South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 18 February 1873, page 6

f^*The demands cf the Australian Public necessitate a reliable tonic. It is with much pleasure we comply, and place before them the Tonic of the Age— Bickford's Quinine Wine. Great care having been bestowed to ensure purity of the ingredients, it will be found equally Eafe and effective for young and old, and may be taken when the stomacli would not retain toDic preparations of a more crude nature. In all instances of debility and loss of appetite, lake one vineglassful an hour before meals; it is also very beneficial in Periodic Rheumatism, „ Headache, and Neuralgia. Sold in bottles, 2s. 6d., 4e. 6d., by all Storekeepers, and to be had Retail ia every Hotel throughout the colony.— A. M. Bickford & Sons, 19, Hindleystreet, and Taylor-street, Kadina, 42thcr