Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 23 November 1928, page 6


Dr. Cofino'Goidon Lang was foi molly elected Aichbishop of Canterbury'by the" Dean nnd Chapter of Canterbury on AA'cd-"1 nosdny. The ceremony was impressive, each member of the chapter proceeding to the table of the notary public and affixinghis signature to a voting form. Following this tile dean declaicd that tho election of Dr. Lang iras unanimous.

Mr. J. C. Doycc, formerly manager of the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau,' who returned to Melbourne a uso after a tour abroad, has ioined the (.taff of Tliomas Cook mid Sons, travel agents.

Having been recently appointed to the

vnennt eanoury of St. Paul's Cathedral, the , Rev. F. E. Cassian Crptty, o£ S(,. Luke's Church, South Melbourne, will be in-stalled at evensong this afternoon. At a meeting of the South Melbourne Council last night it ivas decided to sent a letter of congratulation to Mr. Crotty.

The former Minister for Public Works, (Mr. Jones) entertained members of the staff of that department at luncheon at Pailinmcut House yesterday. The new Minister for Public AVorká (Mr. Chandler) ii'us pi osent, ami he was introduced by Mr. Jones to tho chief officers of the depmtment. Those piesent included also the chairman of the Country Roads Board (Mr. AV. T. II. McCormnrkJ, the secretary (Mr' AV. L. Dale), and Hie Slato director of im-migration (Mr. S. AVliitehead),

Captain Finch, master of the Mooltan, and cominodoi'e of tho P. aud 0. line, it ill îetiio uflcr the piesent voyngo of the, II hich is on tho way to London. Cap-tain Finch baa been în tho service of trio Peninsular and Oriontal Steam -Navigation Company for 40 years.'

Lady Huffer, ividow of tho Into Sic Annand Huffer, will at rive in Melbourne noit neck by tho Moldavia. Sir Armand Huffer was a distinguished Egyptologist and pntaopathologist, nhd ivas director of quarantine-a mott impoltaiit ofllce in modern Egypt. He lost his life in a sub-marino attack dm im; the war'when ioturning fiom Gi ecce, which he lind visited at Hie urgent request of M. A'enozclop,' and with the support of the British authori-ties, to organise the Greek Army Medical Set vite. Dunne; tho war both he and Lady Hilder, from their intimate, knowlcdso' and ividc influence in Egypt, were of great service to tho army, including; Australian' troops. Lady Buller will stay at Lidy Barrett's.home in' Toorak while in Mel-


Pi of essor AV. A. Laver left by the express yestctduy for Adelaide, where ho will examine candidates presenting', thomecltes'

at the annual examinations for the higher degiees in music in the University of Ade-laide. ' , 'J

Mi;. .J. D. Mnclnnes, president; of 'tliet Scottish Delegation, is loturning to Mel-bourne hy tho iShuw, Savill, and 'AlbionJ

line motor-ship Taranaki, M'hich is due to arrivo this morning. '

Two vacancies hnvo been caused on the Rnilwajs Standing committee by tho ap-pointment of Mr. Pennington, M.L.A., to' the new Ministry as Minister for Agrien'. ture anil Forests, and Mr. Chandler, M.L.C., ns Minister for Public AA'orks and Mines, Tile Ministry will ai range to have the mat' | tor brought bofoio tho Legislative Assembly

nud the Legislative Council with a view to the election of successois.

Tlio justices who for 'several "year* have nat on the District Court bench havo sent the following letter to Mr. P. Cohen, who iccciitly ict it ed fiom the>positiou of senior mcUopolilmi police" luagibttoto:--"A\'e, the whole of tho Bench of honorary justices (13), ivlio had tho honour and pririlesô of sitting with you in tho Distiict Court dining jecoul ycn>s, desire you to give us

flic plrjsiiic of your acceptance of the, nccompnn. ¡ne gifts ji» a slight memento o' the veiy pleasant aîid instructive limes w* spent nilli jon in court wotk. AVo further domic to express to you our sincere with Unit you may spend many year, of hafiPX lotironiont, free from the arduous duties and oates of office." <

At evensong at St. Paul's Cathedral to-day, Archbishop Lees will unveil a memorial tablet to the late Captain Mal-colm Stuart Kennedy, son of Mr. R. Kcn¡ ncdy, of East Melbourne. Tho tablot has the following inscription:-"Forward Undotcii'ed. In loving memory'< of 'Captain Malcolm Stunrt Kennedy, born at KOUT, 1802; gi admite R.M.C.," Duntroon; Liaut. Sill L. It.,. A.I J'"., 1011; M-ounded at. Lou» Pine, 101.Ï; seconded to Tank Corps.' ltfU*i Captain 57th Battalion, W10; General Staff Oilicer, 1st Division, AXF,, 3017., Service, Gallipoli, Somme, Bapaume, Lignicouit, Battle of I'nsschnnditcle Ridge, died' of wounds, 2nd Januniy, 1018. Buried at Dianoutu!. Dulco et ' decorum' est pro patria moi i." ' ' '"

Having Completed hah^a. century as * teacher in the Education department, Mr, Aicliibuid J. Lumsden retired from Iii»

sei i ice yesterday.. Tor EOino time he h«tj been the head teacher of the Burnley State

chool. In Jiis younger days he was â íclitíving teacher in ninny,ports of Vic*toi-ln, und modo a specialty of sport in each of hit, schools. At the school at Go!« strccti Clifton Hill, he hail for 'many jears itte chuinpion ctieket and football tonals in the motiouolitan area. Upon ralinquiiiiiai his position at Burnley yesterday he r,û presented with an easy chair, asd his v.ifs «.as «¡vin several souvenirs.

The death has occurred in London from pneumonia of Mr. Walter Phillips, accoun-tant there of the English, Scottish, and Australian Bank. Mr. Phillips was an Aus-tralian who spent the earlier portion of his business life in the service of the Lon-don Bank of Australia Limited. He gradu-ated in 1908 from the position of secretary to Mr. O. Morrice Williams, general manager of that bank, to its Lon-don office. When later the business of the London Bank of Australia was merged in that of the English, Scottish, and Australian Bank Mr. Phillips continued his banking activities in the combined organisation. When in Mel-bourne, Mr. Phillips was well known in rowing and lawn-tennis circles, his attrac-tive personality making him a general favourite. He was a brother of the late Mr. Derwent Phillips, of the Common-wealth Bank, and was the uncle of its present secretary, Mr. G. H. N. Pitcher, of the head office, Sydney. At the time of his death, Mr. Phillips was 56 years of age. He leaves a widow, who was the daughter of the late Mr. Edmund Rouse, formerly a member of the Stock Exchange

of Melbourne

Tile selected .'"odes Scholars for Xew . Zciii.iiul foi 1020 are MrK. E. U.iiliv, Bachelor of Laut, Alickland Uuiicifily College, and Mr. W. EHealey, University of Otoao. Mr. Balle} proposes to follow the study of law, a*j? Mr. Henley to continuo the study of medí
