Moonta Mr. Horwood has been singled out for persistent annoyance and persecution, solely on account of his share in that unhappy business. He was publicly denounced in the ring by one of the Adelaide delegates, and the Committee of which that delegate is a leading member now declare their inability to protect him from the angry passions of those whose minds have been thus delibe-rately inflamed. It seems that Messrs. Prisk and Rodda took offence at certain statements made by Mr. Horwood while he and they were in Adelaide, and that instead of quietly passing this over after the dis pute was settled, the Committee recently wrote to Mr. Horwood, requiring him to attend the ring meeting and 'recall his false statements.' This Mr. Horwood very naturally declined to do, and a syste matic persecution began, and proceeded to

such an extreme that he seems to have been led to use some threats which will be viewed with more regret than surprise. The pro ceedings culminated in the scene reported elsewhere, which necessitated the interfe rence of the police to rescue Mr. Horwood from the hands of the mob. None of the Committee appear to have been present on that occasion to assist in preserving peace; and things still looked so serious on the following Monday morning that Mr. Prisk seems to have felt compelled to take the matter in hand. So far, however, from attempting to allay the excitement which the Committee had so wantonly stirred up; so far from inviting the friends of order to rally round him for the suppression of riot, he adopted the extra ordinary expedient of sending round the town crier to proclaim that the Committee would not be responsible for any violence offered to Mr. Horwood. ln other words, he seems to have deliberately intimated to the recklessly-disposed that the Committee would not interfere with them in any mischief they might feel inclined to do. Nor did he rest even here, but took the yet more unjustifi able step of going to Captain Hancock to ask for Mr. Horwood's immediate dismissal. Such a demand was quite as arbitrary and quite as indefensible as it would have been for the Directors to make Mr. Frisk's dismissal the condition of their return to the old rate of wages. Any argument that would justify the one act would justify the other. We cannot shut our eyes to the fact that it was not the more reckless and unstable among the men, but the Com mittee themselves who by their actions stirred up this strife. It is clear that Mr. Horwood had no alternative but to resign when the leaders of the men admitted that they could not protect him from violence; but although his retirement was so far voluntary, it is no less true that he has been driven from the Peninsula at a few hours' notice without any regard to the injury his prospects may sustain, simply because in the heat of the late struggle he said what he believed to be true, and what every disinterested observer of the course of events believes to be true likewise. We shall be glad to learn that some palliating circumstances can be adduced to modify the impression which these facts convey ; otherwise the miners may rest assured that they will go far to destroy that sympathy which stood them in such good stead a few weeks ago. Thus it is, however, that one arbitrary act, even though it may be recalled, will indi rectly lead to another, and that when the passions are awakened among large bodies of men even the coolest-headed of their leaders seems to lose the faculty of clearly distin guishing between right and wrong, between justice and injustice. The Rainfall.— It will be seen from a table given elsewhere that rain has been very general throughout the colony. We may mention that our correspondents at Laura, Jamestown, Nar ridy, Balaklava, Mannum, and other places have sent us information of copious showers having fallen in localities not included in the official return. Regarding the Yorke's Peninsula supply of water from the clouds the Wallaroo paper on May 6 said:— 'Rain at last. All yesterday a gentle steady rain fell in this district, giving promise of continuance, and filling every one's heart more or less with joy. At Moonta we should think they ought to be particularly glad. On Monday not so much as a drop fell, but it was evident that to the east-south-eastward heavy rain was falling, its boundary being as strictly defined as a suspended curtain. Yes terday we learned on the arrival of the mail coach from Adelaide that there had been heavy rain at Port Wakefield, while when th' ^'ch. reached the Hummocks not a drop '-' . - uad fallen. This most grateful curtain oi raiu evi dently reached us in TvariTT^ Moonta, and Wal laroo on Tuesday morning. The advent of rain will solve much difficulty in the minds of sheep farmers.' Football. — A meeting of members of the Adelaide Football Club was held at the Prince Alfred Hotel on Wednesday evening, May 6, to receive the reports for the last year, and make arrangements for the forthcoming season. There were about a dozen gentlemen present, and Mr. S. G. Kingston presided. It was resolved to ask His Excellency to accept the office of President, and Mr. J. Acraman that of Vice-President. Messrs. F. Aldridge, A. E. Ayers, R. Turner, and H. Holthouse were appointed a Committee, atd Mr. S. G. Kingston Secretary and Treasurer. Several routine matters were referred to the Committee, and the meeting adjourned. Up wards of 40 members were enrolled. The opening game is advertised to be played next Saturday. Lost in the Bush.— A correspondent in the Gawler Ranges has sent us the following: — ' On April 15, as Mr. R. Lockwood, of Warrow, who is in charge of a flock of wethers about 30 miles from Yardea, in the Gawler Ranges, was going to water the sheep he was somewhat startled at the sight of a gaunt, tall, emaciated figure of a man, whom at first sight ho knew to be iost. The poor fellow, who gesticulated vehemently and spoke incoherently, had been wandering about without a morsel of food for seven days. He would undoubtedly have perished had not Providence directed him to water, and during the whole seven days he was never without falling in with that precious boon. As soon as his strength would permit he was taken easily to Mr. Lockwcod's camp, and such nourishment was administered as the place could afford. The man, who was in the last stage of exhaustion, after a few hours rallied, and is now speedily recovering. His came is J ohn Roscoe, and he was in the employ of Mr. Stokes, of Cooleybena Station, as shepherd, at a spot distant from where he was found about 50 miles.' Fourteen Dats in a Well. — From Gawler Plains Mr. A. Bristow writes to us:— 'A few weeks since a heifer two years old disappeared from among others, and being one of the best, it was searched for, but could not be found or heard of until the fifteenth day of its absence, when a neighbour informed me that he had seen one in an old well which had been partly filled. On looking there we were surprised to see the beast that had been missed for' a fortnight. It was alive and had its hind quarters buried in mud, wkile the fore legs and head were on dry ground below the surface. With some difficulty the flm'tnnl was got out of the hole. It was weak and unable to stand, and some people thought not likely to recover; but Messrs. Hale and Grey, who were determined to restore it if possible, caused it to regain strength with the use of its limbs and appetite in about four days, and in a week the heifer was able to walk about and graze with the other cattle. Some persons think it could not have lived so long in the well, but if it had been anywhere else I must have heard or seen something of it. And I feel certain it was in a hole about 10 feet deep 14 days and nights, without water or food, unless the earth around it may be called food, of which it appeared to have eaten some. Dry earth for closets is excellent, and often wounds and cuts are cured with a little dry earth; but if it had anything to do with keeping Me in that heifer it has another quality.' Real Estate Transaction. — Messrs. Townsend, Botting, k Co. sold at Mitcham, on Wednesday, May 6, tho residence of the late Mr. H. W. Parker, for £1,301.

The Theatre. — The attendance on Wednes 3ay evening, May 6, when 'Mammon' was again placed upon the boards, was good, con sidering the inclement weather. Last night's programme will again constitute the bill for this Bvening. It is announced that the performance prill be under the patronage of His Excellency and Mrs. Musgrave. Locusts. — Thousands of these pests were seen in Clare on Saturday, May 2. The Progress op Clars. — House aro scarce and rents high in Clare, owing to the demand for dwellings. Deareb Meat.— We are told that in Clare the butchers have thus raised the prices of animal food :— Mutton, from SJd. to 5d.; beef, 5d. to 7d,; and pork, 6d. to 7d. The Staff of Lif&— The baker3 in Clara are now charging 8d. for a 4-lb. loaf. Vital Statistics.— The number of births and death registered in the General Register Office during the week ended Saturday, May 2, were :— Births— 157 males 145 females; deaths— 78 males, 73 females. Total— 302 births, 151 deaths. Excess of births, 151. The District of Adelaide— Births— 34 males, 23 females ; deaths —17 males, 15 females. Total— 57 births, 23 deaths. Excess of births, 24. George v. Fuller.— The taking of evidence for the defence in this case was continued at the Supreme Court throughout Wednesday, May 6. Several witnesses were called, but a large number remain to be examined. Wanted Land.— It is being suggested at Kadina that the Government should be asked to throw open for selection the waste lands around that town. [From yesterday's Evening Journal.] The Executive.— The Geveraor held a Council on Wednesday, at which all the Minister were present. The National Bane.— The annual meeting of shareholders in this Banking Institution took place on Wednesday. There was a very limited attendance, and, with the excepticn of a sugges tion en the part of one of the shareholders, that a larger dividend should be declared, the busi ness was confined to the adoption of the report and the re-election of ttw retiring Directors, who were unopposed. River Item.— We have been favoured with the following extract from a private letter received in Adelaide and dated Avoca Station, Wentworth, May 3:— 'The Darling is rising here at the rate of one inch per diem in conse quence of a fresh caused by heavy rains at Bourke. The river is now falling both there and at Wilcannia, but the flood water is at its height near Menindie, and -s likely to continue to rise in this locality for some time. The squatters are in hopes of gotting their wool down expeditiously this season owing to the great increase in the number of boats plying on the Darling. This has arisen chiefly from the diversion to a considerable extent of water traffic, caused by the new railway to Albury, that formerly existed on the Upper Murray between that place and Echuca- the vessels trading on that iine having; removed to our river. The lambing is proceeding with uni formly satisfactory results. We have not bad any rain for nearly a month, and the country wants sadly the refreshing showers. Grass hoppers have made their appearance, but recent cold nights have almost ridded us of th* pest. Labour is scarce, teamsters, tank-sinkers, and wire-fencers being in special request. Good wages may be earned by competent men.' Northern Territory Land Orders.— Mr. Britcher reports having sold by auction at the Southern Cross Hotel, two land-orders for £186. Two allotments in the Township of Southport were withdrawn from sale. Saddlewobih Institute.— .As notified in our business columns, this institution will be opened on May 25 snd 26 with a conversazione and exhibition of works of art, &c The Rainfall. — The following tabulated statement shows the quantity of rain that fell between 9 a.m. on Tuesday and the same hour on Wednesday at tho undermentioned places:— Adelaide ? 0*580 Georgetown ... 09tJ0 Gawler ? 0-920 Mount Barker... 0*910 Tanunda ? 0*620 Strathalb-n ... 2*200 Blanciietown ... 0*620 Gumeracha ... 0*650 Kapunda ? l'34O Willunga ? 0*570 Auburn ? 4*250 Normanville ... 0*680 PoitWpkefield. 1-200 , Port Elliot ... 0-8G2 Wallaroo ? 0*900 Goolwa ? 0*670 Moonta ? 0*675 McGrath's Flat 0-400 Clare ? 1*220 Robe ? 0*500 Burra ? 1*700 Mount Gambier 0-250 Melrose ? 1-570 Penola ? 0*270 Port Augusta... 0*320 Wentworth,NSW 0*540 Public Crushes.— The Kapunda Ha-ald wiiies:— 'We understand that the Amalga mated Companies' crusher is to be erected as a public crusher at Howley. The Kapuada Pro specting Venture Company was recently invited to join four other Companies in paying- £100 each towards the expense of carting and erecting it to the Howley, the proprietors undertaking in return for such payment to crush free of further charge, lOOtonsquartzforeach such Com pany. We regret to say that owing to lowness ef funds, &c, the Directors of tbe venture had to decline to avail themselves of this oppor tunity.' The South-Eastern Circuit Courts.— By a telegram sent from Robe on Wednesday morning, May 6, we learn that His Honor the Chief Justice and party purposed leaving there for Adelaide by the Penola on Friday or Satur day next. The Darling.— At Wentworth the Darling has been rising at the rate of one and a half inehes in 24 hours, and when the mail left was 14 feet 11A inches above the summer level. Tho weather for the season has been warm— i.e., at an average 70°. A good down-pour of rain would, our correspondent remarks, be a welcome boon. New Telegraph Stations.— In Victoria, on May 5, Telegraph Offices were opened at Lance field and Romsey,