South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 12 November 1874, page 7

BTOM1B8 JOnCM |^ A U T I ON. JAS. HEK5ESSY k CO., COGNAC. NO BRANDY i« BOTTLED by JAS. HENNESSY k CO. but in their Stores at Cognac Every bottle baa affixed on it a Label— Bearing ih thb wddlb their Fibm, «JA8. HENNESSY 4 Co., COGNAC,' PHI5TED Ei GOLD LETTERS ON A WHITE GBOtlD, E5C1BCLED BY A WBEATHISG OF ?VISE LEAVES A-D GRAPES, IN THB UPPER TABT OP WHICH 13 SHOWN THEIR REGISTIRED TRADE MARK, the ' BATTLE AXE,' AS DELINEATED ABOVE. THE LABEL IB SQUARED BY A BBOAD LINE, THE WH01B PRINTED IN GOLD ; THB CORKS ABE BBAHDED 'JAS. HESNES3Y AND CO.;' AND, AS AN ADDITIONAL GUARANTEE, THBT SOW USE A PaTKNT CAPSX7LS, ON THE HEAD OF WHICH THEIB flBH, 8UBB0UNDING THEIB TRADE MARK, IS AGAIN PLACED ; THE CAP3ULE BKAB3 A YELLOW RIM round the HECK OF THE BOTTLE. THEIB C\SES ARB bbanded'JAS. HENNESSY, COGNAC,' WITH THB 'BATTLE AXE' OVER THB FAME. No Bottled Brandy, therefore, can be relied on as genuine from their Stores bat in such bottles as bear the forgoing distinctive marks, the exclusive use of which is secured to them by law. Persons copying or imitating, even colourably, the whole or part of them render themselves Kable to law proceedings by Messrs. Jas. HENNE58Y k Co. for fraudulently using their Trade Mark and the name of their Firm, and by the Patentee of the Capsule for piracy cf bis patent rights. The above Caution is given in consequence of I-erson3 in this celonv bottling inferior Brandy with labels in imitation of the above; and Hears. Hennessy k Co. are determined to prosecute all parties copying or imitating their Trade Mark. CULLEN k WIGLEY, Exchange Office?, King William-street, Adelaide, 295h+14 Attorneys for Jas. Hennessy & Co. HARDY'S CHEAP WINES. 'Old Red' and 'Old White,' at 3s. per gallon, are now well known as really good, useful Wines for family use. Fifteen Thousand Gallons of the 'Old White,' and 11,000 of the 'Old Red,' have been sold during the past twelve months. Wines at all prices can be sampled at the Bankside Vineyard Office, Currie-street. Delivery daily in Adelaide and Suburbs, and Port Adelaide twice a week. Price-lists forwarded on application. ? 2i3mhc ^^^WMB Eecoinmended by the Medical Faculty In all eases of Gravely Gout, iihrumaHtmt Dropty, SJjytpepna, Kidney and Ziver Comfiainlt. i&Jt$trar$ of CotmttrftUt mm* Registered under 'Trade Masks' Act. TESTIMONIALS:— STATEMENT OF THE WORLD-RENOWNED PROFESSOR MOTT. 'I REGARD Mr. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS AS BEING IN EVERY RESPECT PRE-EMINENTLY PURE AND DESERVING OF MEDICAL PATRONAGE. To persons travelling, where the best waters frequently produce distressing and sometimes even dangerous effects upon persons unaccustomed to them, I should think it would be a good precautionary provision as a counteractive or preventive «f those effects, when mixed in moderate quantities.'The The Government Analytical Chemist, Melbourne, says: — 'As a sample ot Hollands Gin I do not think that it can be surpassed. It may be recommended for use in Hospitals and Private Practice as a good aromatic stimulant.' The Resident Physician of the Sydney Infirmary says :— ' I have no hesitation in stating that I consider your Schnapps a most excellent stimulant and diuretic.' The Honorary Medical Officers of the Hobart Town Hospital 'Are unanimously of opinion that it is a very agreeable liquid, and no doubt of benefit when administered in cases of disease requiring stimulant.' Packed in Cases of 1 doz. Quarts or 2 doz. Pints. On sale by all Wine and Spirit Merchants, Hotel and Storekeepers in the Colony. CAUTION. An injunction against the sale of a counterfeited article has recently been granted in tho Supreme Court of New South Wales under a penalty of £30,000. Sole Wholesale Agents in Adelaide— 113hcvA W. MORGAN & CO. GRENFELL-STRBBT STEAM SAW-MILLS, PTJLSFORD&CO. (Latjb Joes Poibfobd), Timber Merchants, «Stc. BaHfcDeals, Flooring Cedar, Pine, Hardwood, Pickets, Laths, Oregon, Turnery, Doors, Sashes, Windows, Cement, Galvanized Iron, Guttering. ? 22thaoT H. BUTTERY AND CO., CABEVET3IAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, T7£1T-£2R?:AK12RS, GAWLEB-PLACE ADELAIDE. vk We have Just Receiveda Large and Varied ^ Assortment of Suitess diiffonnieres, Whatnots, Table*, Toilet Glasses, Ac., To which we invite special attention. 281thsc WATSON'S WASHING LIQUID. NO ROILING REQUIRE). ^Manufactory, North Adelaide. AGENTS— Messrs. Kemp Poorer, Grenfellatreet; Goodfellow Brothers, King William?treet; Malpas, Willunga; PowiLL, Fayneham ABDBBSON, Port Adelaide OBSERVE THE SIGNATURE— ' 24theo

' BU8DTE88 J0TICE8 MILKJ-ANS. The CHEAPER, BB8T MANUFACTURED, and LARGEST STOCK of COLONIAL-MADE TIN DAIRY UTENSILS at A. SIMPSON & SON'S, Gawler-plaee A Greniell and Freeman streets. Tk« IMPROVED METALLIC CHURN, which all the BEST QUALITIES of tb* SUSSEX and AMERICAN at* COMBINED, «ay be bad of all the Principal Ironaiongtn and Stora. keepen, and fro* th* Makan, A. SIMPSON A SON; 229ev GREAT SALE ? OF FURNITURE Previous to Offering' the Business for Sale* G. B. DEBNEY. Having determined to Dispose of his Bojiness, Offers to the Public for the next few months the Whole of his Stock of DRAWING, DINING, BED ROOM, AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, CARPETS, FLOORCLOTHS, CHIMNEY-GLASSES, IRON BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, 4c, AT A Great Redaction in Price. Terms— CASH, or Approved Acceptances at three months with Bank Interest added. It is requested that all OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS be promptly settled. G. R DEBNEY, Nos. 103, 103J, 105, 105*, RI7NDLE-STRBET. . . ?; - . 294ct SIMPSON & SO N'S ADELAIDE PATENT FIREPROOF SATES, which have SUCCESSFULLY WITHSTOOD A MORI SEVERE TEST as to their .FIBS-RESISTING QUALITIES than any yet manufactured, are now being supplied by them at LONDON PRICES. . Mahttfaojoby— GRENFELIrSTREET and GAWLER-PLACB 190mhc PLOUGHS, MOWERS, screens, pony reapers. Trials given. BIELLOK BBO1HEB8, ADELAIDE, XAPUNDA, andFARRELL'S FLAT. 113thscv LAKE & REYNOLDS tlKBEK ^^k IR0I PORT ADELAIDB TIMBER YARD AND STEAM SAW-MILLS. Mining Timber, Plaster of Paris, Cement, Slates, Flagging, Galvanized Iron. Deals of every description cat to any size. Flooring, Match Boards, Shelring,and Weather Boards. Doors, Windows, and every description of Joiner's Work, Cedar, Kauri, New Zealand Red and White, Moreton Bay, Galifomian Red, Huon. American, and Fitch Pine. Palings, Laths, Battens, Blackwood, Hard. wood, and every other Description of Timber. Houses and Stores for Shipment made en the premises on the shortest possible notice. Workshop accommodation to Customers for framing Houses, kc, &c, for Shipment to Northern Territory and elsewhere. aalOthee Y A. HOLDEN & CO., lit MANUFACTURING AND IMPORT SADDLERS, BUNDLE-STREET, Respectfully invite any who may be in want of Saddlery, Harness, Whips, kc. Station or Farm requisites, to call and inspect their Large Stock, the Showrooms being replete with all goods required in the Trade even to those items only occasionally called for. FOR THE WINTER 8EAS0N Waterproof, Carriage, and Horse Rugs And especially some of extra quality suitablo for Carriage or Drawing-room. FOR STATION OR FARMSaddles, covered Hogskin, for Overseers Saddles, plain Leather-made, very strong, and in Adelaide, Melbourne, Mudgee, Sydney, Queensland, Somerset, and otiwr ?tyles— these an made on our own premises. Bridles for Riding or Colt-breaking Whips and Floggere, Hobbles, Strapping Spurs, Bits, Stirrups, Sponge Harness of every land imaginable Green-bide Bridles, Whips, Girths, Reins Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Bells and Straw FOR SPORTSMEN AND OTHERS- ' f*^. fcerdsing, and Park iaddles B»ecial Gift Whips of extra quality Jjeattujr Rcni^ Cigar, and Fuzee Oases Dram Bottles, Boxing-Gloves Greyhound Starters, Dog Collars Dog-Leaders and Calls Hone Clothing, Rugs and Rollers Dumb Jockeys and Breaking Tackle FOR LADIES' USB WE KEEPSide Saddles, Colonial and English Bridles, Martingales, Spurs, Saddle Clotks Whips, real Gold and Silver mounts Morocco and Cowhide hand Bags Princess Alice Housewife Bags Travelling Bag and Portmanteaus. FORCHILDREN Wicker and Leather Pilches, Side Saddles, Boys' Saddles. ? WE ESPECIALLY CALL ATTENTIOITtTJII Wicker and Wood Phaetons and Gigs Plated allover Bits for riding or driving, which always look dean, and are verj moderate in price al53cr J. A. HOLDEN k CO.

? mu— lofnaai TOURHEYING through this sunburnt A together d«n« np brown, C MMless heat all shade defying, E iln-dried, stewed, and partly frying, M y parched-up mouth all food decrying, -A t last I Jackman's Rooms espied, N ear is a refuge now, I cried, S olaee to find from summer tide, R tfreshmg drink— a cooling draught. Oh ! with what cxtaey 1 quaffed. 0 f er my thirst, to say delight M ost piquant viands did invite, 8 o thus revived my appetite. At JACKMAN'S DINING, BREAKFAST, and SUPPER ROOMS, 316mwfcj 48, Kma Whuam-sthist. UERY-WHATS THB USB OF MONET if it does net procure comfort, and what more discomfort is to be experienced in many homes like unto that of the WASHING J-&\ ! But money can greatly lessen the evil, if not quite cure it. For the sum of £4 10s. or £5 you can purchase a Machine that will Wash Six Shuts in Five Minutes perfectly Clean, and without any further application of the knuckles. Now will any sensible woman stand stewiog over a wash-tnb another moment who can possibly procure raeh a household treasure as a COMMON-8ENSE or EUREKA WASHING MACHINE, with a Wringer attached. MANGLES, WRINGKRS, and PORTABLE WASHING COPPERS on Sale. BLACKSMITHS' BELLOWS, all sizes, Made and Repaired, A. O. CHAMBERS, FLINDERS-STREET, ADELAIDE. ? 316thscy /-IRICKIT.-SOMRTHING LIKE A \J REDUCTION. J. PECK, of Morphett Vale, wishes to inform Cricketers that his BATS, being now proved beyond all dispute FULLY EQUAL to ANY IMPORTED, can be had at FUTCBER 3, 78 and 80, Hindleystreet, asd BYKG k LORRAINE'S, 44, King William-street, Adelaide. All Cane, 16& ; Single, 12s. 6d. 31tJ-'Sv25 1BKG to intimate that I have this day DISPOSED OF the GOODWILL and bTOCK-lN-TKADE of the BUSINESS of a TIMBER and IRON MERCHANT carried on by my late Husband THEOPHILUS ROBIN, deceased, to Mr. THEODORE HACK, late Public Works and Railway Storekeeper. Dated this 2nd November, 1874. STELLA ANN ROBIN, Administratrix of the Estate of TheophQus Robin, deceased. WITH reference to the above we the undersigned beg to intimate that we intend to carry on the above Business in Partnership, under the style of 'ROBIN k HACK,' and we respectfully solicit the continuance of favours bestowed on the late Firm. STELLA ANN ROBIN. 311thsl8v THEO. HACK. OSE'S FANCY WAREHOUSE, No. 66, RUNDLE-STREET. C. ROSE k SON take this opportunity of gratefully acknowledging tho many favours they have received from their Friends and the Public since their Bemoval to their New Premises, No. 66, Rundle-street. The liberal support accorded them has been highly gratifying and encouraging, inducing them greatly to extend their purchases in the beet and cheapest markets of the world. A great quantity of their New Goods, suitable for the approaching seasons, has already arrived by tho Pakwan, Martha Birnie, steamer Claud Hamilton, Murray, and Albert Victor; the remainder is shortly expected by the steamer Claud Hamilton, Cornuvia, Garoock, and other vessels. C. R. k 8. respectfully call the attention of the Trade and of Country Storekeepers to their assorted Cases of Goods, as follows: — Cases of Assorted Fireworks from £2 2s. to £6. Do. do. Toys, Dolls, kc, from £0 to £25. Do. do. Fancy Goods, from X 12 to £36. Do. do. Vases, Lustres, Silvered Glass and China Goods, from £7 10s. to £30. Stationery and Books of every description supplied to order. Terms, cash, or approved bills at three mouths. C. ROSE k SON, Imtortehs, Wholesale and Retail Warehousemen, NO. 66, RCNDLE-ST., ADKLAIDB, N.B.— C. R. k S. would call attention to a number of really fine Oleographs, which they are offering for sale at exceedingly low prices. a290hc WE beg leave to call the attention of Cricketers in Town and Country to our excellent Shipment of CRICKETING GOODS in all departments, just Unpacked, ex Glen Osmond. We can guarantee Good* of superior quality, they having been chosen by our Mr. F. Goodfellow in London. Special attention has been given to the selection, bo that players will have no difficulty in choosin? Bats light enough to please them. Wo shall receive additional shipments throughout the season, so thit there will always be enough to select from. Prices not to be beaten by any other house in the trade. Trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. GOODFELLOW BROTHERS, 281c 37, KING WILLIAM-STREET. WINNOWING - MA0BINES.-ON SALE by the undersigned, PENNY AND CO.'S SUPERIOR PATENT ROrARY WINNOWING - MACHINES and CORNSCREENS. ELDER, SMITH, & CO., 230th&31Sv Adelaide Agents. T EATHEB WAREHOUSE, U LEIGH-STREE1 (Next Black Hobse). ON SALE-KIP~OLE, KANGAROO, CALF, WALLABY, BOOT UPPERS,ELASTIC, and GENERAL GRINDERY. J. B. YEO. N.B.-WQ0L, SKINS. HIDES, and TALLOW PURCHASED. ' 155Hise , WITCOMBE, UNDERTAKER, ? 162, BUNDLE - STREET, Opposite the York Hotel. FUNERALS CONDUCTED in a superior manner with Promptitude, and on most Reasonable Terms. For the convenience of persons in the Country COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION KEPT IN STOCK ? 183thso REAPER?. REAPERS. —A Few SECONDHAND REAPERS FOR SALE or HIRE, Cheap, at MELLOR BROTHER'S, Adelaide, Kapunda, aad Farrell's Flat Apply early. 302mh27v25 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CARRYING COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. In compliance with the wishes of several Customers, this Company will, on and after Monday next, the 2nd November, RUN TWO EXPRESS VANS DAILY with LIGHT GOODS, BETWEEN ADELAIDE, PORT, and INTERMEDIATE PLACES, leaving the Company's Office, King William-street, at 11 o'clock a.m. and 2 30 p.m. 304ths1l6 HENRY HILL, Manager. OR SALE, Cheap, OBOAR FRAMING, with GLASS PANELS, for a private office. Apply W. King, Jun., Piriestreet. 296oFOR FOR SALE, about Three Tons of Best HEMP CAPSTAN .ROPE, 14-inch as now lying at the New Cornwall Mine. Apply to John R. Snell, on the Mine ; or to R N. Colley, 92a, King William-street, Asting Secretary. ? 316-13 rfRADB CIRCULARS, ELECTION JL NOTICES, CARD3, 4c, DELIVERED throughout Adelaide aud Suburbs at a uniform rate ot 10a. per 1,000. This is considerably less than the usual charge. Every one guaranteed to be delivered. Address W. H. Lock, Curriestreet, second house North from Westterrace. x

Busmss loncM HEALTH PRB8BRVID. LIFS BATED. CITY BATHS. The admtafM of this Institution as thsy become) knows are the mot* appreciated. The Least* refers with pleasure to tb* patronage bestowed npon him by Her Majesty's Rspeseotathss In this province, Leading Members of the Medical Profession, and other Gentlemen, atsndiug over a period of nine yam. The Ladies' Swimming Class is under the superintendence of Mus Adklaidb Bastaed. T. BASTARD, Lessee, Swimming Msstsr by appointment to Model _, ? SdiooJ. ? 287mwfc WANTED to HAKB KNOWN that W. DILLON has REMOVED to 146, BUNDLE -STREET, where hs- intends to CARRY CN the COLONIAL BUSINESS ONLY. Gcatltmen waited on at their residence from 8 to 10 a.m. within three mito of the j General PoK-Offioe. Note the Address— W. DILLON, BOOTMAKER, 146, BUNDLE-STREET, 287mwsc (Offosct Fitch's.) SOUTH AUSTRALIAN FOUNDRY. BANK AND BLYTH STREETS, ADELAIDB. A. JONES ft SONS, ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, SMITHS AND BOILERMAKERS. Boshies, BoOsts. Mill and Mining Machinery. Windalk, Double-Aetion Pumps, Improved Wosfawsssstt, Sheep Troughing, Whip-Whet Kibbles, kc, fcc, on band or mad* to order. ? 127tbsgT WIL1IAM RUDDOOK, ENGINEER. IRON AND BRASSFOUNDER, BLACKflETTH, BOILER-MAKER, kc., CITY FOUNDRY, SANDHURST, VICTORIA. All kinds of Quarts-Crashing and Winding Machinery nanufactured on the latest and most improved principle. Plans and Specifications prepared. Estimates pven, Lowest Charges. Agent in Adelaide— 84thso ? C. J. COATE8. FOB SALE-TALLOW 0ASK8, 8km Casks, Beef Tierces, Brewers' Casks,; 36-gall. and 18-gall., and Kegs, &c A large Stock to be told cheap to make room for timber just arriviDf. WHiBOUfiN, DAVIDS, & CO.. 307ths32 Cooperage, Flinders-street. LB0TRO-BILYSR PLATEDWARS. J. M. WENDT, WATC1MAKER AND JEWELLER, 7), RUNDLB-STBKKT, ADELAIDE, Has the ionour to announce to his Friends and the Public of the colony that his AGENT in ENGLAND, having PURCHASED at a DISi COUNT of 50 per Cent the ENTIRE STOCK of an EMINENT LONDON MANUFACTURER who is retiring from business, and this Immense Assortment of Elegant Plate having now come to han i he will have it ready for exhibition and Sale oi and after Monday, Juno 8. J. N. W. has had an EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM specially fitted up at the rear of his Establishment in order to give purchasers every convtf.ience for inspecting the Largest and most Magnificent Selection of Plate ever shown in the Soutiern Hemisphere. Tbo Goods are Guaranteed to be of the very Finest Quality and of the most EXQUISITE DESIGNS, both ANTIQUE and MODERN, and are peculiarly suitable for Presentations, SouTenirs, Wodding Gifts, -Sto. J. M. W., having determined to allow purchafers the full benefit of the unusually favourable terms obtained from the Manufacturer, will offer the goods «t least a Third under Engiish Prices. J. M. WENDT, Watchmaker and jeweller, 157U1SCV 70, RUNDLE-STBEET, ADELAIDE. GAS STOVES, with Latest Improvemests, Patent Burners, Open Roasters, &c. AMERICAN COOKING STOVES, complete, with Utensils. KITCHEN RANGES, with Oven and Roaster. /AMERICAN HEATING STOVES, suitable far Rooms without Fireplaces. REGISTER 8TOVES. FENDERS and NURSERY GUARDS. MANGLES and WHINGERS. Best Patterns. IRON BEDSTEADS— French, Half-Tester, Four.Post, &o., large variety. At JAMES SCOTT & SONS', 243thsc ? 138, BUNDLE-STREET. HE WAX THREAD CLOSINGmaciiine. Messrs. SHEPPARD 4 McGREGOR wish to call the attention of Manufacturers to their PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS to WAX THREAD MACHINES, by which the Ordinary Closing Flax is thoroughly saturated with Genuine Wax during tho process of working. They have no hesitation in saying that it is False Economy for Manufacturers to &039 with Black Thread passed through s solution of boiled oil and beeswax, termed ' Liquid Wax' (as so much depends upon the durability of the Wax and Thread). The very term liquid is sufficient to show that there is neither holding nor protecting qualities in it; and it is well known that the oye used in Black Thread causes it to go rotten very soon. They therefore respectfully ask Boot and Harness Manufacturers to give their Improvement a Trial for the benefit of their own reputation and thit of the general public to whom their goods are sold. Messrs. S. k. McG. caution all persons against any infringement of their Patent Right?, Application for Licence to be made to the Patentees only. 302ths28 V E R 1,000,000 IN US E.— The great success of the WHEELER and WILSON SEWING MACHINE is due to their superior excellence and LITTLE EXERTION required to work them, which renders them the most suitable FOR FEMALES. These qualities are owing to tho Rotatory Hook System on which they are constructed, and which combine GREAT SPEED with surprising durability and simplicity. It has been clearly proved that the genuine WHEELER & WILSON MACHINE will do ONE-THIRD MORE WORK, and has Double the Durability of the Singer. The New NUMBER SIX, for Manufacturers, will sew any material from MUSLIN to MOLESKIN, and LEATHER- WORK of all kinds. We warrant every genuine W. k W. Machine to give entire satisfaction. The Best Hand-Machine, £i 4s. TIMS PAYMENTS arranged on the most liberal scale. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. Private Instruction Rooms— Instruction Free. J. MARTIN, SOLE AGENT, 96 to 100, RUNDLE-8TBEET. ? [ ? 282+7? THS ADELAIDE SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY, No. SI, RUNDLE-STREBT, Fttb Doras Wsx or GAWzxm-nACSL, Is now completed and open under the Managsment of Mr. 8. SOLOMON, whom long experience and successful results achieved in this colony and Victoria will guaranto* perfect satisfaction to those who favour bin with their patronage. The GLASS-ROOM has been constructed witr every care and regard to the delicate and pleasing distribution of light and shade io essential to artistic effect. PHOTOGRAPHS COPIBD, KNLARQED FINISHED IN OILS, WATER COLOUR. MEZZOTINT, CHROMOGRAPHS, and all the various and NEWEST STVLBEL 8. SOLOMON, Mavaoib. July 21,1878. ? 247thao TTSE ONLY THE ADELAIDB SOAP U POWDERS. 193he

ITODTMt 10TICM p ARKS '8 HOTEL. LIST OF PRICE7 PER BOTTLE. a.d. Hsuessy's Case Brandy „. ... ... 4 5 Thrts-Star dc ... ... ...6 0 Biscuit do. ? ? 310 Whiky, Lome Soetsh ... ... ... lq Q Do., Irish... ? M.{3 9 Square, large bottles , ? 4 5 Do., mall do. ? 3 f Schnapps ... ? 4 2 Rna Z ? , ? 2 ? D*. ? ... ... ;.. ... 3 0 Booth's Old Ton, caw ? 211 Swain Boord's do., do ? 12 10 Ginger Wk« ... ? 110 lime juke Cordial ? :. ... MO. Raspberry Balm ? ? 110 Enghen Ale, best brands ? 1 t Do. Porter, do. ds. ... ...' .„ Oil Colonial Porter ? 0 91 Per Quart I English Ale ... -. ? ? 0 10 Do. Porter ..; ... . ... ... 0 11 Colonial Alt ... ! - ... ... .,? ' ... ,., ;:0 5 NOTS THl HOTJM— ... \ . PARKS'8 HOTEL , (Near Sfams fc Chapman's Brewery V . HINDLKY-gTREET. 303o A D.TA88IE *OO., MERCHANTS, J\% IMPORTERS, GENERAL STOREKEEPERS, SHIPPING. FORWARDING, AND INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT AUGUSTA. Wool Purchased or Advances mad* on same. ; Stores supplied on the moat reasonable terms. Risks on Wool taken on delivery at Stores. A. D. T. k Co. having no Branch IstablishBents can act impartially in forwarding Goods to their country osnstituents. 288mhov OOOH i HAYWARD, PORT AUGUSTA, Shipping, Forwarding, and Insurance Agents. Wine and Spirit Merchants and General Storekeepers. Wool, Sheepskins, Hides, Tallow, fcc, Bought or Sold on Commission. 215mhcv TJRAKEN RIDGE * FOWLER, ** WINE, SPIRIT, and GENERAL MERCHANTS. AGENTS for MURRAY STEAMERS. GOODS of every description WHOLESALE, and RETAIL at WHOLESALE PRICES. GBrarairSTBEET, Adelaedk. 282cv RENFELL-8 TRKST GROCERY STORES, NEXT THE STURT HOTEL. We beg to recommend to our numerous Customers a small Parcel of those SPLENDID TEAS, ex EMILY SMITH, comprising— Extra Choice Superfine Flowery Pekoe. Do. do. Souchong. ; Do. de. Congous. The Finest Teas ever imported. 802ths21 ? W. CHRISTEN k CO. D BTRUTTOH, MX* BouBomaot HAUS8EN * CO.'s FIRST PRIZE ALB8 AND PORTEB, ELTTH-NBIRi Pale Ale, per Dozen ... ... 8s. ffd. XX, do. do ? 8s. Od. XXX Stout, do. ? 8a. 64. Highest Price given for all Empty Bottles returned. 22thsc GODDARD'S BASING POWDER is the only preparation of the kind that 13 put up in tin boxes and bears a RED LABEL on a WHITE GROUND. It will keep GOOD in any climate, hat mast be kept dry. Wholesale Agents— Messrs. W. Morgan & Co., Adelaide; Messrs. Drew & Co., Moonta; and may be had of all Storekeepers. 263oiwf355 SUDS OF MANGOLD WURTZBL. HOLCU8 SACCflARATUS, CUCUMBER, TROMBONE, SUGAR BEET, FLOWER SEEDS (including . Double Zinnia); also, AMERICAN EARLYROSEPOTATOES. K. 4 W. HACKETT, 276thsoT 73. RUNDLfrSTRBET. IMITATIONS OF OWL DIPHTHERIA POWDER being numerous, Purchasers are requested to see that our Name and Label are on each Bottle, WITHOUT WHICH HO5E IS GENUINE. F. H. FAULDING & CO. 'P U S L. FUEL. F U B L. TWENTY PER CENtTsAVED BY USING THB PATENT BOILER FLUID for ERADICATING and PREVENTING INCRUSTATION in STEAM BOILERS. Supplied, with full directions for use, by lKmwfcr F. H. FAULDING k CO. tfLORILINE — FOR THB TEETH JC AND BREATH.— A few drops of the Fragrant Floriline on a wet tooth-bru3h produces a delightful foam, which cleanses the Teeth from all impurities, strengthens and hardens the gums, prevents tartar, and arrests the progress of decay. It gives to the Teeth a peculiar and beautiful whiteness, and imparts a delightful fragrance to the Breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth, a disordered stomach, or tobacco smoke. The Fragrant Floriline is purely vegetable, and equally adapted to old and young. It is the greatest Toilet discovery of the age. Sold by all Chemist^ Perfumers, aud Storekeepers. Prepared by H. C. Gallup, London. BICKFORD & SONS. Agents, 302wc Adelaide, South Australia.^ '17ALUABLE DISCOVERY FOR T THE HAIR.— A verv nicely perfumed hair dressing called 'The Mexican Hair Renewer,' new being sold by most Chemists and Perfumers, is fast superseding all 'Hair Restorers,' for it Kill positively restore in every case Grey or White Hair to its original colour by a few applications, without dyeing it or leaving the disagreeable smell of most 'Restorers. It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting tho growth on bald spots where the hair glands are not decayed. Certificate from Dr. Versmann on every bottle with full {?articulars. Ask for 'Thb Mexican Haib Ieseweb,' prepared by H. C. Gallup, London. BICKFORD k SONS, Agents, 298wso Adelaide, South Australia. KINDERMANN & CO., ? PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, GOLD AND SILVER SMITHS, 27, RUNDLE- STREET. Beg respectfully to acquaint their Friends aad the Public in general that they have Opened their Establishment with a very Choice and Superior Stock of Jewellery, Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, 4c, kc, for sals on the most Reasonable Terms. Country orders promptly attended to. All Watches and Clocks Sold or Repaired Guaranteed for 12 months. The Trade Supplied. 266e If A C H_£ N E R T. The Undersigned have on Sale a Large Stock of New and Secondhand Mining Machinery of all descriptions. Rates moderate Every care taken in forwarding in good order. Inspection invited. Estimates given for Plants. Pawsey, Menzies, k Co., Machinery and Iron Merchants, 14 to 20, Dana-street, Bailarat, Victoria. ? 268-358 |17 INFO WING- MACHINE EASOM B NEW PATENT MACHINE8 are fitted with IMPROVED PATENT FORM for separating the corn before it falls on the sieves, they have an arrangement for altering the shake, are well made, of MODERATE PRICE, and oa the usual terms. Apply to 253ct D. F. EASOM, Eafield.

Busnress notices PI 110 S, P I AN 08, of the Best Makan, via., BLAEDEL, BCHIEDMEIER, BIE8E, SELLER, GERHARDT, BPANGENBERG, BORD, BUCHBR, sad GROVER; also, the best HARMONIUMS to U let, on the easy tssns system, at 12, 18, or 24 months, at . G. KUHNEL'S, 244Uict 140j RUNDLE-STREBT. WM. KING. JUS., * CO., TIMBER MERCHANTS, BUILDERS, - ADELAIDE, NORTH* ADELAIDE,, . AND ? PORT ADELAIDE, Beg to invite attention to their * LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK OF BUILDING MATERIALS, BALTIC DEALS, KAURI. HUON, AND AMERICAN PINE, SINGAPORE AND SYDNEY CEDAR, BLACKWOOD, JARRAH, REDGUM, SPOKES, FELLOES, GUM POSTS, 8TR1NGYBARK POSTS AND RAILS, : OREGON, Up to 80 fts., 20 x 20, 20 x 16, 16 x 9, 14 x 14, T 12x12,12x10,12x8,12x6,10x10. y.D.L.,all sizes; PALING8, 5 and « feet- J- t 1 i CEMENT, PLASTER, kc, kc . . . ^ DOORS, WINDOWS, and all kinds of JOINERY.' } \ CHIMNEYPIECES, BOXES. BOXES. BOXES. SAWING DONE FOR THE TRADE. Just Arrived ex Monaltrie, | GALVANIZED IRON, : 6-feets, 3s. IOd. per sheet; 7-feots, 4s. 7d.; ; Meets, 6s. 3d. ; P-feets, 6s. 6d. CAITHNESS FLAGGING, HOOP IRON, ?WIRE, WROUGHT AND CUT NAILS. ? 250QT JH. HORWOOD k GO., ? ADELAIDE MACHINERY DEPOT. ; ON SALE. ENGINES and BOILERS, to 20 Horse-power Secondhand do., 2, 3, 4, and 8 Horse-power LATHES, Drilling, and Punching-Maohines PUMPS, all kinds, Station and Farm purposes HOUSEWORKS, 1 to 4 Horse-power, Iron Frames WINDMILLS, American Patent Self-regulating PIG-IRON, Boiler PLATES, Tubes, and Rivets FOUNDRY COKE, best English and Queensland STEAM GAUGES, Whistles, and Engineers'. Brassware DONKEYPUMPS, ' Wilson's,' Vauxball Works * SHEET RUBBER, best Red and Grey ENGINE-PACKING, Patent Self-Lubricating CYLINDER LUBRICATORS and Oil Cups MACHINERY OIL, ' Lynd's' Special Quality CASTOR, Colza, Noatsfoot, and Linseed Oils SAFETY FUSE and BLASTING POWDER BOILER COMPOSITION, Anti-incrustation MACHINERY INSPECTED and VALUED BOILERS and STEAM GAUGES TESTED Plans, Specifications, and Estimates Prepared Machinery Stored, and Sold on Commission. NORTH-TERRACE, Corner Gresham-stroet. ? 309ths .. * BROWN t W O O DV^ WAYMOUTH-STREET, Have received, ex Albert Victor, a SHIPMENT ' ? of SELTZOGENES, which they offer at VERY' MODERATB PRICES. ? . . - 286thsc fiOLONIAL IRON W0R&& PORWOOD, DOWN, & CO., ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, MILLWRIGHTS : asd Makers of Vertical Boilers with attached Engines^ Machine Castings, Ornamental Castings for Houses, Cresting, Fences, kc, AT LOWEST PRICES. HINDLBY-STREBT WEST, ADELAIDE. r . - ? __203c£' FREWOOD, cut amalL 25s. per ton: Coal, 2s. 6d. per cwt, at F. K. GERNER'S STEAM COOPERAGE, Currie-street. 260-320 ?EPICAL. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH V^ ELIXIR. DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIRVESSELS. Opiates, Narcotics, and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs, Colds, and all Pulmonary Diseases. Instead of such fallacious remedies, whirl) yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs, and thus increasing that debility which lies at tho root of the malady, modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR M the true remedy. SELECT TESTIMONIAL. Dr. Rooke, Scarborough, author of the 'Anti-Lancet,' says: — ' I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain, and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption, and I can, with the greatest confidence, recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease.' This Medicine, which is free from opium and squills, not only allays the local irritation, but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution. Hence it is used with the moat signal success in Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, Coughs, Influenza, Night Sweats of Consumption, Quinsy, and all affections of the Throat and Chest. Sold in bottles at Is. 9d.j 4s. 6A, and 11s. each, by all respectable Chemists, and wholesale by Jas. M. Crosby, Chemist, Scarborough, England. ; %* Invalids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on ' Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels, ? a copy of which can be had Gratis from Mb. R. FAWCETT, Chemist, 21w+13 Kapunda, near Adelaide. LIVER COMPLAINTS.— T. O. DUNSTONE'S COMPOS D ESSENCE of DANDELION, taken with his Liver Pills, will cure congested liver, bilious complaints, costiveness, indigestion, nervous debility ,_ weak-uees in the legs and sinking sensation in tho 3tenmcb, Iocs of appetite, headache, pains in the side or under the shoulder-blade, soreness along the lower edge of the ribs, spasmodic asthma, kc It is a complete renovator of the system— a restorer of the vital functions ef health. Thousand* of cures have already bees made, and testimonials, unsolicited, are constantly being received.— Prepared only by T. O. Dunctone, chemist, No. 1, High-street, St. Kilda, Melbourne. AGENTS FOR ADELAIDE: f. h. FAtru-iNGr & co;; Clarence-Blaoe, and 5, Rundle-street; and at Nofth-panuk. Port Adelaide. ? 278J-2 OETOPHATH Y.— Jtut received from Coutts&Co., London, the PREPARED ACETIC ACID and APPARATUS require in the CURE of FEVERS, Acute and 1, Chronic Diseases, &c, with Pamphlets and Full Directions for their use. J. MASON, Storekeeper, O'Connell-street, N.A., Sole Agent. ? 306mhcv318 D W A R D MAUD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMIST AND DRUGGISTJ GAWLER-PLACB, ADELAIDE. Edwabo Matts served Bf£ AFPBHRlom&f WITH ID Laq I. ^ FAXnj)Ina. /? ' lQ8th»cv ^'IlEY-S CELEBRATED ANTI MOSQUITO; DROP3, PREPAID ONLY by J. fGRTER. These D- ^-g \^6 bwn found so efficaaoutf against tV ^'annoyance of Mosquitoes thatnumeTT?*r .less imitations have been issued, against wh\ch thTpublic are respectfully Cauboned, apnrd amired the only genuine are prepared MbyJ. j- yRTER. Chemist, ic. (Successor to. J-HWf 1 62, Rundle-street, opposite the York Hotel. ) In Bottles, at 9cL, Is. 3d., and 3s. 6d.