Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 11 July 1928, page 19



Itinerary Announced.

An opportunity of seeing the Better Farming train' will be afforded wheatgrowers in the more recently settled areas of the Mallee west of Red Cliffs during the first week in August, when the 22nd tour of the team will be conducted. Leaving Melbourne on Monday, July 30, the train will be at Canvas p on Tuesday, July 31, at Werribee on Wednesday, August 1

Mcrringtir, Thursday, August 2; Werrimul. Friday, August 3; Red Cliffs, Saturday. August 4 Ouyen, Monday, August 6 Underbool, Tuesday, August 7 (Murrayville, Wednesday, August 8; Cow single, Thursday, August 9; and Walpeup on friday. August "18

As the districts to be. visited are devoted mainly to wheatgrowing a special feature will be made of exhibits dealing with that branch of farming. The proper system of fallowing to be adopted, if maximum yields are to be obtained, will be explained by expel t officers accompanying the train, and, on the train itself, visitors will find many interesting exhibits showing clearly how fallowing conserves moisture in the soil and

other advantages derived from this practice. For example, it will be shown how soil bacteria are more numerous and active in fallow than in non fallowed land-a factor of great economic importance in the Victorian wheat belt. There will be on view actual sods cut from the experiment plots at Carwarp, Walpeup, and Manangatang. By means of these gods and the results of the experiments carried out. at these centres visitors will be shown how various methods' of fallowing, cultivation manuring, c" affect the crop. The re-state of the experimental plots indicate also the most suitable varieties of wheat for Mallee Conditions, and the varieties recommended will be exhibited alongside tables showing the yields obtained over a number of years in each lot of plots. Another exhibit of particular interest to wheatgrowers is one showing, by means of models, how the disease known as ball smut infects the wheat grain, and showing also the defects of some of the common methods of pickling the seed, together with the advantages of dry pickling.

A Clydesdale stallion and mare are being carried on the train-, and those will be used by veterinary officers to demonstrate to growers the advantages of good quality

horses for farm work. This is the first occasion on which horses have been carried on the train, and it is expected that the innovation will' be appreciated by farmers. Twelve sheep also will be carried, and at each centre visited lectures will be given on fat lamb raising and wool classing. In addition to-these main features of the train there will be an even more comprehensive display in the poultry, dried fruits, and dairying sections than when Clio train last toured the Mallee. -One new exhibit that is expected to arouse considerable interest-particularly among new set-tlers is one BIIOW'IIIR a comprehensive set of home-made furniture. From this exhibit settlers will be able to gain many ideas that should enable them to make useful articles of furniture from usually waste material such as kerosene cases, &c.