Cairns Post (Qld. : 1884 - 1893), Wednesday 29 October 1890, page 2

General News.

Ilcrbeiton's letter on Auti-Sei>aration is

crowded out of this issue.

A scratch cricket match will he played at Norman Park on Saturday next, names of players appearing in our next issue.

On Saturday morning before the P.M. Maurice Murphy was sentenced to a month in Townsville for having no visible weans of support.

In order to appear on the Jiuuieipal Voting list it is necessary that rates he paid at the Council Chambers on or before Friday nest,

the 31st instant.

Land in the township of Kuranda is looking up, several allotments having changed hands during the week at a considerable advance on the original prices.

The post mortem of a horse w hich died in Cairns on Sunday without any apparent reason, revealed the fact that death had been

occasioned by a surf-it cf unripe bauanas.

The union wharf labourers of Cairns, who during the strike set a splendid example of orderly conduct to the unionists of other ports, have received permission from head-quarters to resume work.

The contractor,Mlr. Louis Severin, is making rapid progress in the erection of the new brick buildings in Abbott-street. At the present time the roofs are going on, and it is expected the premises will be ready for occupation by Xmas

The weather ou Monday was unsettled, j

slight showers fallingduriiigtheday. During i the night heavy ran fell attended by thunder | and lightning, rainfall for the 2½ hours registering 1 inch ll points.

The Aramac on Monday left Cairns with the latgest cargo of fruit ever loaded in one bottom from North Queensland. It included

7.*!.'!0 bunches, and foti cases of banana.*, aad j 30½ cases lanes. There was a large general I cargo in addition including rta I bags tin, 2711

bags sugar, 10:; hides and a quantity of sun- j


With reference to the new teacher of the

Blackfellow's Creek Provisional School, Mr. Michael Nolan, our remarks in previous

issues as to his appointment appear to have been misleading. Mr. Nolan, who holds ex-cellent credentials, was appointed by the Department in Brisbane and sent to Cairns specially to take charge of the school.

A day's shooting by the Volunteer Corps j for medals and trophies took p'aco at the I range on Saturday. Private McDermott took honours for high scoring and won tho medal in the handicap. Corporal Allan coming second and private Motley third. The prizes included a handsome uue claret jug. a silver medal presented by Mr. W. J. Hall and a gold medal made by Mr. Mackay (first prize) and other valuable trophies.

The Temperance I,. ..Ige of Cairns bold their usual quarterly elcetion of officers uext Monday exening, and it is boped th it mem-bers will exhibit a laudable desire to obtain office. The bilge is now numerically stroll";, and is abb- to boast of .l iing good work. Hardly a meeting passes without several now members being initiated. A programme for the coming quarter has been drawn np and will be inserted in the tjmti lcrhj Gnuie of the Grand Lodore. This programme provides liberally for wholesome entertainment, it

( being the earnest desire of the Lodge to

render each meeting as attractive as possible.

An enquiry into the actual figures of the

Doctor's Fund in connection with the employes of the second section of thc Cairns Herberton railway, places it beyond doubt that the fund is in debt to a considerable extent. The receipts amounted to ii"o:ï Hs 2;1 and the payments, including Hospita! and Doctor's salary, to £386; L's Md, showing a deficiency of Kis Sd. There was X&

held to thecicditof the fund on the ¿1st March, which reduces the debit balance to £217 Ms 7d. The difference between the actual ligures and the estimated made is ac-counted for by the fact that thc average deduction per four weeks was only 2s iud per man. the payment ouly Wing charged i'll, mfa, according to the number of days figuring on the pay sheet. There were SH mon in March, 7o(> in April, SH in May, 77!" in .lune. Sttliu July ao.I Sill iu August con-tributing to thc fund.